jVataiiga Democrat. HOOXK, WATAUGA COUNTY, X. C, THURSDAY, SKITKMHKK. 18. 1SJM). NO. 10. vol, : LKYiLLE. A !.' planned and developing AS A GREAT . RESORT Situfl'ediMlie Mountains ol ' WESTERN NORTH CARO LINA, A ngion NOTED for health 1'uhiess and beauy of See nery. AX ELETATIOS OF 8,800 FEET With Cool, Invigorating Climate. It is lieing laid out with .taste and skill, with well gra ded roads and EXTENSIVE l OliEST PAlUvS. A desirable place for fine residen ces and -HEALTHFUL IIOMES- AC f -tl opportunity for prof noble investments. For illustrated pamphlet add i oss I.iwm.i.e Imthovemknt Co., in ville, Mitchell t'o. N. C. r.-ilU-G mo. -;T')X LETTER. !;::? .;,.: B . tv C v: ssponden ' n' !'t')i,o rat ii.'t' i'!ti- umgnnmity i 01,0 y ( outraged with : ;.iubiican e!hshness when Southern Senators voted villi the northwestern Sena tors to p! x-e binding twine on thr-frert list. The great grain producing states are 1 he large, users of binding twine, hit when the South ern Senators asked for an amendment, to the tariff bill pliM-ing cotton bagging, which is used by the cotton producing states, on the free list, the republican Senators voted solidly against it. That is just the sort of sec tional legislation that lias t reated a "solid South" and as long as t he one continues the other is likely to remain. It is a bad rule that doesnot work both ways. The anti-Reed republicans, nid there are lota of 'em, are "kicking" vigorously, be en use they say that the Re publican Congressional Cam paign committee is being used to boom the . Speaker for- the Presidency. There i t o hmger any doubt of I f i s having shied his cas M .r ;ito the Presidential ring ,!;" the weaker candidates, i .s v. "g Mr. Harrison, are 4-!g panic-stricken at tin prospect. They fear the p n- cr of the big man from Maine whose sh 'dow is be ginning to obscure all of them. The democrats would ask nothing better than Heed's nomination; they be lieve that an overwhelming ii.njority of the peopleof this country are oppos d to the un-American methods by which he has tyrannized over the House of Representa tives. This week will see the out rgeous tariff bill passed by the Senate. A number of the republican Senators have shown a temporary spirit of independence in vot ing against sections of the bill which discriminated against their constituents; but theie courage ended there, and through fear of the party lash they will stultify them selves by voting for it as a whole. The reciprocity a mendment is a delusion and a snare, and it is only recip rocity in name, as exferienee will demonstrate; or else the high protectionists in the House would not (as they have done) have promised that the House would accept it. The bill is nothing more nor less than an official re payment by the consumers of the United States of the money contributed by pro tected manufacturers during the last Presidential cam paign to the republican cor ruption fund. Fortunately the voters of the country will have an opportunity in Novemler of expressing t heir opinion of such methods. Representative Brecken ridge, of Arkansas, has been illegally and unjustly depriv ed of his seat in th House, but ns he expressed it in the closing words of his speech "I take an appeal to the peo pie, regardless of party, in the district 1 have the hon or to represent, on the broad1 ground of common honesty and in November they will reverse your conclusion and rebate the methods by which you reached thatconclusion.' The scandal piles upon Commissioner of Pensions Raum, but he does not re sign, nor do his superiors in office give any signs of ask ing for his resignation, al though common decency should have caused them to do so ns soon as he unblush ingly acknowledged having borrowed $12,000 on notes endorsed by pension attor ney Lemon. Rut there is wo', oe to come. He has been engaged in some business transactions worse than the refrigerator company, of which one of his would-be judges Representative Siry ser of Ohio is a iarge stock holder and Representative Cooper, who first formulat ed the cha rges, is in poses sion of the facts, and he in tends to see to it that the public has them, even if the republicans on the white washing committee shall refuse to investigate them. The speech of Representa tive Keunedy, an Ohio re publican, charging Senator Quay with being a felon and a modern Judas Iscariot, may have been strictly true many people believe that it was but the floor of the House was no place for it to be made, and it would have lH.ru well had the House a dopted the resolution ex- lulling Kennedy which -Rep resentative Roatner of Louis iana prepn red, but wns dis suaded by his democratic colleagues from introducing. The speech will, it is said, he "revised" before it is printed in the Congressional Record, but that is no palliation of t he offense a gai nst g od ma n-nei-8 committed by Kennedy. An expulsion or two would have a wonderful effect upon the manners of the House. The conference report on the River and Harbor bill has been adopted by the House, but it is hardly prob able that the Senate will act upon it before next week. Secretaries Windom and Tracy "do not speak as they pass by," because of the as signment of a naval officer by the latter against the wishes of the former, to cer tain duties in connection with the Light House ser vice. Senator Edmunds has "ot up to date called up his recess resolution. There will be a lively time when he does. Vance's Joke. The following characteris tic incident is taken from the Senate proceedings of last Saturday, the pending ques tion being to increase the tariff on raw wool: "Mr. Vance admitted his inability to understand Mr. Allison, when he insisted on increasing the duty on raw wool for the benefit of the wool-grower while alleging all the time that it was not going to make any difference, but that if it did make any it would be rather to make wool cheaper. The bill would either, said Mr. Vance, "raise the price of wood or it would not. If it would not, those who vot ed for the bill were only hum bugging the farmer. It would either raise the price of wool en goods or it would not. If it would not, then it would be of no use to the manufac turer. If it did raise the price to the consumer, then Mr. Aldrich's theory was all Wrong, and he could take whatever horn of the dilem ma he pleased. It reminded linn of the verse written by the local poet of a newspaper upon the old darkey fisher man who one day hooked a big catfish that was to quick for him, and pulled him off the rock into the river, where he was drowned "The neighbors never could moke out By the aid of all their figur ing" Whether the old nigger went catfishing Or the catfiish went a nigger ing." (Laughter on both sides.) Life will acquire new zest, and cheerfulness return, if you will impel your liver and kidneys to the )erformance of thcirfuntions nr. J. it. McLean's Liver and Kid ney nalra will stimulate them to healthful action. $1.00 per bottle- There are many accidents and diseases which affect Stock and causa serious inconvenience and loss to the farmer in his work, which may be quickly remedied by the use of Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. ANOTHER PROMINENT RU'llllLWAN D1S (U'STElh Mr. William A. (Jutherie, a prominent Republican and a fine lawyer of Durham, last week published a card forev er renounce! ng his nllegience to the Republican party. Mr. (Jutherie has lecn a life-long Republican from principle and has been twice nomina ted for Supreme Court Judge by his party and each time polled more votes than the rest of the ticket. Mr. (Juth erie gives his reason for leav ing the Republican party. The main reason is its posi tion with reference to the force bill as declared in their platform the ot her week. An other reason is that he has recently discovered that the Republican party in this State is ruled by a ring of fed era! office holders and reve nueseis, who are furnished with funds to bribe Democrat ie voters. Mr. (Jutherie being an honorable man and a Re publican from principle has renounced his party w hich is now a party without, princi ples. Mr. (Jutherie recogni zes the fact that the exist ance of the Republican party in North Carolina is only for the purpose of obtaining the federal patronage, and he al so recognizes the fact that the negroes claim that they constitute thegreat majority of the party and that the spoils belong to them. The negroes have drawn the col or line within the Republican party, and Mr. Gutherie right ly thinks that it is time for white men to withdraw from its ranks. We welcome Mr. (Jutlurie into the Democrat ic fold. When we heard Mr. Gutherie deliver a speech at the banquet to the Press As sociation in Durham, in which he said that, if the Repubi can party attempted to pass the federal election bill, he was a white man, we then thought, "old fellow, you wont be a Republican long," and we are glad that it turn ed out to be so. Mr. Guther ie is an accession to our ranks of which we should feel proud. We hope to see numerous de cent white Republicans fol low his example. It is high time for Republicans from principle to awake to their surroundings and companv. -Dallas Eagle. COUNTERFEIT MONEY. A report comes from Col umbia, S. C, that merchants in that city have been troub led very much of late by the circulation of counterfeit money. The denominations are $10 and $3 in paper and $1 silver. The paper curren cy is a good counterfeit, and likely to deceive, but the sil ver coin is a poor imitation, and may be easily detected by an experienced person. It is not at all unlikely that some of these counterfeits may find their way to Char lotte. Charlotte Arens. The danp and decaying vege tation of regions newly cleared of timlter, exposed to the rays of the sun, is sure to breed malaria. Dr. J. H. Mclean's Hulls and Fever Cure, by mild and gentle ait ion will radically cure. 50 cents a bottle. AM STILI. THEY COME. U. VS. JtrlwiN. Jr., Quilitht Ur$mA Old Part;. Wntliln : ton Gl(r. Permit me to announce i through the colums of your paper that I have after ma ture deliberation severed my connection with the Republi can party, and henceforth in tend to give my support to, and act wih the Democratic party. For twenty years Ihavevo ted squarely the Republican ticket been constant, in sea son and out, in endeavoring to promote its success. But the history of this adminis tration, in the manner it has betrayed its trusts and viola ted its promises to the ieo ple, its utter disregard of the wants and needs of the mass of our people, in refusing to amend the present iniqui tous tariff for t heir re'ief, and its wholesale slaughterof the surplus in reckless pension legislation, has determined me to cast my lot hereafter with the true polit ical friends of my country and its toiling poor the Democratic party. In doing so. I feel satisfied that I am discharging a eon sciencious duty in sincere faith. Verv Resp., Geo. W. Jackson, Jit. Long Ridge, N. C, Aug 18. Cold Comfort for the Negro. IUlekmi, N. C. Sept. 10. Special The negro State convention held here last month appointed a commit tee of influential negroes to go to Washington and lay before the President the grievances of the North Car olina negroes and to state that they were over ridden by white republican bosses who gave them no position. The removal of these bosses from oilice wa,s to bo asker for and (he demands of the negroes for recognition in the distribution of patron age were to be plainly laid before the President. The committee went to Washing ton and has returned. One of the members says the President treated the com mittee very kindly, but that his manner and words show ed that he had been informed of a resolution which was be fore the convention, but which was modified before ic was adopted. The original resolution stated that the President had erred in his appointments in North Car olina and also in ignoring 1 the negroes. 1 1 was evident that some white republican had sent the President a copy of the original resolution. The President told the com mittee he was sorry such a state of affairs as it reported existed in North Carolina, but that he did not see how he could change if. The committee therefore got very cold comfort. Willniington Messenger. Take one of Dr. McLean's Lit tle Liver and Kidney I'illeta at night before you go to bed and you will lie surprised how buoy ant and vigorous you will feel the next day. Only -5 cents a vial. Coughs and co'ds come unin vited, but you can quickly get rid of these, with a few doses of Dr. J. H. McLean's Tor wine Lung balm. R(bum tmi Oritorjr. The Rockingham Rocket thus comments: 'The Wilmington Messeih ger classes Senator Ransom among the orators of North Carolina. Of course there are differences of opinion, but it is the first time, we believe, that we ever heard Ransom accused of being an orator." We do not retnemlM'r before to have seen it denied that Senator Ransom is nn ora tor. He have often seen in some of the leading prints of the State the opinion that he was the foremost orator in North Carolina. We are of the opinion, and have for a hmg time a decade or more he'd that in stately, impo sing, graceful oratory he has not now, so far as we have heard, a rival in the State. His famous speech that has been so often spoken in po litical campaigns, requiring threo or four hours for deliv ery, is ierhaps the finest ora tion heard on the hustings in our State, in so far as style, delivery, sonorous and rheto rical sentences, graceful and dignified mannerism and no ble sentences are concerned. It is trie that Senator Ran som during his long term of. office in the Senate has been heard but once in elaborate speech, but by common con sent of those who read and those who heard hiseloqueut and graceful plea for recon ciliation between the sections deli rered some sixteen years since, it wns pronounced to be a superlative effort of the kind, and gave him much re nown at the time. The gift ed and distinguished journal ist. Donn Piatt, said that it was one of thefewsjeeehese had heard that he had pre served for future reading. Its rhetorical effects surpassed any speech by n North Caro linian in the Congress we re memler to have read. In "Southern Oratory" a very nea t and enjoyable book of selections made by a pro fessor at Austin, Texas this speech of Senator Ransom's is largely drawn upon, and the selections are among the most striking in the book. Senator Ransom is not a de bater, but when well prepar ed he can make a fine, ele gant, and even eloquent speech. Perhaps after all, the Rocket and ourselves differ as to what constitute ora toiy. We did not think Ed ward E vert t an orator, but we have heard oratory from (Jen Ransom. Mr. Everett was rhetorical and cold, arti ficial and elegant: Gen. Ran- som is rhetorical and studied in declamation, but he is at times impassioned and natu ral and he reaches the heart and stirs the emotion. IVi miugton Messenger. The most delicate constitut ion can safely use nr. J. n. Mclean's Tar wineYiung Balm , it is a sure reniedey for coughs, loss of voice, and all throat and lungdiseuses. The "Lit - of the flesh is the blood thereof ;" pure blood means healthy functional activity ami this Ivors with it the certainty of quick restoration from sick ness or accident, nr. l. h. Mc Lean's strengthening cordial and . nlood Purifier gives pure rich blood, and vitalizes and strength ens the whoh body. 100 pel bottle.