6 S-4 It V 1 ,5 A'' T J C J vol:j IJOOXK, WATAKiA coi'NTY, N. ('.. rili'ilSDAY, (KTOliKli. 2- 1". NO. 2. A plar planned and dcvclo in AS A GREAT RESORT Situated in the Mountains ot WESTERS SOUTH CAliO IJSA, A region NOTED for health fulness ami Ix-nuy of Scenery. AS ELEVATION OF 3,800 FEET "With Tool, Invigorating Climate. It is being laid out with taste and skill, with well gra ded roada and EXTENSIVE 1 OiiEST PAliKS. A desirable place for tine residen ces and HEAL' HFUL H0MES- AGood opportunity for prof itnble investments. ST For illustrated pamphlet add i ess LlNVILLK I.MritOVKMKXT Co., Ll.WILLi:, MlTTIlLI.L Co. X. c. 5 29 G mo. WASHINGTON LETTER. Ircm our Ecgular Corresponden For the Democrat Speaker Reed has been bo badly beaten at his own fViiine by the democrats of the House that he offered through one of his minions to agree that no more demo crats should he unseated at this session if the democrats would sta in their seats to make a. quorum. It is un necessary to say that the offer was rejected the demo ' ci ats will make no bargain with Heed. The offer was net made until the Speaker found out that he could not force the democrats to stay in the House, not even by locking them up.and Repres entative Kilgorohnd set. an example by kicking open a locked door that every democrat in the House was prepared to follow if it be came necessary to do so to get out of the chamber. A number of republican Rep resentatives are in hearty sympathy with the demo cratic efforts to prevent the unseating of two legally elected democrats in favor of two negro contestants, but they lack the courage of their colleague, Mr. Chandle ol Ind., who made a strong srieech begging the members . . oi nis party not to attempt to commit this outrage, sim .1.. i , ., .,.;,1...-t ,.t p,.y uui,w u.uji m.j u urcnra-l,"" "-"""uulM """ reported in favor of the ne- jrroe. 'flie wrr s will iiev- jiT Im- sealed until tin' tvpllhlt- icans get a quorum. The republican majority of the eoiiferaiicc committer' havo about patched up in agreement on the tariff bill, ami it might have been re ported today but it is pre sumable that the republicans will hold it until they can pt a quorum of republicans on the tloor of the House; that may be tomorrow or it may not be at all durinir this session. A prominent republican menib"r of th" conferance committee, who was know n to be opposed to Rhone's Latin-American re ciprocity idea, was asked why he voted for the recipro city amendment. "Oh." he replied, laughingly, "recipro city is a popular fad just now, and it is well enough to have the name tacked onto the tariff bill to help carry the unpopular features of the bill." That expresses in a nut shell the much talked of amendmentit is only bun comb. Mr. Harrison lacked the ronrage to carry out his threat of vetoing the River and Harbor bill. It is said that a certain Senator high up in the council of the re publican party informed him that if he vetoed that bill a majority of the republican Senators had pledged them selves to make war on him personally during the remain der of his administration. Senator Dumb gave the Treasury department a little raking over, Friday, because of its having entered into a limited partnership with a lot of New York speculators and Saturday, Senator Cock rell reopened thesame wounds in a few remarks objecting to the consideration of Senator Sherman's bill to reduce the amount of bonds required of national banks. Mr. Coek rell said that he proposed when this bill was taken up to offer an amendment re quiring the withdrawal of all Loud circulation, and the substitution of Treasury notes the best pa per curren cy that any country ever had. "That will take" he continued, "the control of our finances out of the hands of a combination and monop oly. What has been seen within the last few weeks has not been creditable to the country. The Secretary of the Treasury has been t een drawn on by speculators in stocks and grain in New York, to pay out every dol lar of cash (surplus .in the Treasury in order to save their imaginary profits in speculation and gam bling." The bill shutting the lotter ies and newspapers which print lottery advertisements out of the mails, is now a law. There are lots of ru mors about what the lottery people intend doing to test the constitutionality of the new law, but they lack con- L , . ' nrmation. A resolution has been re ported to the House provid lin:,forthe ap,)0intlUent of a committee to mquiie into the progress Chicago is inak- ia' toward tl: World's Fair, and report to the Ibu. ia. iWerahcr. Th- Wm, ;Cny Yard is h a; !,.d f,M- ..-'- .';. i.o, Mi ... i 1 T. i ( o . r-c-otis iti ciM-.t cii;al di--ti'-ts. S-c-J if fair Tracv must hav b-- n joki;;g when n said that ;.-! ilii-s yh );' t:.,t en;cr tl; navy yards. Politics ma; l ot I M'evMit'j. Wa-.'a: ; tO i vsi.J. I ;io ii 'iao'-i"M ish.-d out to i take room or , dUUe a lively rate. : i'-;'ii.iuc,m 1 Senator Yoorli's has ititro-1 diifed a ioint n-sohition d-.! e-lmgthe Secretarv of t!.ei('";.,V!- ... , i Ti ea.siii-r tm.ni'di.uidO OO'l. I 'icasurvtoMir h ise10 000 I ' ' " i iiV'i toj in. na. in. (l;lsr oI.1((iil!l ,ho t(nu, i Kit) (Miaces of s.K'er bu honVdMS ieni.-sei.1cd ccent ... . ... . . . !s'.'i npio'liuu i i pi (HI within thirty days m Amen-lSnawnehaw. Tlieconnnittee ' ,u ' ,(i'"j, ,. , ',. can markets at apricenot tojoti pcrmcnaiit ta-ganizat ion ; tare of fx-tiov. famcron, o!,!;' ,l '! exceetll ' ounce the! '''! ''b'd Thos. liiimha m I Ya.. froia. thers pnidican ,,;,r. I'niturer of the Alliance it is bullion to be coined at onee( anl W: Xonis ity.and Us entrane:, iio.; li;,Jhis duty to etdightenthepo-andheldasciM-r'nt inoi.e- K j ,:";,,imVlT .rs,!!,,- dennvrat ie fold, adds a p.-v.-l 1 mneq.les of his i s 1. 1, ! i n l i. .on-..!(,(, s ivjioned tin lo.lowiag. .. . . ' ' lord.-r which whileoertainim- Roston boot manufacturer ivsohitiluis which weie adop u the fra 1. 1 1 l11' ;b " !l; 1 I' nanun has requited Represent a- t:d: (hv. ramron is a man fj to pohtienl matters, should quested IvCJ live Kilgore to allow him to name a new product ion, 'spec ially intended for Te.vas trade ''The Kilgoie Root." Representative Crisp has the honor having compelled Speaker Heed to publicly ac knowledge that he had com mitted an error in declaring a quorum present w hen there was none. Keep your eye on Crisp. He's a rising man. Mv. Fife in Mors nut on. All information from the Fife meeting in Morgnnton last week shows it to have been the grandest success oi the kind on record. The causes leading to this happy result may never be know n j in the life, but all agree th; it snn,u- t, ,, Mr. Fife was the proper in-j "; , . , , . I noiiuce tae iiartisa.n election strumentm Cod s hands for;!an. of.tp(. i:'lst legislature as the glorious work. Nearly j unwise, expensive andoppres every ma a. woman and half-jsive. , i 'ci.,. ...i :. ... j ! grown Cii;!'! Ul I tie tOWll liaVOi confessed sins and professed Christ. All classes, ages, sexes and colors have gotten on a higher plane, and the religious curient set in mo tion t h ere w ? f 1 fl o w o n th r o u gh the ages o!! eternity. Chris tians of all denominations have been editied, and sin ners of the most hardened type have been converted. Those who sold iutoxbaling liquors have quit the busi ness, and their customers drunka .'d sof 1 o i g standi n g havt"; promise-. never more to touch the accursed stuff. )ne man u ho sold cider enip-1 tied his barrel in the bad. j va ii iliiu a mhmC m i le-r i i mi...; has shut down and declared he will stamp several hun- dred gallons he has on hand , j,.,, ui)U7,'t'ajn ;.,xin Tu(.kl and then pour it oa the;(.r: ;t,aver Dam, Wm. Flier; ground. If he does God w ill ICove Creek, Vv'm. N. Thomas: bless him fourfold. As an Klk J II. tJiver; Laurel free evidence of the real Mr Fife treei" 31eat I .trap, 1j. eMcnnce ot Hit , al mi. I .u A . ,ston V-' Fork, J. H. has arouseo in and arountl Y(,v.,(, Vhawnehaw Jacob Morganton, there was fijYounw; Watauga, ' M. F. proposition at tne closing: meeting, Snndav ljight, to raise $0,000 to build a Y. M. C. A. hall and tabernacle for annual meetings and in about 20 minutes fro.OOO were subscribed. audi Lnrolhnan. Tliere nre many ju-cidentH orul diseases Will ell (I I leCT; MOCK mill en us s.-rious iiicuiivt niein-c mid loss ruthe farmer in his ork, which mav be quicklv remedied by tlie use of'Pr. .1. if. MeLeauV VieYfoiic Oil I.iiiimeiu . ' . ' f 1 . '' i I'SYEXTi'KW ' Th p-.'.h. an partv of W.-.far.-a o;-:ity met at th- cen t b in -.- in' I'mioi, ., 'n, , .. i.) .....I, ? Sept. L'.'t'i 1 '-'.) 'Tii'M-on v a! ion was called 1,1 ,!'1'1' bv .1. f. R.iv.C'an. U"p. !.. t on)., and pi 4 ho li:mliain a ! tw- !.-' ''-rctarv. fiC ch.-i;-;.,,!! aimou'i' ed the loiiowii'.u, ' i.i :ni T t oo.,; Coai-mitte-M credentials: W. II. No! i is. .i . .. V.iion. 1'. V. anno! :c and T. A. Cable. On o M-'nanaiit o!-'-:i id? 1 1 ion J ' !t.,.-.. !. l ...I N. iiinr,', i .. . i . iii'ri .on: P.e-.aie'i r S:v,itli (m iv,;,i,i. tioio: Calvin" Tucker. Maii'v i Rlackburn and L. II. . 'n"un',t "' n- 'c-.,va,. l.That wertii.nv our nil. -gin nee to the fuiida- i.'-i i.o oi in M.!. oi in.- u.i- tional k p.ublicau party, and i'Tom'v 1 t Oll l a - and t he wise am (iveadsniniwtration of rresi - dent Harrison. llesolveth 2. That in the inrmecs fiiiia!i"e we recog nize an organization whose ... ellol t- against monied mo- UO!'o!ies trusts and com- lunations, a potential power calculated to promote the ; last decade we find him in a malarial prosperity of our I to a fvi(,U(, dealing ent-re people hat m its el torts to ( lava'e the:outlition : .. .... .' oft he famcr and laboring! ,1"i-n Rnrt.v" -ticism- m se classes in ' ncra!. it has onr-vere ei ins ihe Harrison Ad- inost hearty sympathy and support. That in its opposi tion to giving away the con vict labor of th State to R. R. corporations, we derm a step in the right direction ami most heartily approve of the 1 li' coimcmuwh ,ia:u au ceeueu to nominaie caiHJi dates for the legislature and county offices. On motion the delegates from each town ship vo'.ed as instructed in their township meeting w hich resulted in the following nom illations which was made u nanimous by theconvention: For Representative, E. M. (ireer; for Sheriff, L A.dreen; for ('lcrk of the Sup. Court. Thomas Ilingham; for Reg ister of deeds, M. R Rlack burn; for Trea.surei', James L. Winkler; for Surveyor, E. II. Micbaci; for Coroner, J. . inniavns. On motion W. li. Raird was elected Chin. . ('tun, for 1 he Count v of Watauga for the! ue.Vi t v. o years The .''!,...; l I. HUM ( I li I . . i i I I 1 1 ' i 1 ... i ! i 4 i . . v i-i c . r.-i i cu ii.i.-iic.H-rs oi me i. 1 1 ..... . i ii i l u'iii r l? I i" l i' Thedemoeratie partv wel ges: olownig Kock. ,J. V. I rv: ,. , ,, , in,. i;.i,i, villi,..,- v, comes tuni and all such men I'l-aseiui The luiuni ii resolution was introduced bv. .1. C. Rav and unanimously adopted: oesoived that tne Repubii- leans of Watauga Count v convention assembled, most neannv iimow t)r t.iwiNmsptn(ln incalculable ox- Parsons, of Ashe, for t he Sen Ijatrin this the 55th Senatori .,, n: i 1,1 , '' , , , , . , HoIycJ: that these pro - j ceedmgs jesent to at auga i Di:mo( i;at and Wwtom (1f:i- j 7.:u w ith r( ques'c to publish. 1 Mi iaot.H :.!! cM . ; iou-:. -i. Ti.os. .:,, .ia..?. !l- Nrris. Sec. 'I'll!'. 1 V. ' I ! I ) I ! i 1' I 'VA Thi is t ear of a:! y wh-n t'o:r-tiS:;tit)iial ho is o i f i -a!, ''li i- a tii. i i -a! adjust aieu: . a' a le ii.-i km ia t.i jssu t'AilMI the p;-at!CS i. hi.' iiiai the ii"!i' ic i .-i' a Hi trade ' i i l i i" , t ! i ' 1 d y and the doc a' :!., trine of Jon c; ti;.' na t'iod.s of deniocratk- seli'-govenMUent Mi-jand the methods of imperial,!!;. - '"' - 1'1 TlieroUlltl'.V is fast coi a - haracoa - . rcsneced bv 51 i he ronntrv is last commi - ,StMt(, p(,.t,,,.0i.( ,f tl5 state 1 ,l! 1 ' o-cl.M.lg . . , . . , ! Alliance. In Kirtvatahations i.-sons and all political I:ir-'of j 1 ie lias ie'lo-ved fie re-! 'p'iblr - an partv front priuci- ; 1 . J . ' . il1"'. ami throtUih all th" Iy ars l:e has stood for t he : nrincioles which that nart v i.i profess(d to represent. In this year of upheaval the most remarkable in political jeveuts that has marked the mmistration and stigmati zing as a failure the authors of that Administration; de nouncinir tlie tvranical action i of Speaker Reed in crushing out the rights of the minori ty in Congress, and charac terizing in fitting terms of condemnation the measure known as ihe Force Rill, now' simply awaiting the eonven-i ienco of its instigators before being formally enacted as a law. Gov. Cameron, only like other men of prudent, conser va tive impulses all over the laud, has become justly al armed at the inevitable ten dency of republican acts and republican politics toward the subversion of ail liberty in this country. To the end that ti e tide may be stemm ed baton? it is too la te, he has fallen into line wit h the con servative pai ty of the coun try, and henceforth will fight the battle; of der.iocrney nlong with the true men '.,,..1 I Iwi I ..i,,, , , ,f i l,r .., .i ' I 1 1 1 i III.-- II li"" HO l. Ol 1 in " w i . pie. j to its ranks, with a hearty ! srood will. We feel that one Iblast from his buu-le horn j u.n, fo on. (.,nnso worth . , ., t en thousand men. So likewise as to the acces- sion of "Ta Wm. A. Guther ie. Afr. Moore and others a mong the few, as we believe-, who were repuhlienns from priaciplo. Their combined weight of character and in fin once is obs-rd to boast our tent, while scattering the wa- nitur fni-f nn-.u of fi Tini-tv i , ., , "' , , j whose Uscluln-ss has long , since Iwonie onlv a d roam of thopust and which narty now. : but for ''the aohesive pt)wcr j uM'c pb;aii r," would die i. - ov u i ot to iii -s in p- i ':'.. ..1 Ciotals !.. f ire another "'( Tioi; day cord I roll a roned. IhV-iui-e it as th V a ay, t i rep. cd,-.- in party h is hi come tin rsercilos ty r'tit of ;i t-lass, wliile the ,! u -.-rati-' pa !-y still stand.- ! ,! e a stone Widl" ia !, f.'Usi' -o'i7; iii?. l.l Hi" lfctlli!'. ;.; li kit. Li:'- i 1 ; cMii ' '' ..( . an ' . i-i I ia ii, i' von will i -i i. a- ;iv r and !;'..'neys to , ; '. '' , ;:,..! !.' :r f i;:t loi.si . J. ".. Mi 1 i'fs i i r .-aid I.i 1-'-, ei! . :'s t-'. iaaiiate t :!i'lM ti) !:e.,:ih!i;l actit.n. s'-l.t'O i'r bi.t- Col. Thos. ',. Lon.'r is the inot.accordii.gTt) tli'Mtecision tb Aciance itself .trench 'ipoa rin isan pontics. i.oi. violated this privilege :.. 4i.:. i a.,,.!.,..:., ia u in i : i ci j i ! i e. tjtio in i i o ii . c ij nt. !ie Auiance picnic oil Swnnnanoa. last Saturday. His speech was nothing more nor less than an adroit ap peal in behalf of the republi can party and of Mr. Ewart. It was not only a direct ap peal for the republicans, but coining as it did from an Al anee lecturer to an Alli ance gathering it was offensi vely so. AshevHls Demo 1 1 at. Coughs rani coUPs come unin vited, but yo:i can quickly get rid of thosf, with a few doses of nr. .1. h. McLean's Tar wine Lung nahn. The Yirginia, Vennessee and Carolina Steel and Iron Company, that owns the Pocahontas Coal fields in Virginia and the South At lantic and Ohio R. R. now constructed from Bristol, Team, to Rig Stone Gap, are now surveying a line frotr Rristol to Linvil'.e, where tt connection will be made with the S. II'. Air Line. Two parties of engineers tire now in the iield, and the officers of the Company say they will build the road if they can get a leasonable good line, of which there seems liUledoubt. TheCoal&Iron Company own 50,000 acres of land in Mitchell count v adjoining t he la nils of the Linville Improvement Com I 1 ' pany, oil wiuen they nave , f ....,,,.,.,,( . ore. Mor- ! anlou ih'i:!i. The most delicate eoiistitift.ioir ran safely use nr. j. h. McLean's rar wine Lung r.ahu, it is a sure reinedev lor coughs, loss of voice, a:i,l at! throat and hiiiiLalisea.scs. Mr. W.S-I)ashiell,towhom Cue recent letter of ex-Gov. ('ameron, of Virginin, was written, and who has left the republican party with Came ron , s a y s 1 1 1 ere a re f e w e r w h i te republicans in Richmond now than there have been since 1880, and that "if An imas could come to lifj again and to Richmond and lead the republican party he would give tone to it.'' Lumhnark. XFYOVH flA.CH t(UK, Of you nre fall worti out, ri!t;y Kood for noth lise, it In BoiH'riil dfljiiitv. Try P.t;oWK's JltO.y H1TTEI'. It will cure you. cleait e your liver, and girt

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