6 f O r- 61) fT ii ijClii Life (Ok r.i vol :i IIOOXE. WATATCJA (Ol'NTY, X. ('., TIU'liSD-VY, DKCKMUKl. II. IKK). XO. 7 W i 4 - LIM'ILLE. A I'liUf iliiniil anl l'v AS loping WASHINGTON LI:TTI:I:.:wiIs!-thinks to humbug 1 1 lit people by i rt Mi.l I to rrom our Eegitar Co-.efpondett favnr one cel. t let t-r po-da-" , ., . ... and then m ihesnn.irguaa nt i zar neeo couiii nor iu i. tin chagrin ho felt to day wlnn lie arose to call the House to order and looked upon tho numerous empty s nts on tlie republican sid . TO .! !HHC AIM INO'.lN. .(til. , The lti en Illinois !! itlllran luu4 ii ...... ir i,. "'"'"l There livis i. t in .T-(ni. Ti..r.....i ... iir-.. i i..i- n . i ii ... i i I ..i iral I ru-i.s :. ' . ... ,. i nou s illsi i icl , return to tii" consiiiuuon sh;l! tie' i iiasi-rvativi' Iters of the Alliance !i A GREAT RESORT Situated in the Mountains ol Mgns, was not tliere. i repuiilran i tosses say WESTERN NORTH CARO LINA, A region NOTED for health fulness and beany of Scenery. ELEVATION OF 3.S00 FEET With Cool, Invigorating Climate. It is being laid out with taste and skill, with weirpa di d road: ami .EXTENSIVE VOIDEST PARKS. to inllui'iire Cong ress a gain-a ii i i 1 1 it to us. If that isn't "heap .lolm" statesman ship, I should like to hear a I A A ..... . f ! . ! oeuer name ior u. S".,m -I . .1. Illl.ll li'tu ! 111 V'ft. I riieonorum of republicans, ..in ..; i , 1 ,iii and before he got the Hon. hi so neeessar.v to enable mm , .... , , , , . . . . , mud o'.l his boots he was to enrrv out nis partisan oe- ., , , , , 1 ,-iif.wl niuiii li" ;l ili in': u P. I Illlll' 'I ll'llll IM , . iof repulilieau uiou!.- and iiwl-i'-l hmv KiiiiTi lie iTitellilcil w ill nave a quorum in a day 1 . , . . . , , . t ami mat wnen uie o resign his position as Tit my Al.'i.iiiir Rvt'tlnvn 'if Nitrth C;:rt!in:i : Lc.noii:, X. t'.. Xt.'v. -Jhh. I was anions the first to join the Alliance in ('jihhvell county, l'i'fore I joined, I was nssiir.-'d that nothing was se cret except t hi'siiisaiid pass words, whi-!; were necessary to protect us from impostors. When I was initiated. I was soleiniilv assured that there and a ( e.-.-al ion of this con- in Illinois nn old farmer w ho is a zealou. . l!i'!illlilii:l li fiin nf tlu T-iil stant ia.erii r.neewitl.uutpo ,,..,.., h w,u,n htn alcoiu.. turns-. Or shall , h(. Ii(,:U.(, of (Meat we remain sdeut ami s.v our, ,K j,, to hirt if, whoisone ,,,-de, dr.it to dot.Uit.on;. ()f (h()S, , , their lord and master blitul- This will be the ineyita I tie result if we do not -ouie together and enter a d-ter- !ltill''d protest. (lood men who are out will not join us, s"s will hand a iiut wliat can we oi iwo, iinu iitui wih:ii iii-i , ... . t .1 ,,i i;,., members or.ee tret lure thev """". " . 1 , ! w.-.s nothin- to Vouiliet with llilllWII.ll I I '111 llll I I I . .. :n l .1....,-, tf..,- 1,1,7 "iM""l"-' i"". iIL,l,.!,!;,luUli, ,i,,..stinii.. I,1L- I""""-o i inn l)V tellinpr thetn that he had no present intention of resign- that remains to be seen is cheap, but it will require the presence of a quorum ofj ..11! .... i ' 1 ' , 1 , V Ithom wjtat they I.,op,sed; i 1 1 1 1 o ii in :"7-(1(,ilwalH)Utit. This leaves f..f iliurlilll ivllll mi i t ll'S .. . . , , r n-1 : the aforesaid tnouls in a , pickle. There is iiowav they deter-1 . .. , t :i .1.,. . can ioi ce iaay oui unui um I....... .. f ; , i ,., . ,,! 1 1 ii ,i i ir . , iiu'ai iidiuiu. ii t "ii ii in.i'ii 1 1 I I ;l lllvi ill s ne;s:l'ii like e.iid all cle. gainst us. do? l-'iivo'io I nrmio.'.e to stand jmy political or rel i ?v i o u s I hv ' (.OIlMitluioI, of ,. Vli'WS. As far as interference was i.ioiiiiici.n tilt fill J i VW tl it till Uie.aiK then eooly askmr .... ' . , , , , ;! ,r" , a At 1 1 niv polities were placed on the same plane, one was as sacred as the other. tlirou"!! tlie House. much has Imvu fully mined bv tl.e (lemocrats. order and offer this sujres tion toinveoiisi'i vativebreth 'Mary, pack up everything; I'm going- to moe."' Why?" ask.,1 Mary. "I'ecause Joe Cannon in beat and I wont live in a democratic district." "Very well," said Mary, with a little resigned sigh. ' Then the old man went to town to sell his farm. There ren throughout the State, j , ii(.;U.( .,n theeleetion news; and appeal te them to cotnej Hereturned home, and en- together and let l hemsel ves , terim.' the house said: be heard and felt . were to e . ... . names a new couiniivier-. i reads more like a partisan;,,. -, , , : poht.cal harangue del.ve.vd j y mn . be - a strictly non-parti- from thestumi. in the midst j " ... . , . fr,Ps" sinnt.. of a heated campa.gn than! , ., (, tll I llisa beneNolent cabn non-partisan ..r. .... 1 I'll! ITI I I'M III kl ; I I I I- I I 1 I I i . . i 1 1. t i : i... i : .. . . c j i reaa me lonsim.uon . j ,,t ns in ,. sni,..,m.u.,,s, tl.e Order, and found no hint Uvll(.n lh(,v m(,(l( il( u. ? in it, that it vvasevertobea;;,.,;,,,. !,,,,,, !mm,,,;i' n!i' ,mH v'" UM Ithevmeet in .lauuarv. He- cont rarv its labor.- tliev meet in .January. solve that we wi like the A dcsiral.k- place for fine ivsiden. : d i gn i Hed communicationsi , . , !Uu cesaad the American p.le ha vS a j t,if t)! s.Mll1 wh mnv iir-ii niu.-i-.T. ;i)irvi- M A(iood opportunity tor rol i table investments. BfeS'Tor illustrated painp-hlet ! addiess Ll.SVII.UK iMl'UOVbMI.NT Co., Llnville, MrniiELL Co. N. C. I want to kick him out per suaded him to remain, and I th-'t he does not in lend to be fro."e out. ! Representative Oats, of j .!aban;a, is at work upon a jbi!!, which he will shortly in ! troduce in the House, pro- 0 mo. W. 15. COI'NCILL, Jit. Attokv.y at La,.. J ulv Itli8fJly. Uoone, X. rmiit to e.xiieet irom ini I'i-esidei.t of the rnite'l Stai-is. What it contains has been largely discounted ever since it was known that he l.ad decided to act upon the advice ol the most radi cal members of his party. i. i -i i lift-:.! 11 t. leases uie neeu, .iciv.uie 1 e .... ...i.i i... ..,.: i.w ,. ,,, i . ,wi..i-. i utiiei in- ini ii nil n inn i i-i- , , . ., i , , . . , . , ! heht raise the r.ioiicv iiee;!ed tug to know just what suclii 1 . ,, , " . . . , ,, , j to pa v pensions. ( ol. Oatcs men as Senators rlumb, I'ad-! 1 1 .... ... . ,, , , , ... , Isavs his bill will probalxy ooek and rettigrew. who vo-i . . , . r 4 . . . , ' , t i . inot.be )assed by this Coa ted against the Mckinley . 1 ; .. , . ,i -u-ress, tint .it. will be discussed i I mid um ivtiin i it ur wri nt v i " 1 , ', . , ..... , land it public s'atiment ' J I mwii... 1 .- .ll, 111 1 (Till. wi r ii , (ini in i i i 1 1 1 1 l'rotee- tive Association to assist each other in trouble. "And ; to secure nt ii'eharniouy and ! good will among all mnii- ; kind, and brotherly love a- : iuo!!g ourselves." j These are the great objects of I he order, and no one can i de i.v that they are praise- ; worthy. ! Ihit our constitution has been violate. i, and its princi not permit Jany iiiterferenee, from any jipiarter with our political ' rights and co nv i e t i o n s, laud we advise and coun ;sel the nieinbers elect to Uhe Leiiislat lire to stand up Jon their constitutional rights and upon tneir honor, and to keep sacred the pledg-s made to the eonventious that noniinated hem, and to the people who elected them. And we further mo.e condemn the "boycot" in , iii ; vidiug for an income ta.v np-i , . , . i , ioar, ( annon and Lodge; " . , . . i , ... . ,,s , ;.: p'.es trampled upon, and as a lenient in lis part v. but it:n i! e",ii!l":w,,n''V1'1,,! V' ' '' -oe.senii;,r,ee what do we see? , , - . , . 'cohsoI SKUHI, in order to, ... ' , . instead ol brotherly love a oilg (iurselves, there is a dis every form. When you have passed some such resolutions for ward them to your Ilepres- .lif ! t ! -n mill Stiil:l toes ill ,-ord: instead of securing ;en-1 hi i.latiM-e, and have tire liarnionv witnour neigu- thein published in your Al- i- , i .i.i j. i i ooisanu oiner cmsses, y M SLt(l (1.s seeds oi suspicion, jeaions. , . , W. Ik C0UXC1LL, M. 1). I5oone, N. C. Kesident Physician. O.'l'ee ou King Htreet north of Post Oilice. June V2 SS. ly. K. F. L0V1LL Attounky At Law, Boone X. C. July 4th, 'S'.9-ly to Know whether tney pro poe to continue act ing1 with the republican party, of which Mr. I)K. L. C. REEVES. Physician and Surgeon Office at Residence. Boone, X. C. July 4. 89. L.T). LOWE, ' Attorney at Law AND- NOTARY PUBLIC, BANXEICS ELK. X. C. .BANNER HOUSE. J.H. PKITCH-VRD, PKOPRIETOH. TERMS .81.25 PER DAY Sqwial arrangemra-ts by Ibe wttk or month. ELK PARK, N. C. G 2G. 4 mo. Harrison is the recognized official head, a gainst the material interests of their constituents. Inter esting developments may be confidently expejted during the session of Congress which begun to day, not the least of which will be the action of the republicans who are op-1 posed to the MeKinley tariff there are lots of them in both House and Senate, who voted for the bill under com pulsion. Mr. Harrison, in his message has made a des perate attempt to stem the Blaine current in his party and secure; a lenominntioa. He recognizes, as does ovfry body else, that if he is not nominated in 1802 he will stand before the country as rebuked by the party which nominated and elected him to the Presidency. This hu miliating condition he very naturally would like to es cape; hence his present eff orts. Mr. Wana maker devotes it win. it may be passed by the Fifty-second Congress. It is absolutely certain that in the near future either the ii p j i " .. pension rous oi me uoeni- ment will haye to be t e ised i and even hatred are sown; I political tests are set up n.-.dj every one in or out ot the order are compelled to sub mit to them on pain of polit ical destruction, and if any one refuses to bow 'down to those idols, no matter what mo .itwl -ix, I n-.inl liii nwi'llic ' . . , I his ability, experience ; o, ra.s. g u icm,iu, f;1j(llful(!(voli()llt() t!iel)(,st ftdopted. ! interests of the farmer, and A tlemocrath- caucus will (.asK(,Sf is denounced 1-robably be held this week i ;ls unworti,v ,,f confidence; of for the purpose of definitely j fUv ..j,,., 'S(.t,i,lf,. i,ow the or deciding upon the course ofi , . . ,(l ' u .,();iti. the party during tlie present : , ,n.1(.i,je n;1V(. u for the! session of Congress, although it is hardly necessary, as the party in Congress is ko near ly of one mind. The campaign for theSpca kership of the next House is time, their legit imalecallings and force themselves in, con trary to the letter and spirit (jf the constitution; the fmv ,dom of the press is threaten ed if ii -presumes to criticise practically at a stand-vtHl , t;)()s(1 in .,ntIitril.v and will so remain until it is definitely known whether tlrere is to be an extra ses sion in the spring. Every thing now points that way, but the democratic leaders would like to avoid it. J. (. WLBAR, DENTIST, ELK PAIIK, XOKTII CAKOLIXA. Offers his professional services to the peo;lt? of Mitchell, Watauga and adjoining coun ties.fciVo Lad innteinl uvd ind all work guaranteed. May 1 1 y. Col. L. L. Polk says there is no truth whatever in the statement telegraphed from ll'ashington that he is in any way supporting Ingalls fnw 1ij Ti. s i i hi Wonnf nt'tlm consideraule ?iace in his an-j lmt ,)n f,e (.nurr;in hl h;18 mini report to his postal tel- constntly sought to secure egra ) li h o b by . 1 1 e a I so sa y s that one cent letter postage would be a good thing, and then proceeds to throw cold water on the suggestion by inserting a lot of figures to prove what a great big de ficiency it would create in the postal revenues, In plain ed with the boycott, a copy of the odious "ban of the em pire"' used by the despots in the dark ages. Frcedon of thought and freedom of speech are threat ened with the penalty of "be ing kicked out of the order." And in additian to all this, advise every ai- lianceaia n, wind her a Te!r gate or not, to attend the county alliance and if it de clines to adopt some such lesolut ion. let them imme diately organize as a demo cratic meeting ami pass the resol.it ions, as democratic alliancenwn. Ibelievethiscourse is for the good of our,ordcr. I know it is in harmony with the spirit of our funda mental institutes, which guar anteea tree speech and a lice press, a i.d with our statute law, w hich forbids secret po litical societies ax hostile to the genius of liberty. 1 invite suggestions from my conservative conn try men .....! ' (1... ...,.w.,.j t hrciteii' iin- iiui- i.iin.i i" nublish this anpeal. It. L. Bkall. Senator Vance, of Xorth Carolina, thinks the South should allow a Xorthen man to be elected Speaker of the House of Representatives. ''The Northern democrats have made bigger gains than ihose in the South, and I "Mary, you can quit pnek- iingup. I am t a goinir to move." "Why?'' inquired Mary. "Because' he replied f.r-A-ly, "there's no place to moe to." ll'ashington Mirror. free and easy expect oration is produced by a few doses of iVt j. ii. McLean's Tar wine t.ung nalm in sill cases of hoarseness, sore throat or difficulty of breathing. F.VVOltS CLEYELAH). Gov. R. L. Taylor, of Ten nessee, came to Xew York on Sunday and departed for home Monday evening. (Jov ernor Taylor voiced the sen timent of other prominent Southerners who have been recently interviewed, that Cleveland is the logical can didate of the democracy for President in 1892. "No other man," he said) "is thought of in the South in connection with;the nomi nation. Mr. neveland is so popular with our people that thi? mere mention of his nam1? in an assemblage is sufficient to provoke enthusiasm, He made the issue on which the democaats won in the late e lection, and the people natu rally want him to be the standard-bearer in the great fight that is coining. "Tliere is absolutely no talk of Hill for President. The: people do not want him, but they would not object to see him a United States Senator. Personally, I hope that the Xew York Legislature will make him Senator fclnirt'f? f accessor this winter. If Mv. Hill has presidential aspira tions iie can anord to wait. M' Cleveland is the man now and nothing but death can prevent him from being nom inated and elected two yearfit hence. AVir York Times. tliere is evidence, amountuigj tl)ink thev ;inH.ntitled to it," almost to a certainty, that ; s;lia to .m Int,rviewer at an effort 'is being made! .i1(,v;u tmHhiv. "f think Ingall's defeat. Cildue exposure to cold w inds, rain, bright light or nialara.niay bring on inflammation and sore ness of the eyes. Ir. J. II. Mi Lean's Strengthening Eye Salve will subdue the inflammation, cool and soothe the nerves, and strengthen weak and failing eye ight. '2Ti cents a box. through the Alliance to in duce or compel the members elect to the Legislature to vi olate their solemn pledges to the conventions that nomi nated them, and thus tram ple on their honor, and be tray the people, both in and out of tlie order, who elected them. This is the condition that confronts us. And now what we have gained four or five Senators in the present Con gress," ho continued, "and if revolution goes on as it has started we will have no': , M::"l wp,!nn f 'rl. Bunks Iwimed 'l 'iji pn of the g!?bo. P.-i.iicia post lit-H, Pnt .'a application Pmf. Persons w ho lead a life of ex p os ure are subject to rheuma tism, neuralgia and lumb.io. and will find a valuable remedy in nr. J. H. Md-ean's Volctmie Oil Liniment; it will banis!' aaia and subdue inflammation. in, j. if. McLean's StrengtL"ii Cordail and nlood I'm ifier, by i(J vitalizinfj: projM.?rlieH will bright -en nale chiH-ks. and transform troubles in getting control j h;;gzard, dispirited womail of the Senate in March, 181:L i'd omi of sparkling health and h.u.,1- 1 beauty. 1. 00 per bottle. i 1 1 .i iJi tii ri i . i IF i'H R ttACK At ltl S, Oryou are oli vinm out, itnllygiK-l forcolh Jnir, it i kh.i-i'bI tk-bilitv. '1 ry KJtOHA'.s JUOX H1TTEH. It will cure you, clomise yotir liver, mi glv 'OH LIVSPEPSIA., IndiecBtiou, and Btomach disorder!, oaa BIlOWX"J IKOS B1TTEEB. All dealers keep it. 51 per bottle. Genuine hat tiaUf-uiark awl otucinxl k1 liiiea ou wrapper?

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