1 ft S t.ii-Ti v 1'ti:s ToTm U vr vn: v hci.M -i; vr 1 i .v 1 year 1 ' (' months 1 '. iiiniitls Ai i.imimm; Itvri s. 1 inch 1 v. 1 1 iimiith 1 :i - 1 (. " 1 " 1 year 1 lu'lllll 1 V 'K 1 " lino;,!!, i " a l " c. 1 " 1 vi'iir 1.7." L5 ,' ..iMi iinii 1. 1"' .1 !.." -.717. '.iioiii KntiTctl at tin' rostoilireat lloouc. N. ('., ns Hi onil-i la.s mail tnattcr. LOCAL NEWS. Fift con ilays till Christ inas. A turko for Christmas J (It'll so. Waichout for br.van s Christ iniit oft'ors mwt wcok Our oluli offors nro ma king us subscriliors daily. -Christinas goods in ond loss qua nti ties at .lonos and Vanoo'. 1 5 u y y o u r o r a r. gos , 1 om o n s . bananas, and rhristtnas con foctions of S. F. Lonoir x Co. (ion. .1. I). Iinliodon is booming Domasous Ci'.y by building an oxtonsivo house. llngistrutos, read chair man Finloy's call for a spec ial mooting on first Monday in Jan. Mr. W. 15. Couucill, in company with Dr. (Joorge W. Kirk, of IMiiladelphia, arriv ed in town on Tuesday. Monday and Tuesday wore the coldest days, hi far, we have had this winter. Some snow and sleet. Mr. L. N. 1'eikins, who li:,isspont the suiuiner in the West, has recently n lrned, much improved in health. The Tennessee T o m n Liiwk ays there will be, in a short time, throe Knilroadx eouteriug iit .Mountain City. -Col. L. L. Polk wasro-ol- oo tod President, of the Na tional Fnrino'.s Alliance a few days ago, at. Oca la, Fin. Old Mr. Long, of Allegha liy county; w ho is now near 80 years of aye, is visiting his son, Mr. Calvin Long,oi.e milo west of oui town. ' Iho democratic majority in Texas this year is abont 175,000 -.m its Governor vote, and 107,000 on its Congressional vote. Please remember Chrisf mas is close at hand, and do us the favor of ponding that dollar you are due us, and help to make the 'devils' en joy a happy Christinas and a glad New Year. A full turnout of the mem bors of Boone Lodge, No. 5, I. 0. O. F. is desired at on next meeting Saturday night, ns there is important busi ness on hand. R. CRiveks, Roe. Sec. The free school in Roone closes tomorrow. Mr. Davis will teach a subscription school of three monts if he can got enough pupils to jus tify him. Had we not better continue the school? On last week we received a postal card from one W. P. Underwood, of Alio, Republi can, stating that he wanted his jaer stopjied, and fur ther, that it had been full of democratic falsehoods for the past six months. Now, old fellow, just own up that we ha ve done you up in grand shape, by fair means, and don't take your iwM!' mi 1 1 1 1j : Mi AT be. au-e it has dlOW! U tlllM'tU t IMittH'SS (if sl.oo V(Mirp;ii tv. ( hli-y:. s .nid . ."o ' ' , . , .,- nil goes ten democratic sub scribers. Wo can't ph ase all. . 7.". Our t:ewlv ele ted Treasu n r, W. E. (ini iii'. gave u :i call last Moi.dav I1m!i jhis-, ;....i i I..H.... i ho was now going to list' liis - ...... ... efforts to help us to a nice e!ub of subscribers. Tlianks.i t,.k; !,,.- (V,,...;i! ww' hi tinfortunato sonio tlays isiiict' as to rotcivo n very hard fall on ht-r door stops, j Showasl,rrttvl,adlvl)n!ls..dJ,l!il,;s,7i',l,s,,,1r;, ... . , i '. t, i. out? Davm (iniMi... 1. ' at- '" in.llaudl.C.Millor. roouilorauiai.Miut.wo aro hi 1 1 appy to say, she is now al-( tnosfnti.olvwoll. In tl is issue wo publish j a cironlar letter from R. !..! leall, ot Lenoir, a hl lessee I ,f , - tvuuH nil ,,-!.' v....i. . n.... . t,..,-.. .AIM I I. .III. II. 1.1. .1. n.nr .. .r -I hoi asit i i.oinii iioiii him ..i out county nlliauceincn whe ther or not they endorse the letter, but we have no doubt that they will. We learn from tl.o 'loin;) luiwk that the rejuibiicans of Mountain City are n w re ceiving their mail from the hand of a democrat io post master. Wt; also infer from j i i;..... . i,..- .... i 1 1 i-.ci vi i ii.-; 1 1 1 1 wi ii i iiiiii., ii was oxjieoted, .Johnson wont slightly rojiublioan in tholast election. Miss Mat tie Howell, for merly of Ashe but laterly of Cottonwood, Idaho, died at: her home in that place on the 27th day of November, of Neuralgia. Wo have often hoard her spoken ofasa mod ol young lady, possessing all the christian graces, and as having been loved by all who know hoi. Her death will bo sorely grieved by her many fiieiidsin Watauga, as well as Ashe. Raxnkk Vam Itkms. Di:c. 9. A groat ma r.yjieo pleiu this vicinity a re engag ed in hauling birch timber in the log to Elk Paik which will sell for from $2(1 to ?."0 per 1000 feet according to i ho figure of the wood. It seems that when one kind of valuable timber is exhausted all other comes into market. Thus the timber, trees, knots &i keep continually moving out and it is only a matter of time 'till all the most val uable timber will be gone, but the worst of all is, that we have bad roads to haul over, and the profits are small. Mr. Wilson is teaching an excellent school, and it is to be hoped that, he will contin ue to teach the balance of the winter. Mr. R. L. Lowe ban com pleted a nice addition to his house. Messrs. T. L. Lowe and L. M. R umor, of Elk Park, wore up on a visit Saturday and Sunday. Regular. NOTICE. A jietition having been fil ed with the Board ofCommis sioners at Deoeinber term for tb.e formation of a new Town ship and advertised accord ing to law; it is ordered that the Board of Magistrates be called in special session on the first Monday in January, 1891, to consider the same in joint session. This Dee. 8, 1890. J. E. Fixley, Chm. lid. Corns. Tho liars! i, drastic purgatives, once deemed so iriuisperitsable, have given place to milder and more skillfull v prepared laxa tives; hence the great and grow ing demand for Ayer's Pills. Phy sicians every wliere recommend them for cos'tiveness, indigestion and liver complaints. ri::i.iiMi: Oflillh Sunday M.i-'inr of Stony lurk A' ri'ion. Thi- iim-t Mir "ill convene with Hi" Mr. Viiiimi I5..pti.st -!iurrli on lYiil.-iv Ik Tore th fifth Sundn in Man h. LS'U -Tli'1 opening M-rnion will lu in .. i 1 1 - ir..- Win l Lee. I.ev. S. 1. ( nrro!!. al- tomato. ki:ii :s. i ti... :.,a.,.., : ' i-i.i. ii.Mi ............ of faith. I. M. (ira-- autl a. ........ i'.. ... Nlom n iiioon. i 2. What arc tl,o JM-Mj.iT ..,,,. t, I It ll.l t( III' Ol I I 'till' , , . 1 j c noi i is -x r d ordors i...t ' h U ,,;,I';,Ml-n (av.-n sun, .7.". nism: uovs. u. m. i.i'f at. i L;l l.in jt. Was jirovided and oarn- (lv ....-..m,,,! llt the last " ,. . , :,. meeting that each church in i . ' . ... i . i l ..il i i lie association sei u at ieni : ...... . ,.,.., t,.o ti lie next! mooting. T. R. (iiti;i:xK, ) W. S. (Jki:i:ni:. C inn. J. L. Caultox J Pi. I). Cakkoi.l, Sec'y.!J ! I t' 1 an 1 1 :1 1 1 1 : 1 1 : 1 1 mi i I ll';1 Lr I'.cliinl tul'i s tin- liir-intou :. I.m..ii' ii.l.t Iliikr. I'-w ittii r I'rini.l.'iinls :.ii' s.. iirr.'!''! t. ir .'.-ill f t iM'M'c iir.-ii.j.r in, it.ii. i.-i;.-n. At ll:'-:!r t . l .i.viiv ivs:;it Hi-1 ly. rfli'i'luc ii'.iii: '!; nIm..iI a'. Wii; 'at lian.l. Apply M "ii; a i;.!:slar.i p. !.!!:. M III.' llppi'r p:ir! '.: r -.."it. ai.il. I i' il.ltl'aul tn li'u.r. i.l. iai;c fii i.Ui t liioi. J if I C. O. I.i ;.pT. Hi - :!.!. V. i t V;, i Iml.. wri.rs: -.vy !:t:i- s. ; r. Im rjiar -f v.iis ill fr. i:i .r. i.fl :1s l! m I ad n'.uu t (rtv. n i' Li.p.'.I lir ji .'tivt-ry. Crr iami'.y ili'i"iil!i. a jkiifa! i!::in i f !ar; c ' M" i'i eiu':'. i-r 1H.1MMM il ii lic'i ;s i( ! cr :m y 1111 1.' lll.-lli"lli... .!. I .' I liii ll. l:!' a'! i! i' ; ) li.H4il.lr ti. .ii.. an.i v.'- iril iM.'ji uv f. r l!;C wim'-I. A a lii'.t I'.' u-i't. v.i' ili'l.-i-iiii!...: t'i try Ayrr'4 : riry I'.Ti' ivl. n'nl I i ::! In ly say. uiili in. ;'. i.;.;ipy H wit. All - I' tf.l .1 U'W ll..: s s! c siiirnl t I r I't: i' . : i v. ai.il. Will i:: ;; v: v i rl : i i.:.i': r. i' " Ci.nt ' nr..'l i-i intf I; ! 1 .' I . r: I riilil ? :; '' !:i El.(- v:h e.'.Cr ly vi'.l. T.is im" v:' ::il:'.o cviik i.ro i f 11 j n ;.t li t l il 1 1 . i : ( i . '.".'V I'd'ti ml las i:'i n inc nil . in UI i i !' Iim:ci' In !' " p. .,( I r'' ' i' ' ' .! it t' 1HV l'i.'.i"i..i'4' i, l.l. i' ..i;. ii i..;. i, i, l :,. JX'lllt tl' in." Ayt-r'n ('l i ny r-l.-n.1 i-v. .: m.-rf : ' - I coiiitli an.) my partLH-. f 1 1. s-i I ;'A. 1 ci iiimii r: i s s ii: v.: i il (r ' ri.tw n lias pii vi .1 v ry I : in .'.i ii.l ii. ;'..i...;n s . f go tliat (lie ii'.i'iii. !'.. is l;i;'V.:i r.: -.-. 1' :. as t lie i-itisiKr if ll.r : I! :: !i :i.'" .'I'll, o Knfus VUlal. S:iii Ciisir'rcl. ; !' i: : ,'. "A short tiin- 1 rs tarti s. vi;'. a scvi're iittacU . f 1 r.-t't l.llis. '1'! t.-i. ...!. s ordinarily mspiI in sin'i c.'.x'x i:t'. ! t. tin' me relief. Almost in despair f ever t'i iliiM: anytliin:: to cure me. 1 ! ;'t:l't .i li1!1. . .' Aytr's cherry Pect.-ial. r.iul v.-.-.s lnU.-ii from the f'nt .lose. 1 1-ad m t f:.:::!;. .i one tiottle lief ere tie disiase left inc. ami n.y throat ami lninisv . re as 3' I'.tul as .v.'i." Geo. B. Hunter, Alttmiia, l'a. ver's Gherry PeolsrJ: 9 DR. J. C. AYcR & CO., Lsi!, Vzzs. Boldbyall iJruggiiiti. rricofl; ti l.otilin, ti. Notice. For sale. 900 acres of land, on Rich Mountain, Watauga County, on which is asbestos, ami fhve land for sheep ranch. Sales private. L. I). Lowe & J. T. Furgerson, Ex'trs. of Mrs. A. P. Calloway, deed. Banner Elk, Nov. 15. "90. Money to loan. Persons wishing to bor row money, who can secure it bv mortgage on good real est ate, '-an boacootninodated by applying to J.F. Spninhour, Boone N. C, or A. J. Criteher, I Iorton N. C 4. 21. NOTICE ! I am just receiving a new stock of goods bought for cash down and will sell for strickly jay down, at juices to live and let live. You will do well to call and examine m y goods consisting of boots, shoes, dry goods, notions, iCc. Yours truly, T. A. CltlTCIIF.lt, Ban. boo. N. C. breech loading double shot gun 8 to $50, single breech loaders $ 4 to $ 12 , b reech loadi ng ri ties to $ IT), Double barrel Muzzle lond ing shot guns $3.50 to $20, ue jieuting idtles, 1 (i shooter, $10 to $.'i0;iievolvers$l to $20.. send cts. for Mamoth illustrated cata logue no. 40. Address o ueat west EK.NfJl'N WOKKH, PittsblU'g, PU. r,n!i!!u' n, ih'j,.,,. V wivnley. Iit tax uls'.I.W- J I M ist 7.05; t. (i M.lXHvll " Taylor VV""''! Mid I' A " .... inii. i,4-t- i.ii.i 9.15 7.or.s 4 " oi5 " " oir.! icX liagaman s j !i:iIi i x " i: K iiat tly " 9.05 j 7.05 lot. II Vlltll." M it ii'ackhuru hook for i i .... . i ! i . i - i l' CtI I 111 I li'MS 1. I. ,. , i i sain philips. I-.iMilx-r am .....i i.,.;. I..-,. i miimmi miiu aiinifs uiai hit. J " ''lark J r fi's liills ol tost statovsii.ai lliatit . i i.i- r i .1 , t I "Z 4. .:dn,istn, f;r hills. i ost stutovsi dhauds 71.( ivm I, iMjra.n.-n, l.nrial ,.x,r,.so-. iMnnor 4.S7 , ..,,,,,.. in v. it Kt.it.. vm lion .mliau 1.8." n L iiu-jjiiiis wit stato vs Hon Ji'lian l.OO it F Hoist law wit state vs iten.iun.in 2.00 ;J ii iim i hii Pi.nr n , ,. .....;....- ... f .f..i,. .... u w liagaman 2.:i." l..T 1.7." 1.70 1.00 j c liarman wit state vs n w liagaman i:d Minton wit stato vs D w liagaman ' k".us jr wiinoss Mine Hill l.l il js w it H.vrtl wit stato vs i;!i la'aier wit state vs Mary J nincr sarah wat; on stato vs 1,"0 1.47 i:da luovhiU wit state vs l.no c J cottrel wit state vs .1 it cook Joel rook wit stato vs .1 Rcook l.ao 1.00 i il 0 r.lliago wit state vs columbus Triplett 2.00 j ll (ireer wit stato vs . " 1.00 Marl; wincbargor wit stale vs .1 c carroll 0.7 AM Johnson wit stato vs 3.10 it M cast I" wit state vs Floyd Davis w ii Moretz wit state vs i.no 2.70 j j rrosnell wit state vs win si hi ins v A Kt !h r wit state vs 2.10 1.90 .00 j n nrown wit stato vs Marion wilcox wm Yon nee wi I state vs M A nesnell 4.30 l.as Trivett wit state vs " 4.20 M Lawranoe wit state vs' 4.10 k i' chnpol wit state va william chapel 1.80 w A navis wit state vs . xoah Taylor 1.12 w v calowav wit state vs " ' " 1.05 J ii south wit state vs .1 o & na potter 1.35 nenrv Main wit state vs " " " 1 30 J J L church wit. state vs " " " " 1.85 Alex Thomas wit state vs Mike ward 2.00 L w Earthing wit state vs 1.70 n ii Andrews w it state vs wm pot son 1.80 w w vannoy wit stato vs 1.75 M D (iioon wit state vs John el-uer n j Tagne wit state vs 1.70 .35 E v (lower wit stato vs 1. it j i nradshaw wit state vs wm Nelson 1.70 j c. fox wit state vs 1.70 wm Knight wit state vs ' ," .00 Joe BToodfeos bills cost spring to; in '90 00.21 j j nays Hint sor rd or . I. i u li ii k 35 " " " sum wit state vs j Jackson 14.05 .i it " guar jail 32.15 ( it ii suniuidand itog w T election 3.1 " hoi coui-t 48.95 " ' " sum taxlist 7.35 " w fees bills cost spt ing term '90 4.45 " backet and lamjis cleaning court H 2.55 " hoi court 33. 75 w M Michael j v fees bills cost state vs road hands .95 j w nolsclaw fees bills cost state vs road bads 3.85 Continued r.ext week H3BE WE ARE! -- ON 'FOP ! w . . . , . i. . :f i' if iiim' to aM' it to ' 1 :. t . a.. i.. ..:t. J"""""1 1 u ! ,. ,. . MS a 111 I 111 SO I ll )I I !" WO LI'lVO "i"n. f"1 . (containod in our ENORMOUS STOCK on wh'n b we jropose to give vou unequalled BOOTS & SHOES. 550 pairs. Boots and Shoes. In this line we can fit and suit all. The vorv best val ues at jiatiie ju ices. See our line before buying. Dry Goods. Four thousand, five hun dred yards of Ditv (Joons. Hero you will find the lat est stylos and best qualities at un-heard-of jirices. Groceries ! Groceries ! ! In tl.'is branch we carry a FitEsii Stock, both stajile and fancy at prices lower than tin.' bottom notch. Hats, Hats. A nice lot at the very low est juices. We can ht -any body. Call and examine our stock before buying else whore. -o- Jonns! jeans!! JEANS!!! We have the largest stock in town, which will be sold at speeinl low pi ices. -o- Clothing. This department is com plete. We fan fit the tall, the short, the lean, and tht fat. BOYS CLO TIIIXG! A nice lot which will bo sold at a very low figure. Goofs Furnishing Cioons. Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Cuffs, Umlerware, (ih)ves?, Hose, Handkerchiefs, Cravats, &.c. Can suit all in this depart ment. o In connection with !my other business 1 run a Hotel and Feed STABLE, w hich we think is equal to any in the county, and we guarantee our prices as low- as any in the County Thanking my customers for past favors, I remain Very Respectfully', W. L, Eryan. 1890! I With its ujs jitul downs ; is hhnvly. lait mi rely, wntvng iapil ns it closes we wish to ! thank our tnanv customer. for tl'"ir very liberal ji.it ron- age, and m ote to t hem some r , ', . 1 ... ol our lending articles, with .1 :...!.... . I.. i... I'!" "'' rT'1 i 1 1 1 a 1 1 1' i i iii i ii i ii i ii i M-.ii -ii i i mi' will ti i vi vim uuo.ls nsclicap ,. ... i,,,..,,, : ,i,..s.,nt' :." . 1 , ; urn .MfiiKits, mil lur iin' your 1891 We jirooiise, ns in the J'ast by Fair Dealings, To merit a IiIhtoI sliaro of ' i jat ruiiage'of our 'customers in Watauga And nitjoiniiig counties. TO MKRUIAXTS. We wish to call your csixi iol attention to our enormous stock OF HARDWARE. You can save money by giving us your order for nails, tyre and rolled iron, chains, n ml, in tact, anything in this line, as we buy t iHMii in large lots direct lroin t lie manufactures. DRY (JOODS. Consisting of I Inniicl Suiting, Trecott Flannel", l'laid Flannels, Saxony, jirints, (iiiiglianis, etc., etc. Ladie's Ihcss, in llenricta Cloth from 25 cts to one dollar per yard. All kinds of laces in Vandike points, etc. Shawls and ladie's coats in the latest styles. Large stock of satin and grs- grain ribbon, table linen and oil cloth. Groceries, Sugar. Collee. Rice, Oat-nieal, Pickles, Macon, bard, Salt, Flour, Pepper. Spice, in the greatest abundance, and at prices that will surprise you. OOTS r a HOES. oots a Shoes. In Foot-wear, we almost defy competition, as our stock was purchased before the advance in jirices. We wish to call espec ial intention to our Tap-sole, Flesh-split boot, that we claim cannot be beaten in the United States. We also carry a large and well selected stock of rubber goods, in th latest and most com fort al ile sry les. CLOTHING. Come and oxamineournew and elegant line of Ready-made Cloth ing which was carefully selected as to style, fabric, make and fin ish, and you are sure to find any thing yoii need, and as clieaj) as the ciiapest. We can fit you in any suit from the smallest bov to tin L'.'iO plun der. Gent's Furnishing Goods. o 1 n end loss va net ies, such as Outing-shirts, Dress-shirts, Fnder-wear, Collars. Cuffs, Cravats, Hose, Hats, oajis, Handerchiefs, (Jloves & etc. We c.nnnot he turned down in this line for style or quali ty. Thanking our friends for a liberal patronage in the past and hoping to merit a larger share in t lie future, we are most Resjiectfully. JONES k VANCE Elk Park, Nov., 17, '90. S-A7. ll. All orders by 1 1 ention. j. & v.