The Watauga Democrat, . . , Tl . fvis v, ;ii,v!vi v. ra m; It c.KItrr,raUUkir ' f I li.ui-.-s ill . huh I'll! - T-T an- not fiuiU'l ttHont;ii:i!ii'- RWHt.Wkititl. itnk.sinot!!a.f:i;ii.I.y.; U!..- it nation. The only a on Vr m We print in this iue an' that many moiv tloimi or- nnieal from Olin Alliance, fur when it h reniemliereil nskinr the removal of theilis .,...1....... rs.- V U H III 1 1 1 1 f M r. a . " " llohlen. We most earnestly ask the (Jeneral Assembly t) yrant tills tvqu-st forineir.v. What j ... I. I 1 ............ PviTimij ii.iHMitriniiiMHi'ijiir uinvuays hmh infills in,""" i i up i ln;r h"iiii' p,ir eommittetl by this son , succession. ' Th" t-h-rks b,.-Sliin-off anl on all winter,! of North Carolina, the.v have; ,.. i!;.rvo:is. ie. sinlj'l lsl week hioj.ii.ioa ami iKHMiamply ntiomsj for by ; sometimes wholly exhat!-te. , his hopes were rewanle 1 by -the loss of citizenship for a!lv intense strain -in. I pro-' Hailing the vein that np-i munlwr of years; an.l the lejr-jlon-r. .1 phvsieal labor. pears to be very ti-h. It i! FflU A 'il FiY i.slatureean afford to reco-- 'r,,bablv thesnialles,, nn.! -about twenty-Hve feet i.elow , uii 1 u-'.s J Ji nize the expiation as HilH- cient, and extend n.etvy to this aped man. There are others besides the ex-Governor who have suffer ed acutely all these ycats. twenty years a-i. There was Certainly it is not manly, it!a section enumeratiue; v is not North Carolina, to re-in t 'ii0nM lie free i;f du - quire those innocent tines to suffer on, w hen no public or private good can be done by it. 1-et the Legislature think of this, and be merciful. This brilliant and able man is now old and infirm, lie stands almost upon the very brink of the dark river that bounds the unseen from mor tal view. Let not his aged feet touch the dark waters w ith the darkness of his na tive State's frown resting up on him! Let him go into the great beyond with his aged eyes resting upon the forgiv ing smile of; his native State. Let it be known that North Carolina can punish, and that she can also forgive. Progress! ve Farmer . HEXS CAS TAKE A REST. A Kansas (ienius Invents a Machine to Lav E&gi Parsons, Kan., Feb., l.'it'n. "The American hen needs no protection" was a stock phrase of the recent cam paign, referring then to the provisions of the McKinley bill putting a tariff on eggs, but the campaign speakers did not figure on the invent ive genius oi a Kansas far mer. Storey, of this city, has just received letters lat ent from Washington for his invention of an artificial egg. The artificial is said to re semble the natural produc tion in all particulars. The in yenter says that he can manufacture at least one carload per day at a cost of three cents per dozen, with machinery that will cost on ly five hundred dollars. A WHOLE FAMILY IN HEAVEN, A whole family in heaven! Who can picture or describe the everlasting joy ? No one absent. Norfat her, nor moth er, not son, nor daughter n vvay. In the world they were united in faith and love and peace and joy. In the morn ing of the resuiection they as cend together. Before t h e the throne they bow togeth er in united adoration. On the banks of the river of life they walk, hand in hand, and ns a family they have com menced a career of glory that shall be everlasting. There hereafter, is iij separation in that family. No one is to lie down on a bed of pain; no one is to sink into the ai ms of death. Never, in heaven. As that family to move along in the slow procession, dad in the habiliments of woe, to consign one of its members kto the tomb. (iod grant that in His infinite mercy, every family may be thus united. Selected. X T-Mi.I:m.Di,Ur t cm-u. that nil sn.-h v., irk, n.-ar : i .... Ulr extra oi-ilinarv t ii. u-o- J Mil II .1' 11 1 , "I U "I 1 1 i't I .1:1 stances. AH is l;ate. no .mh. ronin.-ioii. lU-.-t uv -p , hav xainitiaI tl,.-p!a-.-li ave is unknown oftimes for two;a'r.v''i was tlu-re. Mr. .vh;i-'n,;,, . . i i i a . : f. it. I ti ! i I ' l in i ui-t ii" ;l llil .penrantly most insimut!- e iut of all such blunders wasiwu the most expensive of the j kind ever made. It occurred ! in a tariff bill not more than j tv. Among the i.ianv artic le. specified were "all foreign ; fruit-plants," etc., meaning plants imported for tran -planting, prorogation or ex perimenting. The enrolling clerk, in copying the bill, ac cidently changed the hyphen in theeompoud word "nnii plants" to a (omnia. making it read, "all foreign fruit, plants," etc. The conseijiinee was that for a year until Congress could remedy the blunder all the oranges, leni ons, bananas, grapes and for eign fruits were admitted free of duty. This little mis take, which the most careful i.i i , , inati lnight havettunh', inmht easily have made, cost tlie government about Sl'. ()!)(. 000. .My Smoke Hons?, A man who lives in Albany, and whose business is that o' a clerk, said thathehad late ly built a house that had cost him three thousand dol lars. His friends expressed their womh-r that he eou'd afford to build so line a dwell ing. " hy", sa id he, "that i. my sn'okediouse." "Your smoke-house! What do you mean? "Why. I men:; that twenly years ago I left, off smoking, and 1 have put the money saved from smoking, will, I !, interest, into my house, and hense I call it my smoke house." Now, boys, we want you to think of this when you are tempted to take your first ci gar. Think how much good might be done with the mon ey yon arebegiuing to spend in smoke. What would yon think of a man who, to a muse himself, should ldc a a paper twenty-fivecentsand watch it burn? Isit any more sensib'e for you to take for your quarter a roll of old dry brown leaves, light and see it smoke. Sel. Many oft he members who Voted against the" proposed increase of tax for public schools yesterday fdt them selves reluctantly forced io that line of act ion. Their in dividual preference they said was to vote for the tax, but the condition of t heir coun ties and tlie wishes of their people constrained them to vote against the increase oi State taxa tion w hich would curtail the power of the com: ties to provide for' their lo cal expenses. Observer. Many Poivinns sr brokci, down from overwork or household cur'.s. Brown's Iron r,:tt-vs rcrur.rii t!i-3 system, aids diction, removes nctus 01 i-u u,l cures mai&ua. Oct the jjw.uiiio. Cum : M!I Mr. I. '- Shu: .i In-.-I i : k H V, on Ui - I of Mr. N !'. llii!;utl. about !iv- .mM of .Won.. that pro...!-.. to a vn.. , ri h p'M mine. Heme! Mr. . 1. l.yn. Ii ami .In!" M- " u !e ! mmh! the pin. ,- J.t ve.-u- f.v tl i,u-t,,,sc of urns- In-t iiir aii-l l:.n Mair lh vrin. . I 1 hi, !t I:ff,-:tiit .j..Tt who the surtaee ami t.-i u.ehesj .. !...-.. .... kiimf. ill.' "' ' M ! the rock from th Veil) ailil j they are as lull oi p.i.i as it . .... .. .i " otild seen, possible to fa.d j quartz. 'I hey are ,iette. all over with 1 ul- tnmpsof pure iS'll - V.'ehcpeit will turn out to be a bin- find. Aen- iVyfve. The new South l)aeota Sen ator, Kyle, will co-operate with the democrats; nnd if rainier is elected in Illinois, the republicans will havelost Senators from New York. Kansas, Michigan. South L'a kota and Illinois, ac!i;ngeol ten votes o:i t he tariff; w Idle dumb and Mae ier.-on wiii probably vole v. it n us n : year. All things come to those who wait. The Supreme f mrt of Iow a has finallv settled the .1 oia s Icoiinlv calf case which has ,. . . been in litigation for i'ifieeu vears. I he calves were wort h : about -Ma, and their owners have spent .about iO.OsiO and a good many cuss words in trying to get a legal thvis s'on as to wloo'ii'd them. But the Lawyers had a good time. Ayer's Sarsaparilla The Best Blood Medicine So say Leading Physician and Druggists, and their opin ion is indorsed by thousands cured by it of Scrofula, Ec zema, Erysipelas, and other diseases of the blood. "Ayer's Sarsaparilla lias won Us repu tation by yeais oi valuable stTvice to the ciniminily. It is the bet." K. S. Lang, Druggist, 212 Merrimack St., Lowell, Jlass. Dr. V. J'. AVriglrt, Paw Paw Ford, Tenn., Bays: "In my practice, I invariably pre scribe Ayer's Sarsaparilla for chronic dis eases of the blood." Dr. K. It. Boyle, Third and Oxford sts., Philadelphia, Pa., writes: '-For two years I have prescribed Ayer's Sarsaparilla in numerous Instances, anil I find it highly efficacious in the treatment of all disorders of the blood." L. M. Hobinson, Pharmacist, Rahina, O., certifies: "Ayer's Sarsaparilla has always been a great seller. My customers think there Is no blood-purifier eipial to It." "For many years I was afllicted with scrofulous running sores, which, at lust be came so bad the doctors advised amputating one of my legs to save my life. I begau taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla and soon saw an Improvement. After using about two dozen bottles the sores were ln-aled. I continue to take a few bottles of this medicine each year, for my blood, and am no longer trou- II .d Willi sores. 1 have tried other reputed Mood-purifiers, but none does so much good as Ayer's Sarsaparilia." D. A. Hobinson, Keal, Kansas. Don't fall to get Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Bold by Druggist. tl,ix5. Worth 6 bottl i A pampniet or information and &o-f j i sXatraetof the lawfl.8howin tlow to V Obtain Fatents, ( aveHrs, Trade, X' 1. ('M'iJniNri Ill oril'T to tr-( U2;i our :. ..... 1 . ........ ,;. ,.vf .-, u ,ll(lIl!:ls u I' t I I 1 . 1 1 I III I ,-ti ; l' I i j I i . t H:a )iu M (U j .V.'.s-to. iui.! .;,,, ;l,.iiV(. jjs;,:,s ,, - o ,ln ..v,.s ;lJ t . ,ls 5i- .1.,.. ..i- I . lw..w ! delivery of tlie names a (! , .. ,. ' hix;i:u sr:viN(i machini-:. This Machine is strict !y fi:-s! retails regularly at S10. 00. It worth ever cent of the money. rOH A CLUB GF FIFTEEN To the person sending us a dub of fifteen '( will give oil delivery of t lie sa in.', t he most valuable hook known to the K-nglish-speakinn- peopl ny kind, without that urea v This is no shoddy edition, iea vy'li aih w, and is, up I a sold forS12. Think of this wp-nh-nu! teen subscribers to vour ho'n!'i;,oer. CLUBS r or tea new subscribers Ivngraving 'A') x 10 inch 's, whicii i truly a inaaniliii lit i ict va-. .. . ' '"7 he Xntioiml Ii'.u:cr;it Out- aoihit ;ni sew at v-nve GRAND 0P2IISG! NSW GOODS . II. DOUGHERTY & n i f, "P It is jjjr.a t ifyiup; to us to aiaiounee to oiir numerous eustoaieis that we h.avemr.v, nnd still arriving the ia;pt stoek of U'oods etr brou'i To 'r.",tau,;a. We have reeeut - lv lioimhi in l'iiiheleljilna ,-M'd of NKW .K)i).'v Our st o;-k e'ootts kei'i in a lii'sl eia.-s d v mad;.1 !.o riii.;i tint Ladies dress j-oods in a'! (juaiil ies. col'irs and priees. (Jents I'lirni.-dtitiji .-oods! Callars, cui'S's, xeekware, .shirts ny t hin.!; yon want in the latest -ay!"s. HATr'! women and einidien i i a rd '. a re, crockery, farming utiir-vls, &y in j';re,.t (jnant it ies. ()ui' .;oo,ls w, re liDUht at a barai:! and we r.ropose lo i ve nureuiit oniers the heiielii of tlie;n. I'oiae ; a, see our line stock and you will he sure to luiv. Extra, inducements i!i !,e oi'i'en d ' for rii." next 00 days for ('as. i. l,Ve take all kinds of produce and" .live stock a specialty. Thanking ourtriends fcr nasi pt arnia,'ie, we hope to inerit it in the future by honest dealings and p,ood oar,'.vains. we are Very Rcspactfuily E.- H. DOUGHERTY &BR0- St I DEALIo If yon tlii lk (if lui vinyj mi v..i::r io wive . ,, I ! , wntc ice fur p; ice.-. ! carry a full iino t.f iieiHbf! na.I pa 'I; ji. . Shut I leu, IhA.bins, Ihivvrs, () I'll-.. ir,1.;, Ii n be sent by mail. u ve a, si'ooil ef fishii ft i k!vs. Trout Flics, or ., Li es etc, Scins n speriujty. v send tlx in out hv i;.ail. S. P, AKGEI, F..OX !tLK. TKN 7i a. UATKS. j inourcf - f. I i - IO h'lp U . ,,i i,.. i. ! I I - - ' i I 1 1 II 1 I ' ' ' " ' ' - : . i ! ! o :;ki iv' mitih l v.i ; j j- lie Villi eiJeour m. il e a nice h' !p to buiM 1. work K. s .,,,. jj.,, . v v KU sul-ribers lo; th" on :n as a class in every partiular. and is a pel 'eei jem and is we!! O i i i A .in ,i e in do business of a- iiui is th- (vKUMiei worse in ', always oidv Ii:- a j "V ai an; a -s s;n fpr OF TEN. w1 w ill uive a; extra Sted ".00. and is i" , ,, a. t once. ;twl !' 7 Pernor rut for cents rivi't'il 4 ill Know;!. ! !t .Oi) WOI'l! consi.-i i s ol' ai ail varieties (V ire. e n;i ve ;l nice hii, (it '(' are oii'ei'inj. Lii'.v down. illnVli Si a mU mm l V 1 1 -'"x-iiie v. i - i - ... j rfUtit'A - -r,or , 'i&t ' L.i!i'i,,iVV I'.- . "v.! ::i...,'f ir i -"rrrAOS. UNION BQUASE.KY. ; "Jilr.- a roMi'i-irn:'a pi:u! T!i.' I1 -ip! ! iih ("aili !.i v(.u eut t.i ! in i, '.J- J ! Mji ;i j. , -l- j ho .(,;,"! i. ;!, t': -i. al.-t r,Sn mi .,rtlt t'.ii-..!.. ( na, no inatt r ul.ere it ,uay U sin? Tl" ii pat ri!ii' 77. W'iliiihi'ziiHi Mrsst'twr. , A 'A,:,i!: ' "v-i-ai.!: I'U'i u . 1 ' I t V III 11 !, I 11 I-. !i . I.',, pajN-r n 1 1 !..- vim ,i I! t lll'W f f 1 1 ri. a i iiinucrat u- !H 'silplT '-".iif i in- ih'm-litis the ' M 'ilati.m. .mm I h.-.s (,r ! itil '".j. lui in flieiriou t ii .in. I ,-v ! vel...i! i ;a of t j. t). Noitli j Sial. ? TI.. ii ,ul m i he ti i I THK WII.MIA'liriiX .ntXsLXUKH j 'nmp;imi Karies: iThe "Haily Messenger,' bv ' 4 lnoiiths on trial, for ........! 1... I.I li The weekly "Transcript Mes seii'er." (tiie largest ami best paper in the Stale) i mouths on trial for 1.00 t'afh in inlvniice". r,(.th papers are larv Kit-ht-I'aoi sheet.s. Semi l'ostal Cain 1 with the address of fi v ier- ' ' i i 1 " . h 1 1 rnvivc sample cop ies of Tin: Mi:ssi;.(ii:i. Oct. 1st. INKS, tf taki: tui: 1 West and Ncrthwefct hi.lll'iOlls y'diim- (,, anv ,,f tl(. Uesnin S.-i.tes (ir Terr it orit n iVii! ,iVc liilic liKHn-y j(ii:o via. Ciaeaiia ami Altmi route. s t l:e ! i (-1 H ul,. to SCANS AS CITY, Di;vi:iL it Aim nil jM.iiits in hlnh,!. Wjiwli i:'.;;-to!i, Oivcoii, flail iii!'! (;;eii;.r:fi;,. Finest ;in,j Pest ftjuippou Pn:hJ in 1 .'i ii7.,f. );i!.v liii nniniiitf Seii, Venti iaiiid tlai:;s between St. Kouin and KaiiMis ( it v. !;v'i;:ii!r(,l!;ih-(-an';aid T.air ist S!,v;,(vs trie ot'extM'i chaiv. I wii! :i:eet"'-arti;'"iit mi v n'ui--n;el i: in v,it!it!iro;ij;litick(.'t;; a ir.l I':;1;'!."; !.'( i;eckt;. i-or tu!l info i !e a ti.i;,, maps p.,, .vciij) ive ;,;!!;ijih, ts df tiie Wot writf to or call on 1. A. Xkvii.ami, Tiviveiiiiiv P.-e-seiu'vi- A-t.. !9 Pal!.,!! Ave.. As!vii:e, N.'( .. CiiAia.ToN', (. P. A ('iue;;;'o, I!!. ; : ' i ' j ' ". '. 1 .o ;... i.-h I i Uiii V i iii: viA AND KXO(KK)) OUT! J. V. IIKXSOX. Dakx Kiims f, N.r:.. :sju;'! recei'iiuv a lai'siork (iKXKit.VK Mki;ch A.i;:r,i: which will be sold' for Cash or country produce never before hear! him a call. !; ::' ly. at - in s of. liivt: Caventf, nrt Trwlrr-Ma. Ir ohtRincd. s.rA all Pat ent bi)M)ii's.- coji'lactM for cdtiafe roes. Our Ot.'ije is Opprsi!o U. S.Pptcnt Cffiop. and wenn somre patent ink-su tinithiinttoso ' rmolo from V'nt-liiiiL'ton. friend tiiotlt l, rirftwiiijj or photo., with descrip tion. Wo nd if-c, ii pftU-ni ildo or not, free of chsrjsrn. Our leo not cl no till pntvnt U HPrurM. A .mphtct, "How to Obuun i 'nteiitH," with names of actual cJirnts in yourStato, county, or Umn, sent fret!. Address, Onpnsito Patent Office, Washington, D. C. .-!. lot'Klil HTree. IcKctlir wilh our l.tra ld valuable linoof IloHiaehuld ....mi.ll-a. Thc.u um,a. a. wall do U la .how what wa aand yoo to thoaa who call your fl-iond. and neighbors and thoaa about you tliatalwa.TareattltB In valu.blc in -u, whlrhhold. foryeara whan one atarted, andiliuawaa. Wa pay all axpreaa, freight, ate. After you know all. 1-. like to go to work for ua. you caa earn from Half O JM, af par waek and upward. Addreaa. tttliMun .V Vo., Ilox BIS, FtarUnml, 2afaiD a. lha wain),, ara lYee. AU the wurk Toa I . ? u U" ?t,Wan' ''.. "" i-S I ,,,'V ') J iiVVJll in ""i "iTl.l. 1' ft XV-- rK1 "ln'l"PW-WrTB!,ldllMy, V&t5? 1 rylW iHil Hi1i.'i,il tnf, ttiel. F.'f 'I'l-llt x 'xv'1' W J wi,h ai,d case, of I t .?!jr i 5- ,-Mt: . yiiqiial vilue. Ohb ritKsOM In I V. L. Ihyan, B o o n e, N. (J.

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