IV? I';! ocrat. 0l) lOCst' U.-ii-te, i V M r, 5-1 J H XL. liOOXK, WATAUGA COl'NTY, N. C TliriJDAY, MAKCU. lk;. im. no. :jr. vol :i ii:)ii:ssi().xal w. b. cofncill, Ik. Attorney at La .v. Boone, N. WASIUXdTON ! From our Regular Correspondent Y. B. COFNCILL, M. 1). Boone, N. president Physician. OH'n-e on Kinc Street north of Tost Office. E.F. LOYILL Attokni:v At T aw, r.oonn x. c. Mr. Harrison has given no sign tliat lie intends to re move the present head of tin LETTEB. pinion igainst his right to i ..... i... i 1 1 .1 in- I J I . I t I 1 II" l 'J '4 l 1 1 I I le III 1 MMI- ing tli recess of Ckiii'is. Hut the Attorney General, following tlx xcellent exam ple of SolicitorGei.eral.Jenks NSnl.EoUE LMHI3. V S ivMm.Li : .-ink. r kivs t!. at' Ths ( ;ti;H'..r Nr orliuu L)..cU iii the v.-tTii put of .oi th it r- j oliua tli'Mv jmv several i Mint i iiiui'l almost iiiai-:-!-iil'!' move i ne prescm nenu oi un- : ... ... , , ' . ' . ... . i in a similar case that occur-: known Pension Imran. notwithstan-, , , ., , . ,.,ng no ".'""tn iiins nion ip fivor (f nought .... by the ongress-, oiiii Mi-en li'l investigation . , ' .. . . the appointments at any into tin- peculiar business! . llllif. ih'inri'ii iiii'ii !e Ollt'l'l ' UOll I il red under Mr. Cleveland, has t !ir isof Central Af.'n-.i. Noiail- New Orleans. March U,- m.Mtu-! -p..,. .,,.,..... ..r .,,,,1 .,l)(it the tains. of!m h there i as little .,, m ,,- 1 . , t 1 t I 1 1 1 - III-' ' " . . I . 1. ii ,.i Dii. l.c. iieeyes. Physician and Sri:;i-:ox Office at Residence. . P.OO110, X. C. L. I). LOWE, Atlornsy at Law -ANII- xotmiy ruiiuc, 1UNNEBS KhK, X. C j. (i wilbab, DENTIST, ri.K I'AItK, NOI'.TM CAROLINA. O'V'i-sliis irofi'ssi)!ial si-rviccs tn th M!".)!)!' of Miti'licll, W'iitan:.'.-!! ami tljiniiir cmuii "tlcs.PA'o I.ntJ muti'inl nsrrf ;m work in;ir;iii1f'i'l."x Mav 1 1 y. J. F. Jld! jilic .v Hiu-in N. C. E. S. 331 iclitdirn Je ! on, N.C. MOllPllKW&liLACKIiUIiX Atttoknkys at Law. Will practice in the courts of Ashe. Watauga ami Mitch ell counties, also in the Fed eral courts of the Dist.. and Supreme Court of the State. ('olfaction ot claims solicited. Anil, 10. Notice. For sale. 1)00 acres of land, on Rich Mountain, Watauga County, on which isashestos, mid tine land for sheep ranch. Sales private. L. i. Lowe & .1. T. Furiierson, Fx'trs. of Mrs. A. P. Calloway, deed. Manner Elk, Nov. 1." ".)t)r.. Money to loan. Persons wishing to bor row money, who can secure it by morftfaj'-e. on fijood real est.il. te, '-an bo accommodated by applying to J.F. Spainhour, lioono N. or A. J. ditcher, 1 lorton N. C. 4. 21. NOTICE 1 1 am just receiving n new stock of goods bought for cash down and will sell for stricklv pay down, tit prices to live' and let live. You will do well to call and examine my goods consist tug of boots, shoes, dry goods, notions, tic. lours truly, T. A. CurrniKH, Iiau.boo. X. C. SUTHERLAND SEMINARY. MISS EMMA WLXX, Graduate Greensboro Female College . PRINCIPAL. Tin Institution of lcarniii" is Hitnated in one of th; most pictur esque ami hospitable sections o tho State, ami rare oppotuiiitics are here offered for n ractical. ami cheap education. The school now lias an enrollment of over lOOpupilh. Latin, French, ami all the Fiii'ish branches taught. . For full particulars address the Principal at Sl'THKHL AXI' N. C. peculiar business; methotlsof (Sen. itauni, al though he has had his atten tion called to the matter by :i very prominent member of his party, who, 1 have reason to know, told him that llaum and his ivild-cat speculations and his proven obligations to the king of the pension , t !., SlfirKS Was mure lium m- i 11 i . ...... 4- 4'. .iii s lOUltl UlieuiiiL iw viin.i. Kaum litis within a week, boasted to a personal friend that he was till right and would not be disturbed. A democratic Ucpresi)ta tivesaid to me to-day : "Look ing tit the matter from a po litical point of view, 1 hope that Harrison will not. kick Kaum out now, because, if he is left in his position until next winter the democratic House ivill show hint and his methods up in a manner that will disgust till decent n en, whatever may b1 their political alliliations, and it will help us greatly m the Presidential campaign. I.u1 whether llaum goes or stays we shall investigate the Pen sion Uiiice, which 1 tun satis fied is honeycombed with fraud, that can easily In; dis covered, if it is fearlessly and honestly looked lor." The air of mvsterv which always prevailes sitound the State department, is just now very much intensified, owing to t he fact that. Mr. Maine and Sir Julian Pauneefote are deep into 'he negotia tions preliinininary to the arbitration of the Pehring Sea question, wlucli Air. Blaine is pleased to think or to pretend to think that he has compelled (!reat Britain to accept, although till the rest of the world knows that he never made the slightest progress toward a settlement of the dispute, until he re turned to the position main tained by Mr. Bayard under the Cleveland administra- ion. These negotiations are not conducted tit the depart ment. Oh, no. J here are too many prying newspaper men always on the watch, so whenever Mr. Blaine has any very important business on hand it is transacted at his private residence. The ad ministration leels very much relieved at the prospect ot a peaceful settlement of this question, having last fall be come fully satisfied that tin? sentiment of t he country was opposed to any unnecessary display of "jingoism.'' Mr. Harrison was anxious to find a good reason for not appointing the new Circuit Court judges created by the late Congress uatii next win ter, doubtless believing that the longer they can be held the greater their value in votes at the next republican national convention, so he referred the matter to Attor ney General Miller, expecting : that he would render an o- aud the chunorings of the re publican npplicnntsand their friends. Mr. Harrison will find it diiiicult to postpone the matter very long, al though he still professes to be in doubt as to his right to make them until Congress is in session. Treasurer Houston is again at his desk, although he can not hide his anxiety to have his resignation accepted in order that he may feel at lib erty to express his opinion of Mr. Harrison and his ad ministration. An attempt was made to get him out of the way by giving him a foreign appointment, but he refused to be caught, and says that he intends to re turn to Indiana for the ex press purpose of taking an active part in politics, which is interpreted to mean that he will do his level best to prevent that state endorsing Mr. Harrison. If things go on for a few days longer as they have for several days past, there will not be a democratic employe left in the Government print ing oliie. It is customary to largely reduce the force shortly after the adjourn ment of Congress, and that reduction is now being made ar.d the discharged people democrats, or brought to mind very forci- i - i i ...i.. i i ; 'C . Oil a II 1 1 MOOilll. iu- ". 11- , I' lihi.' I " 11 I I ill I" I II I ' i' ' i . . . f 'native; have no .dea.f.m,ta:i.v.ib-"-a...l ruinous npns.t.g of line in a ina,uer lit t h-above tilh-.t S-pteather .lay sixteen 'towc-t bra; . sa-'id have i.bobite-;y-ars ago. Ten o'clock had j lv no know! be ufthe w.nl I out ; not yet struck :md a vast ' side t lcir on u coniniiihity. I'o-j multitude was already coil .lyganiy is pnt-t iced with .-haai '-J givj'-.iled on Canal street.til i !"ss opi'imess, ami man i.m- .;-1 mnsr filling up the large ellioiles an Post. rare li'Cit on space from curb to curb on leach side of the Boulevard. So far as tiirkiiowle'lgeaiid in-j Jnt on the stlike of 10 (' toniiatioii c.ie,i,!s, the above is (.0(. ;l shout weal up from ul It rly Fai.sk a ud without fomt-1 p0o,,iL.st;it ioned on St. Churls ,!aiion in fa.-t. WeareacniaiuN , . an,j iX mll(;r ,f gell ed personally with ata,r:a Ashe ; wh()m . ,r Alleghany ami M.tchell count ,.,s. , ! ,.s, , .,,. r. Wickliffe , , 'i ..... ,. i and others who signed the ami know that po'veamy amir'"' 1 ' I ..11 ......... H..H... ,imik Hl.illrV iiniaora lily do not exiet. It is true that no rail-road 'iict rates these otiuiti"s; but t ne peopicire i lvilieil. moral, law-abiding and good citizens. Nearly orquitecv ery Co'inty Site in Western North Carolin i has a weeklv news pa per published, and is well pat rou ized by the county; and as tins is being written t he cliek of the telegraph is heard in our ofiiec; hence, with news paper and tele graph t'acilt ies, they must have an i I'M of the doings of the out side world, (iood churches and schooediouses dot every county in this heaven bh ssed section of of our dear Slate, and people should know of what they speak before they set afloat sueh wool died and dair.airiag fa'shoods as the above. Editor Democrat. The Nest P.csMc-nt. ap- are neat Iv women who owe their pointment to tleniocrats. Prof, t harles W. Smiley, special agent of the Census for the collection of fish and fishery statistics, is under charges. His work is said to be pract ically worthless, al though it has cost a large sum of money. The adage "a woman is at the bottom of everything." is bronir it to mind l'.v tin- claim of a female lobbyist, wild h v the wav is .also m the eniployment of the Gov ernment, that she killed the Wananmker postal telegraph bill in the House Postotfice committee, and that the money she used was furnished by day Gould. Perhaps she is only trying to divert sus picion fnun the eminent re publicans who actually did disburse Gould's money here. Some little apprehension is felt iis we approach the next campaign, but we do not share in that feeling tit all. Indeed, we never enjoyed greater confidence, for it np- can, came inarcumg iiion and began walking round and roundMhe range of the Clay monument. "Fall in, fall in" was the cry, and the crowd formed a procession which went round the railing several times. "Hu rah for Parkerson," "Ilurah for Wickliffe," "(S't inside the railing and give us speech. These and other cries made up fi confusion of noise, a motig which an angry tone w ;i s significantly predomi nant. The space inside the railing was occupied by a dense and restless crowd. "Come down from those steps," was the re quest, "and let Parkerson ami Wickliffe get theie." The crowd obeyed wiih alacrity and soon the speakers held their positions ot vantage. A rush was made for the nar row gate and in a minute (here stood a mass ofhuman it v around the statue of the cd in and killed clven of the nineteen men who had been indicted for theassassination of Chief llenne.-see. After theltidlianshad been put to death, Parkerson ad dressed the crowd urging them tort turn to their homes or respective p!. lees of busi ness without further demon stration. Joe M.icheaca. one of the prisoners, had a pistol and shot Sergeant Herron in the neck inflict inga slight wound. Polietz is hanging to a lamp post at Treemau street. The j others were shot in the cells, j When the citizens commit j tee had completed its work jilt the Parish prison it dis I banded for the day. A meet- ing will be held to-night to (onsider what other action, j if any, shal be taken.. The j committee iscomposed of the j better das of citizens busi ness men who weie satisfied that the safety of thecommu uitv demanded vigeros ac tion. Chevalier Daniel Boone. pears be von d a doubt t hat j immortal Clay. A view of the 4.x liuw :;uniuinx was 1:11 h)shi. .uji Doubtless some will be found toquestion the wisdom of the lateGcneral Assembly, but its gallantly can never be doubted. It u-ns ever sus ceptible to female influence and ready to yield prompt obedience : When a few ladies appeared in the lobby, in the interest of the "Female train inir school. " thebill providing for it was passed. This influ ence wiis probably potential in aiding our Superintendent of Public Instruction to in crease the school tax. And when those handsome ladies a sked for a law com i el 1 ing t lie introduction into our public schools of that book on tein pei since, the law was enacted, although it. might cost par ents SI 00.000 to buv the book, but don't woman' rule! anyhow. A7. ('. IntflljgejKvrA their presidential candidate in the Electoral College. If any third ticket shall make head way at the West, the effect will be to sever those old republican strongholds from the republican States in the East. That can only result in making the demo cratic situation thestrongvr. A failure of the republicans to carry a majority of the college will give the demo crats the victory in the House even if we should not win at the polls. It is to be remembered that when the House elects a President, the Slates vole as sovereigns, and ea,ch State has equal power. IVlaware speaks with as loud a voice as Xew York, and Rhode Is land is as potent as Pennsyl vania. The delegation from each State has but a single vote. and that is cast by the ma jority. It so happens that not on ly has the democratic party a large majority in member ship, but we have a large majority of the States. Our nominee will certainly beele ted. Observer. The new cigarette law does not take in all minors, but only those under 17 years of age. Those who are over 17 yearscan puff away and deal ers can sell to them without fear of being " writ ted." Liiudinaik. a word escaped the lips of the gentlemen who had nioun ted the steps. They stood mo tionless, surveying the surg ing multitudes from whose ranks there gleamed faces full of resolve and determination. There were fully 3,000 people within easy ear-shot, a n d more could be seen strug gling, pushing and running here and there. The street cars were unable to pass t hrough .and vehicles of all de scriptions were halted. Parkerson spoke first. He said that once before he had appeared before the peopl'Mll grand mas-meeting assem bled to discuss matters of vi tal interest to the communi ty, and again he faced the people of New Orleans to de nounce the infamou..; act, which was consequent upon the most revolt ing crime in the criminal annals of any communit v. The act was the finding of tin? jury in themur tier trial yesterday and that crime w a s, tis everybody knows, foul assassination of Chief Ilencssee- "I desire nei titer fame nor name nor glo rv"said Parkerson. 'T am a plain American citizen and as a good citizen I am here." After the speeches the indig nant crowd, about two. thou sand strong, started for the Parish prison which they rea ched at 10:"0 o'clock. After a slight resistance the jail was surrendered. the citizens rush The London correspondent of the New York Sun, has the f ol 1 o w i ng pa ra gra i 1 i concern ing ii gentlemen well known in this city : "Chevalier Daniel Boone, great grand-nephew of the pioneer, sailed in the Wyom ing this week for America with ten performing lions. Boone, who is a Kencuckian, has not been in his native laud for fifteen years, during which period he has been o ver the hunting grounds of Asia and Africa, capturiug and taming the king of beasts. The ten lions he has with him were all captured and tamed by himself. He received the title of Chevalier from the Sultan of Turkey?" The correspondent is mis taken as to the period of Mr. Boone's absence from "his native larid. He was in Lynchburg about six years ago, and remained for a short time. He married a daughter of the late William Simpson, and his family still reside in this city Lynch huts Advance. HE KNEW NORTH EH. Governor Northenwas just leaving the Capitol one clay when a little dude spoke to him. "Sav, is the Governor in his office?" "No sir." "Oh, Fll bet he is. lie may have sent word to you that he was out, but he'll not treat me that way." "Do you know him?" "Know him? Know Bill Nuthen? Well I should smile. We are very intimate. I spent a month with him last summer run his cam paign for him and now he wants to see me about unim portant matter. "I think vou are mistaken sir." The speaker's cold stare and positve tone nettled the dude. "May T ask your name" he asked haughtily. "Northen is my name." "Oh aw related t o the Governor, sir?" "I am the Governor sir." "The devil!" exploded the little dude. And with that he made a break through the vacant door, leaving the Governor looking after him with an amused smile on his' face. ForMalaria, Liver Trou ble, or Indigeation,use BROWN' S IRON BITTERS"