'DC Bemocrat IJOOXK, WATAl'fi A (OI NTV, X. ('.. TIlL'IiSDAY, AlTdL. 1C 1M)1. NO. CO) vol nun lssioxm. v. n. cmwciij,, Jk. A TTOUNKY AT L V. Doolie, N. C. w. n. mixciu,. m. d. rMnii'. x. c. !t.6.Ml-iit JMiysicinn. Oilier oil King Street hoi til of Post Oilier. i-:. r. lovill Attoknky At I -aw, Hoone X. C. IIl. L. ('. KKKYKS. Physician ano Sna;i:ox Office at Residence. Doolie, X. C. L. I). lowl Aitorii3i at Law AM- xotaiiv rmur, haxnltis llk. x. c. J. i. WILBAU, DENTIST, fi.k I'vuk, no;;tii c.vhoi.ina. OnVrsliis professional services to tin' people of Mitch-ll. Wntnicn and adjoining coan ties.IyA"( I, ml m.itci.il usi'il ;wl .ill wui-k "U;tr;iri1 al. Mnv 1 1 v. .1. F. 5l!iili. -h. I'. S. II i 1 1 inn Muriidi, N. C. J'' T (in, N.C. MOKPIIKW&P.LACKItrUX Attto::xi:ys at Law. Will practice in tlit courts of Ashe, Watauga and Mitch ell counties, also in t ! - Fcd ral courts of the Dist '.. i! lid Supreme Court of the State. oUcction vt chums solicited. Aprl, 10. Xoticc. For sale. 000 acres of land, on Hieh Mountain, Watauga Count v, on which isashestos, and fine hind forshcep ranch. Sales private. L. D. Louche .1. T. Furgerson, Ex'trs. of Mrs. A. P. Cnllowav. deed. Hanuer 10 Ik, Nov. 1" ''JO.. Honey to lean. Persons wishing to hoi row money, who can secure it by mortgage on good real estate, ejui benecommodated by applying to J.F. Spainhour, Loone X. C. or A.J. ditcher, Jlorton X.C. 4. 2-L XOT1CL! 1 am just receiving n new stock of goods bought for cash down and will sell for strickly pay down, at prices to live and let live. You will do well to call and examine my goods consisting of hoots, shoes, dry floods, notions, t(-c. Yours truly, T. A. Ckitciikk, Hamboo. X. C. Sl'TIIERLAM) SEMINARY. MISS EMMA WJXX, Graduate Grwmboro Female College PItlXGIPAL. Tins Institution of learning is wtiiutcd in one of the most pictur esque and hoHpitablo sections of the State, and rum oppot.unilies are here offered for a practical, and cheap eduention. The school now has an enrollment of over 100 puiiilh. Latin, French, and all the Lnglisfi brunches taught. For full vartieulars address the Principal at SlTHEUCA.NI), N.C j Washington li;tti:i:. i From oar Rct-Iar Cor.oi jo.d'Lt. The crowning shame of the i repijhli' an administration ; oecui red. if my iuformniion be coi ' t and I have rv ry reason tor believing I ha t it i . Satuidav afternoon. when .1. Gould aceomp.mied by his ,son George railed ; 1 1 tli' White House and delivered his orders to Mr. Harrison, j together with his ultimatum jus to what he would do if t hey i were not obeyed. From there ;he went to thepot Oilier de 'partment and gave Johnnie Wanamaker a uracil worse shaking: up than that ivcn ihini by Teddy" Roosevelt some months ao. Mr. Wana J maker wouht have bleed very j much to have kicked (ionld jout of his private office, but there were re isous, aside ; from (Jcnl I's "puli".with Mr. j Harrison, why he dared not j offend the "little wizard"' ! of Wall street, who had ia ibis inside pocket some pa ! pers wih the Waiiamaker ! autograph thereon. ! (lould told Mr. Harrison ilbat unless his demands : wi re met he miht as well abandon all hope of ,i vindi cation in (lie shape (if a le- iiomination, and from the i t '..ii i i sm.ie ii)um wore wnea he clambered into his private ear. enroute for St. Louis. Mr. Harrison mu.-t have promised him somct liii.-. What (h.cs (lou'd want ? The saint thiny; he always wauls. ! his only deity money. I-vr 1 since .lunq IMS'.), the Western jl'nion Telegraph Company hasbeii carry iny,- the (iov- ernmenl's telegrams without rendering a bill therei'ore be cause Mr. (Jould refused to except t h.e conipcnsa I ion set for the work by Mr. Waiia maker. Want number one, is to be paid for this work at his own instead of Wanama kei's price. Want number two, is to secure a liberal slice )i the postal subsidy fund for his Pacific Mail line which it seems he had heard was to be left out in the cold in the ftrand divide. Want number three, is the increase of the amounts paid to all of his recently acquired Wes tern rail roads for carryinu: the mails. .Modest isn't he? I shall watch carefully to see how many of these wanlsare supplied by Mr. Harrison's administration. Another scandal has beeii talked around town about tln new contract for supply ing the Post Olih ( Depart ment with postal cards. Py the way, the new cards, which are to be furnished in two sizes and colors, are to have a design that, w.mld reflect no credit upon a cross-road 1 ) r i u t e r u o n t h e a d 1 r es s s i h , in the upper '-ijrht hand cor ner of which is to be a por trait of General Grant. The new contract has been osten sibly awarded to Al. Day; gett, the Broi k'yn politician, notwithstanding the trouble the department has had with him during the last two years under a similar contract, but the real contracter is George E. Lemon, the king of the pension lobby, who has car- ried Da tt through all his troubles with ' anamaker. Seine say that lrmon is to furiildi th" postal ranis f a noticing, tli pri'-e gointr to ci I 'ain parti -s w ho ar ' rot tocxamm" too closely inf., sone f t he business met hods of the pencil. n kiicr. Mr. I'.laine is rohi' kin.: in th" ulory he obtained bye intr the bhn'f of tic Italian Govenituent. bat for sMme reason he n aises to uiveout a cojy of the last desp itch he leeeived froai Ludilii, t h" Italian prim" minister, an 1 all the informal ion ue hive had about the despatch, sai -1 ' i to be a straight back-dawn1 on the part of the Italian Governine.-.t i,ts rorae by press-eabl' from Lome. It is said t lut one reason w 'y ( tlii.. despatch is withheld from the public by Mr. I'.laine1 is that it raised a question if Veracity between I'.iroa Fava, the recalled Italia!) ' minister and M r. Pdaine. and , j inak'-s it very plain that one' or the oilier of them lias I been handling t he t rut h very c.!reessly. Laron Fava is ' st ill here but he refuses to b" seen, and Mr. Illaine says the despatch will not bemad -: public until alter his reply ; has been pr-pared and sent . ; Meanw hile t he public are wed satisfied to know that ad danger of serious compile i ion wiifl Italy has pas"d. t Th" on" hnudi-i d f h a uni- versa rv of I Ii ' 1 1 ' S V S ' i ' ! : I of (lie Failed Slates is to b ivl.'bratcd !iei-e this week, acd great prep.-iration are being maile for t hree days of enjoy ment, hot h in teliccf ual and physical. Most of ihe prom inent inventors of the ( 'onm try are expected to lakep.trt in the program of entertain ment in some capacity, and th-'ir pres. Mice alone will at tract a large crowd. Mr. Harrison expects 1o start oil his Pacific slopetrip next, week, if the eminent Ca nadians, now being steered around Washington by Sir Lilian Faunccfote, who have come here to talk reciprocity with Mr. Pdaine in order to asceitain that gentleman's position, if he has one on the qut-stion of reciprocity with Canada, no not raise some new internatiaual complica tion. N'obody seems to want to go with Mr. Harrison, 'ot even his wife and children. Tut' Hillioa Holla; Conn ms. It will lake all the g,l 1 and sil ver produced in I he world for to-if years to pay the appi epila tions mad" by the billion dollar congress. All the wages of r.ll the workers in every protected American in dustry for t!ire. years. All Hie wages of all the work crs in l,0a," cotton mills for JO years. V All tin' wages paid in l.D'.iO woolen mills for forty years. All the wages paid in all the glass industries for 110 years. Our total wheat crop for IK'.K) will only pay one third of it. Our total corn ciop for lS'.iO w ill on ly pay two-thirds of it. ''(!od help the surplus ?" It is (iod help the working nmn.--.Ntw York World. if The most severe storm ev er known in Kansas prevail ed on the 27 nit. Kailroad cuts were filled with snow and travel traffic have suspended. The LI'T, li..l'.i!-iiui r.f p.iri ofKr. !..'. I. ( iM'i'iixr I t.n I i. Mc. F If. L'.i -b ; as Ml' of ti e State, secured ?v at!' ' ' : i"' lih i's direct tax !aad !; u.-i a.-hliig! mi and ( till ve i I it to Gov. I'ow ieto be e,!i;.i. d to those V. ho III" " i '. i ' d I o ii , libs l ni,e ii lona.d ii ;n! I Jo ihe ; , vern or. i1. 'khi !i he t". i J !i at l ugtli ihe history of the Min ing f t h" direct J axes, etc. Th ' i.e " "v ha vir.g b "n ob taea l. t!i"!ievt qus"t itj'i is. how la pay ii out to t h p,---s -n- entit!" I toil. There are at a. hia;to!! about one lni'i'ir. d ami fifty books eou i aiding I he st 'lbs of the tax receipts hit h from tic re cord upon a hie!., as a basis, the money w id have 1 o be paid out. Properly accredi-. le i audits of the State will have to copy this record. In closing- his report, Mr Ihis- !!'! sHgg' sts the JMlblieat ;oa i ihe following stalements III' I'll ej'est to h" public : 'Th.e bo .ks have not yet been turned over to f heStatr for rxajaina I ioa, noi- is the I'Xtict iiU'iiiier of the hooks or l h" a mount of v. c;-; to be !oic y. I aseertaaied. 1 1 is not possible, as yet. accura tely to et ima te t hi- leugt h of t ime w hieh t his work w ill re quire, but it will probably be at lees six ty days before t he pay nc 'Uf of claims can begin. I 'ut ;l t he copies are received in ihd. igh, here is no infor m.ij ion w hat ever h I he Gov ernor's oilier concerning the lia::,iS of Ihe persons who paid the taxes, and the a mount i ii i. The names and amounts w ill be sent to th" fount i-s as soon as practica ble. Xo interest upon the taxes were paid to llie Gov ern .r, and no. i" can be paid to I he tax-payers- Xo pen al 1 ies, interest or cost was refunded, and none can be paid. If the tax-payer has lost or mislaid the receipt, it will not prevent theeollection of the lax, pro v id "d tlienamei and amount appear on the st nb of t he reei ipt book and the assessment book. If Ihe person who paid the tax is dead, the amount can be ie funded only to the legal rep resentative, that; is, the ad ministrator or executor. Xo widow or heir can collect it without hdiers of adminis t ration." The check for the amauut, S'oTT.SdO.-f l was yest.erd.iy deposited ;it tli" Citizens' Xii t io'i.d il'in'.. All possible fac ilities u ill be afforded claim ants in the collection of the amounts due them. )lsrr-'. Mobile Ala. Savannah Ga. and Xoil!,; m i'loiida have been visiteii by distinc tive frost which did great damage to early vegetables and fruit on tluoth inst. Capt v. I). Do well Slate Treasurer of the Farmers Al liance of Arkansas was bun. coed out of $0,000 last week, by three sharpers. .Daniel barker has been ar rested in Surry 'Vanity charg ed with the mm derof revenue ollieer Darnwel! and lodged in jail at Greensboro. If you fsel weak and all worn out take BROWN'S IRON EITTLRS l!i: MMGH UV TI(LPl:iS Ci-. I' l"ii I i i'. '.' Fiir.'i l: As you know, I have retired lo private life, i' ckiag qu'et ami repose n lie narrow limits of the fam ily cio I -. I mingle but little in society oa account of old U'.e and extreme decfaes.s. I am now tic only editor liv ing who had charge of a pa per in Tennessee in the year 1S:',0. All lay associate edi tors h:ie been gathered to ihr Silent ( ily of thrdead,so that I frequently feel like one walking aloih; "Soil!" b lliijiict ball des"rtf( " I can but feel the solemnity of the revert ions now crowd ing upon my mind reflec tions whh-li call Usceiiesand recollections that, no other refiect ions can inspire, while I hey teach me tin mutabili ty of all human connections, tie.-, ami a.-sociat ions, and the rapidity with which the liv ing arehasteningto the great hereafter. I know from the number of years I have lived, that I have already ascended the rugged hill of life's wea risome journey. I am decen diiig. rapidly, on the other side, and soon, m the course of nature, must pass down on the opposite side of the lane from whence I started. I hope when the time comes for me to join my comrades of the lang ago that 1 will have so lived that I shall be able to grasp a bright horo scope and, with the eye of faith, look into the vast fu ture and see that, all will be well with me; th it when my eyes look upon the sun for the last time, arid the night of darkness comes on, thot. I will be blessed with a Chris tian's hope and a Christian's faith, and be enabled togath er the drapery of my couch a bout me and liedown to pleas ant dreams. The future of our country is all wrapt in Ihe greatest mystery. For more lhan a quarter of a century our na t ioi has been toppling on the fiery verge of ruin. Financial bankruptcy looks gloomily out from the haggard faces of impoverished thousandsof old men in the South; gaunt famine holds its ghostly rev id ry amidst the haunts of starving thousands. The intellectual gin n shave passed away; it is a. day of small men very small men ia 1 1 i 1 1 ollicial positions. The drunken dow n sits w h e l e Webster and Pell sat tower ing in all the august glory of thought; the scheming plat form builder spits his poison venom where the thrilling el oquence of Clay and Calhoun electrified all hearts; the whi ning harlequin, carpet bagger apes the matchless splendor of Haskell and Gentry. For many years the South sat like a chained martyr at the stake with slaves and gibbets and bayonets and kindling fires all around, powerless to drive back the consuming (lames, and seriously contem plating what would be the fi ned end. Andnmidstthislong sui'f.'i ing, this vast, bound less woe, the bloated bond holders, the bloodhounds of cupidity and anarchy, were heard howling all over Wall Street and fattening upon the luxury and s p I n d o r meanly pitched from a gal lant but over-powered m-o-plo in the South, (hit the m0 pie can ami will restore the country. Already the nigh point to the grandest upri sing of tie people hiuce thti memorable canvass of 1M10. The people are moving. Soon every mountain will semi forth its torrent, every valley its flood; and Jo! the ava lanche of the pcop'.Rwillcoind come from Main's rocky shores to California's golden strand, tome more terri ble than an army with ban ners, detci mined, through the ballot-box, io wrest the administration of thegovern meat trom the hands of the spoilers and take it back to the grass-grown path, where where our four-fathers left the imprint of their footsteps. Come, to pour their roused Ihunders around the crum bling pillars of liberty's teni-' pie, and drive off the vandal and vampires who for many years have been sucking the life's blood of the nation, to scourge them with scorpion lash of indignation and the history of their rule will be i eniembered a s containing the saddest page in the book of Time, (iod of Nations, speed the day for justice nntl humanity's sake! Pardon nie; I have beerl communing with the spirits of the mighty dead. May God b'essyou. Your old friend1 W. W. Gates. The esteemed New York Ve.s.s, a leading Republican organ, tickles itself in its lit tle ribs and laughs a sweet, low, happy little laugh every time one of the astute Demo cratic Senator says that Grover Cleveland won't do for '02. If it don't stop that sort of thing the country will begin to think that G. C. is the man the Ilebuplieans are afraid of. The fact of the mat ter is that the big politicians have never loved Mr.- Cleve land very much, because he had a way of treating Sena torsand Governors and Gen erals just like they were plain; every day folks. lut there nie a lot of common honie-spun-people around in the backwoods and by-ways and hedges who still think Cleve land is the next biggest man to Harnum and old John Kobinson, .and it will be hard to keep them from taking off the roof when some-body calls his name at the next Democratic convention. Mor gnnton llcvnhl. The spirit of insubordina tion that prevails in so many families is alarming. The boys and girls who grow up without parental reverence will by and by despise all rightfully constituted au thority in Church and State, and sooner or later will put off the law of God. The lank individualism of our modern life is the legitimate outcome of the unsurpassed stubborn ness and disobedience that are tolerated, if not encour aged, in ourchildren. Adw eate.