.4 i , IJOONK, WATAUCiA COl'NTY, N. ('.. lliniSDAY, JI NK. 1-V 1MH. NO. l.. vol :i muwssioxal. w. n. cofncill. Ju. Attorn ".y at La v. I'iOOUC, N. C. w. u. cofncill. m. i). 1'oouc, N. C. Resident Physician. Office on King Street north of Tost Oflhv. - E.F. LOYILL Attounky At I aw, P.oone X. C. 1)11. L. C. KEEYES. I'hysiciax and Snnn'ox Office at Residence. Koono, X. C. L. 1). LOWE, Attorney at Law AM) xota11y vu11uc, p.anneks elk. x. c. I i. WILBAR, DKNTIST, LLK 1'AltK, X0KTI1 CAKOMX A. Otters liis professional services to tlif people, ot Milrliell. Watauga imhI adjoining coun ties. r-'iAo L;a1 in.ttrinl used nnd .ill work iu;ir;uiteel."-r Mnv 1 1 y. J. F. Mm plitw. K. S. BJakl!ini Marlon, X. C. J r n,X.C. MOIUM1EWyM,.U'FvIUJKN Atttoknkys at Law. Will practice in the courts of Ashe, Wat iiujr:i and Mitch ell counties, also in the ped ral courts of tin1 Dist.. and Supremo Court of the State ( olfaction at chums solicited. Aprl, 10. Xotice. Tor sale. 000 acres of land, on Kieh Mountain, Watauga County, on which isnsbcslos, and lino land for sheep ranch. Sales private. L. I). Lowe & .1. T. Furgerson, Ex'trs. of Mrs. A. P. Calloway, deed. Banner Elk, Nov. 1." '00.. Sloney to loan. Persons wishing to hoi -row money, who can secure it by mortgage on good real estate, '-an be accommodated by applying to J.F. Spainhour, Boono N. C. or A.J. Criteher, 1 1 or ton N. C. 4. 24. Hot ho The Governor having or dered a special term of court for Watauga county begin ning on the22nd,day of June next and continuing two weeks for the purpose of try ing both Criminal and Civil cases. All persons having business before said court either as witnesses oruilors will take notice" and govern themselves accordingly. J. E. FlXLEYChm. Krd. Coins. P.ooneX.C May Gtii, 1801. MILLINERY. -0 I would fiketowiy to my friends in Wntajga ami hinroumliiig counties, that I liave now ou hand ami am receiving every week, a nice line of SPRI N G A I) S F M M F R MILLINER I AXDXOTIOSS When you come to Lenoir, 1 would be pleased for you to call and see me. I solicit your cus tom. Orders filled promptly by mail. Most Itesp., MRS. M. X. 110RTOX. Lenoir. N.C.. May 21. WASHINGTON LEl'VEi!. - From our EcuUr Ciu.tronrt Mr. Harrison is really 1 ' coming alarmed on account of the attitude Mr. P.laino has assumed towaidshiia. It i.n't th' absurd fiction con cerning Mr. Phone's Jailing neiifal powers that is worry ing Mr. Harrison for he h,i" hid occnlar demonstration ivilhin the last four days that there is nottheslightesl disarrangement of his pre- viii.it u .il.iliti lik nik iiLim i , A inn! terse English, but it is tin1 idea that Mr. BlainMlo:'s not nronosi' io iiive lam the! . '., ' . . . , . . . I .... . JO . .1 1. I ' I.... , I I L-ll .1 ! ... ' uriii ii i i inn mil i' r 1 11 . 1 1. . i - lllif lllltltlw' Pll lll 1 1 11 I I t I I . , , . . lion, and that under the plea of ill health. Mr. I'iaine ma v go to Maine and have him lor an indefinite period toj. 11'liKtl.l ! Il I , u with f I Ii i (I I I 11 ,!- I . 1 i taut international onestioiis ! , that are now so numerous in the State department that they almost bump their heads together. If the republican District Attorney is not made to i eglect his duty by the pow ers above him young Mr. Uauin. the son of the bor rowing Commissioner of Pen sions, may find himself the inmate of a prison cell as the result of his energy in selling appointments and promo tions in the Pension oliice. The Civil Service Com mission, which was duped by this young ol'ice-broker, is deter mined, that is to say, 'Ted dy'' Roosevelt, who is in re ality is' the commissioner, is determined that I'aum and his confederates s hall be prosecuted, and if hecan pos sibly accomplish it, punished. The evidence, which itoose velt says makesa plain case, was laid before Mr. Harrison; he referred it to the Attorney General, after holding t long consultation with him, and doubtless mapping out pre cisely how much in earnest the prosecution is to he on the part of the Government. Meanwhile old man Paum holds the fort in thecrooked est bureau of the Govern ment, although public opin ion may in the end compel Mr. Harrison to ask for his resignation he'll never get it unless he does ask for it. The oh! fake that Mr. Har rison had e-iine to the con clusion that, it would be only right and decent to give the democrats three out of the nine F. S. Circuit Court judg es has again been revived possibly by the visit to tin White House of a delegation of Virginians led by Senator Harbour, in the interest of a democratic candidate for'one of the appointments. When he appoints even one demo crat then I shall believe that he intends recognising the party. Outside signs the presence of some of t he known republ ica n ca n d id ; i tes i oi 1 1 1 to the early appointment of the new judges, but it is im possible to get a definite offi cial statement, consequently rumors are numerous. One will tell you that in order to take no chances Mr. Harri son has decided to defer ma king the appointments until after Coiej.r. . .!. :.!...!!.- !' that !.( h a s t In1 iii ;i 1 1 1 1 : V p announce. 1 mre is ;t.i u:n ii iraicd ni inor that Mr. .1. W. Foti r. w ho recent i rei :vv, 'd !i an Spain uhiil.er h Meat :,s Mr. Liaiac's .; ia! nnl con-Fob-lit ial .vg-'iit , is io t a k e charge of dipl nuatie a!'iaii until Mr. 1'Iaii!-1 iei'.:i!'s to duty. There an ennn iou reas;! whicli make ii prob able that this rumor will turn ; out o be a fact. ', 1 1 is inn icarie taci i aa i ev-' ,ei v republican (t an v promt - ' , . . iiience wno come t o 1 1 w n these d-iy.s gels him viewed for 1 he p'irpi it inier- e olV'l iiefore view.Mi lor 1 i" p'.irp 1 ting a di.-h of "taffy 1 lie gcal icnian wlio oi . . ,, , the Wliite Hons- they ward soiuething. There hae hern a half Jo;:-'U of tli-'s" interviews nilh.in a wim-!: 1 1 1 -1 5 the on 1 v d i herei ! 1 m y.nst'i , ' . .. ., cnaiigeoi tlie name oi in talker. These p o; ilea il talk . i .i i .1-... ' as . i-'Uga iney c.vpee'cu ie . ,. ... i t ,i i . i , : II art inn. and L. ' . i -1 as to cast her electoral vote,"-' " ' , , i for Harrison hecau: e Icrcit ens courteously n et ived the Presidnt of theFnited States "Mark my word", said a dist inmiishcd reguhlican, "ifi the democrats of th ne: t ! House will )iit a smart wives iigating committee to work on this 1'ichringSe.i business and one of the. biggest scan dals of the age .will be uncov ered. The facts are in exist ence and can he gir at if they will go about, it in t he right ,vay, and, like the trial of t he notorious whisikey ring, it will lead pretty close to the Executive Mansion " In viiin I t lied to persuade t he gen- tlemnn to say more on the; subject. It is announced with a great flourish of t r u ni p ( l s as though it were a ii nan 'i;il t ri nmph, that Secntary Poster now sees hiswnycleartopay ing the?2),000.000 of pen sion money that falls due in the first week in June. Mr. 'Steve' Elkins was at the Wliite House a day or two ago. He says hejias no persoal interest in the Behr ing Sea sealing cont ract, hut his friend Mills, father-in-law of U'hitelaw dteid, requested him to look out. for his inter ests while he was abroad. Of course no one would think for a moment of doubting any statement that Mr. Elkins might make. MISSIONARIES KOI TED IN (IUX.V. SiiANfiiiAf, May 20 The statement that the Christian mission.-, in M.inkin have; been a'tacked i nd pillaged by the nai ives is e()1-n.c , 'j'(. j Hiouias. inmates manage(l to escape, j M dion to take up a co!!ee All the European women and j t ion to-nntrrow for the Pap children have, left Mniikin. ! fist Orphanage. Motion nre- 1 lie Methodist girls sciiool has been set on lire and loot-j ed. Theanti-missionnry mob, after doing a considerable a - mount of damage, dispersed. The British twin Hcrew-siem torpedo erusier Porpoise, six gu n s, 1,700 tons, 3,500 horse-power, Commander Kichard W. U Into, has boon ordered to Mankin to inves- tigatetke riots and to pm-j s j.-jn-thing and J. F. Sj.ain tcct the British interest!. Chi- nese troops have also been m,UI- dispatched'to the sceneof the Seventh question was not trouble. AcH.-jJtC'.Wrrr c. 1 reat lu d for want of time- Yi!" r.ih.a M eel i n g i.l Ti.iee-I'urk's A --ocia tioa. ij-i::ig !i' pi'c n '.;s al ia :i g i ;;: i: i . i i t v. i: !i (he :; ' i ';;i-ip !;U!!l. I ei.i v. ,1 Mty the .: h l'-L llil 'i; s.'i c '1'.i .i preached 1 !'.- v J . F. Da i Iron ' -!. 1 and -'trd. Aft r v. h!-!i a d j o u r it e d for one hour. 1 1 . in inh-'-d M i 1 o'clock ; ad .;:.;;!! : ! for bnsi- in- ar- .Mo.! -iter and L. ".j i I '!( rk. i ,"" ,, i!.-o; On motion st i u-1; oat Miej won: I' ". in t he .". ii auction j and change.. the word ', i to manifest. ' a :i )t ion ap-1 poi'iled John rri-p to: sp v.k o;i theMi'iject assigned i E.F.Jones. ' j On ae avid t ' n appointed i-.cv. n, I .. A.liivi"! and i '.I I ! ( i' '. i in re - i alcv . 1 - - - i !ig', a;s ve:- i-,-s. ). lao! ion ; 1 il T e-e-Miin o.i. ! . ,.a:as. a . son ( oin. on tmn1, pliiee ami i orogram tor next i n l o n f,,i. i..,vt" ' Meeting. On motion, look up the pro. vraui and discuss ed as follows. First, nuestion was ojiened ! ! y I . ;. r a i t lung, remarUs by J. F. Davis and others. Seeoiid question was tlien taken up and discussed by J. F. Davis, Asa Brown and others. Coin, on religious exercises reported Elder 1). C. llnrman to preach at 1 1 o'clock to morrow. On motion adjourned to meet tomorrow morning at imlf afier S o'clock and spend ihaif an hour in devotional exercises. Met. pursuant to adjourn-nii-n! . Saturday morning' at the appointed t hae and en gaged in devotionnlexen ies conducted by L W. Farthing. Minutes of yesterday's pro ceedings were read, corrected and approved Motion to hear an essay from J. J. T. Keen? on the second question, Motion pre vailed. On Motion defered the de cision of the third question until T o'clock. Fourth question was then considered and ably discuss ed by Kcvs. John Crisp, D. C. llarman and others. Oi motion adjourned un til 1 o'clock for dinner and to hear'a sermon from Kev. D. C. Haruiiui. Which was delivered from 2nd Cor. oth and 1st . with much f"eling. Iteas-vMililed at 1 o'clock, House called to order by the ; .blcra'or: prayer by Kev. j vailed Third question was then j ref-a-ed to and was very ably j discussed by Keys. J. J. L. ; Sherwood and J. II. Far- t hiiig. Fifth (picsfion was' then taken up and discussed by Kev. David Green find others. Sixth cpiestion b.eing con sidered was discussed bv W, n '.ii--- Frioi no. i ! . : pi- - . d r:u li . in 1 1.-' A.-i ;. I :ol! to it i -i'-; :" t! I t,,, . a: t,.'i )!,.;. Mir?;..- Coin, on iime. ,'aee ;ini) pro-i a .a lorn M Fi. n!01 lts .v' of uorethan 100 M. au" report" I. Firthet as I1"' vllt 1:1 ll " l"'"'' 'f 'Om t!:e ph.reand o a Siia.lav in OJ,s: 'M) ". '"id An.:..! as the t-me. C-a. on j m,m ,n ul"':,t il1 P'imitive -lo'i.s ecn!,-is reporic-i, P.-v. John ChVp to piea.!1:",-w" ' 1,M'"V "''Vcs. ami to-!.;::l;: at .arlvcand' lit;-' f"r I,,XIIS' 11,1,1 advanced :;gan. .!. .1 I o-a ;: i e.v a i On motae: to have the :ei w. i.ill a. ! i. Ofn d t'ld k roceeding-; of sag published the Fnioii Meetiag in the Wat.V! o , V v.o, at. Ou Snnday morning the people ire .1 ia S. S. mass r.iee! ing- and ai'o r prayer led bv P. ('. ! lamina. !istei;ed to ail es d '!i 1 v C. Farthing and J. F. Siephens e-.on tlie S. S. .uk At. ihe a-.iv.iaied ho-iv I'ev. .'. J. L. ' iei'iYood d' 'ivered a spieli I serinoi! to M verv large a i ntive eoagregation. I Cov. t h iiili a. nd Oth. Aft-T w h i c h a collection was taken for the benefit of the Orphanage at. Thomas ville and receive;! 0. Io. We a re satisfied that those who have attended I'nion Meetings have1 never been treated kinder, nor ever has there been more hospitality manifested by any people than by the people of Meat Camp For whicli wo extend many thanks. Ii. C. WlLso.V. Cij.uk. a YAs:uyp re.:; sivrus ron I'KANCE. There is a great deal said now in the;paiersaloutstat ues and monuments. They are becoiainy; common in the North. Its civic and milita ry heroes are often honored. Its philanthropists and cler gymen of great note deserve to be thus remembered. We sec it is stated that a statue oi Gen. Washington is to be presented to I 'm nee by Amer ican women as a recognition of the most important aid and sympathy given to the struggling colonies in the crisis of their tmise. France sent long ago a sta tue of La fayette which stands in Fu ion Square. Now York City, and a few years ago it also gave the stupendous creation of French genius "Liberty enlightening the World." II; would be a graceful act to send a statue of the illus trious Washington to France as a token of grat itude upon the part of the V ailed Slates. We hope it will he done. The wife of Justice Field, of the Puited States SupreincCourt, is President of the associa tion, headqua i ters in V'ash ington. Mtwiwr. A circular has been issued !.r rhe alh.aneoia this State, calling their attention to the fact that the 'new party "had been organized atCincinnatti and stating' that now, more than at any time in the his tory of the'order, it is neces sary for its members t o stand together. The circular does not advise the nllhiueomen whether to lean towards or j from the new party. It meie j !y emphasizes the necessity for the alliance to stand eo 'ser together than ever. -"Uriulm- On'I.K t. L i the rartiiim. ,:' " oi on- Mausu- CI Ml 1 if tll t I.. ..l ,........ . ..f ri... ........ . f .i. . " I'M lit!' ill 1 1 Viniculture, now in press, - fundease since April 'cauo for choice b - , i- . m , m ceves. and V;!iu"s o! J,n 'rolH and j meats. A hopt f::! r.r.: ( her. fill feeling is noiiccd, says t lie report, in official correspon dence from all parts of the country. The elimination of the surplus of corn and oats through the underproduc tion of .. ;,t ya rin.su res good prices , j- those crops, and the sho. age of tha wheat .of t he wor i for two years, with l.v.i r .i. 1 1 prnspecr. lor I ,!'' .unevh-g crop, promises the largest foreign demand for ten years at remunera tive prices. Fortunately pres ent appearances indicate ability to moot such demands with 0:HiI)isp;ltcll. HUMILITY. Piety, like beauty, is un done as soon as it is con scious of itself. The best men and women V?i our churches are those that don't know it. They mourn over their imperfections, rather than claim to have reached some higher plane of goodness. In passing through the great fields of Indian corn in some Western States, one observes that the ears which n re small and green and not, filled out, stand perfectly erect upon the stalk, while the ears that are ripe and brown and weighted down with golden grain, bend over so that the: 1; us k f or n i s a n u l n brel 1 a , co in pletely protecting the fruit The best people are like that. Laden with thefruits of Chris tian experience, they bend low with humility and a sense of imperfections. As bees fly home to their hives, their thighs laden with pollen, which they shake off, and never looking behind, fly a way again for another load, leaving it for others to pack the poKon away in the cells, so the true Christian forgets those t hings which are behind and roaches for Mi unto those things which are before. It is ;i good motto, to do all the good you can to all the people you can, and make as little fuss about it as you can. ix. Thd Itiglit Kiutf of a Itoy. When I find a boy that raises popcorn, or (thickens, or honey, or strawberries, or onions, I justliketo takethat boy by the hand and claim relationship; and when our great nation of people gets to where it can offer the boys encouragement in the way of good prices, we are on the road to better things. I al lude especially to the boys who go out in the ileitis and work for themselves under God's clear sky, instead of hanging around the lacto nes begging for a chance to be "bossed" by sombody. A. L. Hoot. .