l)em A ItOOXK, WATAUCiA COl'XTY. X. C, TIIUHSDAY, Ar;rsT. is:n. NO. r,L THE 1.0(1 !TPLT. vol: I'lKHllSSlOXAL. W. B. C0UXC1LL, Jit. Attokxky at La .v. Boone, N. C. P.. i oUXClLL. M. I). I'll H lilt', N. ( . i:-.M.!'iit Physician. or. Kii.;r troet north of Tout !'. f.m'iU Atto'i!: a At T.mv. mi. i.. c. ui;;;vi. I'llYSM l N AND StKOLOV Office at Residence. Boone, N. L. I). LOWE, Attorney at Law Axn- OTARY PUHLIC, PA XX KITS ELK. X. C. j. q. wiLiun, DENTIST, KLK I'AKK, NORTH CAROLINA. 'tiers his professional services i til- people ot Mitchell, datura and ml joining ooun- u.VGT Xo l.ivl vmtoinl used nnd .ill irorkfiwinnitettlra May 1 1 y. .1. F. Morpliew. F.. S. Bhufcbiini Marion, N". C. J' rir on, N'.C. MOIUMIEWKBLACKBUBX Atttoknkys at Law. Will practice in tho courts oi' Ashe. Watauga and Mitch II counties, also in the Fed ral courts of tho Pist.. and Supreme Court of tho State. ( ollortion ot claims solicited. A pi I, 10. Notice. Cor sale. 000 ncresof land, n lU'-h Mount iu, Watauga 'onntv, on which isnsbestos, .ml fine land for sheep ranch. sj,il,. mivatft. L. 1). Lowcv t T FniM.(M-son. Ex'trs. of Mrs A. P. Calloway, deed. Manner Elk, Nov. K- ?00... Money to loan. Persons wishing to bot row money, who can secure it by mortgage on good mil esta te, can be accommodated by applying to J.F. Spoinhour, KooneJN. L. tv A.J. Cntcher, Horton N. C. ! . LM . X01RK. pMiies putting papers in v loiii'l for execution will pie iso udvmicfi tho foes with t he nauers and tliey win re ceive prompt at tent ion, other wisp thev will be returned not cvorittoil for the want of fees. 0. V. lUlKD SlIKF. SSILLINiaiY. 0 I would like to say to my friends in Wnta.iga. and surrounding counties, that I have now ou hand Miid am receiving every week, a nice line ot a V III N G AND S U M M" F R MILLINER ) A ND NO T10XS When you come to Lenoir, I ould be pleased for you to call and sre me. I solicit your cus tom. Orders filled promptly by mail. Most Ilesp., MItS. M. N. I10RT0X. Lenoir. X. C. May 21. LETTEU. , From oar Regular Corre.pondcnl TlH.r,.im1ol,m.Mrr,Hnfor iHr.is!HHMirro ,,n for iloiilif flint ItLi rio'd vir. WASIIIXCTOX . ' Ills private bUinSS W IlU 110 mostfl.r,,,s,,n,pnM.l.:,kill-;(lnlHsas;il;U.v ((f ?(; ()(M) wiriiH, Mr.l 'sonsonnl () ,V(;t(1 ,lis ,;,,. lo .!..!;.. ll-vli;iv,MM,m.. to )1(UsiiMVhH 3f th(1 1Vmi()n Tho coiici'isioti tnat tie-ro is no otleT way of silencing tho masked bat t oiios of tie- Har rison forces which have Imi'h M'iiistnntly sli'iliiir L'aine at ovory opportunity. A re publican whose relationship to tho republican machiuonrv intimate and influential said to a republican friend here: "I'laino doesn't want the nomination, and ho i.s per fectly willing that Harrison shall have it; but his friends are not. Thoy have received but. little recognition from Harrison, and that little un der protest, during his first administration, and they are sure they may expect less should ho bo again elected; therefore they propose ta king the matter in their own hands by seeing that Blaine is nominated, even if it is a gaiust his wishes." This movement is the di rect outcome of the belief that there has been a system a tie effort on the part, of Ml. Harrison's immediate family and close friends, first to be little tho work which I'laino has done as Sec. of State, and later to drive him out of pub lie life by misrepresenting the state of his health, and it is difficult to find an intelligent man in Washington, no mat ter what his political opin ion may be. who does not be lieve that, such an effort has been made, and not a few of them believe that Harrison was fully cognizant of what was being done, notwithstan ding his profession of the most cordial friendship for Mr. I'laine. Treasury depnrtmen officials seem to have no difficulty in interpreting the law just as the leaders of the republican party wish it interpreted. A case in point is theelection of the Commissioner of Immi gration that skilled tin-plate workers may be brought to this country under contract, without violating the law. Such a decision was necessa ry in order to bolster up the manufacture of t i n-p 1 a t e, which has grown so rapidly, on paper since the MoKinley bill became a law. and it was ptomptly given, on thegrou nd. to quote the official lan guage of the Commissioner, that "the law plainly intend ed that skilled labor may be imported into the IT. S. to do the work of an industry not yet established, provided the skilled workmen in that in dustry cannot tie found a rnonr our own people.'7 If that be the proper construc tion of the alien contract law, it is now in order for the Chicago merchant to enquire why he wascompelled to send the two Japanese jinrinska men ba:-k to Japan. That would certainly have been a new industry. The continual absence of Commissioner Uaum from his post of duty is exciting much unfavorble comment. Up to Julv the 1, he had been a way from hi olii.-e 210 days, an.l Ion th' 'A, of the month he ; XV(.,(1 y .,, Jias not yet ,''fUln,M, timy Ihmhm .,..;.,, Jln.sk. ))sim ,o (. (I,.votin;; to (,r,.i(,.t,., . . 1 ' ... ... . !''n " .lr( MWV, H .- bureau, but it may bo set down as certain that his su- is also doing some work for Mr.Harr.son among the old soldiers or ho wouhl not be allowed to spend so much time away from his olfiee. A number of republicans 01 prcMninencenaveiMH'ane.ejj,,,,,;, ,inFl.alK,t,tliatjli.in(.(l im.lllo,js t ,.()I1trol . 1 1 1 1 trying to persuade Indian Comtn'ssioner Morgan fo re verse his recently announced anti-Catholic policy in run ning the Indian schools; they told him that his scheme would cost the republican party thousands of Catholic votes, and that it was not justified by the facts, which show that much good has been done in the Indian country by Catholic priests and schools, but ho contin ues obstinate, and lias inti mated that his course is ful ly approved of by theadniin ist ration. Accoidiugtoa story told here a committee of promi nent republicans of Phila delphia wont lo Cape May Point a few days ago for the purpose of suggesting to Mr. Harrison tin? advisability of his getting rid of Mr. Wana maker. not because they be" lieved that -gentleman to be dishonest but because of his misfortune in having boon on such very friendly terms with so many dishonest men. They were told by Mr. Harri son that when he needed their advice about his cabi net he would send fot them; Tho awarding of the con tract for Cruiser number V to the Cramp's of Philadel phia, by Secretary Tracy mayraueubig row, as the price; which is to be paid $2. 600.00' , was not the Cramps but of the Bath Iron Works, of Maine. The ex?use for giv ing the work to the Crump's is that they have better fa cilities than the Maine con cern. A delegation from Mobile Al abama, headed by represent ative Clark, are trying to get Mr. Wana maker to amend his advertisement by inclu ding that city in the ports from which the subsidized lines of steamers shall run, but there is lit tit prospect, of success. There are not. en ough republican voters in AI abam. The appropriate charac ter of a, woman demands the delicacy of appearance and manners, refinement of sen timent, gentleness of speech ? modesty in feeling and ac tion, a shrinking from noto riety and public gaze, aver sion to all that is coarse and rude, and an abstintive abhorenee of all that tends to delicacy and impurity, eitherin principle or action. Thes are the traits which are admired and sougut for in a woman. Mirror. i.Am its Needing atonic, or cliildnn who want build ing np. rliouid tnko HROW-N'S HiO.V BITTERS. It is ploiusiuit to i"ts Jiaiana. Indi gosiuu, iiiiiuuiucsfc and liver Complaints. Sjf t t Frw Si t Jr Skvi.a(I, Bumoinlio Co., S.V.. J.ilv U. 1H.)1. ingtoii, IK ('. Slit Would it hot her .von too .him some wc. ks agom whii h j.ltllj (.nv,.r0(j the whole earth, mu'-h to send men f-w seels; he was quoted i.vitigtha,wt,intt,lft,ail,hvasilnrk(.nrtj for my place hero in Xorth ' the Democracy must beat t he jnI(j t(.lt thev eat evorv herb Carolina for use another se-i-l AHiaie-e out oiexistciioo- As ,lU)j jjM, fn,j(",,f trvs son? We have n (dim. ito herelan aL'iiciilt nral orirania t ion ! r- ,i t t,,,,. ,VIt!. of t ;!,i. ..Iimr. v- f ...j.,. j,(iuil for cemds. deaands ol the Alliance .x- !t jH niHmt tho rliinatelcent tic- sub-treasury and as that, of France and lt ily.jland loan bills, and the gov- but there are not "so many ernmental ownership of rail foreiirners here. One notices! roads, but conde'iius tho Al- - it Sf.(Mns(o Le laruclv over- run bv Canucks. Such is not the case here. Wo haven good, quiet class or residents, most ly white, with black polka dots, of course, this being where slavery used to 'pawn in early days. But the country is settled by a peaceable ( lass of agri culturists, who have acquired Ifrom the munmer boarder an air of being on a perpetual vacation. Many farmers in Western North Carolina, by watching their chances, aie enabled to sell their corn at forty cents in the fall and buy back a portion of it in tin? spring at one dollar per bushel to plant and feed to stock. This builds up a traf fic in cereals, and has a ten dency to make the farmer's son ask himself why the far mer is the most independent of any class. Human health is prevalent to a remarkable degree here, Mr. Secretary, and it is one -f the two regions of t h e globe where consumption is unknown. No actual resi dents die here. Only stran gers who came after it was too late. Many Northern peo ple who come here with ad vanced phthisic or tubercu losis die, especially if both lungs are gone, but if the windpipe and enough lung tissue be left to bait a trap, the nil here will soon add on a nice new red lung with real scallops on the edge. (Elec tric lights are also common here. ) What I especially desire is a package or two of the seed less watermelon seed, some good hardy bouse plants, nuchas Martha Wnshiugtons, hydrangeas, four-o'clocks, etc. Also some red eyed pole less China beans for use. How are you fixed lor potato sal ad plants. Crops are all looking well. Bye is now all harvested and is being slid down in shutes to the stack by those who live on more perpendicular farms. Mr. Clay Williams, a color ed man, met up with a fright ful accident while summer fal lowing on one of the hillside farms below Homing town ship last week. Thescaffold, it seems, gave way and he fell the entire distance to the foot of the farm, striking the earth twice on his way down and completely disembowel ing it. Bill Nye. Mr. It. W. Col vert, chairman of the hoard of county commission ers of Wilkes, dropped dead while plowing in his tield Wednesday, lie was .4, prominent cit izen and his death's greatly deplored. Chronicle, Washington. July 10. Hum. William C. . nt. of Al abama, in an interview to night. deniestheautl.:ei.ti.-;ty;,,HMt K.1VH(1,.,t tHn. wprt, of thoicported.ntciviou v. itli , . , the Democratic party in the, South and commit it t) the support of these three ob-1 jectionable measures. Hosays that the complaints of the farmers are just , but some of the remedies proposed b 'he Alliance are infinitely worse than the disease; that the Democratic party favors-the reduction of taxes, more ex tended markets for agricul tural products and a greater volume of sound money. He adds that if the Demo crats gets control of ihe gov ernment the farmers will find in these! measures the relief thev seek and are entitled to. He strongly condemns all se cret methods in politics, de nounces the three measures named as most radical, pa ternal and cent ralizingof any over advocated by any party in the United States. Ilecalls on the Alliance leaders to furnish a bill of particulars as to their Democracy, and favors making a test of opin ion in every convention by a resolution against these three measures. He thinks with the Democracy united victory sure in 1892. Worshiping at Ii 3 Sluiue cf St. Anise K A x k A K k e 1 1 1 . ,-T i 1 roe thou sand devout Catholics jour neyed to the Shrine of St. Anne yesterday. 1 his shrine is located at the village St Anne, in this county, and is annually visi ted by thousands of pilgrims, some of whom come to be cured of disease and to receive strength in their crippled limbs. Of those present almost five hundred were from Chicago, wdiile oth ers came from villages ami cities hundreds of ir iiesaway. There were n o miraculous cures reported, as have been expected in previous years, but many of the pilgrims claim to have received direct benefits from their supplica tions. The priests begun hing ing Mass at d t.vbreak and continued until evr-uin, w bile the throng of worshippers passed to the shrine and back to their devotions. n7)Tic"i:. North Carolina, Watauga conn tv. To S. C. Amlerson:--.s, on the ot.li da.v of May, 1801, at a sale of land for taxes at the court house door ia Hoone, by J. L. Hayes sheriff of Watauga county, I bid off a. tract of 81) acres lying in Sliawneehaw township, and lis ted in the nameof S. V. Anderson, and offered tor sale by said Shff. to' pay a tax of $1.81 due upon it. This, therefore, is to notify you that if wit hin three moe.'lis from the date hereof, you lo not come lorwartl and pay ta;; sail sum of $1X1, with 20 per cent additional and the cost of this proceeding, as by law required, I will apply to the sheriff of Wat auga county for a deed to said land. " 0. A. Axdkksox, Boone, July 30th, 1801. Wo read in the Bible that the Lord sent a plague oi lo cust on Pharaoh The nr. 'v!' tM,f '7. ' ' f V "p V,' V- Thompson, who has travel ed ex ten a vely in the Holy Land, in his book "The Land and the Book", gives a verv vivid account, of KwnrillH f orust whit, are votsoon in tmt comitrv Tj.ov mm-0 ;,, ft Ktrairht . fnV. ward direction allowing nothing to hinder them. When they come to a house they climb straight over it. The destruction done by these locusts to vegetation is immense often destroy ing whole fields of grain. The natives have had a great deal of trouble fight ing thenVbut "as yet have made no progress. We have just read an arti cle in the Scientific Ameri can on the locust. A piet uie is given which is almost a perfect representation of our large grasshopper. The article says: "The locust, as is generally known, is of the family of the grasshopper and cricket, but differs from them in having shorter horns and feelers and a more robust body and limbs." The manner of fignting them in Algiers and Tunis is the same as that used in the Ho ly Land. The American says: "The manner of fight ing the locusts as adopted m Mgiers and Tunis has been to construct a ditch with a fence at one side, a cross the line of inarch of the insects, which come in such numbers that the ditch quickly becomes filled up, when the natives jump in and trample them to death at the same time thrashing the living mass with a heavy stick or log of wood. The fence at the side of the trench consists of long bands of cotton clotti or calico sup ported on sticks, such fences extending in some places a cross a mile or moreof coun try, the material at the top having a slippery waxed bor der about four inches wide, kept moist by daily oiling. The inscets cannot keep their hold on this waxed border, and inevivabiy drop back in to the trench bc-iiCftth which .... 4 1 . . -.. r r.- ' IN I II Mil I I I"" ' III II' I'" deep. When the insects have attained an age where all or a portion of them have wings, they are fought by a line of natives with long palm switches, a method of stopping their progress which, to bo effectual, pre supposes the simultaneous exertion of great numbers of Arab palm wielders. The metal in a five cf nt nickle piece is worth about half a cent, and fifteen cents will purchase coper enough to make $2 worth of cents. sHsxiia nohi SiNMona sen 'uoTsaSipui jlo '9 -no ji aa ah '-ep j-bt.'bm.xo.j

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