' ,r (, vt r" L r& 'ir 11 ; r 5 -1v -Z.. st "f v n ,0 f I f3 U W 45 M L 1 WW 7 V VOL 1 PliUFESSlOXAL. JIOOXK, WASHINGTON WATAUGA ( OTNTV, N. ('. Till -I'SDAY, SKI'TKMIJKl. IT. 1MM. NO. (i. W. lU'OENCILL, .In. Attoksv.y at La v. P.oonc, X. C. W. P. COUXC1LL M. 1). Poone, N. C Resident Physician. Oilice on King Street north of lot Office. E.F. LOVILL Attounev At Law, Poone X. C. iu. l. c. itKi:vr:s. Physician AM) Srimioox Office at Residence. Poone, N. C. L. I). LOWE, Attornsy at law AM- notary ruiiuc, paxxers elk. x. c. J. (. W1LBAB, DENTIST, FLK I'AUK, NOHTH CAROLINA. Otters his professional services to tin1 people I Mitchell, Wat.'iusrii f 1 it 1 1 adjoining roiiii ties.ftVo l.:il )t);itt'i;tl used u vd i II work i u;i r;t n teed:"i l May 1 1 y. J. V. Morptiow. Marion, X. C. E. S. El.ii'kliurn Jccrfi'-tm, N'.O. MOIUM1KW& W.ACKMIUX Atttohneys at Law. Will practice in the courts of Ashe, Watauga and Mitch ell counties, in the Fed n al courts of tnePist.. and Supreme Court of the State. (olleition oi chums solicited. Aprl, 10. Notice. For sale. 000 acres of land, on Uieh Mountain, Watauga County, on which i.s asbestos, and fine land for sheep ram h. Sales private. L. D. Lowe k J. T. Furuersou, Ex'trs. of Mrs. A. V. ('allowa.v, deed. Banner Elk, Nov. 11: ?D0.. Money to loan. Persons wish hip: to boi row money, who can secure it by mortp:Hp;e on p:ood real estate, an be accommodated by npplyim? to J.F. Spainhour, Hoone N. C. or A. J.Critcher, Ilorton N. 0. 4. 24. NOT ICE. Parties putting papers in my hand for execution will ple-ise advance the fees with the papers and they will re ceive prompt, attention, other wise they will be returned not executed for the want of fees. J. F. I5AIIU) Sum MILLINERY. -O I would liketoyaytoniyfi icnds in AVntaaga nml sinrouudiiin: t'onntiis, that I have now on lauui and am mciviiifjc evi ry week, a nice lino of SPRING A I) S U M M F R MILLINER J A ND NO TIOSS When you mine to Lenoir, 1 would he pleas"!1, for you to call and see me. I solicit your ens ton. Orders filled promptly by mail. Moist Kosp., MRS. M. N. HORTOX. Unoir. N. C, May 21. LE ITER. ! , jFroni oni Begclar Cirvespo:id:r. ( Si retnrv Itu.-k rt.Mars to;-""'1 il 'v;,v ;ls iov :-1 lH.-nlM.tlt lh.-iM.lv IVIHhi;r.Mli;,,,""f',h',,lW',1"' ( in Washington who !i.i not i .. ... . ! t . I IMOvaloftherrM. ictidHs up-1 on theimpoi tationof Ana ii nu lioj? products ;n (j nua- nv VYI. iiiw, (!.... u1.lf.in.1i1l. King in fool-talk about tl.!rt't.ry Mlam had stntcd "triumphs of American lip'oi laaev" 'cli'tai v Pu.sk. knows that it . v-h the meat ! inspection law ami not diplo ma-;; which carried the day in our favor, was p;ivin!- vho credit where it pro; icily ! longed to a democrat, by writiiej: a letter to llcjtrese i tative W. II. Hatch, -f Mis souri, whicii closed wiih il;e following paragraph t h a t tells the whole story: "The thanks of the farmers of this country are due you foryuir efforts in their behalf, an I es pecially your advocacy be fore the House of Represen tatives of I lie Fifty-first, ( on gress of the meat inspection bill, without which the above result (removal of the rest ric tions) could not have been obtained." Representative Mills, who is now in Washington, will mak" his first speech in the Ohio campaign on the 17th inst. Tariff reform iU bo his subject. Sectretary Foster's expec tation that the four-and-a-half per-cent bonds, upon which the interest, ceased on the 2nd inst., would be pre sented for redemption very slowly was wrong, as at the close of business Saturday there had been $10,000,000 of the if 27,000,000 outstand ing presented for. redemp tion. . Ex-Sen. Ma hone's scheme of regaining power by theaid of the Farmer's Alliance of Virginia, is not relished by all of the members of his party in tlv'it State, as is evidenced by a well-attended meeting of republican county chair men held here several days ago. Col. Parsons, a warm personal friend of Secretary Blaine, is at the head of this movement, which has for its objects the dethronement of Ma hone as State chairman mid the control of the State delegation to the national convention. Mahone is to be asked to call a mass conven tion, and if ho refuses the county chairmen will call it and elect a new State com mittee. Representative McMilliu has decided to join thedistin gnished missionary party of democrats in its tour to the Slate of Washington, but owing to his campaign en gagements in Massachusetts and elsewhere, he will be un- able to remain with the par ty through the whole trip. He will make a t'-iriff reform speech at Spokane Falls to the representatives of the democratic clubs of Wash ington. A story is told here which shows the opinion privately entertained by prominent re publicans of the Pension law. Secretary Foster, as the sto- rygoos. sai d to a persona! friend !,' was i,t 1: ku tii'iivicn grab, we v .'dd have .'.!) oi i.'ki. i'v; Via j t);J hot is a- ,:m"- ,"" I"'"!'''' ti.... 1 IK 1,1.1 T' i .1 ii'. Y(iU ' ,n ,T r-ir :l s,' ,'-s,,r ,u 1V", 1)"'-- I;,s "lillK!,T to IIl,-vl1' '"''""I'l1 i"in Hise 10 r in lo'u l.i'W S- Durham of Philad, lphia.o who ia: ; iteeiuor some i uue : U. S. eou.-iul a t San Domingo, was recommended by Mr. Wanamaker. ex-Son. Pruee am E x-Pe p resen to ti ve Lvnc! ill J e n raionn e-nom . i l r. . , 1 , ers, and Ins aipomt evail shows very plainly that Mr. Harrison feared the threats of (lie negroes more thai; h" did the d'sp'e.isure of Mr. Llaine. And that isn't the only re eent anl i-l'laifie ajeoint ment. Webster Flam'gan, of Texas, who obtained a na tional notoriety in "PW0, whil : in atiei'dance Unai a republican national conven tion, by asking significantly when .some speaker had beta talking of thovvils of scramb ling for o;!k-e, "What, are we heivfor?'' and who has al ways been a strong anti Plaine i mn, has been made Collector of Customs at El Pa so , Te x a s . i n p ! a ee i . T C i a r k , who was lecentl.y whitewash ed by the Treasury depart ment in an alleged investiga tion of numerous chai go:?, in cluding undervaluation and other skulduggery. Thisdoes not bear out the story that Mr. Harrison is prepared in contingencies to retire ia fa vor of I'laine, it looks more like he was preparing to con test the field against Blaine or anybody else. Secretary 'Tracy has had a bit of bad lin k in which he has neither deserved nor re ceived any sympathy. Early in the summer he placed a man who was his valet on t lie r jllsof the Xavy depart ment as a. messenget, a little scheme which is entirely too common among republican officials, to avoid paying for the man's services out of kn own pocket. This messenger transacted all of the Secreta ry's private business, such as paying his personal bills, etc., and the other day Mr. Tracy was surprised to learn that biils had not been paid whi' h he had given his valet I he money mont hs ago. The val et is discharged from his du al position and the Secreta ry is out several hundred dollars. Mr. M. S.M( Curry, of Ruth erford county, made the ac- quamtaiieeof a terripin in 184.-0, when he recorded the! eveiiL on the shell of crusta - cian. hi nee ttten lie iias met . his friend live times and iu varibly marked theshell with the date. The howling swell at Blow ing Rock this season, the in n with the finest equina - ges, the most popular leader j pen ranee and wus captured, of the germ an and the man i He was fearfully tortured, be on whom the women smiled, ing skinned alive and literal- was a uayseeder. a raiser oi wheat, torn and tobacco. - - :A!ni:u:a or cevi i:oks I l.(.lf li-i :.U j to A rrui-.u lain I 'll n I'.a'.') i t ( no St i I r ( dim tiisis. ( )hio, h''i't. I (iov. lloit b .'S i.ist received the h'llo'Aiii.: Ii-tter: on. 7ov. M. ,', i:.-th-izh Sui t h ( ;rn '7. . l IH; ;!;; -The Demo cratic party of the State of Ohio is tost eiiterii:r upon tie -ir"at"t sti ucvL'l in it.- . . i !', v. Lv the lioiiiination - if,,... V,a. M-K i.-ey, Jr. i tlu. uiiilu-.i ih ha - s(;uar.- i I V eii'.iocseil t lie t O'llt aw "I 1 i w'nich he ih th e am nor, ami i tans 'Mca l ! lev f; ive ma.1-' ine ii'Jorc 1 lie j'eor,l . ' i yx oi t arm reform. e.-lmj- ly take up the jage of ar. with th-chiet apoKtle of pro j leci'iat tr of come.-- - the standard beai vir pnrty, Ohio !e-i this vear the lo-eat Xation.i! tiattle ground upon which is to bo fought the Her- A 1 I 1 ( cesi preliminary surnusn oi j ,t is wliini,tcd that thegrain I from geaeration to genera 18:12. Mthsueh vital inter-;( ,.(;1).SU the South this vear! tion for over C00 vears: and iot at sr ii-e viui so niucii . . . i , i tha.t is ('. ;! to the people rle pending iipon th" result, we expect iho sympathy and en courageaient of the Demo crats of every Sta'e in tin: Union. It is our desire and the wish of (lovernor Canibell and theothei candidates on the Stale ticket to hold 1 ho grand rally of the campaign on Tuesday, Oct, 0, to be known as the "Oovornors Meeting" and addresses by the Democratic Governors of every State. It will be held at the Capi tol building, and will bo the greatest political mefitingev cr hold on the soil of Ohio. We earnestly and cordially invite you to be present to give greeting to our people and to tell them how our oau-:e is being r pheld through out our common country. We shall expect you and wel come you with open arms. Will you come? Every at tention will be given your c.unfort a n d convenience. Yon will noc be quartered at a hotel, but entertained at the homes of the hospitable citizens of Columbus. Await ing an early reply, we re main, Most sincerely, James E. Nkal, Chairman. S. C. Cole, Secret a rv. Sivixxcii Amvi:. Xi:iv f)Kt.FCAXs, Sept., 0.--A Picayune Shreveport. La., special says: Xews is received here today of a most hideous outrage committed on the person ofayounglady school teacher near Arcadia. The school was two miles from the voung Indie's home and the other afternoon after she had dismissed school started rn w:i!l.- In ti Innolv r.i!i,vn.-lu. ...., non hv ; '.,lv' ,,. Kro who dragged hot into the : woods near bv nd tied hoi (J- - I. j I C1- ,l u . " l!t 1 1 t,"t-' u u M-n- for two days. A search iiur oar ty found her there on the ev ening of the second day, when she told them her story with a request to hide near by as j i ne negro would 'soon return. Tins they did. and in a short ! time Hit- neirrb made his ao- - ly cut. to pieces. His body wa ieu im rue woods lor iiie xzrui; iitr. '' in' S;ut h is h ss Hi .1.1. t 1 how tiiai; at a iv lane siacr war i idr, ISouth.-rii bai.Kers n-port i ., 1 I' .ii ; i f., ...,....,. : i ti 1 ha I 1 1n farmers j ill bet tion as a 'r sin ua ia! c. i;.ti-M ias l!.;iiM'Vrr iHli fore. The curtailing oiexp-.-n-i 1 ! . I . i . .1 . . ' K, , , , , ses nas ia oaitui. tins a aoai. i 1 ii.-r' li.'.s oeen a ie.--.-ei,ia;; (;i : t he volcme of 1 r i !-, and a! , j . !. ileal reou'iioa oi ia- 'j he troe.etary i , .,,.,.,!, fil 1 1 1;. l 1 1 1 i ) P'M i I " i j 1 1 i . llollt i.MI.I w W. ..l! 'PIl ,n . six large p i j , ., ., . a i v, ,..,, s,.. " w,' i't'1 n j H v I I I IT 1 ( ( I e II ' Oil 'i.lll j , , I '.aiih. It is LI'' i ported that the low price ofjiug t!.'f,ir priestly fmit'ons. i ((! ton ir. 1 ! s; -:,z caused 'There :oe no dim-- store in ,,1.,,,., to pay more a tteu-1 tion to raisii'g l!a ir own ;oo ! j !iamr st uvs. Wlca the w supplies, and il. South wiHitient fimir t tli priest for prohaldy lie . vs depen h'nt j treat u'.ent for disease, the upon ol Per sections lor corn I priest opt ns an Arabic book and wheat than ever before. 1 1 hat h.is been handed down i will aggregsite nearly one htm j wherever the book happens died millions ofbu-h 'ls morejto open, the priest, prescribes than in KS00, and this, add ed to large yields of fruits and vegetables, will keep at home at least 7o,()t:0,000 that last year went Xorth and West for food stuff. This will fully offset the low price of cotton, and should cotton advance it would be a clear gain to the Southern farm ing interests. Wo hope the price of cotton will edvance. The farmers must study their own interests more and learn to diversify. Reduce the acre age in cotton. Messenger. Tle.ir Tii:m I.i Short. There is a favored class of mortals to whom this life is u beautiful dreamland. They know nulhingin their own persons of the hard toil and stern denials w hich every where hem in the lot of the lowly poor. To these petted children of fortune, money comes with out labor and to wish, is to have. We heard of a wealthy fam ily, the other day, who were in much trouble and worn ment. over where they should go to spend the summer months. Europe had been travelled over and over a gain. All the fashionable re sorts in our country aral'am ilar to them. California was long since done, and Mexico repeatedly visited, so they perforet! went to Alaska. in their iournevmg all the comforts and tamable, are at sal. luxuries oh t heir di.-po- Thev h a. v c n o on rk ing oread oi t no evil days 1 I ! . I 1 v',,i''1 !i: LT. V ,; 1 l' ...u !. n :j iivj.ii. augui ;o oocaer or , ,., mar, they can enjoy ai! the!tu ono another, and like Ii.-m-Ov ,,!' I ... t trth, live in ;tu lui'iu ; milll!' "';":n' i.":;n-v' ?,-!!t;- V "V J ""h ni,lit !"J :'I"M. r. .,.. i ... ,i. .,. ..n the charming graces of cxis ; onered tor the apprehension fence bloom out under l!:e,"!;1,!(J conviction of Messrs. I. fa voiin conditions? j rish, Ingrnham, Merrill and v. i.i.i, ....... I . I i 1 : 1 v nil! it is the litting and sublime task of jihila.nihi opic refor mers to strive and so change this woild that the humble masses who create ail the wealth may ha vean adequate share in the spiritual and material blessings which can be i t s i ceo m p a u i i n en t s . I 'a r- IIION Voice, III;- I IV ICiali. nf 0 n - 'aaiaa. rTia. Hi an 'II 4 ' H 'I- II- it is .-aid.!1'1'' l!ai: iiaoii' a f.-- days pi - told an Mit.rf.-ti'!'jr -t'i- rv t a I ii' lit-: 'TImmv are 0.1 J'xJ.OiiO p,.r- lVrsia, ai-.d. thnal; it - snot. now ;. land of th Script im. th,sisr.:ids y e t U'ul'wluii f ! ... 1 .. . l . 1:11 1 , ii-vnr i ,i, ,.., " ' i here are no books and no prill ; ; ! ae-cs in i e.sn.e- ;cejt i hose which have been es- tablis'i.-d hv tl ie re.-bvteri- an inissio!)). ie i crsi.iiM ave no irr-dical works, the 11,.;,w.ft 'i IT I'll oi:r lawyers and re-oloctor : as well as exeercis- Persia . but then there yre no t hot rea 1 1 i e n t f o r the pa t i en t, irrespective of whether he is afilietod with that disease. Holy water and holy dirt, mixed into a large portion of the medical treatment," Speaking of the treatment of sick persons in Persia, Mr, Kuril) said: "When a person is in need of a t .)nic of some kind his nurse cr attendant uses a ti ger's bone for the purpose' upon the principle that as1 the bonfe is the strongest part of the animal, it is sup posed to be the only proper remedy. Instead of the life giving compounds made in this part of the world. Per sian make their pills of ser pent1?, toads and other rep- tiles. Such a heing as a sur geon or a dentist is unknown in any part of Pprsia. No time is given to the study of anatomy, surgery, or even the circulation of the blood, and many Persians die from broken limbs which have not been properly set," Nasiimlli;, Tenn., Sept. 4. -"You are an infamous liar," came the hot retort in the Senate chamber this morn ing, and immediately theser-geant-at-arms was called! to prevent a personal combat betwf on the Senators almost in front of the Chairman's stand. The gavel of the Sen ate was upon a marble slab. Order was restored and the two belligerents. Senators' Alexander and Riley, after reflecting a little, were sorry that a scene had boon crea- 1 ted. Both made concessions and aoolori.ed to the Senate. 1 ... - " . P 3 1M tronoio nroso in a aooate ii i. ver the resolution brought , in by Mr. Alexander, provid . . . . . . i in a- that a reward shon d be Hamaktr, the committee from the insurgent mines of Brieeville, o n the ground that they had excited law lessness and rebellion against the authority of the State. For Ma lar ia, Live r Tr ca ble, or Indigestion, usa BROWN'S IRON BITTERS