7 ' '5 To "fho'n 'A . K K , t - . v 7.'f '-!l' i L. w. p.. nd .m ill. Ai't o; s'-.v At" J.V v. !'. ,! . . N. (" - . ' ; di.- I !'. t ..: 1 fit'Di o".r F.j' ' n t, .ic-peni;?".! ,. : . , , . , , 1 ' i " '.!. ' ', aaa . i i : ' e ' " Sai l - in ha-. ;!; ni.?:,- mi ! !: Lrab:, ' -;iid ,i 1 '!- h. : ' 1 1 1 L, ' II ! eii .1 -A . , 'I ! 1 ! i V, '( ddM i LL. M. P. !.ir"-"-i-'' i.'.l v. lUIH' !li"!l 111 !.; 1 I )!.- 15. )( no. X. ('. Ito-adenl- 1 ia. sieian. Olb-ej tia lb g ! ' ao.lh )-;r . ' I . , . i i V' i -a; II) 'I 1! IHil .: !" I- V " 11 'Alii ' " ! '' : ' ' t . . i It"' Vaca ! ; - - 0!i , ,' . , ': !, . , , . ... V ..... . :" ' ti H'i,i-;()I MI' -;i ; II ' , , . , ., lea i a '-iut i ! I !!.' t .!;; la i es :) , tie ( .V'"T':ri:v S"c -a. . jll.OI't X. ( dk. !.. , i:i:i:vi:s. i Caicc at Residence. i'.uoiu-, N. C .. I. LOWE, il!Ui)-, c 5 iMi XOTMIY I'lllLIC. itANNi:n yaak. x. . !i !!' . "" v:n ii!;iy -i,.t i. !;.. . ;(. w if.s mi th" siiin' :!i act n.ii'V iviml1- t.) has'- la 1 1 i. ''.:. t' jui!ri' in tli- Coin t jot ( laims.'' I:nv nuch m'.a (his iiiun nil'! m pp; ;!" ! ; -1 iu;iviiir.a1 n i ; h t liav.' c : '. will licvts' In' kinma, a.s ', " ,i in t i'.vu. ia.i 11: ir .: t , i . ! vi:! 1 ti.' ji'-i-.-i'ii .i H- I HI.'" I r i - : !ot. tiiast;i"t 1 i !;i'V ai . 'v iioiM t a . a i!-:aa: ti a- t I ' . ! . ::: -, h i-v - a , r j t ,iV.. i h ... r:a:.l ! I, .' 'I! ;,j .ersi'-' i'i : ' V . i f . , '. i .i - : a . ' 1 r Irit tiil KiKvcHlatt ta I'Tsiia'i . , . , ...... nit;" liiia 1o I a ' t. u hoi ri ; , IiiCm- ana iro t.i a tii;va," 1 1 tO'Ua, when lie vil' I ' l is miai! vii iiaal ln ia:" ir.'i lei;-,! It i i:i:i!ia'i ( ii ):1 1" In- a fai t thai Mr. Harris. -.a ':" wntits to ajii'oint n n-v'Tt to tliis a -a n; . il In- I : - it tll.TP will hi' a lu'A i ?!' M: tl.p si)-icty to'ks. as (hew j n sit ions hive livrM nforo IVitimI t In.' hitih'.'st .-fial j a i ;! ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' i. a .'., t , I la": I I : ' i1' a! .lay.-'. :' .' ' ; ': i t t.ii Tr.-.'-y i-v.".; '! a a tia '. i !;ial i;t iU i .'pra.-n'.r'.-v : a. . 'liict;,o, "vfiich i. Ai'iai.-;..! j Wviiki r'a ( mUmi, f;-iau i 1: ' nu'i.'uu :i a"i-;tvi.: an i a: DHNTINT, l.i.MMl.l.,.".M.-,.wa....'... vilU.,.s m 11." ';ll.lUi,'s (III On.TS his jTorisionul M'VVi. , .' , IiMtKn..;...! i. til11 lis!lip Ot thl' S-iMtl ii-' I 'M, i ii : ai ' a'cin aa- il 4o iu-i a-'Jta-i-o. . ' ' .1".:; 1 i.. ai : a, ', )) -l.ir I. as Lv: -xlh: !;;' I:V i IVi lii- .- ' ' "a I t- ,1;.-y, wil! t !' ' :. ia .-;.. of . ' .. a v a i .a f, a. : ao ;; 'i ."! i"i '!;.!' t ':.vra iii)!!. .. ' !;;' i .,' l..r: ;;m:! Al- ;a :: -..i.:.:! tia? Saai a ;irc . ; ' : - C- J.v . I;. ):;." ! i v' r t!;.'ii ' " ; !a:aa 'i lr?ta! a 1 ; aa,-..l ai:.a - ..;!'; 'l.-i-y : a I !i.-' a'uii,'.--i;vc i:: ?v.'Mti : ! : vtv : " ; ;.. ! ' L' i . a; a v'se t ..'..:. H i y rt-a...! .i ai . aaiira; . ;i tj:a:rt I"-- ): ii'oro . I :..," fl'-.v aalaa-a to . , ui -.iinil ,i.,iiii.-ai linos ami s ; ; i ;i'j; j -1. s v..Yli ontilute WMtau-a mu iwliahan-v i-oaa-i llmau-iMi. as!iiiu!;toa usual- i ' M V ! ': "I f an ; d aaat Slav M...ia . La . ! 1 1? as a a, y ,. . ,f I, ! hi, to l,o an Alii, ti"s.iA'o t."f ni.ttt'iiil n.Wjiv isiiiiiM'ds in j?ottio; uiiatj ',,!K'1' ''' "j u j.:.., .j,.,, ti,;. (.uj,,',,., ! laMnaaiiy. Aa.l .. tii-.u na. y i l.ait it is tiit hotter mid .ill vorkLu;ii"H!ir,;'h l Mav I 1 y. F.. S. Brii'b:;i :i ,rn '.l UK, N.C 4. V. 51i.; ihf.w. Uarioii, C. M0U1M 1 L W k ii LA( K I.! i-X Atttoii'm:-, s a j' Law. w a ; trujuvnio ('oiii t ot the ttatc Colhvtion vi chihjis solid ti-J. Aprl, 10. i:- '..'.ta a "i ! ; i a i a n .' ii" it wants, and if it. turns its bat torii'S ujioti t ho Whit; llouso Mr. linrrisor. will; jirobnlily bf ;;lal to jm cadr for hit' "u i.a ," v" ' r-i.M.'-.vl'i'r- than !. lh' Ui'M.-ii of t'a : It'onrt if U aaa't. I !i pi 4ii.'in ih- co;:rls; j...(.s,.nt h,,;,.:.! ;,., ar -l of Asl:.'. Watauga an! iiU h-j . ., , , ... , , w'-...':! i. h.-ai.'i ? ii ,, - i t' i- i t hat a ; atrt a.:-,' "a ran !av' iil ci unties, a!o in iw I '.'-i , . ;, ., . . ..'arv' f-r-'n' ;:- -.- 'inlcfairtsof Ih.'Dist.. jutdl''H1 un o.m.v j .... ... iav is to ba Utroun lu t .''!;' "';".' .. . '" ,. a,a.. f ... .. .of-.r i ia. .,a jiaM. a. .a iiinni' UJ.i.UM uir iro,. nun tti- ministratioti rai l thy IVloral Kiai'hini; worked for all it is worth in J-.eh.il! of tlie desper ate repuhlioan party. . Ti: e in .' f roMi ' tlieir sheet anr hor. It is all anecinan, . . . .1 M I ' i i ; i ; .in I , : I : ;i )ii if ' , ,-,'' ' . ...... is.,.,. .v .... ..i.v.iv , cv iuiiim,ii':in.vjii,iv'i.iiv.ii-i, , ii . . . i i ji ... t . .. iplc -aa. e tin a tairse, and he ! 'i') nnythi;;;.-, ha pl'-e. aim j staaara democrat along with eay.o participate in the an-i1 ' ' . . , , , . . .. . . . 1 , was Liven a-t-sa"'" e.; a boa.t isoen.t v sets ro law ov wliuli ;it. An Alliance Democrat or luaai nava! maneuvers n, a!-! . 1 . , , . 1 , ! r, ,. . ., ! 1 1 ' i . ii : 1 1 : i w v an I he pa vs a ' !as ,'-ro"!:r d;!ri' . a iM-niocratic A'rannMuan in X'lll- pv '- j-! r.A'V t.;!'ale.j ! i.! la i;- Vob a'- la i Aor.t1. For saa-. X-n aeresof land, on liieh Mountain. Watar-a iirs't teo ai that t.avcl ion is brina; hitu, and niter tail: an ho'ir's eonfaivnce with -"' ere- ta ry Trary he suee.n'ih"! in yyttinix i'i crder deta-'lea;; j . j : la v a a ip I'.va ' .!. i , in aw : t a j :an Pi., .via I iiCV t il,:- !'':' ic: v t h e ::Jy lnae ia j fi-iry i in- , , a au - : ! II i, i'i , . I , . . . ;a a .! : , , i I .. . : ia. 1. . taau'ai.1 er ','11' , '.I AiH',1:- n iaea .-um. ........ ...... iv the appoint!., ait a o;.1 ! "' - 1 1 1 t ounvy, on vlaeSiiMis:.!-' n-s. 1 , ., ii,-!,;,.:, o ;v.; S- andtinelaudforsheepi.iiH-lanhenaittn-loiaais',.; ; t f Sal.- s ovivaie. L. D. Lowe : n'en ever in for.res.;, ex-t. a- ; ' ' ; " ' r '.' i.-v'i. .,:'i.. m.j ..,,, .. . . f ". f . i a! i.;-aeam. -aio is o i . 1 . J. I i-. . i . ' '. I , l.k ii.-. ' I I . i ' il .1 1 1 v t. .... 1 1 1 1 1 , . . i .... . - Mrs. A. 1'. Calloway, deed ' .v,ii;)(ji U) !u. ., ,ni,,;ai(,,. ,;ft a,. ! senior. M'h;.-.-!-,, t.-, carry Lantier Klk, Xov. 1 " ... ira.:i o...v;,.0 . -,. fa.,: i baa to '.a:' !: Aaian-anaa ana U a. 1 i iV to r :i ' l;':c a.-. !ns I , a '. 'S -: ! : i . ... 1 1 : : a i t r . ' money to lean. Persons wishing to boi rfTvvnione.v. who caw ei iire it by lnorvffage on good real Met'omas. who represented a!1"" district adiaeeiit to Wash- '':;! :: ington, used t o Miead more ! U iUu':' H vv,)nlt,r,li than hail' of his time in the (iovermnent depart n.ent in; ! alia'd of ever yw hare, air 1 if estate, can beaceoinniodated jM.arcl. of naironage Tor hu-ril!no See ret a'-y Tra v etAdu !i osne of ilio coiaiii-aiis ;.', t - to Wh b or . i was se i i m,i i ei aa s a : :' ve, i ui ! he a-a: , I : I i a , . T . t 1 lit' v. :' aa.- 1 1 ae way ine name suoulu 00 ! 1. a i.,...-pclied every wii.'re .Sort'olk i.. ,i The a.di'.ariir.'C-nt. of t ! o . , ... . I '.'e?!!-.,. ;,-;rl,jt nee w;i boat ... a; !iv;i tia the cotiict lease .' ;a ai leaves the way open T , ., n-M; ' '-'r !' ndtier-; in enft Tennes ,-,;m t-)j';''t' r" !' '!,,',v 'heir opposition to convict jator in tiiat re- , :i (!(7 lrei.n Hi ? tv'lf ..... , ,,. v-.'i... ; doa.bt lei:'. cons1 nr-thofailnre , i . , . ' j ' a 1 1; asaen.bly to relie v e h I in !b i,i(i e'abanaviag site, a- ' i -: : i :io:i of the . v; ...... i 'a i ti ive wid tluit hcsboaU ; a: . a-o : Ol' tl State to V- ,'' .1.-... J;.. ;-..V:4 if tbe btat , ' .i !.' ear i;is iid lue .i ! i aad reec jje.'.'d P ! ....... ;.. ,..;.(., a . ..- A. (A. t :.. (,; .y applying to . J h, neh:uea,'aad upon one 0;.. i "dd 1-. 1 Ma-y .-Mnall. J.F. stiaimiour. t .('OIK' X. t. - . . , , ! ibii,) n i.i.biir-jns i.-i r A. -1 . t I'irci:"! . iiui toii ..c . . ,., . . ., f f j, . ' " ' tof the ib.UM- b-roerantie-:;;11'' l-,-inVr ' :i!'; y; ' Inn A p!Vriat!o:is for u.e jnaV( m'u,' '"''" -ViyiA. ! )i--ti.. r oftiauaifaa. to de- J'!; i;',;' - - ;'" I'.uCej, pntii'Vi--'.!" '! heat aeeeessar." items in r, d iraa aaiKt ; a;p .a 1 ; mv hr.i.o lor ex,'! ntam s m 1 1 .. ; ;aia,nal"a la-''. . , - , i i, apir ain'iat oi on i u ess as "" ' ,-. e . ... pi., ise raa.-e n-'' A'f.s Willi ' ' , . I .... w . 1 1, . r i j ,a, , .,. ,, it iMi loei-aad ih,-r will re-oeaninds tor appi.in! aaait " ' ' ; V : ci-ive,na.ip1 intent ion, ot her i uader the !i.rrit:t poa-rn-j 1 '"!iU",m;' : wise they will be returned;,,, ,.ut wn'c pranted. H-is a !,r 1 ,ii:5: 1 ::' ; not exei wi.-ffor the want of j ni,.i; .ort nf a MUnv to "c.ialnoave" bat s.. ib fee,. .1). F. HAinn Sn.. ( ivil s. rvi,, Vmnukl)wr -iMriMl l:".dm,:iV -x ra:- . -OUtuf. ill" will bi. as !m:ch!',,'.v -.n-Me..t rea.-e, I ". 11 fr T TT 17 p Tr lout of place as v.-v.il.-l the t.M i' li Scivie-taa..,.: i, iUlljijll.iil:, .1 jbov in the puii.it. He is toM'l'itlKy areavay c:: ..n.a i a 1 1 . I ami ::' av.-aiie e are j . . , i las ri-la i : es an ' a .' ! a r a . v i , -." I re ' . ,1 i ':- a:' " ii i !a pi't se. . ' t , : i , Cf i l : 1 .1 , a 0 I would libf tosavtom v ft iie' i'i "Wta .eat aaxl Mn-romi.lin'r cour nice line ot s v n i ng a i) srji M f r; ' ei.d llieS.l : .. V. ;dov, ; .j !'i ;:!!-' '.ne.Mil : b-'fo a-. No ui-.aarue !ia -r i ' 1 r. eb r l l . 11)11 .,,!...,! i, . I .......a. ... i r lt ....... i. . . ... . v i i iae arai:;. i to ae aeira-. ; -mv'i-' r u-.aa a--a u. a: -! i " ' -" 1 , . I...,, v., - :.-in-.i '-ue coaHeaeial on ol i!:s : 'esraea eara' r aro mv was proven that he pr.ano!- ed by dead bean-, misers a a-: i M( ,aai,,s ;s h,.;,e p.sskreek .-. :i t,.. Ha ;T.33 rdher-in-law after he oih- r nuisances that app. o-i ,,,! until saeb ti-,,e., .h,!h a- b,a hi- b.-e and am i.eivin-r every veek, u!lii' l"-''" caught selliagu li-t j priate their pap.-r to tli.-ii L;-'-vtary of Vi:r sba!! -i-..;.t ii'a. OI the questions to le UmvCiI j OvVU pleasure and pf:-:!i, v, id : .., ;i ,t p.;j ;-. i - - - in an examination., i plea.se jend the tmnu-sof.ueh j The i-obiier h.s U'cu wi - J iff T! , 1 l-i, 11 i li.ujli iil-i, hti.-.tj --il.. hla.j ,.f-.',.. If 4 :.. .! . .- i i . . . " w...' ". i . u...' j .!. ...... 4i . !.e ; j ;nj ; -1 i a - a a a i i i a r MlLl-IXElil AXDXOTIOSS we-k toiiiorrow, but ov,-ingaiv abb u sabw ribeaml paj p riuV-a t .v, aiv aia y.uX" 1 !; When vtiu corae to Lrroir, IjtoMie eontmueO wi aagMi-g : tor the paper their name;t!.rv bolievia all a v;; ;a a-a1;::. aba, rno;- : !:. ; ;a of Teu- ' ! s ' ' . !- s-.-e, t.i.lay wired ilovevn ' "" b ! o. .a-a. i.-.; L.aa a'a.y, that 'rl""e, .e !,: n !b .!-!.; iici UTiM t i-'Mt e---; a , a-.' .:;',( ' . : : !a;a-- VverR ;' '' ; .:''!! !":g o release be con- ' ,; ' ' A ' ': ;- i-a 1 b,- aide's ;;t idaey- ' ' '. :. ' " a! - ioa,i. :.a-.ays T!a; same -i! ' " ' -a b i '. ,. ,!.. a;. va.d.-.; Ten 'el ca m c jr. ;..';:!::: :v!v;i -'- ..aaiviets. p- o!: v.a.,1-; ,- (.ov. iieoan to re- na-,-: H;U l-.V.le.s:... b)V. . i. : ; -! a , d i bat ia ivatdd b ) ai: a: h"..-. ;-)'.": bo pro- i"f- " - : - a b- !"' tbd-.-elb-erPcd, '.' I . - -a . . , . . .. , . ' -. x . i '. .i;."Pa:. :? ; ";" :-' 1 - 'die. ta i!e : .:t t!:at ..- ns liM'.;; ua.i'a'.. a I. b". ' a a-' --:-,' are Hablr .o ! ai de hun liuuidtrthelaw-s of vb;:: State. ; t ! ti-'eed, 'Vf ha ve nn.lersaood ''-'d ; bat: ti.-re v.-a a. strong pub lb Lv ;ib" siaai "uenv d-'nac.dir gtaafc : i: da; i '.- sboald cot lower : tbe ft uv (o i b1 ininhss ele iaieat. ! a I ; tb- cbvauisi an p.. d-'.-- U -t .-.p.- aor nub ia. ly that i;,.;w. ; this mutter m y bret-.i dis'- tui i-anees. v, e la;ae. tiowev- a (ml. When you corae to Leroir, Ijr.ae eontmueU wi aagaiig tor the paper their nanieHhey believia,;" all Uie wlb.l-v V. r ,., ' ' . 1 er. tb i i srood Sens,- and good would be oWis'sHbr you to call; sonong those who claim the will be framed. V not, then dhat he was ,h ad, uad nav h d , .'.)' ihi i''M:: " 1 : d ld ei? i.v aabip !!ay iuAoat any and see me. I nolicit your cus-j right to advise hi m, he has j that's all right ( oarnj, ronpaears a di.-tr--ss.-d, a-j'!';:;' ";"fd' 1 i:" ''".'""' i -aba Uaia to resuds 01 torn. Orders tilled promptly by j made bnt little headway iun- Sluudnnl. " jmei'ied -dd nuxn ids'iasd " 1 'd' '" !:!" ( '',V,! 3:1 '"'L ,'"as" l! . . mail. MostResp., k i n g appointments. Satur- Mtdn i,.' attracted" g.-eat 'alt-n-if- WVuu's di: ,'kI;y'H Z-Tlf MPS.M..X.lI0riT0X. day ex-Representative Jlor- tion in tne southern part of' b:t.k Wi,,s tA,.rVoJ 5ll iAiv Tna. v r m..,-oi' " row was aoooiati'd Undo.) i !"'. '-J ck-i.w. w-uiiift in-...:. ... . i. . . ....d -, ... lauaiiiie ueinciih on ie heun, -''da tdbi:a' Idb'"!''-. ei 7-.-nojr.Xdr,. May 21. ' ji'Owvvas appointed t:n i ted j "dr ui j Ibbiois, an- has excited t!rj Tyl y-kriS,

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