i X 0 V fiti ft f f TCt) 5i "1 1 CUD vUCLU; f4 f-7 -J i! ,5- VOL I nut' i:ssnK.iL. w. p.. ( mwnu,, .h: Attokv.y at La . boom:, voyahja ( orxrv, x. c. rnrnsDAY, novi:miji:k. ik; 1M1. NO. !W .ill.;rti let i lIr. Hani Mt nivMv ! liin i.-i l.irr l..,tr .f I!ir !. ;0!louj. Ilif ? ftJ. Go, agami Hull, -i . .. M I: :,c l'nii,1 I'n. "Ml Ticr.i o n E jplar C.r-.,0.-.d: V. B. ')I N('.L. 1(H ".', N. ( '. N. C. M. I. Hill. K I now -t.lir'.J Ili.H I . II : . .. : ii ....... n i. 1 1 .1 1 I !i hi is iil hi V VIT.V Hiaiy I o r ; ; !!,); !;:;!( ;; 1 ;;-j o I. -1 t i -' ire !:e i Is imiii:! .-.mwiiI i i '' "n- following fi 'iiii ue. ai:i announces i M States S.-s!a!,,r..,.,'t from S. S-o Pen-. T; Imago. f Brook- i '!' s w it It id '. .'ui.p-i U;ls -! ovei G.-n. "P l.vn: rp-.iJun s .f !.; I,.,!,,! a.,;.-i I ;,!:'' ' n " I ' t .'i liv il,.voic I 1 II'' . ill I.H'I .hl:f. iiiu.m Besidei.t 1'hysi.ian. Pliice on KingStr.vt north oi'l'o-i . -.... .. E. F. LOVII.I. ATToliNKV At I aw, Boon X. (. l. c. beeves. I'n vsn 'i ax and Sn:a:o Office at Residue?. Boone, N. I,. I). LOWK. Aitoroey at Law Vll . ,,, , , , c , . ' .il.iss-.-!,:j..t,s:l,., .tvforpvf fowls .f tic. -in. foi t i-v so-.v1,-J'-... t i.. ,.f tlijit Mr i i 'i ii, ! i -'-"stnn.ln.r t!, l-i;'.- I. .,,n.;,in. l-t h r r,-,,, I V, .,, info v t" 7T" V'f" i' ii'i. thai Will no iiii r; t ! in I ir ia'picss!(li! tli.it t!i ni-'ilt., !.,.. ,.,i.:.. .., ... , . . .. .. . . nr. ati-l .!-;, f,. , s vi..w. ipIoiMatircii.irr, :!!uwr tli-, c-timl...;,t , Mi. Ii.i-y ha. I !yu!;i-h ti-s- P.y .,l ,v,,l.l i, n; i'. K"i'tt!l!1 fatl'h'-iS'li'.-'X 111 V I tii' imiii!o:-!ov !.:. ;. iis; Hi. i'iatt r t!n vnrkc: ; t' it-ciw hiiM. Ii.' ti.hl lih !.', iinr-al hank-: i-i I T :I.-i -1 T , ; thi" ioIi,-vof this(hvi; niin'iit i ihoiori nnj cl-fcw lici-c. Inst I in !. iViyr uitli ;t ii ;n'iloi tin nnlii?jic(. ..f the i.-iMi'- iv t uait? is inoi-i tl..- hi i! sil m. - t 1 attain lie sa: i lievi'd "-p'l'' Fiis Vi"H vi r qiiiv-tioii he , o. t!li MKin i'"'. i .1 ;..' t !. ! i i in Ai;i"i- " A i not iwo spai'iows so. South r;lro!iti;i will f.ill i'M th ui i- It, 'u K. ,,. . ; ' ' i 1 1 1 1 : i is i f ) 1 forpittc;'. i' i'.:l!l Ifidi a liiii! m'll. r 1 m i"if iioii. ill (' ill 1 1 1 c: tor m saitlini'jr, an-l vd t w ! aWnosl ; ,.i man. ' 1 j-,,, -mcv Alli- anmni-ii f.f S ut!i ( 'aio!;;;a. llMwh.f i i U.ris (.f f!;r rM. mnlf mlU,! I.v t 4..r , , V ll'. ll't.V, .'irf I ''iliocr.'lt i in r fi i -AXI- xotarv rrnur, I!.n.m:i:s i:i.k. n. v. i ... 'itiiiiaiiiii(,j(iiiiii'riiiti.ii.iii.l..ii...- . l ;t i r . i1.! iii c .t i ' ,I,ti 1 1 1 ' n- nt thi l.ii'aKf.isl. or the i- to vote ur t i-i:iDeratic j !1H1ttTnaI,ls,e,lt,o:,.;),!.il l.oM,,. of . In t pos,,,, ,, ; r, ev,,y t i-ton an-1 flutter or tlm tf;,.t;,1(1), :,,. wh .ever . , v war. .s.,,,1 he: -It .sow. " ave. U .l:e,v,ht ,s nor to out of every Lrrove ami nost;,,,, ,,.. fn,.(,.t fo f(l,Vh'! Ml' ":st en'i- jut.i.-.v to preserve -,v. hoiK.r-, ' l.rou-Iit upon t! niire v.n.W j o;iv,.s nf 0 v ,. v j ' ' , . ' . pliaticaMy that he.Ii.l not lw; anle anil strict neuiralitv, :n , .N.-itioiiaMi.-inkinir svsl mh. Ittiouse. Wear., l.'irrhv the! 'ti t r ' i- , ',,'v,,,ll;" t!,"f " in; rsofSouth was.loneilurin-thelat.Mvaruu.lersto.ltl.at Secretary joivhanls :v,A awxS'im ' , , '"t " ' 'Ti "i , V' Vf n ' r"1 in ,I;"!;,a inrhili. Teuiptin-o.nnie, n,,e, wi!.. i,M,is annua! ,;the harvest h..fAine CI I I M TI. I 1 ill 11 l.l.l .1 , I f.i lit .. i I II )!! ! i!Hit 1.1 V n- 1 I. .. 4. . " ' i.U Mlllll HMMl!. 1 I "1 '"I ' ' ' i I ' ' Ii I I M I L l 1 I , i I I'A Slll'n lli'it ?m nwfnl I.. .1 . . . . may lie offered forouraiil ;,,.jit s wenkness in t Ii ' i v Mini jli,-.yon.l -alcuht ion. So i hi ' Stephen- ' ' ' " " inflneni'i In-ii. n 1 li.i a ' in if lack i if i it i m-.- 1i. , ,.i ; i... n .. i' : , . . rM:;;!:;,":' :'s "-ii u-. so mei -vni -ni l .e w, , ,,, , innriMiiu- ji,u i ii , inn i iiMM iii. imi;i i u i nuTieui rural ilcr'arrmeiit at this wo have not deeme. ft 1 1 is to hhsnie for tliohoo.l ' Wasl.iu.ri-nn tnll n ln viv II. J. Q. WILSAB, DKNTIST, IIl.K VXitK, XOUTII CAUOUNA. my eanai v- hiril that has ji.st ilied.' iv!. I iv.v ... : l ' (. i i 1 1 Im consistent will, the ohli- j inkia-of t hlep.u t inent hy , 1 l(ive coiaiuitteeMl , j ' ' V ' ' .: ationsofint-rnationaiho-i-nnsouai haul.-. eornnea, u TJ ' :". " ii .. . i F ,.,,(: .,.. ,,. i, . .ii , ... .. -.iiii . im ; 'un, 1 1 uuiM'fi i -' i 1 I i 1 ' 1 " 1 , i a s mi i ii is sn m'v r nro or ami p,-ooi will." Tt suielvl ll' o:i! limit h ive heen lifTienlt for , "! f'"' ,;tuIilit.'s i'arSp;'akei ; fif.;,.,,f Nenor Montt to keep his face ! 'ouhl he ciectfd. Votes are : r-adv Th rse ve I'reder;.- Taylor, a promi nent .New Vcrk le-puhliean. has written an open letter to Mr. John Claf'lin assi;rnin? liossistn and uvtivinc protee-tio-iism as the causes of the recent llctnililif'iii .l,.r..if i,1 liisnf ,,,,, rrv urm'iiLi- that the nart v nailer. fiave nl-j Surelv, iiT.od do-lares his i t;li ;l "'Iti t ion of 'the Mc- iximi; nil 111. ljJIIKimJirik. hy so!iie of the extremist. Oilers his jiruf to the ii.'kIpIi Wnlini'i'a ead adjoining (i:n-ties.t.'-VA'0 ,,;, )n;i1i'':fl lisrtl anil .ill work n;ir;u)ti I Mnv 1 1 y. upon hooks are not i'v',1,,,,,, j.i . i , str ii-ht while listening t o mighty searee here, l.e(-au.-e!lf.,lt(.,i. Wh:1t i ,n,wf ,lm,iJ ' , '"V.' , utni iiim. in-ilMlillliril III U.l V- .1 : ! f 1.; I. fi 4 .,n. :.. l f ,,... 1 .... I'SSIoil.li si-i iifs i i ii . - ii 1,11-iii i : ii i.iik, in vi"V-'" i ot .Mltllrll. i (,f f i; verv stent limn vmi.... . i ii , . . I ' 1 ' . I 1 1 ' l " I 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 U I 1 1 1 1 . 1 V ; tho House (dnml what will he most a hH,Vw, of .0;rnn, fof HI is no nurrv , fe - ve u i i,r tl,.. ,..foia;t.i, , . , : i . .i wi!:i-; T lf no I lea Die , raent nf :i nnhlii- umO i...,..-. I ' ' , " - ' 'I. I'll III III , t'. .tflOLui khHt ATWIiM-A'M LAW, MAIUOX, N.C -())- Will iimH ice in ihc courts of ntii ima.A.siie, .ill telle: I, .wcPow the newspapeis of the entirejlo irwive. It 11 . . . . ' 1 1. .. i 1 1. .. i: . I. . : . i . .. Mono were rinmu: w 1 t Ii ! 1 "' 1 1 :"; "."i in:; nenweui lie , Anieriean ivominhood that fliai-es of had faith made hy j Yw'x '!v,,';'1 r t!i, '"''-ishall he oppos,1 1o the hird this (lovcrnmont a j? n i n s 1 1 -.ir.didates has a.n.iin ta-Ul..Uio-htor. ' If onee thev real Ilipohto, the iirosonti'110''1 vicious and per-jiz.i ft,,-, Wro?!'x thov will pxtin presidentof Hayti, heeau-e 'tonally abusive style t ha t i .-nish it. of his nfusal to cede the Mole ; U -" o m. How I sympathize. Tho I'resident has issued his proclamation appointing .ove;iHer "tli as Thanks- i depreciated ! St Nicholas to the I'nitd 1 r(o1 headed fri.-ud.- ! Tho kindly am s o n pr f u 1 soi no I, inks have omnuvh enemies States, in keeping with th ..j I - candidates uhen it was hvithout hu-nan antarronisiii. promise ho had made to oh-jlhst li!-;;un sever d months; x0 crearm-es of Hod have a tain the support of this f!ov- i hot -heads seem ! Ii:irdM' tiu'o tolivot.hnn Ihov oil and all oilier co.inics in tin- ornmon ton id him in drivini 1"' si-ht of tliofaet t ha 1 1 Fith. Ucv hav ptio with thom, especially in tho tf'vii'f day. U'o are flad to see ine oDscrva.ico ot this autumn, when they have to move. In many a troo-top they, day after day, hold their semiannual eon vent ion, moving and passing resolu tions on tho subject of mi jrration: some propo-inr to jyo tomorrow, some moving t o xo today: some movinir to i'o to Ih-azil, some to Flori- west.'i ii Ji.-trict t.-if" Special at ten 1 ion viven to collection o claims, "i-K Ed M, Madroi), i'OH- Xori h ;ii-o .'a. Offers his i.roi''.-isio:i:il sei-vic' 1.) the ieep!i' (it'this an. I aiijoin hi-coii -;tii's. All woik , ;ioii t j it !y done and sal ihfactioii u.ir.in k.'cd. Oct, i7, :'. mo. rresidont. Lefitiine out of"A!ii,i Hayti. and in assumine; tho every word they say is 1 reas-ji)ns jn 'j'u, oades Presidency thereof himself. That was an odd sort of honorable neutrality, wasn't it? And Senor Montt must- have wondered if Mr. Harri son considered his bargain with the insurgent Ilipolyte n1' '"j da. some to th taldedands iii.-Miiiv:'i.i...iii'a..f,iii.. ti- i i " " "in i i ae annua i Kuuroom. as man ,.F Af,.;...i. ..n : "consistent wit'.i the obliga tions of int; rnatir,i,al hanor and -ood will." Even Mr. Harrison's friends admit that he made n mistake in I he phrasing of thisspoeoh. short as it was. It is evident 1 hatsomosort ii.y hotel propc. lv in tl.et.nn,,, f)f M js h(lj h;,t(.iM,(, I'none, .ort ii ( -nroliiuv, ninl Willi , . ,, notht:. 1 1 oli'l I'lOhtrty tbi y.-ih. On nccmnit of failliif;1 lienltli of invseli' and wifV', I otter lorsnle inn-lll HI-.. III" IVO-ieS. IIICli,, , -ora 41, , i: ,, . I i'" i i iinii i 1 1 - nui.si iUDI.ea,isj(.f0VS thosnairre s. are their L... c... i.. .. i ,. r,. fi...... , i-.i i , mi uie 'iaeu. area i. 'i iiii.il- .i.i ii... i i in- assa I anrs i hen the un-.i i- if j" i.i,'i iii .ii pau. 1 ne;r-nnes (iasll 1 Hem a.CCiltnst the . , i-i ... I , i, , j , a' ti.. I ,.. , ....... i .. . i . i , ..I ' V ' V ll K MM t-l -11-l i 11 i.ll- :.. 1. J 1 1 j 1 .1 i , i w "'i- y vm , ... no i.si's. i l ; l v e f hem i rn ur. il up by t m Lord. written iif'tho pictorial vol- Speakei; all it asks is that the men selected hi1 sound up on the fundamental princi ples of t he pal ty. here is not a belted king fisher, or a chaffinch, or a fire-crested wren, or m plover' 0 r a red-leyeed parfridii'e. 1 ..4. i. . 1. 1 If tie' news rooeiv-eil l,v- I lie I,., i-, !,.:,. ion, expects to spenu every ' '"I" i i.iii ''ii ii 'i i.m i.ii 'i is ii! ,.; i ,. in ii.oi,ii. iiiim.Mn acre isicOUtenil it'auist, Ullil W'llilta it) teie;;t aphi' wires, andtoss In in into tiie sen. 'and drive them back in their senai-an-uual n,i''Tatio;i. And thev day is becoming verv uener- al at tho South, us it has lon been at the North. Even if we regard it merely as a holiday, it. is desirable, that tho people should enjoy a fes tival in the fall season; but more or loss the occasion al ways brines with it ideas pertinent to the purpose of its institution, and even though 'hnnksjvivin-rs rind no formal expression, yet t liesentiment pervades the day, and we feel better because of it. Ex; sell low for cash and make terms to suit tiie buyer, and will take leal o personal property in cx- lianj;e. Applv soon. W. b. I'.ltVAX. Xotirc. For sale. 1)00 acres of land, on Rich Mountain, Watauga County, on which is .asbestos, and line land forsheep ranch. Sales private. E. I). Eowe !c . T. I'"ure.orson, Ex'trs. of Mrs. A. V. ('alioway, deed. I'.anner Elk, Nov. 1." ')(). ' IScRey to loan. Persons wishing to boi row money, who can secure it by inortfrnjre on u;ood real estiito, can beaccommodatcd by apiilyina; to J.F. Sptiinhour, I'oone N. C. or A. J. C'riteher, I Iortcm N. C. 4. 2L - XO'lICE. Parties putting papers in my hand for execution will plea se n d vn iicp the fees wi t h the papers and they will re cei ve prom pt a t ten t ior , other wise they will be returned not executfc! for the want of fees. Jk F. Baiuo Suit. whereby (he postmasters of the count ry .an1 to make their inllucnce felt in tin1 election of delegates to the 1'epubli cati National Convention. It is needless I o say that this movement is in the interest of tho present occupant of the White House. It is heimv manipulated by I'oss Clark son, aided by Mr. Wana ma ker, who is said to be ambi tious of becoming a politi cian. Witlrn the last w.eka number of the nore promi nent postmasters have been in Washington, 1nd none of them went away until Cl.irk son had taken' them to Mr. anamaker's re s i d e n e e, where a secret conference was held at which the whole jiro t?rainme wfis e-one over and explained, as far as Boss tlarkson deems it wise to trust t-lio postmaster;'. The only aid that Mr. Wnnuma ker can give is to let the post masters know that he ap proves of their undertaking the work mapped out f o r them by Boss Clarkson, who lets them understand that trust vvorny, i. u e nurry in that ca-udry is over anil the republic still lives. Ex-(Jov. Foraker is here, ostensibly o n professional business, but itisknown that ho is pulling some wires that run pretty close I o Mr. Blaine in oi di r to get help m his liejit against Sherman. He is going home today, but he will return on tiie.'hd inst., to help the ''nicinnuli folks try to capture iherepublican National Convention. Tiia I.i-f.-i rj- Wips 1,1 0i ti'rtif'. New Oiaa-.v.vs, Nov. lltli A ni iniary elect i - -1 i was Iield in tin's city to-day to elect delegates to tliebeiiiOiTatieSriitt'Convonlion. The elect ion was one ot the most exi iiing and hot I.v contested ever held hero anil turned on the lot tery issue. The anti-lottery Dem ocrats, who are opposed to the ie-ch,i i ter ot t lie l ittery compa ny, put a full ticket in the field. The other faction, in favor ofsuli niittiugthe lottery quo-stion to papular vote, carried the city, by a majority of more than eleven thousand in the largest primary vats ever polled here. They car ried all the seventeen wards, and elected the Kit) delegates. It is considered a severe blow to the anti-lottery party. KTThe Democrat one year for one dollar. Subscribe.- gauntlet of earth and sky they run before they come in range of a sportsman or tax idermist. For (Jod's sakoand the harvest's .and the orch ards' and the gardens', of which they are the natural de fenders, let their live, and re member thai, while you have navies and armies to keep off other enemies, against, whole kingdoms o'' si inging, besoil ing and (loathful .animaleuhe, there is only one weanot; that has over been formed or over will bo formed, and that is a bird's beak. Do not pull down your own fortresses. Do not spikeyourownguns. Do not carbine your own 'avalry. Instead of this perpetual shooting and stoniugofyour feathered friends, feed the snow-bird f n m y ou r w i n d o v, and listen quietly to tho song in the forest, and coax the advances of these bright croa tares of God. Do not kill tho musicians. Do not shoot the orchestra. Do not assassinate these pri ma donnas of the sky. The world has enough groans, but not enough roundelay; enough sigh, but not enough carol; enough dirges, but not rat the South; for a- partmonts are ordered for them it! South America, or Africa, and after thousands of miles of flight the.v stop in tho same tree whore (liey spent the previous .lanuarv. In every autumn loj them strew the continent w ith music. THEN' AIJI) .ii.iV. .Mc; I, li ii iiurtr Times The Farmers' Alliance we un derstood to be org-i'iize I as an industrial and non-polit ieal in stitution. Its conM it at ion i;-i un d 'lstood to distinctly forbid its i.mmii any parr in politics as an organization. This is the kind of an order which nine-tenths of til people now in it tliaiiiiht they were joining, but in listening to the oritory of the .lorry Simpson order one hears nothing hut pol itic", and poli I ics of the oldest and stalest type, and in reading some of the Alliance liapers noth ing is to bo found hut politics, and politics of the oominonplaer and inildowol variety, a.t that. How refreshing it would 1h to hear an orator from Kansas or elsewhere, and read a paper from Washington or elsewlnav. discuss ing practical problems which the farmers are daily grappling and contending with. As time progresses the fear fill havoc made by Confeder ate bullets upon the Federal armies becomes more and more apparent. Commission er Hauin has already grant ed about 700,000 claims for pensions and says has 900, 000 more on file. Of there latter, he aays fully half n million are original claims. Every man, woman and child capable of carrying a mus ket in the South during the war must have wingednYan-kee.-Phil. llscord.' Th" host sub-treasury ware house scheme that can be a- iiopted is for each man to have a big barn well filled with the products of his own farm. What good would a subtreasury and government barn do the man who has nothing to pawn therein. Ca rolinian. Bk Kind to tui: Aukd Deal very gently with those who are on the downhill of life. Your own time is com ing to where they are now. You too are stopping west ward. Soothe the restlessness of age by amusement, by con sideration, by non-interence and by allow ing plenty of oc cupation to fall into hands that long for it But lot it be of their own chcosing, and cease to order their wayc from them as though they were children. Ex. Many Persons are trotecn down from overwork or household carci. Lirowu's Iron Iiitter.s FcbuiioSti.e system, aids digestion, removes excetii 01 Uiii uuj cure m&luria. Oct the gvnuiria. The publication last week that the Alliauce had carried Jerry Simpson's county in the recent Kansas election was an error. It went Re publican as did also Peffer's county and the county of ev ery other Alliance Congress man. Landmark: .1

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