The Watauga Democrat, ; Id.Miw itrtc finiily ih-- (mint v. .tJit.ii.l Nation. rtih - jth li1i.-f'V r Tliunl.i al Phh.hi. Watauga ('.Mini y, N.. MIMTK The iVmti Meting of the Three Fork Assoriation mt with CovctWk Hunch. Fii-,.iy.Nov.-7tli. 1SV.1. TIh introductory scimm preach ed hv VMor .1- H. I'm t!iiu from Hb. D-l Ad journed half an liour for dm nr. Met persiiant to ad journment, and the house was called to order by th"iiioder utor. On n otion elected V. S. Farthing moderator anl J. T. Stephens secretary. On motion appointed pastor and rlfieer of the church and a committee on religious exer cises. On motion suspended the discussion of the ques tions in program until to morrow and open a question box. 1st question: (s it right to grant litters of dismission to members when they have not paid t h e i r proportionate part of church ex peaces? Dis ..ikI liv Flder J. 11. Far thing. V. F. Shall and oth ers. Majority say not right. 2. Is the world growing bet ter or woie, religiously? Dis r-nssorl hv Elders A. C. Fnrth- 1112:, and J. J. L. Sherwood 4. On motion adjourned to meet tomorrow morning at o v1mi.L- mid snend half an hour in devotional exercises Met Saturday morning and spent half an hour in devo tional exercises. coiHlllcteu bv Bro. P. (1. Sherrill. First question discussed by KMer .1. J, L. Sherwood and Bro. J. F.Spninhour, and re marks by others. For Scrip tural. Second question discussed by Elder E. F. Jones, Bro. (J. P. Sherrill and others. On motion adjourned one hour for dinner. Met after dinner, singing and prayer. On mo tion suspended the discission of third question on p r o gram, and discussed the ques tion, "Are the modern revi vals of religion conducive to the upbuilding of the Redeem er's Kingdom? Discussed by Elders E. F. Jones and J. H. Farthing. On motion took up third question on the pro gramme. Discussed by Bro. A. M. Mast and Elder J. J. L. Sherwood. On motion the moderator appointed a com mittee on program, time and place for next Union Meeting viz: A. M. Mast, Jas. Mast and J. F. Spainhour. Committee on religious ex ercises teport preaching to me rrow at 11, a. in., by El ders E. F. Jones and V. S. Farthing. On motion agreed to takf a collection tomor row for -the iig'l ministers' relief fund. On Motion instructed the clerk to have these minutes published in the Watauga Democrat. On motion ad journed to meet tomorrow at 1, a. n. Met Sunday morning according to ap pointment; sermon by Elder E. F. JoneH, who preached a splendid seimon from Judg es 5th chapter and 23 verse, to a large and well ordered congregation. After sermon took collection for the aged ministers' relief fund, which amounted to 6.79. (J. S. Farthing, Mod. J. T. Stephens, L'lk. "The man whoclieatB a printer Out of a finale cent. Will never reach t hat Heavenly land Where olu Elijah went. k::v or tiii: iu-tii i:. Anuit, Iowa. Vhre i tln-y key to h r, ttih-; vwi.u an.iwn-rM a '..iMile? KKAHKU. J .DiMwr. The Bistile was 'built by Chill lea V.of France, I in KMi'l as a toval pala-e. It was KilleHiuctltlv Used ,,s a istate prison, in which politi- j al iiriMHiers of the higher ranks wrrc conhlied. These were often imprison-d mr j -.t 4 ..:,! .. .. I , H"'" II" Hill", 1IIHI III HIT M ill lull uniustlv, without trial, and! " .... ' , . , i- if possiiili", tin- tuni'MK h train is on the caprice of the king.u , . . ., . . . ,. . 1 ; Im-IiiiuI its hi IkhIiiIi' tinio, mill as and were fi equeLtlykeptron-i l.Mi,r,m,1.t.,l th,. li mmI therefor years without),. r ing alhnve l to f-peak "r! act in their own defense, or j i,,.,.., or (,twrmti jn on any rail even to know what hail been I IO)Ui ;,, this State, thereby ihiih i harged ng ii:itt them. July j injr delay to any pa!eiigertrain. 14 17SU, a mob att'icked ; the Bast ile, ovel powered thei guards, and demolished the, building. The key of cr door of this prison wasob - tained by (Jeneral Lafayette,)' who sent it to (Jeneral W ash uigt n. 11 : , 1 l.l. ...L-1 U I'U i I 1 cross-handled key of wrought iron, seven inches in length. In offeringit Lafayette wnite: "It is a tribute which I owe as a son to my adopted fath er, as an aid-de-camp to my general, and :u a missionary of liberty to its patriarch." It is still preserved in a glass case among the relies at Mt. Vernon. lntvi-Oivnn. I)E1E. Many of our readers will no doubt n collect the great excitement produced by the killing of State Senator Ste phens, causing the arrest of Judge Keer, Joe Turner and others b.v Kirk and his cut throats during the "Kirk war." Ed. Dem. The State Chronicleha ving published a statement that Dr. Feliv Roan had on his death bed confessed that he and two others, now dead, had murdered Stephens, in the court house at Yam ey ville, in 1870. J. R. Webs ter telegraphed to that paper as follows: "Mr. Robert Roan, a broth er cf Dr. Felix Roan, denoun ces as unqualified false the statement in today's Chronicle that his brothel- had confessed on his death bed that he was one of the three men who murdered Stephens. Of his own per sonal knowledge he states that Dr. Fe'ix Roan was not in Yanceyville the day Ste phens was murdered a n d hence could have had no hand in his death." It is unfortunate that such n publication should have been made, as an impression may be produced by it invol ving in the odium attaching to the crime of murder the families of all the persons mentioned in the publica tion. We are glad that Mr. Rob ert Roan can ho positively refute the statement. News and Observer. Thfl Weight of a (Jralu T h e smallest measure of weight jn use, the grain, has its name from being orignal ly the weight of a grain of wheat. A statute passed in England in 1266, ordained that 32 grains of wheat, ta ken from the middle of the ear, or head, and well dried, should make a pennyweight, twenty of which should make an ounce, while twelve ounc es were to make a. pound The pound therefore consisted then of 7,080 grains. Some centuries later the p e n n ,y weight was divided into 2-i "rains, which makes the troy pound, and as now used, 5, 760 grains. The peuny weight was the exact weight of the old siver penny. Ex. 4 liOOll XOTE. I Tl.. Hnilrond (omuiiion. ai'l it HMiti a f-.v ibiy nr, iiiwle ,.f!j(,uj ru, r ti. p,v. '..m,,,.,.? f railroa.l of!ii iaUtn-rv. ft. r: lii iipvi-r iiii vp.MMi'-i-rtniiii 011 any railroa.l 111 the State .tdiall l ni'iN than thirty miii- Miind it whtilutt' time, it i"11"11" tn.,iuiy 01 sunt railroa.l ...... B II ? '"l'-"' ' mhi' iiii nun 10 keep t v Mnu,n rril!.i wii.-iwver there i anv it shall lie the duty of naid road to have tlie xaine bulletined at nil stations, at ami In 'tween thesaid theout-iI,i'ss,'",r,r;"'1 "I"1 th- Kt l';1' - "'1';" - 'l 8,,a" ,H' T ouij 01 1111; 1 iiiniui mi 10 111 11 111 j the pass'i)'rs in the cars, ln'fore Iciivino Hi" Ktiition. unit of IIiimIi lay probably resulting. 1'rogren hive Fanner. Onion for Iltherla. "Why don't they use on ions! For goodness sake why don't Ihey useonions! Where do they live? I will go up there today and tell them to use onions! Such were the exclamations of our mothers savs the Dan vers M i r r o r, when we reported one day at linner that a child of 0. IV. Dudley was dead, and theen tire family, including himself, alarmingly sick with dipth ria. Mother was moved to these earnest and interested expressions by a firm belief that she knows of several lives saved by the use of on ions in diptheriu, one being our sister. In these cases raw onions were placed in a ban dage and beaten to a pup the cloths, containingoniows juice and all, being t h e n bound about the throat and well up over thenars. Renew als may be made as often as the mass becomes dry. In the cases noticed the result was almost magical; deadly pain yielding in a short time to sleeiw comfort. The editor adds the wieh that thisreme dy migl't have a wideenough trial to fully test its useful ness. Scit-ntith: Atnerhnih Some of the town chap who can figure out so nicely just how the farmers could make money if tkv would be "more economical" and use "better judgment," woulc confer a lasting benefit upon humanity if they would give an exhibition of their won deruil ability. Western Ad voeate. First Yankee: If I had been Ad am I would have died a million aire. Second Yankee: How ho? Frst Yankee: I,d a got a patent on women. Texas Siftings. MILLINERY. -0 I would liketosny toniyfriends m AVata.iga ami surrounding eountien, that I ha ve now on hand aud am receiving every week, nice line ot SPRING A D S U M M F R MILLINER AND NO When vou come to Lenoir, would be pVasod for you to cal and see me. 1 solicit your cus torn. Orders filled promptly by mail. Most Ilesp., MRS. M. N. HOKTOX. fxnioir, N. (?.. May 21. Biv,Tn from orerwork or fiooeehold ciue. liovvn's Iroa Bitters Rtbuiirti the yteui, tiJs diMtion, rrmoves ex-ss of Liie. ud curve malaria, titt tlie teuuui. L. COLMCi! & BfO, , ELK PARK, - C -O- room mend aicl I in i.-e whom vc wi.-h to make fiieh bvfair and liloral .iealim: and prom pt attention their wants, we would toj that our stock of Is complete and T.ALL TIMES KEPT SO We buy nr.d sell ountry Pkoim ce of almost every description, dealing liberally with the producers. We always keep on hand a ull line of DRY GOODS, (JRO ERIES, PROVISIONS, etc. And call especial attention to our Winter stock-of DRY C.OODS, NOTIONS, ROOTS, SHOES, etc. 'a refully; selected in thelarge markets and which we are constantly udding to, as our increasing business de mands. It will alwnvs be our pleas- ure To Show Our Goods And we feel sure it will be to the interest of buyers to ex amine our stock before buy ing elsewhere Our splendid stock of CLOTHING Vnd CENT'S FURNISHING goods can not be easily sur passed, and we most earnest ly request that person need ing any thing in this line will Give US a trial From a knitting needle to a keg of nails, .ill of the best material that can be purch ased on the leading markets and we guarantee prices as low as the lowest. In fact, our stock is full and com plete in all department. ' tFS mail orders prompt ly tilled, as heretofore, and satisfaction guaranteed. ''SSI We thank the public for their past liberal patronage and trust to receive, as we think we shall merit, a ( 011 - tinuation of the same, llesyieetfully, I. L. COUNC1LL & BRO. Elk Park, Dec. 10. W. L BEYAN,T"- ns now 011 exhibition nt I.'." . rmr r...r t i IMAMMDTII SIOUK. ! on Main stut-t, which is the; Wilmington MrssriigiT, dargt.handoiueit ami Iw'Nt1 a i.aim.k kii.iit-i'.u;k cai-ku tMiuiNii house in Wei-tern ; Ii yon want a reliable piqH-ie 1 iii-tb t';ii-i!iiii tb. bnf,st 'trivuijr on nil the m s of the and umst ina.inecnt sum k i of iFALL and WINTER GOODS ever exhibited in t hi wet ion 1 would call your attention to the mammoth STOCK -OF- DRY GOODS which can not be surpassed anywhere in this country. -o largest line 1 have the t)f 1 ent ntiiiui ever exhibited in thiscounty, My.line of Clothing is larger, and better assoi ted thanever before, SUITS running in rneuf sizes from 31 to 42 and in boys sizes from 6 to LSyears and rnnmnsr in price from $3 to $25 also have a nice assortment of extra PANTS ranging in price from $1.50 to $7. o Hats, Hats. A nice lot at the very low est prices. ve can nt any body. Call and examine our stock before buying else where. -o- IVt I HAVE THE LARG EST LINE OF SHOES IN WATAUGA COUNTY. All grades, sizes, stvles ard prices. I MAKE A SPECIALTY of- 01L GRAIN BOOTS & SHOES. I can give you better prices than any one else. I gun van tee pvkes. .My stock of Groceries, Hardware, Glassware, Tinware, Drugs, Tobaceon etc. is complete. I am agent or the New Home Sewing Machine, the best on earth In connection with other business I run a Hotel aad STABLE, Feed which we think is equal to 1 any in the county, and we guarantee our prices as low jis any in the County Thanking my customers for past favors, 1 remain Very Respectfully, W.L. Bryan, I A COMPLETE !EWSPA ' PER I'ri leof tJa North C1110 na l're.' i Do von want to aid in 1 t i I. ! i n l; ',, ',.,,. ,.,u ,,riin. "'b -aal ter w lure it ,uay Then i.atroi.i.e :V,,a '"""rati.- iic-H,m,?.r imai equal me im nas ine largcHt circulation, and ha tor tneiity-om yearn !evu 1 part and factoiin the-rrowth aiidilev- Veloliliicitt of the (lid North State? Then ubKcrb for Til WtLMIKliTON S!M M. Efl. Campaign Rartes: The"I;,ilv Messeuirir." bv mail. 1 months on trial, for The weekly "Transcript Mes senger, iilie largest and best pajM'r in the State) U months on trial for SI. 00 (ash in advance. Hoth papers are larg Eight-Page sluvts. Send Postal Card with t headdress ot" fivr. per sons and receive sample co- ies ot 1 hk Mknsexijkk. uct. Jst. lsss. tr. TAKi; Tilt: Glilcago and Alton R, R, -lauxc- West and Northwest KuiigrnutH going to any of the Western States or Territorief? will save time and money going via. Chicago and Alton route, t is the quickest route to KANSAS CITY, DKNVKR, PC ICR Lo, And all points in Idaho, Wash ington, Oregon, Ctah and California. Finest mid Ftjuippwi Roiid in the West. Only lino running Solid Vesti bud trains between St. Louis and Kansas City. Reclining Chair cars and Tour 1st Sleepers free of extra charge. I will meet parties at any rail road station w ith through tickets and baggage checks. For full information, maps and descriptive pamphlets of the West write to or call on R. A. Nkwlani), Traveling Passenger Agt., 1!) Patton Ave., Asian flic, N. C. J. Chakltox, (i. P. A Chicago, III. Huf 11itl hrtaaw kinkm Mini ftmrk for bv Ana Pf, Attla rJr nar. AHiiti, Vf ofcaw ymm haw it bii ipi nut. in nb)v -r wt i- n Tr' 'r bnke . w ami mg im. N n.i.,n.1ift 1. rrtt.-nlrtfr. . 't M 1 " i.Tftnutf . ST aln A ValtFr Btik to hritflf tch any in a 1; .atf IIfmi irronflf Ctthar 111, who tin iad and wrir. aud who, after ttntriK'tion, wtll moth lnduatriou! how lo tarn Taraa Tanuaj4 Dalian a lha -Itgaiioo or rniltTm-it,at hirh 7011 ran ara thai nmouDt. No iinmv fur mt unlet iiipaafiil aa abi-ta. fcailly unci qaickljr IramrJ. I -i.ii re but oitt naikar from aach dinrirt nreeuniv. I likvc already taugtf and piartdad with am)-torment laif another, who am mikfrit uer IXi a tch. li t K K W nd MMfi. Kut) i.Ait;cHlr ft K EK. AddrM al ertra. Hi. t', Al.l.i:. Bw 40. t HKiitiH, tanrt.. T In their (twn localtliei.whri-r th wlllataaninlah ' 'f " .r ' vie. i J. -m i:'.is .-fl .-4 UNION SQURE.MY.-,, W. L. Bryan, , Boone, N.l. r r 7i a. ir "mi w r m h : xi m 11 pa Csreetp, end Tf ie-Mai'te obtained, mi all Pat ent busi'.itn coiductcd for Moiierete Fee(, Our ones It (Jpoi"J U. S. Patent CtRct, and wj ru seenra patent In 1M time tban thoM remote fron Waiair.ic-oB. fenJ model, drawiiir or pLoto., with deecrlp don. We adrine, U pstcutable or aot, free of charge. Our fee not one till patent Is eecured. A im!litt, "II ow to Obtain Patente." with namet of actnal clienta in your State, county, of town, lent free. Addreu, C.A.SfJOW&CQ. S. pamphlet of Information an4 b- ,- a umt of tb Im, ibowlnn How to f S OoUIn PtnM, ru. Trade, V MuU. CopyrliitatJ, MBt frt.,- V-V.iu HflUMN a QQ.,4J f v-i 31 BrnJwH, f