31 U - - 1 vijy M f , ft 'J r V. c TtT VOL 4 professional. JiOONI., I WASH I NC TUN A' 'V vi'' rnrvrv nirr.sDAY, -iantaiiv, 11. !!-'. no. W. OUXC1LL, Attokxky at La v. r.oone, n. c. W. II. COUXCILL. M. D. IitlOllH, X. C. Jlesident Physician. Oilier un Kinjr St 1 vet nurtli of Post Office. E.F. LOYILL Attorney At I -aw, Poono X. C. PR. L. C. EEEYES. PHYSICIAN A XI) Sriii;)N Office at Residence. Poone, X. C L. I). LOWK, Attorney at Law -A.n- KOTARY PlJIiUC, IJANNKU'S ELK. X. C J. ft. VflLBAB, DENTIST, ELK PAKK, XOr.TII CAROLIM. Oflcrsliis profi-nsioiml n'rvin s to tlifl pcopli- ot Mitchell. NVntmi-ia inul ndjoinitifr coun ties.0rAo hart wutoinl nsnl nml nil x ovk&n;ivniitivd."ti May 1 1 y. j, v. mmim, ATTORNEY M LAW, MARION, N- ( -(o)- Will uractiro in the courts ol Watauga, AhIip, Milclidl, McDow ell and all other coimticH in the western iiistrict K"Sppcinl uttcn tion given to the collection of ClainiH.",W T Ed M. Madron, DENTAL sriUiKON, losroe. North ( urolinn. Oflfcrp his professional services to the people of this mid adjoin inj conntieH. All work promptly .lone and BUtisfaction pnanui tccd. Oct, 27, 3 1110. NOTICP. Hotel rroporty for Snlo. On ncconnt of failing health bf myself and wife, T otter for s de my hotel property in the town ot jioone. North Cnrolina. and will icll low for cash and mnVe terms f o suit Hie buyer, nnd will t.nke real or personal property in ex-chang-Pi Apply ponn W. h. Ditv.vx. Not he. For snl. 000 acres of land, rn Rich Mounlain. Watauga County, on which in nsbestos, nnd fine land forsheerranch. fsalo private. L. T". T,owe .v T. T. Furfrors-Mi. Ex'trs. of M's. A. P. Callownv. deed. T?annerElk,Nov. IT '90.. Money to loan. Persons wishinfr n hot row money, who can secure it by mortgnce on good real estate, an bencconimodated hy applyino: to j. F. Soninhoiir. Poone N C. or A. J.Critcher, HortonX.C. 4. 24. KOIKE. Parties putting papers in my hand for execution will please .ndvnnce the fees with the papers and they will re reive prompt attention, other wise they will bo returned not executed for the wfint of fees, D. F. lUinn Skff. . LETTER I ii'iom onr Titular C.:e;.rr.i:enl. It is :i matter for rongrat- ulatior. that St k'i I'rrpi rnpidly ifi-uvi'iinu. II is con tinued ilhif-s i h I -t- : ; t " 1 1 ........ .,,!..,.... 1.. 1 I. (lomor-nMiV m-.ioritv in th- House, as there is a natural! ar'cirablf of lTro tia tin1 1 policy (f tli'1 party, '! iihoi.t ' i.ssiiinin" a fmi. tion tliat !)- I,..r-,..-,! v to lh S.-ak- 'pi 1 1 1 or; j-oliscqii'iitlv th-n lias bt'iMi soiiir C aifusioa. wlw h ' thoimltt!ss p(M,ph- huvti 1 1 kcnfo.-dissetitatioa, and ro-iSt t"s after i.arza, u publican newspapers haaid " b- l-k-d by Ih.'s noUieen slow to eAa"irerato Slioplwrd of 'A aaa-ton no thm idea, and Mitre d.-i.o-Jt.M-iety. and crAiaeiieans. crats. fortunately very FewitijMr. lihd. aloao oppose al-nn-nber. have allow. 1 t heal-1 lowia' Mexieaii troops to selves to fa!) into tho erroi of b(dW'vin? such stutoin; r.ts to be the truth. It is probable that had not Mr. Crisp been stricken down, a democratic caucus would have been held before this, at which the general policy to be pursued by the majority of the House during the ses sion would have been mapped out a n d i- omo agreement reached as to who should as sume -tho leadership of the House on the floor, but it has not been thought advis able, to hold this caucus in the absence ot Speaker Crisp. While ft: is not probable 1 hat Mr. Crisp will bo strong enough to preside over the House during this week, yet he in already well enough to confer with hw colleagues, and the prediction is made that ill cause of complaint will shortly disappear and that tho democratic majori ty w ill get down to work with unanimity to carry out the policy upon which it was dec. ted tariff ref irni a n d re trenchment i public expen ditures. Xo man who ever entered ! ! nie Aaramai amki.iu the Senate was given a more'of Democratic ( biba vilinold cordial reception bv his par- ty colleagues than was Sena tor David P. Hill, of New York, ami no n"W member of that body ever rect ive.l the deference which is accord ed him bv all of th" Senators, tlis intimacy with Senator Gorman has given that gen tleman a n unquestionable boom for the Presidential nomination. This is doubt less largely due to the feeling that any Candida" support ed by Senators Hill .and Gor man would he difficult to de feat in a democratic national convention. Represent alive P'ount, of oeorgia, chairman of . t h r Committees on Foreign Af faus, thinks the House made a mistake in defeating the joint resolution authorizing the Secretary ofdhe Navy to chaiter a steamship to ? any the food which has been con tributed to thefamine-s'rick-en Russians, and that it was done through a misapprehen sion and the lack of proper information. Helms moved a reconsideration of the vote, and expects that. th j rcsol'i tion will be passed when it again comes up. The declaration or the State presidents of t he Farm.-' Al liance, who have b'.oa a(;;'i - 1 1 r:,i.,vt j c.m.u.r.Hcg in!4 ami: ;th" third I'MtV IlioveuK 'if.! k;ai 1 - J uiu ii conine-nt j i a Mr. PI. one is again living a rorky lime 01 a, tecuMim . r a - . . 1 the nl teliiiit of tilt ( -liliaas to wrigg 'eont of making an , epilog v to the nutrJStnt.-j 1 If - - l mnk. his lira! t'a a n itiMi-j ;. a ro-.f.- n n :-.-!i,-if.;i ' . . . .1,: nl lai 'a'ai'. J I is nav-jc.l inI troll.. ' Wlta ..If. I tan i-j ai an-1 tli.? Cnltim't over tli" - pi ."s-tioii of-raatia- tl:o.M x j icon ;:ovi riua ait the ri-!i: to j ta-lsn l troops int. t!i" 1.1. (. I'niU'd i V t 1 ross the border. , Chairman Tillman, of th" : IIous: c( inmitt'e of Patents, j l ies of meeting just closed Takin? th3VicJhnywm tht M1IIN- them. As was supposed none appears to be th? riyht man jat that cliti'ch w hidi cont iii-J r j escaped with the eAcefition in the right place. He haju-'d for two wtvi k,s and resul-j K.vxsvs City. -Ian. 0. A of those brought up fr.tn the been .-d nd ving theromplaints ted in four additions to ihe. special to the Star from Mc-j-n trance, or by shaft Xo. 7. of tle successful hivcntorsjchurch and much other appa i AHister says the excitement, i This morning the relief party against theirrsionsibli'piir- rent good, llc-v. J. L. Slier- j inteusiii-'d almost to insani- J of Krebcs miners were coin ties who make a practice orj .vood, the p islor, was aided j ty, because of t he mine cxpl j p"l!ed, after 4-8 hours of wiUullv iniriugitig patents, knowiii"- that the inventor I ran collect no damages from!rr,il interest iag and logical them, n- matter how much j sermons. P.at . Jones did most thecomas may decree, and I of t h e preaching. His ser- lie lias become con v inceil that 1 they are too true. The rem-j i.iK- in :AuA in- a la w that ! will make tho .vilbil udi'iirier of a )tent liable to a crimi nal prosecution. With the prospect of a striped st;it be fore them there will bea large decrease in the number of in fringers. The Idaho and Florida Sen atorial contested eases will be derided th's week by the Senate committee on Elec tions. It is practi"a!!y -settled that the committee, will report ia "a v-r oi Call and Dui) 's, who alicady occupy the sea.ts. 1 he ( utive commitlei r . a ' i. : 1 -u i'porrau; taeeung nereon th-.' iKHIi iin.:t. If one may judge from the number of bill in trod need in Congress on the subject, the idea of electing the President and Vice President and IT. S. Senators by-dire it vote of the people, iti growing in pop x.larity. Some time ago there was much talk in certain circles of a third party and all that; but we are glad to believe that the sober judgment of the reputable democrats in every portion of the State is decidedly against s u e h a movement, and that thedem ocratic party will remain sol id in North Carolina as ofj yore, stand beneath thedem ocratic banner which thev have so proudly borne toi victory in the years passed. It is needless to say that the News and Observer rejoices in the defeat of the third par ty movement and believes that the beat interests of our people will be subserved by their standing closely togeth er and all lulling the same way in the same boat. Let thesviying 'T am a demo crat" be on every tongue. News and Observer. flQThe Democrat twelve L . I 4 ... ! months lor one dollar. A IS JlM.Ii Ul I. .liter Pi:lo( !'T: Perhaps n f '.v items from o.umunity w uld np- pre. - ! it hy ! h ma ay 1 .10- ; s if your paper The Y;.l v 1 a' ") ill's Cr.'i !. in a f r- tilest 1 ip of la-d l.vint. b- 1 wc n t inouati'l.i-. 1 h t. I .. M ... -9 1 ... F ... ' iik is an- liapj.y ai. l ca-.t'-i.t- anu li.ivo aman aa in; lai-t'.-.-.ui. s. aaul snni- (.1 taali two sHmk IiSi. Uh'.'ui. hiMirl.-.s of Ii;-. A p.'K nnv, wrote of this X'nll.'y: - ' T!iy i.-i til" ihlU fpr.-ii 1 f ir ami , v. i ! A 7i I kills ;r is; i.n ' v ' v -'uf A nd built on riirk v pi'l.evsl rotiy i'liev stretch ill rave's tar ahui.j-. A;..! peaks i;,e lip vvhe.v lnaii K.itti s -iv. 11 fi-in tie- au;ri' cloud." Tli" P.!.pi i.-t church a.t Pleas ant drove seems to be ia a flourishing condition. A se- ty K"V. I,. I. .tones. a!sojS!OIli allows no abatement, U-v. J. Da vis pre: a hnl sev mous were very am iiae, and many ot 'h-mi very able. Pro. Jones is a nrogressiv. man and is improving all t h I time. His distinct and clear expression: his clear and m' l-1 low voice make his hen ret s ! .Uya thed in rot ton a nd vna fet l easy and comfortable. 1 line up to their eyes, with His beautiful smiles and his their eyebrows, hair and hu flights of eloquence are very impressive and very touch-i nig; -if ten lifting his congre gation into n realm of sweet rapture. All these attain ments in connection with his sound and solid gospel doc trine make him a tninisl er P a- win should b highly ap preciated by tiie Paptist de no ni'iat ioa of East Tennes see and Western North Caro lina. He is a self-made man, yet in tin? prim." of life with a bright, future before him and a vast field inviting his la bors. Many of our Paptid: people way he would be with out n peer in this section, a side from Pro. Sherwood. This scribe is nut capable of judging between two great pulpit orators. The most horrifying and tragical event that ever took dace in this co .nmunity was enacted by 1), II. Yn ugh t on Christmas Eve, about 2 o' clock. He was found near his home at. a straw-stack cold in death, lie had blown his brains out with a pistol. It 1 is thought t fiat wmsuy was j the can e, as he had been !rinkingfo" several da v. Mr. J I tllltll Ii- it JVHHl V lit.. II, and a kind neighbor. He owned a fine farm and was among our best farmers. He left a wife and six children, four of whom are grown la dies. His une.Ypreted suicide has thrown a mantle of the deepest gloom and sadness over our people, and t h e shock was so sudden and so terrific to his family that it seemed almost impossible for them to survive it. Dr. R. C. Rhea has been quite feeble, but is now bet - ter. , ! ai.lay. tli" ii'tli ut.. (mok-. T!it pit rluthfj i'u l i';,;:.' r v. -I ia ; i !! v.- : .' 1 i-!.!' p M tially or vu-.M- '.Vaiil, ilau'i'i f tf .!. I'. til 1 !y lianicl auny, anl in W ;--! l ai t. U !:. I'aov.n aii.l .1. S. Ilnnvii liavf 1 ,m !i !'.( a tiati :at. r iti hou! at (i! a-lf Si 1 a. I)uil.'i ty l'.i'(s a'-" laal'l-, vz a ii"v ho;ifon t !"ir l; rtir 1 ..I.. .... 1 . . oM otii blo:. Main !uiM-jtln my: iuict Kquaf-ll nx.H.!iopii!lil;iy. 1 Iicliattl'-jilapo f ranaiM i;i thi- lioiHowal le 11. Tlif.v Iiavc U far loads' of horses from Vjt.!itny;to;i I which they an selling rapid- Iv. Tle-se hoises at'. yotnur t j -:f rood size and e.ood blood. ; ,(nr stock of hofs's are so : dwindied down that we need it ia:proved tiy better Mood. .laii.lo. Si"Hsci!ii:i:i:. All dav yesterday and today ').(K)t) people were around the; .haft of the mine. I n to 2 , o'clock this morning forty eight iiend bodies had In en . t ..r .-I... 1 laiOU! OU! o: 1 lie ri ill. 11 i 100 injured, f'.fte -a of v horn! died b died before daybreak. The M-naiuimr eighty-liw wni:c s mg experts way the ex plosion .m. Ivin-j- at t!iir ho:ies!dne to two circumstances. ger nails burned off and cook "d fie h dropping from their bones. This morning the company ordered it.v-five :-ofiins and local undertakers;. ordered a car load. All the. mve ptvn extensive. miii'V. in Hie vicinity have! shut down and i;e miners . Xew Yoik .World: The at and women of ihe families j tept ion of Pres. Harrison is are a r i rrne rone in1 woru of res'aie The wives, sislers and inoihers are performing the otlices for the diad and relieving the suffering of the wounded. Men of all nation - alities are aiding in the work of rescue. Americans, Irish men, Scotchman. Polanders, Welshmen, Italians, Swedes, and all but negroes, are at work. Sometime since the! white miners refused to work! with negroes. This morning a number of negroes went to Krebes and assisted in (he work in only a half-handed way. One of their number was heard to say that it served the mineis right to have neon Killed. 1 he word was passed from mouth to mouth and the indignation and fury of the miners knew no bounds. It seemed as though another horror would be added to the scene, but the Enitttd States Ihpnty Marshals, anticipating such trouble, were on hand with a posse, and they drove the colored men away at the pointof Winchesters. All day and all night scenes intensely sad and heartrending were being enacted at the mouth of the shaft. It was almost impossible to recognize any resemblance to human form in the bodies of the many that were rescued. Heads, 'arms, legs, hands mid feer I were in many cases torn from : . - "Vi ial ( .!s t!." I'atars liad Ii:. rally nastni ali tlic H"ll i t I c i(x!y. Tli !"; were tak'n to a l.lacks-aitl; hliop ni'ar tl:' ia.iia sliaft, wIiitc a morii" I; 11! Icra iaiprovisiMl ;1nl tin- liviii" totl.i-irliDUKS. MM Mft anl lio l!a ksmith was co!istatitlv ( rowili-i witll pl ()pl.. s iicliin.j; to itid thosi? wlaan tin y kiii'.v must citluT ln dead or hadly hart.. The torce 01 tte explosion was terrifi". It literally toro tho mine all tophves. It 'loseJ up e;alhri.-s. tore down bar- nimhs. which kept the air , from ci'-culatiug freely (through the unused portion jofth" mine, cutting off all !the air from the galleries left sreaoy lauor, to scop, inrce ;car loads of mules were in the mine when the explosion oc- curri, atul strange to say only.two animals were hurt. The boss driver was killed. The frenzied brutes com mi t- ted great damage in their ef- fort.s to liud an outlet. Min- The blast was overcharged and it was fired 2.'1 minutee too soon It was fired at .o:07 before the miners goiugoff duty had left the mine. It should have been fired at 5:o0. At that time the loss of life would not 1 have been only half a dozen, j,,,,,, t,e' wreck would i 1 ' ' 1 "-'.?" v eerrvmander in the State of Ohio. The first measure in troduced into the Legislature of thai State is a bill to so gerrymander the districts as ! to secure for the Republicans seventeen of the twenty-one Congressmen. There are a bout S.")0,0()0 voters in Ohio. InlSS'Mhe Democrats car ried the State by 10,000 plu rality. Last. Xovember the j Republicans carried it by o- ver 20.Q00. It is a close state always. Under a fair appor tionment the Congressional delegation would be nearly evenly divided, with a slight Republican advantage. Un fortunately by gerrymander ing the State in 1890, a gainsi the 'World's' urgent advice, the Democrats are stopped fro m complaining now. Put with Pres. Harri son's horror of gerrymanders as expressed in his message, he might do something to se cure fair play. The Times says that "a square tight and a fight to a finish is on between the Har rison and ITlaine leaders in Philadelphia, and Plaine is backed by an overwhelming republican sentiment and by a party machinery that could win for him evon with popu lar sentiment against him. It issafe, therefore, to assume that there will be a solid del egation elected from thiscity to the Minneapolis Conven tion that will implicitly obey the orders of Senator Qnay." BROWN'S IROV 1? TITERS ALMANAC r lN'lv; Contn'ns One Hmulrpl Rrrtrrs for mnk. 1 ; 1 jr .It'licious t nmiv OK-ap.iy "nd quickly, nl home. This hook Is i;ifcu aay at drug mill Kt.neral ntcriss.