r 1 ' mocrax nooxi:, watauua corxTV. x. c, nirusiA fi-:iii5i:ahv. 4, muz. -.-. 11 K (1 HI H M L ff ) I VOL 1 1'RUf-LSSIOXAL. W. R.COl NC1LL, Ju Attorney at La v. Iloohe, n. r. w. p.. cofncill. m. i). Roolle, N. l Resident I'll vsitiiin. Oilice n King Street north ofl-t Oiiioe. E.F. LOULL Attokxi:v At I . aw, Rootie X. F. I)K. L. ('. REEVE;'. I'uvMt iax and Si"itfjr:o. Cffice at Residence. Roone, N. ('. L. I). LOWE, Altamay at Lnv -AXP- XOTMIV PUBLIC, RAXXER'S ELK, X. KMi PAUK.NOKTII CAltOMXA. Oflcrshirt professional services to the people ot Mitchell, Wfitii mill ialjoining coiin tit's.rTAo l iul mutt'inl used stud .ill vorku;ir;inU-ed.-l M y 1 1 y. A'lTUUXLYAl LAW, MARION, X. (' (.)- Will practice in the cnmts ol Y1 til MilSl. AslK'.MIlclH'ir, ICUOH- 11 Mini nil oilier com lien iii t;i Afsicrn hshht vJ" ecial al it ii tion iiwa tu t l-o cv..le(.iio;; c. tliiiniH,"- Ed IE Hrcn, DENTAL SrUfiKoX, poscoe, Xovth ).' ;'.' -i. Off.Ts liis professional hwv:-" to the people of thin oud adjoin big counties. All work ai omptjy lone aii-.l satisfaction guanoi teed. Oct, 27, a nit). XOTICK. Hotel Properly for Sale. On nccmnit tf failing liealtli of myself and wife, 1 oiler for side my hotel property in the town ol lioone, North Carolina, and wil! -lell low for cash and make teiiu.s to suit -tli buyer, an I will take real o.' persona! property in ex change. Apply noon. W. L. Hkyax. Xotice. For sale. 000 aerosol" land, on Uieh Mountain, Watauga County, on which isnshestos, nml lino laud for sheep ranch. Sales private. L. I). Lowe & I. T. 1' iirgersou, 1 3x t i h. ol Mrs. A. P. Callownv, deed. Runner Elk, Xtiv. it TH).. xoiifi:. Prtrties. put ting papers in tny hand for execution will jile imp, acl v since the tecs wit h the papers and they will re ceive prompt attention, other wise they will he returned not executed for the w ant of fees. D. F. Raikd Siiff. ftior- B tot h t mffc f iMirt H (iiMHtivltt.: rt-v,. .i ,i vi-ik i. r i. li.-drr, jua ti?y u a te'.kc hi iiaxh. tut we inn f.i. h v mi"'' '' l""n ftum 6 to V1U a liny in" id mn :;l lii LAt;S Atldrei, at oor, S. IU., IvklLAiU, llUk. down from overwork or r.r.iehoiii cu:. Brown's Iron Hitters ftw! fyatero, aids dig'-stioa. reuiovcs cxiti ti Lo. uil cure uialn. Ovt Uio genuine. (.''fj f; ? on. B.'lli '. an rt. 1 tt" pl - i tJs ..'.ti:t( fli veur ttmt;,ir rc linmienM milr to WASHINGTON LETT Kit. V. ta e l.- T.ciular e-poi1..I. Spe.-iu' r 'n.-: liiio- !fa .aiii. niei I he hen rah ft!i" Iloux' liein r ad. , i is e.- ;"t-tei llat the House viil nl,V It' il'll to eet (o'. ii to th" i st'ii; '.is I 'tidiness tif the ws ision. The lepuhiicaiis are iu.akiaA n.ii'h of Mr. M it's j ha via,; declined to serve as jt hairinaii of the t'oaiinitti'e joii (.'aaaieit-e, and they have i made that the bans for .i lt : of i ii' k and hull stoi -iesaliotif j hi iiitendin: to antagonize ion the floor of the House the i vparat" tariff hills that nray I je reported from the W ays land Means t-oinmit tee. Mr. Mills f too rooin ilea.oerat proved hy lonrand arduo.is service, to antagonize any ji'ilicy that may he adopted hy a deinocratie eaiicus. and there is litth tloilht that a caucus will noon he held for the purpose of outlining the party policy tlurinij: the session. It is prohahle that a joint caui us of thedeiiiocratieSeii atois and Representatives will he held tt) discuss the Chilian .orrespondence and Mr. Harrison's message t here on. 'he message is lengthy and the correspodence and a eomiianying document vol umiiKHi.--, ami Senators and Members are chary ofcxpivs sing ti!inions for publication until they have had an op portunity to carefully study and digest them. It is hoped and believed that Congiess will act as a ut it when it does act. Foreigners should be made to understand that however much we may differ on matters of internal gov ernment we stand shoulder to shoulder as united Ameri cans on all matters pertain iug to the foreign policy of the United States, and every body should ad-ipt the mot to of the renowned patriot, "My country; may it always he right, hut right, or wrong, still my country." Senator Voorhees and Tur pie have made their fiht ! eainst the confirmation of Indue Woods, of Indiana, so vieoj'nus that even therepub li"an members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, before whi:'h the matter now is, have agreed to await the arrival of a number of witnesses, bc lor disposing of thenomina tion. Tliecliargi'sinvdve the judicial integrity of Woods, as weil as his display of po litical partisanship in his de cisions, and the Indiana Sen ators say they will prove them by incontrovertible tes timony. The breath had bar Mv left th hotly of the late ,Iuthe liradley, of t h e Snpr are Court, who heearne sti widelv known in connection wit 1 the natorions 8fo 7 decision of the Factorial Commission, before republican Senator and Representatives bewail r ctmtrol the nomination tit his successor. The hopusof Attorney (Jeneral Miller are again raised, hut it, is not be lieve i that the new Justice will he selected outside of the third distiht, romposed of the States Pennsylvania, New ' Jeri'-f ai d ! l iwai.' ! Repr il! .1 ' i V' lltei. of ,,. . it i . i .... , 1 Al ib.iia.:. is in e u it t about 1 me cf I'lieir hi bill au?-,..i!,;nr National I Tie n-i - a very evident de b Oil :o 11. ,,1, !ii..(:.v t.ri re.i! ! V'"M on th p.n of leiiain of esiale. 1 11. i he 111 1. 1.. .1 ' I'.l-'oa i p.!i( I ill the -e- aiU'n. iii in i.. i i n- I . f. .i . p'li-li mii ;mi i.v to five theor ,lii 11. uise coaoaiHe-oii ban- ""'!. Iii Hi fioai the w-ight ;king and ni! i ei,, y, akin:r; '! carries in I he f'i ipe of (' f t Ii ' -rotin.: !..-.t it wo'iJd'j -1 i 1 1 . I . I . e 1. :.-r. Th'-rhii-dargi ly iin 1-1 -e the v dunie ; adelpiii 1 Pi es, f. u-example. ;t fcui-n in in ciivulatioi:, ia-jhas re-n hed t!;e poiat of pro-1 Clea-e I h- value ol leales'atel testinr il il. h-t..isiU'.l int 'and !;,! many peopl , par- t!ie!.os rule of S '-.tat orO.ua v. ; 1 1 it-tj ! . . 1 !y ia tic .s-iiifli an 1 1 '''cliies t !i if it is !ie,-ati.e : We-t, iiad pr. tilabl - e ii-of hlhi t!iat Piiihl.lel.lii:l -efs! ! ph. vine:. wlio are now with i l'"4 'han .- h iseiitil'ed to in a. ut it. Hes,shi.-p.-.:.-iii!aor:Hse .list .-but ton of tic party jof the biil to su-p 'ii I the loponv. And.iiotctmteut withj )i.r cent tax on ihe cic-ul .-jlhis.-if-.rt to 'turit dawn the if'ng notes of Stale haii'iiugi-"''-" !ead. ,s -,i t!:e party in! as-oeia i ii 'lis. Republicans cats s;.a great deal better than tlemocrats ii they can, as th-y profe.-sj to do. se(. when- any one of! the geiitlt ini'ii who have been ( named as prooat.ie canai . . dates ol 1 he tlemoeiat ic par-inre !tyf ir Presdmt will be spe - iciallv benefit ted by I. old in lv the National Convention at j 1 ou lii ion by division i i is Chicago, instead of at some J ranks and had 1 ad Tsliip. otln-rcify. Xonetif tliemenij' O.'i' Ihiiig," it sas, "has b"iv, of Hie NalionalCi ipinir-jh.'.'ii lo.st mc.il finally th 'y tee. nearlv all of whom Vulir correspondent talked with regarded the selection ashav inir Miiv coiiie ction wit ii any Pivsideulial candidate. No, matter what city had been) seh'i-ied the same cry would have been raised. Secretary Foster's iilm'ss was very convenient, as it enabled him to get rid, tem porarily at least, of appear ing before the 'louse ''om mittee tm Ways and Means and answering some ques tions as to t he condition of the country's finances. His place w as taken by Assistant Secretary Spnulding, w h o made a statement about on a par with theslatementsns ually published by theTrens ury. He was not subjected to much questioning, us it is the Secretary that the mem bers of the Committee want to eet a f. rl here ;!- indieat ions that all of the Southern Represen tatives elected as meniliersof the Farmers' Alliance wil; soon he gained for the organ ization t hey represent b y sucii an albance than by y,o in:; witlitheirc illeaguesfi-oin t he nort hwesl into the third party moveia. nt. After jloousiiiac s. News was brought here to day that Revenue, officers Pat terson, Walker, McEisay, Sed.ler, Smit h and Ralna ts. who went to the "State of Wilkes" on a raid last week, met with success ahmii" one line, but I as! in another. They destroyed time distilleries near Roaring River. While 'he officers were lining t ii' : .' ork ih" itiooiishan-rs pro ceed d .vii li theirs by -nt ' iim the I c '-ii,! ts of i he Ik a ses i ode flier" iv the oiib-ials. .! of i lie an in Is li;s ir neerly S,'V -;etl iVtl'il ins bod w Idle t he others wt re iiaai. injured. The o,v hers of the distilleries also lired upon the revenue men as they were leaving. Winston Sentinal. Mr. .John Wana maker, who is one of the most suei-'.ssfui merchants in this country, never said anything that is more true, or better based on business experience than when he said: "My plan for fifteen years has been to buy so much space in a newspap er and till it wit h what 1 wanted. It always paid me." Baltimore American. TltUXt; id t M.li.lU. ii sown Mate, 1 he Press makes similar attempt in t he case of the iw York reoublie-oi bo-s. Pretending to believe j that tie dejio-r i-y of Xwvl Vork has stolen the state ii j 1 msi. i e,. 1 ia - : ejMi'.ni.o's i 1 1 1 1 1 1 largely n, .'uatne. aui h:it the party ia 1 1 state 1 has been brought to i;s sad ! ha ve been rousted irom every hold on power in the state." au,l it add.: "It: ispertinent to ask the m:;;i or men who have a -siiaied to -ad th e Sew i'..rk '-i-publicans wheth er the siiuatiou does not de mami their retirement and the bringing of new loaders to the front." This desire to purge the party would be very com mendable if it came at a time w heu'thecoiTUpt leaders were at the height of their power, hut unfortunately i t does l.ot. While Piatt had the whole of New York in his grasp, and was using hi power for Iih own benefit and that of his friends and inei d aitallyfoi tint of his party the Press and the tit her or gans had no word of remon strance; and it was substan tially the same in the case of 0 my. The effort to unload t hese objectionable and ob noxious leaders because they have ceased to profit the pal ly by their iniquities, does not argue any growth of po litical moraiiiy. F indicates only partisan seiJislui'.'ss. Detroit Free Fres ,J, Sloat. Fnssett. the defea ted candidate for (ioveinor of New York, said to a M'o7. reporter: "When Mr. Cleve land made his speech at the ''oooer I'nion, it changed 10-! 00!) voles. Mr. Cleveland did j more to defeat me t ban any ! other And Mr. Cleve land is lease 1 bv the rcpubli-l cans moie than any oilier! "i.aa u i ne. as a president ial j i v-s h;iit v. Mtmtnomerv'. ilrrsihl. ' ' ' j E lison is coaling to Xoiihj ;i roiina again a ml will ma ke j his headquarters at ''har-l lotte After what he said a-j bout this State's mining in-j terests we should think hej would like tt stay out, of the SiaP1. He said this was a State of "samples'' and t hat not hing was found in quan tities. As the State did not tumble to pieces af'er lie gat, off his witticism, he perhaps j thinks there i s something here after all and returns toj see what he ran pick up.-Newsi and Observer. I THE MIAMMi At V. It Snj,,.n ii.e Plsrl, f iUf t:rcr i 111 l.aruins. t- 4 Immi Am.'i icnn Democracy 'ea-es to iiie in t helowit los ., , . . Al ' Mb e taxation on t I" p"Op e . ' 1 it will be meatiinal 'ss. Fverv dollar t.f ta v that fit ,nl" i ne n oerai ireasurviromanv nource whatever is a t o War taken f.;omthe ..anangs nf;Filir i:x,.e-,tive Commil ttto the productive labor of the ivnmri- mi,! i ben tliixu til v. cs are taritf taxes, levied to protect exchange, they rob the earner of three dollars for every dollar hat goe.s intti the treasury. Opposed to al! nnnecssary taxation as r diherv from the earner, demo, rats oppose mi! necessary tar ff ta x a t i o ti most because it robs the ear ner most. From the v ry first thedein 0 -rat ic pa i ty has maintained 1 he sue rcdmvs of tV right of the earner t his earning0 and has denied the right of government 1 o takofroin him any pai t of t mm not abso lutely necessary for economi cal governni' nt. It stands for this prill pie because it stands for ind vidual liberty; for when gov rnuient c n n take away ear dugs forother purposes than those tif keep ing the pen cp and administer ing just ice the people are slaves. A slave is an earntr wdiose earnings a re legally ta ken from hi n for the benefit of others, and the purpose of a tariff made high enough to slop trade is to make slaves ot the earners of thectiuntry. This is ps effects as well as its purpose. The fight the democratic party has been making for the lowest possible tariff tax ;ition is a fight for freedom, it is a tight that can not be abandoned. Democrats will never face the tear on it Refore they would do so they would sacrifice every demo crat now holding office, and if to get the offices again they were obliged to aban don this light they would a bandon the offices instead. They want the offices merely as a means to an end-! he end of embodying t heir prin ciples in the laws ami poli cies of the federal govern ment. It seems possible that in t he immediate fntuie thedem o'Tntio party, through inter nal treachery, will heeotne more seriously involved than it has been for m my years. Rut under all circumstai'.ct s its way lies forward, and the w ay to get forwaid is to light forward.- t Louis Republic. The coinage of the new-de-s gu hah" dollars has been Hii.pendeif indefinitely at the Philadelphia mint by orders from the Treasury Depart ment'. The suspension was due, Col. Rosbysheli, the su perintetident, sail, to the fact that the Treasuty now has a supply of half dollars on hand sufficient tt) supply the demaml for coin of this value. "The demand is for quarters and dimes," said he, "and we shall go on coining them as rapidly as we have been doing since the the new year opened. There is noth ing the matter with the tie sign; the coins are all right. -PhilfAdelphid Dispatch. NO. AX Al'I'LAL )h"hf of I'oard of AgricuL till-.. I! llwi.r!. VI' f .. t - ' ' ..i, ... ., villi, i Wl i j s).. .p. ,, ,' . . . ' 1 he I.oumI tif Agriculture i . .,..,' i has uaderliikeu to make jm exhibit of the rcsourctMof tho State. il Nnilli C.ni.li..-! uf I the Columbian Exposition. .... .m.,.. .,,:., i.i i. a mi lias or oititiH 1 1 i.o iiii.ia airy out thi.s purpose. This I . " ... i.oiuinilt-e ippeals to the citizens of the Stae to give them a cordial supfiort, and to aid than in furnishing ,m exhibit that will be illustra tiveofthe State's resources of every kind. U'e e .nfidently expect that North Carolina will he able to sustain herself in high com petition with the rest of the world. Every country in the world ami evei y State in the Union is expected tt) participate at this display of the world's re sources and progress in every department of human effort. It will give some ideu of the extent of this Exposition when it is remembered that 7o0 acres, more than a great plantation, i s embraced in the grounds, and that 150 acres w ill hecoveied with the necessary buildings. These buildings will be filled with every conceivable product of nature and art, and North Carolina can and will re spond to what is expected of her. In order that our State may take her proper place nt this great Exposition, the Riartl intends to make col lections in the lollowing de parhnentsi Agriculture Foods and food products, etc. Horticul ture Fruits, wines, ami gar den products, etc. Livestock Domestic and wild animals. Mines, Mining and Metallur gyMinerals, building and monumental stones. Fores try Timbers and other for estry products. Fine Arts ' Painting, decoration, etc. Ethnology- Indian relics, and spfci mens illustrating the pro gross of labor and invention. Liberal Arts Education, en gineering, etc. Manufactures! Fish and Fisheries Fish pro ducts a n tl appluinces for catching fish. Al! correspondence to be sent to T. K. liruuer, Com missioner in charge of exhib its and Sevetary tif thaCom mitteeat Raleigh, N. C. W. F. (iiitEK.. Ch'm J. F. Payne, A. Lkazak, W. E. Stevens, S. L. Patterson, Committee. Thc: Will He a Third Paity. Cuigrossman Jerry Simp son, being asked what the prospect was for the Third party people, sa;d that the meeting "would be held the 22nd of February at St. Lou is. At that meeting methods and plans, would be discussed, but no nominations made. An address, however, would be issued, and at a subse quent tlate a national con dition would assemble, and he thought the Third party would certai.dy nominate a presidential ticket. He fur ther expressed the belief that his party woodd carry a nura her of States, including Kan Biis, Nebraska, Minnesota and the two Dakotas, and s'lake things up considerably in several of the Southern States. Landmark.