r i i i 7? "71 M H VOL 1 ISOOXK, wataiwa county, N. C., IHl'lMAY, MA1.( II. J ; I- , r..-? c. ft pkovlssional. W. B. COFNCILL, Jk. Attorney at La v. Boone, N. C. W. B. COFNCILL. M. I). r(toii, n. c. Resident Physician. Ollln on King Street north of Tost i Oilieo. V..V . T-VIM , . Attoknky AtT.aw, Hoono N. i DU. L. V. RKFAKS. I'MYSK IAN AND SflttiKOX Cfnce at Residence. r.ooiii', N. ('. L. I). LOWE, Aifomey at Law AM)- XOTMir PUBLIC, IIANNLU'S ELK. X. ('. j. mimw DENTIST, n.K TATIK, XOUTII CAR0I1X1. (illiTsliis proi'i'ssiiniiil wrvict to tin1 pi-oplo it Mitchell, Wntiui'XH foul Oiljoiniop, eoun titv.fetAo ln( uuttrinl nswl tun work am r:ntfpt. Miiy 1 1 y. F. SIORPIsKW, A TT011SLY A 1 LAW, M.MilOX, N.C -(o)- Will inictii'e in t ho rourts of iiiul :ill oilier cr.ni ties in th.? .vestrrn lisliict "S;ninl atten t ion veil to the colieetion of cliiiniH.V,ll Ed lil. Ifladrori DICNTAL Sl'lUilOON, losroc North Cunilinn. ()(Ter8 his prof.-ssioual Kei vl-.vs (o the people of this mid adjoin iny; rountit-H. All work ,ironTt.ly i?m and satisfaction p;uantn teed. Oct, 27, 3 nio. NfiTlCK. Hotel Pra pert J' foi Sale. On account of failing health of myself and wife, 1 oiler for sale my hotel property in the town ot ' ilootte. North Oai olinn, and will U low for cash and make tern in to suit the buyer, and will take real or personal property in ex change. Apply soon. W. L. r.iiv.VN. Notice. For sale. 000 acres of land, on Rich Mountain, Watauga County, on which is asbestos, and fine land for sheep ranch. Sales private. L. 1). Lowe & J. T. Furgerson, Ex'trf. of Mrs. A. P. Calloway, deed. Banner Elk, Nov. IP '90.. NOTICE. Parties putting paper in my hand lor execution will please advance the fees with the papers and they will re cei ve prom pt attention , other tvise they will he returned not executed for the want of fees. I). F. Baird Suff. tflft-.OO y.. I. fc'lmr m.rt. hr Jnfcw H tarn m mot n.ake . r.iKh, bu. w. can mH .try .'.M. n B,or iM n.ib ...... k' i iw.,prti I 10., fUtTUU. . Iart'irctticn, nii ft.mif h Jteo-flnn, AH rnn keep II lr tntll. (tpnnlcc lifc Vnde-n.uk r.dcr06J red hnoc uu njai B LETTER. j I'rons cur IterUar CoTfspar.Ser.l. b 1 Sjakcr ('iipisnt Fortress; Monroe, and unless he diso-j beys tin positive order of ; his ph sieian he will not re-j WASHINGTON turn this week, although hoj J he committee to nivoti tviid when ht Ht that ho'rte the Pension burr an will would ri turn in time to pre-j side over th" House on Wed- iies.hiy. unless he wns to'( unwell t do so. In Ins an- "n il p.i oin -es m i.e voui eiieo no ;neeuii2 of the mm- Millions. It.-pres-'ut.ltiveVoo miltciMMi KuleH ca:i he l.eld to act llfion the request of those w ho siiined the petition asking th t a date he set f )r the consideration of the free coinnsre hill, and, in view of the announcement that the Ways and Means committee would on the first of March cnll up one of the tariff hills for consideration, the situa tion is a litth? eni'jnrrn.sinr, and calls for some very line party management. It is estimated that not less than six weeks will he re quired for the debate on the three tariff hills, and ns sev eral of the npproptiatioii bills will meanwhile he re ported nml disposed ot, it seems safe to say that it will be tariff hills. Mr. Bland speaking for the silver demo crats, says they will not ob ject to the tariff bills having: precedence, if the committee on Rules will set a d.iy for the consideration of the free coinage hill, but thnt Ihey will giveway nothingunless such a day is net. lie wiil not hear of the compromise proposition which has been suggested, that an early day in the next session of Con gress be set for the takingup of the free coinage bill. Some sort of a compromise, such as can be approved by all conservative democrats, will have to be reached before the House can proceed much fat thor. It is an absolute polit ical necessity. The Government printing office deficiency for the cur rent fiscal year is $38..00O. Notwithstanding the im mense appropriations made by the billion dollar Congress,' there will be a deficiency in nearly every one of the de partments of the Govern ment. Mr. 1). 0. Mills, who is the head of the syndicate which holds the Behrings Sea scal ing privilege, was the fellow guest of. Mr. Harrison and Secretary Blaine at a dinner given by his old business as sociate, Secretary Elkins, an evening or two ago, and gos sip says his coming here at this time is closely connected with the business before the Behrir.g's Sea commission. With two such friends as Sec retaries Blaine and Elkins in the cabinet, Mr. Mills h is a right to feel confident that his interests will be properly protected by the administra tion. Representative Ilarter, of Ohio, whose opposition to the free coinage of silver has given him considerable prom inence of late, has handed Mr. Holman, chairman of the democratic caucus, a request signed by forty odd demo rrsus, for the calling of a cau cus on the silver question, and Mr. Holman says he will i issue the call this week. Thejtmuty ot niaUing a vigorous call may be issued and tbei''amp yign. 'cnucu In-!. I. hut mi!'-" it i-. time h more largo v at t nd 'i ! . . , , ' i iir ' than th" List r ill. Ml Iifl l f.-j the same purpiw.it is not j probable lli.H it will set ti"th"j li'-.v t i - purncl by th House. J hoi I itss'vond moel ingThms , dav. wlicii a tl : i v w ill l" s-i ! to Ih-in tnkin evi.len. ". per. unl Enloe will re;i:,;';vi! the prosecution, so to speak, and Ex-U"prescntative I'ay son, of Illinois, ami (rern I Ihiusn, .It1., are counsel for t he roiu;"i."iiouer of Pension. It may h" that thebefiinniii' of Hi" investigation may he pisl poneil a Tew days to ac commodate Itepri'seat a I j vo Cooper, who is one of the lending counsel in a murder trial to take place in Indi a nn. Co'isress is in Cliie;,.io to day, and the capital reniinds one of the middle of the recess, so (j'liet is every tiling. Tho adjournment was only until tomorrow, hut as there is not a quorum of either House or Senate hero, noth ing can I.e done until Wednes d.iy, when the excursionists wiil he ha"k. It seems stranetliat a man wha was set down upon by I he voters of the country as hard as was ox-t'zar Heed, should cherish political nni- i bition. but lie does. and heis working to secure support ot the Maine delegation to the Minneapolis convention to bis Presidential privations. Mr. Harrison has caiied up on Mr. Blaine to checkmate the movement, and he 'ia promised to do so, but the maniiithe White House is afraid of the ex-Speaker all the same, as he knows that, he bears him neither love nor good-will. It begin;5 to look as though tin joint resolution providing for a constitutional amend in en t a u 1 1 1 o r i z n g t h e elect i o n of Senators by the people would get through Congress at this session. DIFFERENCES RECONCILED. Nuw Oiilkans, La. T h e conference committee repre senting the two factions of the Louisiana Democrats came to an agreement by which the two tickets of State officers, nominated at Baton Rouge in December last , shall be submitted to a vote of the white democrats of theState to be cast; at a primary elec tion, the ticket receiving the largest number of votes to be declared the regular Dem ocratic ticket aad voted as such at the general election in April next and the other to be withdrawn. This prop osition originated with the Fos ter i a c t i o n . 1 1 h a s a h ead y been accepted and ratified by the McEnery faction, but the Foster faction will not de clare its position upon it un til this afternoon. The a greement also provides for a selection of a Stnte Central committee to supersede the rival bodies now in existence. The date of the primaries will be set far enough off to give both parties an oppor- ThjIIiU On -.-utin. Til" ! 'ill ,1 1 if St ;l 1 " !! v.iti.iri iii-t nt Albany -- li'i.!;iy nil.! all hough all si,; is ij dile lili-ll Ijis V ere pl-i-ii.-. i I iy 111' ('If vi l:in 1' r i nit li-' ing more s.'iiin;s oe.uricd li in tin- ( Lei id:i of a s'i!i. delegation ;'.r s-'i.alo: !M!. Mr. Hi:l h,. h ia.'1-d th 'Ht uation with coasuuimate 1 act ie.il r-h'-cw dn-'s.-. IS" Ik id New Yoi !; Siate or at 1" ..-! he thinks lie does, in his fist Mr. Clevelaim's followers were so few and so nowerhss I it... l .1 ii.u iiej .nt ion v. Mill i-oii- ur .......... i- .. ..,,u- ;.. fi. I' I . A' . u Li r.Mllv 111 tents. The course which Mr. Hi!! is pursuing, however, is ex tremely interesting. It is al so somewhat novel and quite unique in the annals of our time. I!" proposes to force himself on the Chicago '(!'.i vonlion na the nouiineeoi'the Democratic parly. He is ev dentiy h mest in the tielief that it can be don" and that lie can do it. He t hinks i; possible to persuade the con vention that they must ei lh;T choose him for th" first place or suffer inevitable de fejt. With the cry o.B "Hill and Tamany!'' he hopes to sweep the land. It isa scheme admirable for its very audac dacity, the boldest th.at has ever been recorded in our an nals. B n t y e s t e r d a y sc o n v e n t i o n emphasized the fact that New York Stateis vei y badly pplir. Hill has the machhie without j a doubt, but a vety largej number of Democrats are yet to be convinced thnt he has the people. All this show is well enough in its way, but the party of the State has a very bit ter feud on its hands, and the aggressive policy of Mr. Hill has excited a degree of opposition which rende-s the vote of November uncer tain for himself though it drives Cleveland out of the field. The National convention will not be unmindful of that state of affairs, for Mr. I i-i. ilil has furnished the si rongesi possible argiiment infavorof the position taken by the Herald months ago. Wo then said, and have since found no occasion to change our mind, that the nominee for the Presidency should not hail from New York. The great bulk of the peole believe t h a t Tammany methods should not be introduced in to tho White House a n .1 nothing could be more un fortunare for the Democrats than to nominate any one who would make the anti Tammany cry an important element of the campaign. A Western man who has also the respect of the South a man like Watterson, for instance with Hill for sec ond place, would be cf rtain to carry New York and the country. The Democrats of this State, now divided Pto , . . ...... . . . . . . 1 I ..... . . . V . . . . . laciioiiM .inn ionium n op- . port u n i t y to k n i i'e ea eli o the r, would unite on such a ticket, and carry the banner to un- doubted victorv.-JStur J o,c Hernld. . ., .. ..... . . i L'rei's to oi-ciimv u ioii.- posi-1 opinion is i lint t ie i;oaril .:! ration. Mr. Hill stolea:.. , , , . . , r .... , ... , . .tws. when good, honest () 1 rade of ( iueago, or in iraich on tr.em in the choice, . . , . , . . i wlr'e men e-iii 1." oidanvd. unv other place, ottered a bill o an e.irlv date, and th'-yi ... ., I4, . . . . , , . . ... imean som"t h;:)'r. Irmeansi bat u ould certainiv prevent were soda :"d and bewilder- , . . ,!. i ' n- ... ... ... ... ; 1 1 f 1 1 su'h eraanpi ad'mnis-1 net itioiis !ci ving and selling, c'itliat theydidnotliKiginoiv .' . ... , , ?' 4l , f ii . . iti-adon tae-is wilh th" nvwt : via!.' at t he name time if it than enter a f.vbie prote!.: .. . . ! , , . , , .... . 4 ' , . I .piMi'vov.il o every i del not niterlere with legitl- 1 hey lost the game at llifbe-l . : 1 , p , 4 . i!vifr:n,i" ridr'i. I hor' and I mate trine th" committee ginning and have nothing;. .. , .. , rjl i , .. . . t. s'.t -It . rU:r I' l Ccx. 1C f-uS rur. To e evy pi- eae t hero is a dark as w.-il -is ,i bright i.e- n:V ;u ( r'e n '"Tiel'log irss of Ci iiiz it ion in t ! ' I'ni- (,.. Slut .," I tried to pr - s .tM !,. I.r; !:! -it!.': intliisl whdi to s;-i!c a wo;-! ol war-;,..li!s in,;)i. iy.uViU, ..A niav: and ch;-t t at ion. ; the wi(ii.-v-.-s we liaveh ard.' S.e h ijru-ti " r:s -l.ss W. ; says ." . ay that they nr.? Mition. (he 'fmcentrMtingof . willing th.il th selling of op r.oti y iulolhe hands of the; jj.,,,S!.il,M5hj be suppressed. f-"V by trn- and c v.'.'na-j but they do not make a clear t'OT's. and the ap'-oiutinent I 1 . v 1 1.) -l icon .V int. . '"' I'"''-' ' ... ' ' 1 ' ' " ' i - i ..... - - . j ... . j I I 'II I I ! 1 Mill I I I"" un. as one nvm. under thr Demo'-rati" b-mn'M and scat ter f-u'li coiTUT4iou forever to the four winds of Jen von. The elect ion of 1 SI-."1 means a rteat deal to on1" or-oph Tt means Republicanism or d" l n oer a cy c a ss ) e :: Nation or equal i"pres"M4 a 1 ion, negro anpoiarni'Mits in the South or while offi .'"! s, e y t i"i varnnt squandering of pnbli- money or o-ovvnment "conomieally adminisf"r"d. Nearly every class of peop! in tlr's conn- )f ' h'.ifruo ot clubs inthedis trv and esoeeiaPv the far-1 1 rict. Congressman Capehart, mevs ha ve been and are oo pressed by radical ruWxcM"d the tnonovcd class. In other words th" ric', are made rich er while the poor grow poor er. Is it not time to click this diabolical robbery? We need reforms, but no Thi'-d Party.. I believe wiihBen Tilman: "In fighting hr re forms insid" op "arty lines." I't Hie alliance ;.nd non-alliance factions compromise their difference, if any, and march shoulder to shouhler under the Democratic ilag to the polls in November and east their votes for Democ racy, ana the result wiil be the greatest Democratic vic tory achieved in man;,' long years, "Failed we stand; divided we fall." Let thopo who advocate i he Third party movement have patience to give the Demo- rats one fair chance. Give us a Democratic President. e; a neniocranc mujonry in the Senate ant! House of Representatives, then the poo pie need fear no harm. Our treasury shall be protected our government r.hal! be safe our canntry shall he safe, and our poopl" shad be safe. White men, if yea would be true to your country -true to your families, and true to yourselves, enlist today un der '.he' Democratic banner. Fellow citizens, a great re sponsibility rests upon us. It: is our duty to impress upon young mind of the rising generation that t-pvinci-p.les vi Democracy aresacred. And reach them to 'ver vo'tf with and for a party - whose ! platform guarauteess. ngov- ei'ii tv.ru. t h- the- neooli fo il t!l ,)0o )( ' sVH through th.i nnnift. V Ak i.; Diiont vT. ., .... ......... .... - A Pennsylvania Mill Com pany will remote a $1 :U0f),- 000 cap.fai.zed planttoCl.at Hanooga. t'jj.- A -i or Vit aj A nl i-Oiti3 liiil W'.ll l'.iv.. Mr A!-:u;.1. r. of.Xt.ith Tar oii-ri. .-.ts Jii.it ii will b ... a u:.-asr.ie that w ill suppress Hi; tiliou it'iyiag ai.d selling, ai; 1 yet will not interfere with what the commercial uotl.l ideiiaitiim betvern thepeiliag . .f .i. i. .tiu .,,..1 r, ,.,.. j.'i " ..... . i. i luiiu-r. My i - . ...-,,v n,,,.,,,. It will take some time to frame the bill, but when it is framed it. will pas thellouse perhaps not by a!two-third vote, but certainly by an am pie majority. Clcvi l.iii'l T!ii(lii!siinm in West Ta. Hi'NTi.viiTox, W. Va., Feb. !?.'. The meeting of thedem oerats of the Fourth Con grosional Distriet was held le re today, several hundred persons being present, the object being the organization Governor Fleming .and other prominent democrats from ali parts of the State were present and made speeches. Th" I "igue was orgaized and the hardest campaign the State has ever known was begun. During the meeting a resolution declaring alle giance to Senator Hill was ainun t unanimously defeat ed, while Cleveland's name was greeted w i t h rousing cheers. Ho-! ible Mm:lerFa;l Car.iiitialism. Atlanta, Ga.. Feb. 22 News of a horrible story of murder and cannih ali.-an near Ray's mill lias been received. Lucy President, a degraded and idiotic negro woman left her home and nine-rnonths-oll infant in (barge of her i wo older children, Markand Linda, aged respectively nine and eleven years. She went to work at the place of Mr. I. A. Knight, two miles did lant. After her departure Mark, wilh an axe, deliber ately knocked the baby in the head, lie took a fork and gouged out the eyes of the little on ? which he roasted, and then taking a slice out o either jaw, he and hid sis ter sat themselves down to a feast. When t h e mother ret urned and Found what had b"en done she did not show the least sign of maternal grief. A Cincinnati man says: "Hill is the'only man with whom the Do noerats can hope to win this year. Not because of any special virtue, exci pt that he is a ba :helor,nndth2 paityhas always been suc cessful, with bachelors. The first oyV they elected was Van Baron, then Buchanan, Tildrii, Cleveland, while he was a bachelor. After he mar ried he was defeated, as we know. Thus, luck hasalwayH been with the Democracy wheu.led by an unmarried ' -man, nnrTTiill will be no ex ception, and should be' tlitf nominee.-"