Jfeu T'V""" I Dei boot VOL I HOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, MAKCII. 17. 1892. NO. U. I'liob i:sioal. W. ILCOFXCILL, Jit Attorney at La v. lioon.', X. C. W. ILCOUNCILL. M. I). I'lOOUC, X. C. Resident Physician. OHice on King Street north of Post Office. E.F. LOVILL . Attokxky At T.aw, Poone X. C. Pit. L. C. REEVES. Physician and Simmskon Office at Residence. Poone, X. C. L. D. LOWE, Attorney at Law -AND- xotaiiy run LIC, PANXEltS ELK. X. C. J. . WILUAR, DENTIST, Ei.tf I'AKK, SOUTH CAROLINA. (MVrshis professional services to the peopta ot Mitchell, VV.it mi'i.i ami adjoining coun ties. rwVo l.nd muffin used und vork QunrinitiwLl&H Miv 1 1 v. I , V. MOBPIIKW, ATTORXLY A'l LAW, M.MUOX,.- N.C -(o)- Wiil practice in the couvls ol W'ntiHign. Ashe, Mil rhell, McDow ell and nil other cnni'tics in the .vesfeni listrict aTSMH-inl ntten tion given to the collection of claims." Ed M. madron, IU-:XTALSUR(JKON, Ioscop. Xorth Cnndina. OfiiTK hi- iml'i'K-iomi services to the people of Ihis and adjoin iii; com, ties. All work ..ronsptly lone r.nd satisfaction guarau (cod. Oct, 27, 3 mo. NOTICE. Hotel Property for Sale. On account of failing health of myself and wife, I offer for sale my hotel property in the tow n ot lloone, North Carolina, and will sell low for cash and make terms to suit the buyer, and will take real or jtersonal property in ex change. Apply soon. W. L. RltYAN. Notice. For sale. 900 ceres of land, on Rich Mountain, Watauga County, on which is asbestos, and fine land for sheep ranch. Sales private. L. D. Lowe & I. T. Furirerson. Ex'trs. of Mrs. A. P. Cnllownv. deed. Panner Elk, Nov. 1" '90.. XOIK E. Parties putting papers in my hand "for execution will ple-isp advance the fees with the papers and they will re eei vp prom pt attention, other wise they will be returned not executed for the want of fees. D. F. Baird Shff. fcfrMlvrln.Jro.' ,uf ru m ! " " w cfc vQukkt7 bew tMH fro f . ! or a!i voir iiaae,ov V" BtftftaraU oal t .M k Ll.Afe riitK. AtlCrtfti ftl . BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Cures Dysptepoia, In digestion & Debility. VASlIIX(iT()X LLTTEU. J From our BeguU- Co e ;poadsut j Mr. Harrison is enyraued in! enginiH'iiujr another iriiintic. war ncare, with the same old object in view; but as Secre tary l?lainnn liavina figlit with the grip, the little man in the White House is trying to run tlieiuachinealone.and there U danger that it may not work a it did in the ('nil ian business; it certainly will not if similar ultitnitmn bnncoaib is used by Mr. Har rison. Details are waive a to why the country is in the great danger of war with (ireat Ihitain that the ,id ministration people say it is. All that is known is that Lord Salisbury has notified the department f Statethat he approved of the arbitra tion tieaty that was signed by Mr. I.laine and Sir Julian Pauncefote last Monday, but that he de-lined to renew the modus vivendi for the com ing scaling season in Rehr ings' Sea, and suggested in lieu thereof a close season within 30 miles of the Priby lov Islands. There s no booming of can non orsoundingof the-harge in that, so far as ordinary folks can see or hear, but it was enough to bring Mr. Harrison tearing home from his hunting trip and to cause him to call his cabinet hur riedly together for n night meeting, which was of itself enough t o start the most sensational stories agoing over Ihe newspaper special wires, and t h e mysterious hints dropped by those close to Mr. Harrison.of impending danger to the Ameriran Ea gle, did the rest ill a manner that was probably highly pleasing lo tii.-t genlleman; but now that he has bis war scare fairly on its feet, vhat will he do with it? Do Treasury officials make a pra ct ice of vi t h 1 1 ol d i n g pay ment of contract and other public. Fxpenditures between the middle and last of the month, in order to make a better showing than net ually exists, in the monthly state ment issued vit the close of business on the lust day of the month? Evidently Rep resentative Butler, of Iowa, believe? there is something in the charge that they do. 'or he has offered a resolution calling upon th Secretary of the Treasury for. a detailed statement of the requisitions for money for the public pre sented to the Treasury be tween Feb 1" and 29, and of payments made on the same prior to Mar. 1 . The legalizing of his ''coun ted quorum" by the Supreme Court so puffed up th ex Czar with impudence and con ceit that even the patience of so even-tempered a man as Speaker Crisp was at last completely exhausted; and the man from Maine found hi msel f being d rt ist ica lly flay ed by the Speaker, to whom he hpd bepn trying to dictate. And the general verdict, join ed by many republicans, is that it ' served him eiuctly right." The anti-Harrison republi cans are somewhat ut sea as to who to ake up for a didate, and the iiaui's that are constantly being put for w.ii.l In tliat coniiivU'.n :'.r.' - but Mersof thepni.i'i'-puls-. Mr. EniTor:-Your ofiVrJto The latest feeler K in fa vorof ' v" 11 hearing on this sub .1. S Chikson. clminuaa -f,i,,, lis "''pte.1 by me, .not the republican national ...n..:,,,,,i'i's" ' c-liiim to any mittee, the man who wan ro knowledge or better un backed bv Quay and the en-;'1, ian.iing oi it than my tire national committee u-a ! f"""-v "it iwii; but wnply to place in Mr. Harrison's caLi. .i""ciiy state a tew tacts that: net. and yet was most pr- nunc to me from obser- nmpforilv turned .i....- : '. V;l -r:,'. 1 '"Iin? and - on vers) There is "little doubt that Mr.:il uith niy frien.lsaii.l iif igh ! Clarksoa would take gie k l:easure in taking the nomi- nation away from Mr H.-irri-1 son, if he couM; but Mr. Clark sun's mental caliber is hard ly large enough to make him a Presidential nominee even of the republican party The House Committee on Appropriations made decide to abolish two entire divis ions of the Treasury depart ment, those on Public Mon eys and Loans and Currency, because the work done by them is but a duplication of Imnd or bruin, l ins country what is doneby tvodivisionsi very far in advance of any of the Treasuier's office. All that is necessary to abolish them is to leave them out of the annual appropriation bill upon which tiie committee is now at work. Although the Pension 0 If ice investigation has just begun to get into the interesting stage, it has already been shown pretty conclusively that things are not conduct ed as they should be. It has been acknowledged by official j been very great andourcoun witnesses that men recom-i i ry vastly benefited and ad mended for dismissal, for j van-ed by these laws. Then cause, have not only been i there are theCopyright Laws kept in office, but act ually ! protecting for many years promoted; it has bee:! or-'the authors of books, et-:. knowledged that i lie private Writers of books and publish Secretary of Assistant Secre-jei have reaped a large com tary Chandler has regularly I pensation by brain work and visited the Pension (MhVe to1 taking ad vantaeof thclaws. push the claims represented by a certain attorney, and that an employe who feloni ously broke the lock of tic aesk of one of his superior officers in order to see some pa perst herein was afterwards promoted. And there is more mid worse to come. Mr. Eu loe has introduced a hill fn the protection of witnesses in the employ of the Govern ment, which, if it becomes a law, as it siruild, will add much important tistimony which otherwise will not be obtained in this in veM igni tion. Three appropriation bdU passed it one week. Where is the man who accused the majority of the House ol I Messenger:-The c o I o r e d people of Xorth Carolina o.n over 8,000,000 of property. That is doing fairly well, and we sincerely rejoice that ttiey wn so much. We hope be fore the century ends they will own at least 40,000.000. Sobrietv. energy, economy and industry will do a great deal for their mental and ma ferial improvement. In New Hanover county, ot fJ?,0Uo, 1 1'). iif nrniicrtv listed the colored people" have $533.- 99H, which is ? very respect a j ble show ing. The Charlebton Xews ami Courier sent out a cirmlar letter. It has heard from 4, 0G3 people who were inter viewed. Preferences for C!eve ! land, 3,154; preferences for "-"" Hill, 3G2; other preferences1 !" to our v ple bv 577; Cleveland's majority o- C:is form of protection. The ver Hill, 2,792; Cleveland's !ist prepared by our gener majority over all, 2,115. j Knl6 iiUVS hus Uui been spread 'rotation Bjr tin- Tariff an' Oilier Law. ItV IHlKLE CARTER, X. D. ' dl shades ofopinicais Mad v i.-ws. The statenn-nts MihlfniK-Iusions pi-esontod are my own, for which I alone: am responsible. If inanyway! thet serve to elicit truth, or! a bet tcrunderstandingof this: highly important subject, 1 will be satisfied. To my mind, Protection is simply and solely that which gives and guarantees to each and every individual the just fiuits of toil whether such toil or labor be of the other within my knowledge in the enactment of laws to to secure to persons the re sults of toil and labor. There are three kinds of protection which our laws foster, which comes to my mind just at present, that I would men-hion:-T!ie Patent Laws, giv ing protection to the citizen for 17 years for any useful and valuable invention. The rewards to inventors have Whoever writes a good book which it is believed will com mand a lsirge sale, nt once se cures protection by a copy right. In fact our most pop ular writers on free trade who bring forward every possible argument, ngninst protection have taken advantage of the doctrine and practice they as sail and condemn, to the ex tent of securing a copyright and therefore protection on their writing. As many of those works like Henry George's have had anincreas ed sale and a goodly fortune have aceiued to the Iroo trade writers. Thirdly, we havej the tariff act; the so-called McKinley Pill. This benifl cent law more fully than the others accords to our people the right to obtain the high est compensation and advan tages possible for all our pro ductions oe it of the soil or the labor of our hands or brains. The tariff acts in the past probably have done more than anything else to make " wlf-snpportinff and a strong people aim govern- meat. Put to enter upon e veil a limited consideration of this groat subject we arc compelled to apply to other sections of our country tor J facts to show the great Iieue- in all sections of our land. It ! is true that there are now ex-' pet i meat stations, as it were, which have leen and contin ue to be, started all over the West and South; and this kind of protection will ad vance still more in these sec tions in the future, in my humble opinion. I regret that I cannot refer to any large manufacturing industries and plants in this region. If we had enough of them to employ :U the peo plem our section who wished to engage in such various kinds of work,'wevould nt only be able to show a rapid and greatjadvancein "wages, but a sure nnd.Qcertain con sumption at igoodj prices of all the -'produce our farmers choose to raise. We ha ve very many favoring factors. Our climate is'such thafjFpeople can be steadily employed the whole year through. Xonevd to stop in summer on ac count of excessive heat and our fuel supply is about for the brief winter. Then our water power is the finest of any section with which I am acquainted. X To be continued. There is no wisdom or judg ment in forcing Hill or Cleve land upon the democracy of Xorth Carolina, whentonom mate either at once imperils the State and makes it al most sure forjllarrisonofthe republican nominee. Xomi nate a good Western man with Russell or some equally as go 3d -in Eastern man a running mate. Then you will win, provided, that the pres ent Congiess d o ? h nothing foolish to injure tke demo cratic cause and the platform adopted is a good one, drawn upon sound democratic lines. Hill has been urged upon the grounds of 'availability.' Humbug of the first water. Cleveland is stronger in Xew York today than Hill is, and neither is strong enough to carry that State, and thus secure the 30 needed electora I votes. Hill is not "availa ble" i n a single Northern State. We believe that or we would not so state. He is not probably "available" j in Maryland or ortn i aro lina. He is indeed a very weak candidate the very weakest of the weak. Let us drop both Hill and Cleveland, unite the party, and then go for principles and victory. It will be a most inexcusa ble blunder if any set of men force any candidate upon the country and cause the repub licans to continue in office, not for one term, but perhaps indefinitely. Wilmington Messenger. Col. John D. Ca meron hea rd Sam Jones lecture in Xew Bern and this is what he writes to the Ashevil'e Citizen: ''1 heard Sam Jones lat night and confess to be much pleas ed with his lecture 'Get There.' He ha a better voice, better language, less of coarseness, more of real humor, more of pathos than hae been as cribed to him." For all derangements of the throat and lungs, Ayer's Cherry lYct )ral istheBeediestaiid most relial le remedy. Even the ad vane ed stages of Consumption, this wonderful preparation affords great relief, checks coughing and inducts sleep. THE It KOtt I. Mil. FniToif In a rocrut isssue of your p pT, you gavenn the probable .-a use of the Aurora Poreulu, the sun shining on the northern ic bergs. No one knows what the true caiie is, yrt tin mu- rity believe that it is caus ed by jkctrii ity passing ti' rough the atinospeie at ei ther p:!e of the earth: he light seen in ' hcsouthei r.s beiiig called the Aurora A trilis. It is a .ell known ob servation tint t!i" atmos phere that surrounds the earth gets lighter and light er as we go up, and on such l'. supposition it isclaimed that tiif, air does not reach over one hundred miles above us, alter the air gives out there is the ejiher wlii' h is claimed to penetrate every form of matter and to fill all space. Electricity passing through this ether is supposed to pro duce the various colors seen in the Aurora. The supposi tion is based upon an experi ment which has often been performed i n laboratories. Small glass tubes are filled with gas and then placed un der an air pump and all the gas drawn out, or as much as possible, being almost a vacuum, with the exception of this ever-present ether. Through these tubs a cur rent of electricity is passed which produces all the colors seen in the Aurora. At the time these Auroras are seen there is noticed to be great electric storms on the earth; '.v.-iso much on the telo grapl wires as to carry mes sages without the necAisity of batteries. Supposhrj: the earth to be a great ni gi vt with tlu-se currents of el ;.lr ity passing around it nr. a there baing an extra supply escaping at the poke? and pen etrating tlte air and then the ether, one can get some ide;;. of the probable, though not satisfactory, causes of these beautiful "northern lights." There is connected with these phenomena, that of the sun spots. A very large sun spot was visible, with the aid of a smoked glass, at the time of the Aurora. As I looked at che spot which appeared n larger than a pea, I was sur prised that to learn that it had been calulated to be 100, 000 miles Act oss, a d o z ;:mcsthe si.e of the lite' w orld from w! A it was sue.. These sun spots appearatnll times, but are greatest at pe riods of 11 years. Some have placed the cause of the wide spread sickness and death to the above mentioned phenom ena. More and more we are learning that this our little world occupies only a small place in the mii verse of worlds and is influenced by the ac tion of the other worlds of the system. Wl'di tlie Heart f AfTeited P-y Rheumatism, or any of the ca:sc!'S near that organ, itislike tampering with on elctric wire, for death may come at any mo ment. It lite is worth $3, go to the druggist and pet L)r. Drum moneTs Lightning Remedy, o r send to the Drummond .Medicine Co , 48-fjO Maideu Lane, New York, and they will serd you a large bottle by prepaid express. It is not as quick as electricity, but itwillsaveyourlifeifyotitak it in time.