A locra, id. VOL 1 1 U )( )N K, W ATA 1' ( ; A ( '.'( ) I ' NT Y, ('., riH liSDAY, Al'Iil L, 7. l:2. N(?. :u. 1'Knt i:ssi()XAL. w. b. cofxcill. J. Attoiin'.y at La v. Boon", x. c. YY. B. COFXCILL, M. I- Bootie, X. C. Pesideiit Physician. Ol'.'.-e on Kinr Street north of Post Office. . i;.F. LOVILL Attohnky At T aw, r.oono x. c. in.T,.r. UKFAKS. PlIYSH'IAN AND SfKCt'ON Off.ce at Residence. l!ooli X. C L. I). LOWE, mm t Law -AND- notary rvitur, r.AXXLKS KLK. X. C. DENTIST, n.K rvt:K, noktii cakoi.ixa. OiVrs ins in oi'i'ssional wrvircn tli! ni'Oli i' in Miti-hcll, tnul .ill .vorkfintiriwt'wl May 1 lv. " I F. S6BPIIKW, ATTOIlWAl LA W, MAltlOX, Nf -()- Will iiracti-''"u lw ronrtu W!itin!"ti.Asli.')Miti-l'..'ll,M-Hw. 1! nml .'ill '11'11' "'aii'tii'H m tin-,v,.-1.rn lisliict rSo.-i-iol attcn tii, vivi-ii to tlx c-oll.'Hion r.f Ed EL :5 i)i:xT.Lsn:i-:ox. I-o.roc Xoitli (nvnlinn. Offi rs liis jn-ofessioiial services to the people of tins ami adjoin inrr counties. AU'work .n on.pt !y loae mid satisfm-iion tend. Oct, -J7, - mo. NOTICK. Hotel Vrojn'vty for S;ilo. On'nocount of f;:i!ier ln-.dl'' Of nivsclf and wife' I oiTer for s le mv liotel iirojM'itv in the town of lioone. North Carolina, and will sell low forcnsli r.n.l taake terms to Miit the huyer. nml wiH tde real .' )ersonnl proM'rty in ex hanire. Applvsoon. W. L. 1'iiYAX. Sothv. For sale. 000 acresof land, on Ilich Mountain, Watauga County, on which is nshestos, and fine land forsheep ran:-h. Sales private. L. T). Lowe & J. T. Furirerson, Fx'trs. of Mrs. A. P. Calloway, deed. Banner Elk, Nov. 1' '00.. KOIKE. Parties putting papers' in my hand for execution will pleise advance the foes with the yiajiers and they will re ceive prompt attention, other wise they will he returned not executed for the want of fees. D. F. IUip.d Siiff. yrf-i 5;.i .- " v-sra tf--m . ri.l' I"'1 k" hM "If X 't . mgv. liil..l ZM-' fiJ?iir.. """'! J X ' D - i. ill u .... v., w : . -J V-.f rsWf.MTlMl.llw-. JTifc-j J I.;, 1, . !.JJ. OtrK. rtirri..rfc BRO Til ' S IRCN EITTER3 Cures Dyspepsia, In digestion 4 Debility WASHINGTON LFTTF.U. From our Hfjcb.r Cjrrespondiit Speaker i Hup pi obabl v wishes as si licet el V ; any man in or out of Congress ! that th" Bl.ihd frii. ioiiia-o I, ill had been finally disposed ..f last week, and tli.it tlnre'tates to do anything t were some honorable wnv of i (wciiniii" a rcni'Wiilol'tli.'linlit this WlM'k Ullt tlll'f" jsn t. Xolliiim ill s-ili.-fy itlar j tin- cnnvc::tii.n was not H.li'hnt n il.'ii.Mvi' ii tor.v vorahly i1. i -i od towards Mr. Crisp's position inllx'jMr. damson. I'.i-sidi's Mr. lijiht, last w.ck, wasar.ytliiii!Uu!-: has hi-m r-qui-stiMl hy hut pli-asaiit to him. Al-!l'i")iaii"ait n-puhlirans of his thoiifihit had hoi-ji h o in ciStnti' to kcop hiais.-lf fni titno ai-o (i.'iidi'd liat tlw I'roni a n.v cut a nuliu;;.-alliances I'ri'i" :- ina;i-.' jf silver should with any other eandidate. in not he made a party nieas-j order to :ive thetn a li.inee lire, he found himself eon- to work for his nominal ion. fronted hy a majority of the d 'inoerats in the House, to gether ith eleven repuhli eansnnd the alliance tnem hers, who favored free coin n;e, an I a strong mi-'ority of democrats and seveneihts of ihe rep'ihlicans, nnioii"' whom ere some of the a hit st and most ex)erienced parli amentarians in the House, who were opposed to it. That the Sjie.iker, win has always heen in favor t:f the free coin j)f- of silver, found the roll ot presiding olticer a tryiuir and difficult one to till, to his own satisfaction, tosavnot.h iar of others, is not strnnevi ' ninl it is greatly to his credit I that no serious fault was found with his rulings. This week lie will Imvo it all to pro throuiih withn-ain. as the conimitteeon rules will report another special rule, calling up the silver hill, and it is expected, cutting off de hate and tillihusteiine- of all soils, if is prohahle th.it the contest over the ndop t ion of t his rule will he as hit -ter and exciline as were any of the lights in Czar Heed's trillion dollar Congress, and its re.-u't appears to he in doubt. Since last week's sur prise the prophets are all lay ing low and "sawing wood." The out of town engage melds irade by the suh-coui-mittees of the committees on the World's Fair and on man nf-ict urcs. of the House, nre oil", unt il the silver bill shall tie finally disposed of iy the House. The House census commit tee has invited (Jen. Francis A. Walker to tell what he thinks of the proposition for establishing a permanent Ccn sus Bureau. Mr. Han ison hasapproved m a special message the bill appropriating 100,000 for tlied. A- II. encamp .lent in this city, next September, but there is a good deal of opposition to the bid, on con stitutioual grounds. It is held that if it be proper for the general Government lo appropriate money for the entertainment of a national gatheiing of the mem bets of onenon-offi -ial organization it will be the same for all oth ers. Representative and Senator-elect Mills will not take his sent in the Senate until! the free coinage bill and the free wool bill are both finally disposed Of hj the House. Certain friends of Mr. Har rison have been making ani 'effort io.innlli,.i-.'.olT,.nsiv. 'and defemivi W itll Sim Ma- i Husk t whom thc hle of- NT'lll ! l.uv il till' : feted tit k-t "ith Mr. ll;inisoii,l:iit S - ctvt a ry Mi-u. white pet .-on , nllv in f ivi-r of th" rcnoint-1 nation i Mr. Harrison. Imsi. 1 might prevent ins accept ill g ; t!n' nomination li i in self. "h'lM.I It '.liMlHCOVlTCll limi The Senate is ioiiis through another violent attack of the newspaper fever, and is pre tending to he very much in terested in discovering l.v what underhanded nieihods the wicked eorresjvanVnts "et the full details of every thing done in oxiM-utive ses sions, whereas every school hoy in Washington knows that it is the Senators them selves who furnish thecorrcs- pondeuts with the news. The pei i.il oeeas'eai of this at- t;ick was tin uhli. ition ol what the Senators said in ex ecutive session ahouf tin' ar- hitrat i-m treaty, which they have informally concluded to ratify, hut are as yet unde cided wh; ther to make n re newal of the modus viveml a conditi m of its going into effect. They will decide this week. There is a curious story go in sr a roil: d concerning Mr. Harrison and Mr. Blaine. It says that Mr. Blame attiud ed the l.i:U cahinei meeting, and there for the first time learned the full extent of Mr. Harrison's management of the Bchring Sea business. and that when as!eI to give his ml vice lie declineil to oo so, saying in effect that he preferred having nothing to do with it. It is deieed at the Navy de partment that any orders have li-H-n issued coneeiuiiiti t'ie policing oi liehriugs' Sea, hut it is well known that there are enough revenue cutters in the Pacific to do t he-work, and that n.fval vessels will have to help if it is to be done. TNO HOYS. The late ex- (iov V. it t i . . i ni i : . iioiuea siarieo in me us printer's devil. () n e cold mori ing the boy wasdeli ver ing papi'i s, a n d nt a rich man's mansion he was invi ted into the dining room to warm himself by the fire. A handsome college boy on a visit to t hetar.iily wassittii.g at the table, and when the little devil left , t hiscoinforta h!e and happy youth handed iiim a buttered biscuit. Y'ni'.ig II olden walked off eath'.g his biscuit, envying the college student and feel ing very blue. Time brings wonderful changes. Thirty years later the boy who ir.ive the biscuit was defeated for governor by the barefooted lad who re ceived it 'State Chronicle. (J.-izette: Tlie funeral ex penses of the Fifty first Con gress are sad to have been i nearly S.'ioO.OOO. It costs like smoke when a congress- man dies The people are , ting the grandest home industry going to fix a cheaper way of : th it this or any other natioiiev burying these extravagant I, , i.-.d jdoiiothings, byd u m p i n g! them off in a lump next fall, bktin ox tiietakiit. 1 l:trr.rt i io:?i 1tr Alt'o nuil liol'.iunt j SM-.5i r t!ii' limn:? .Mfiiilii--. i - V n cannot, in v friend-, r.ii-' ; 1 1 -i i f ; 1 1 1 1 iii l-.s.-ti V without mit tin Lrt hi-Inn den soiii"w here. U'lu'h ti ,,,,,.,.,,., )lV ,,,,-;,,,v M.,j d..i! .'i sinuingdown intoon voll mus ivih..mhrtl.:it t ! . ;, trunoMit Ins J.i oinrht it cry-, i.,,r np out of.. other man's'i Mi.klt. 1 OH llliJilH just MS i M try to raise a wei-ht with it level-; witliont a lulcru.il us to try to .el .soi in p'o t i.-iilar i in I ust ry hy means oftaxntion wiliioul jiliU i;ii;' t in' leirdcii on 1 lie coiisiiiiiei-. linek in Illinois w le'ii w- w.-ie repairiii;r n rail Idice we would soinetiiues tind ;i coiner down pretty lew !;i tli" reiiiul. and not wanting- to tear down tlie fence we would devis" s. due way ot raisiiiiC that fence corner to put uinl-rit" ii new Liroiiinl cIkii. k. Mow did we do it? We tool- a rail, prt one end of it iaid"i- n fe:n-e corner, then lead down a ".round chunk tor a I'alcruai. Then we would yo oil" to tin otli- down; up weald o the Idiec cor ner hut dor:; anybody suppose t here was no pressure faleruni ? on that That, my frl iids, ilhistrat es nisi the operation, nc I coi eive You jit. of a protective tariff want, to raise an inl.uu nnlu :-v for instance, what do you J - - V You take ii protective tariff lor a lever, and put one end of it under the infant industry thai is lo be raised, ion loou aiouinli for some e-i .od. fat, hearty consu ni'T and hiy lain down us a ground chunk; you bear down on the rail ami up 'ee1' the in fant indi.stry. hut down j;ocs t lie ground chunk in t lie gi-'uu:'. The reason our friends justify the principle is that they see the infant industry rise, but they for get the man npon whom they iii e placing ill.- burden. And the t rouble wit h t his coiiai ry is that ail over the bind are the homes of forgotten men men w li o s e tights have been violated and wiiose interests have been disiv giirded in order that somebody else may be el.' idled. It is the principle that is iuvolv.-d in tin.-, little binding twine bill You see the industry that j( is the :().. )u0. but you never think of the farmers who go d"wn into their pockets and iay the litt'e sums that make up the great enioeat. Is not that a fact? Is not that theefiect ot the tariff? Therefore the man who ja.- tifies protection as a priii.' ipl- iiiusf prove three things: lie must prove that the principle is ri;:ht, that the policy is wise a ml that thetaxis ncces- ajsarv. When some voiiii; man selee n you ig woman who iswillingto trust her future to his strung right arm, and they start la build a lit I le home, that home, which is the unit of society and upon which our government and our prosperity must rest when they snrt to build this little home, and them'in who sclisthe lumber readies out his hand to collect a tariff upon that; the man who sells paints, oils wants i tiiriiTon tli"iii, the man who furnishes the carpets, tablecloths knives and forks, dishes, fun.i ture, snoons, evervtliiag that u tern into tliei oust! uctioa an op oration of that home w hen n!i these hands, 1 say, are Kf retched out from evry direction to lay their blighting weight upon that cottage, and the democratic par ty says. "Hands off, and let that home in lust ry liv it is prolec- ud I am willing thatyoii. oar aienus ou the otLi r side, tdiu.ll have uli.il i-oii.'.Miii! v'U in iv j gain fi ni tli pro'ccii.iiiof I'.i'Wj home i;.di:M p.s" u'ii' li l;'t . i crown.-,! nitli i ! .-1 1 1 1 in! nid. n tln l.ii's nt Ni w iti.t. if v .i 'oil Han 'v give us tin- nd: ,.; th-cham i,,;Hoft led .onus 'of this land. It uo;iU-., m that HIV it I'll III H.!:L1 !i:.l I! list.".l- in-wir in t l.in l-uWn t iv.- In.ll if" ........i..... ........:.,.. i ... oirj!,t to l, t.) Ih t! -.him that - i'iin up f. .:' tln:.- ti'iniilK cf : - .n.. awm. , i.i : ; ..; yi;ir party lias ne 'cie.! llicin. more, il lias turii.nl mid spit upon thein. When they asked ft r bread yi ! pivi' t he. ii a st one. and w hen they asked lor a fish you jravc tln'in a serpent. Yoa have laid upon them lair lens pri vous to he borne. You have lilh d Iheir la s wit !'. i oil ;:nl their nights v ith iiiixious t aic, a n d when theycri"d ahaiu f ir relief you were deal to 1 !; ir eat re; it ies." Jin c Chei'p .'iitai work, fohn Wan.-i maker, Cost Master (ieueral of the 1'nited States, it seems, canted raise himself nho e t he most nar row sectionalism zanship. lie hat aii' ani ivfus"d to recommend theannual appro priation for "Specia Mai! Fa cilities, li urn special hum! .rain running between New York and F!orid;i. He well knows that this train cannot be ran without special pay, and that the takingoff of the fast mail will be a serious in jury to the pe i!e of the South Atlantic Slates, but it seems that is the ery Ui'ng he is aiming at. Fver since his appointment io the im portant ) o s i t i o n he now holds, !:e li is shown liimself to bo a narrow minded bigot a n d i n s t e a d of w ork ing for the interests of the whole country, he has work ed to in j lire and oi'i'om! the South in every way possi'd '. We trust that he will not he allowed to carry out his plan of petty malice. A republi can Congressman from Wan amaker's own city, w i t h whom we discussed the nmt- ter a short time nvo. exTiress i . , , . ; , I be (l"se'0 ed the opinion very ireely j ;, that Wnna maker was iictir.g' . .. .. in! o'ice s very nnjustiv in uj maner, ami lhat. he would oppose , . , thecuttmguovvno me '!' Ncrih Car.-diu.-t left whhout propna. ton. e ho,,' -; nn ,ini,1(1 di,ino,!,lti, pm.ty. ( ongressmen from the hu.. , ,. . . , , 7, ,, ,, , t . Let divisions come and good North State wiM-light vigor-;. , v n, . . t ' bv to ail that makes North ously against this act ol in-!.1 ,. . . , , ... . . . ' r?r. ..... , , itiuohn-i :i desirable State in Mist ice. I hey w ill find plea- , , . r ...... t, I whien to live. tv of he p trom the Congress- .,.... ' . , , IM i he democrats must get to .i.en roui Xew l ork to !or- . , .... . , ., ! get her and stick together if i I a . J he .Mate expects thetn ,. .r . , a a i ' t aev would I't-evcnt a great to see hat this wrong is not i ,. .. , 'disaster. Prosperity and earned out. We hope tueyi 1 will not disappoint the ,,..! peace depend upon an unity p!"s' expectations.--Bo c k y oNi-arts and an union of Mount Arganaut. hands. . js ;l t-me of peril. The Chicago Ledger.-TheSouth fannPrs wiII suffer as much or is e-iijiable of supporting a ,,.,, than any ot'ier class if popul;itioiithat,iiiiatiowith!t1(. ,K.nro party once more Ps area, couhi be multiplied LP(H jp.to power. The detno into the hundredsoi millions. crnts who are well informed It has all the accessaries in 1 ..,,,1 t-ne to sound odncinles fertility of soil, in ciiuiateand material tesour .-es. The tend of population and wealth isjvote hr a Sub-treasury now in that direction. It m.-iv take considerable qm Nations of enterprise and capital and possibly a big slice ol i lire out of this century and the next, to place the South on a cen sus footing with its area and advnntages, out if historic example holds good and 1 he arithmetic of bun. an prog - ress is not at fault , the South is destined to hud houseroom and rations for millions. Tj.Ir4T.M-ro r rati ! simi-i-M. 'i-li'iM' tin1 tows .i ill ho (( j ! j'?' i'', , i s to tin notice M TVi-.i lijinii Mr. I,. I.. I'olk li lli I tlillir llis .;liT ;l!i! till' tliiril i.M-t,v. Tin n :.r' in the Alluuici. tens ol'thi'ii-aiMls f tni ', uiillaiti ili'iiiocrat . 'i i ) . i ri """""" """isu u.-itmi, tin- aii'y .lovcriraii'iii, ihimim.v of railict! plrac-er and whole sale wrong, the reign Ntf ter ror in 1 '.) '70. the rrd"tnp tion of the State by the dem ocrats, the return of pence and content im nt, the begin ning of prosperity, the resto ration of economy, honesty and 11 lelity in the public ser vice, the disappoaranceof the corp.. -.il of the guard from the b.. do' box, the opening of the public s-'hooks to both se.ves. and a dawning era of g-jod w ill in.ong the races, rhey know how usurping, sec tional, vicious, unfriendly, ex travagant, venal and uncon stitutioi' ;d has been the ac tum of the republican pirty in control of the Federal (iov eminent. They know how oppressive in taxes, how un .ipial in legiska) ioii.how hos tile in appointments to office has been the course of the re publican Presidents and their chief officials around them. They have not forgotten t h e s e things these stereo-vyp'-vl facts. They will not forget them. They know that disintegration of the white man's party in the South sim ply invites destruction and of tlie fateful pivcurser of a le turn to j tower of venal politi cians and baibarie antago nism. So long an the democrats have iutf lligence and patriot is:n prop"!' sense o? safety and a n cdi'r.l regard for pros pe. ity they will not. lend t hem selves to dividing the party and pulling political pirates on Board. A ship in thegre.it i s1 rt ss oi a io;ei:i. sloi iii io d by half the crew, remaining might utile it to- run it on .' bound coast , would be? mi no worsi couoition t a-" u . ... , . . , basic principles will note ven for the sake of harmony scheme or for giving the Fed eral (Joyernment at Washing ton the ownership of all the railroads, telegraphs, t e 1 e -phone and steamboat lines. This is not exactly Russia yet and the President of the Uni- j ted Si ates is not the Czar, i Democrats, stand by your 1 c.,in.s and do not desert the j o)cl fav-Wilminston sender.