( V Met CO KJ M V r ' i-' I" ,4 J voi. i liOOXK, WA'DtVA COrXTV, X. ('.. iliriiMLW, MAY. 12 , IKLi. jj Villi L.sSiOXAL w. n. trxciLi, A ttokv.y at Lay. Boo!l- X. (' w. r.. eorxeiLL. m. d. Boone, x. c. Resident Physician. Olfiee tin King Str.-et noi 111 of 1 -1 Office. E. F. LOYILL Attokxky At I aw, Boone X. C. m. l.c. reeved PHYSICIAN AND SlitCKON Cfilcc at Residence. Boom-, x. c. L. I). LOWE, AtiornQy at Lew -ani- xotaiiy rriiiAc, baxxers elk: X. ('. J. WIUSAR, dentist, KMC VXVM, XOIITII CAIIOMXA. Oficrs his prof-ssionnl sei vices to t 1h people ot Mitchell, Vntaiiga ami adjoining coun ties. fr-"Ao l;ul inntcuil used n ml .ill work s mini vteetl."' Mav 1 1 y. j, P. SIOBFIIBW, MTORSEY M LAW, MARION. ' N.C -(o)- Wi'l practice in lln min ts ol Watauga. Asiio, Mil Hi.-!!, McDow ell and a!! other coui ticH in the Aesiern listrict t'TSpcfial ntten lion given to the collection ol claims,"1 Ed M, I&ufrcn, i)i;NTALsrn(!i:oN, Iosco( Xovtli ( .i n)i:n:i. Oilers bis iM-ofes.-ioi!,". services to tlio pco)le of bin iuul ndjoin injj- co'r.it iof. All work ,;roiii1 l.v ionu' and satisfaction (.vnaian teel, Oct, 27, mo. xotirK. Hotel Pi o;r rty for Sale. On account -of failing lialtli of myself a 'id wife, I infer for sale niv hotel propertv in the town ol Uoone, North Carolina, and will ell low for -Hh and make terms to suit tlie bu.vev, ;:nd ill tai-Le real o personui proierty in thanp-e. Apiily nor-n. W. I.. UliVAX. Notice. For sfiK 90t) nciwof land, on Rich Mountain, Watnnjra t'oiint.v, on which is asbestos, and line land for sheep ranch. Sale private, fj. I. Lowe & 1. T. I'n ici'si m, Kx'trs. of Mis. A. 1. (jillowav, deed. l'amier Klk, Xov. If 'DO.. AY) 7 ICR Parties putting papers in my hand for execution will pit 'isp advance tlie fees w i t h the pa)ers and they will re t'eivpproinptattention, other .wine they will be relumed not executed for the want of foes. I). F. Baird Hhff. .'...AS? . yew mrni "t n n urh.bul c i ' -,' 7 S tH f "a mi lit tr, tii Wurm yo t j Hi-r H yyiti imc,o tukrc moii(Ji only to .MOM'S IROK EITTER3 Cures Dy-spopsia, Jh cligest ion & Debility. Y.AS!l!X;nN I. KTTi:!;. Ficra our Ej.Sar i'j -enn1r.l. i The dcniociatV h-.td- is are beimatiji; lo ii ali that the persistant abseut i iHin of a Lir" number of iiemoeiiitie in-M)bei of t he I louse i-j'oi ar.ii.;a the part v's conlroi iof the im xt lloil" It is I'll I very wcl! to blame the repub licans for r fiiihiir to vot to niak' a i;uoi iuu so that th House can transact ils I.ud ness, but the voters will not foru'-'t that ifevcry democrat ic nn'inber was ia hi seat the party could cast 07 votes more th in a ipioniai of the House, and could transact business without the votes of a Hlijjle republican, if they did nol choose to rote. It is simply folly to expect that the republicans will neglect any opportunity to Imntr to the attention of the country the lack of j) quorum, and in declining to votf they are but following thet-xampk set them by the democrats in thp last Congress. What then is to be done? That is just what is puzzling the gentlemen who are re garded as party leaders. All sorts of suggestions have been made, and many favor the plan of making a direct appeal to the democratic vo ters, asking them to brimr pressure enough (o bear upon their members to compel them to remain in their seats in view o' ttip general desire for renomi nation it would not require much pres sure of this sort to control tlie average absentee. What ever is to be done must he done quickly. Every day that there is not a quorum of dem ocrats on the floor of the House will add to the diffi culty of electing a democrat ic majority of the next House, and to losethelIoue would be a dire misfortcne that even the election of the .''resident will not fully com pensate the party for. The trouble seems to h: that the democratic majority is so large that some of the mem bers think their presence is not necessary. This is a mis take that must be brought home to them. The amissions of Special Examiner (Jreenvvalt of tlie Pension Bureau are of them selves sufficient cause for for the summary dismissal of Commissioner Ilaum. (Ireen walt admitled under t'e ltoss examiation of Repre sentative Enloe that' under orders .from Rauni he had gone to Indiana,' and given a man $2o to send to Repre sentative Cooper, to be paid to Mr. Cooper's private sec retary, lor i n f o r m a Hon which had ' been furnished concerning pension claims, in the hope of proving Mr. Cooper guilty of allowing his secretary to-accept money for the information which had been obtained by the use of his name and official priv ileges at the iVnsion Uure-.iu. Xice sort of business for the head of one of the most im portant bureaux of the Gov ernment to be engaged in, wasn't it? Ex-United States Treasurer i. .:,u.. i.f Indiana, who I. ffi , W . t ! s i i o ; I i-l year .- v ia ; Ve!!l" ai.i e oa Ian I li"calist 'A hi S I ) or family, lant l ave been i pi !e;it--d. He Is IIOW it! V.l.-h-. inioi), ahut his is th w.iyl liMalk: '"Tiaae is no other PA'pei ta) ion out our nai jthan that Piv:d .at 11 n ri-1 i si n vvill be I'ellO r.iti,, t d. , i There never was aav orra ; ii'.". d op.'iion to hmi in . ! Indiana." j j "Teddy" I!(K)M'vi-ll is on j it !n warpath, for Mr. Waua-i I aiaker. and 1c has anaounc- j jed his iist t'iition t o 'igr.ra tiva - ' ly sealp I he postmaster (i"ii- eral for th delectation of tie"; House commit tee on !! form in the Civil Service, which" i ( imaged in making an iavcs-1 tijiatiou of the c'hurgcsj Ro-.evelt made against 2 employes of th" Baltimore Post oil'ee, last year. Mr. Wnnnmukcr :jihi ie timony before thecoiamit tea ; (: "iit ed the report of the Posi of fice ins(eetor., white-wash-1 ing th" aforesaid e nploypes, and i n t i m a t e d that Mr. Roosevelt has been green enough to allow hiaisa1' to be im pined on w lieu he made his investigation. ThU got i eiiily s lighting blood up. i and he has sworn revenge j and aske-i nv a ik -araig be fore the commit b-e. Some lively testimony is expected from him, as it is believed that he-has a good case. lie sides, it is known that he has no love for Mr. Waaam.akcr, whom he called a. careless handh;r of t he truth during the investigation coiicernit-g t he notorious Shidf. of Mil waukee. It is also sa'id that Mr. "Wauamaker has in re serve a broadside hot slot of which he proposes pouring into '"Teddy," if it becomes necessary for him to defend himself. Although Mr. Wan amakerisa Se.nday School teacher, and probably knows nothing about the great A-meri'-au game of jiokcr, theie are people who say that thisj is thrown out as a ''bluff to make Roosevelt ii ud ill his horns. It makes little differenee either way. Let "em fighr, and may the best man win; and may the public find out some facts about how t he civil service reform law is administered. Russell Harrison had ij?.", 000 worth of the stock of the Yellowstone Park Assocla t ion given to him. So sai j Mr. E. 0. Waters, of Mon tana, once manager of the company, to the House com mittee on Public Lands, which is investigating the Yellowstone Park 1 e a s e s. Just why this stock was giv en to Ruscell the witness did not tell, but it was unneces sary. It was simply an e.v jhang; stock for influence. The New York Herald con tains a remarkable story of the island of San Domingo to private parties in the United States. The price paid is to be 3,500,000. It states that the scheme is endorsed by Mr. Blaine, and that he means it to be used as a cam paign weapon on the same lines as those on which Pea consiield secured control of the Sue, cnnal for England. T.i ?! ik hi !!: I, . Ti." di iia.i-r.it s ha vc, v ; !i a fe.V ieles ;:.-:H. Ii.d t'uil tro! i f t!le H.MI- t f U plc-s-!ifitives M'-e !v7". bei oul v oae" l:,i ye t h.-y !, a! a majority in t he i ue. .,,, that we !hii.!. v ;t I lie! a .-hart wh.l . The ! tioa l his fill , id pu.bably resuli ia a deuio.-ra j,- Houe as u Ual; it. ought to re.adl ia t he elect i in of a democrat a- Picv id"iit and the prospects ate very certain for the demo-, ( rats to :-o:it ro! the Senat ' j after Im xi March. The iiix-' uit-s stand this way: Tlie terms of eighteen republicans and of eleven demoetats ex-! pire March l-i !i and the r. ! pnb'ieans to retain t he ma-; jority wiP have to elect Id of t i;e ;:e',v i" na i ors. j In other words if they hee; three of their p reseat S. na-i tors, they are gom as sure as kingdom come! Thev will certain! v iose in w York; th y will probably lose in Michigan a n d Wi-vonsin. both of these having demo crat ie legislatures new. They win a l s o pro; at biy lose m i ...outana, which is by all ac counts a democratic Stab1. And if ihe matter ware to stop here they would begone, .hat farther, they may lusejn Connecticut, i n .Minnesota and Xebiaska, in California Xoi tli Dakota. In fact, they amy find themselves in a con siderable minority next Mar. The democrats are almost, certain to have the next Sen ate as well as the ""Hon. v. All that thercpuhl-cansca.i hope far is to save the Presi dency. This they expect may be accomplished through the Farmers' Alliance u t. h e South. We put it plainly to I he Allianeemen in X o r t h ('arolina; you are the liope and dependence (if the repub licans ta save the Piesidency agMinst. t le' democrats, and prevent t hedemoera I ie party from obtaining complete con trol of the government. That is the position .vhich 1 he lli iih"! has pn" itself in. It is the .situation they no iv occu py. The Alliance is the strong arm on which tic astute and wi!v tadical leaders lean to ! defeat the success of t'ie dem ocratic narty. It is just as plain that radical money is at fii bot tom of all this tomfoolery that North Carolina demo cr ts caji't vote Ihe demo cratic ticket because thegov erutuent don't o.vn the rail roads; or some other such miserable mm ams . Oaf up on such stuff! Let. every Al lianceinan who has been led to adopt such a foolish de termination, question those leaders who are working a gaint the democrat ie party and find out in whose pay they are. The high tariff men raised a million dollars to elect Harrison when they had the Senate; they would doubt less pay a million dollars to hold Harrison in power, now when they see that the Son ate is as food as lost to them. Where docs the Third par ty fundscome? Whogrcases the iv heels of the Thtrd party mathme'r Whose hat crest is ;! i '.; a m .' lie .;;e t lot- I aa t !:o;:.-.-t lie. no Tat- ie Alii. in ia u will ak and ' i .!ei an ;n:.iHT to. An ait.mpt !':... be!! mad ' to ; rvi i t lie Al!iai,c" o? ga n- . sti m iato a Tidrd .' ( to ic-!M i i : I.e..;, ta d i coal i ohin,: d-moi-iaf-i fro; this g.eiiinc it. Anv man can see server. that. .n.-ws and Oh si:i: i:n; nui u iYZKXor.. ( nr. if t!i3 lU-wi t-nd Olia.Tf-r. EniiM oN, X. C, May L'nd. The Honorable (J. W. San dcrlin is an aspirant for tic (lovei norship and his nana1 will doubtless be warmly pressed by his fra mis in tk Si ate convent ion whit h mc: ts on the rsth inst. '1 his bei::g so it Will be iieei ssary for tie convent i)u to nominate some good and available man for Auditor. We have a great many men that would hil the oifice satisfac torily, but it will not only take a man w ho can liil the office sat h far. ori!y but; one who is ti ue ami fried and at the .".ii!!i time a vailable in evt tv respect. We h a v e thought the matter ovcrand the eonditfoa.-; that exist at this lime in our good old Commonwealth. We have considered prominent men in all aspects llmt seemed to us to throw light on theira v.iil ali ity and have come to the conclusion that of them all Willis U, Williams of the county of Pitt is the man of them all. lie has a great deal to make him available. .Air. Williams is well known in tlie State and has made the rep utation of a sound and dis creet statesman. He is a 1 ine sneaker, a true Democrat in the definition o1' Jefferson and a believei in the rights of the masses. Xo man has done more to uphold the princi ples of Democracy than he. He has always been a n an of strong convictions, and a good defender against the en croachments of wrongs to the people. In t he days i f rccons ruction he never for get what .his duty wis, and hence he has made a- lnonu- meat that wil Im m the Ib mVmoi'L'S of the people is peculiarly lifted for the of fice of Auditor, having had some experience in public af fairs. Lie is popular, us ap pears from the fael that he lias been repeatedly reelected to the State Senate, where ho has r:ficted credit on tlie people that sent him to rep resent them. He is a Gran ger, i believe, and as every where, he has been exalted in their rnnia -and stands a mong the first. It is need less to say more than this, that it is the first; office of any importance that his friends have asked for him, and, therefore, we do hope that his name will be most favorably considered by the convention as we think it should be-. If nominated tlwe is iiouVi;kofli and ( tlerH is any doubt but the duties ot office will be discharged with ability. DiarocitAT. -b,.,,, , j. i Eihe Democrat twelve' months for one delLu at J ifcc ('Kiannh'p, ' b,, !'. il.'-gli correspondent n.i ?itio;.d ;h - other day, u ' man r t hat Capt. .1 . B. E 1 Ves h iir;a an of tic republican Xeeiit i ve coiamiitM' whi' h com.nd b e i in i -st a State o. k-t u the i,..id later on ' ill !.av- ! 1 1 :; .! f uominati'd i a- (iovei-a. ir. This is an ill uimu'cd su-j.ii in. Eaves is as w ii a waif a anybody of the vindictive fee1 M.r HitiT- taiie d to vanl hin, i-yalarge ami ialiiieutial element of his own pal ty. He know that he cannot poll his party's stri ngf !. and that he can get n o democratic voles. There fore he will not noininatohim self nor permit himself to be nominated. He is an able al ! poli'.i-ian and a, repub lican way back. lit was n eoiifed-r.it e soldier and has been a republican ever- since the war because, he honestly and everlastingly believes in that party. lie is going to do this year, ivithout any re gard to his own individual fortune, what he thinks will best, advance the interests of the lepublican party in the. State, and ie knows as well as anybody in it. what that is. If w e w ere prophesying we would say that he will nomi nate for all of the State olti ces the very cleanest and least objectionable men whom he can induce to accept, and put money behind them in the campaign. But whatever his policy may be tlie Observ er stands prepared to guar antee that it will be, from his standpoint, the very wisest that could have been adopt ed and one ! hat will give deniorru ts irnl so-called dem ocrats occasion to stopyow yowing every now and then and lviieet upon ihe story of the animal w hich, while two oi its neighbors were tig hi ing, reached in a ml took the bone. Charlotte Observer. YidoTv id' Cr.e of the Shur.fSc Twins Da-, d. A dispatch from Mt. slates that on A mil Airy, 20th, "Mrs. S..hia Bunker, widow of lv:g imnker, one of the woi Sd-n now ned Si a mese Twins, died near here. She was a large lady, at onetime weighing as high as o00 pounds. She leaves a large esrate." Mrs. Bunker was ;i Yates and a native of Wiikcs count. . She a. ml sis ter married the Siamese Twins, Eug& Cha:;g, and for several yeara made their' home in Wilkes em:;!y. at the place where Mr. Ambrose Wilkes now lives. They mov ed b om theie to Surry, a- ar Mt. Air.v, whore the T '.ins died in August 1875. V.hrjni clr. ilastonia (Jazotte: The in dications are that iJowtrwilt b-! Gaston's choice for con gress. It is likely that the congressional convention udll nominate him on the- first ballot. The republicans will nominate Tvie York, of fie earth, or in the waters under the earth that York will dread to meet on the stump it is Hort Bower, who knows York from away back , cmi teH vvliathe uom I and rub it in hard. null V KM