r 1 ' ! 5 V J r i , r i I-. blDOOLSS (Oil VOL 4 JiOONK, WATAl'iiA COrNTV, ('., -nirnsDAv, MAY NO. 10. rut n 'I'ssio.xm. W. 15. OFXCILL, .lit. ATToit.r:Y at La v. Doom-, X. C. W. It. COlXClLL. M. D. r.uonf, x. c. Resident Physician. tin King Street north of Post Office. lf. loyill Attoknky At T aw, IJtKHH X. C. " 1)11. L. IlKKVKS. PHYSICIAN AND SlIfUKON Office at Residence. Poone, X. C. L. D. LOWE, Attorney al Law -AND- XOTARY riJBUC, HA XX KH'S VAjK, X. C. J. i. VIL1SAR. DKNTIST, El.K l'AUK, SOUTH CAROLINA. Oflorsliis professional services to llic people of Mitchell, Wsitnim'a mid adjoining coiin tios.!AV htiil innte'ui used :tnd .ill work "Wi nuil'v d: Mnvlly; , P. 90BPHKW, .1 Tl'ORSKY MARION, .12 LAW, N.C (o)- Will pi-neti"" in the courte of Wnt mi'iii. Ashe, Mitchell, McDow ell ami nil other counties in the A-estern listiict t-sTSpecial nttcn (ion given to the collection of claims, Eel W. matron, Ii:NTALni(iHON, foscof. North Cnmlinn. Offers his rivofiKsionnl services to the peotle of this nnd adjoin insr counties. All work (irnip l.v iono nnil satisfaction gnarnn tee. I. Oct, 21, .1 mo. X0T1CK. Ilotol J'ropevty for S;iic. On account of tailing health of mvself ami wife, I oifer for my hotel prnpei-tv in the town of r.oono. North Carolina, and will ell low for cash and make terms to suit the buyer, and will talce real o personal property in ex change. Applvsoon. W. L. Pit yax. Notice. For sale. 900 acres of land, on Rich Mountain. Watauga County, on which isnsbestos, fiful fine land forsheen ranch. Sales private. L. T. Lowe & I. T. Furgerson, Ex'trs. of Mrs. A. P. Cnllownv. deed. Banner Elk, Nov. IF '90.. " N01KE. Parties putting papers i" niy hand for execution will please advance the fees with the papers and tliey will re eei ve prom pt n ttehtion , other wise they will be returned not executed for the want of fees. D. F. IUird Shff. NOTICE. The laws of the State re rpiire nil weights and nien ure be sealed, and I here by notify the people that I Vm prepared todosurh work. You will find tne in Hoone at the residence of D. B. Doimh erty. J. II. Cook, ' Standard Kaeper. jWASIIIXtiTOX LKTTKU. ! I ,Kroni our 2ejlar C&rre3poniler.t. j Mr. Ilanisoii has morej jtiouble in his oiiicirtl f.imily,j as if t he H!ai ne shadow, whit h jeitisse.H his path at every! : turn, were not iixh einumhl jfor any onlinarv President; to bear. Secretaries Foster i and Elkiiis, who have jointly j lti tf . , i managed .nr. iimi'I Ikou seam paiuu for icnoiniua i m up to this time, now threaten to desert lii in and cast their in fluence with the opposition. The fit use of this revolt is the' return to t !i i s country of j John ( . New, who comes for the purpose of taking tliefull control of the Harrison force, making Foster and Klkins merely sabirtlinate figures during the remainder of the fight. If the threat iscari ied out, goodbye to Mr. Ilari i hou's hope.. The sudden deatli of Sena tor Harbour, 'if Virginia, on Saturday m o r n i n g from heart failure, is n loss to his State, his p ji r t y and his! count r., that will long be; felt. As a party leader hej nas had no supei ior m nis State, and ftnv in the nation; as a Senator his long experi ence in public life gave him a prestige which the a blest, men can in no other way acquire, a prestige that was valuable to his State and to his party, and which was never used for his personal advantage. Per sonally he wa, as Senator McMiliian sai.l. "My ideal of the perfect gentleman,"' and liked by all who knew him. Funeral services were held o ver the remains this after noon in the Senate chamber. The names oKJov. Mclvinney and ex-(iov. Fitzlnigh Lee aie spoken of as candidates for 1 he vacancy in the Sen ate. Chairman Springer is again at work, and lie expects sev eral new tariff bills. including free copper and iron ores and a reduction in the uut. on steel rails, to be reported to the House shortly. Free binding twine is findingsome friends among the republi can Senators from the West and a move is on foot f.o yoke it vvitli free refined su gar and push it. through the Senate. Th'-re is a marked diif-r-ei ice of opinion among demo cratic Senators as to the pol icy the party should at this time adopt in dealing with appropriations for new ves sels for the navy. Senator (iorman takes the giound that the country should have a navy to be proud of, and t h a t the cry of economy should not prevent the spen ding of a liberal amount of money in building new ships. Senator Mills, on the other hand, says he is opposed to a government which would to-day, if it were it a private corporation, be in the hands of m receiver, spending mon ey that it has not in its treas ury, for something that is not absolutely necessary, and favors striking out all appro prio tions for new ships and I letting the government come back to the lesson that gov ernments, like individuals, must live within their in comes. There was th same da"fre?i'e of opinion W le-U tie1 naval approi iaP m lull, n .v Immt'u" considered by it.. S n ate. was b I ' re the I Law, anil the bill as iass.., ,v t,,. lions.1, was n coinpromise be t '."?1 t hose who wi.bed to appropiate n very !arr am ount for new Vssi Is ; 1 1 1 ! those oppos to in iking a I'.v appropriation for that purpose. So tar the mn -h ail vei ! ist 1 battle-royal between ("miser vie commissioner Itoosevcit and Post Master (i-t;crnl Wanain.iker has got no fur ther than the harmless "you are anot her" stage. Secretary Foster has at last concluded to assume re sponsi!)i!ity for ihn evpi'iidi ture .f imigram heat! money Uon the iniproveuient on 10! bs' Island, and. in a letter that will )i::bably bring foi th a rep! v, lc has so in formed the House an 1 Sen ate commit tees on I iinnigra t'on. which are jointly inv.'s tigating the subject. His as suming the responsibility for this expenditure ot several hundred thousand dollars does not, however, make the expenditure legal, as he may ar:i b -ftec mgi ess gets I hrough with the invcsliga t ion. (iov. McKinley sneaked i" to town last week for the .v pose of conferring with si'sie of his friends who want him to formerly enter the presi dent in Trace, and t he fact iliat In1 1 ried to keep his visit a profound secret by failing t' register at the hotel, und . I A. 1 . I II . i nit i lie iiegiecieti 10 can on either lr. Harrison or Mr. Hiaine. ;i. ikt-s it look -istlio' the .Nbij. was lending a wil ling ear to the siren voices of thi :.!iti-lIarrison men. Said Senator Hill to one of his friends,: "If I e ttempt to deny every news paper 'fake' that is printed about ine, I should have ko time for any thing else. You may always put down as untrue any pa pei statement pr tending to say what my future jcMions will be on !uy subject. 1 see no reason why the public should believe that any pub lic man would be so siily as to announce i hrough the newspapers h i s intentions, thus giving his oppoinaitsan opportunity t o defeat, his plans; but evidently the edit ors of ionie papers believe they do, or they would not print the columns of non sense about the presidential candidates that are sent out from Washington." Sitse liiill vs. Kclig-iou. Toledo, Ohio, May, 17. Mayor Einick has declared himself in favor of Sunday base ball, as he says it would keep men and boys out of the saloons. Every preacher in the pulpit hasdenoniiced him and the religious people are very indignant. The ball lovers had an in dignation meeting last, night, at which the action of the ministers of tho gospel were condemned, and both sides will attend a public meeting Wednesday night, when the question will be settled. EaT The Demociut twelve months for one dlUvr. W ii i:'pl;. ' . hi M What i- a d 'i-M-va! ami how V 'I a-' aiisi.rr ::i , v i,,. gien a'f. ir liiiLito ree.-nt d-- ' velopmei.t s as f ,nw s: He is a man who secret ly strives to : injure and -plit t he id I par ty with w'li-ii lie has !'.n id.-.;! d; wlio lavas tran ' . formhiir thenati aal gov.'rn-" III. ait li'o .1 huge .;; ;i ,ai ; ker s shop t o lend money at '2 percent to '"aruea-s upon' j perish tl'le jiropert v, w h e n ' jsald goernaiej-t is already; ! heavily in debt , and paying i I per cent mterert on Iain ; I reds of millions of dollars;, who favors class legislation; in ess. aire; who goes for a j consolidated strong govern-i ment with all his might: who1 belif v"s it is const i' n! ionai. ! light, just, honoable. safe,1 and wise to take possession, of twenly thousand million' tlollars oi private property i ami let the- great centralized ! power ami despotism own ii after issuing boml i o pay for ' it to run t hrough th' ag's: ! who believes it is ri-iht to i tluis rob and oppr: s,-; oi;e grea t class t if people number- i ing a million or more, inclu ding tlieemployees ot theowi: ers; w ho b' lirve in piling up si'wr.il In;iilrt'i lniU'i'His of debt upon Xorth Carolin;; so poor n.w it annof edu cate its children, but play at it to give the ownership of rilroads, etc, to the giant! Federal government; who be-! lllieves in oppressing 'nnnyj J classes of peopb- for the sole; : benefit ot one class; w ho be-i J beves in paying the Ft deralj j soldiers who fought t he South in .:oA; who think it for tlio jgood of the South to tlividi.' tin1 sale conl it utio'ial Fuion i i ... , i parry m t ue h i. n t !i t no grand old demo a'atie party- jthat th'' republican otprss- ors, who fa vor grinding t;ix es and Dayoiiett bills for the South, may again tiiumph and hold tie1 control of the government i ii pt-rpeiuity; who think it i.iie sultiimity of patriotism, the pei fection of loyalty, the acme of honor, the most" admirable exhibi tion of judgment, sense, w is- jdoiii and seg.acity la sj lir up. into ant.agoii.;:mg taet.otis the White Ma i s P;.rt in .North Carolina that the ne gro party and their sealia wag wire-pullers may once more ruin (he Slate, oppress and rob the whites, and play .1 ii r over urn ill the old game oi spoliation .and great debts: that was h successfully play-i evl in tho carpet-bag days be tween IStiO and 1872. That is clearly a r.eede 1 dtdinitioti of democracy now. Tnere are men, no doubt, in eveiy county in Not th Caro lina, former democraiR i n i-a in-, who a re ill usf ra I ing ev ery par'ictilar named above in their ommuiustie, wild cat schenuv?-of wrong. They pass as democrats to-day. This is to pervert all truth and all laugu.ngeand to make a great mockery of all pre tense as to principles of hon or. When Arnold was plotting to ruin the American cruse in the dark days of the War of Independence hewnsdoing the devil's work, iUKlhereap- da .:aii. : i,'" ;.) iia: ii;'a- my. Vt:e:i i ;. . I'.u,";' ,!.., ,;nij others ; X! : a I vi r ! i . -.-i in I lie S-.ii: "n S . on i W'i.r a i i i ! o j. inuht to in - (','. ; and to ru'ii . p e. tip! a :.n ag whom t li.- ,' i - 'd. thev I eve..',- j (!;,. l.M. r aascj, .- of their Hack !: ;:N - oid I'a'i.ai !:,. t nres, and In -a p- Who i him at i a. ted t lude.nd et up a ra i, ail indigna t ion in ! h h md-, of c.api i ahsts?, agaitist t is t! .y o' , ra t h. W la h as p.e ; pce -;;i- hat shad be sai l oi lin n ry for in 'oan woi kuieji to (r who march under inotaat ie Uani.:e f-r self protection? c')lt rs t o t lie old, old music, wi , . r,.:, ' i i " ho lmportet pauperized of pi mi apies and rtlorm, and . , ., 1 1 ' are p!iting treason ia se- ' ' t ret con- lave, and are pre-j V ho ejws employtnerit to l-ariug by a r,m; ,e uriin to I his hitvli' : a.niy which betray t!n.ar party ami bind it tt. t!i- car of f l!v and de-i fii.. i s" ... a . i i ... i .red or despised? "Let free , "f ""Hions to bllll.l up and honorable men answer, j'dcssal fortunes. Let no inuo.-ei.t man say: Who has bred these two this is meant for him or de-' great, classes paupers and scribes his . ase. Jt will hit ai 1 1 i i a na ires ? HO one tin i i :e Ll'U'.lt V i"!ie. ' u-i . i ihecapeann ! fii tl.e'wr.au" a-o;ito.J money to en head. It wiii only l-ethe "hit rir!l "idhoMurs? dog wlio will howl." totpiote; Who demonetized silver to the well known saying o Sa in , enha in the value of gold? '',,!:PS- i Who abridged the currency 0.l" i)i,i.h, , :svy. I l( f:!t" n "-urpcr. bank Curvta, Mav 1 :'. - 1 )oii M . ' rU "'V1' ' a 11(1 ntiIave Iic.vins..ii, ., Aocmg in, ar- riv.,1 here t his morning, and U V'n par is stopping a t the Ki.aVlit u. .V--U ll:1!,n 'm 'V- in con versa I ion he declaretl that. Xes Voi k's ballot would b. vast for ( 'level ind, ami that the (y-Presi.;.Mi( woilal l.eno:nin..ted en t he first hnl ht. "The Xew York situation! ins been greatly exagg.a-at-1 etl,'- said he, "and ;!;. a- isiioi.., , n".t iu '.irinr ;im quarrel t!ic-re. i ammauy is not lighting (rover Cleve land. Wh-fii t lie t i:ne comes, you will find the New York1 delegal ion supporting I "ie e 'md." Mr. Dickinson detained tt) answer i he t, a- .-; ion v. bet ;.ei he hail met aav of th1 Xeiv Y one iders. but. his ma nma intlieate.l that such confer- ! ence had taken phn-e. Th"', iniereiice is that t lie .New i oia; : row has been patched up- i Hi" 0 ;va (ir ii ITatiif r. A man named Wai. Ha; -; man, in Titusviiie, W. Va.. couiuiitted Mlieide i f.'wday.-. ago having game insane over, the idea that he was ids own j granai'at her. Fortunate man, he can scarcely le blaaiel ior killing himself under the cir-i cumslani t's. H -re is. his let-! ter: "I married a widow with a ! ' grown up d;ugh;er. My lath a visited our house verv o! . , ' ..." ' . in iove with mv sttai ten. ie I ' l i i l i i i . 1 1 1 1 iii ill.. . i 'ii & o . tdnughicr and mai'iied her.!,, , ... . .. .. . , . m mv lamer oecametiiv son-i r. n-law, and mv sterialaugh- . , . i ler mv mot her, because she was my father's wife. Some time afterward, wife hat', a son he w a s my fa flier's brother-in-law ami my unci". Or lit; was the bi other of my stepmother. My father's wife, , , , i.e., my stepthiughter, uad , ,. also a son. lie was, o! course, . ., . t1 m y brother, ami m the mean- , . ., , . , time my grandchild, for In was tht! son of my daughter. My wife was my grandmoth er, because she was my moth er's mother, I my wife's bus-j band and grandchild at the same tone. And, as the hus band of a person's grand mother is his grandfather. I was my own grandfather." Exchange. !' 1 14 M..IH. Wic .-iiu-.-1 t: univta-sal bit i a: id a ! ion an I bribery ? V. iio siilna, , op nnizz'etl t he c, p a h? Who p;o-l rated buinoss? Vi'lim to ) ( oin(., with i ' r! j: ages '.' iio napovaa.-ia- 1 labor? shoots d wn ivorkuit n Who stole the fruits of the A ! Justly Wuyor. "I've read about a greft manv instances of coolness ;,, ,1,,. f.,,.,. ,.r ,i.,(i, ii r.:.i s( f,.()m Montana :'tiiit I L'.ur Ii i ii iiuii)iinii turn in, i .-i. in mi i ii v ut l . im: i.u. vtars ago in Denver which ' ..,..;. ;. nnvlllin,. ()f t u ft t'ohmaa was a h.nppy-g-a-'an ky sort :;v a ehao who was not a; ail qa.-srrt i.s;::ie, but he always hung ab'oiit sp-.rt-ing resort s. and in hi::;;; un aecoop.table way had been mi.vo w i i h three or four -hi .otieg affrays ia w ham the a o!-,er imd to otileiate after wa. d.-'i. A rri.a.a id his Dick A. !.-.::i,; -warned him to quit :js ;!, y he wo-dd die V1 ; ; Mliit s on. ',V!!t! Kl' boots on? : a. " (-e!l, 1 gr:est a to ,!i i;:..e a !,.Si!,; ;;f; " y.a; v ai aur l.'oi s o . -I'tli, " Plie money was deposited with a bar 'reader. About two weeks aft-nvurds Cole man waaiu Duck Allen's sa- jloon whtai a drunken cowboy ;iii amuck and sent a bullet through h i s lungs. Saul manageil to pull ids gun and at f lcj first shad dropped the , 11 ! ('nil Ii. U' ilu I il Ml j 1 tv.! filr O ; 1 . taeiiiau was incKed Hi! atiu . ., . ,. ,A . Hi llhnh il ii i.ii . I.i . j ... . , ,. 'l.oys, he .. liispered la.arso ! ly. 'pull my boots off. Pull j 'em at quick !"' j "If, was done. Just I lien i Fra nk Coleman. Sam'sbiaitli jer, came in. The dying man iraised himself on his elbow, i ltomting to his h -ct and said: , ,., ,, , rank, old bov, collect S50 ... ... ' ,, . ot Dick Adams, He said I d ,. . . . . ,,, the with my boots oil and I ve my fooled him." "He had scarcely uttered these words when befell back i lead !" 'diicago Mail. f. Uvoii"ni,'; ot?.: -1 ,i i'ik for m: Kdv k- much, but w r t.jtfneli vtiiiil-Kl no VV j tw Bi ib itKrl, '"'-'i "i- B ah . ll i V j.tfneli ..nnkkl how to ( from i W lm amy omrt ot n einmHri si no, jit- .V T'S tli work. AU U . w IUI f9T frr werkar. W itri jou. fDmitkinff B ..rymi'.f. lAHl-Y, RPEKt'lLT J-rot. J?Mi 1 i.tiw FHKE. A'Unm t