M f 1 V T" I 0 UJ . VOL 1 nooxi:, 'AT.r(.A corxTv, n. c. riii KSDAV, .H Ni:. n; h u. W). V.l. - vnm LSSIOSAL. w. p..cofncill, j . Attou.v.y at La v. P.Otllie. N. C. . W. 1'.. COl'XClLL. M. I). Boone, X. C. Pie-adcnt Physician. (Mini on King; St rift north of Post OHicc. e. i loyill Attouxky At f aw, Boone x. c. Dit. l. r. ki:i:vi:s. Physician axu Sru;t:ox Office at Residence. rooiu', X. C. L. I), lowe, Altornsy at Law A.ND- notary piwuc, baxxeus elk, x. c. J. (I. WILBAR, DENTIST, l l.K FAItK, SOUTH CAUOI IXA. Oflers liis professional services in tli. people ot Mitchell, WiitiiuiTM iin.i adjoining comi ties. Xo l. nil uutivinl usi'tl ;iiil nil vorkfntirii7it'tl."&X May 1 1 y. J, P. 110UPHKW, ATTOIIMYAI LAW, MaMOX. :--X.C -(o)- Will prnctii-e in the courts ot Wntnniiii. Ashe, Mil chell,McI)ov ll and nil other coni'tien in the vrvn listti.t Special attcn i n e-iven to the collection of claims."1 Ed m. Matron, pkntaiscrokox, finsrofl. Xorth CnmHna. Offers his professional services to-Oietienploof this n'il adjoin inn- counties. All work jiroTnptly lone anil satisfaction gun ran f eecl. Oct. 27, a mo. xoTirr:. Hotel Property for Sato. nr. nooiumt of failing health of nivself anl wife, 1 offer fr unlej mv hotel property in the tow n n Bonne. Vortli Carolina, mid will ell low for cash and make terms n snit the ha ver, find will take rea1 cv nevsonnl property in ex change. Apply soon. V. L. Ruyax. , Notice. For sale. 000 acres of land, on Ihch Mountain, Wntnuffa Conntv. n wliich is asbestos, n-i' fine hind forsheeornnch. Sa'c- nrivatc. L. I. Lowe & I T. Vunrerson, KxMrs. of f,. P f'allowav. deed. PuniHM-F'k.Nov. IP '00.. AY) 7 KK. Parties putting paners in riv hand.hn execution will -Tile imp n Jvnvrp tho iws with the papers and 1 they will re cei ve prow pt a t tent i on , other wipe thev will he returned not pxprntfil for the want of fees, 0. V. lUmn Shff. NOTICE. The laws of the State re fpiire nil weiiihts and meas ures to be sealed, and I here by notify the people that 1 am prepared todosueh work. Yon will find im in Hoone at the reideure of D. K. Douih tatv. -T. H. Cook, "Stard'ird Kfieper. IWASIMMiToX LinTKItJt.n.-,... Mi. I Vl.i in is uMt Iiiii" if not ! !r imatic, jiimI that his rcsi-:f.i, ls. i nation Wiistla'carcfullywoiki "Sf rnws show vhi.Ii wiy id up rliniiiv of tlx prof.-s-j the witil 1,1, ivs." I'. S. Ti ea-! sional ili'iimntist is not for a unr X.-hek.-r is s i-.'rtain iiioiu. i.t to he iioulttcl. lle-nial !) will have no lis., fora hasrcccntli - i -I ii. I. - I that r. in ')i!i-nut on uf-! la- Uiinteil the tmiiimat ion. ! ..r 1 1... t t. ..f ... M i. , i... i ,.,11,. n m ") ir .i .tm i mi i iiM and all his actions s i u ejh. has irivcn up the ,.as. np rcaclnn that ::o!i.-ii-io- (,e hoii- his family has havHUiMi rarefnlly planned ' on-iipifil sin -e he enti'icl of witli t!iat ('lid in vit-kv, ainl-fic- When why l,. hi residua i)ii, which sp-aks ,, ,,t renew his !..;..' Ali us plain as U lie- sai.l "1 aniiXehekei replied, 'I'.ecni.-o we a;ain in tin- held." was nounccil just at tln t i in u wh-Mi it would do tlie mast flTuctive work with wavering I di'Ka ti'H arriving at Mi'iiie a polls The Washington idea is that the rosinatii-u of Mr. hlaiue LiH)cks the last ley; from under Mr. Harrison's chance, although there arc borne who helbve that I'.laine inaj still be lieateu intliecon vcnti jn, hut it does not look that way to your correspon dent. Democrats arci well pleased over thesiluation. Mr. Har rison will aid Mr. Jlaiue, if he is the nominee, to just a houtthe exieut that 1 resi dent Arthur did in Mr. Harrison w o u 1 d probably have lost his own State if he had bum nominated, and hisL,, Th.se ' t hin-s have been defeat by Mr. Blaine's pecul- hinlv, ilt b...lore. but now iur methods will place that State in the certain demo cratic column, and he has power enough to see that the man who snatched f.toui him at the last minute that which he had been foolish enough to think was solely his per sonal property, is hurt i n other States. In other wordsj hlaine secitftly opposed by Harrison will be a much eas ier niiiii to beat than Harri son supported by Mr. Blaine would be, The two :n e n whom Mr. Harrison ougnt to blame the most are Secre tary Foster and Attorney General Miller. They, by their ill advised talkagainst hhiiiie furnished the excuse for him to resign, which lie was looking- lor; but he would of course have found some other ex cuse if they had guarded their tongues better. Saintly Mi. Wana maker has been explaining again his public life has been very un fort una te in this respect v This time he rises to say to the committee on Post offices of the Housethat thestatemeiit made under o a t h by Mr. Samuel (i. Leake, of Philadelphia-, tt the effect that Mr. Wsmainaker had after making certain promises to him concerning the erection of an experimental pneumat ic tube to be used by the Phil adelphia City postollice, be come interested, he believed, in 7.000 .shares of stock w h i e h another pneumatic company had set. aside for postoflice officials, and de clined to fulfill his .promises, was i:i true. He also informs the committee that "I shall be pleased to answer any call that the eammittee desires to make upon me, personally or otherwise." Evil dispos ed persons might place a had construction upon the sen- Hit"l. but Mii-h is not I HIV purpose. " I c I .- 1 Wit ll , f.H'-" OlllTS !,'!( llieir .-, n rn! i in t nim: t 1hm'' an-iS,.,i Ut)t vH,.,i ti,,, ilnlI. v,..)r 0i,n-,.r.M " Tii. Oi.sus I'.nn an invpsti- P:1i ;,, Ki,n,v f.,,. n.-.t., I-, -" - very demoralised white of af fairs exists in that branch of the fiovenim.'tit service. Tes timony has been ;ivcn show in ir that a woman paid 12. 50 a ;:ontii to anoth a' wo- m;m, a relative of Chief 1 a k Chili in orilr to ret a mi her 1 position, and it has b e e n shown that the chiefs of a number of the divisions reg ulated Micir treat meat of the! women under them laru'eh by the liberties the women allowed them to tak an 1 that it is common for these chiefs to make pets of yonpr and pretty ii Is lnnier tneui, allowing their, to work or nlav as thev inav feel disiios- they have been told under oath by ladies of undoubted reputation. And these things, calling themselves men arc still allowed to draw salaries from the Government. It is not to be wondered at that the people vf the country de mand a change. Mr. Harrison's alleged or der to Federal officials to keep away from Minneapolis must have bien intended for mem bers of the Cabinet only, as nearly evety one of the chiefs of the large Government bu reaux are at the convention shouting for Harrison. It is believed t hat if such an order was rewlly issued it was be cause Mr. Harrison was a fraid that more than one of his cabinet might have gone there in the interest of home of his rivals. The House is pushing its woik, notwithstanding the absence of more th.m half of the republican members. The Postollice appropriation bill 1ms boei: passed, and noth ing but a point, of order pre vented it.--, carrying in amend nient repealing the mail sub sidy net of the last Congress. Kfl-H'ipt For a Uuod Town. Vim, (hit, Push, Energy, Schools, Chinches, Morality, Harmony, Cordiality, Advertising-. Talk about it. Speak well for it, Help toimprove it, Advertise in its papers, Elect good men to office, Faith exhibited by o o d wmks, Fire nil loafers, croakers' ami dead beats -Allegiianv .SVaK THE I'LATfCH1 Mpt...l the N; 1-ri lilioa jiay 1Mb. I '.-'. V'-'i 1 . Thnt the n,li,,-.v 'f s',i'' h t'arolipa re. :,!!irMI l"'i!"'il'i,'s 'I"' 'h'""""1 ;l' ! State vi,'i,,,lil1- I'-n ticii- !,,! '-v f '"'-'he fi vroina-eoi' - il ver a ic I ,i !i incii-.i -e of tin' i urrctM'V and a repeal ! the . i : i ' 1 1 1 I rcei.ti '-ysleai. And we d'in 'iiiico the Mi Kinlev tariff bill asma'ps' .to ihecou-i sinners of the coantiy. and ' ,u n"' ,,! trusts, comt.mes ami mono) () Th:lt the th-neral As-: -k:ll an I make alive." olies which have oppressed j,,..,,.. ,M-H sn.-ii lawsas will i h i vc sn;pos.i I that was the peoph-: and especially lojm;j.,, ,. , (1t t, i,- H-hool sys.;,a (.vM...,r. j,ti,,. and that lv) , we Ueuouii.-e tlic unnecessary tin 1 II. I I 1 1 1 1 J I I 1 1 I C i k t I ii ItO'l'iO ..'O 1 We likewise. lenounce the m-! intiitoiis Force bill, which is not yet abandoned by t he I rui ml il !i"i ii ii:ii'h' Ii'O is In . 1 . j nig iirge;l as a measure to he adopted as soon as they re gain control of the House oT iJepi-esenlatives, the purpoe and effect of which measure will be to establish a second perio i of reconstruction in the Southern States, to sub vert t he libert ies of oi'r peo ple and inli'imea nevv race antagonism and sectional an iinosit ies. 2. That we demand finan cial reform, and the emu t r.ient of lawn that will re move the burdens of the peo ple relative to theexistingag ricultural depression, and do full and an pie justice to the farmers and laborers of our country. 3. That we demand theab ohtion of national b a n k s, and the substitution of legal tender Treasury notes in lieu of national bank notes, issu ed in sullirient volume to do the business of 1 he country on a cash system, regulating the union u. needed on a per capita basis as the business inerests of the country ex pand, ami that all money is sued by t he e-ivernment shall be legal lender in payment of nil debts, both. public and pri va te. 4. Thai we demand that Congress shall pas&.sudi laws as shall effectually prevent the dealing in iutiites of all agricultural nnd mechanical produ 'tions, providing such stringent system of proced ure in trials as shall secure fa onipt c invict ion and impo sing such penalties ie; shall secure most perfect compli ance with the law. 5. That we demand theuu limited coinage of sil ver. (). That, we demand thepas K.age of laws prohibiting the alien ownership of land, and that Congress take e a r 1 y steps to devise some pi in to obtain all lands now owned by alien rud foreign syndi cates; and that all lands now hehl bv railroads and other corporations, in excess ofsuch as is pctually used and need ed by them, be reclaimed by the government and held for oof n il uor tnco filtlir 7. Bcheviug in the doc - trine ;f '-eniial r'iu'htP to all ii i". no i'v un i n win i , and special privileges to none, i we demand t hat taxation. Xatiouai and State, shall not ii' i ' i . i - "'I oiessi - ie s oi tiiiicauon may , t he tax m cotton tisaniloiiji,,,,,,.,',,! t.,i t; ,,, iV tin, mi I.ir-ely I'.v thejof st;1,( ;1,k(l ! poorer portion if the ,eone. M). Mel),,), (,1'Cabari us' l iim iI t ! I ! i i i t ot or cl.isx ;it t lie expeasi- uf a in t 1 1" r. We h. Ii e l h a t t he iini;ev if i hi i! r.tiy shm.l I Ii kept a ump Ii as poil.' in the ham! f 'In' pcop-l.'. Mil I lel-.- Vii'i."i: l!l ri-vi-nii ', . 1 1 : i n il, b I ii I! ate i:i -ouiity. shall ! linii''-.! to t he He( 'Sa I V r pelises of 1 h" OVi'l lilll'-M t and hoaes! i ' ci;ianiniea!ly 1 iiiiiii.-teri'd. S. Th.t'. o::4i-' SS issiir a ailli.-ieiit au.ouiit of frai-t ion- .,j ,.,-, uiivucy tofai -ilitat ,-. ,1Y, !,:1,, i i,,-,,,,, .I. fli.'me; I ue i ,i iiiii', v diuin (.1 ; tin S. mail. ,.., .,... ,.fr ...ti.-,. that tin" . I i dessinys of moV,., that t he platform he ; ...i.,...,., ii,v ;n-(.;amat ion. The ' f,jljt,-viny: ame ndnient was i f- fered and accepted: Itcsolved, That we favor a graduated tax on income. Vlioc .'!i;i'7 Was I!.' In going off into the Peo ple's parly Col. Polk practic- ally abandons tin; Alliance and takes up polil ies. If he hasn't been riding o verthe count ry on Alliance money while organizing this political party, and il he isn't still doing so, and if the Alli ance hard-earnings haven't been used to pay the expens es of Alliance, delegates to so called Alliance meetings call en by Third party bosses tor the sole purpose of being re solved into a Third party mass-meetings, then it would b e interesting, indeed, t o know wheie the money came from. We ure not criticizing the Alliance but the Third party; j and we assert our steadfast i belief that the way in which Allianceinen have been bled und fleeced of their hard earn ings in order that, a Third party might be founded is a species of bold cud shame less r-jbbery that puts the protective tariff to blushing for its very innocence. Whose money was used in founding the Third party? If our conclusions are wrong, we would be glad to havethe wrong shown us.Gastonia Gazette. Tlic Fill' of Folk. It is very interesting read ing that 1 he Execut ive Hoard of the Alliane, composed of Mr. Alexander, President lint ler and ot her g-ood Alliance men, were so dissatisfied with the politics of the Progres sive Fanners as to bring a bout a change in its relations to the Alliance. Heretofore it has been the Alliance or gan, and every wot-1 contain ed in it was greedily swallow ed by Allianceinen. We had some intimation that this was on foot, and we believe that it is but the beginning of t he i nd with Col. I'olkand his organ, for hereafter the Progrressi ve Farmer will he Col. Polk's" orgauand notthe jOI - ;U1 l,f th" Alliance, , Indeed, we do not se. how the other stockholders, who themselves a re democrats can now allow their money to re main in theconeern. Moinat- tr how ii i (i -!i it is paviim wo siippio that rood deiuo crats would int like to re main a s MofkhohhTs in a third party paper, and that, is now what th" I'i'i i-ressi ve Farmer is hound to do. 'l ie . ap r owes its reat in ul,;t iru t.. the oliieial po sition it held as the Alli.iner; ' orpin. The imlii ai-, a rising fi oai 1 hat o.-it ioa j;as heca , Iieyond an . i::n: ev ; before known in Xorth Carolina. It was a t Tibii! ed to (Jovernor llohh n ivhen ..,)!. t- ,,f i i"" vwiiwi I UV 'Standard, that he 'iid he Jul m.t inak,. w,;ui 1.1 I I i an ao'v.';u ni "irr-i':i!v pos- ,. ..Vili political power, lint nsivai as w.is the in- ,lu ::r-e of the Suind.ird, the .;res ive Far:n-rhas ield i .1 roarer po.ver. It has .onh-oll.vl at least fifty 1 Lou- I -and people ia th'uStatf. ll.J ;-iver, however, hasfoi some ! ' iai a in e.i on the wane, and u)v its hold on the Alliance i, as been s'iak"!i off. That will still fxert con-, j sl a b'.e inllu Mil'.' in Alliance i envies gous without snyinsr, lK'P Allbie. :n :i will observe 1 1!..,'.. it is a'pap t in oppo.si i : i to the d-' iiocratie p art v i. and not in line with their o w n political hopes. Col. Polk a ill no longer be in the swim. He has passed out side the circles in which Alli anceinen move and has gone, into "'the opposition." Fro. a now on h i s career will be downward. Separated fro a those who have heietofore willingly submitted Lo his leadership an 1 ia p.i'.'.lienl opposition to ti:y.r, ! -.vlll -wmi cease to lnd'd that high )iace in t heir estee-u whie. he gained by the arts of a !e n acog- The n sf' aluM.od be ais res;g;:at! President of the 'vhile A iii;: vv ..) vc 1 :i n'i' rid! a::.'. did'.iey i: a tl.il'd ; ,-' v 'n-ii vhile pivaident of the Alli ance, wiil be very hurtful lo the order. Why shouil le run as a third pa rf.v c ;:idu date? The only effect- will tit to weaken the democratic party in Xorth Caio!:n :, ind thus to faciliate t no d'rnie tion of the order in tlrsSiaiv His candidacy isthooffsprl.., of a personal ambition, if there be no other co-isef rit He cannot hope to be elected and through hisclecn'oa pio mote the objects of theoiiler. However, we did not set on to say so much. We only hope that Allianceinen a I 1 over the Saite will now see that the News and Observer was not wrong some t w o years ago. and that the tie lit they made against this pa per in Col. Polk'.s interest was ehtirciy out f place. Let thrai'htantl to their colors, t.o matter where Col. Polk may wander. That he is go ing far ast ray iscertain. And his fall fall is also certein. News and Observer. tp h.ir r- made tt . uu r'f. Aiti, an4 -lo- fWitti. loUritt. Obio. .i.iiknnndliriirll WT r; , tnti Man i.mn r fr; c fTt- lr-fc ' .V -J"'1 ,"117 " . - ml Hrt worli .aiarHui