v XV T -4 ftd'hrf To Oil" dl lei 11 VOL I IIOONK, WATAlCJA. COINTV, X. C. TIiriiSDAY, .Il'LY.i:! NO. IS. I !: I 1SJ0XAL W. 15. CUFX'CILL, .lie. A rroit.v.Y at La v. j Room-, N. C. ; W. 15. CoFXClLL. M. D. ; I'lOOUC, X. C ) Resident Physician. Office j 'cm Kiig Street north of Post ! Office. ' E. F LON ILL Attoii.vkv At Law, Boone X. ('. DR. L.C. UK! A es i'uvsu iAN AM) Srtu;i:o Office at Residence. Boone, X. ('. L. I). L()YL Attorney at Law AND- xotauy rijtuc, 15AXXERS ELK, X. C. J. i. VILBAR, DENTIST, ILK I'AKK, NOItTH CARCM5A. Oilers Iris professional services Jo the. people ot Mitrln'll, Watauga and adjoining coun tios.PWJ.Vo hnd wnteinl used hhd nil Work sun mntoed.". Mnvlly. J,F.MRPneV, ATT0RXEYA1 LAW, M A 11 ION, X.C -()- Will practice in the courts of Watauga. Ashe, Mitchell, MeDow "11 and all other coui ties in the n'vshrn Jistrict SaTSpecial attcn lion gn en the collection of claims.'1 Ed EL Madron, RENTAL SlTIM'iEOX, ' os roe. Xo it h ( n ml inn . OtTers liis professional services f ( the people of this and adjoin ing comities. All work promptly jone and satisfaction guaran teed. Oct, 27, a mo. NOTICE. Hotel Property for Side. On account of failing health of myself and wife, 1 oiTer for sale my hotel property in the town ot Boone, North Carolina, and will cll low for cash and make tonus o suit the buyer, and will take real or personal property in ex change. Apply soon. W. L. I'kyax. Xotice. For wile. 000 n ores of land, on Rich Mountain, Watauga County, n which is asbestos, nnd tine land for sheep in noli. Sales private. L. R. Lowe & T. T. Furgerson, Ex'trs. of Mrs. A. P. Calloway, deed. .Banner Elk, Nov. IT '00.. . KOIKE. . Pafties putting papers in iny hand for execution will pleise ndvnnce the tees with the papers and they will re ceive prom pt a ttontion, other wise they will he returned not executed for the want of fees. D. F. Baiud Shitf. XOTICE. . The laws of the State re quire all weights and meas ures to he sealed, and I here by notify the people that I am prepared to do such work. Yon will find rue in Boone at the resideuee of I). B. Dough erty. - -L IL Cook, 'Standard Keeper. Washington letter. j I'rcm our Begular Criff on''ecl. Re;itv.-i"i:tat ive O 1 of, Alabama, who is chairman, if the House omni it ti w hit h has gone to I loim-st I'iiii f.i begin its invest igatioti of l , murders at that place by 1 1 1 -n in the employment of tlx1 Pin-1 kei ton, is very much in car-i nest ii I it Hit getting to the! bottom of the horrihleaft ! lie could have taken t h e( committee t o Homestead j sooner, but he wished togivej Carnegie's men an opportu-l nlty to !nr their murdered J comrades heforc eallingupon j them for testimony. After J getting statements from the workingnion and from Car negie's representatives the commit tin- will re t u r u to Washington where the two Fink'Mtons have been snm im.ned, to In put through a most rigid examination as to their share and responsi bility for t I) e Homestead tragedy. A number of labor leaders, including Mr. l'ow- derly, have also been notified to appear nefore thecommit tee when it returns to Wash ington. Congress has made up its mind, in advance of any report from the commit tee, that the Piilkertun meth od of employing and arming bodies of men is vicious and un-American and must go. Upon being shown that more money would be needed during the current fiscal year than had been appropriated by the House, thellousec -n-ferrees agreed to Senate a mendments to the Pension Appropriation bill increasing the total amoiint. curried b. the bill nearly $12,000,000. The bill as it now stands ap propriates ijfUO.TSG.Ji.'O. Senator Wollcott agrees with Senator Vest and others of his colleagues in believing that the U. S. (Geological Sur vey is of very little use aside from furnishing snug berths for friends of its Director, and, as it costs about a mill ion a ear, he hasintroduced a resolution authorizing .'in investigation as to its use fulness and the necessity for its continuance. The lobby ing experience of the Direc tor .vill make it easy for him to "hang up" this resolu tion. For some timo a sub-com-miKee of the House commit tee on Manufactures has been engaged in investigating the numerous trusts aiid com bines. Its report to the full committee, just made, says that trusts, combinations and associations are in con trol of the production. distri bution and prices of very many of the articles of most general consumption; that prices to the consumers are increased, while wages of those employed by the trusts ire reduced; that all past leg islation ou the subject is in sufficient and impracticable, and recommends as a remedy the placing of all articles which are under or in ay come under the control of a trusts upon the free list. This rec ommendation is neither new nor novel, but it is good, hard, .hoise sense all the game." and if carried out UiMll'l thiottle iH'i'llv cvei i trust now i'riting in this! comitiv. i The linn, World's Fair rumiiiMTiv piv-emcl Jl i..:p- plementary report (rntam-:s ... 1. 1: . ; ... .1 f. ... iMi-. h.ii ii i-Miii-. . making lh.it ?.-,.0(M).:0 ap-: nist ;(. , .,,.,, r I;.V,. ,,. piopriaMon for th- F.ir. A ,-!,.. iv,,,im of ,.. p ,,i,lican minority report. sig.v 1-v ; v,ate Kxecitive C.n.nnitt.v. Represent at 1 Ves Lilt le.olN-Wjp,,.,,,,., ,.,,... York, and Wheeler, of Ala-1 js nows ,,v V(. (i v . buna, d.ilares that tli-ev,1(j ti:i ,.riviw wi nut (111p, position is in no sens,, a gov- j ., statecon vcutlo,, c.n'l- ei nnient lndi-rtakaig u d that no money should he ap propriated thorefnr. exei'i.t for the expenses ol the na tional commission. Congres- sional sentiment is largely i i favor oitheaja-opriation and theie is littl" doubt of its be ing mad". Senator Mills has gone to Texas to take the stump a gainst the third party move ment which, ill the absenceof serious oppoi- 't ion. lias been making considerable 'ing ress in that State. As indicated in this f-orrcs-pondcuce weeks ago the House com m' t tee which i lives tigated the PciisionOi'lceiias riH'oinineudi'd the dismissal of Commissioner ltauni, frmn office, on the grounds of his general unfitness to supervise and govern a large number of employes, and because he has prost:tUted his ofli' e for private gain and for politi cal purposes. The commit tee also ret (nun-ends numer ous reforms in the business of the Pension Ollice, includ ing a reduction in the Attor ney's fee to $5, without au thority to stipulate for more. This report which will be ap proved by the Houm? makes pleasant summer reading for Mr. Harrison, who is solely responsible for R-ium's con tinuance in office. One day's record of the House, under a suspension of the rules: Passed, the tin plate bill, the silver lead ore bill, the bill amending the land grant act of 1 800, the bill giving Utah home rule, the bill limiting the quantity of clothing that may be brought in free of duty by returning travellers, and the bill pioviding for the use1 of automa tic car couplers on all freight trains, The House committee on Rules will report, a special or der for the consideration of the free coinage bill on Wed nesday and the succeeding legislative day, if it be not disposed of on the first day. The bill can be passed under this order if a majority of the Hons., so wills. Asheville ' itizen'. -A C o u greseional committee h a s found that the United States pension office is ''honeycomb ed by fraud, rnscality, iucom pe tent methods, prejudice and malice." The report rec ommends the removal of Cotnmissioer Raum, on t h e ground that he is ''incompe tent, narrow-minded, malic ious iu the pursuit of suppos ed enemies, and because he has subordinated this great machine to partisan ends, be sides taking advantage of his official position to furth er his oyvn financial projects.' And yet Harrison's adminis tration is free of grave scan dals, say the republicans. There is a gathering uf re-I'tlhiic.-uix ilt Wrinhtsville. ;it ,,.,!,.,! ,)V j, ,,,; ,.,,,. ?,,;'. .. C. L. H nris. W ij,,!,,,,, ! ... .. , lll'l Hit 'i" ........i, ....... . f... ..... ed. but t hat it is his hope hi 1 his ambition to be its iioinHnvfor'iowruor. Eaves has all along declared t h a t 1 I I'rre .VI in !i I I hi :i yt:i!n i nn. Vl.,.til, ih.Miegrorshave (.:ltIHMV), jf vvIli n,H .,. ti-Eaves faction hascontend ed that t he negro must be eliminated in this campaign and no State ticket put up. T! ere are signs of a sharp republican pincl and split. AVn s nnd Observer. Wiat a turnip? Mr. -I. S. Ross, of Ayden, ham'ed us a turnip last Saturday that takes t he cake for a large tur nip. It weighs sf Ven pounds and a naif and iscalled a pur ple strap leal. It created a bit of exeitetn Mit o-i account of its size, says tie(!ivenvillc Reflector. Pc I'lc-iN rnrty I'Ut to in. The following is the plat form of the people's party as adopted at Omaha: (a) We demand free and unlimited coinage of nlver ami gold at the piesent legal ratio of l(i to 1. (b) We demand that the amount of the circulating medium be speedily increase to not less than .."0 per cap ita. (c) We demand a graduat ed income tax. (d) We believe that t h e money ol the country ehouhl be kept as milch as possible iu Uie hands of the people, ami hence we demand that all State and National reve nues shall be limited to the necessary expense of thegov eruuient economically a ti d honestly administered. (e) Wo demand that postal savings banks bo established by (loyenriuent for safe de posit, of earnings of the peo ple and to faciliateexcliange. Transpot tation being the means of ( xchange and pub lic necessity, 1 1:''?!:-, ,-. amelit should o.vn and op 'ia'.e rail roads in the int. rest of the people. (f.) Telegraph, te!ep':one like the post oiTee sysf; ;::, being a necessity for trans mission of news, should ':e owned and operated by t ho (Jovernmeiit in the interest of the people. The land, in cluding all National services of wealth is the heritage of the people, and should not be monopolized for specula tive purposes, and alien ow neiship of land should be prohibited and all land now he'd by railroads ai.d otuer corporations in excess of their actual n'ecdo, and all lauds now owned by aliens should be reclaimed by the Govern ment and hold for irctuul set tlers nK IVci ': I ailj i-r l'puli'ira . i Lam:tti; ii.i.i:. X.C. ..July I - .--f Si'KM '. I The I ' p,-s p. ii t ( ou vt-nt inn of ' . r 1 Congo s-im.al di-!ii. t i.mJ lieje til.!, IV. Neail'. ,1 ! I ' n ; 1 j -, . ' t'es ipletlitei',. '1 hei h.i i-i maii, E. N. Riibeson. of Bl.i-, Cul. MeRrayi r ,:. . uan in den. talleii the n jing (o Sainly Run creek, levelaud ord-rat 'JT, o'cl k- f- .-ounty, Dec. U, l-S.'tt. lie It r hi angling i; at il 1 o'clock. ; was cdm ate. I in t n comuioii p. in., ihe convention ad-. schools of Slelby and vicini joiii tie. until -I u'y L'.'ird wil h-1 ty, finishing with a two term out making' any noaiina-course at Catanha College, 1 1 ions. At ." o'clock the mir.oiity of lh" con v..;t ion met and ; iioininated Frank D. koonci. of Oushnv. for Congress ami study of law under Lee ic Andrew J. Perry, of P.la.h-n. . Durham and attended I'ear for el. cior. They were noin ' son's law s' hool. He was inatc d by a lising vote. jut 1 admit ted to the bar in the nine white men and t wo no- iyear 1S7.'j. groes voting. The delegates j Col. Me Braver was elected from Cumberland, Sampson .s a member of the legishi- ! and Duplin counties took no part in the nominations, j i 1 1 1K70, and served one term. Koouee and Pet ry arerepub-j He was prominently men lieaus or antidemocratic. ! tioned as a candidate for and those who knowsay that .j Congress in after tht a majority of the eleven uu-it ; r-dist riot ing, and came with- who voted are strong repub licans. "By theii work) know them."' Ix. ve shal The republicans in this dis trict are laying low and urg ing forward the third party fellow.i. It h is In t-ii sounded down the line that the repub lican Congressional conven tion must be held very late Andnieansthat.it may not be held at all. Tt depends on the progress of the radical annex, known as the third or Prof. Rattan's party. If this so-called party gives assur ance of accomplishing enough to elect a republican then they will put out a Ucket. If not, the convention will nev- cr meet. The republicansex - peet mucii irom in'- Tiuro party, and are mad because the third party is not the Alliance. Wilkeeborof ;( ieJe. 1 r .1 . 1 IIAl'HXES' :'.. As S;cn in tli? Great Tohawo Titii. A correspondent wants to' it, there is a profit of si.; per know: "What it; happiness'.'" cent. TiieseadvoiatosshouM Why, that's ea s y enough, jalso attempt to dissipaiei'aa Happiness i s a large and tempting gaub of laugh and smiles and giggle. It is the home-string of jocularity an I Hie fifth wheel of succes. Hap piness is not the itch, a car buncle or an in-growing foe nail. Happiness isaripeand wormless peach. It is a ten dollar bill and a bank ac count. It is the i e crea in of emptynoss. It is that which comes w ithout thought, with out work, with ut waiting for it. In fact, happiness is not in this old mud-daubed world it. is, they tell us. be yond the jasper walls of the New Jerusalem. The fact of the business is, that lauall pox is catching but. happi ness is not. Yo'i never saw a happy man in your life. There was iu what seenie 1 Lis happiness an alloy a clog on the w heel a fly in his milk a cavity iu Ids tooth a hole in his pockc t n:;d a dime lost. We ne or saw bat one happy man, and Ids wife pre seated him with twins and ho died. Happiness is not ; f this world-take the right hand door as you go in the next and ynU j may find it.- fh?jh.iTv (,lohe. ( i'l. Urtiliia M lt;a)rr DeaJ. A telegram to Th Citizen this m-n i.ihg from C. E. l'riek. of Shelby, states that t'ol. RcuIh-ii M. Braver M'c ! i ! I that I 1. M'f Tu '-da v illg at. 7:-' Newton. X.C. He went to Texas when' he spent one year in teaching. Returning !o this State he began tho tare I'r )m Cleveland county , mfour voti sof l iangnomina- leu. ne was e;eoi.eo as in elector on the Cleveland tick c( at this convention and. made an able canvass. Col. MrBrayer moved to Asheville in 1889, and was for some time chairman of the deiuocraticexeculiveconi mittef of the Ninth congres sional dit riot. In 1 877 Col. Mel 'rayer mar ried Miss Mary E. Fulenwider II 1 A 1 of ?holbv. . His wife and six:' ,.,,;,',,,.,.; thrceboysand three' girls, survive ("it hen. h'uu. Asheville Tarboro Sout lierner:-Tnwi who believe in the Govern ment ownership of rail roads should explain why it is ;hat tiie railroad from (!o!dsboro lo Morehead dos not pay and never has paid. T h e y should at-o explain how it is that the Xorl h Carolina road wdiilo op rated by the State which owns it never- paid, but now while ope;-;. ltd !' pri ate oariies who have leased fears vl ieh peolo naluvally have that negroes will man all trains. On the railway , postal service in Eu- South the clerks are negroes, at least they are around Ii i' If Harrison will persist iua-.a king them postmasters and collectors South, can a rea sonable man donb" that he will make them caidui tors. . ( 'astonia Gazette: T h h mayor of Asheville was plac undei arrest the other day . for fast driving on the streets. A dispatch to the Charlotte Observer says the mayor had a fine korse whose speed lie wished to try. To this end he ordered the po liceman to clear South Main Street. The mayor then put his driver in the bugg and had him drive through the street. The gait at which the horse was driven was so plainly in violation of the law that Thos. A. Jor.es, law Iyer j swueoutn warrant for 'Iurtyor BMnton's arrest. The .Tair has caused a sensation as SU)., a tnmJ? hng proba- hiv never before been known thei'e

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