Kin ::in iiN Uatk h To Tin: Watakja Dkmotijat 1 up,vl year $1 " lllltlltllK r.o 44 .1 months Auvkiitjsix-j Uati:s. i im li 1 week ? . 1 "'1 IllOlltll L 1 :i 'V " G " " I 1 year " 1 .i.bunii 1 '' 1 " 1 mouth V. l 41 Jt ' Li-i i ' ; 44 :vr. y " 1 year "( I I " (HI 00 oo OO r.o OO ."( (10 laiteml at the l'oslofiice at Hoone, X. ('.. ns second-class tuail matter. LOCAL NEWS. Some corn is being cut in the count. -Capt. t). 1 Mast leftyis terda for his home in Wins ton. --Treasurer W. E. (Ireene raised a tomato that weigh ed 18 ounces. Mr. John S. U'illinms be gan .school at Shull's Mills on Monday. Coffey Bros., of Boone, rut and put up 185 stacks of hay this season. It. II. Glenn, State elector, will be with us during court and make a speech on Mon day. Thanks to Mr. John Me Cihinnis for some luscious grapes he so kindly deposit ed in our office this week. Dr. Wilcox spoke at Zion Ville Monday and at Antioch Tuesday. The Dr. refuses to meet his opponent Bower. The Topic says that Kan pas has gone democratic by 525.000 majority. This must be a mistake. It was Arkan sas that went democratic. Three Fork Baptist Asso ciation is in session at Meet Camp church this week. Ed itor Dougherty, of course, is on hand. Capt. E. F. Lovill and J. C. Fletcher ha vp formed a co partnership in the law. Mr. Fletcher is boarding at the Bryan house. Mrs. M. N. Ilorton and Mr. Pat Cottrell, of Caldwell, are teaching a class in the National Garment Cutting system at the Bryan house. Wanted! One or t w o good men who can furnish a horse to represent us in Wat auga ccunty. Terms made known on application. Ad dress the Sinser M'f'g Co., Charlotte, N. C. Rev. C. Durham, Dr. Stal lings, president High Point, Female College, and a num ber of other distinguished Baptists of North Carolina, spent Monday night in Poone enroutefor the Association at Meat Camp. Mr. Glenn reports mat ters in Mitchell in n more healthy condition than here tofore: also in Burke and oth er counties he has visited. He thinks Iiort Bower is safe and that he is making an ex cellent campaign. Spencer Blackburn was in town Tu'eAday, and was urged by Mr. Glerm to re main and have a joint discus sion, but he would not do so, but left to join Dr. Wilcox in his appointments. Spencer is not to be blamed for dodg ing. The colored people held their Quarterly meeting at the court house in Boone on !at Sat nr. lay :;; 1 Snndav. )v. P.:. ;:,.. ,; Tiw r. i - v :. ii r.rv. i--. flint the i Ider was n man of i much earnestness and uorl.-jand was recently married iug for tli' up building if his, that county. race, but ax t his congte;;a tion, they seemed, mot f them, to be utterly tlIi viou.- of the fact that ho wassumd ing before them, and much' to the tnoi tificatior; of elder and pastor, had to close th services on account of the up roar and bad behavior of the peop'e. Shame on such con oner. Mr. Ii. Ij. Greene is ma king some go.)d improve ments on the post office in Boone. He is fitting up a nice ofllee in the store room of the building in which the office has been kept for the past three years. It h grat ifying to know that MissNan nie Hodges has been enstall ed as clerk in the office. Hon. R. B. r.lenn. State elector, and J. C. Scarbor ough, candidate for Snperin tendant of Public Instruc tion, were to speak here on Tuesday last. Mr. Scarbor ough left the canvass at Lin ville on account of a large boil on his neck. Mr. Glenn came on to Boone to fill his appointment, but the inces sant r a i n p re ven t ed a n y n um ber from coining out and no speaking was held. We hear that the Rev. Patton in his speech at Burke court denied this being a white man's government but was the people's government composed of whites, and nig gers, and if the niggers were in the majority in State or county they ought to rule, and that if he had anything to do with fixing the law he would see that thiswasdone. The negroes cheered him aud the republicans likewise. 'Maj. Clement, of Mocks ville, was in town Monday and gave our office a call. He said that he had recently traveled through a number of counties in this State and had hunted dilligently for a sttlment of third partyites, but had virtually failed. He said that the answer was al ways the same, there is none heiv out in an adjoining coun ty or townahi) there are lots of them, but HK'Jn he reached the point designated, he nev er found them. He says the third partyites are much like the mosquitoes in eastern Car olina, no one wants to own them. On l ist Thursday, on the lands of Mr. Bradley in Geor g'esGap in this county, Harri sou Lee, living on one side of the mountain, and a Mr. Fetherson, living ori the oth er side, were both squirrel hunting, neitheroneknowing hisneighbor was in the woods. Lee saw a squirrel and start ed to shoot it, but the gun d i sch a rged i sel f bef o re he go t it in range with his game. When the gun fired Lee saw am in throw up his hands aud fall from a large rock. He went to the man and dis covered that he was shot in the back part of the head, the wound causing almost immediate death. Lee ran to the nearest house and told of the circumstance, and on investigation it was found to be Mr. Fethersoa who liv ed near by. An inquest was held and thejury decided" that the killing was purely acci dental. Lee was a nested the next day, and tried before Esqrs. Mast and Harbin, but no pyi'i'pfr d'iif'ti !!'? i' -.: ' fa eis ! : i ; . t i i- ui'." t:;,J IM ) ;.r r, ? j . i : .' I.'1 v. meHy lived iniiaton county j in Tt in tlw inoruiu with a ; tilteMl th.. iii-.titn mii.i i.o that t'a Ktoni-; ; lfl"1 Itf. III.Ik M avh i-hh!s MivntJMniiiir. Forj'- 1 l,""'s"H in .r- thi pi:i;KSi', thMt is mt luur Int ' kailMis thn dfilM'Cracy ward t.T th.UI illl f...;iMJll.U 1oh. fin ..,v,. fl.,t jrajst tWO Am i-s Pills tiik'-n at Ihi tin:i'. .. . . , .. , .. . tickets, republican and t Inn! RegU'.ra-f nd JuJvm for the Nuiriu. bi r Li" 'ion, by Township. Baonc township, Nathan Ilorton Reg. iind J. L. Wink ler, (5. II. IM.iir L. M.Trivett and J. J. Mast, judges. Bald Mountain, Willie II. MrGuiie, Reg. and J. I. Wil von, 11. A. Dobbin, J. L Ta tuin and A. T. Mirhacl judg es. P.eaver Dams, II. II. Far thing registrar and J. K. Pt ry, H. H. Greene, W. H. Hill iard and Win. teller judge. Blowing Rark, J. it. Clarke registrar and W. 11. Edmis ten, Jacob Klutz, W. II. Har din and L. W. Fstes, judges. Bine Ridge, W. B. Rogers registrar and John Storie, I. W. Harrison, J. B. Bobbins and A. R. Cook judges. Cove C reck J. M. Stoke reg istrar and A. Roten. Asa Wil son, John McUride ami J. S. Eguars judges. Elk, P. L. Hatnby, regis trar and Esaw Hodges, L. M. Hodges, Thomas Miller and J. W. Hayes judges. Laurel V k, W. F. Wink ler registrar and LowisGlenn, Grant lU'ece, Allen F. Har iruiii and Dan Hagaman judg es. Meat Camp. J. G. Nonas registrar and J. H. Taylor, T. II. fugsnan, E. R. Norris anl L. P. Hodges judges. North Fork, A. J. Wilson registrar and J. J. L. Church J. M. Soil til, Roby Thomas, and L. A. Wilson judges. Shawneehaw, S. M. Dugger registrar and G. W, Brown, 0."W. Dagger, S. II. Banner ami A. J. Profit j'ldge. Stony Fork, A. J. Moretz registrar and Solomon Green M. L. McNeil, R. L. Wagner and G. W. Greer judges. Watauga, A. M. Mast, reg istrar and G. W. Caudle, W. H. Mast, G. S Bobbins and George Shook judges. Sallow and leiulen-liued com plpxions sf)on ftivp place to t lie lovliest ink-aiMl-whit. when the use of Ayer's Siirsaparilhi is per sisted in, find cosmetics entrely abandoned. Thore is' nothing can countorfpit the rosy glow of health, which blesses those who use this medicine. How Will You Yote. A vote for Weaver in any Democratic State is a vote for Harrison. A vote for Weaver is there fore a vote for the force bill, for negro supervisors and in spectors and postmasters. It is a vote for the indefinite continuance of the robber tarriff, Jwhich reduces each year the exchange value of tire cotton crop at last fifty million of dollars. It is u votf, for unbounded extravagance, unnatural ex penditures, and brings us no nearer currency reform. An examination of the vote in the electoral college maker plain to one that Weaver's e lection is impossible; that ei ther Cleveland or Harrison will be the next President. Every vote drawn from the Cleveland column strength ens Harrison's chances The total vote in theelecto ral college is 4.-14; the suecKssjiojieriy of .J. A Shuniaker. dec. fill candidate must receive! to make iisspIm to wy lie in. Hit ooQ v.".- " ' '" " ' ' - ' ':--. -. ... . ;..; . j ... 1 . Tbrre i virry u t Mr. lii'tioir Topie. To anus, dtuui-rat-;! Virtu ry if in the air. The i ! nri' w it h us. The opposition ,..,js 'H.f,v ,,s iiM-vervnuar ' ... . . . A , 1 party, and curried th State by 25.000 majority. It niop piil tlx earth with the oppo sition. In North Carolina the same thing will be done. The democracy will tarry the State over the combined for rtsof republiranisin and third partyis'ii by .it least 25.000 majority. And we shall do the same thing in theSth Con gressional district. If webnt work on, with the samejudg uient and Mithusiasin that we have exercised for thelast ten days, Bower's election is assured. This is a democrat ie dit rict. Bower is making a grand canvass and is win ning the people over to his side wherever he speaks' Last week he made a glorious canvas? ili Gaston county, strengthening himself a n d democracy, and on Wednes day he met Patton at Mor gan ton and hum liorsiIiwo7i) bnt. Efforts are being made to gel Patton a id Wilcox to gether for a joint canvass, if they fail Bower will keep ?; with Itcth of tht'in, unless they so arrange their appoint meats as to be at different places at the same time. At any rate the people will see who is dodging and bush whacking and will lay the blame where it belongs. The people see the race is bet ween Bower and Wilcox anil that Patton stands no chance of being elected. Many men who would be glad to vote f o r Mr. Patton if he had any chance ol election will refuse to waste their votes u p o n him thereby assisting to e lect Wilcox. This view of the case is daily becoming more and more apparent. There is no sense in Patton'scnndi dacy. All it means is the de feat of Bower. Patton has become stubborn and obsti nate and how declares ho will run on let the consequences be what they may. He has a right to do so. But sensi ble people are under no obli gation to gratify his pique by throwing away their votes upon him. That Your Hair may retain its youthful color, fullness, and beauty, dress it daily with Ayer's Hair Vigor It cleanses the scalp, cures humors, and stimulates a new growth of hair. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass. NOTICE By virtue of a decree of the Superior conrt of AVatanga vonn ty obtained on the first Monday in Sept.. 1 892, 1 will on the first Monday in Oct., at the court house door fn noone in said county proceed to sll on a Credit of six months, except 1U p-r cent, which mast lie paid in cash on day of sal., a. certain tract of land in Sllawnecliaw township, adjoining the lands of (ieorgii Hugger, Martin and No ah ( ,'niver and others, containing l li acres more or l hk. sold as the BRYAVN iDLIM -O- SAY I Tills IS NO HUM lsUGTO DllAAV TRADE! -o- I MEAN BUSINESS. 1 rom now until the first day of April I will sell my stock of CLOTHING AND OVERCOATS At 10 per cent above COST ! If yon non't think I mean it come and look through my STOCK It wont cost you one" cent if you dont purchase. I have a large n:oek and want to get rid of it before spring. 8ST CALL AND LOOK I -a I would call your attention to the big cut in prices in my other bres. A BIG CUT Olf PEICES, I wish to call the attention1 of the trade to the fact that I am now offering some rare bargains in ttoofa, shoes, hats, ready-made clothing, prints, worsteds, etc., bard ware, such as plows, hoes, shovels, spader, tracechaina, aud, in fact, anything you mill in this line; ;i!!( rutins I keep coustantly on hand a full supply of grocer ies consisting in part of Su gar, Coffee, Rice, etc. which will be sold ascHeapii they can be bought in the mountains. I cannot, in this small space twll you of half the bargains' I pin prepared to offer, but invite you, one and oil, to conie and see. Thirty-six in ches to the yard and sixteen ounces to the pound has ev er been mv motto, and t hope to receive in the future,' what I have so much enjoy-!" ed in the past, the liberdlriat ronage of the public!; Most Respect tally, C, D. TAYLOR. Yulle Cruris, May 10, '02. ATTENTION. BUYERS ! ! We wish to call attention to our line of second-hand Euggies, Carts, wagons, Hacks, Harness Etc, They are almost good as new,' and persons wishing to buy can secure bargains by o tiling on us.' We have a big lot of NEW HITfldlKS. WAfiONS. CART,' HARNESS &c on hand, which will be sold on reasonable terms. If we have not got what jou want, (we will take pleasure in getting ahy thing for you in oar line. We buy direct from manufacturers anf can, Iiercftfre, give you tit cleso prit-cS. We have a full line of new Max ness Collar, bridles,' etc. ev erything in the harness line. Cau beat the we'rld on prices. EST We will take in exchange horses, mules, and alogood bivt cattle, (live us a cf ll. 11 EN K EL, CRAIG & CO. . Jicnoir M. C. 3 H 1 ., !.. t--lt. r. vl!T.f. IirmitilllM. !'' '" !'' "". -o ' ' M,.,,,.:;. li rt . .1.- t . I- .f - Lxikovtmi I'MIUJtl fi-rf..-. I -.1. 1 1 Inzt b t wfln nnrt nvtttf Un'mtii mr "i "'" l,n..i,, .n... r U.MJ..J kT I.I.II"t'M'Mt. I.ihI ' IU0 J (ll: '' nliln''iii'' " ' '- t-l ''" UlM- Ibirniu !. ."I- on! il.. .p..'t -. " II. w .. y "' Aj,Mr. W'.fli.T. n4 .1 Ulr 'in..: Ui'.t i wl'.l .'I " CQ-ltuI ui.n lh-r.ii..B!.pt.niiy.-h !.: within .i "I lrwt.l. Inn.l. u wrnrA -tfin ia litit I H colii iicrtiiai.r imit i h.-r. M nry in u. n.n.i. . ,a lin-l- r br.ny iitdiitirH'ni'Cr"ii.f oiin.r AU r. i o. dfillco.trk H Hr. t .hwntm . E r.nn.n .nu Btw-r (r..iu If .. -r .. T cut, ilo w.ll if ti will . ink. iw-l l- imrd. ml luua.uh 0nlr;ll:HiToiiraii inrr.... T..i:r i,i.--m. - a v..-, -m. "m dvojrie.nftr.ri.ti.ori.ll Tnr ti-n. lo ti.. K . r.a.f to lenrn. i:.pUal n.l re'i'i'rl. Tl'a mwn .. new t.d !! Wlil-v!... l-riifi m-d th9W Tom how. lie Flltira unuif.wit .!,iot onr wrk era. rom lo ci.;ia liar. Wrtla .'-ti i-a l rr, kt return I'-il l'f ' ' ' " Ualletl fn.. Mx Pwt'wi. -l avtvn aT'tirt oa "o jji'ntH -ajia. Majdia t. td m la JMa aa.Maaa. qi lonjj nm t ip . o 1 8 t c ""MJ ,"J",5' ip mud i i iHMrtiiiiT! r qi mot mimm moi pmm TTii mm m P IH MOqt 1 If UPM i.riJk3 r (WB ! 9 .x. 1 um wqi mo to - "j 'nao m moiiW no-t JA,; ft 4 M'H Mn aaapiuitti M bin oTBba , J Vi . !

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