i . 1 t 1 t u ' call v.; i ISOOXK, WATATOA (OI NTV, X. ('., MIl'ItSDAY, NO VLMliMIJ, IT . 12. vol r ri.o' i...u.al. W. R. COFXCiFF. .!u. Attui:n':v at Ij.v y. Footle, X. (' W. U. oFXi IFF. D. Foor.e, X. ('. R ill- !it Physician. Oliin u;i uii g Street north of Po.M 1:. r. LnYlFL Att:;.':v At l-.'.w, Ro- !)' N. C. 1'ilVI' I.W .M Si iiCDIN Cffxe ct Residence. lioon.', x. C 1,. I). LOWK, imniij til L'; -AMl- xotmiy ri i:u uanni:k"s vaaz. x. OHNTIST, ri.K I'AIIK, no;:th cinai.i.NA. ( ".Ml !'S llirf 'ni!i'si(lll!!! HTVi'l'S o t':u pi'o;);c r.t MiVchf!!. Wei .1: :; 1 initl niljuiiHi:' I'oun tifs.f..iT.Vj ..;. m.-i 1 ';; i us.-ii i: mi .1 U n oil; n;i r.t ) t ' -dr-ri M.iv 1 1 y. - E M.WJOX, N.c -()- AVill !i-!otiff in tliP '(uii'tH ot Vnt;u''ii. Ai-Ih', MiuhcH. Mclnw- 11 iiinl nil othiT coni'tit H in t! i .Ve.-tlTII listlK't j'.l'Clill lit ten limiiven to the coliecaion 01 (l;iiins,Xa N0T1CK. Hole! I'roiH'Vty k.i S;uc. On iicccaint of f.ailinjr lienlli: rif myself ;niil wife, I offer for sale ia v hotel property in the town ot lUione. North t'arolinii. ni'd will -n il low for cash nnd tuake terms o suit the liuyfr, ami ill t.iikc real or personal property in e. chai!!'. Apply Minn. V. F. oil VAN. For pale. 900 acres of land, on Rich Mountain, Wntanjra Founty, on vhieh is asbestos, . nnd fiie land forsheepraneh. Sales private. L. 1). Fowe & I. T. Furirerson, Ex'tis. of Mrs. A. V. Fnllowav, deed. Hatmer Elk, Nov. 1" ".)().. mi uk. Parties putting papers in my Imnd for execution will please ;n ;incf the f's wi t h thf papers and they will re ceive prompt it t ten tion, other wise they will he returned not executi'iJ Uir the want of fees. I). F. IUtiU) Kuff. lk. II I hi fcl tfal il lav DENTIST OF KUTSEEFORD COLLEGE, X. ('., Fs now oe;ited at Sheriff Baird's on Watauga River, near Valle Crucis. Having had (14) fourteen years ex ptrier.ee as a dentistand us ing nothing but the ukst ma terial, combined with g o o i WoriK. offers his professional services to the citizens ol Wa tauga county .as a first v. l a H-Dentist. tfeyPrkos reasonable and satisfaction fully guaran teprfl Jul 20. 3 mo. s.nst.r h:;i it j,;,vs. Ai.i-.aw. N. V., Nov. t - S.ii;,tni Hill said in iin int. T- vii w t-i.tv: "Every good i. mu-i a w il, I tlllM'l ill' fi UllKU ..... lll I'll j... ........ j' ' " ! t u; 11 iii" t l.o i!i niin i ;i : ir p;u l y or i:; t; 1:1. jvi.-t ay is mo.-t ovor. hciai irg an Igratifvmg. !t is:!')! i Mil v I !iil I'i'i t 1 1 1 i u ; 11 1 ;i 1 if ji-x l'ii'itl.-'i. I F vela ad and ;i just tribute to him, li:it it i. ;m ii loi .'ii!'Mit of the 1 ! v : 1 . c ! , 1:1 t i,. tin..;i.l..-- it I. ' .. !, I t . i , i i ' . - 11 1111 11 1 1 C!lii IilpKiI.fi! T!:.' pt'oj .'!(' oppo-ctl 1 i loivt I t 1 1 ii:i'! Ii-irvil t 1 IT i'.-?"n:!. i; ii'l il;- I )'i lit t .' O i .U-'S VVI' !l Vt von tin' victoiy, 1 ii.j'.jcs- ; iiifiif s !.. i lii-cfi iiiadi' fo;- J Ii. t ion a My tin' Ki'd'i al -! ion ; u! .im j u irs. A'i.'i' the liu-" i.-s. 1 j ki'pt M'VtTid Soaf ;ir:t j T a t! !i.:d a'i -niliK-d. ;i 1 r;is-, stiitfs with us whii-h r.!i;;ht ot li'MAvisf li;.vi on.' for In - third .'ii ty. I t m.-t t ha t oiu j ;a t. u, 1 .;' ofv.'i 1! !ni:: dr.-i!. victory will cany with it t !. ; pfoplc, miirclii'd jiroand th control of tin I'liitHi Slati's't'iaii't hoi.'lwo or : n r f S. iiHtc. w liirli will cna!)!:' ! t i'!!i-.-, hfiidi'd !v a ;;-vat : to pliict I'lOiaoi-ratic h-;!,-! 1 I ion noon I ho Federal M al illo liooks. Wt shall t is e .; .'e;isc (o he a mere oppo.ii ' ion pa 1 ly, ,1 ad can soenn1 t 11 e icaico'ial letjiisl'i 1 ion whi' h t he p'T-:!." t!",aia;it, and that op poruiaity v. ill !a:il.! a; i d-tnoer.'iiie piirly .and tai it stion. "I llank t!r D-aor: cv voiihl prr-f'T a yijroroiis ..!;. -mo.-;: alViVl' ss!v,.p-i;.v.iO dtothat ;:m cini the exist hyjr Fcd-Tal riec-! Ti va tion haw should ho rcp -al ' ! . lr is a vexatious, arhit "ary. and miiiecchsary :nu;isii!'o -piihlo of Teat injustice and ahuse and in the hands of mi principled olhYinls may lie (.on,,.. U iusti niiicntdf aiT'CM'S sion. I am particularly grat ilied with the glorious result in Xt'w York St;t(e. TheStiite oiganiittion of the party as well as the organizations in iano-tenths of the counties, j were m tlie Hands ot trifttas those who loyally supported my claims at Chicago and i was extremely liisirons that an excel 'ear h h o w i 11 g should be made, and 1 am more than sati.-fied." Morgan ton Herald. There never has beta anything like it. The democrats have swept the dick. Cleveland h;ts lie.-i- ten Han ison nearly three to one in the electoral college. Xarth Carolina has gone dem ocr.atie by from forty to shy ly thousand. I'ower has bea ten I his Wilcox Fiit'.on oppo sition by .'1,000 in the (ii gressiomil district. Fatter son and (Unlock are elaed to theSenate. Thed.aiiocrats have it majority of nearly lOO in the national Ilousa of Representatives. The next United States Senate will be democratic.' Roth branofeosal docuua rits.but not onoi of the (Jenfial Assembly- in North CirolinTi are .almost solidly democratic. If the re publicans have carried any thing it has not been heard from up to the hour of going to pres.-'. The third party was not in it anywhere. The death knell of boodleism has been sounded. Thotrign of plutocracy is over. The mis erable traitors vho tried to sell the electoral vote of N. C. hav1 been buried under the ballots of an outraged peo ple. The Macuiies and Wil sons and Butlers have at j,., ;,fV., ,linvJI vv!l.,t 1 1 , , f ',,!,. fhi:.:; ,,f treir n.iv 1 -Jl-!- ;,c;i. r.t Th.. .-..,oo i-v ;.-v.f.. lor jiiKi. 1 1 - r four oar. '1'.. ;s ,,,.u, t.:w, to go - ..! . - . u 1; ,'inui t ( .1:1 y a! Cl.ut.,.1. n 1 ' !i '.:; i.-jats of Sami mai y and the 'own of t'bu ton tinned nuf and biiri"i - Mat i.i'i R;t '!: ili-rv. At ! ,'., it, ,:. )...-,... I..! ii. . . i . , tilt 1 .'fit 1 il' 1 . . t i I' ; siiniiaojicd ti'- p'.'O;.'.'? t - ; L' : I' ::;a i iit y u,;.! Mfii'! it: ! !' i;; ' -r o vt!.-a t til" en 11 r t l-Hl.-V' -tj'l 1'' Wiit V ;l!T,!t!.; - ! !-i!:t! p!:.;, "i! a ,-)' ni a HM-j.;' ! .vhi! . t !:.:'; 'rill p:'i n't-' -sii 1; I v. ! ware Uan::''", on 1 ii!--eriiiad ia ; t 1.1 l- .' . t m-.v of Alary ;i! a U-.it!-. 1 1 i c ia ' , piM'V; 'oat o: ai ii: av-' f. ai:a ' v .-at : ' i'.fr acii'-at; ; 1 . i 1 ! M a" 1 'a:l ion, iii v. h v.- ar" a-: "he gave Hiiticr the di Tom W.asli, who has m v : hrot hrrs and u:!"les ho h:- taken a hu ge part ia ihoeaai j o.alea ta he a;;ie,i. paiga as Ihith r men a 11 d J Done at the city of Wash thini p'.ar'.yiics broue!it..n in ji ,-u:i. tiiis ih foart'i day 1 llllltr- u.;i t.wi it IlliUiW! I ti a,, a,. ., -,i. nt I.., t 1 hear on the subject of his dis ourve, ;i!'.;l we. ue told that his oration was a rare bit of wit ana satire, After th 1 oration had been delivered, tin? grave was cios ed and a number of young mau gia vcly laid upon the new made monad bunches of old dried leaves lied with dit ty rags. The long meter dox ology was then sung and a head board was put up with this inscription, 'Tn memory of Maryann Fuller. lie died young.'" The crowd t h e 11 dispersed amid velli.ig a 11 d Laughing Over the ridiculous j spi etaelc they hid participa-' ted 111. It is said that iai!- lor wttii"ssi'i I the whole af fair from il neiehbufing of- fin Wlut ".S- Iileaas. Vo l often see it "State of Pennsylvania, county of Phi 1- ...n.iia.;.. it io 1,..' "uur,Ni,i 11 1 found at tho-bee-iniiing ,,f ae - 1 i.i . 1 ...1 ..i I MHMMeoeimaiift .inn o i uer ic m a dozen can tell you what j commission of a great itaas that cabalistic"ss-" is for. To j 1 ice. le short andt'Jthe point, "And yet now I think of ir" a population of .about a doz the aboteviiitioa is ncontrnc! ; ;u!dcd, "you cauld n o fb'11 f--nnilies. In 1871 a cow tion of tlui Latin word "sci licet," w h i c h is .also a con- traction, having otigitially hv,v could you be so hum the I been written as "scirelieate," j U);in was innocent?" neither of which, yon will j Well,", replied the oiher. 1 note, has more than one "s." j -iuy Hn'ef reason for think-1 The word entire, or in itsjing tiiat he ,l,d nor, ( ominit abbreviated state, is equiva- j t he crime wa that I commit- iei.no ineoiu latgiisn to wit." still widely used, the, design of both being simply ! to "all particular attention to what follow. Tti: !.! -(rivlat' I'.ci l-nu.il .1,11. PlC! It lit H.ll lis ill I il s t i i I r t id! e.ai. it m i.-Mled t he foiiO, i I : i il.illks:ii iug proc I aumi ion: Tin" yi:'s of ( I oil 1 1) our !:!, .1..1...:. ..1 1 I'.' u:i ' !;. 1 . i' 1 1 1 r i'i 1 i' 1 1 1 t I :!) 1 .il.i .i:.t :ii. . 1 -i ll 1 1,. 1 1 a vj'irit oi'iii'V. ;i! ' I ii i:i a- ',! V.i!: iS ,V,ilt ilwl it;' lll:U' ill.. tinti. ii: t M.iit of .t, !.,v wii.'ii it :u :i v Ur.v.M-o Hi.iu!i..vj.i - ...M.i,i.Ji - ;liasM.-,M"l lMtiS..i,-..at oiu 1 . iiii'ur.-, tif tiiir. iMvoa nmio i(V; t !n' ! t e ( i v il i:..-?itu t.i,!,. . 1,11 ,r, , , 1 . . . ... 1 1 1 1 (. 1 (; 0 -o ('(: was i i!-ov: to .lii.-pi.at'. 1 iif a.i:- iM;l- 1 i I-'1 Vl'i t-'iH I' i.i 'iiivl on; lor !v: il.- .a a 1 I'V a rail fo i ; I'lt tii- ,V 1 cor ;; ! !. r lands ... 1 . t I ... I 1 uill'iS i' aa ,, ; ,I a : li a p. Iriv 1 a:-...u "!i"ia! : it : In IF- ar an I l 'iii'ias i'ar o n c 'a:: ;s ai vcii us jxrea I :aa!.-iia! vca'lii a: a.-!t ;i ti;' cd". I ot; 1 v Diiiea'l in Mi e ur people. He h;o. '.race to (lie i-ioi-ei't-t'i-a F F-aaa-oii, I'lT.si-letit I 'r.a lo.-j, do call up ;i"i::il.' el Ol-y.efVO. it a trv. i:.cr. .lit'il eea won 1 1 i a rs -fotii i h day iiia o: . i j rt iiiwer. I ... 1 '! 1 'juii ',..-: 1 t o j ia iii.'i'cii s. ,a n d o j a far couliiit: -race. ! a V a i-.-a-e a; lao-sli; .vena to uaiv w 1 owi i v ia v :t: . 1 a !! (! -i I i-itn.-vd the M-a! of 1 he Faitcd Oi 'ovoaiter, one 1 maisiinil t'i;i,at huadt'cJ ;iad nnietyi we iiud of tli.' hah I' leieice o I t!i': liiii;vl Slates tlivMr.iehn.i liretilh and seven'ronl'i. J;:n'.jami Hahkison. Hy order 01 the t'i-etiident. Jxo. W. Fasn::;, S-h;. Oa tlio ;!:st Aai'-ioi ity. Harper.-,: Asiory is told of a trial for burglary in which one of the jurymen seemed to ho ao col i.ain oi the prisoner's bann-ence, and ph ade i for hi:n .a eloquent ly -and ao convincingly, tlmt ;io eievenoth a-; -(who liad no V :li 'ticumr !,'i-',vi'd th bias either v !ii!-.elv s to be ar- a.'t. a : O re. m a; ;g a v-a-aic: few days e a m e to 1 tiio iiccu : o b"yond the waver OI HOI gV.a liiier Iresii r.acs ligiit which prov .v'd i'.iiiii s 1 1 . a a 1 c; ,a doa!i( , oae of ing jurymen happening t o ..i ,1 meei warn tne man who nun So pTwerfr.llv influeneetl th in '. . ;, 1 1 tll;ink"d liim warmly for iiilYing saved them from tV have known then any thing ' about these UiW f;u:ts ten it . inyseii. '""icli .auUaaaty wasceltam !!ot K) l,, tsP''ted. r$(hieil:!:tr ;iy.a for the ! I Democrat one re.ic. f.l l'i... it 11. 1 !ii;lf (;ri,v(J. i F"l ti ls from riiii: 1 In hri - 1 -1-1 ilili- ! viiiri' r,f 1 1 1 - - ltis f !'! ;i!i'! i; o;.t': 1 v rail !,) iiy ! l!if 1 ut-a 1c i :i of li,i!,i 01 ili-1 V !!.. .1 i' : v. r. 1 "n ! 1 i-j ill'-.l ';:!! So r - 1'iiW. If l o' ' V ! I. r yi'a Is ! liinv :i' 1 ! 1. :;! ! !i i.-i'i liViTUaS !!'iim illl ' l'i litif-i .1 Ii..." :!!. I fll!1'- -!isa-irons ;m t h-otl:.-!-. Ii is;l"'l"n"roi-s.l.oolon line '.'sti.il.tr,l ihat tin- M io... ii!"iiil!l" ,non"" 'flie mual ali-irirt is n, mi!,.s loi!- .viau" .fl"K" t!,e Imrent ' ....... K t1ft 1 1 ( l pr.T-tili f 1 tliirtv iii.x wiK that ovir ;.'i,i;)!) piop. havo Imjhii ;. ,,.,......! i!..,t rM.. 1 ...,-.,.. n i .. 1 i.;,t vui s?ai'V fit 1 ui;:s- 'at' i .!. ;"-.' tiovcr.i a;t tit liii iii.iiii's t toon 1 1 . a it:a ao.v iiiii a ;r-i s a ia lili. ai! :i: -!l Soaie .i,a v a o. ia u i if!i. in saiF il 1 1 t ; '. iii i.a.a-l ihc Ut 1 of i.fc at i ". n iir 1 sarp tssotl. 1 ; ( tl ' reii'-a i: 1 ina 1 ta.Jaukiiit iit ot I i.r river Wits poorly doao uieyeii;s :'.:(K aad t !i. h;:-;a water this si'.isoii sso'p: as". av tie dikes its though liiey were :a::d',' v, ?-1 ia l V. . In several :isi rids Wil ti l' is intern v. hi It' ia ia:h'.-'.i t l deep, tie perch aat .I on 1111? rouis o l nejr lious- Oniv tlt laore suasw:iii- tial structures rofast th e iic- 1 i ion wi wiiter, a.nd th;. 1 majority of the hcmstK eriaa- !a..i -.Viiv ; 5 1 1 1 1 i iirrvwi: araoa peoj to (!; a til. No C' U mCuut 1 rv).no ppop;.) litajliscoitrag ,,,, , u Sughiv voiiis'e!) ill Sr ! ,1, I t 1 1 eaiuail !o this or ilia ; a:-;-a t or emiiiont person. Why shonid they not lie w i! ling to Ijc themselves? No per :aa i-' w itliout iafbienee. Why nor laake the most of wlial you haw? Sj, ice you caaa ai grasp vha r ;-a tit i wha t you iiiive ,sli; !.vhy "let rhroa;;!: your lingers.? No person ia the world is exactly like yon. You have onr o w n F.alia, bat you have also oin- ex celitiK ies iieii viouiil foyonr self. tJive latail ilir. 1'ei-iiuse you are not a poet, should you a a! be a good merchant? Rr-causeyon cannot 12,0 to col lege, fhould you therefore. f;a--swoiir t he alphabet? Because you cannot build a palace, .should you not rejoieoin your o-.vn? Wii! i.itt the sua .also siiuie into wan Windows a j yoti sis 1 i !o not obstinately perl1,'" "uu J1""" 1 , ... .. ;P 1 shore and seeing the tremi iMHUt.ngtt out? Ryou; (luls wro,k nij-i(.0f,..r . cannot have a w h o 1 e hot house fuil of thiwer:1, may you not h ive onf sweet rose. Ac cept thankfully whatever bles sfugs you have, and try to make the most oft hem. Fx. CiMrfsro is:ii-1's:k5. T h e origimitioa of the "Woild-.s Fail-" City dates back to the year I80I , with kicked over a lamp, causing ;i terrible tire, amounting to $-00,000,000, buraing IS, o0O hous-s, ami kilUng 200 feo;;le a n d r-Midet n g o v e r 100,000 persons homeless. The fire covered 2.000 acres of ground. Rut time 1ms tnado it one oft he largest oil ies oi our Land, with a population over 1,000,000, .and t h e li nest raiboads in the world. NO. A True Morj 'i'.ij'.i, v. ill 011 i iso give :ii. fifty iTiitrf for ii hat. .Mont i f tli'-ac;n!(iny irls Ii a v o tln-ii "Xo, M iy, 1 ciin'tHparotlie nullify."' 'i'. y alt'jvo it-i 1 uosL Ta.p'r n i-ivt ly lii.njt' Iiy a sixtoon-ytiii-o'.d mnit ;ih hha was . ' ' 11 Tin lif jjipointed irl went ' "". 1 111 1.1111-r suiri- . . . .1.1 'IM - f il . A ,'(! K )! Ills I il :! ph of I i:iini'w () lii.s way t hither he met a fi ii nil, and. beiii ha'.l fellow vo 11 nit't, ho invited him into 1 M w.'o f,,.. . a,;, a- i ...,...,1 ' - u uuu. a. usual, ithore weieothers their, and ihe man w ho couldn't spare fifty cen'.s for a hat, treated the crowd. Just then the saloonkeepers daughter entered, and, going behind the bar, die en id: "Pa, pa, I want fifty cents for my new hat." All right," said the dealer; and taking up the half dollar from the counter, he handed il over to 1 1 1 girl, who do parted smiling. .May's f.al her seemed dazed, walked out alone and Raid to himself: "I had to bring my lifty cents here for the rum Si lier's daughter to buy a hat a it li. uTter refusing it to my own. I'll never drink anoth er drop." And he kept his I ! e. !go. 1 'iii la ilelphiu Met ho JLit, Messenger: We ran 3 not doubt that amid the wreck of hopes and the sweeping revolution that topples in ru in the Harrison gang of cor I unionists, with Harrison at the head, there is one very resigned, if not altogether happy num. We can't doubt ih.it Jame.s (J. Blaine is re joicing deep down in h i s boots that he was not chos en at Minneapolis to 1 e a d li e radical gang and to face a second an 1 almost over wheming dea-at at the hands of the great statesman, th? man of destiny, the friend of the people. He is no doubt at heart at heart self-corn-plaoent and self satisfied and views the overthrow of the republican Pharohasiu the Red Sea of Reform with that , , .a ,.a,:,.i. 1..-. . 1 1 '"-i"" 1 u" 11 ueeou;eH .. ii-Mie wno stands sateir on tne en- tjices "l am so glad 1 am not in it." tti-Klnlt j's District" A i . l i a ( i : , 0. , Xo v. 10 1 'ro b .ably one of the biggest sur prises of Tuesday's balloting' was the flection of Dr. George P. Skirt, Democrat, in this (McKinley's) district. Com plete returns wipe out the usual Republican majority of 2,500, and elect Skirt to Congress over Thos. R. Mor gan, Sr., oi this city, the Re publican candidate, by a ma jority of 1,000. Wilmington Star. When t man rises up as e elf-constituted champion oi the oppress- edclassHsand paws the air and twists his hair all up and comes down hard ou sole leather as Marion Butler did it dops not necessarily follow that his heart is bleeding for the wrong he "deplores." He may be only doing his best to earn the money thatsouii? oiie lias piii.J In iii.