Sit-kii-tio Hate 8 VoTnk Watai oa Doicct NT.V ' .v''ar G month " 3 months .".0 - o.i AUVIIUTIMN'j Katk.. 1 inch 1 v.-k ? .7" 1 " li.ionili 1.7o 1 3 .too G " ".0o 1 " 1 year 7.(1' 1 ci luinn 1 !U0 1 " 1 month. n.."ii 1 : '.",.( hi .7- - 1 " ; 1 " 1 war iiioouier im ircuaisiaiices wi Knlred at the I'otolli.-oat I'loori. N. C, as seond-cln.s mail matter. LOCAL NKWS. The weather lovely for a ftw days past. Lditor Dougherty U a pain pushing to completion the work on hi.s new mill. Little Frank, son of Mr. R. L. Councill, of our place, lias'Urn Verv ill for some days. Mr. J. F. Hardin is on',! he southern market with stck for the Lin ville Improvement Company. T ie Rev. Mr. 'herry is holding a meeting of days in the M. K. Church here, which we trust will result in much good. Messrs. F. II. nougherty and ("orge Osborn, both of Cove Creek, h.ive passed here with horse droves during the past week. Miss Julia llorton has re su tried her m-hool in Ilouiie, which kias been disc jntinu- d for some weeks, owing to the severity of weather. Master Bart. Rryan to all appearance?, is the happi est boy in town over the pos session of a jennet, which was presented to him by his bro ther Jim on Tuesday Jjist. It is, he thinks, a beauty. The County Superintend ent requests us to say that he will be in Hoone on the 9th inst. for the put pose of exam ining applicants for teacher's The examina tion will be written and Will begin at 9, a. m. It is a difficult mutter to give legislative proceedings as there is so much of it that is of no interest to oar sec tion, we only note points of special interest. The bill to make 6 per ct. the only legal interest failed to pass, so did the dog law as wo predicted. Our Representative Lovill is among the strongest and most influeiitiitl men in th House, we are proud'of this. Jones of Caldwell is alsomak ing a gDod record. Our Sen ator Fields is of course all right, a man of sense and in fluence. Miss Lunda Bingham, of Statesville, was married to Mr. Charles Somers, of Wilkes boro, some dayi ago. She was a daughter of ouresteem ed friend, Maj. H. Bingham. May happiness and prosper ity attend the newly married couple. E. B. Miller, of our coun ty, gave us a call this week, and reported that he had du ring the fall and winter kill ed and sold $ 2G2 worth of hogs, and has eight more good ones to butcher. Ed. is a mover, and alwayscomes out on the paying sine. Moses Bently, one of the oldest, if not the oldest indi vidual of Watauga, died at his home near Boone some days ago. From the bestin- 'formation wcan gatL-r con- .ruin-.: hi- H"- h i" i:i hi I'.Trd v'jr, l . i ? horn in th- year lv'0. It ii cl.ii:: iv I'.v other that hewax !)( yen ' while in hr f:r off wetern ld. jliotn flu priif.'-.! religion If vou uih vour urtirlt-8 n-trr ,!R' l'"r liu-- toiij.arintliM'io!uiniiHl.e " t,;,'n"l fo t!:"ir o! 1 sure mil! ngn your miniH for n,,:,',k ':i ;,t ,".-- sh the protection of the Mih'i-h ", i "f'il i on the 1 Ithof T, iiii'l t liii yo-t have tl!-l-n . lN'.l.l She larked -h-v-1 Muiir paKcunmM he tmri lijht to use' nnv t!o:n If!'"1 days f livintr a year nf-. tioned where men havesipian .it.Iume rim m:iv wish Imt nr. ;.i I tin y appear without a i-i::i- tun . In addition towhat is ad vert iei for si! iti another! ivlii'ini by W. N'.'I Iioiicis, ad mm is I rat or mi t hi r ;t :i t it R. A. Thomas, ih d. there will be ff"red lot s lie one-fourth interest in a thrashing ma rline, und five head of dr cattle. That was a very perplex ing mistake we mad- in out last issiii-when we annouur- the d.'ath of Mrs. E. L. Fivsncll. of Cove Creek. The lady who died was a daiigh-'.er-inlawof Mr. IYessneU's, an.l our informant was mis informed, ht'iice the blunder. A correction in full appears in iinother cobrnu. We are requesred to an nounce the marringe of Mr. J. P. Taylor, of Kik Task, to Misi Emma A. Couucill, of Boone, which will lw solemn ized at St. Luke's Church in Boone, on the morningof th 8th last, at 9 o'clock. Al! friends of this excellent and popular youngconpie aiecor 1ia!!y invited to the church to witness the ceremony. We re sorrv indeed to note tho fact that Mr. W. T. Winkler, of St. Jnde, came near being killed by a falling limb last week. Tin? limb neighed, we are told, about eighteen lbs., and fnllinn-some dist nnce struck him on of th1 head, leaving a gash A inches long, besides other serious bruises about flip neck and shoulders and leav ing him entire ly unoi sc o i At the last report, lujwcve: , he was thought to brf im proving, and his physician thinks his skull is not frac tured. To Prerent the Grlj Or any other similar cpidmic. the blood ami the wlicle system h'ioiiM be kept in healthy condi tion. It von feci worn out or have "that tired feeling" in the mor ning, don't be guilty of neglect. (Jive immediate attention to your self. Take Hood's Sarsnnarilla. to give strength, purity the blood and prevent disease. Hood's Tills cure liver ills, jaiin dice, biliousness, sick head ache and const.patiori. A Corre ni.. Editor Deruoaat: 1 write t'J correct a which occurred in the last is sue of the Du.MontAT, in re gard to the death of Mrs Cur oline Fresiicll. It was not the wife of E. L. Presncll who di ed, but his daughter-in-law, the wife of John II. Fresuell. She was the daughter of our ol 1 and esteemed friend. Wi ley II. Holsclaw, who died at his home on Brushy Fork on Jan. 25th 1891. Mrs. Carrie Presnell, the sub jeet of this sketch, was born June 171 h, 1872, in Overton county, Tenn., but t;oon after her birth her parents moved back to Watauga county where she was reared until grown. Mie was marrieo to John II. Fresi.ell about Sep tember the loth, 1890, und noon alter she was married she and hei husband remov ed to Washington. She left '!,,' imi.-'1. I'it h i hi Mi H thon-hr I,, r si-k n!- m'i.j.Iv i-!! r i ii lint Miioriiit tt in-ii: sii'rc.v h?t-;iii!v nn:s.', n!i. It l'-r fa h; s death. Mnv ! sIij Kwi t-tW r'-t ia hT Ilea v - -I i 1 I I ' l i 1 1 1 n l V, A FtliKNO. v ..'.. i .. .. VibjH, J.U. JJOth. 1 .'im ch:i in. r.l of t!n ni' i it ol lion N n i-miia, .HT lot v - ! mu r -i kti uu a n-w nis uiis is what iimiiv j-'iiji!;-s ty. Died at hcrhomcoti Sfotiv Fork, Wilkes couay, .. Claud some poor woman ud Jan. or.l. 1S9.'L Mrs. Barba-jbe left, just as his wife is left, ra. wife of Archa Green . heNvith lit tie children to care was in her (loth year tit the time of her death. and lived a consistent memherof the Bap tist church for forty years of hat time. She svas a d. 'vot ed wife ami mother, a kind and chti.-di in neighbor, and was much b 'loved by all who knew her. She leaves ii kind and df voted husband and Djery cradle, a d'-ed written in children, besides a large cir cle of fr'u. inte to mourn her de parlure, huf' we hope our loss is her etci mil gain. She's gme from this cold world of C.MV, This world of woe a:;d hitler tears, An.l reached the ivains of Mis', we trust. Heaef.-rth to dwell among the jet. So f.ither nnd children cease to Vl!'ll, Milt do her counsel keep That you may meet with Ja r a bove. Where all is joy, peace and love. She's hid :di-m to toil mid pm:t. An 1 gone ;o hen veil with Cari.-U to reign Fon-ver on 1':e h? 1 -. s'i:re. Where partings wi'! be k;ewa no I' Thou fri-mls who loved her w;!! while here, Prepare to meet her over there, Yhcie friends no more will part - eu i:e Rut :-p'. ;id with Christ eternity. Z. T. Watsox.. I. Memo y ai Uo'iy A Thomas. Editor Democrat: TYere are many subjects up on which I might wri'e and soiir items of interest I might note, but I ft'el inclined to o mit these things for the present and write si few lines m memory ol the lamented R. A. Thomas, whose death occurred Dec. 2Gth, 1S92. He was the youngest of six brothers, all ot whom are married and doing well. lie was about 28 years old, and las to manhood, his equal could hardly be found. Th1 next youngest brother, Mr. F. M. Thomas, was lately married to Miss Maggie, dau ghter of the 1 ite Dr. J. II. (dnifdi, of Zionville. Tioby, as we called him, was known as one of the most gemerous and kind-hearted men in all the country; ever ready to hel puny one in need, lie had a great influence in his community, and had it not been for the effects of li quor upon this man his influ ence for good would have been very great. Like a great man.v other good men, he lie was led on, little by little, until ha came to an untimely end iu the primeof manhood. Young m n, you who may read this article, and espec ially those to whom 1 have talked on this subject in the school room, and have tried to show yon the end of al! men who drink, will you not hear the warning of this uaan wh.-:i he so ru-'i !.r U jjr I hi fiieiid hii I a - iiP to h t it u 'out1? Hut nmi:i u ill uy hr did tint kdl him-vlf driLkiuir. it a 'Yarrru who kided ti:ti. Ah! indeed, anl so it wa, hut wh.i ran d-my tint liquor v:a a" the foundation of this td affair. ..!-i e,l tort tine. Miii.M-.ll i'-mi 1 si lvi s and brought ruin mi l diicra-e upon th'ir famil.c by the n, of i:ito.;iMtit.. !'. ' m"!. dit-r, young iiioii.a'i 1 f I 'young mi are not all who . i)f.d to l t'aifinb-r, t hat wli-a ' ... . ..,, ....i, : ,-, tf;,rl an iu!liicnc for eril. th" ef- fects of which may not end until it end in th death of such a man as Roby Thomas, for. "Contemplate the scene!" How often is tt the case that we lose sight of the l eal cause of s i h calamities? "The .success of the liquor trafie depends upon debased manhood, wrjnged woman hood, dcfraiuled childhood. It holds a mortgage over ov- hearts bh.o.J over every life. Shall mother know this and be silent? Shall fathers un derstand and he indifferent?" Tins great curse that is up on u to day will never be re moved until parents and the leading men oi the country take a united stand in favor of temperance. We are glad there is a brighter side to this picture. Some G or 8 years ago lie professed reli gion and joined the M. E. Church, and for quite a while liveifu consist;! tit member He was a leader inthechurch and a S. S. worker, and seem d to have a great influence for good. But. just then, evil HiihieiKs were brought to bear, and a thiit lor liquor seeired to cap) tire him. until, (as 1 have said, he was led on . step bv step, to an untimely ! ,,;). bit. 1 am glad to sav. thai, before he died he left tes timony that all was well. Af ter he was shot he possessed presence of mind until he di ed and seemed to be con scious of his condition. I heard him say he had to die and whn lost, a nd I also heard hi in say he was saved and ready to die, and I have hopes that his profession was real. He was free to talk n bout hisl'u'ure welfare before and after his conversion. He often reierrea to th way he had lived and desired to gt well that he might live a bet- ter life. Then 1 ask again, ia the name, and for thesake of our count ry, will inf-m not act the part oi sensible men, and hear the 'dmonitions of Roby Thomas? L. C. W. Hat tie, Jan. 21. MJTlCK. My virtue of'tni execution usu ed fi'om ' tho l -apT'ior I 'oral of ('nhhvell county, 1 v.iil sell for cash nt the. co n t house Ji.'t in Moone on the Gih day ..i Marc!). 181)8, it being the first Moh;h.v in snid month, J. C. Jones' inter est iu 104 acres of land lying on the west prong of ISi-avtrdata creek, in beaverdam township, Wata,iga,countv, adjoining the lands of Thus. Curthing's heirs, Calvin .Mo:dy and others, levied on by me. to naisfy Hie sum of r()prin. with interest on same from 19tli day of Nov. 18St, un til paid, and costs ot sm t amoun ting to $101. 17, in suit wherein M. A. Jones is plif and and J. 0. Janes deft. This Jan. 21, 188:5. D. F. 15auu), Suff. Admini itrator's Notice. Having qualiiied as the admin is! rat or of Itchy A. Thomas deed., all pers. in indebted to said es tate are requested to make imme diate payment, and oil persons holding accounts ngainst said cs tuts are notified to present them duly authenticated within 12 months or this notice will be plead in bar ot their recovery. J au. 2:3rd, 181);l. W. N. Thomas, Adm. on .m tii !. 0- SAY ! this rs xo hum MTG TO DRAW TRADE! I MEANBU31NS33. I rom now until the first day of April I will sell my stock of CLOTHING AND OVERCOATS At 10 per cent above COST ! If you don't think I mean it come and look through my STOCK It wont, cost you one cent if you dont purchase. I have a large stock and want to get rid of it before spring;. o fST CALL AND LOOK! TBR o I would call your attention to the big cut in prices in my other bres. -o Rkspectfltlly, W. L. BRYAN, CO O OQO oooogo o5 A BIG m OH PRICES, I wih to call the attention of the trade to the fact that 1 am now offering some rare bargains in hoot, shoes, hats, ready-made clothing, prints, worsteds, etc., hard ware, nidi as plows, h es, sbovN. spades, tracechains, and, iu fact, anything you need in this line. GB3UHUES I keep constantly on hand a full supply of grocer ies consisting in part of Su gar, Coffee, Rice, etc., which will be sold ascheapas they can be bought in the mountains. I cannot, in this small Fpace ttdl you of half the bargains I am prepared to offer, but invite you, one and all, to come and see. Thirty-six in ches to the yard and sixteen ounces to the pound has ev er been mv motto, and I hope to receive in the future, what I have so much eniov- ed in the past, the liberal pat ronage ot tne public. Most 1'espectliilly, C. D. TAYLOR. Valle Crucis, May 10, '02. WITHOUT A WE HAVE the best selected and largest 6tock of goods ever brought to this place and perhaps the best selection in the county. OtTB MR. MARTIN late ly returned from the North, where he spent a week buying uOODS, and we have almost anything needed in THIS county, at prices that defy compe tition. SPEG1ALITEES. Hats, Shoes, Clothing, Ladies trimmed and un trimmed hats, Ribbons, Flowers, Flumes, Notions, Heavy and fancy groceries. COME ' TO se us before you buy We are in a posi tion to save you money. Very Respectfully, II. C. MAET1S & Co. Blowing Rtck June 30, '92. xr yuvs back Aava, Ot you are &U tuni out, v 1 goud forootk IT.;, H It geneml dobilit v 1 ry XKOHA'o iAOA i.l'rTEl-. tt Will curt 7011, ciprtttKC voir liver, aad fwf

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