- t - I A i. . r ! V- .1 i f r i .3 liOONK, WATAlMiA (OrXTW N. ('., TIU'lISDAY, I'KIMJr A1SV, J;J . ISTJ, NO. 2:1. f f I - pTY"Y' - v - 0 h It ; V VOL o ritoi-LvsioxAi. W. P,.COFX I I.I,, d:t A noKN'.v at La v. Fntey I'.oone. X. C mail in. (OFXCII.E, M. I. z r.un;, x. c. .'lit I'hvsi. OMi.i - iiii; .St iit-t north of Post i.Tf. LOVILL Attounev At T-.v.v. I'.ooii" X. ( '. ik. l. c. i:i:i:vi;s. I'livsin an" ai Si'!t;i:o Cfi.cc i. Residence. r.u)iit. x. c. L. 1. LOWF, Mitrnr; fit 3 P'V AND- XOTAKY PniLU u a nx r:irs i:lk. x. v. A'llOnSIA- M LAW, MARION, N.t- -()- Will practice h tliP cair-fs ) W utii u-ra . A she, M it cla-ll , M c l v U ard nl! 1 Iut coin tics in ib.c vestern list net tt3"SMH'ial nttfii t ion liven to the collection of rlaiuis." NtiTlClk Hotrl Property tor $ni". On account of failin; hea'tl. of T.ywlf nnd wife, I offer for f.; ! niv hotel propertv in the tovrn ot Boone, North Carolina, and will sell low for ca.-h and lake tcrir.K o suit the buyer, and will take real o; jiersonal property in ox chance. Apjilypoon. W. L. Bryan. Not ice. For nle. 900 acres o land, on Ilieh Mountain, Vatanra bounty, on which asbestos, and fine land for sheep ranch. Sales private. L. P. Lowe & T. T. Fumersou, Fx'trs. of Mrs. A. P. Callowav. deed. Panner Klk, Nov. 1." ,(.)0 . mii(E. - Parties putting papers in tny hand for execution will please Bihnnce the fees with the papers find they will re reive prompt attention, other ise they will be returned not executed for the want of fees. I). F. Raird Suff. L51TERS1TY OF KORTH CAR C I.O.I. Instruction is offered in four ceneral courses of tudy, six brief courses, e large number of special courses, ar.d in law, medicine a ti d engineering. The Faculty includes twenty teaehers. Scholarships and loan funds are available for Drcdy young men of talent and character. The next ses sion begins Sept, 1 . Foi cat alogue with full information, bddress President Winston, Chapel Hill, N. (.'. THS T PRCORE.r.3 CW CLCCTRililTV. nil. esrTix-tMJ I16ii:3 ft :21 PSiilBtS for t h o T-1 m v u t o t r. r a f. . HartnaTrB-rr-xltSitvcftftl, rlTt reaulo. fcad ail ib stumps I.-' D'J-.C uu M dllMM'l. fc'lJ hO.V tO Via fwl nriVif. W . k t Tec t rjt P1 S J 1 1 N ( I i'OX LET l'K!l. ; I , . , . v vui i.:;uui v. J. : c."-'V .jusii i. I) -nil km: 1 in CiM'.'.rrt'-s ar far from Im-im jil.'.is il with tlif tiu.iiici.i! ninl.i'.k. The ! IIoilsi' Wii vs.u. ! Moans rum-; jmilhM' id.:, h' a i nm-.h!' r-; (port if I: ir.-.-.-nt.iiivi' My--; l ilia's ii'Mi'uliiia.nitli.ii:.::-! TIi lln!s cuinniitt'H' . '!:V'i-1 vicr, s h ivp .ai ix- f a-mi:., ti n !u l"'"i::i Ji:ti M.tt foi th- v.-iutiT.' If jjninvrstiMtiuauftii-rharo'oii ap;H;iriati(r xal't-T cai--! h1''''' l-iH'.-t by t!, , Mas. -n. I ha ! talU.-'.I a ;;r at ( !i ai ii.i to c'f Ium ran.l-aih!ii-!y niaii tliitSrc. Fos-' hil "onH leratiun ha rvt:n-! I'hihitkliihi.i Tiai-s, t, ui.-h . -ha! a!oat ii. aa ! my :r.nbi-jchil, licit playing around his ti r h id aia;i.t hal with -.;-i m"m!v f-,am-?'P'iid!nnTs to "Vi(,;' 1 fl'-.-'. ii-a !a this! ti:ia b-H-aia- prt!.v w p 1 l;k,:,r ho had best etav there. tain X'v. Va i; li i a':-rs wh 'i ; hy If was tucx-ii tar iat par! f r uuhK-TiiUUhMKW uf lT. S houds. Tii- Urt tli it -v York banker aivs..! lo;a paii nnthrupUfs, and that tli -y ! ;ue Known to lie tlirii!,i:i.u - ... I the treasury with many people tu eausv. I : . .. . . ti'Il-'Ve tins charge; luaa-e lie liee.-ssitV f o r an investi-atiua. The 1 public wants no s-erH j;-- uliiiK with the linamvs of ili - e.aiiitry. It is only fair In S.M-. Fo.-.Mer and the tav, m : nd minis! rn t hui to say t h it j they ,j,-ny tlieetiir- ot in.u' oi-ut iiavii-;; proai'S -ii to issue hoi. as for irld. .S: ia it ; is beli.'V.'d by some that. ' i i ustcr, who is i:'i'.v in N.'w York, is thero to break up the d--rti, because of th 5 pro posed in vest ija t i ai. k i a t iic 1 1 use j ia I he !I ai I a;vt Seimtf a man a fed ton otli ! h:z u:?r eubatai:MaI t ha a t o j make it certain tin! t no rer I leialation would tak" p'anv at the tie;i '!lt- i..e-:.-:jon. It hrt" been repiat' -iiy stated here within the last ten da v- ithat President -lect l'lv,-- laud i.ad said h W'in!d -;.il ! i-.n immediate extra '"ssioa if the next Congress if the prcsent fai'fd to take some action that would stop the purchase of silver by the jov eminent, but now tint ''ou tness bushy votes ia both Utilise and fsnate given no tice of its failure, to takesrr-h nction no one seems to be certain that an curly sesidoti will be called, and there ayi pears to be a doulit in the minds o? quite a number of democrats .as to whether Mr. Cleveland ever nuthonz"d those statements. If Mr. Harrison's influence be strong enough to accom plish it the lcgisl ition u--'C(s-sary to the annexation cd Hawaii istoherushed tht onjih Congress. Mr. ilarrison has decided to sml a message to Congress recommending an nexation and suggest imi' tlie terms to be contained in th legislation. To many this appears to be as hasty as was the action of Minister Stevens in establishing a pro tectorate, an 1 it is certainly going to be done with mud) less to excuse it. It is assnm ed to be r.eecssary for this government to endors? the 'action of Stevens, ami that being done wluu occasion is there for hurrying annexa tion? It is well knawn that so long as Hawaii is under tht protect! 3n-f the American flag no European s,overn ment will dare to interfere. There is a great big nigger concealed somewhere in this Hawaiian wood pile, and his feet will be exposed if there be no undue haste in the mat ter. The talk of the republicans on the floors of Congress and in private, on th" .n-i Hi qu-sti Hi. is very ff rent. . .... ... . ."i iv.H'ly II; -v n-lmit that if ; snamthm:- nut !nii t r. th i!i t!" p iy in 'nts wi'il inn lnr'n'iMt ih- f.miitfv. hut uii ll. ..of of Cui:i:n-s liy liit k i.-I-r iTi'ty it-i trmj ti r--.!ni th nnnutt ! t he i,iM j:Ms:oji a ;;::.! ri : at ion It'i'-'. i'o-,v h'v.v: fon-l isid - MI bv th Ho:t, w!i-h ' ; -vu'iM if thry !).c:irn- iaw! 'mv.- is'l .0.'K.0()0 a v.-'ar but i t iier-aihli-ans are ('oiivv e-! iM - 1h'n in ilmir to.T-r to . . . . . I nivvo.at tie Tlurt ion of In s; - . ' . . amendments. ' ()a, of th1 a- nvn; ei.nis nmv es f n r 1 ran."ri'rrinr t !e Ti-npion lm-1 r,.,.1u 'o r!ie war d-nartaient ' an 1 th" (htail of 'nnnr otii-! ers to inaaa-' ' it. w hi e h 1 wmild removf"! it frn-a ,..,!. 1 ! ' 1 ti -: otle-rs nrcvi V f,r a mi.- i-su-.pftton nfivujsiiorH imd t v.-do-vs -.rho v re pof uia.!1-! rvtt'nn hve yars after j .' -bs of th" Wilt: o thosej0 ''; ' liar'!,:.T a yjily i;vo:!i of:' I. ?.',(.) or 'mure, .id. X"e;:r ! ; n ennes of total d'-'-rhVl. to ali'Mi non-residcui-;. i a: s :e r 1 T I .1 i-'.e -a a .'( n;.'i'"'e t o ' I".;.. ,a- ate shall na. ' Io a ive'nduvu ! s to Ii. ' iv and executive appropri- ation b ; dy bn! Jt!:V" k md r 1; . h!ch hare alrea- i bv the House I ra;hr;d haii'-e' ''.iidfiMt! oi Ju'v. ' th p: rl a hou- s o v ! .ut 1 of ay, ati.i v. i: withK - w ;:.:u:ee payVut duwu to ji'fefii days. The departments will cense to clo.-e on account of tin heath o; e.Y-o!ieials. r.d Conlkno.vir.g 'the 'je from th, ui ess v. iii no hmgv-r p-a v t !'.' u g prices it. Imn r ay--d ia thejt'eru not to boiher dselt wt: oust, fur !'n?i,aal cvnens.-s oiUS!7 d thrin. i members ho died. Wiiatev er may be said of llsese a meT.'dm -iits f hey are in the line of d"ir.ocmtic eciaiomy, and for that reason tliey v.i.l pro'uably bo defeated iu the Senate. The difficulty the Panama investigation couuaitte has had in g.'tting witnesses to test d'y has caused the suspi cion to be "cneral that iidlu encc are at work to (.event the uuth being found out. The committee has nuwgone to Xew York to see if any thing can be got out of the bankers who distribute the money. Later they will go to Indiana to get ex-secretary Thompson's statement of what he did to earn his sala ry of $24,000 a year; also what he knew about other money spent. (iiiHen Victoria's hand is not oi hairy like proportions by any means. She wears gloves of the size 1. They are always black and always shorter tiaan the fashion of the hour demands. She be gan at the beginning of her reign with one-button gloves end has advanced only to four-buttonssince. Site wears : only about two dozen pairs a year and each pair costs Hie royul wearer onlv 8s. Gd. tZfOne doihu vnvs for the ! Ihwocifit one rear. liTli.-re A V.'orw lii the F.c J t.-n i.-i- .bmni.-d. ; 11 i i 1.1 it -i . : " uy om i w 1 r :'i v;n man innte .hi I'-U.vin. u d n- Tiit. to j.niivI .) ti-t i. i- :ii ir "ii ti;.' Sii:.""ii 1'. !;!,? ' 'v'!' ''' 1 " i n w's,,,.v x"'' ; tl'-1- I',v 1 '.vs- 'v-'i s : ml VVihv 'A HarnM.ii is hu:aan. ,n:l Ir !,'' tl. '.! ; tor tm - ,4',i1 rtM-soiKs n-h r.u'vM e 1:1 ,st ";'1'Jr !!i,'n- 4larri.s--Mi. bein.- 4uainnt-; i.v '' nan. is a ia u a i-a . i. 1 : ll. i....' i....i.ti. i. -i. ..-...... " 1 .:. . . ..i . ... :.. : . : ,,ni :l ai.ene .m-ioh;.-:, ii. i.i.o.iy kiiuv.m ; n-.i u es 1.1 la ; . ' n- an o- v4 mm a .im i . -s- is th." rat ral H,'tir "H-id li noaonated a iv - publican for Supre.'M" .hee.jiii d" '' vaea : lu iy h a v.- :i oi ; eonili a.-: t ioa and ( h'Vehm! ; j 'v,)!i! ' ive inln-rited Jhepo-.v ... ... !''' " "!h:"'!;'-n-,M- " ' I ,v " f."!;;1'!!, :a;l liarri' i pn ?er a solid (icii'-i apre;a 1 e,j r to all ' ns 'a if !j (Jrcsh.itti. j J:iek:-ua di pretty i he coidiraied, an i ; fib!;, the .uily maa i i ;c rai pj-ti-ieii of vthob; le.-.sonb'v ! i ! h ,a re. an so; xVi'.utu t'.je vacancy, tided; In; doesn't vmt (Ireshatn and i . no. has none Ins level liesl. to 1 1'ump the (i'vhain 1 1 iek." t if course, if v.e roe jroiii'-T Iv-'aa;! t !i e tu:;iin;itie.:i i::red llau.-l. Tie ;,;n!'' - (,f srai-tc. ;iiv. cevea earli! rl.i-s piohably as pbiusiblei e ilieir smJ.-' oth-Mvjeh it have been as-J i' - ' - ted. But so many others have been assigned, and oF suc'a varying natnre.that'aii can not be true; and not j false, i ia- ourh r-.Ji aim;,! are- !r:-"e,(d of 1 1 via:;-to nnswrr an I rhiaenas jure. I was ti tle que-; on ;is to the Presided to the b;vk of a large he dent's moiive in tins ca-ie we (. tliai btt-.-ked IK.. a might risk aaoiW-r: Wliy isj icau ir.avtang. a:;.i 1 '.iv !) i it th:it we UiO so quick to sn- trang ui gublins chafed cy pect, Mud liadv to rack, a Pa gas-is over ijcavh es base founda tion for ev-ry ap boxes for )'-.':' tv. hour. Tiica pareatly. worthy jiu. nan nc tion? 0;i its fiee'Ci uominatior. ludgeJick'Oii is eood one, and does credit i o tiie Pres ident. For ova , i ii Couri.T Jtej; 'ml is will ' a.: f o s e the Ju sge go npoi: t Supren?e Planch witlaaH. !:mg round for eon: 1 cxp'.v'af ion of his appoint una;, which won! i be a' President. disci e.Hf to t f.e lassnc Kom i xec's c f W r5 '..! JJ. Cor. Si. bouisuiobe lien;. rat. Dr. N. A. Keys of Kansas City and Miss Kate Cameron of Princeton, K,vM aga:i i pectively GL" and ul years, were married here last week. They had never e io;i each o ther until they met .here one week Jjbefore merrbice nal were dra wn together by their belief of sanctitiention. In her f xcess of jo3' over the c vtnt the bride of three days has become a lunatic, pro nounced so by physicians. She had tobesentaway from home. Miss Cn:nron was a very estimable lady and weli of! in this world s goods. P2Pav vonr subscription. Waul s 5 r. -rn-.ne a .e..r. j "I !;! t h- t j k " p:ay.l on ii;mvtij! w-.:i.ui-Mi;iint, uitli ot.ly red, white iipolin I h ot h.-r day that a':i;,,' him d ripe foreovering. .Uiit i.i ;i. x.i t-vr t?I.ti I Ituulit a mH'hmi re- 'u;.du n f aiur.',' m m! Fraiik jv..Iv.r th.-tt mrri".I m hall oh , t l!;'. i - .V In I Ch,':,' ' . ;m y door ktloli and htar- tr.tt tun. at lh Liu-ih tahlfji.. 1 ;ul to hunt Tom (laiufs, ii'hu!.'. ! h,: ! 1: ii u i.-hl" -.r. liat If -arr.f il.that hr ha gonp ::ntvn to :r t vi 'i'!; fi a- t.n.ity. Ah a !".: -a ilraai-j an'cs w-; !.' Sa'i'l.ivi:;;; at a t.-linth- Ii :.v I n!). 1 1 t !i''y put ur u ! an ia- that fur bread tli an-! h-p!h of !"l :. l . .. , .. . pi a i; an 1 1 aon a : j tii i- . a a-;, i o h m..hi s ei,-; . i . . i . i i . i la u p. .:s. uas e;;-a-a, to tae a-.ca:.isj. thefTi i to i "w ay iia". i il - iretcii, up in las. i;:i'v, zraM i inas i r. r mi-T, . -t!; r ia a s oTiit huh; or:., ia.i!i iu.!.-. th.: , .eit.v. To-u s tid that lii.sl'il-d ...i-e. i...,,u. la'.M, !;'-pan. uiai n i u Ma " "! 'eoine a in Mirrr lie wouia set nu t hr a aa 1 -i vt: in all la.- ::xty . d. rs-e.; ana the usual fee far ;;o:.;' through ; he rn'ire aaiut was two bundled dollars, buttha.t bus ii.es.s was : . tririe un'l and t lii v m-1 rc-.ie .! (he rat"for Oi to1.-; r, asvi I could just o through a dyinfor filty dol lars. Hit? ' Oi cour.s..' 1 bit. and bit hard, i.o .su-cker ev er tnado such hot h ite to swallow a mea 4 ii' re: of the! ; i..i eiidfral io l-a ve town tlie w- xi day, L-at if was oa y a b!:ii:l. "Well, sir, the next night (Jaincs Kte-ivd me against tho goat. I hid an idea that ; the initiatory rite was u hair raiser, but had no con-ep- j tion of its ti ue horror. 1 was usln real into a diadv lighted 'ml! anonu- gobliivi, u'nosis ! F ,T .'1 - 1 - 1 T k . ... 1 I ' i ! ' 1 - ,- -.-...I.. . .. . . ... !"'r-'e ew , 1 y- ' !;: a.i o; H-vater. Alter 1 ha :l partiai'y i-aoveivd 1 w a ao oii a tc iCo- tai iir.i pauite'.t like a zebra. Smhh-tdv t he lights wt'ji tout.! ' i Tii ? my s'.ie broili-rliood chan J ed a lot ai rot around me, ! the gran".! mailer inortH-j mLverleudgthestopheae.dj tl.e-1;,a 1 master ho deana i .(,.,..R 0, (veland's firt ad d()iiig the i.a:!;,trope a c t L.ifa.tratiou, more miles of i i;en 1 was imoi :;e J t U it J ftonld be rcq-iji-i, to stand witiio- it moving for one hour as ;l test o rav iehirar.ee. 1 j ,vaH toU thn, j VV;i r;rei(,,i j.,tJ0ut v. it di spear points and that to move meant death in large quar.tiiiesdclivered sud den'y. Then the grand mas ter ladder holder command ed silence and 1 proceeded to tadure. It was the longest hour I ever saw. It. seemed to stretch out through all eternity 'and lap over at the edge. I stood there from mid night until 5 o'clock. Then d lylight began to creep Lhrough the window and I j f nlll,j tU;lt t was nlone. The grand master morter mixer atid his g..ng of fiendish Pi utes had ntde a sneak, lea v- jj,.r liif Mnt.dla; thre in the e I like P t Lm-eoa t he moil ... ... TiS l!ut It Lia't True. haiiolli- Oust iver. roai a verv lahornd and 'ar4ii siave article in the New vrk Mail and Exnres the f .,j;u.lV;n.r r,.,r;1 r,.: ir,l, js taken .. - ,,:inA nf tlm " I --. 1 tlioio ' ieniiaJ ugainst the : South: , i lavii.a i,nii,ui, f. . ii 1 1 1 1 l HKit io tinriu IKJl Ck eetion of the eounlry which is led by men who mingle nvcry and folly in their pa iiiric.il lilatfonns? On ne- ,,onaf (1f (jr li t inrnual if ;n j.;J kSovi i li. ?mi"ration j;,sal-y to its development goes by it to the North where political dishonesty is not the absolute rule. Capital lnis bc-en for yearj retiring from the South. There is no class of investment to-day oo diffi cult to dispose of as that lo cated in Southern regions." Tlie chief difmmlty about thii? jarcious e.xcerpt is that it is not true. It is not only ii misstatenrent but the re verse is the fact. Northern manuhvef urers especially of t ex tile fa brics are selling nor jtheru p! ants and buying Sou j t hern plants. T'aey are get- th.g just an near to the raw material as possible. Ot course the "men whd mingle knavery and folly in their political platforms" are i he men who helped to elset rievelaud in 1834 and again m 185)2. Col. Siiepard never heard of th' gentlemen who came down from his part of the Union, together with eni- 'j.-ati -s from the East and the v.Y-i:, end rMTorcd th- "political e;pvil;t:';" or equili i". iuaa of the Sooth by jad-diin-i North Carol ir.n with ft t" oi OVef ,Uu(),vK)0 i. Ilia ; (h,.v n,ai Saui i; Carolina so sjp0(U. fhat (ho Sltt(, qvpasu- ;.,.,,,.,.. j .,.!. .,a. i i i n'.ri lwuk in1- i ! ui, j.i-; iu 'v:A tie auit door when he wear f diaecr 'th f very offer ;'oao;!oa.v.'alt!i under 1 lie i a'.e id i-eeoiistruetion in AK tvn.iitio. A:i(i y(t) dllHng the r. e lour raibvay were projected and coustrncfed in .North Oaroli- Ti.a than in any ten years of its history, and, on the eve ot his inauguration for a sec ond term, eighteen new tex tile noils have befn complet ed in the State, along with other industrial enterprises, and in many, if not the most of them, there are large in vestments in Northern capi tal. Put there it is needless to take up the wild statements jf the Xew York Mail and Ex press. When the rest of folks who are up with th timea are getting up their linen for the millennium, Col. Shcpard will be hammering away on th; "rebel brigadier." i