' r , il v f 4 ' ' M. 1 I 'A .'.it r I: K l.OONi:. WATAl'fiA (Ol'NTY. N. ('.. I'lU'JlSDA Y, MAUCII. :;). W,. NO. 28. rate. ' ' I i ' I V IV i r if rx It 'i if VOL r V. I'.. t 'I'M ILL. -Ji; A i"; m:'". at La v. I'.M-mi'. N. c V, . ! -IM U.I.. M. I'. I'lUlli', N. ( L.si.Mit Vll '; ;. i:. '. . i.vill At t.::m- y At l a . . :m ;:v!:- ( f: cc N. ('. 'ITAHY ; ..v. .tv 7. ;:..;. r.t 7 ..nr. -()- Wii'i li'-i-'li'"' in 1 1 u ''" S W !,,-. !!.:;.. Arlt'.Mitr'ni-n. M.I tow :l i,; a"ai; t-t .t r (m'h ti.- in tV . i. .... a ; - r-'. i 1 .aii'ii I tn'i ;j:"a. 11 1,,- t.i" (MliM-il.'il U' i 1 . '.. Ji't"! -Mf.,' rfy .-; .. Oi i.iT.-raa. "t 'niin;-; ln'a" nf I'.'vst'lfiii.-i 1 o-er ! ! h:. p-v '-'it?' p:;;; it v tia' to'" (i')U'- i wii; w-li hw f-a .-.. I: - "... -a:A a cu i i :i" "'. '". " :i 1 v 1 r-1 ill- rh.'i.-. A W. L. I'ltY.vN. Not i io. For sal1. i'OO jH iesoi" 'an on llich .Mountain. Watauga County, on which i.a'-hestos. nnd finel.ani! fothi i p ranch. Sale. privnli". L. I. Lowe & 7. T. FumTM)ii, Kx'trs. of Mrs. A. V. Calloway , deed. nni:uTKlk, Nov. la '5H? . soiK r:. rn.rtias ut I iii paper:; in mv naVifl lor c.c( in ion win f . : i tile'ise iulvniKf thf ters will i the papers ntid tia-y will re (! veprcuiipt at tent ioti. other wise thev will he returned not exfcuti'tl for the want of fees. 1). F. ISaiimi Shff. REAL ESTATE AG'TS., WOXL, y. (. Will givj special at tenth. n to nbstriirlM of title, tin sale of Keal Estiite in W. N. C. Those In vino: farms, timber ami mineral lands for sale, "ill do well to rallonhi'idCo. ut I5oone. Es3Those desiring to tnor iraaere;d estate for money on reasonalfl terms, are also requested to give us a call. l. giu:il & CO. March 1G, lSl'lO tme srsat pfioin-rr.3 er cLCO 'iitnY. fcjrJT llliiTTttni'noH-!!roH VJ. - I rntlil, Ten.!.!-.', ;"! li li-i. :'.?;? BurEJt! rir,n. t't'llE R-y.V.f CI'lMSTIUl'- in "'I W" f...' .. V rrnjd nd t."kr. Pnii I-ir .;t.'v.'Y rvitU tn ainii fcr bovk on Li . -"i iiuvt dlieanvi, nid how to S' a' ;. ;'.' .yWScm tbm. fall ar 4nt, iiM-P$M. ALBERT F. SNELL t CO., If you feel vresl and ail worn out tske BROWN'S IRON EITTSRE ' T.i! 4r4 fn So-'h Carol::, .to,.. Ctin tiii:!i .!. I I ;'! v '! 'i: ;::' 1 1 '' ed t j.i-iai ' a mi 1 1 ' i 'ill !i ill mil i i'i. No, ill ;i i i it ' i? .). 1 a k i ng up ' hi I Pt Va !l ". ia:; I ' l . III!! 1 "I Tl. I v :;.' .1 t i w 1 r- . t.l. y i, j . , ji (! t !. ;i n ;i:--t v i! V- i ... h .,1' n . I i t 1'. ir ;:ivl t iv i"-!!' 'i'l i't .'.! a 1 i':." '' ''!! ' i , i!-:;t-i' i vi- S' ;! r. on I o j : !'. V.A -if-it ' 1 ; Ul- si!': ,:;r i 'i :; i'f :;;;! "' ' ; !p i I i iM' : '-i. 'j'i ,.'1 ' !l t l! ' -t:ir ..- 1 :! tddiV . . : I ' ' ' . I , I Vi'"': - . !.M :i i'-; :.i ' " 'c ,v t ' ; ):.- . !;; ' .';! ' ;:1 is ihi'v rap r- M 11..' ' n;r. !: t;ii- !'..' V .' a 1. , i-l i ,-.!. .-.til,!' t ' i !'' i '': l!" !''. I'oa ti a voar I--, n 1 ' - t'i's Mifi : i i " o pai; .a - .t ' '' iiVl I'!'. lh, nan a- j V !" I if 'li:,.:'. j Instr. live a,-' a - ' a ; .'.. !. state , j r l" ( I ( '. ' ! ! ' 1 1 ! .' i i Ji n i to ii:::i a ' a ! e has fort; .;',-.vf:r!-toji-raphie vif-s H ,.,.,.., v.'i'i fatll!'f'S that ah;.,' tuoutitaipis. via. "at: i iiijpi i'ries. farms. f.-a -toriesatid t ro-ids of tin, state. It is a hook 3t far niiea'oi at 1 he wuild's fair. 1 wish that (h-nr -ia lm.. oiip. and every ot h-j er fouther;i stale, for I :i'a'p!oy -' f : a'enrs to rodect j 8ure"tl'.at no ist la u-i-r c.a : i ' !as-' Iciias, an 1 d" by far 1 he lead it hut who will beat t rat ' !ar.:: -st business of any siiiii-j ted to North Carolna as a ! la r jinn ia ti ' world. WVj most wonderful ami pros:; " Ktate. It i. inst alM from Cherokee to I'o.ii.:.'.". island, a n d evry port i an from the fisl.eiies of Albe- arle to the !and if the sky tn Iuik Korwthip.o peculiar and desirable to boast of W'li nor of t h" t u.l) a r -es t ha t re ; i.iotit h.itl ; lu ai t.v kitigh o li.ivo long heeti boasting of ! shipped from every la rg town ; Vn the joke. ! oar rot ton f actot-ies in (I. - oi - gia. but doe (b areia knowj that there are one or more! cotton mills in forty-t la e; - counties in North Caroiina; that tli' i'i. are nineleen in Ah nuance, seventteu in !as- ton. twelve in itandolpii. niae in Mecklenburg, eight in Ca tawba, 'n.;lit in (luiiiord ami l it) in tin state, besides n number in con st rue i ion. Tim t iu these mills are nearly lO,- 000 looms and over .aOO.000 spindles, and they consumed last year IGo.L'OO bales of cotton. Resides the tie there are thirteen woollen mills that are turning out thelH-st quality of jeans, kerseys, ras niniers and blankets, a n d there a re fight knitting triiils, some of theru being operated day and night, and all de elaringgood lividends. There are fifty seven "factories that niiike carriages and buggies, thirty-two that make wag ons, twenty-five that make furniture, six that m a h e it: I tv fit - f'Hirl'i.lf '! 'ol '.-'l. ilui'T" and blind-. (:'' 'if ' )i I :ir' r: ... tv , w !:::'! ;,twl ft,. iT'-t ' i't-.- v 'Hi: : f'ti'to: " .!'!.! i - ' 1 1 ? i :.f v 'il i- ill :.il'!.-i V 'i : I .-'I r, i.i ; - .: , r t i.m : i'i ! : I "! M ! . Mil' r:i t': -.'I-; f i ! t i. :. - ''..I' Ii ! r. r ! St If" !.-! I1-' T!i ;; tn! t ! I I I I ( 11 !i .: f -M s : t :.. i i ',: l i 1 1 m m t !i l.-.'l .1 I I l! ill vi If i in i;u;i - 1 t!i!. f f :i!i.v ,i. 1 1 ! 1 1 ,.:!') p. i. : i-1 - ; .i.'l i n: t- t!i vi'i ii- ; : i : i 'I !a: i ' lis! i ' t!'.:t ,'' ' i i n i 1 ! ! Mi i i A-'. ll): ! i ' I ii a -o'.l o"'-: a :.; to I'.a ,;,'. .a ; ' s, T ;i ' 11 I.I .. nfita'i'!. ' ' t- !) a : rial: i'i' Ti 'i ti s , ' i.' : I'vry y. '.! i i'1' ;ii'i'-.' an ! cii.;. !! ir p w.-i an ! t hi ::nra"i: - t !'::'k i. I o- I a a i i'xt:t'l ii!! aiot:-; t co a ; 1 1 :' 1 1 ! ' 1 1 il '1 a' I liV lil.liia't : 'a.!ii'! j i oa. lta'l i'anra nil IMr! ,, !.'::. :.ia. A Ni-a llata. iiii' t la!-" i" .'!. ', ! -1 t i ; . I , ' la--'! : a- ia i h" i'-av ! ; V"'-" s.i ;'! 1 pi ; :) !....:.:-; a J.i i :'!i'! 1 i iio - at'ii i a i. s a: a a. .., i,. ,:)!;;, -. VI cal. !".''. I a uiiiCt iu'iS if 111:- '! !. ti;. i'";ivt r''!i'io:i i-aca's inii .!ii.' an ; f riah'.iilajTh 'U there are (he tishi'ric.-i .; thaith.'it eaijiloy t.o:)(t p-rs? :is ! :mi o.OUO boats, an I hip! joO.OOO.OOO pound of fish jiu a fen sou. Next comes th i medieina I h-r!-.. of u hich on i iiiaii ia 'A ai;s aiie I'p'M .,1 1 1 S .)' "J itound--.. Th-y em- ; th" luonntnin region ! of licory-M and Tcini :ss,e t he verv same boiani plants, hi.it nobody gathers them. Now, 1 have said nothiujr, I of tin iuia.-ral sinug.s or he i viue.v;irj.s w,-1 tie small Ji cats j to i.e Aol ilicrn eai- iv. This i a wonderful State and a ( hi ii ty. iiniust rions peo . p!c. More areat men have j been horn o; educated within her In i I'd- rs than an. o f t hei (nul,, ju (i,,..:,. ()wr, Southern States. In the long j jrj,.:ls 1(, ,,si, .H ,,.0j,., ts cnl ngo my father taught uieLu:ltt.( t, build up and mi that Nathaniel Macon w;i i,, ,,.,, its importance. The the greatest ofnll our states - ineneven tlrangh hedid uc;ith crhoard his honse oi; t he iu- mi li;,( u. ;Vj Xip in - stead of down, so that he could pour hor water in the cracks and kill the bedbugs. From his day down to Z b Vance the State has not hack ed for notable, men, and it. is safe to .-.ay that no one man everhved in a, State who was so universally esteemed and loved as Vance is by his peo ple. -o one man was evei'iatiou ol their property is to such a coat of arms, such an ; be pitied. They are of the ensign, such an emblem of 1 class who are ready to take his com inon wen Ith . Va nee is North Carolina ami North Carolina is Vanci. Thiscan-iare not willing to do any not be said of any other man thing themselves. if. mv. what i il i-h-.j:,i h'"i It'. II' I'i : '.' i- tu . !.! .' !o ') 1 la i .; -if li 'i1'.'' i I In- , . . i -;.-!. I i: i-- f ! f. il t ,! I. .1 - . li.lt , n r 1 1 1 v - 'I" iikvs? II' r ' i- II 1 I 'lllllt V tll.lt IMll't i , . . ; in th.' ;;,iS'' in iiiin . : : . i' n'! ina! r:i!'!i. .M:l v ! ' i t: -t :i o ! i . iii nr ,vi":":. I'ii'i n it. :i!n! h ii il !V .i 'a ii -i'i ' 'ti l'':1 X !!.' Kin I of ii. i !.;:.'. v. V1: Ti' ;::i i'i-t"n .ii 5 ':'!' . vh liM-" i; An .;it iii n .i'.i. -n it !-..i'." : ti.- !i.-t '." !;..! ;i i'"7. ' r:.:i ', . ! - i l Ii:.' H?;i!r ? I l:i- i.i.i ! !' v, i'li i..:r ii. t-inliv :iiii.:: 1-1 At i v. iio cir.n.l i'Ut ir ni' to a,!!i':i ll.lVi a 1 1 1 rn il !:: t vi iy ! i': i-' . 1 1 1 -i t 'v:ai!'i :n ; rt t an : a 1 1 1 a I'M I o Ho . ' I . ' , I I ..I'll liii.rl i!'".' I ; ; i , li i.i '. . I ti" ;. o o t j ::i ! M !i- i. i-l. j !:. mi aa:li t iilir ii, ti,,- nl.i Tills .Ual Im rn a 1 -. on i'roai Noi th !';;loa;i; ('i:i' (if iViii.'tuii's Jotos. ; j : . !? I'I I la ai. .!. T. !':ili-i. o! Wi;i- a . ("! 'i:-.' 1, a, a . . i s i 1 1 1 j:- j i a ' " :':!.; . i:":-e Ir a s 1 1 j ..;.i. i j , ! ;: to v. " ! ia Civs'i'lei in any o: " 1 ,.vr',";li,'l,nilllent uhHh.wheuthavfound m o1 a tnend lhjlt ,h(.v ,,ot k"lV, the a i i I ' ; ( I as t on I os 1 1 1 !U' e. I ..i!t' .. 1 i. I ; 1 1 j i a i i ' i in .'.la ii ii aniiiiiic w ith Clevelauil. hut i sac. 'eded yes! i-rdiy morning. j t is said lie t old t he I'res-ideut th" joke Pat Winston jot oil jo n Civsidant Arthur. J'at war. td a pj.lf' out Itl Millio ate r jMivin-ii! to re . 1 ! p.! tor ua!i an lamr, wtieii Ar t liur, puiiinj; 'auHiirt wateu. i-i'iainded hiai of the fart, '-Yes,'' Mr. Winston said; ha ve taken up half an hour of your time, but you toon up t vo montlis of my time hist sii.nmer and I paid my own expeiise.s." He got his oHiec. Whether Mr. lhixtou will b? as successful remain i pt Hi sen. An. way the 1 n s i The men of wort h to a town ! ,. co-neatl nit v a re t ho-e who foigi 1 tiairowu hellish views long enouuh, and who are !. ulerpriso and pnshofa town or comuiuity cousiitutes th" foiinthifion of its permanent Lareess. A tauvn may n swell pa, for its funeral -is ta be come indifferent to the enter prises in its midst. Men who com. to town to make it tlcir fnt are home, who can not look far enough before. him to see that money plac ed judiciously in a public en terprise will be inriwiaed an i hundred. fo! in the uppreei- all they can of some on',s building enterprise, but they :;,.ii;) onlv tea neai.ne-, tii-j;rt Mtili ' Msr Do lit U.m f I JJ p -do", i S-. .i i'.i. U j.-.il !i'-. V Im it !oiir' w; .! i ,!.!,' in 1 I. .'in (l.iln.w '. , ' . .' i ..... '. .in i. !'!;- l.nuli-n iiniv , . . . . ii i : .1 1 1' i 1 1' i . ii i "-.: i i 'i i 1 1 fi lll'iit III''" ni'"!lt!'!lt. to t-ik" tin- l.'. !:ir.i?ion of in !!!i ;hi aiul c turiavt' if in i ll'Sltll! : i'ii' i'vt. li c ir- r t 1 tii" pivrnMH uoi '.t n nt . ,, ., . ,,M . . . . ... i.'iui M. if!ih.'i!n. lliursihiV to llii' print in;; iiliicc ol on.- . . ., tiT I oira. l.t'II fVfl'V- ... .. .. ilnvur was in r';nlit!-sn, Ii. , . . . .. ..... ... ... . ; 1 lietv is n storv bohiml tlu.J iliitn! it upon tln laiposni': . . . . 1 ,i i i . e . i ntlllOtllK IMlU'lltMVllK'll Jll Vt'S It .-toni' iiti'l l.iiil m f-!)'tr of in-1 . . . , ? ... , ... inoiv tli.in Inn inleri'.-t whi h ! ! a o! th . snnic ez - up'.. .. ,. , .' ,. it wonhl natmnUv nnve. Mr. on it. I Ii" imli.-i pap.'i- was,, ., . . , . , . (ii'iiliani was at on tinu the t..M Minl.f.'lil. til' I II' ! IllC Ml , . i - i i i private frr't:irv of Kev. Mr. v. i::' !i '.;U'a ar;i!ii- lia.i b. !! ' .. . . Jones, timl in th early part !!.. iivi -.1. A !i't vv pi". lo! ro-i ... .. , ' 1 . .; , . 'ol that tviitlfiiian m aivcr, Na- Mtii a v.i-;i!,hr li.iiitiii! , ... . . i'i-oni 'a'ii ' inl was thin roll i (l si'-' al ! i'ii".; oV"f tlu1 hir-tai'n- ijai'U.naut. When tilt' : i;n!i a p r w a s ii-iih.vmI : r.-o:n t ha fan- of t ha in st ftl- i ' ni'-nt, li rnal; with it nt tat si oni ha.if of the ink n-al in vritittiy .'inI si!j,!!!:ii;' tho dac- Tii" ii.''t!m'!i1 is lass than ;a ivi'tury at.:i a '.:art'r ohl. i.i' with propi'r c ii t' ."laiiilil aK almost as !(-!! ! ns,t wnsi. ' on tin aj i day o:'.i aiy . 1 As it U ta iv 1 I iat a: as : . : out ol lh" .. i can ( without a uia-is, and so J I ' 11 I ; .! !,..... a;.. ..i i... yni(j ,.lT;,)! a! op aa-eouatoi la tliiavia- trick of a "ovcru- . . . . , . 1 l li! Ill II.-S til lll'IHIl'll I , RIUH- I 1 '. I I ' stidc th" v'iy ink from the locusnont which der lares our indepenilence. T'io !re'Ious Hours. The on: thoua!itth;itroines ito t ha mind of t he old man when lie j pinks to the youil t Iiit: Oh, that il were pos sible to make them know how precious are tin: hours, how fraught with couKcquences of inrnlci.il able importance, that now fill up each and every day f their comparatively easy lives. I would not .ask you to relax your attention to the games that till up your leisare hours; but I say, let every one, with the Ham energy with which he plays cricked or football, with the same energy with which he applies himself to leaping or running, or to any exercise whatever of his corporal pow eisand he wants very lit tit exhortation, so far as my ex perience goes, to be energe tic with t hat port ion of his du-ti.-M let him cany the very same spirit into the work which is intended to develop his iiiMilal faculties. Theex tentiou of government em ployments has given an enor nions enlargement, to what, may he called the official classesin fact, there is o much l.irger number of pro I'essionals competing now than competed together in the days when I came into this world; hut, depend upon it, the piofession of the cl r gy man, it it be more arduous tn.in it has ever been, is on that account, nobler than it has ever been.- -William K. Gladstone's nddrefis to (jlen almontl S'.ui.'ents. C-3'L'ay" your subseii plica. Will !rry Eim ArLi- Atlanta, !a. Mn roh 1.",. 'I in inail-fi '.rnCiiriiT-vi !!- il tv nrrf fii'iulitI with UIi- - .it lv tin' I mivI,ijij which iimtainr'il an inrlostir Upon v.lii. Ii tlif.i I'lVMndnnonin-H nwnt wilt fniml: !U'V. Jifil Mis. S.i m T. .IiMii-K r-'ijiifst yo.ir j'rrvin i nt th ni.ini i" f tl.fir Iwu . ioUi. m.;..i' in Ur v;n. lvmif ;'! him aftttt service. This thitw him much into ; tin family circle. One after- tioon thi Sccrftar.v was mis- s'i, us tvciI a Ihf prenchor'a lani'li-i-X il.ini;htf'r, Misn An il in. Tin- ron pit were next heard of in Chat tanoo;i uhfTe they hail become man and wife. Tin union thus ma-la was unappy. however 'i lit i a 'pn ration took place, followed hv a divorce. Nov j'' s-'-phJ!' th'it th vifiplt will 'iri'ms to:.'e'!ier a'aif!. t h i s , . ', . , , , ttiue v.r.h tti parental fiano ( - : i. u. yini i h- aejsts are tiiit- (lea to the ?"a-a: tonicrra i.dght. Tiiik!,- fllth the Fish. Richmond Pis-mMi. A short time ago an old negro was passing through the Second Market when his attention wan drawn toward several piles of sea, trout aa they lay on the nice marble table of n fishmunger. Walk ing up to the counter thedar key placed his nose within an inch of the "f-peckled beau ties,'' as though testing their soundness through the medi um of his olfactories. The keeper of the stand ey ed him with considerable in terest and contempt for his impertinence for halt a min ute, and in a tone of eanger said: "What in the devil are .you a-smellin' o' them fish for, you black ape?" "I ainC smellin' o' de fish, boss, I was jes' er ax in' um a question." 'I jes' ax 'um what's de news from de S'a." "What did they say?" "Dey say dey don' know, suh; dey niii' bin dar for more than n mont', suh." London, according to re port, is a pretty bad'place. More than one-third of all the crime of the country is said i o be committed within its limits. 25,000 of its in habitants are annually ar rested us drunk and disorder ly, and it has on an average 77,000 people annually ta ken into custody by the po lice. Its common lodginghou ses shelter abo it 27,000 per sons. Ex. Y 'dkin Valley News: With in two weeks the present ad ministr'ition has saved the tux pa vers or this country at l?ast .200.000 a year by dis pensing with useless ouice holders. T"()n!' doihii for 1he 4 jj-jgjjgjjjjljjjg

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