I'm I'm: "i AT j ih,,,,. A, liaV(. ,,) l , .iv 1 vpvl v-.ir ?i ,M,!l,,'l,,'vity for ni'iil. ling r ;i ' Uhilith li'Oiltln , U null: f! its AjMW f3AE3 il t!i i i v. M.'i i-f .h;!i ",, i'iv h.t.I .1 gomj ti nr forth. Tin n i v .f AivunisM. I:tis. money, roiuH and h,,,! At 1 Imr !'. 1 iin Ji 1 w.i-k Itaveuuvn tliox ulio i ni.o- ' '"!'.'. . !! ; 1.7'i' being in i !!.. n ki .!-. 1 : I . ;Ki ! 'A "t to !; vjl h ! i ;! .V i'pllt; 1 month : " ; " 1 fir :i on OJiortnillt.V of fuller X.I. I I .'ill. !. ( lii- 1 column 1 w 1 IIUMiI It :i ; 44 1 year.. '! Wev!.-;i:i from the 7oY 1 -- i ... , !7." J. W. I.: fur f e :j:ik le n ;iim !ii' 'rin .in f, H ',i i ; . ; ;,, ..j to f.Hlil'. It i v 1 1 . ; ? i 1 1 1 I t I li ! 1 n I Vr;;r; 's t !; Ml Of t Wt !v.' iit , IK 1 ! ' 'I 11 1..'- : """iiiojr. Asm r.-rtiif of h! !.. " - :: r . I. ,,.... I ... .e 1 i IVOOIIO. .. I ;)s Stt-0t- !.! -S , . : i(H!si;u l' II"" Oiil lCTIl 1 mail matter. LOCAL NEWS. to l and i s of i! s t,y r i i ;:; I'r v v.. won tli !i.;i!t.s .if 1, y . hit :i'h:i-ii . I.- . I U'l. .' .!,!: i ,,; (. .hi'.Vi r i: .-.! Mi. J T. II. T.i.xlor. of "fi!!,.fi n-ji-.J soini !,i r . .lutv, :,m 1 1 I I. i I li I I l.i - ... ... I . ,i. i I 1 I ... '. ' .' i' ... 'I ; l M '.;,; ; ; r 1 1 :,;.(. I ,!' I 1 1 I O 1 'TIim m.-I.iucliolv ,1 ,i y H of vlin h spoL. I.i-t w. . ! v;is Kot'.iin; vvSicii iouiji.ii.-i vvititHniiioii,it aij'A ii t!,-' .Viil.ui.i Hivcr tliis.v.'.ir. fir M.VS tll.lt .')illi II.ii tl.V l.iin ril Oil.' fl:t V oi;ihc J liv," !tis Il.lVC COIIIP. A new l.ily b iy at ,. V. Spiiinlnmr'n. IIo;oe iihicvi.ito 'li'tl;i- ry notitvft nnd Umvc oi'f po.-t- IV. K.;tnr I). IJ. Dotlifit.v is attentiimc' ouit of. .K ff.r 8oi this fek. Uv. J. J. L. Slici woo.l hiiH ti.'CTH-nllt'tl to takcchaiX' of th U.iti.-t tlmivli Ii.ti'. M. 15. r.Lti'kbarii is Imv niff a new coat of paint put on Ins dwelling. Don't for-t to mII on Mm. Will W. IIo!claw wiien you want pictures taken. -- lAnlilr pulling and 'las b'.s biling-' tlit order of tin day in Watauga. I am still headquarters for anything you want in !.' lin of gdod.s. W. L. Hrvan. The Morning St.ir has on tercd it.s 27U) year. It is tht oldest daily in the State. Mrs Maijii F. Ho.vdtMi, who has Ikvii visiting hT sis ter, .Mis. Taylor, at E I k I'.uk, has returned. Miss Anni Parks left a fw days a;o fur(irayson Co. Va., where shf jtiwh to take charge of a u usic cl The Judge-, Solicitor and wolne attorneys upent Satur day night in Uooue on their way to Jeffei'Hon oouit. Abernethy & Younce will be in Boone during court with a good line of vehicles, harness, etc, for sale. See no lice elsewhere. 'There isn't a newspapr of account in the U. S. that doesn't offend somtbody al most every week, says an ex change. It speaks tiuthful ly too. I will be in Boone during court with with the tax books for Wafauga county, and hope all who can will meet me thero and pay their taxes. D. F. Baikd, Sheriff. Attorney V. B. Councill und sister, Miss Jennie, left. Sunday morning for Chicago where they will spend some time taking in the World's Fair. -Will W. iJolsclaw has re ceived 1,000 yds. of domes that he will sell at 7c. cash by the bolt, and 800. yds. of Al'imauce at 6u. by the bolt. The Methodist church in course of construction at Val le Crucis, will be, when com pleted, truly a magnificent structure, for this country, and will reflect much credit upon the good people of that vicinity. We regret to chronicle the death of Isaac Coffey, an eged and respected citizen of Caldwell county, which oc curred on the 18th inst. at the home of his son on Jack's pei fi'i-t of I ii'ie h.it " '.it y in :i i.rl; f :r:d ;.s t . . f ! -1 I . Hie i!; v. ! i!. ii after a hungry mule h id fa I the d'reat He.! ioiil i lit Tr-iy .;ic. ,toi . ! tliit -p I ;l.;l y tl) l'.(,.!!i a ' j-n-i-ions -w v ri t !,f (-ro m ,i Ir.-iini (Jod'sl kni mippe- off of it. W. ii.in l ways , ne ii..! our wajs,'' fori '':! are l:t:;li.T. t halt the carl h, so are lay ! ways higher t ha n your ways.' r ;aren! wh heai ts' what it would have weighed ,iS t!,e heav had it not b.vnforth-.it male? Monday-week out court convenes, and we noiifv our delinquent Mihscribers that we expect tlient t-) eoaie pre pared to Netth. tlieir accounts with tlte Dic.MofKAT. It is now nearly two weeks before that time aad .rocan ea-il make the little .jinoiiMt jug aredae us between now an I then. It is humiliating to us to have to eternally dun tho.se who are due in the faces of our nu iticrous paying subscribers. Ifjouoweus you know it, and if you do not this will not applj to you. --On iaxt Monday night Larkin Kohhinp, who, we are informed, hud bet-n drinking rather i'tecly, stayed at J. I'. Co'inciil's on Brushy Fork. The next morning he was told to get, up by a Mr. Wa ters, who stajed there, but he did not for oaie trine. Wa ters returned to the room after an absence of some min ur-sand found Kobbins on the floor, the blood gushing from his nose, and in a dying c3iniiiion. Tin alarm was raised, but nothing could be done, and in the fewest mo ments life was extinct. Com tier Farthing held an inquest and the jury dcci led that Lai kin Bobbins came to his death from t h excessive use of strong drink. Only anoth er warning, boys. Let the Ire wrecking and sou! destroy ing stuff alone. so x. widened by t hisriMiri ion i look up, and learn the lesion j thl would tench. whall wej not listen ad his loving voYo- teiis us "It is well." And shall we not reply, "Kwn so Lord, for it seau th good in thy sight." Fa it el I sweet Trpy, but n ) forever. Mauy Hakman. sv,, rs,-.- Hundrels of jwoplo write: "It is iiii possible to uV.-Tibe the good Hood's Jnonh pari lie lias done nie." It will be oi eqnul help to 3011. Trinity College has 17o students and other? coming in every day. The use of Hall's Hair Reuower prsanetes the growth of tliehair, and restores its noturaleulor and beauty, trees the scitl ) of dan lrulf, tetter, and all iiiijiuritieri. The cholera is again at Hamburg four fresh onsen. It is also at Vienna and oth er places in Europe. As a general rule, it is best not to correct eostiveness by the use of saline or draetic medicine. When a purgative is needed. the most prompt, effective, and beneficial is Ayer's 1'llJs. Their u ndene.v is to restore, and not weaken, the normal action oi the bowels. 2Zra. Sfary K. Q Fallon of rif.ua, O., Rftys tlio Plijr hit'l.ms am Astonishes!, Mat bok at her e ona Rofsed fien!i3 Dead Long and Terriblo Illness from niosd Fsiaonlng Comptrtrly Cured by Hood's Snr&aparilla. Mrs. Mary !". O'Fallon, a very Intelligent lady of 1 ivju.v, Oi.io, w piUoncct while as sisting i)liysicl?;is at tn ajtopsy c years ago, and .:n i.n.h'o uiirra broko out ou her Load, ara-,, U-nue ar.,1 throat. Jler hair nil f.uii.i out. v.;-:;,-;he1 V-ut 78 lbs., and saw so prosvt ot licln. At last elio legan to t-.fce l!.iors Eaifpar;::a aal at once Im pioved; could somi fn-t cut of bed and walk. She says: ' I becanu? j'rfj;t!y cured by Sarsaparilla audani now a well woman. I weljh 128 lbj., eat well and do the work for a largo family. My ease seemi a wonderful recovery and jihysiemrij lok at mo in astonishment, as ahno.it like bob raised 1 rtf.ii the d. ud." HOOD'3 PlLL8 nhonld be la every family tnodiciue chest. Oace used, ulwayi profarrod. fTs:u A Well-known Lowell Grocer - J Debilitated by over- r t 7 "win, ll'HC :-J't Sarsaparilla ''Z'.'. ' -'y , and soon feels (jr'X ' ' i Strong and Well. x 7 1 L 1 j "'.'1 ',( w li.ili i.nrdc 11 ;ui. t, sinsi. " - ---- -. J V I l,-!:l i- ,,f a l,r 1 " Tv' i i 1 fr" "e"" -'" Imn-aHcU tare Ty--S . V ) itml hiinl w.trk, in coiiniTtioii with tli'- low i-tate of my M.mmI, so fi v. ri !y taH lny ntrt ii','tli tbut I r.-i'iiine till run ilou ii, IkuI nonite- tito, w:w uuk. nervous, uu t oniurcJ a!t tlif tornx nt wliirh lii-ml;u'lio, tiuli;' -N'io!i, f., m-r,a tl, i i!i:y, i.N I t.Ual 1 . of .'ticr'y conl.l jio.ssility in. f U t. The i I M-in- ro', .iiom inlet i.v i i V liyii-i:tiis di't no more good tlinii so imi.-ti v;iiT. AVJ.Fi's S;.rs'i.ir'il!i l.cintj favorul.ly brought to my no. i,t ion, I trinl it. mi. I. in a sliort time. U-pxn to f.-el In-tter. I c.niiii.ni .1 to tiil.ii tliis I'li'diriiie for two months, at tlit end of which time I f. lt rk.' a n-w My npetito, eneriry, iind Mrennth returno.1, my f v.d ;i.'estet p. rf. -tly, and !! tr:et-s of l.eadacl p :tr.d nervousness Hs;i...-nra. 1 :i i-oiivin.-ed that if I had not taken AYKH'S Sarsa j.arilla, instead of 'nein str.-nti and well, when the warm weather set in, I ..ho'iM , wo l.--en cohl, ned to my l ed, under the doctor's care, and totally iinahle tii ud M Imsim I am a thorough believer in the merits of AYKH'.S Ntr.i!mri'.l: fur restorinj? to health,';, vigorous ac tion, the vital oi ;.: of the t..:y, when they have hec'onio T.ted ore.haus(cd." H u.i iam II. li;uu y, 33 Oorliam St., Locll, Its&e. Ayer's Sarsapj Frf-pired by Dr. J. C. Aytr Oo., Low ell, Maee. Has cured otSiers, will cure you - c" .-1' ! ' 1 SAY"! inlla TIIi:X()lLMAJXi ( GLI i;(iIArlK INSTI- rITI TK, FOll Y'JUNd WOMKX. Asm; villi, x.c. Hood's St'vond session begins Sojcmbcr L'l, The hiMitutioii islocnle.l in tin most Ivatitiful kii'.hiiI) of Ashe ville, N.C. ThespaeiotiH building. r.N-ently completed f(r its uh t 11 eost ol Jr(Ji),OOt) is turiiisliod witii .in-e wi.tri'- (mm sprite's 011 t.ie i.v;nis,s, is lighted with gn.s, htctedbv hut water and provided vut:i hut mid cold baths. - The hi ultii aad habits of the pupils are earefuilv gum-ecd. T.e !s:i.s the amp;.' upace given to 0111. loor exereiw, a veil rciiiipped gyuiiiasmiii ill . fitted up within doors. No expense has been s;s!ivi to make the sewerage and sanitary a rrangciueiits pci h-ct. J;.'.fh pupil will have her share in the domestie work, as a part ol her praeticnl t raining (or lijo, and whilst aiaiing at ' horottgim. rsin every dep-artmfiir, the management, will strive to pro i.le'lor t hose eoiiii.nl ted to ! heir care the ad vantages, not merely of a christian school, hut 11 christian home. No pupil will lie admitted who is not 1:1 reasonat,.; health, or who cannot furnish credentials ns to int. c;il charade r. lour Sip;u;ieConrses of Study are offered to thtt Student. 1 THE NORMAL (') USE. for the thorough training of teachers under instructors trom the best Xorihal schools 2. SEaIINAIIY OK COLI.EOIATE COURSE, including .tia-ieni, .-m i niooern languages, science, music, dr a. CO M M ERCI A1j('( tERSE. inchtdhigstunogra writing. llOll':kMl'oin!:. etc. 4. DEr'AUTMENT OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE, (a) Scien tific cooking, the study of the production and manufacture cf food, etc, (b) Sowing embracing the cutting and fittimr of garments, millinery, elc. The teachers at the head of 1 his department are from t he famous I r.itt School, Brooklyn. . Y., and the others from the best insti tutinis in the eotmrrv. chosen with reference to christian character experience and alnlf.v as teachers. A thtiroughly (,igani?,ed Preparatory department has Ven fur nished for all such a, arc not prepared"lor tiie higher classes. The school year is divided into two terms; cost to pupil .r0 per term, or 1 00 per year, which barely coves the expense of board, the school being practically free, having been provided for by n few friends to female education. For further particulars npnlv to REV. THOMAS LA WHENCE, Ashkville; N.-C. a wing etc. phy, r.vpe- TlilS IS NO HUM lsUGTO D1JAW TRADE! -o- It now nppearsfroin recent telegrams that Emin Pasha was wilfully murdered on the Congo, in Africa, Sept. 20t.h by one of his guides. Ayer's 8arsaparilla does what no other medicine in existence can do. It searches out al! the impurities iu the sybtem and ex pels them harmlessly through the proper channels. 'This is why Ayer's Sarsaparilla is so pre-eminently effeitive as a remedy for rheumatism. DO YOU WANT TO BOY A HACK, PILE I OX, ROAD-CART, 1!U((Y, Or any thing in the line of harness, bridles, etc? If so, meet us iu Roone court week, where we will have n SPLh.WlD LINE of them on. hand. You can save money by trading with n. Our line of harness, cannot be beaten in quality or price. fc3-Yewi!l trade for fat cattle, h'.irses, mules, or on time with good notes and se curity. Tow is the chance of your life to buy a stylish con yoyanceon easy terms. Respectfully, Abernsihy Ana Yonnsa. j j Snrewd buyers arc always after good bargains, nnd this leads thfit class of our eitiz"iis to inspect inv di'sol-iv of NEW (iOODS. j ' 3 1 receive new goods every we.'i: uliii h I am selling at bargains that will stive yon money. .Inst received a lot of ladies' lo'.v-cnt slioes or slippers in black and fan colors. A beantimi line t.f wide ribbons and ilowrs for hat trim ming. A beautiful line of all kinds of notions very cheap. Come I see me when in need of goods. I will sell vou vorv low. I have just reet ivd a largo lot of Mason's Fruit jars -lil'lllll" r - mat 1 win sen ctseap. 1 want a lot of voung chickens eirirs etc., for which I will pay good prices; nlsx, roots nnd herbs. Oivc me your tr mL and I will do you right ever..' titr.e. krS'Ol ILi: 1 have just completed a black s;aith shop and li..vifvir!'il the services of n first-i ivorkotaii in both wood and iro.i, and 1 ask you to bi inmeyma- work, or 1 will have you a n. w wagon built on short notice. Give me a call when in reed of work, and I will give you low pri ces. Yours Anxious to pjse WILL W, HOLSCLAW. Many Persons a broken down from overwork or household cares. Brown's Iron Bitters Rebuilds the Bystera, biUh ii?wstion. removes excess of bile. oa curt malaria. Oct lie eaaitniv Relieves fcii snrz-n'm of the sn nrmu Biemhonn anrl roifsCoNOR RHt& and GLhK T in t int rti. Ha ? 1p.-1 'f ill injurious, kltex sner-M SnM C. CIA M 8100D BAIM Ca.,N'.tUi!t.6if B"The DEMOCRAT one year one dollar. trr'AOlY fS THE 1IAE 70 SUW-J!IIiE.-mrG 1 MEMTBQSINESS. 1 rom now until the first daf of Aptil I will sell my stock o CLOTHING. A XI) OVERCOATS At ""O per ceut above COST J If you Oon't think I mean it come and look through my STOCK It wont cost you one cent if you donf purchase. I have a large Stock and want to get rid of it before spring. -o -tig- CALL AND LOOK! TSSt I would call your attention to the big cut in prices ifr in other lifiefl.' -o KiS PECT F ULli Y , i O--'W -'2 CrO