A St ':ii'ni I: r ; jij.v 1 year .. r ; n-.nt'.s f ' i Mo:ill. ri: n-.v. It vr; s, xy "!!. tii it J 2 -1 ;i ..-!. . di a kin. if. !inil i ! i tt.i .id ..- lf It ( ii .i' I I. 1 . .i v, i.t. i Thoilia- Sm'i ll.fi'i 1 1. ( I.- i ! I ! I 1 t t ir II' ! i-' , ,l In .t l,f l V. t t!- ..- , 1 It 1 uvk ' 1 i.io-it li v -- tlln.li ill tovxll. -;. I.i t . I. 75 u ith it hM "rf i tlf ! i- " ll.e Ni.l tii.-i II M u k' t. I ...I'M 1 ir 7 Ml b.tini 1 .sl. '.( nti.l "i'i !'!" 1 icon; !i. beef i-!f' u-itin; at live ' -J : ti i ,i I i.-i . in- l-.-i. r. .1 r !!, I- I. :;l v ' it i I , y i- ii.i , ' V J I. . ! '. . 1 of Il .id 15! . . ed : . Wmkw You Sneeze cinmVfe f J9 . i 1- i i siv. 1 vi-ir. '." oo ; o i If ! 1 1" n V" ii ''h'i-i "" ,!, try tin- tti - rv;J s.i.- . I . - ----------- !fr-i:i: t!i" paid--. ". rv ' lltrrnl ill Postofii.-.-Mt ;f.;,,;,,.,s in,. ji, i,,i!i!.- I. i lit. .Y as s.v,:i,-. -s:t. i,,,,,, ii i ,,. ..i.... t , , ' ' .. t l.tr-t I li i I ill.' i i .!.! W ill c. II' llille to MIll T. ii i i ; til I' Lil matter. LOCAL NKW.S I'rnst in niiu.nlar.i-.'. -Makf rM I v vum- wno.l. T!... ,.!i.urii.i i III. lii' ii' i ii'i. ' hi in' ii:itains is :iniiitaso. 1 .. . ... 4 1 1 vmi h:vo ; iiT s a l it in for publication. .Tim liu-lltl. I if till! I'flllll is ('Xri-ik'ur. V Work on turn pike i- hviiii? forwnnl willi lint' sue s tin xi' -let t.V !ays, -Mrs. Nathan IIci ton ami If sons, o! Iooiii an vis- relatives it; .1- ff.-ioii. f-Fino frosty mornings Niiiinv ilivs inaki? the thfv enjoyahlo. ,-Thf bst line f hoes to jU!nl i'i 'he county is to i uaii at Biyans. Mm. It. C. KiveiH is vis 'Z r parents at Olin, N. where sh? will s)nl koiii' ks. -T. Fin C rfey. with Mis Jenni' iiettie aini Maj::ie Hy, start to nay for the Kl-liF-iir. ml A-Our Coui t liroLe ho soon TV herral who aiucil lo Court :a iii ip.d won ill -pointed. I-The turn-mke suit was vi?ii to lionoir ior trial at ..... l-..... ..I IV 1,1 .all v!, y IIVAl 11 .XI l.ilnl iirii I'll- ;rtmrt. )ht vlu'i lay is ext rmnely uii! i con ti ii io ;' rse. Mr Vikt is gradually ating worse also. pr. 11. C. Ilhea.t'apt. Ito- IHrown and others, from liison count', Tennessee, f in town during court. .The report is current that flvrantiprry Co. .has sold iPntire property and mi' Id to the Iron Trust Co. 1. Inrme million dollars. f Tim frosts on Monday. sda.yaiid Weilnesday nior it;? of this week, were unu 4lly heavy, accompanied iponsidtTiiu'le freeze. riie old song has again tlun. If you waut to pay Kr subscription in iv o o d, riig it along, as we are le Jning to need it. jfLet each one of our sub silierH try to get a new one jhin the next month. You (i do it and thereby help us V much. S. Commissioner L. L. r)ne and Deputy Marshal Colvard are attending P federal Court at States- this week. ttorneysS)ainhour,Cof .nd Fletcher, with Messrs. e A. Uryan and (l. W. pAicill, all of onr town, are uui llic M vm iu o x cm . . fwe have acorn mnication 3 it.v. A".- it- II. ! .!i! s, IllnV I lo (i !! ;;. i. It's a t cm fill : t aide minister : :;d , f i i izi-ii. May nis rn-w hoiic in pleasant to hiaiaud to those v.ith nhoin I ill in ike his fut ure home. S. , I'.ittcis-n! i:i -ind Maj. Harper, both from Cn Id well, were with, us l ist week. They are State commissiow ers in the turn pike suit and were sued here as such by the Boone and Blowing I! k turn pike Co. Our p. ';', speak well of .In !g' Mo;, kin and are wi li please i with tlii1 way hepn h es tiiic.Uf h 1 he dockets. The attorneys s.iy that lie is a tine ju lf c of la w, :n:i sp";;k ofhiininth(: h'h.ft teraw (iivr ii.-. F. oykiii ii;;.un is tin word on all sides. " Mr. Topping and Miss Lizzie Keed, botil (f Uovving Mock. tciv .riai-: i'i List Sir: ipiy wit k, H v. M.-. (iraggof 'jci.itiiig. We h.'.d to invita ti n nor c:ike. l iii '.v.; trust, howcvei, tii.it theirbVv's ni:iy bc'lorj; and happy, aiid that when thc.V shuiil" off lhi.uior lal coii. t!'ey will eutr ii.to thf bli.ial portals above. There is a reifwal ot tii" p-oposition to build ui i me tric road from L 'lioir to Blow ing Mock, and also a propo sition to extend it o.i to our town. W.N. I'jrdnn. of Chi cago, is the pioneer in the movement. We wish the en terprise an abundant success. Some days since Mur dock Moray,; wf Linville, was found lying by the sideof the road in Caldwell county in n dying condition.- He was ta ken to the lunise of one Mr. Jragg and only lived f.ir a few hours. He ha I been do ing Rome very hard drinking, and, it is th.iught, that was the-causeof his death. - Attys. Linney, ot Tay lorsvilh , Folk, of the Yadkin, Jones, of Lenoir, Todd, Bow er and Blackburn, of Jeffer son, and Maj. Bingham, of Statesville, were in attend ance at our court besides our our own bar. We have iu these attorneys an array of talent that we think .vill com para with any section of the State. McDaniel and wife with a ten-year-old boy arrived at Boone on Saturday lust. A dout 10, a. in., on Sunday the boy was missing. Search was made for him and it was ascertained at Blowing Mock that he and his dog were ma king their way back afoot to their former home near Salis bury. There were near one hun dred head of fat beef cattle driven throug town Tuesday on their way to the slaughter houses of the South that were bought in our county. It took from one to two thou ; i.e I f !:.'! II'I: A I ' i i ; m .!.: i. .! til iiu.i! -. f a i v - . : I'ii i i.t ; .1 : i s a: ! ,i but it is a Ii o d i now an-l ir-t ' c i j lir. i v an I'iil -: p-n : .itid very pipii;;.r I ist W-.l:i.--: a-" M :'. .M I ' i -TV , .1 S o-!i i ii; , !! llf I I ill'f 1'.' I ii .. o : Cll-Uvell ri.uat V. o i il! - '.;.') j : ' II- s.t !ii Ii I. .Si III' if i !:c,- " riv ' . i-: . -.v.:, lo tiie cMHiatiiiM tl". lie wn-i att.e ! j in-! a h ;;ro. Tl'cy j upon him with a k Cougn, Choke, and Gasp for Breath, BEWARE! It May be a Serious Sjmjioui THE SPECIFIC Far all Threat and Lung Complaints IS Ayer's Cherry Pectoral .Ins K. I'lM-.-. if -i.i::!i Hin-i t-m. N. II., ;it: 'The Ut I. mily f. r I.Hir., t f.;. i I Kn f i- V UK'S 1'lnrry rotiiMl." .;iM -prui I w.i-t t n il.'uii with !.a r.ri ". At tinn s I npnni pli i !v !T'i!r iti-l. :ui'l s,i il;.!l' n! w.ts iu liri .itliiti,' (Iiat n- liri-ast i iii. il i f c iiitiiiii! m'a'i ir.fi I r.n-.ir-l : tnittli' nf AVKll'S lurry l'ii-lnr.il. :enl no nnr I Uirin t.ikii: it tlian nliif fo'lnwr l. I i-iHil l imt iM-lirv tint t!i'- ftlf' t vu.iM U- s-i rapiil ami tlie riin S'i 'inii'fti'. It is truly a w uiiilcrftil nn !- II. Williams I'r.M k City, s. p. '-l r 'in my uwi r ricire, I t. k j !i M-!:rc in vluntarily stntinz t'nit uf a'l tin ini 'liriiu s I t ver nsnl f.ir frcli mliU aul I-i lirippi'. AVKK'S Cin rry l'i tnral K -,.r.-- i:i;ii''i'.t ly. the mn-t ii.it. nt n im-dy. Onliimrily, t!n- iu t vir.it i.t fr-"-h -n! I i:i t ;i- !i- :i'I a'i'l r it t vanislics in a niIit, as if I'V uwrir. Jus' '!! 'v !if tWrrt t !''i:. aii't AYEK'S (hurry I'ti i.tiHl wi'i.I.i tl:t! r-st." ;:. II. 1 ( k Ca li. Ky. Tr t w years. I s.inYri'-! from a m.'st i'f Iri'-ssinj coucli, vvliic li, at la -t, li.'c;iiii of .t oiwiiiiij.tivcf'urafl.-r. u:i.5 vi r a I iriaini; to my friiinls. Afu r trying v.iri-'tis rt lm-ilf'S witlmut viik'css, I U-fsxn totake AYFK'S riicrry l'.--tr.i', an 1 was vcy simhi n lii-Vtil. Two In it ties rmttl me." 1"i.lk-i I n !. mi; i;. A.ii; :..'.a, M.-. Tli ' I i-.-t r !a' !y f-.r c-ii's cimjrlis nml tlif common disrdrsf tin t'lro.it an 1 I'ipks AYF.U'S I'Ih rry IV' l-iral is uiiivi rsally riroiiiinendcd liyllu' jrufis-if ii. -0-. Aycrs Cherry Pectoral Prrjurr.t ly lr. J. C. Ayor i Co., Ixwell, Mass. Prompt to act, su.ro to euro in '!'! V C i! d i; tw hi.i!i'.i ayiaeii, a w lute t , . i , t pi 'l.:n 'd uf.-, tii'! il'foie he wjiH il;? tit! y coll-i n-ioiix o : Hits u'oitig on ; ! Ley h id cut his po--!;et an ! j taken thuefrotii in cas'i. j I'oi tunately ha- Mr. 'lay, ie ' had the bulk o his money iu ' anotlu r pock'-t, and t ii y failed to get it. Tii:s w is. io ' -ay t iie I'-ast, a v rv daiingj robbery, and v.'1 hojte thej olfendejs will IMiet with a , speedy retribution. j The publisher of tlio Dkm ! ockat has licci! asked dozens! of timet; within tlu1 pi. few days wh.M her or n.it the pa p T had siK-pt'llih-ii ? Yes, ii il ls 1). 'en wUspetnled for t ll c past t wo we.'ks, but he.-e it is again. The publisher liai wit!i hot ;i'i i eol.ri.atl be-'ii dohii the en tire work of': T.ie iiriilth "a -id liahitx t.!'t!:e pupils are curft'tiily gin hit l. He th'. otlice lor a long time n-l;-;i-,'s the runplf sp:,i-e given to nut-ioar ex lrino, a veil cqi::pjied ., i,i;.,t.;, r ;,).,( iiina.-iuia will lie lit tel uii it t i ! l doors. No cxiiene lias Urn one. Mini tl linking an 'iittu:-.- ,. , ., 1 . 1 . . ' 7 .. p.ir.-.ito make tliesewerne tmJ HMitarvnrnuigeiiiei.ts jierlit. g.Mit people Wf.iil. e,r:int r.nu H !i pr,iil will have her share iu the iloiiifsfuMvork, as u putt of a low .days rest, he p r o- User practical i Mining lor lit.t, and whilst niaiing t tiiui-tv.S$r''inijrniii nil-: :;oum aland c oli.i:(-:iatk insti AsmrrjLU-:, .v. . The i.isliftitinii is lic;it"ii i;i Hi .ieist t;i ii t iTnl siibnrli of Aslie vil'e, . T.'ie spacious liail lin. r.-eent Iv complete for its usp :U a cost ol sCiil.OUO is tiirnishe it with June xv.itor trout siiin:s on p'-'ius"s, ts l!-iitei wit n gas, !i:-atci..y hut waterand pi'ovule.I S A Y I teded to take it. Weh iVtMin dejiw t Mieti f, t !it nana;; 'incur will strive to provide torthose .. .... .,;tt.,.i t., i:,...-. iv . ...i.. . ....i ...a,, .a .. i...;. i ;.. .. ( , , . I 1 . i.':.il.i:iui ! in I m il . .11 111' .1.11 tllllil II'M llirin I HI il I 111 iniiun nand a fresa ripply Oi or-uuv j i,,,,, ,, ., ,.)v,l j.,., j,,,.,, x ni,t lie admit ted who in paper, and, if its patrons do j hot hi reii-oiiaiik: healtli, or who cannot iurnisli ciedciitials u to will iiiake i'lar.il ctianu ter. 'Of? r N''.-i 7v, r o (on svy of St inly -a iv oJcred to thn Student. 1 Till: NKMAL roiMiSli for the thorough training of teachers under insti uctors trom the best Normal schools. 2. St.ll.NAIiY OH COLl.KiJIATK COURSE, including ancient and modern laicruaires, science, music, ilrawingeic. 0. (,()MM!:K('IAIJ('On:Sr:,includingstenography,iype writing. bookkeepino;, (tc. 4. DKtVVUTMKXT OF DOMKSTK.CIKNTE, (a) Scien tific cooking, the study of the production and manufacture cf food, etc, (b) Sewing I'liibracing the cutting and fitting of garments, millinery, etc. not forsake it. it its regular visits to thf peo- pl. We wish however, to, impress on our subscribers, who nave so often proiiis;'d to pay 11(1, that we need the amounts they are due usand must have them. fn u fair friend who sojourn cii the Mountains this sum n. We cannot publish t week but will appear vefk. i jThete has not been such flfciet and orderly court in sand dollars to buy theie cat DIED. 'Died at Baniier'slClU.N. C, O'tt, 14thl8(.K5. "OldLU. ky" the old horse formerly owned by Mr. L. B. Banuei. This noble animal was purchased by Mr. Banner in the year lvSGo at the age of two years. He was indeed a lucky horse, as he lived to the ripe age of uic)iethanthirtyyears He was also lucky to have a good home from the time, he was two years old. It was Mr. Banner's request a short while before his death thai the old horse should be kept by the family till he died, and the request was carried out. He vaspe haps the oldest horse in Watauga County. L. I). L. Ihickinghu m's Dye for the Whiskers is the best, handiest, safest, surest, cleanest, most economical and 'satisfactory dye ever invented. It is the gentle men's favorite. "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches." When catarrlwittneks a. person of scrofulous diathesis, the dis ease is almost sure to become chronic. The only efficacious cure, therefore, is Ayer's iSursap urilla, which expels scrofula from the system and t hecatarrh hdoii follows suit. Local treatment is only a waste of time. Cop. James S. Folk of Sum ter S. C, died at his home on the 10th inst. He wa a brother of Col. Ii. N. Folk of CahUell. The tea chers at the h:;nl of this department ar5 from the famous l'ratt School. Brooklyn, X. Y., ami the others from the bert insti tutions in the country, chosen with reference to christiiiiiclrirai t r fxperioiice ami ahilt v as t'.i!( hoiH. A thoco'ighlv crganiz-.'il l'rcparaorv depart i.n-nt ls 'leeti tut-' iiish-'d for sill si'i'-h as are not prepared lor the higher lIussc. The school war is divided into two terms; cost to pupil 50 jier term, or 100 per year, which barely covers the expense of hoard, the school being practically free, having boon provided for by a few friends to female education. For further particulars npplv to I1EV. THOMAS LA WHENCE, Ashevilu;', N. C. Tills IS NO Iltjl HUG TO DRAW TRADE! I MEAN BUSINESS. 1 rom now until the first dafr oi April I will sell my stoc k 3 CLOTHING AND OVERCOATS At 0 percent aboye COST 1 If yon don't think I mean if come and look through my STOCK It wont cost yoa one cent it you dont purchase. I hVtve n lar,e sfock and watit to get rid of it before inrir. c 1 n m 1 1 swmjf'u m Shrewd buyers arc always after good bargains, and this leads that, class of our citizens to inspect my display of NEW (JOODS. I receive pew goods e cry week which I arn selling at bargains that will save you money. Just received a lot of ladies' lo'V-cnt shoes or (dippers in black and tan colors. A beaut im I line -f wide ribbons mid llowrs for hat trim ming. A beautiful line of all kinds of notions very cheap. Come t see tne when in need of goods. I will sell you very low. I have just received ;i large lot of Mason's Fruit jars that I will sell cheap.. I want a lot of young chickens, eggs etc., for which I will pay good prices; aiso roots and herbs. (Jive me your tr tde and I will do you right every time. e3A6J7(7i! I have jiist completed a black Rinith shop and have secured the services of a first-class workman in both wood and iron, ami I ask you to bringjmeyour work, or 1 will have you a new wagon built on short notice. Give me n call when in need of work, and 1 will give you low pri ces. , Yours Anxious to PJon. . WILL W. HOLSCLaW. iiJ!iA all inrn Heft KOI roil mMlbnUtSSnd rt,r.(U(NORkHl-A. ftiid T.I- KT t t lo No imvrt any irganous ctmch. frMi ft. swa . by dftiegUts. t , K.00D ItAlll CO., frit, IHtpft, 6fc fiS-TiiE DEMOCRAT one year one dollar.- &r&stnw is iiieHaIK'io suiist Mu;rmr& CALL l hi 'OK ' I would call your atfetitiorf to the big cut in prices iri mf other lire: Respectfully, Y. L BMAi C .C S O.. SO$3.CS OO CCS.