:' (01; ID Watauga, VOL ( VKit 1.SSIOSAL. HOONE, WATAUGA COU.VTW X. rilUUSDAY, NOVEMBEU 10. 1893, NO. (j. w. p.. cor.wnx, Attorney at I. a v. 1'iOOlie, N. f W. B. COl NCN.L M. D. lioon, x. c. Resident Physician. Otlitf on Kin: Stm t north of Post Olfice. I)U. L.C. REEVES. Physician am Sirueox Office at Residence. Boone, X. C. L. I), lowe, Attorney at Law AM XOTAHY I'l'li Lir, banners eek. x. c. AHORSEYAl LAW, MAK1 )N, -(.)- W'i'V ;.r;n tii i' i:t the courts o-Wnljirr-i. Ashe. Mitchell, M low !'i Mini nil other court it-s in the .wMem li-liht CaTVj.i'ciaj ntten (ion nivci to tin collection of rliii!ir.." r. i. (' But It t. Dr. T. C Blavkbiirn. T.d!i Tenn. Zioiivillr, X. C. Butler & Blackburn, Piivsisians & S'jrgaan lit. ir(i lis xtt fin h'ri at all June 1, '93. E. F. I.OVILL. J. C. FLETCHER. LOVILL & FLETGHEH, ATlORXhYSAT LA'Y, boone, x. c Special attention given to tint collation ofclainis.'a L. L. GREENE, fc CO., REAL ESTATE AG'TS. ItOQNE, N. C. Will givi special attention to abstracts of title, the sale of Real Estate in W. X. C Those hi' vine: varms, timber and mineial lands for sale, will do well to call on said Co. at Bonne. L..L. GREES k CO. March 1G, 1893. NOTICK. Hotel Property (oi Sale. Ob account of failing health of myself and wife, I oriVr for nmIp my hotel property in the town nt Hooiir, North ('rtroliua, Hud will w'11 low for rash and make terms o unit the buyer, und will take real : personal property in ex shanKe. Applvsoon. W. L. Hryan. SOI ICE. Parties putting papers in my hand for execution will pleise advance the tees with the papers and they will re cei ve prom pt a ttention, other wise thev will be returned not executed for the want, of tees. D. F. Raird Shff. FOR SALE! In the town of Boone, a com fortable dwelling house with 6 rooms and five fire daces, with nine acres of land, good ariwnir snmciinnlp npflfh il till lestrmt trees, situated some 300 yards from Main street. It is a desirable private resi dence. The rlace will be sold cheap on terms to suit the purchaser, r or further par ticulars apply to I. W.Thoni as, HibriteiiN.Cor W. B. Councill, Boone, N. 0. A I ok and a oth?r. It is m bright, serene and marvelous cleat-day in Xorth Dakota. Th prairie is cheek-j red with grass and grain fields. The little clump of hand-planted tree me tos- sing their brain -lies in thcam-' ber air. Xow and then a bird rhirps it roundelay, or a vagrant butterfly reds down a sunbeam and lights upon their leaves. The little vallage wheie I am sojourning foi a few brief, dclighiful days, lies steeped in sunlight, and a broad, brave sweep of undulating years lies betreeu tne and the hour when I was hire be fore. Oh, that hour! It is branded as with burning irons into my brain, my heart, my soul ! I sat.that day. of all days in my lif. at the door of the Xorth wood Headlight a pa per I was editing then. Sud denly I heard a cry of rage, pathos, despair, 'ind spring ing to my feet I looked down the r nd to the. westward, from whenee it came. A block of .i0 men were standing in front of the jail ."0 men in granger garb ."() men. with a hellish, erri able purpose in their hearts. They had taken a prisoner !rom his cell. They htd pu'- led bin) over the ih eshold int ) the street, where he hud n his haek panting with a rope round his slim, white, throat. I remember that I stood as if one t ransfixed and turned to stone, while the mobstart- ed off, voiceless, drugging its victim through the dust. Xot n word was spoken not one. The only sound that started the silence was the tramp, tramp, tramp, of the avengers and the awful moans of the poor, bloody, foaming creature haltered at their heels. Men women and ch ldien rushed to doors, windows and porticos as the hateful pocession passed their lips sealed in speechless awe, their faces blanched at the atrocity of the spectH Sick nt heart, I turned back into my ofh'ce, but when 1 went to my hotel in the twi light I saw a ghastly thing that (iod had made high swinging from a sycamore. A storm sprang up at mid night. Lightning tor the skies .nto slivers of flame. Thunders shook the world. Hain fell in fury, and the winds went shuddering through vast black voids. And through it all theghast ly thing that God had made upon i6sihhet sw ung 1 In the midst of the tempest a traiu rolled up to the depot and left one passenger in this bttle town an old woman, with soft, whitehair, bloomy cheeks and sweet, bright, kindly, eyes. She went to the one hotel, registered and retired. The landlady met her in the morning and re marked. ,-l hope you rested wll, madam, for it was a rowdv storm we had." ,l0h, yes," said the old wo man, with a auribea my smile. "I rested well, though it. was, as you say, a rowdy strum. But I took a bappy heart with m o ImmI, nnd if is a happy hear I have this mor ning, for I will meeting son today my Cyril, whom I ha ve not hhmi f r s veil yea rs.' Have you traveled far?'' 'Yes, ma'am from Massa chusetts," she Maid, running to the door. "But what is that?" "Oh. it's n young man they lynched vistidv a boss thief, they said an they'er kerryin his budytothe cor-1 oner's. 'Twas a shame, his hangin, fur he was a real handsome feller, perlite and clever, an I sez to Jeremiah that's my husband I sez to him this very mornin. that 1 didn't believe as how the boy had done it an " The four men carrying the dead upon a stretcher, were passing the door. The body was covered with a cloth, but one hand feli below its folds, and on that hand there spar kled a quaint hoop of twist gold, clasping a staro pal that glittered in the sun. The old woman saw it, her face grew gray. A maniac light leaped into hereycs.and tearing the cloth from the corpse she shrieked: My son! Mr Cyril!" The men laid the burden at her feet. She knelt over it, tangled her finger in the golden locks and pressed her lip- upon the beautiful dumb lips of her dead boy. Silence. The landlady leaned for ward with tears running d.own her fa -e, and sobbed. "Come with me, ma'am." Silence. '"Ma'am do do come with me." A doctor stepped forward, lifted the bent brow and whispered lustily, "She is dearM" I hate a mob with a haired that burns in every atom of my st use nnd soul. It is Christless as it is crual cruel as it is cowardly. The rav ing devils w ho compose it are craven all. Not one of them dare meet single the victim of its wrath. Not one of them dare tisk singly the conse quences of its crimson crime. W.Il K. mSntiminylikide. Keidsvillo Weekly: The st rug gle is over, so far as Congress is concerned. The silver men have made a gallant fight. They have a right -to be proud of their course. The people will standby them. Of this we have not the least doubt. They have stood firm against tremendous pressure brought o bear upon then Senator Vance gave Home i- dca of it in his speech at the Stare fair in which he told how lie had been begged and threatened and worked on by the lobbyists sent to Wash ington by the bankers and gold-bugs. With all the pat ronage at his disposal, great er than that of any ruler on earth, the President has not been able to carry his party with him. "Yon have dicta ted the terms to uu," said Senator Gorman, an Admin istration leader, nddressing John Sherman and his repu1) bean allies in the Senate last Saturday. A femocraticAd ministration led by John Sherman! Vt hat a humilia ting confession for a demo erotic Senator to make I Sratly Too Ceatrriei 0'1. The Great ir of a Waited Athote on the I'ariflr toat. The birgest whale w hich ev er eat ere. I this harbor, nnd one of the largest ever seen on this coast, wnshed ashore at Tokebind Monday, says the South Bend Heiald. The news was immediately brou ght back by one of the mor ning ste tmei, nnd the after noon passenger boats were crowded to their greatest ca pacity by the throngs w h o weir anxious to see the mon ster. The fish en me in on high tide, and lies Just below the bat ll house ,)f ( 'ha l ies Fisher. It was alive and kicking and did not finally surrender its lease on existence Until Tiles- day about noon. County At torney M. 1). Fdgbert had ta ken along a tape line and caiffu'lv in -a su red the mon ster. The line showed the ex treme length of 174 feet and 8 inches, with a 'waist meas ure' of 11 feet and 0 inches. County Surveyor L. C. Vick- rey figuied on the weight of the 'animile' and pronounced this member of the bahenoi den family to weigh forty-seven und one-half tons, and the blubber and whale bone to be worth at current prices, oil, $9,793; boae 1,000; ma king a net total of $ 10,79". Attorney L E. Grinn at tempted to compute the age ot the subject under consider ation, and concluded from the transeverse lines on the baleen that this fish had ex isted for 9SG years, hacking but fourteen years of having lived the longest term of whale lile. The pectoral fins are twelve fet long and sev en feet broad; the mouth is twenty -four feet long, the blow holes eighteen inches in length, nnd the half hundred baihctsinthe water at the time it came ashore say the noise of spouting was deafen fng and the spray ejected nt least fifty feet in the air. The thrashing of the tail in the water in the struggle to re gain the channel' was heard at McGowan's cannery at the month of North Hiver, four miles away. County School Superintendant L. W. Fans her furnished some historic al facts in regard to the whale. Alfred the Great had been deid but six years whea his whaletdiip began to navi gate the waters of the earth. The old boy was 120 yeais old when William the Con querer was born, ami may have been playing off Eng lish shores w hen he was made king. He was on earth at the time of making the great charter at Ilunnamede, he was middle aged when the pilgrims landed ut P 1 y m - outh Bock, and probably- looked upon the wars of fa poleon, the American Revo lution nnd Civil War with many a sad sigh and shake of the head for the ruthless slaughter of humanity. Charlotte Observer: Twn- ty-seven years ago a lady movfd away from Charlotte leaving a large wash pot which she owned in charge of n neighbor. The ' neighbor heard nothing of her after she left, until yesterday hhe wrote a postal asking that her wash-pot le shipped to her right away. She made no ii.quiry for nny one of the f tmily, all he was interested in was the pol. It was ship- imm! her forthwith, with no extra charge for storage. The Fresleut;i TkanWIflng Pro- rlatnatioa. President Cleveland last Friday issued the following Thanksgiving proclamation: While the American people should every day remember the praise and thanksgiving the divineijoodiiess and mer cy which have followed them since tVir beginning as n. na tion, it is fitting that one dav in each vear should be devoted to theconlemplation f th bless'njrs we ha ve re ceived from the hand of God and to the grateful acknowl edgment of His loving kind ness. Therefore 1. Grover Cleve land, President, of the United States, doh'irby designate and s-t apart Tinned ay, the 30th dav of the present month of November, as a day of Thanksgiving and praise to be kept and observed by all the people of our land. On thatday let us forego our ordinary work and enipov- ment and assemble in our us ual places of worship, where we may recall nil that God has done for us, and where from grateful hearts our uni ted tribute of praise nnd song may reach the Throne of Grace. Let the reunion of kindred and the social meet ing of friends lend cheer and enjoyment to the day, and I ?t geuerous gifts of charity for the relief of the poor and needy prove the sincerity of our thanksgiving. Witness my hand and the seal of the United States, which I have caused to be herto n nixed. Done at the City of Wash ington on the third day of No vember, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and of the Inde pendence of the United Statefttheone hundred and eighteenth. (iiioveu Cleveland. By the President: Walter Q. Gresham, Secretary of State. Landmark: Judge Richard Clark, of the Georgia Super ior Court bench, has aban doned the practi-eof swear ing juiortf and witnesses on the Bible. Witnesses and jurors, when they are sworn in Judge Clark's court, sim ply raise their right hand. The departue is a commendable one. A witness intends swear ing a lie will not be deterred by the fact that he has kiss ed a Bible. Further, this practice of kissing a Bible, which is kept in court and kissed by all classes and con ditions of people-until it is slick with crease and tilth-is dangerous to health and re pugnant to the feelings of ieople who have a proper re gard for cleanliness. The Superior Court judges of North Carolina would do well to emulate the example of Judge Clark. W01AI1 W0RI AT HOME. A man in New York who never heard the fonp of "Old Grumble" asked his Wife how she occupied herself during the day. As to the house work nnd domestic dutiea the man declared it wojid take him about n half hour daily to perform it all. T!: young woman writes to a newspaper for ndvice as ' how 6he is to convince hei husband that herlife is not k primrose path of dalliance. She explains that she has three children to take care ofj the oldest four 3-ears old and the youngest eight months old ; six rooms to clean and arrange, besides general housework, washingand iron ingand sewing for the fam ily. The woman is of the o pinion that her husband could not do all this in half an hour. 'Old Grumble, and his wife lived in the country. Mrs. Grumbe had no chil dren to mind, but she had various other live nni?ul whi.-h were nearly astrt uble some, and rhen Mr. Grumb'e d'Vl.-red that he could '! more woik in a day t'nn his wife could do in three, a h e quietly assented nhd went to the field to plow, leaving the old man to perform her work. He first went to milk the cow but she would not stand still and finally kicked the pail o- ver and spilled ul.'. the rnlk Then he fe1 the pigs and struck his head against the beams and the hair began to fly. Jle forgot the the fat on the fire and it went into flames. He went to wind the bobbin and forgot the old speckled hen and she laid as tray. After many other tills adventures he begari to look up at the sun, thinking that it was a very long day and his wife would never come She came at last, however, and when her weary and de-- pressed spouse told her all his trouble she gave him no other sympathy than the ex pression of the wish that it had been double. The result of the experiment was t h a t Mr. Grumble vowed byallthe stars In heaven that his wife could do more work in a day than he yould in seven. This is a valuable suggestion to the young woman in X. Y. If she would go out one d.-.y and leave the partner o? it . joys nnd sorrows to nurs't! baby he would probably st rive at Mr. (J rumble's conch i Rion. Baltimore Suii. If a nrooer recognition of a a j silver and a material reduc tion of the tariff are not se cured during this administra tion, a union of the South and West will not be diffiiult to effect. Such an alliance may bringabout results that will cause gnashing of teeth on Wall street. Those of the Sherman law may not have reckoned the cost of the ac complishment of that end. It is all well enough if a sub stitute is supplied, otherwise who can foretell the result? One possibility that hover? ghost-like over the nfj.fbe grave of silver ic a!r.r;!iiir; to b.-hoK. May wr uevcu-come to witness reality to which it seems to bec kon us on. ( lin ton Democrat.