D rang mocrat 1 vdl) 6 CD KO. io. phoflssioxal. V. It. GOlNClLL, Jk. Attou.n t.y at La v. Boone, X. C. w. n. council.,, m. d. Boone, X. G. f?uu!ilont l'hvsiiinn. Offui on King Stm-t north of Tost UHlCC. 1)11. L. C. UKKYKS. Physician and Srm.KON CfF.ce at Residence. Boone, X. C. L. l. LOW 10, Altorny at Law AM) xotaiiy run uc, BAXXKH'S KLK. X. C. TpIwbpiibw, AITOIIXLYAI LAW, MAKIOX. N.U -()- Will practice in the courts o Watmnra.Aslie, Mitchell, MrDow. ll n ml u II other counties in the v.ivfiirn I Jut rift fi""Kiiiei:il ntteli - , - ti)ii given to the coMertion of r. J. Butler. Dr. T. C. Blackburn. Trili, Tmn. Zlouville, X. C. Batlar & Blackburn, fmim & Surgeons, &f 'alls attended at all June 1, "iKJ. Eitrartl fnm The Prriidrit'i In- KRAl Dri.KNT PKXSIONS. Oil thesllbject of iHM.sioriS Jter giving a synopsis of Secretary Smith's repot t the I resident says: In hi unable to understand w'iv frauds in the tension roll should not heexpose.i and corrected with thoroughness a n d vigor. hvery nnmefrnnduleiitlv put upon these rolls in a wicked imposition upon the kindly intention in which tensions have their oriain. Everv fraudulent pensioner ha be come n had citizen. Everv fids' o.'ith in support of n pension has mrde perjury more common, nnd false and undeserving pensioners roh the people not oiiIy of their tnonej hut of the patriotic sentiment which th eurviv- ors of a wnr fomrht for the preservation of the union ouaht to inspire. Thousands of neighborhoods have their 'veil known fraudulent pen soiners. nnd recent develop ments hy th bnreuu estab lish Hppiillinjzconspirwies to accomplish pension frauds n.v no mcanslhe least wrong done is to the brave and de serving pensioners, who cer tainly on ah t not to he con demned to such association Those who attempt in the line of duty to rectify thee wrongs should not he nccus 'd of enmity or indifference to the claims of honest veter- ans. E. F. VVII.L. J. C. FLKTCHK.lt LOViil & FLET6B, ATT(Ji1XirS AT LAW, nooxrc, x. ffiT Special attention x re u to the collet ion otclairn.A L L. GREENE, CO.", REAL ESTATE A j'T3 HOOXE,N. L. Will iiva snecia! attention to abstracts of title, the sale oi Keal Estate in w . N. I , Those he vintr farms, timhei and miucial lauds, for sale, will do rvell to cull osaid Co at Boone. L. L. GULES & CO Vf arch 16, 1803. NOTICE. Hotel Property tor Sale. On neeonnfc of fnilinir lienltli o of myself nnd wife, 1 orier for sale my hotel property in the town ol Hoone, North Carolina, and will low for cash ninl nmke terms o suit the buyer, una will tuk real or ersoiiul property in ex Miunge. Apply soon. W. L. TIryan mi ice. Parties putting papers in my hand tor execution will nleise advance the tees with the papers and the.y will re- eel ve prom pt a ttention , other wise they will be returned not executed for the want of tees. D. P. Baihd Shff for sale: Tn the town of lioone, a com fortable dwelling house with G rooms and five fire places, with nine acres of land, a;ood snrina.someaDrtle. Deach a nd chestnut trees, situated some 300 yards from Main street. It is a desirable private resi dence. The place will be sold cheap on terms to suit the purchaser. Por further par ticulars apply to I. W. Thorn as, Hibriten,"N. 'J., or W. B. Council!, Boone, N. G. The sum expended on nc count, of pensions for the year endinvr June 30, 1803 wis ?1"6.740.4G7.U. The commissioners est i m a t e hat 1G", 000.000 will be required to pay pensions dur- ina the year ending June .30, 1804. THE INTERNATIONAL MONK TAUY CONFERENCE. The Monetary Gonferenee which assembled it Brussels upon our invitation was ad journed to the thirtieth day of November in the present year. The considerations just stated and the fact that a definite proposition from us seemed to be expected up on the reassembling of the conference led me to express n willingness of having the meeting still further postpon ed. It seems to me that it wou'd now be wise to aive general authority to th" President In ii vite other n.-i- Hons to such conference any time w hen there should be a fair prospect of accomplish ing an international agree ment on the subject of coin-nge. I desire to earnestly sug gest the wisdom of amending the existing statutes in re gard to the issuance of Gov eminent bonds. Thenuthor- ity now vested in the Secre tary of the Treasury to Msue bonds is not as clear as it should be and the bonds authorized are disadvanta geous to the Government both as to the time of their maturity1 and rate of interest. THE HAWAIIAN TROUBLE. It is hardly necessary for me to state that the ques tions arising from our rela tions with Hawaii have caus ed serious embarrassment. .liivit iirinr trt thm lnutnlhi t inn of the present administration the existing government of Hawaii had Uvn suddenly overthrown and a treaty of annexation had ln negoti ated lHtwrii the I'rovi.n i ll (iovurnniMnt of the islands and the Guired .Stages and submitted to the Senate fur! ratification. This treaty 1 withdrew for examination, ami dispatched Hon. James H IWount, of Georgia, to Hon olulu as a stecial commis sioner to ir ake an impartia investigation of the circum stances attendingthe Him rim of .ioTi'rnment, and all the conditions bearing upon the sulaect of the treaty. After a tlicrougu and exhaustive ex amination Mr. Blount sub mitted his report, showing he yorid all question that t h ? constitutional Government of Hawaii had beeh subverted with the active aid of out rep resell tat i ves to lhat. govern men: and through intimida tion caused by the piesen'e of an armed naval force of the United States, which was landed for that purpose at the instance of our minister. Upon thse facts it fevemed to me that the only honorable course for our government to pursue was to undo the wrong that had been done by (hose representing us and to store as far as practicable that status existing at. the time of our forcib'e interven tion. With a view of accom plishing this result within the constitutional limits ofexecu tive power, our present min ister at Honolulu has receiv ed appropriate instructions to that end. 1 bus far no in formation of the accomplish. meat of any definite results have been recn'ved from him. Additional ndvL-es are soon expected. When received they will be promptly 8'nt to Gol- gress, together with all oth er information at hand, ac- ompanied by a spe?ial exec utive message fully detailing till the tacts necessary to a omplete understanding of the case and presenting a his tory ofall themateiialeyents ending up to the present sit uatioii. tAerity thousand. In Xew York and tate, in Brooklyn nnd i.i Ghicigo the DmnM-r its made very bad nominations, and richly de served the thrashing they rni'ivcd. The 'hosts'' have k'Mllied SO-liething Sy the recent elections. Atlanta Journal. Thoj Stayed at Home. Once when the Republicans of ie- York nomiuatMl a very obnoxious ti ket Wil iam M. Everts ; 1 v i sv i liis llow-partisaus lo "vote in he air.' The stay-at-home vote that, year was responsible for the most crushing defeat the rnrty ever received in New York. This year it appear ing that the Democratic dis aster can be accounted for in the same way. Over four hundred thous and voters did not deposit lallots at the late election in New York. The great ma- 'Jiity of these were Demo crats who would not vote against their party's nomi nees but who could not vote for a ticket headed by the notorious Maynnrd. Both parties were apathet ic in Ptnayslvania,and near ly three hundred thousand voters stayed ut home in that state. In Chicago the num ber was eighty thousand and in Nebraska one hundred and Adjilable Taxation. In devising taxation which will he sufficient and yet wid not pile up an idle sun-Ins to tempt extravagance, Goi -gre-s tim-r deal with a pecu liar feature of tariff levies. The peculiarity is that any tariff reduction which will af ford revenue enough for next year and for 1805 will pro duct' too much for l8fJ(J and a great deal too much foi 180S Tariff reduction is an en- conrngement of trade. En larged trade will given larg er revenue, 'le hist effect of tariff reduction will proba bly be a curtailed revenue from the article on which the duties are lowered. But the increj,s (1 volume of eA-cha"g- es which will follow very s.ion will give larger receipts. Here com?s in the business necessity for a movable tax. An income tax is about the only means at the disposal of theGovei anient which can ie regulated by each Congress to fit the needs of the Treas ury. It can be ca cn ated to within a fraction of a million dollars after it is once estab lished. It, can be chan-reil without affecting the anticip ationsof businessnhout pric es. It does not involve the whole country's production, bnyiiigand selling. It would obviate the necessity of fre quent disarrangement of the tariff and the liquor taxes. Rich men inactive business can affoid to pay income taxes just, to get tariff chang es out of t he politics of everv session of Congress. The more the people think of it the better they will see that an income taxis a ne- "essity of the situation. St Louis Republic. Prosperity Aliea Isndore Wormser. of Worm ser Hros., one of the large fi nancial operators of Wall street says: "Prosperity is not a matter of forty-eight hours, but a matter of weeks and months, though already it is impossible to get blocks of undoubted bonds bonds of stocks. T h e investment. movement will grow and rach other issues of bonds and stocks. Better than all. manufacturers will resume Mild business in general will become good. With a revis ed tariff, our improved ma chinery, and our American push, we shall, as a nation, within a year, be in a more prosperous condition than ever, Our recuperative pow ers are the greatest of any nation." The politieia! situation is thus "pigrammatically sum marized b Rv. Sam Jones: "The Democrats act thefool, the Republicans act the ras cal, the Populist act the ba by, and the devil seems to be in a quandary over the situa tion " Aa AdTtcr la Iroa. Since the provisions of the Demm-ratic tariff bill were printed partisan Republicans have been predicting all wIW;. fill things of the business fu ture of this country. In the faceof these predictions the Nashville American reports an interview with A.M. Shook a director of the Tennessee Goal and iron Company, in which he says: The general outlook of the iron trade w surprisingly n ouraging. A few days a go Mr. Baxter, the president of the ?oinpMiiy, repen ted he had sold od.OOOtons. Since then the company 1mm sold an additional 30,000 Ions at an advance of 2." per cent over the price p.iid for this 50,000 Ions. Of this 30,000, American consumers took 1 o,000 tons, ami London bankers took 15,000 tons as an investment. These for eign purchasers also author ized an offer for the output of four of the company's fur naces for six months at the same price, which would a mount to l'0,000 tons as an investment. This offer was declined, as thecompany feels confident iron is going higher." . Mr. Shook looks for a steady revival in business for these Teutons: "Tiiw eirculating medium being per capita larger today imoi a i, u ii y ume since tMi warfarin products of everv description more abundant tlnn f ir many years, no plague or epidemics, why of we not in a position to recoy er even more rapidly than we went downward ? It is confi dently predi?ted by men who have made the iron industry a study for life that next year we will produce and consume more than 11.000, 000 tons of pig iron, over 1,500,000 tons more than the largest production and consumption thecourttrv has ever known. "I think that this is going to .iffect the general business of the South. Iron is the barometer, the aspen leaf, of commerce in the United States. Every other article of trade will be correspond iugly benefitted by these indi cations of improvement in the in lustry. It is universal ly acknowledged that when the iron industry prospers in i he United States all other industries become prosper ous; and when there is a low pressure about iron the pres sure is low with general trade." Ashe ville Citizen. Oar Jary jUt. It is evident to nil obsei v ers that our present jury fern is faulty in a great manv reiects, especially so'n crini inal cases. All over thw staU complaint is made of the ju ry in capital cases. Thenr - carriage of justiee-totheMnte" and a verdict of "not guilty, is loo common, while at the same time theevidence Is con elusive, but the jury igi. )ies the evidence-either on nej-son nl grounds or f rem ignorance of the testimony ortheir,; ence of shrewd attorneys hmi turns the culprit loose on the country to commit further murder and othe bad crimt-a. We think there are seldom a ny convictions m North Car- jolina of innocent parties and of this ne are proud, but ma ny go Scott free who are guil ty, no doubt, of the highe r offenses known to the crimi nal laws, and often on ac count of unstable and igno rant jurors. Th. jury system needs reformation. None but intcllegent, fair minded met' should sit on a ri,s(. involv ing the great rights of t h o State and the citizens tin r:f. On a venire to try capital offenses, men who are igno rant ought not to b4 select ed, but rather men of suffi cient, intelligence and respon sibility to gender their v.r dittin accordance with the test im my had in the case, and follow the instructions of the court as to the ln:. We have able judgesand able attorneys and lei us have able jurors. any man TlioNew Tariff Bill. RichniDnu Dispatch. It win be observed with pleasure by the great ma jority of out people that the bill alms a great blow at soifie of the most avaricious of the trusts which have cur sed our country in this de cade. Indeed, this is a fea ture of the measure one too, that will ao far towards com mending it as a whole to those who may happen to tie disappointed as to so ne of its details. Notes From the Ram's Horn. It is better to suffer tluu to sin. The devil never gives good gifts. W h a te vvr w d o we t o belongs to God. The faith that moves moun tains began on grains of sand. It doesn't make a lie any whiter to put itonatonS stone. No man isever alone. When God is not with him the d.'v- il is. The devil has no fault to find with people who ate sat isfied with themselves. Comparing yonr sins wi.h those of others won't make your own sinning any ay fee. If there is anybody on arth that the devil truly ears it is a Christum mutli- er. It would puzzle angels know what some men mea;: when they put a two-cent piece in the hat. There is no verse in the Seimon on Mo mt that read ers, "Bleasei are th 3 church es that get up public entertainments." Many Persons are broken s down from overwork or household caret. Brown's Iron Bitters Rebuild! the yitem, eld dtgertion. remoTea excea of bile, uaeureiBMiftria. Get Ihe genuine. President OlefeUnd's Backbone. President Cleveland has never indicated a want of Dackbone. He sees his dutv find moves right on to iis performance. He takes consituationas hischart and steers right oyer a sea of dif ficulties regardless of th; bumps on either side. No public man can live up to t. h e constiution without raising a row, but neit'ier cm n a mariner's chart ws rd off th storm that will s;:i uu in his back. Pres. and Carolinian.