oL lb- J-l HOOXti. WATAUGA COUNTY, N. (. rilUKSDAY. JAN IT All Y 1. 18!1, NO. 11. VOLO ri:mi:ssio'AL. w. u. roi:xciii. Attokxky at La v. l'odlll1, N. c. w I?. coixcill. M. 1). iiooiH', n. c. Resident Physician. Ollh-e on Kinr Street north of Post Office. Dii. l.c. rkkyks. Physician .m Siiuucon Cff.ce at Residence. Boone, X. C. l. i). lowt:, Atlanuj at Law -AXI- xotmiy ri'uur, BAXXKRS KLK. X. C. J. p 3I0RPIIEW, AllOliSEYM LAW, MAIUON. X.C -()- Will practice in the courts o Wutaliga.,Ashe,Mitchell, Mellow ill an 1 all othtr coneties in the .ri'steni district JXTtfpen.d at ten t ion given to the collection of claims." r. J. V Sutlor. Trade, Teal. Dr. T. C. Blackburn. Zioa villi-, N- C. Butler & Blackburn, Phy mm & Surgsons. frj-C.ilJs .ittrnJt'd xt ,'i7 June 1, '93. E F. LOV1LL i. C. FLKTCHKIt. LOVILL h FLETSO, ATWRSi'sTSATLA U boone. x. c. &".S' wa a 1 ration i ven to the rollftion olvin wis. L. L. GKEENE.&CO., REAL ESTATE A3' T3. W.VK, A'. Will e iv snecia! attention to abstracts of title, the sale of Hen I Fstate in . N. C. Those lu ving farm's, timber and mineral lands for mile, will do well to cull outbid Co. at Boone. L. L. GIIEEA k CO. March 16, 18U3. NOTICE. Hotel Property for Sme. On nceount f failing health of myself and wife, I offer for sale my hotel property in the town ol Boone, North Carolina, and will sell low for cash and make terms o suit the buyer, and will take real or personal property in ex change. Apply soon. W. L. Bryan. NOTICE. Parties putting papers in mj hand for execution will please advance the tees with the papers and they will re ceive promptattention, other wise they will be returned not execute! for the want of fees. I). F. Baird Shff. FOR SALE! In the tow n of Boone, acorn fortable dwelling house with 6 rooms and five tire places, with nine acres of land, good spring, someapple, peach and chestnut trees, situated some 300 yards from Main street. It is a desirable private resi dence. The place will be sold cheap on terms to suit the purchaser. For further par ticulars applv to 1. W. Thorn as, Hibriten.N. 'J., or W. B. Council!, Boone, N. C. WAsmxr.Tox lhttf.r. From ear Regular Coneipondeat. President Cleveland nud ev ery member of his cabinet, ex crpt AMorney (ineral OIney, w h o i in Boston, sicnt Christmas in Wasl.ingt n! with their families. Th" day has ben a quiet one at the White House, a large pait of it devoted tothechildrenatid their Christmas tree which; was put up Saturday even ing, although Mr. and Mrs. Clevela.id informally enter turned several friends ootii at lunch and at dinner. I he idea of going to Lakewood, X. J., for a lew days hasoeer abandoned, but the Presi dent hopes to get a little re creation this, week on a short hunting trip. In view of the missfate- meats which have been made . . A . 1 t concerning tne atmmie oi Commissioner Lochren to ward the pensioners the fol lowing from a speech he made in the case of Judge Long, of Michigan, wliosepension was suspended by him. which is pending in a Washington court, is worthy olattention. "I am not anxious to worry or t cut off m. old com rades with whom I fought n n 1 carried n musket. 1 nin anxious that thev should get all their dues. Yet. at the SMtne tim ns nn offier of the law. I have a sworn duty to perform, to sv tlint they do not rrt more than they are entitled to." By the way. spanking of pensums, it was lately decid ed bv Commissioner Loch- r'n that no retiring official of the pension office canl. I do business as f pension attor ney before that bureau until he hid been two years out of the office. Had (len. Rnum made a similar decision the bank account of "(Corporal'' Tanner, who was so mcere moniouslv kicked out of that office by Mr. Hnnison, nn l who is said to have mad1 a fortune as a pension attor ney, would be verv much smaller than it is. It is, how- . ti ever, a wise decision nnu oj would be well if it were mnde nruleinnllbfancV.es of the government spt vice, as it is well known in Washington that mnny officials make use of their positions to accumu late information which they turn to valuable use as at torneys after they leave the government service; and ca ses have been known in which they have undertaken as at torneys ?to have decisions wrongfully made by them as officials reversed by their sue cessor in office, the inference being that the decisions were internationally made wrong in the first place. Secretary" La mont scotch ed n. sensational stoiy, that be promised compelling the clerks of the record and pen sion division of the war de partment to again take up their quarters in Ford's old theatre, by making the fol lowing statement: "Th re is no purpose or disposition on the pait of any officer of thisithaC they pay the printer, as department to quarter any of Its clerks or employees in any building not determined to be perfectly safe. On that point that point there is no s; 3i'llr aill We'Tf Sjwd. U-en good to meaud sustain quest ion for uneasiness. The This i the liejrinning of thejed me ul) my !ile. The beat .(.()()() appropriated by Con new year, and we have made i religion is to trust in the gn sm for repairs to the old, Ford's theatre building liaslers say that Vn a m a n Imnmi expended under the di-! gets lot in the w ilderness he . ? t .i . . i t .t ! i .... i i :.. . feci ion fit 'neciuei 01 t-iigm- ers of the aran , as ilireetl by law, and the building Iris. been t cstored to the rondi-J lion it was in b"forf the com- nieneement of the iuipnive-j meats in progress nt thetimel of th aci id'Mit, with somej consentient strengthening olihave traveled rourxl nnn its foundation. While it is probable that it would serve its former purpose, the coin mission of exper's jippointed by the department to exam ine and report as to the safety-of the building find that certain additional work should be done before i t shall be occupied by clerk. This report will be referred back fot an estimate ot the cost of this new work, a u d when returned ths matter will be submitted to Con gress for its direction as to further alterations " Ju.-t be fore the Sena te(ad join ned for the recess Senator Voorhees offered a resolu'ion against the qua 1 tering of clerks in this building again. The number of Congress men w ho went home to spend their holiday was unusually large this year; consequent ly there is just now a decided lull in the talk about tin tar iff, Hawaii, etc, which have been constantly going on for mouths ami which w ill take a fresh start next week when the absentees will again be on hand prepored for the hard and long struggle thai is b ?lore them. A suo-eominittee ot the House ways and means com mittee will spend the tno.vt of their holiday in working up on the internal revenue bill, which it is hoped will be rea dy to be repotted to House w hen it again assembles. Sev eral democrati: members of the Senate finance commit tees are also at work on the tariff, so as to be prepared to receive the Wilson bill as s on as it is sent ovet from the House. The work of the Senators has been, so far, mostly confinel to the gath ering of information which will be useful Intel on. Speaker Crisp, who iH still in Washington, is confident that the tariff bill will be passed by t.'ie House before the first of February, and that it will not be necessary to deny any man the right to be heard thereon in order to get it through by that time. Blacksburg (S. C.) Xews: A strange phenomenon r a s seen by many of our citizens ou last Wednesday just be fore sunrise. It had the ap pearance of a bright seipent playing in the air. above the rising sun. Some look upon it as a sign of the end of time and have already begun to prepare for the event. Would it not be well for those sign reading people to keep them selves ready for that last e.tfv? We ui.nlil nlso snsrirest thev can never tread those goldeu str eets as long as their subscriptions remain unpaid. a T'-ry long journey . Old tra v goes roinn nun i ouiai mi 13 nig t go atie.itl. an 1 lie nmls himself fo!!owinc..his o w 11 t racks in a circle. I d o 11 t know wii"ther this i so or not. but I Know that today we are right exactly where we were a yearttgo, and yet we round and round nearlv G. 000.000 miles at the rate of 1,000 miles a minute. As tronomers tell 11s that we are right exactly where we were a year ago. This is mightv cuiiou.- lo me. Who is doing it? This world has been going on this grand round for thousands of years ami is still at it. What h it? for I want to know. Why don't it stop and rest? What did it ever start for? If this earth was made lorns. why does it have to go round ami round forever and forever? If it has to go round the sun, why wouldn't t s a circle no as wen as nn ellipse why go at nil? Could not the universe be still and every planet ! independent? Whv does the earth have to turn a somersault every day and whirl us round nt flip rate of a thousand miles nn hour? Who is doing nM this, and w hat is it done for, and when is the w hole business to come to nn end, or a focus, or a transformation? I confess mvignornr.ee and fel as humble as a dog when I 'contemplate the wonders and mysteries of creation. I don't understand how the corn grows, nor the flowers bloom, nor the hirds hatch their young, and yet I realize that everything h-is been made for our good, our com fort, our pleasure. I was popping corn last night for a little grandchild, and I know that in the grand design of Providence this lit tle corn was created just to pleas" the children and noth ing else. I know that cotton grows to clothe the millions in summer, and the sheep were created to give us wool in the winter, and the cattle to give us milk and butter and shoes. Even our com piHjnts and' ailmentsare pro vided for in nature's remed ies, for :e have quinine and calomel and casior oil and opium and turpentine and mineral springs, and the best are the cheapest. All the best things are the cheapest the air and water and lire. the bread and meat and veg etables, anil the fruits of the earth and the meterial for clothing. The evidences of design and care and love are all around us every where aad in every thing, and I cannot .under stand how a thoughtful man can be nn a gnostic or an infidel. I want to thank somebody every morning for preserving me through the night, for I know that sleep is near akin to death, and I cannot keep my own heart beating. There is some groat thing behind me, and I will tnwt him because he has Lord and dog od. Hill Arp. IS FAROFF HI SM A. T,p x1.f tftrs.a.u BrlnVJey to the Young "Twelve Daj'Fetil. Ill the smaller cities of Rus sia, Xew Year's day is in the "Tuelv- Ways' Festival." The Russians in many parts have held to the old ways . t Ml irom time immemorial. 1 ne preparations for the season b 'gineariy in .November. The host of some great hom3 be gins to lay in stores of salted beef and sausages, liquors, etc. 1 h hostess calls nn all her friends and invites young and old. Xextdaysheis suc ceeded bv the nurse, whomake the same rounds of visits. Her duty is to invite espec ially the young ladies. She is hailed with joy, and the lady of the house hanteus to mix lor her he cup of wine. She delivers her message and is plied with questions ns to the invited and rej.s-ted. But the most important question i.-., "Who are the elected?'' These are the voting men in vited by the hostess for the girls or ' fair maidens," as thev are called. The duty of the young man thud design ated is to lock after the amusement and pleasure of his ''fair maiden" during the 'twelve days." The respon sibility of the choice lying ivith the hostess:, she has to be careful in her selection. But the . invitation has again to be repeated, this time by the master of the housein the person of !iis ser vant or "swat," who, with mace iii hand, performs his mission. On entering each louse he offers a prayer be fore the shrine of the saint to which it is dedicated. He then delivers the invitation in the name of his master 01 mistress. At first, according to etiquette, the invitation is refused, bUi after much fires- sing it is finally accepted When the day arrives, the young ladies who are the he roines of the season appear in a sledge, accompanied by their mothers and" favorite companions, generally gins of inferior rank, w ho sit at their feet. This sledge is fol lowed by another containing the tire women, charged with caskets and dressing boxes Other sledges follow, the longer the procession the irreatcr the honor to the house visited. On thearrival thohostanc hostess meet the g jests at the gate, bow wit bout speak iug and conduct them into the house. The young maid ens are then delivered over to the care of the hostess and after friendly greetings presents to the domestics and sweetmeats to the girls the mothers and retinue re turn home. On Christmas as the oeiis are awakens the fair maidens and serves their breakfast with the help of the nurses. But a very important part is the interpretation of their dreams on the first night. Then the "elected" arrive. . . , , . , w to meet! .them. .The cable ringing, the hostess herself . J The days following are full ofgayety and past inn s for young and old. This season is very important to the young jwople in Russia, who at other times of the year, by the strict etiquette observed, arj kept much apart. AmongourHclve.sthe"Hap- y Xew Year" greetings and the social patherings are now the sole recognition of Jan. 1. Cxchnnge. (iov. Rissell, of Mnssa- husetts, has received the re ortof Hon. Daniel Xeedham, 'resident of the Xew K;ir- and Agricultural Associa tion who represented Massa chusetts ill the Farmers' ' Congress at Savannah, and in it Mr. Xeedham ex messed limself as deeply impressed by his visit to the South and the kindly spirit m I'iifepted iy the Southerners iwr the Northerner's delegates. Thitf seems to point a moral. There ins been too much misapj prehension among suclt Northern men us Mr. Xted- lam about us. The es trangement began a century igo and has been maintain- through interested motives ever since, in order lo undo it let us seek to have those men visit the South oftener uid remain with us longer when they ,come. there ai'u some points of difference, tt in I rue, but in the main asso ciation will round off fnany angels, and smooth Jthe Way to a proper understanding. iV.- 0.-( hronicle. 6?ntor;Z.rB. Tane. It is stated that Senator Zeb. B. Vame is in very poor health and is quite feeble. This is sad news to all North Carolinians and to the coun try at large. Senator Vance has for a long pefiod of time been a potent factor in the polities' of the old North Slate and in the South. His word has always had much weight. In NorthCaiolina it has been nnd is still almost supreme. With his passing away the people of this State will lose their trusted leader in whom they so long implicity coniidad. Hehas had a remarkableand phenomenal career. No man has evernjoyed the high es 1eem of his people so uniform ly and uninterruptedly as has Senator Zeb Vance. We hope however that many years yet wiUJibe spared to the good mauVto bless his peoplo withjhis filial love and esteemed advice. Hickory Press. War Cloud in Honduras. Washington, D. C, Dec 23 A cablegram has been re ceived at the State Depart ment from Minister P. M. B. Young, dated Nicaragua, stating that th? Honduras revolutionists are marching from Nicaragua to Honduras Th artny of the latter coun try has been put in motion gram gives no hint of the probable outcome of the con test. tssiiis no ui GiNiona -no J I at AH "ST'BVETI CSPay your subscription.