7 t i r i t. t r-i a. o VOLC) 1JOONK, WATAUGA ( OUNTV, N. C "TIIUKSDAY, JANUAIIY 25. NO. 15 Y A- , . 6 1r 7W How To Invest Small Amounts. This is a problem that puzzles more than one man who saves a portion of his salary. The fol lowing Utter gives the result of an investment iu a Tontine Policy of the Equitable Life. Usiok, S. C, Dec. jo, 1&9J. W.J. Roddey, Ksq., Ajjent. Dear Sir: Your favor enclosing check of the Equitable I.ife Assur ance Society iu acttleuicnt of my policy, No. 209.310, came duly to hand. The settlement is a liberal one, exceeding my expectations, and I am pleased with it. Yours truly, William Mcnro. There is no form of investment to-day that offers such absolute security and such liberal divi dends as the proper form of life assurance. It's a matter on which every man should be posted. We send you figures and particulars without charge. W. J. RODDEY, Manager, Department of the Caroiinas, ROCK HILL. S. C. I'llOFl.SSJOXAE. Y. 15. COUXC1LL, Jk. Attorney at IjA.v. Boone, N". C. W B. COUNCILL. M. 1). Boone, N. C. Resident Physician. Oi'Iicc on KingStivet norr.Ii of Post Ofliee. j. if immw, A1WRSEY Al LAW, MA1U0N, N.t -(o)- Will Di-tictice in the courts of Watiuia.AwSiC, Mitchell, Mellow- J aii.t iiil other ooui-ties ii! t!"'i .vtsiern Jistrift Sjkm i.tl at tioii fi,i-en to t!e collet liua . 1 of cl;uiiiOjSa r. J. C" Butler. r. T. C. Bl-irkbum. Trada, Teua. Zlonvillc, X. C. Butter & BlaokLura, Plpos & Sarpoas. BK&'C.'ills attended at nil June 1, '93. K. F. LOVILL. . C. FLKTC1IKK. L0Y1LL & FIETGIO,' AT'WRNhYSAT LAW, BOONE, N. C. Special attention given to the rolletion olrlaiin.& L. L. OllEEXE, A COT, REAL ESTATE AG'TS. HOOSE,N. L. Will gissecial attention to abstracts of title, the sale of Heal Estate iu W. N. C. Those he ving farms, timber and mineral lauds for sale, will do well to call outbid Co. tit Uoone. L. L. GREES & CO. March 1G, 1893. NOTICE. Hotel Property for Sate. On account of failing health of myself and wife, I oiler for sale my hotel projertv in the town ot Boone, mirth Carolina, and will nil low for cash and make terms o suit tlis buyer, and will take real or personal property in ex change. Apply soon. W. L.KRYAN. NOIRE. Parties putting papers iu my hand for execution will nleise advance the tees with the papers and they w'll re ceive prompt Attention, other wise they will be returned vot executed Sor the want of j D. F. Baikd Shff. tees. WASH1NGTCX LETTEIt. Froa our Regular Crreponder,t. "President Cleveland in nil honest mull, iiikI 1 believe he ns shiccie v; lu-n ho said In !.i! re, -I red the whole rnnt tf r to Congress and would be ulad t fo-(iH'nit' with it in tile execution of any p 1 n 11 tint was consistent witli the donor, inti-triity and mor.ili tyofihe 1 7 n i tl States and for Hawaii." This was tic comment made by chairman McUary of tic lionet rum nit tee on Foreign Affairs on tli.' Hawaiian correspondence laid before the House Satur day him the Senate today. Mr. Mcltary said the commit ii'M on Utiles Im promised liisti Hie i i:litof way and that jest as noon as th tariff bill disposed of he proposed to call up thin Hawaiian bus iness. That will make it like !y to ie Ir-fore the Hons" be f re it is taken up by the S"i ate as it is ind expected that the investigation ,,f the Sen ate committee on Foreign ll'1 latiotis will be completed by the 2'.). vvhrtn hr House will pass the tariff bill. Mnch has haen said concer ning the abandonment by President Cleveland of his II a wniian policy. I can state up on unquestioned authority that the President has not dimmed his opinion on the subject. On t heconti arv, he is more strongly convinced than ever that it would tie both wise and just -o restore the government wliieh was wrongfully overthrown by n misuse of the power of t h e I United StHtes in the handsof an intriguing Minister, and he believes that, if C'.ingrcss will divest the subject of sen tiinent and prejudice a n d place jt on the high ground of plain right and wrong ir will eventually arrive at the same conclusion. This is jusr the point. Congress seems to be utterly unable to divest it of sentiment juid prejudice hhI lor that reason, u 11 o other, is not likely to detiib iutavorof a restoration of the foimer government of Ha wait. Secre tary Carlisle has three ted that the clerical force of t he sixth Auditor's oiiice bj a t once reorganized. The re- organization includes the a bolishment tf the examining division ano tne tjivision 01 review and numerous chang es in theuther n't visions, nil in acctu'dance with the rccoin inendat.ions of the rejiorfc of the Doekery eomtuiitee t o Congress. Some employees will have to be dropped and the republicans 111 the office have an idea, probably a cor sect one, that, they will all be republicans. Other things be ing equal Secretary Carlisle will give the democrats t h e preference every time. The lecision of the demo crats on the Ways and Means committee to repor t the inoine tax as a separate lull was obtained, like the de cision in favor of -the. income tax itself, by h- majority of only one vote. There is con siderable talk among demo crats about calliiga demo- ?ratic caucus for the special purpose of deciding whether the bill shnll be made a par ty measure, as the tariff bill is There is no doubt about the income ta.v beingf tvoreti by a bire uii.jorily t the denioi-tats of the Ibui-e, but there are still enough demo- rats opposed to defeat it if the votes of all the republi cans could he counted upon. ait if the n publicans follow Foal Heed, they will refuse to vote when nriattfii.pt is made to take np t'aehill, just as they did when the House was burr days in getting a qntiuin of democrats to-li-ether to take up the tariff bill. If they do thai and the deiiKcrats opposed to the liill also rviuse to Vote there will be no quorum an.l the bill cannot oe taken up. The approval of the democratic caui-us would certainlv make the measure more likely- to pass. The House coinage com mittee has authorized a fav orable repot t on chairman Maud's bill providingfor the issue at on.e to meet the ."ur ren needs of the Treasury of silver ceriilicatcs for th- seigniorage of silver bullion now on hand, amounting to n: re than $.)ri,000,000 The bill will he reported after the tariff is disposvd of. The democrats of the Housecaiue out of the week's geneial debate on (he Wilson tariff b II with flying colors; they met the nriiti merits of the republicans at every point, and the votes of the Ilous upon theaineiiduients which will be submitted by democratic members who arc opposed to this or that schedule will meet the oh jections within the party. These amendments will be voted upon during the tive inmiites debate which will go on until the time for taking the votes is reached. The fi nal result is a foregone con clusion. Secretary Carlisle i once more the vicMm of the rumor mongers. Every net and every word of his is misrepre sented. For instance, Sena tor Sherman called at the Treasury Saturday after noon and immediately the telegraph wires were made hot. by the sensational stories sent out about his having been sent for to aid the Secretary in ptcpaiing for nil issue of bonds under the law -f 187i. Your cor respondent does not pretend to say by authority that Secretary Carlisle has or has not decided to issue bond, but he does say most em phatically that whatever he has decided to do he has not asKed either aid or advice from John Sherman. Bristol Courier:- W h e n Thomas 15. Heed, of Maine, was a boy he used to put on I . i i i i a oi apron ana iem nis mother with the housework. Tin's afforded mnch amuse- meut to the other small boys of Portbtnd, who were font1 of calling him "Sissy." One day he was churning, while thvdioys stood alnut 'guy ing" him. He finished the job' and then took off his apron and thrashed half n : dozen of them. After t hat as the buys" hero. Tr n V.iirnr Oror, ll. C. Editor I'iftu.i' rat: Tli -re jirn a gr-tt many things with which we coaie iu coat act ill this way ward lift', t Ii it are nap! -asjur, unrea souable a;;. I disgusting, and o!v of i h"sc things with which w cou iu contact in every ('a y life and which to me is ;;o s cssed of the three dis i irre able natures above men tioned, is oar present road system, or the manner in winch our roads are to b" be made and k nt up. E :di division of road i as. : ii;u"d so many hands and an overseer is compelled to sp.til a d iv in notifying his ai n -.vl:er: he road will be worked, and when the ap pointed t iui" ro'ls around he is comjH Hi'il to do t he hard est .lays work of any man on the road, lest he loses a weks time in listening to what A 15 or C has to say about the hard times, the tariff, the sil ver question and thedefieien cy .:f ihe present wise admin istration. Tiie road working day seeenis to be regarded as a day set apart fo the dis enssion of these tpics which is ably (?) done. Then it is almost unanimously decided that the administration is the cause of the hard times. But. the overseer being dis gusted at ths unreasonable aiguniHits and nt the slow progress being made on bis road, i enabled to see at once that it is not Uk ruling of Co-over that causes t h c hard times. It is inertia on the part of so many of o u r people. If we were more ac tive at our homes, on our farms, in our business affairs and on our road working days, doubtless we would en joy different results ami have lesi tiaie and room to com plain of hard times. T ! I It 1 i . i All i ec coniu enr. tnar.rnereis enough money in circulation to meet our demands if we had something with which to buy it. If there were one mill ion dollars coined in your no ble little town each month, would it profit me anythii.g if I had nothing to buy i t with? I say not. Now the only thing for us complainers of hard times to do, is to go to raising more cattle and better ones; more stock of all kinds and belter ones, (iood stock always du mand thecashat. a fair price Every two-year-oi l steer we make weigh 1,000 pounds will bring Irani 2 to 3 cts. per pound in our own pas tures, and every man with a farm of from 75 tc 100 acres ought to make from five to ten two-year-old stee is weigh from 8,000 1 o 1 0.000 pounds. This can be done very easily with the proper application of our time which ivould ena ble us to let the hard times alone, and take more inter est in our roads which aie so sadly neglected. Mr. Editor, will you please tell your readers when the road year sets in and h o w many days a man can be made to work on a new roud during that time? The health of this comuni- iy is generally gooti.-.uua is. tM result mij. '.it have beendifier almost Ulifathomably deep. jeiit from that recorded in scrip- .ii j jOiiOofour fiiouJs. who husjturcs. to cross the road to get to get to his barn, is trying to devise a .l.i it upon uhi h to make n cjtioe that will runtime it is not t rival pngi- iti the mud so that lie can get his barn without subj.-cting himself to an untimely death in the mud. Like S. M. I) U g g e r, w ho i points out th" ii i-ltU - o?j"'! ram Jones, I a.n .oe -t ! :.!,) ed to star, on a ' ;: !..; tour on the imsf;.!: ;; e; i; ! It. Hix in regard to th wea tiier this winter. 'B.' It Maj Cam.'ta liir.niii. It will be remembered that some time ago a w-.Vi,hv I'rendi knly left 1(10,000 francs to the France for th Institute ' person. of of whatever co u n t r.v, who should, within ten ycavs, find some means of communica tion with (he inhabitants of Mars or anv other heavenly hodfj and get a response. The institute has submitted to rie council of state the question w hei her it can ac cept the legacy. and the nial- tei will soon be decided. In case it be refused, the money is to go to the Insti tute of Milan, and if not re ceived there, to the Univer sity of New York. The lady evidently thought that if any body could get into communication with th planet an American could Charles Cros, the discoverer of the method, of photo graphing in colors, asset t--that Mars, has inhabitants and that he has disn rned moving being on its surface, but La Liberta savs that his credit as a scientist is not very high in France. His opinion seems very reason able at all events, but the question of communication with these luhaiatants is quite another matter. X.-O.-( hronkh. Big Suit In Sight. Col. G. N. Folk, of Cald well, has brought suit a gainst the government, in be half of claimants living in Germany representing a part interest in the land on w hich the United States court house and post-olfice at S'.atesville are located. The: late E. Weiseiifield and M. A. Low- enstetn couveve.l trie proper ty to Walla-e Bros., and the latter gent Kiiien riade a deed j o tli government. It now .t . 1 oi tri! appears that li o eisenneni had a wife and son in Ger many, although this was not known in Statesville at the tine of his dath some six years ago. The: son, who is now 21 years of age, brings suit for the interest as stat ed. District Attorney Glenn, of this city, is making a care ful investigation of the gov ernment's title to the proper ty, and a very interesting suit promises to be the re sult. Winston Sentinel. Greensboro Record: Saidavery aged and respected citizen t h e other day, who has the grip for a month: '. ib ' id b )iisanl could scratch and find some lit tle consolation, but he never hal the grip:" He didn't exactly say so but the inference was that had Job been afflicted with the prin 1 John L. Knotlrd Out 11 III Wifr. John Ii. Sullivan hax b-en knocked out again. Thn list. His wife did the job. It all occurred earlv Snndnv morning. The ex-champ'ou was laid out so clean ami cold l! too' doctor a i.r i . .,g ':iai to. - the -.iu-.v 1 'onrt ! e. t y i.;.hr J.!.:i i ! ce a;".r )')d I! !.- L. pr i-eii. ,i , time" rihl to ' Vi i i a few." John kept up the gait until neatly 3 o'clock, when he took a cab to the Tiffit House. It was all he could do to reach his room with the assistance of a hotel porter. Soon after n greit racket was heard, and Sulli van was fouhd unconscious on the floor of Ids room. A- mid hysterical tears, Mrs. Sullivan said John L. had i bused her and in self-dt fense she had picked up an Indian club which was used in train ing and tapped him over the iea 1. It was harder than she intended and John L. went to sleep.. All were pledg ed to secrecy, but the story leaked out. Mrs. Sullivan, it is said, was once a "strong woman,'' who swung clubs and lifted heavy heights. An Indnsirioiis Woman. Mrs. Adelia Niver, near Scran-' ton, Pa., makes a good living out of things tlia,t would go to wast" if it was not for her indus try. Evc-y spring she taps fifty or sixty maple trees near her house, gathers and boils tho se.,; into syrup herself and sends the product to market in tin cans holding a gallc n each. At t h e end of the sap season Mrs. Ni ver begin to pick winter-green! berries on the neighboring ridg es for rhe city markets. Last spring she gathered two barrels of the bright red and fragrant wild red fruit. Later in the (sea son the industrious woman dug several bushels it gjnsing a n d gold thread roots in the woods, which plie sold at. fair prices. She also digs quite a quantity of sassafras and sar.apavill:i roots every year. In August Mrs Niv ers gathered a wagon load of boneset, pressed it into bales and sent it away to be sold. She gets a little money out of spearmint and jioppermnit, as well as for Final! qualities of pennyroyal and wormwood. All the farmers in th'' Tie'-.! -I diliood l t catnip giow oi; i li.'ii' j.laecs tor M:s. Niv it to gai her. In la,l!" June and cany .iai sue j.ieK'1 I t wo nusti. fis of lich M ia wherries to sell, ad later she g.-.Th -ril and sold 800 qaarts ot rl rapl i ! i. sand black berries. This fall Mis. Ni ver made a few dollars out of beechnuts. Ex. Baltimore Dispatch, 11th -A most remarkable electrical experiment was successfully exhibited at the College of Physicians void Sargeons here last night. By means of a flexible rubber tube a dim inutive electric light was in troduced into thestomach of a patient. The lights in the room being lowered, over 200 students viewed th workings of the internal or gans through the transpar ency the light created in th abdominal wall. ProiVssor JiiSius Frieden wald conducted the experi ment, winds has hcref oforo been regarded as an impos- ,i-,:i ,.

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