rTin;ViTri Dkmih iut 1 -xpyl x-nr - $1 ih it in.iiinii o.i it ii. out ti AliVLKTlPIMi it.IT! I inch 1 week , i i mom n.. , I 3 - 1 " 6 " jMt ! 1 ini-tiitl wits trac " .Voojed for In-low Ilu-korv.at'd liv year 7.O0' i..t ;.,1l 1 1 ft -VI'MIMl 1 WPI'K..., i'.'"' I it n 1 month .V.To a j' xi i ...... j : ! rur.,.. . t ...... iO (.,! Entered at th I'ostoMicent I'oono. N. ('., an ffcoiul-cia.-'s mail matter. LOCAL NEWS. Don't fail to attend 'th big real estate sales h-re next Monday. Mrs. Wik". we nie firry to Hay, is t ill unimproved, and suffering all sh can bear.. Mr., B. J. Co'uneill, of our town, is off ou a business liijr to Winston anil Char iot te this week. Next Monday is Com'nis Moiicrs Court, and if you ome. bring ns that dollir. please, for wo tn t 1 it. Friends who have promised n wood on subscription will do us a kindness by bring ing it on, as we need it now. ,. Editor Dougherty . has returned from his trip to Caldwell, but is unable to get out of the hon."e on ac count of a severe- paip in one of his hip joints. --Irl Ilix haa hit it. at last in his .weather.- predictions and his lobg talked of 'old weather ; is ''upon ns. Now nay he is,, not a prophet, jjlease. Died oti the 2oth ult. at the home of Mr.; Austin on lticli Mountain. .Mis. iVek. an ued laty, who has uia.ny 'friends in and around, Boone. irowy is ttaiii to. nave uecn the caus! of her death. It takes n'jNia'ji ;.with a considerablH amount .;of srall to ask thu,t a paper be sent nuu on lime, arur tne.n, iuer Wa Im'iA- It rT Ka ti.-tiiATi tieiirly ttvc years, and. never p'avd a cent for it, notifies the publisher that. he is tired of .it end to please stop it. Surprises still exist. Miss Annie, the daughter "of .11. L. Unjrfrins,, of Cov Creekied Ht her; home on the 24th ult. nnd was interr ed at the buryingground one mile west of Boone on the day following. Miss, Annie was a lady liked by all who knew her, and will be greatly missed oy "her associates. Now the democrats and republicans of this county had as well give up the fight, for the Pops are already put ting in their work. ' Let nil attend the public speaking at Brown's mill this week and Kee wnai one oi me inauensu that party has to shy iu its I . f i L 7 l r defense. Of coarse you will be highly entertained. Chronicle: Mr. W." A. ".Wink ler tells us that some time a go he got a gallon of what is called Microbe Killer, from Lewis Bryan, of Boone, for his wife to use on her leg, which had a Very bad sore on it, and it worked a wonder ful cure. He says he thinks that every one suffering with bad sores that way should knoV how this medicine cur ed his wife. Some five years, or more .ago, friend Joshua Winklev uu u ami uaj . inure niui 'ii from his stables 2 miles east n'l ',er proved futile. I,astj Following ia the cbitunry jtk himi-ur, Mr. I. ithaui,'f M iry Farthing mid y di Trad T. nn . sto-'v-d for rd"r ? !th-l I'hnrvhat tne t ti- i.f'l.t with i m. .... i .. "!; ml to Inn M'.rpi aiul !- light his long lost uiiJ lrut. , mare was in Mr. Latham' II. llini I i nr i riuit Iter to i in 1 - t Ik i tor- met ou :i-r. Who t h r tu ; is yet lit. known. Some time MCI Mrs T. L. ' llii i.k -i uoai t'i i- mile west of li'tciie t i Hickory,' aui! took w ith her a house cut nailed up in a box. Af ter their arrival at Hickory the eat was kei'it ronfined for seveialdayK for fen r he would leave if released. Finally he was freed mid his (atf-hip ia'i meiliately turiMHf liis face o Watauga the land of his bath, and arrived -it his ,ld home near Boone i, few days ater.' ' He'trayeled over. 50 miles, crossed the Vuttiwha River and passed some half-d-zen townson his route, but arrived here cn good time, sleek and fat. Howdy! I hope your Christ mas has been p'eawant ami your New Year happy. 189.'$ gave you a good start on promises, kept it up all sum mer and fall and sadly disap pointed you in the winter. We have all been through tri nlsand tribulations. Not e- ven the glories of the World s r air could dispel the gloom we were in. nut lout mils us good morning.' There is a brighter look ahead N. M. Allen is going to sell hard ware cheaper than ever. See him at North Wilkesboroand be convinced. Whiskers that are premature ly gray or faded should he color ed to prevent the look ofnge, and ouekiiigham m Dye excel H nil Oth ers ill coloring brown ot black, . . From Ston" k N.C. tirfitor Democrat: We ha f had one of I he most wonderful revivals of religion that has ever, biessott this section of our country. The servMces were cotiducted b V Hevs. S. T; Cairoll and Cai roll Johnson. The meeting continued for 15 dajs in suc cession, and there was the most interest felt and Hhown in the meeting ever seen in this section. The ministers held their au dience spell-bound as it were, and the attention and bebav ior was perfect. Some of the ablest sermons we have ever heard were delivered, showing plainly what fallen man must do to be saved, and to: ob tain faith in Christ, and be prepared to get to a better world when done with this This meeting resulted in 03 conversions and 41 additions to the church. MujT the good work' go on all overthiscoun try until there shall bo none left to acTvcK'ateTthe cause of the wicked one. 1 am sine if the churches all over the coun trj would go to work in ear nest as did thia church, the world would soon see and re alize the power there is in re ligion. . l H. II. Jan. 27,1894. f . You can never tell what a slight cold .may lead to.it is best, there fore, to give yourselt the benefit ot the doubt, and cure it as booh as possible with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A day's delay, 8ome timesaa hour,s delay, may re sult iu BeriouH cou&equences. The special income tax has been made a part of the Rev enue billand has been report ed to the House and we may look out for a bitter fight in the near future on this bill. Wear in favor of this in come tax and hope it will pass, but we have serious doubts about it. I hi 1 1 , i... .j fit. " I I :w r iiiiii, ;, ' g . Our liiuv 1 slt-r, M.iry N. Fat thing, was horn April 21. 18:21, in what is now lur Tain rouury, .V U, nor iarj f-Mn the pr.fent ity f l)ur-i ... .. , hit' h misfortune to I h'"r mother when j Si j was quite m little girl, j When -itir nster was 10 or 11 ye: i i-m old !iir father ie- inoveij with las laniilv to Wataugi county then Ashe eoiintyand settled on thesite of the prif-ent villaue of Zion ville, where he lived With him until her lunrtiagy with our pastor Elder A.-C. Far thing., which occurred Dec. 21. ISlO-n.T years. 1 month and 2 days prior toherdei'ith. i In the year 184.1 (over 50 I vars auro) our departed sis ter professed religion, anl was baptise'dj with he hus- and. into the fellowship of Cove Creek Baptist l'hurch by Elder Barzilhu McBride, in the limpid waters of Bea- verdani Creek, and she lived a consistent member of the church until her death. On the44th, day. of July 1851, Bethel Church wascon- stitnted with our sister and 9 others as constituted mem bers, three only of whom are now members of this church (our pastor nnd 2 sisters). On the 24, day of Jnl.v 1852, he to whom she: had plighted herfalth, was ordain ed to the full Work of 'he gos pel ministry, and from that time till the close of her pil grim age she f reely eha red with him the liurdVtt!, trials and privations of a iriilllstfi's life. ' To "make 'her trials and burdens greater", sh? tiis the mother of." a large family 'of children whovere raised flur ing the first part of husbands misisTeriai m- ami were leir to her care a good deal of the;time. " Added to this, the pioneer Baptist Ministers of Watauga county cannot be said to have 'ieeeived, even a pertiol remuneration; f o i their seiticcsduring tliat time to relieve their wives of the cares and burdens which1 nat urally fell to their lot; but she toiled on to the end tvith ouf murmuring or repining; Slie departed this life on the 2G, of Jan. 1894, t the age of 72 years, 0 months arid 5 days. She was ii kind coutpanlon, a devoted moth er and a faithful friend, and leaves a husband and nine children (all of whom are now married) to monrn; her hiss.. .:: ':'! ;''' '. Her work is done, her trials are' oyer, her sufferings are ended, and , if. nndergpttrg hardships and living a life" of self denial for the pause of the Master are rewarded, surely, our sister is now enjoying' that rewani in the Land 'of E t e r n a 1 Deliverance. 1 To wtobli reward miiy th' Lnrd of Glory lead us'all at iast. W. 5r3. Farthino, - Church Clerk. Bourke Cock ran, of New York hEsmadeagreatspeech in the House on the tariff ad vocating the passage of the Wilson bill. It is 'concluded that' Cockrane is the ablest man in Congress. - Following close to him is Bryan of Ne braska Mr. Biyan is a young man, he also made a great speech on theame subject This bill will pass thy Rouse this week, fwrha ps , before we go to press. Ayer's Hair Vigor RESTORES Color, Fullness, nhd Texture TO HAIR Which has become Wiry, Thin, cr Gray. t 1 V ifjjjt fipH eorr my flier 'run falllnf out, thtenlnitu speedj t J Lal'lns. AYEK'S Hair Vir U-ing t-w-ixiniiriKli, i X fiJ- I ri-Mreil a lxUle mil at ontt 8-j'linl it to my Lair :3lci hikI i-a! cetttlnuinu to It o fiir several ks, and aa liai'i'ily surprlvHl tht iny liair sto(ifd Ulltng aiid ?i-jiJ !) hair oit lull .of life and .iicr i?fjj " AYEK'S itnir Vijfr !ea not only mitore -zjFr p35?" i;rowtb, ami ia a tilncmg to all ho use it." H ..v'iCi'O K.Di.J.Bvirr. Baptist Minister and Clerk ( .' yr ,-jjp 0j tjie Superior Court, Iil ailiville, Ga. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR J prepared by Dr. J. 0; Ayer & Co.. Lowell, Mass. PEOPLE thai it Is ruX Kie S fxperimerit with cheap cdmjouhdi piirtwrting to be Vlfxxl-purifler.s, but which have nd real medicinal value. To tnake use ' tf any other than the phi g'ahdard AYEH'S Sarsaparilb the Superior , BloiHl-puriiler is simply to invite losa of time, money, and health. If Jroo are afflicted with Scrofula, Catarrh, Itheumatisiu, Dyspepsia, Errrtna, Running Stut-s, Tumors, or any other blood disease, be assured ' that it pays to u AYEIf.S Sarsaparillfl, and AYER'S only. AYEU'S Siirsaparilla call always be deluded upon. It does nbt vary. It Midways the same in quality, quantity, aiid effect. It is superior lii tomliination, proportion, apiiearaiH-e, and in all that goes to build up the system weakened by disease and pain. It senrrhes out all impurities id the blood and expels them by the natural channels. AYER'S SARSAPARILLA Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayr St Co., Lowell, lui, Haa cured otiiors. will cure yovx A;higli school for boys and girls. Starts the studeiits aright, and prepares teacheis for the public sVh'ooIs. f Teachrs are expei'ted to meet ou Saturdays to discuss the bpst met hods of teaching. -Yo.ung men ''tin here prepare for college at ii lo'w cost. p(X!ial drill in debate an J declaiming. Hiring term began Jan. 1st, 18i)4. For other inforinra t.io.n addre the principal.' " ' ,..'.' M MOlt 'ftiAllE LASl) S.YhE. Wll(ei, Taiie Miller wild Husband,- rjJmund, B. Miller did on the rnh.dav. of August cxecut,e and deliver to APwrt It. Shut- tuck, iVuHtce, a trUst deed on certain lands in Watauga County. State, of .North fiirolina therein dese'ribi'd. fitfiecure the num ol t,S0O due by" said Jarieand Kdimtud P. Miller to the British and American Mortgage (jompany, liiinte'd, which pad trust, deed is r corded in Watuuga cOtiuty, in Deed Hok "C'Tdge Sii to which rele'reyce is hprehy made; and whereas 'defuult hasbeetf made in the paynletit of the moneys wcarerl by saM trust, deed and ' hefeasthe uiidwrsigne'd lifts 'been 'duly ftDjointed suhfrtj tuted tnif lee in the nlas o1 said Alhert-.Uy'Sfial ".uck, as provided in Paid ttOst deed. and ha Iwien duly requested to .vii.- i.. .,..4.f" I. iow iiierciure iiulk" is ueiTov iveii. innt uuuer hiiu u y virtue of fchfc niweV eontaiiied in said trust deed. I. the nndersiLnieit sub 8titiit) trustee, ou Monday the hoursof 10 a. nr.. and p. m., at the court House door in' the town ot BotMie in 'Watauga county, will by ptihlie auction Self to" the highest tiridiler for cash the following described property, vi: 'lour hundred an1 forty lBt-tiai't-"Twohtfndwi and seventy five (275 acres in Meat.xjiAmp townshmf bounded dn the noTtlf by lauds of fni-rV nnd fr. Ffoitck nn the Masf hv t he funrfrfof T S.1 Wi'ols; on the South by the lan'dt of j; H. Taylor, and on the West by the? lands of J. E. Finley and John I. (Jreen; being the landsdeeded to Jane Miller wife Of Eclmund B. Mil lei? hv A. J.Moretz and wife-, and full ' sefontby metes and bounds in the deed recorded in book' "p" fyage 107 t,t the public records ol wataiTg-a ccruury to which record, re fevsnce is'lfereby inude. 2iid'tract-ane hundred rfnd hity arres in Bald Mountain' Township boituded op the North" by the lands of J,.Wv Finley, otr the lsA$t by the lands of the heirs of VYUiftm Norm, and on tire South .hy th larjds'ul h. B. Miller and on th, West by the fanvis of J. W. Henry Steele. lelntrlhe land deeded to Jane the'heii's'of Josenh Hobnan nitrtes'a'ld bounds m ched rew.rded in book; ,'in" ifage 272 of the njiblfc lecords of Watauga county to which reord refeieifce is heretiy inaile. 5 '''' ' arditract-Mghteen (18) acres of hind in Bald Mountain Townehip-, bounded on the North by the lauds of E. B. Mil ler, orr the E'aat by the lands E..B. Miller, on the South ny tne janos ot rne .nqirs oi Vvest'by the lands of J. w . iienry Steete,- rjcfng a part of the land deeded to Jane Miller by the heirs of Joseph Hol miiri det-easeil and fully set out by metes-and bunnda in deed of record in book ";n" of Watauga co in ty, to which record reference ra hereby made,, , k . . . . , Said land will be sold to satisfy the debt secured by said trust deed, and such title will be given as is vested in said trusteed - . c ; .. .. E. S. COFFEY Substituted Trueatee. NCHK " JBSTiiB DEMOCRAT one year one dollar." rsrs-.vo IV 13 1MB ILdE 10 SUBSCRIBE rirz sVmefivf y?rrgn, I :int a little ularwH todi- FIND execnte the trust tliereinfcotrtafned; I... .. 4.1. . .... .1 . .1 i.i ' j.'! .'i . 12th day of Feb.18y4,lMtweeiithe three acres in three (it) tracts Miller wife of E. B. Mider" bv dweased. ' and full set ont bv .niraiir lYorris, nno on ine page 272 of the public records iff thai faitrmrt' mmMtorwm MMOMniRHniA andr.t ER-riaM(lraa. Hat HOOP Mil Prt't, Itfty U :::: c:c: c:sc: o iDUVAVH MI! iJX,. tV- SAY i THIS IS NO Ili'if lJC(iTO DllAW TRADE! o I MEAN BUSINESS. -o 1 rom now until the first day oi Apt il I will sell my stock of C'LOTIIING -' AXll " OVEHCOATS At 0 per cent above' COS'I' ! If you don't think I mean ii come and look through my STOCK It wont cost you one cent if' yO'rftfunt purchase. I have" a largo s:ack. an want to get rid ot it befe' spring W CALL AN I; LtfOKl I would tall your atferitiorf to the big cut in prices in my other liresJ ItESPECTFULLY, VI. L BRYAN,