i r II f-i ;i I ' "" 'hi HI f'H ti.hi. lh.lt llUt I l.-:ni-itATH-f.i.!i:l..-f',"i,,T;tliH ,ul f lift. t'hrti;!ti d-Vot,! totli.' iht. n-t 1.1 ''';- .,,..,(.,,.,1 j tv.Stat.-a.... Nation. Nil..t.-.l j t UMtar J cV.TvThurl.iv f Uuuiif, Va-; r.lju? np aHioia? Wist, tuu-al'oiuity. X.l'. j ,,so1IS ,f f.,inni; from , """""" " I'iibirrus n;M Stanly coun-i T.-3 Coutry Seed Rrt. lt!u-i,.14 ..nni.sl KU.il I'l o-; Vh.i: tin country n now al.o -e nil i tvt tamtv ;,sl to th Tut r f iui ivt fromi political calamity Innvh-rsi Winn inanuiarturr: are po.-ition to look forward toJ il. future with sorm i'H' of security as to the iom!i-, tiuis under which tney w nn, SOI(, ,f the yeMneiir.v of have to work, a prompt revi ('.,)ljr.us j,av vacated their vhI na. be looked for; l,ut ' homes for the West era land. l:., n il. - v. i v i:tt!eiitip'ove!ri)ion1(unty lul!l iso mf. I. .- i . Mi l eAjHw-ted. Fullif.,wl j t,is ,VSHvt. Tlie :u.. 'air of o im- yt ,.vs tns That some of the i. is f.ii". L iiT"'H veil i.-oin niarter' w li e r e, Mimethins better might l)e;,at(. This exodus is he -om-i expec'-ed, statements and ar fiuments on both sides are distorted by motives of par tisan and personal interest. Tin-most extravagant and unfounded statements i re re peated, and, as they prob nbly find credit to a consider able extent, - he effect is nec essarily bad. iat we need above all we repeat, is rest and certainty; tin uul thei-ncrgy and en- j terprise of our peopledo what else is needed to restore pros periry. If our contempora ries of the press wih stop their wild and stupid piedie tions )f disaster if their ad vice is not taken, an if Con gress will gie us a tariff bill in a reasonable time, we'ed not fear for the result; Li delay is poison to business system of the country. En gineering and Mining Jour nal. Ih-isk-i Courier: The little I'.i'l-hilly republican papers thai are lifring their ('ant vjiees and w;vingineir unwashed hands in '.lie patri otic aii - .bout Carlisle's bond i-me out to keep on their breech clouts, for the bonds will be printed on the plates prepared and approved un der the direction of Foster, the great Ohio financier who was one of the secretaries of the treasury under icHe Ren. The deficit would have had to have been met just the same under the continued re publican administration all on account of republican ex travagance and legislation. Take a whif or two of that and set how it tastes. fk.T'' is a goo 1 moral in Jar.:. 1 ii vior s 1 1 1 . ; ill' di -oritetned ; endnhrii w hi.-h b ;4;H' i" e ghunay day to ea iciunte t:ov many ti CS I I 1 sv nig h-H-ti-1 li'd iti .ll. 'in!!:', i ward .1 "d ir in a month, uui then in 0 year, and then in ten years. How was it possible to do so Much, or to work at all any given moment, with the dark prospect of so much w .irk be fore it? yo the pendulum stopped, nor could it be in duced to start again, till it wasremined that though it would have so many times i to tick in the whole year, it had the year to do it in, and was only required co do the hour's work in the hour. The anxiety which men heap up on themselves arises greatly from foi getting this, and try ing to provide for tomorrow's work todav. But leave to morrow till it comes take care of the minutes and the hours will take care of them- iMirtions ns t attract att 1 - t:oin tii n.p.:islionhl ,.p0vitl.-. to put a stop t. j)(lZ .ns ,,f .uie of t h j t tlirift v f..Mtili !nSt;in- ;v 1;,v .mo to Texas, Ar-j kaSa, and oth-r Western mratos n past six Mfks.j i:f-u.-ff.' hU in Stanly l. r. r !.!) ! sorted. Alonir n t !! oi ler people h a v - . .,ne vounir men whom we. . . htiild up our own; ing a serious matter for the counties named. Cliarlotte News. All for Drink. There's my niony givi men drink! There's tin -cloth 1 ingnnu food and fire of my wiie and children pive me a drink! There's the education of tlie family and the peace of the house give mo a drink ! There's the rent that 1 have robbed from my landlord and innumerable nitidis I have from bhep lepers give me a drink! l'.air me out a drink nnd'get more I will pay for it! There's my health of body and peace of mind; there's my character as a Christum ! I give up all give me a drink! There's my heavenly inheritance and the eternal friendship of the re deemed ! there is a!! hop1 of salvation! I give up my (ha!! I give up all that is great and good and glourious m the universe! I resign all dicor-ifwrevei. that 1 nniy hetjrunk! -Ex. NOTICE. By irtueof a power of sale continued in a certain mort gage executed to me by Y:n H. II. (ireene on March 7, 1892, to secure an ir.iiebted ness of f290.0i) sublet to ceitain ciedits, the slid in debtedness being for the bal ance of the purchase monev of the land, 1 will sell for cash at public outcn at the court house doot in Boone on Feb. 5. 1894, it being the first Monday in said month, a tract of land on the waters of Laurel Fork of Watauga river, in Boone township Wa tauga county, adjoining the lands of Wm. lloilges, (.alio way Hodges and ot her;, con taining 40 acres aioreor lesM. For a fuller description of said land relVr to book "C pages ."7S. etc, of lite lvo.-is. f Wiit-itiga "Miinfy w h-re sail! el T'a: M uage is ilnl 1 rocord- .ian. 1, l.S'.it. (. t nagaman. ..lortgag.-e, Sntinhour & Co'T-y Attysfoi Mortgagee. r t k NOTICE. By virtue of a mortgage deed executed to meby(i. V . Chiwson and ife and dulv registered in the Registers of ficeiii Boone Watauga coun ty, N. C., in book 'C paj( 429, et .2, of mortgages I will offer for sale to the Irghet t bidder for cash in hand on Monday the 5th day of Feb. '94, it being the 1st Mondav in said month, the lands l -scnb"d in said mortirage t; satisfy a delit of floO.OO and interest due by note a no cos of this action. ThisJun. It t 1894. A. J. Moretz Mortgagee. Many Persons are broken down from overwork or household cares. Brown's Iron Bitters Rebuilds th syftern, aids digestion, remove exceaa of bile, auu cure uoutuia. 6et Uie genuine. .1 CIar.ni:rU F:m;.ij CjI . KfiUY. A. t !l!l p !- ,J t ii- ! ?;! 1 i I !l' r- !iriiii. a: i 1..m;'i. - t'aiiMt.iU. !'ir 11. -t -1 :t:i Fum'tv aM-'.-in.i j'.ii; ' i.-.-s. S.-II.I i'ur t'at;'l -irue. i A!"eKs ; Kkv. J. !.. Mrta-nV. IW!-:i t . HollyS prir.j CoKcjeJ Im tier, J..hnCH, t'o . Triin. ' l!e:iu!ifull alttl acr.-.--sibIy ! located. ! Ample boar.finur accointno-j datioiis. I Family of six te.i'i' r T.vo l.undr.'d and i J ' v five stlldetits 1 it j I'olh sexes aduiiMc.!. i ThoiH uir'i work do:..' in alii hratuhes. ( Next session begins U. : 7 1SU:J. j Write for catalogue. ! .Ias. II. Smith. 1'i:ks"t ; I-IC UISIH CAP.0MXA Coil- ijf f ii ulliir? a:!! .Hcc!.4'uif 1Ai!h Will begin its Fifth Sesssion Sep. 7, INO'J. This Cojh ge is now well cipnpp" 1 !or iis;---j ci.-d work. Iiaving exti !.siv ! w(od and iron shops. oi-t iui i ly fitted up drawing rooms. I e!ii'ii;ii al, liotanical and Iior t iciilt in ai I.i li at 'i i . g- .! I house and leirn. The tcacli ;u force for tl n'.i ve,;r eaus:.-? s t i-i intT. j The two !mi!!!.v ! '...I to i nation in Agi hailmn- m;.-; i-, j Meciiaiiical and Civil F.ngin-j eerimv. Total cost a year, includi'v board: County Sftudents, . :?!i: "!) Pay students, i ::.. "0 For e.atalogues applv to A. (i. IIOI.I.AI'V. F.es", Ual-igh, N. C. I'.y virtue of a aia:trvi' .1 ': exeruti'il to nie hy .h-ha 1-. uii and ltohert II.! Cray, of firm of King anil (hay, of !:!om -iag Ito'-k N. c.. a-i 1 tit ' sasae a", so signed hv .M. V. (-,av. v,-ii't o Itoht! II. (i'ray. hp I daV- ! S. ;,t 27, 1S!2. to serine the nayit.fiii :?l .UK) ni lit tea Inui.liv.l (!ii'Ln with interest at tl" rat:' of S per cent per am. .1111. the same briny due 011 the 1st itav of Oct . l.S-::5 I will on the 1st Monday in IVo ruarv, 1 S'.) t, the same ln-ing tin or!) d ty of said montli, to rati fy s lid note and interest on at:i a:i J cost of this sale, sell tor e;.: ti the highest hiihW at theeou--' house d.ior in Ih)(nr.' wliat i known as the King and 0r,-i' Blowinu: Kock Hotel and lot. nated at Mlwving Koek : '. a; coataining some 4 ai.-.-es 1.; :,-o. more or less, the sac. - ' i-cx t1 hurl bought hv said t-Av, : (Ji-av from S. ' rlar'-: i i t h year 18VS, t v:'il-) d,'.-1 r-a (Mice is had for mo:v c. ).'. iva. seriptioa, as is a'o li t 1 (o :) mo't'X ex.' d. ed intder wiii.-h tl sale will he m id ', both ot whi. deed -i are d il v recorded ia r . ll-gist-.r's oSlitw of W.'it-iu ; 1 co, fc.. This Dae. U. 1S:1. ii. W Iv;i":s. M irlgagiv. W. '. I'oUV'lt.L. AM or?;. Vw..UuU.UUWIUUUWUUMlUU...tU.UJ :?.-J -;-a i y -J ts'..-.'? t 3 f- v -? f. 1. .... f -A' I&7 r o r, it a . . Ij. I ; r It T .'.s i .Isi- t I a: V ! 1 , 1 e . C BROO'S IRON BITTERS cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility. ;:7f . if. l-rl i -.!. tit 1 11 1 1 : 1: ; ; . , . , 3 C - ' -. t T.f '-- : . ;. . . : . . h 1 1 n ; 1 i 1 1. ; . ' . ' c vr a rr i : - i- - ' V I- .4 I- -.. l..-i,, .v.-. .- i.Kj -1; i- .l:.r - ... Z il--" . r .-' . - - '.Z T.0V'.' Z I '.v .. :i Kf, L... :: ' : " i-.-'-.-r e r r.- 1... ; rf i . . i i , !W:i r.::iu.i.' v..... iiis: '.J w Jr. i ... a s b-i ; , ks- n '. Ca R5IST Or EO CSfSTS V.'E "vViLL WAIL A SCX CF- Tit! tMLV iS:,Vl!BL2 CtJ'S FCS K'-iv-H . ' --i - j Uv.u' l-'.l U.t i-.-.Ui Ifjva !h "ET t! ivu"o-o -i i! .9',- !-$ !5 U: i wli.ij, Tl".! Cltii-T. w:.. ,i ceri-iict) vt. JfiU IS 3i! li. it :'7r ?-.'ir.nO I .--. R-fl .-i-?:'.iP.:d . -. v.' ' . -t.. I ! i i 1 1- . i ..'.u-r itaa a ir;k. - -.i '-i r,;.. J "..a.i;wf :."a,'i;r.jii. ,;" t 'I Pure Ghfam-Tartah Powder . ENDORSED BY PROF A. L KETii,?. H.G, of Mcllcal Top?!Tt!i:eiit Tulnne I'nlversity of Iouialana, who, ttoro euref-.il analysis, l.rowouuw il a r"11 t:rr?iiu l'rt;u' 1'OMiiw, wl.icti iie cbec-iuily j otiziiUiciUii tu tliai pclihc. "THE SCUTHEnN FAVGR!TE" ?URE, WHOLESOME no POWERFUL. Y 03 Went U. Ask Graccr For It Gulf fg. Co,NawoEA "i Vfl irjt I i.ii,Mio.,..jlw(t ii- Cu1 i I-r1"' -"" I7 fcS :?'r ! I """ '"'Wiiei.t lal;., R pWLit.:i'-",i'' .'l num ilw M rVbV Wi. . - ": :' s-' n.,-...ui.ti e All y n hvt, do la to -lii'tv our o whom!!- T-ut miifbttki Avr I f5r7t .";. wjU- " - " 5'"'" " l,n Th '- ....1 ni"i" i ''Mt' opt. Tbo fikiwrrnf cr prre Hi- nuin .rnin- ot il rwiuc,) tt V : - Aj.Au.m - -. tbmrt tM flftWIi prt of hcbrlk I. i. ir.Mh..rtuM.s,.tM. ! Addrvw,n ha lleit co,, h, wt, fuKi i.amu, i'ii't;':i i.! ::if:iiiiin'ilio C'VCitMAN'S z iSPEGiFIG GKYGENi IS THC : -:-n-ai;i r ir u. 3 ; "" ."""v. r,-Tji:..tM" ( ' ... .-...a-'- "-z - :"','' .M'Jr ' ST "" 'j i'-;,!'V--"Ii:;3 'V,-n .,-:,., i - 'A Kin - .'-"i'-Y IXn'ta 'A i.-.!;..-S ".-,uV:2 ',.-r-C-' 1 ' .4 Dn.3-3 ' " ijr 1 d.uir.i.inij ' . -!-' -4 - . : ;V.. i ic?'.ii 'i;-1'" ... . .. . .i.f'-'".', 1 s r 1 u w 4 . v ft t . ' - ! . r 1 .. :-V t.l AC - . Z "1 ,.::,:!;:: o 1 1 1 5 : j - ! L Iil a ! C f 3l I 'i ? Ba I i I E j ia : 7t i . NATURE'S CU.-&: FOR I j -: tJ77-i! uv.,.r mar ltrt m - r L.!....4 .-!.' l'..Jl ' This r.c.v treiti'ent for C;-;?.rh aid ais&ascs of t.io -psp.titory citrus is orb or the rasst iaipoiiar.t fiicovrU j t'! mjUic-l t-L'rt tr.:i pas;j;ses the : f3iijv.nf advr.nia 'o 3 ! i i. "tV i j-.:'.:! c,-n et? ti:.B.!i st !! espscM i ... .::s I nscessai 1 '.. , :. '. 2, iv-a -;.: . - . -i ro trfjo t3t-.ij io its , 4, flis ir-nr-Jjf r.icru tiii oCit si the trouU I 5. T .i: re..! Js el.1 "i inf el s ip'iance i"n bi j c ii '.i ;..cif rji.' i. i)r..e.ui.r.'.3. 2? C f a ,f -.'-' -.ifi'f rtor4 CACTcP.lNE AND.NSUFrt.ATCf, $2.0X CfRttf STONDE ICE SOLICITEO. Cactfr,rc fidlolne Co., Vaoe, TsxaSb . - . . -i. . " i ' . t , r .ipf ... mi i ' .V.:- ofS'-.te! Kffcl for BuSfag '""i.KrS AMD REAOV . . '--'.V V.'itCN OHISiCO. AN . - v--iv ' -",..r,.: t J ' tv!" r.-r.!i'e fur1 .vv.:.i"i' 1, Cir.cfnnati, .. - V' - "'Si. "a - ::! I, ! i 1; :.- ' i h . tf i . F.., H I t . 'I ? t; i.. t - .i i f l S I i i . o if ti 1 D . ' i .j "X : f fi r." i L : ii L. u ci !i r. sen o ! f -O ' , i. i 1 - )r y:.U, flU yr.l r-tif, TOi.V tf' . i T I ' t" j If Ulcure yoti, c'oirii'1 yr.nr Iitr, and five ( & gvXHj 4ipj.ltUl'j. PflPT I ) I'l.'lTil ! U'S I' A p !:. I 1 i ! ..ri. ., nh 'ar..Ii. Jio .u vi.i.i t ai.l in i.-u.-aaj a , uiyi ... s'i.i'.i r.'itf.-t t'.e -'"''-tet . ! -MMt-.l I ;ir"M. iiii. n- i.iatt.-r wl.'-i-e i. limy t "'' VlMI l..t!ul.i... ,-, II lli.lllttjtr.t .le.W- '-!' a Hi...!: i.;.,ii r-r :: i-aiih you v.:i.,t 1. i.i;.,i:e p.j.r '"-S" a?! tli- ,.f the . , 1 i a I N'liii M i nt ir l!.w;u er (..; . e.j !. tlie l-'st Z.ils t!ie , . , , , . ..... . ... ... 1 i,,,u 1 hit 11 1 jihiI . ad la. to. i, tii imi.v th .ii'i! li.-v- 1 . t.t of th- a.i N,.tt!i Stilt-? '1 ! . !l m 1 M : I t r ."ia: vnvii.t.its ai:ssiM.m Ci'.npa;-;i Hates: i he "i s.ti'y Messenger.' l y a I months on trial, 'or -2.o ) i'he vii'.-kly "Transcript .Ms . ;. (the lati'et and o,-sr p. ipe;- in tie State) U roll; !.s oa tnni tor $ I AH) ' ash m a lvanee. Bi !,i :i,i-. are large Kight-P. e ,S..,HJ l'o.sral Cui .i villi tt'.-.'s'.doress of iiv jvr- ....ti i,-., ie saiapie cop ies 1)1 1 Hi: MKsSKMiKit. JOvt. 1st. 1SSS. tf. -10 and Alien 8, 0, i.r:f t - z i. ;.; :iy t the e.-t in- 1 1 1 1 jii.t itj? ., i I i.i,i::i-i- : : .. ; !.. . ; It i !. ruiiU'. ' I ;j',:.,:c. i-'-t.U' to .; s s city. i i;n v Kit, IT i.I.i.o, '':i! n'i pt.i'.its in Miih: Wr.nh ill;i!lll, t ii 'U!!, I t itll :hi.i ( a'ii.ii iiia. ""iifst :iu i il-si '.'.'if.'wj Ho ii iil tlh Wcyt. O.il.v ii. e ;g S,.!t.i Vet ti '!(! ti;:it . rtvit i: ft. I.M.it ii . ii y. I.i fiit.ii iitir ;ii f hi il Tour 5 ; n .' ot' ."t r.i i'h.ii-gi. 1 wiii .ii'v ',!i ti. s tit titty uiil ! .-t.ii i i:t with tiuoughtu kets :..! h!:r'.ri!g--h,T!-:s. '"or i!i;l in.'oi i;ii.!it.t,,i.iajs Ml ft i s. iiirivc ntur.jihh is o( the ,,t writ.- t.i or rail on B. A. Nwwi.Axn. Tntvi'iii.g I'.'frsiuiirt'r .S:t.. it r-ttttm Av., Asl.cviile, N. G. .'. v'i!Ai:!.T(!.', (i. t'. A thii;;go. 1:1. 3 a choice b:e;v! of fin, high-rads CW- ccsa I e;.. t'ut i p m attractve and ors ina! p&cUases aid packed in hanAsoma coiintef di.;")i Jy bo ?s of six pounds each (either size); is on'y sold in packet, at a reasonuWo ar.d much lower prke to the consumer than any other p;v:kaga tea on the nvitket of anv rrerit whatever r.d affords the d-a!er a fair profit ; Is a thor oughly reliable, first-class article, abso lutely pure, always tlie same ; free froa Ust DEALERS will find the Five and Ten Cent packages the cheapest and most salable packago tea on the market and consumers pro nounce it "the best and most economical. ' Kin-Go Tea is convenient to handle, easy to sell and has proved a big success whurever introduced. We are extremely anxious to have all dealers stock this tea, and earnestly re quest that you include a few boxes with your next order to your wholesale house or order direct of us, we will see that you are supplied. For further Information address Ti.e K:a-Go Tea Co., "'IT .tcv:;---. . "-. . 'V-'d I ia..fr-:.:.-: ohiniufft. rimI H Pat. cut oii.-..;.;..i t.ii:..iti'it ft.r Mnri.-.-n:. Fe-s. 0r( - luiil 5PI ilCi.8 .t.iii Km ( u Mnire .:-:!' iii lo8 num ikaa ihoa r. ii o Ut .in H..i.:u:n"i .ii. ti uJ r.jiM.'l. iii'i.v- iii I'..tn.. vith HmwItv 'on. V. c !"lv' ) j r-, t.:i n or not- lra ot tii.l. !'.- l. i.T,.'tiii:r! 1 J.-!C.li.r m a.'KC"."'!. A I ri .,( -is.w ! i i ;. ! . ii .,.,.-' vnl " 'll l 1 J . wl.UL'IV, UH..., UUitl,;..-. 4. l (- r , . i il & .' i. i,m u .ten' C fits, ati r en, rt li 2. ' .- S "t? U hoc " , ,.'d.:',. , ?a J V Ji $ y. 1 h .V Li

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