t ( A (Hi0 c& frLft :.V ft A hTC Tool -u. . u n i t St 1 Fi Ui) V VOUi Protection That Protects When a man insures bis life under the old form cf insurance, he is simply assured that a certain sum will be paid to his wife, children, or heirs at his death. Good enough in its way, but there is a much better w ay. The Tontine Instalment Pol icy of the Equitable Life not only insures but pro tects the benificiary from loss of the insurance as well. For further par ticulars, address W. J. RODDEY, Manager, I Tar Uw Cirollim, Rock I lill, S. C W. P. COUXCILL, Ju. Arroij:;KV at Lay. IJoone, X. C. W.li. C0UNC1LL. M.l). JIooTie, N. C. Jvsilent rbysiiian. Oiiiie on Kiii Strt-et north oi'i'ost i'tr.iw. AllOKXEVAl LAW, MAK10X, N.C -(o)- Vi'i'l practice in l!io couiIb v. Vat uujf u , A h!u, 11 i t cheil , N'.:iv 1! auii ail otijer r.ninries in 1 lie vosteni lint rict. fc-SjUH-ial ntton t ion ivea to the coiitvtion o! 1 1 liiiis."! r. J. t Butler. Dr. r. C. Blackburn. Trade, Tom. Ziouvilie, X. C. Sutler & Blackburn fSfmm & aergeons, GSCaU8 attended at all h oars. June 1, '93. K. F. LOTILL. l.'C. FLETCHER.- LOVILL & FLET81IER, ATlOUXhYS A TLA V, "BOONE, N. Q&TSpevix I at ten tionjii von to the colktion oielnhii. SA lL"L. UllKKNK, CO., REAL ESTATE AG'TS. HOUSE, X C Will givs special attention to abstracts of title, the salt of Heal Estate in W. N. V. Those htfvintr. farms, timber and mineral lands for nale, will do well to call on si id Co. nt Boone. L. L. GRKEX & CO. Warch 16, NOTICE. Hotel Property for Snio. Ou account of failing henlth of myself and wife, 1 oiler for sale my hotel property in the town ot Boone, North Carolina, and will ell low for cash and make terms to suit the buyer, aud will take real or personal property in ex change. Apply Boon. W.L.Bryan. AVI ICE. Pf-rties putting papers iu my hand for execution will pleise advance the tees vi th the papers and they will re ceive prompt attention, other wise they will be returned not executed for the want of tees. u. Jb . J5a-ird iiff. i uoo;i: ! WASHINGTON lhttei:. F;ni our Jejar C&rrejponrieal Victory is in sight. It hn ; hHfii ti hard fight iiml it is jn it yet 1 1 1 i t . done with, but i victory is iti sight, r.ud m-xt j Thursday -the time ot'taking i tli. voi was postponed in or iii r to allow two days f rth ; debate oi. th" ineome tax n ! mendmer.t th. Wilson tariff j liiil will lie passe - Hons land it will include theincome tax. There lias never b"n n ' ni )!)!"iit of doubt in t b e ! minds of Chairman Wilson and th1 democrats who have been associated with him in leading this fight ns to final sue ''S.. and the number of doubters have been gradual ly lessening since the dftno l atie caucus of last week en dorsed tie 'imposition to make the income, tax an n-j icndment o Ihe Wilson bid ri.erean'soiiiebardhuhtin!''''''" 'ili-le does not nmonjx the cionioerats ho have refused to be bound by thi action of the eaivusuaiid the openinc; of the debate on the income tax amendment today shows a bitter state of feel in sr. which will proba bly result hi Jrss;ning the majority by which the H il son bill will be passed by n bont twenty votes, but t li e object long sought for will be obtained; it will be passed. Thf iiev amen dmentsadop te l, aside from thos aprrov ed by the Ways and Mentis committee, beara outthepre-dii-tion I made w hen the bill was firet reported. Only two amendments that changing the date which the free wool clauee shall tnkepffeet upon, (was afterwards changed for a committee nnienduif nt na ming Aug. 2,lH01.)andtha: abolishing the sugar bounty and putting refined sugar on the frets list of importance which were opposed by the committee were adopted by fie House, while the commit tee succeed in defeating pro posed amendments strongly backed to change the follow ing clause of the bill; coal i ron ore, steel rails, tin plate, agricultural products, salt, cotton, lu mber, besides a num ber of less importance. Com plete printed copies of the amended bill were on t h e desks of members today for the first time. 'It's an ill wind,' etc. While the iriends of the Wilson tar iff bill regret that the condi tion of Senator McPkersou's health would not permit him to remain in Washington and perform the arduous duties that pertain to his pi ember ship of the subcommittee, which will have charge of the tariff bill as soon as it pass es the House and is sent over to the senate, they rejoice that so staunch a tariff re former as Senator Mills,- of Texas, will take his plaee n the sub-committee. The e.p rience of Senator Mills in pre paring and getting the Mill bill through the House sever al years ago niadehim a tar iff expert and will make him a vaiuable addition -to the committee. The Democratic Senators made it plain to their repub lican colleagues that they in tend to pass the bill for the WATAUGA COUNTY, repeal of th odious lt-ti I1 laws, :tli hough disposed to! ..II.,. ... . . . i ti... bi!lan.l,e,i1n..tle.vca,ea-anl ,!:e deinv Cong,, s J npmia 1 ui t J 1 1 1 1 1 ' L i ti t IL f it i. i - Si i it., v.t i ' 'ess outlook is tbetalk. At sonably dire to talk n-jm;. v.i ;-, hag ...:.,!, llJ ,h' .Joln-t, III., 2,000 ine rtnm -ainsl it. by promptb I'S " i'-"i;!-l i-l.u ion. it i i!'ito work. At Williammoi t. leailil" llie motion ul .'lia--H wa.!-r tl;.it ;'l!ti'll,-,;i ! tor Chandler, who has b-'eatie and iM-::.-st Ibaio-rats! ;i'..med to pe as tl,-! i r-r.f-vi i:cliii.-d to rnm:.! . I !'s l!1'bii;d dev. !(..,, rut J.mstcrdam N Y the kn't ofthe ippui.li.-ansiM t!,..de-iN -.-.y a year have pa,: j'':' is 51 !" theap nf erm.k... tinir nii!I rVuiV At" Eliza t.ate, to postpen- furthei -ani 1 .ui.expi-ct.-ni.m.-1 L'""ten to !",!li' 'it!"ir u'.t.r- iJt.t !i, X. -J., stove works re consideration of the bill to iiaveuot I,, a ivaiiz-d. Ii;it j"1Jrs: iI:,kin- St;lffi " .'n.,p. So n Hovcrsb-rd Pa. n-xt December. wlsile tl: I)- niociatic ad:!iin-i(ira:n vhla! i- cp. - V',. (,biii.l; . IV, ii-..! tnili Hi 'presenta live I5.ii!eys re - Miil-itiitn iyiir,iii:r tl..' lu. lief that the ,s-( i etary of the Treasury h as no leal nnthor- ity to use the pr.'jeeeds of bonds sold under theresuaip tion act for any other pur pose than that stated in the act has heel i favorably re ported to the House from th" .J udiciary commit tv and yv. Uailey will endeavor Jo net a vote on it after t'i tai nt' ha been disposed of. ice with Mr. Bailey on !n contrary, he contends that he can legally use every dol lar appropriated to meet the obligations cf the govern ment. The bonds will be is sued this week, unless the at tempt that is being made to day by lawyeis in the phi- ploy of theKniglns of L.ib.irjhigii taxes and extra vacant tosecuieaa injunction from the Sn)reme Court of the 1) strict of Columbia to pre vent Hie sale of the bonds .-hall succeed, and that no body expects. . 1 19 It is unaersioofi irom a i trustworthy source t h a t President Cleve'and has tend ered the position of public printer to Mr. F. A. Crandall of Buffalo, N. Y., and that Mr. Crandall has accepted it. The .same authority sas that the nomination will probably not go to the Sen ate until that of Mr. Beck ham to the Supreme Court vacancy shall have been act ed upon. Two of the regular appro priation bills Pensions and District of Columbia have been reported to the House. The pension appropriations carrus $151,581,570, which is about 115,000,000 less than thenppropriation made at the last session of Con gress. T h e appropriation for the District of Columbia is nearly $2,000,000 less than the estimates of the District authorities. All of this session's appropriations will be cut in the economical Charlotte Times; As to the result, we regret that Mr. E lias' good name is under a cloud. We do not know of what crime he has been guil ty. But we do know that the charges against him are un founded and that he needs vindication in the eyes of the public. If he is innocent il would have been much better for his character had h e sought vindication at hands of the Senate, even though defeat was inevitable. That Senator Vance is a d e m a -gogue mi one believes, nor is it possible for him to "regain the confidence of the better class of people." He has nev er lost it. Zeb Vance is to day, as for t he l-.isti decade, he idol ot the people of thwlllh,,, t fuhi, th(lir promises. State. N C. I'll UUSDA Y, 7" t-tt ' )'. nll.t V'.an. W'.a t il !i I J-, j.!,.uii,.. in :. .. : . ..: i !ist:'at!o?i has dime wtiat If , :i .i.t ..',..... a...., I ;!it to have dorse, n rid. wlta-1 oar . -ad l s d.-s! i-ve n-ri i. i i. tli-M" is no:?: ii,...- i, f.r a ; to !w::.s;:: I'M1'?" ::!' sih!e Iii e, and lav with th" ci;;z'a to do bi a'l that is niis - I i!;e t!i. !.;w i:,;,l.is e: i iii ors co-iiiey ; '!e: ui lib'. 1 ' wire siiaricss r'Ki-ni-id to tr.l'c o? exue'-tii'.g iiuythini! WOi I It t'.av-'vr m o. a t i; !. r f 1 1... ot .,. mrti,,, v,-,.,.,. an. man kii-wj, that th-'UnZ i: t;; ;1 hina vils from uhioh wearenour"1 V'- Auieih-an suffering are due. in so f;(,. '"1'orer from on wit!, who:., as legislation is responsible ,,!' is n!,-h!, c:1 'iwiMiiig to (and is hirgity responsil'le) j to the I'epuniii-an class legis lation of a quarter of a cen t ury. What lelif do the R-'pnbb- can:: offer? To c o n f i n u el expecees. What relief do the Demo crats offer? Lowet rjii' land more economy do not offer low enough tax ;it this time and tln-y are not onoiiiical enough, but they make substantial reductions in both. What relief do the Popu lists offer? It is embodied in a great schem furthered by Hon. John Davis, the Popu list leader from Kansas. He proposes to tax on estates of from two to eight percent., and estates worth moi-'e than j ten millions nt eighteen per cent. Aud what do you sup pose he intends to do with the money thus derived ? It is to be divided among. the States, and used "in paying soldiers the difference be tween the greenbacks they were jiaid in and gold, with interest f i om 180(1; in build ing canals and improving c aunty roads, and in main taining a national guard." This is a pretty program. Mr. Davis tries tosugat coat it for the Sooth by providing that our proportion shall go for "building cai.als" iVc. With the government finan ces already depleted aud an active deficit upon us, en used by the dependent pension bill, vetoed by Cleveland and ap proved by Harrison, business men and farmers are in no mood to see another dollar expended towards giving the soldiers this buck pay. We are in favo of an in come tax, but we want ihe money it will bring in demot ed to paying the present bur dens, which are too heavy, in order that the taxes on the necessaries of life may be les sened. It is unfortunate that the Democrats everywhere d not favor an ine nne tax, and the division ot the party in favor of such imposition is. a cause of weakness But the Populists offer us nothing that is worthy of our con sideration, even if t hey were "Xorth tniolwinu. Fi:i;lilJA?.Y S. ls:4, X(). 17. A.i ASr af CMul. jJ-..i:eltnw.,'n.,UMJ, lUI, , f iI1(u.trj .lu-ti.t- IIif Ai i- ill t!,. " "Vk,,il '' sp'.-jn r o ! fil!iF'e'';n! 1 : f'M.s- - f ,: i:" !::MS.'!te Will - I i i uioiui iii now ui : ti . .i . i . . .- . . . iruon oi anaic;n.i ma, do but!"" ",s J'!-"e P1"1'' - 1 ,if tli( I'-'barejs' 1 . . I I ! I 1 i 1 I I "i .I i caiiiirea v. a a it t ; .1 'i iiMg t')!' school ::;;; y i.e-bod- u; iioniia-! tn.'ii,; ties accoja ti.e LiTiitid ;i:ocr,-nv (;! !h. p'lblic ;n ; . : a eitcis HHP.' ro civile lu.n I . i : 1 . - ompete ,!iu is a 'iK'iiliS oi uratv tending to the conver- sioii of the"IIeat!eii t'!iiuee.v "la timesof p-eace it is easy enough f.ranv man to act as Pi-. sideiit (if these L'uiteii ;Srilt,'s' 1 i-'hr van to the husband o Mrs. Haves. Ba it took a Lincoln-gentle. Ition through the ivajestii times and awful horrors o; civil iuir." Justice Brewi'i pleaded not only for scholarship, but for Christian seholarship, declar ing that this is a Christian nation not by forceol'statnte orconM iiution, but the hopes ml j iu eposes and faith of the people who have'wrought its glorious history from Piym outh Rock to Sandwich Is la nds." Hoston Disp.-i tch. Newborn Journal: No man has a firmer hold on the at- factions of the people )f N C. than Zebuioa B. Vance, ami bv none is he more beloved than be is by the prop; ietorjhe isn't full of eloquence. We and employees of t lie 'Jour nal. It at. any time we have had occasion to differ with hi iii on nay matter of public policy, it. has been (bine with profound respect for his high character, his lofty patriot ism and his great ability. If he has oefeets and no man lives v, ho can lay claims to) perfection they an as spolsj on the sua that, noTi lnr o'i j fru uie its bi 'ght ness nor im ' pair its power to hold plan ets and systems in their or bits. Great in intellect ;great-'-r in magnetic power, soul el evating. and all encompass ing devotion to his people, he stands without a peer in this land of the free auq brave. Messenger: North Carolina has enough kaolin to supply the r-rocKeiy manufacturers of the world. How much of this used in this si ate? Prob ably we do with our kaolin as we do with our fine woods, ship the material to other States to be manufactured, so we can buy the product at about ten pri-esover thecost of raw matt rial. Messengtr: There is a daily improvement in business iu the great industrial centers. i pleasing t:ni now in heniJ Jika., the larp brick vvorku areaddin to their force. At i larted ;::.iin. At Ish- 1 MMiiiiiig. .Mil I;., the li.'n'atife laiiies J:as !.cg,a work. These are the lepori? of but one day, and they a;c- coming daiiv. Solomon and tlic Butterfly. It is a Jewish tradition that once upon a timetwo butter flies settled upon the roof of Solomon's temple, and the male butterfly said to his wife. "If I stamp with my foot, 1 could at once demol ish tins temple." The lady bufteifly trembled and shiv ered at her husdand's resolu tiona.iy speech, and two of the king's sentinels, over hear ing it took the butterfly intu custody and brought him for judgment before Solomon, who said: "Audacious in-t-.ect! What do you mean by A our boast?" The butterfly '.lowed. "Sir. I onb, said it to impress the missus!" Up on hearing winch Solomon smiled complete comprehen sion and gave orders that he should beset at liberty. The butt a fly sauntered horn". His wife fi..-w out to meet hint and eagerly inquired as to ihe result of his trial. 'Well,' said her husband, with a toss of his sensitive antenna?, "I have talked it all over with the king, and lie begged me not to do it. London Gen tlewoman. (ov. Cj:t and Hia Sooxtaehios. It, is only just to say that j if Governor T-1!ias Carr, of N, C. doesn't make as much no;sj as Governor O'Ferrall, of Virginia, it. is not because have before us a photograph oi theTur Heel Governor. His m u 9 1 a ch l o s m en su res a t lea st o22 inches from tip to tip, and are beautiful specimens of art. A man with mnstach ios like Goveruaor Carr has no need of words. The guar dians of his upper lip make themselves heard from afa;. Those, hairs ba't languagft. Tip to ti; murmurs, and ev ery capillary tubt becomes a speaking trumpet. Carr, with his mouth, shut is. a greater orator than even O'Fttrrell nt his highest praduction and perihelion of palayer. Sew York Sun. Landmark: Hon. A. Leazar tells the "'Standard' that he thinks there ought to be a State board of pardons, in stead of allowing one man en tire discretion as now. He does not believe the Govern or abuses the power, but con siders the responsibility too great and too serious. We have long favored some ar rangement that would pre vent so many criminals be ing turned loose on the pub lic. We don't e;ire whether it's a b-.Hi-d of pardons or what, so long nS it shuts off this wholesale pardouiug. ) . -1