C- - 8jC HOOXE WATAUGA COUNTY. K. C riUt!tflAY. MAIICH. I 1891, NO. 20. VOL( a aniga r i W v Ii f It 3 The Question of Life Assurance is not "Can yoa afford it?" but "Can you afford to do without it ? " Woopwarm, R. C.JuItj, 1S95. Mr.W.J. Roddkv. Rock Hili,S.C. Dear Sir : I have before rue statement of the various options of fered in aettlcmeut of my maturing Tontine policy in the Equitable Life Assurance Society. I have con cluded to accept the surplus and continue the policy. The results are highly satisfactory and I heartily commend the Equitable Society and the Tontine system insurance as practiced by it, to persons desiring sale and profitable life insurance. Yours respectfully, T. S. Brick. The above letter is but one selected from many received from happy policy holders in the Equitable Life Jt's a word to the wise a con vincing proof to the doubtful. For full particulars address W. J. RODDEY, Manager, Department of the Carolina, ROCK HILL, 5. C. I'UOFUSSIOXA L. W. 1. C01LMTLL, Jit Troux'-'.Y at La .v. I5ooiv N. ('. W. U. COUNCll.L, M. I). Mamie, X. C. Kidfiit Physician. Office on lv in Street north of Post tm . j. I' HSnPIHW. A'i lORShY M LAW, M.VU10N, N. -(o)- Wi'l prnctiit in the roni ts ol and ail otli'-r coin tit's in the '.v''stTii Hstn.-t.3KMH-ial attt'ii ti )ii :j,iv'ii to tiisf (ol'icctiou ol cl liins. "Xa r. J. ButkT. Dr. T. C. Bluckbsrn. Trade, Tom. Zlourillc, X. C. V) 1) atlar & Blackburn, ffTFCfillsutieiM at all houis. hJI .lu ut V93 C. F. LOV1LL. .1. C. FLKTCIIEU. OVILL & FIETGB, AnullXhYSATLAW, H00XE, X. -J. to the roll ft ion otclainss REAL ESTATE AG'TS Will 'iv speeia! a I Tent ion to uht tacts of title, the sale of Heal Instate in W. N. l Tlui.-t ln'vinif farms, timber and mineial lands for naje, will do well to call on said t.) at Boone. L. L. r,RKK A: CO. I.irch 10, 1893 Hotel Property tot Sale. On aeeount of failiiij; health of myself and wife, 1 orfer for sale my hotel property in the town of Boone, North Carolina, and will ell low for cash and make terms to unit the buyer, and will take real or rersonal property in ex change. Apply soon. V. L, Buy an. NO IH f J. i arties putting papers in my hand for execution will file ise advance the tees with the t itinera and they will re ceive promptattentioti, other .viao thftv will he retnrriA.I not executed for the want of fees. D. F. Baird 8hff. LETTKK. From our Regular Correspondent Foi good mid jiifT1-i.nt tvasOllS 111 till iff lull v:ls not imported to the SenuU' Finance committi el.ipt wc k. ilihotili it rouM have bit ii i;ui I11I. Tin Ul;ty was in tlu' interest f l nit r.itir harmony, it being thought best to.'illnw objecting dem ti'Titt to have their say to tile r-llli COlcit.it tee composed entirely nf iiemot rat ratlin than before t!:efu!i commit tee. Tli-' regular men mg o!' tin Fiuane committee will ilP llf(l tOIUOl IV'W illlll the pivsent intention is to re port tli twined hill. It i possible fvcry inembt t of ih ....i,niir1i. t.lllt It. Will ce- commune iiii'i '' 1 1 , ,ii.; L- i, v 1 .1.. .i.-J T.. tiaiM tuMbi" Ut lV tin '!noci t! on li I'iiiriiuv e.!iniiittrt'nfir it irji leportt' l ill ettliig it tfpoited to lh ."vtiate, as lhi,y have Ikmmi cognizant of every change made by tile Kub--oinmittee. In fact the sub-commit tt e wliile nominally m ide up of only three Senators has in eality been the entire demo eratie membeohip of the Fi nance cominitte, except Sen ator Vance, vho is away -lck. The members of the suli committee feel so ei-i lain riiat l hey have made tin last lian,".e in the hill that the e vi.ed copy has been sent to flie Government Printing d lice to be put in type. The best posted democrats hum!) at the idea of the fif teen democin'ic Senator' vho vated to reject the nom inal ion of reek ha in being classei as opponent of tin administration. Oneot Pres ident Cleveland's most loyal supporters as well as his warm personal friend puts it this wa : "I am not a bit sorry that Peck ha in was re i i ted. and 1 know the rea- 4 sons which governed most ol the democratic voteis fast against him. First he noli h.I. the reiiulur democrat;! - ( ticket at the last state elec tion and opeid.v aided in de feating it, am!, hs thoug1' that were, not enough to bar liim from .ny f:irsi.t the disponal or the party, he neglected to vote at the re cent special Congressional fic tion in New Yo k city .. ben h knew that oxtrnor- :,.,ai'v enorts were oeuig made to get out the full par ty vote, and when tisked a bout it r e p I i e 1 carelessly that, he forgi t nil about the election. Now, 1 don't think a man who forg-ts wheu an important ele-tion is to be held should have any olhee. iarge or small." That this opinion is echoed by many ol the stnnnchest friends of the adminitration in t ongress in certain, and it is generally believed that if President Cleveland will nom:iiatA i good democrat for the va eancv those fifteen demo era tic Senators will, show that they bear the adminis tration iio ill v H by voting HoUdlv for his confirmation The shrewdest democrat in think that the In. ml. tipen Rilfh- eientU rewarded an i that al WASHINGTON Uhe appointments hereafter iuiKl - Hlir.ul.ll.p - r.Nnl ilin erats, men nli.i rati Ik d-- perded upon ttt li.'lp the par- tv win fntnre li.ittles lliilnp l..r,r.in i Ii t-i : 11 i of the S'li it. committer on P. .!..;.., If. I. ti,.w u uitlii ffip'ot of t ! nl tn tu 1 1 1 , vviittiii tin I'-'inr. of tli I!;iwaii;.'i inV. -tiii;iti hi. A n s(ns i;i! i n-t nii of !! coui mittt.' tlii n-poft was pail aul it w.t (1M'iil'l to .It l.T aft ion upon it to a nit-'iinr lo Ih- Ii-I-I tlti- ,v.H-k. Ti; im port lias it r In Mil aiatii pr.l lie ami nifailirr! uf tlin t-otn nnttit ili'i liii1' to ilisciis.s it. K. ptt-st'iirativ' Ulaiiil, of M ! mi i, has !ih.:ii iavnn tiii isrl with tho 'no (pioniui' fiiiil. nml hirt bill for tb' coir.;iii of tli AHKniofaji-t . ... .. . t- W Untaxed upju. nere tiiH been a quorum on tn Hoot of l i.- llou ever.f day. but those oppo.-ed tojhe hill havt reojsKl t) vtit' wl the fiiendsol the inMnure liave been a few short ofaquorum. Notice has been sent to all absentees to return at once and Mr. Bland is confident that a quorum in favor of the bill will be on hand this week and that the bill will be passed without further delay. It is thought that the filibus- teiing against the lull was for the purpose of delaying iijn the House until afler the tar ff bill gets !efore the Sen ate, so as to prevent its be ing promptly acted upon in the S'Miate, as its passage by the House has been coliceed ed bv all from the first. The Womans Suffragists are preparing to move on the South. At their annual convention, just closed in this city, Atlanta, Ga., ivas elect ed as the meeting place of ilex, year's convention. The date printers" branch of the K. ol L., of this city have adopted resolutions i ha ak i n g Representative Savers f Texas, chairman of the the House committee on Appropriations, for friendship to the iiiterest of abor. and lvquostuig ail la ior organizations in his dis trict to ioin in the voice thus raised in appreciation of hi services to the working peo- Jndge Sayers has al ways bjeti popuhir in Wash- ington . because' of us ap proachabiiity, and the fame lie is making as chaii man o! the Vppropriations coinmit- tee. one of the most tmpoi taut in the House, has not swelled his head even a little bit. Nearly a Midnight llaiubuw. Last night, about half past ten o'clack a very dark-look nig cloud spanned the heav- htjve Durham and pass ed over, going in a soutnern ilivectirm. Thefiv WHh'asiiglH fcimwer as it missed, but the moist remarkable tiling a- f . i hout it wns that across thff hosom oi the cloud: with' its ebonv aek-ground, wry a silver-colored bow, extend ing dear nctoss the cloud. At first it appeared very bright but gradually faded away us the cloud melted in to a whiteness. The moon was shining very biightly in the east up the time and we suppose its soft reflections mirrored in the rain drops, which formed such an unusu al picture at that time of n igh t .Durham San. 1- Wiwoai. And so in., son. yon ju-t 1 want to sow a few wild oat. ! aixl then von intend tosettle; it M' II Mill! 111.. 1.0 a I1IUII of yourself. Well. mII I have to .v i- vn'i hail lictttT not ow too large a crop. U i'.d oat -tan not bringing vh'.v good prices in the markets it pn s 'lit. Th'-ie seems to he i;n overproduction of this article, and it may cost you more to reap your harvest th in th" cropis worth. There i.re so many young men sow ing wild oats tln-se days that I believe it would pay b -tlei to sow something cle. A f! w aci-..'of honesty, truth, so briety .;!id virtue properly cullivatcl. ii Hea:". V me, nriglit pav vivtty well. I know in. so i, that it s"eiitsiiket!i" world has pue-td a premium upon tlishonesiy. Ikwo you tt iiiA th. MinhoT'st in -a are getttrigill tii tat. olfire in. oifr goveinment. Inclia i- edge that things look a little hi for those who are trying to do the right thing, but as sure as there is a God and a Hereafter, honest men will be above par in u few years. The icopleof this great country ire chewing tneir rooacco itvttv nervously and some ol these fi-st days they will tull off their coats, roll up t heir sleeves and knock things silly. But you say nearly all of our great men so wet i men- wild oatsbefore they did any thing in the world. 1 used to believe that too, but after reading the'lhes of :ur great men. I ha -e changed myopin ion. Some of them may have gone one or two rounds, but they never seeded anything ike a crop. If you will name one truly great man wlnsiw ed much wild oats in his young days, I will not only give you my permission to sow yours, but I will go a- ong and help you sow for a week or ten days. Benedict Arnold, they say, sowed lots in his young days, and h e reaped a harvest of remorse ind disgrace. Jes. and r rank laniar. od vry largely and they reaped ver.y large Iv, too. These men who hold uu stun," coaches, rob express ri-i.iro .-ind murder neoi i." all started out just to sow a few wild oats, and then settle lowu for life, but. somehow .-i- other thev forirot to set tle. That man whouiy ju read about in the papers getting Irunk and killing his wile, started out just to sow a round or two of wild oats but he went just one round too many The man who died in the alms house the other day was once wort fifty thousam dollars, but he thought he wnuld sow a few wild oats and the shovels of charity dug his grave. I tell you, my son, you have no idea ho? quick a man can o to thelogs. It will tjlke you a lifetime t.o be some thing, but you can be noth- . . A. ing in ten minutes, isiuies men tell us that it is a hard matter to build up a repub lic upon the ruins of a mon archy; and one of the hard est things that any man ev er tried to da i to build up o character upon a ruined me Auother thing, my son, Tu wiw wild oats .v or. will h.ive to rv;ip them. If you could have your "time and let some other man sweat in taking off the liar est it would not be so bad. If you sow a large crop, you may not be able t ) get through harvesting in this world, and to turt .nto eternC.v with a crop of wild oats oil your hands, is a poor recommen dation. Th Bible8.ijVwh.it soever one soweth that will lie reip,' and if that be true, don't you think it would be advisable, my sou, befoioyou step off too with a laud, to open your sack and see whit kind of Htuft yod no" sowimr? llanner-Mnu. in Wyllh.'rill J on i rial. PloSlXl AWAY. J?i Utol Courier. The. fool-ki'ler is getting in his Work in va i ion-, ways a in! the fools are really getting j way. 1 he breed is running out. Taken walk through ft iy of the cer.ietaries through out the country and you will believe with us that the fools are resting-place of the man who blew into an empty gun; the modesty of the girl who lighted the fire with kerosene, and thegrnssi'irpeted mound f the boy who took the mule by the tail. The tall monu meat of the man who didn't know it was loaded overshad ows the dugout of him who umped from the car to save a ten-rod walk. Side bv side ies the etherial who always kept the corset laced up to the last hole, ami the intelli gent idiot who role a biey. :le nine miles in ten minutes. Here reposes the young doc tor who took a dose of h i s medicine, and the old fool who married a young wife. Right oyer yonder in the nort'ieat corner the breezes sigh through weeping willow that bends over the lowly bed of the fellow who told his mother-in-law she lied. Down therein the potter's field, with his feet sticking out to the blasts of winter and the rays f summer's sun, is stretched all the earthly remains of the misguid"d regulator who tri ed to lick nu editor; while the broken bones of the man who would not pay for his paper are piled up in the corner of the fence. Down by the gate reposes the old woman who kept baking powder side by side with strichninein the cup hoard. The fool killer con tinues to gather them one by one, and by and by we will have a pretty decent world to live in. Who Made the Drflcit. It. is sought by republican senators to show that there was no deficit during Mr. Harrison's administration and that Secretary Fostei did not treat the gold reserve as part of the cash balance of the treasury and used it for ordinary expenses. The facts are against them. In his re- cent speech Senator Gorman showed that in the three fis cal years euding June 30, 1891. 1892 and 1893, when the republicans were in pow er, the total revenue was 133,3tS,H(5U. the totf! ot at nmoriatioiistl. 490.293.74 or f 302,920,881 in excess o Itherevent.es. But putt ing off works appropriated for and by '.-hanging the del i .atc meat to make it include the gold reserve and subsidiary coin, Mr. Foster managed t' show a hnlaru-e, in March, 1803. but it was a balance o' fractional currency that could not be used. There was at that time, in fast, a deficit and the gold reserve had been drawn upon. A few days before the 4th of March, 1893, Mr. Foster nuk ed Congress to authorize .in issue of ."30,000,000 of boti i and the republican Senate voted for such issue. Bristol Courier. Ad rnwilling HridcGiOom. Catawba county has a queer matrimonial affair which must ! settled somehow. Last tall Mr. Jacob Johnson, an exci nti i- bachelor about 40 years oldlot his aged mother, lie soon decid ed that he needed a helpmeat and house keeper. In litreinber he visited Mrs. Nancy Chapman, a rvsprctable and industriou wid ow, living in the neighborhood. Mr, Johiwm narrated his trou ble and found the widow a sym pathetic listener. Quickly t w o hearts began to beat as one. Cu pid hold lordly sway Sunday be fore Christmas was .set ior tli,; wedding. Mr. Johnson procure thL-necessary legal papers and a. sumptuous dinner was uivpared at the residence ol f)i J.J. Ilickti where the ceremony van to t:.K0 place. The invited guests and i he widow were on hand but the pros pective bridegroom came not. The wedding was postponed. A few das later Johnson presented the licence for redemption, but the authorities could not do that. Mr. Johnson plucked up courage and the 20th of Jan. w as named as the time for the wedding. A ;ain he failed to appear. In l h" meantime 'Squire Hull, the gen tleman who was to tie the knot , and others, having learned that bashfuluess waR the solo cause of the uon appearance of Johnson, decided to hunt him ap a n 1 'hitch-' him any how. Finally thev captured him and tied the knot in due lui m. lie carried the blushing bride to his Ionic, ami for three days the happy couple kept house. On the fourth day Johnson informed his wife that 'just could not get over his bashfuluess," and asked her to return to her home and get a di vorce at his expense. She went, and that is the situation so far. Progressive In raer. A postal card bearing this inscription was sent to Sena tor Vance a day or so ago: "Neither shall thy name be any more called Zebulon, but Simmons Regulator, and I have given unto thee all the and of Carolina for an evi to asting possession." Cherokee Scout: lion. Kope Elias, of Franklin, was in town Thursday and Friday on business. We understand that he told several parties while here that he could be a candidate for Congress be fore the nominating conven tion. Mr. Flias has many friends here who would be giad to see him in the halls of legislation Many Persons rs broken down from overwork or household cares. Brown's Iron Bitters Keboiith ratem, aldi digestion. remorc excea ot bila. ud cure malaria. Get the genuine. 8t9fje do i la i pays tor the DemoccH t one yea r. r r