A- i' - v r, r. -n n ,f-r H flA H M il i a VOL 15 liOONK WATAl'd'A COrXTV, V. ' '.. nU'IMAY. MAIU'II. 8. L!Mt NO. 21. 15 f 61) if" Wise Hen profit ly ti" expvrier.ee of others. T " i.t an object lesson in the I'..Iowinjj ktur for those who hesitate to in vest in life insurance. RKrm vii.lf, s. f. Am 21, l-'A Mr. W.J. H-'iu.tt. l:-k lliil.s.r.: Ih-mi tr: . m:r f ivor of f h '-M. rn rloAii k nrw M:tty Ihii l...-n r--.iv.Ml. i rrTtttl prrri.tiirn cm n-.!;1' if M-ltlcni.-nt nf i-i.l mic. . 1 kiii x try well pi.-imm! with thp r mi': ff n- ml-t-r t.ll.-y. unit it ll .1 Cimi.k v.i'.i lor ymir Hid Hl1iiUnn mid luor ,ow n inc. uu4 truly, N. I'. This is tut or.c letter of thousands that can le .shown, all expressing the same, satis faction. Write a-ul get an explanation of the Tontine Policy of the Equitable Life, a policy that insures you against misfortune; protects you in old age; provides for your family at your death. W. J. RODDEY, JW.imzer, For the CtrollBM, Rock Hill, S. C. I'iKJl'JiSSiOXM. W. H. C0IIX11LL, Jr. A'i'Toi;.N':v at Lay. roo;x', N. ('. W. Ii. r()i'Nt:iLL. M. I). r,o')ne. n. r. Kesid'tit 'IMvsi'i-iii. Onircj on Kir.-r Stivet north ol Tost ! Oiiice. j. Miitf, .17 7W?.7ir .17 LAW, MAIIION. N.r -()- Will ii'a!-ti' in the courts ol an i a!) other com tifs in the .vistcr'l lislrict Sy.-sjierisil :it lei. ti'o iciv.'O to t'.u (i!ei-tioii o cl.iiiiis.-a . .1. ( 3.itl r. Dr. r. C. Ehickbnrn. Trude, Ti na. ZlouviHf, X. C. B'Jtlcr 8c Blaciuiirn, t hylwiiotJ t,iii.j jiii i terCnik uttviHlrtl nt all ion.s.'OX .litiif E. V. M.V1LL. J. 0. FLliTC'llKlt. LOVILL & FLETGHEB, AllORXhYS AT LAW, liOOXK. V. r. fcW" Special attention given to the colletion ofrlni:u.-.i- L. L. GUEUXICO., FEL ESTATEAG'TS. "OOXL, A'. ( . Will givu syiecial at tentioa to ah-.tr;iets of t ith . tlx- s-de of Heal Kstate iii W. X. Those he viny; fanxs, timber and minetal hinds for sale, will do. well to i'i ill on said ( 'o at Hoone. L. L. C,RhE & ro. March 1(5, 181)3. Hotel Property for Ship. On account of fai!iur henHh of myself and wife, T offer for sale my hotel property in the town ol Boone. North Carolina, and will it'll low for ensh and make terms to suit the hn.ver, and will take real o pe-sotinl property in ex ".haiifre. Applvnnon. W L. It il VAN XOl If E. Pavtien putting papers in m.y hand for execution will plpo.se advance the fees with the papers and they will re cei ve proni pt a tten tion, ther wise they will be returned not executed for tlx want of fees. D. F. Baird Shff. WASHINGTON IJITTI.R. n qn 'm. .1 ih.ynr.- go. in.; to " iv.- tuo, 1'ron mr Ke;ulir Cor:pca1c'jt. ... J r , I lit- N-u n .' commit lee Ilannony among tlx dem- PO'iCu.' has h. gun til" io !, t it- Sena tors on tic i ; r- v"l iti 'ii f :h h i i -.- T 'il I'll! is Hot yi Ms '(nil!''' 1" ,u" "'!'' ;;,nrd of tin as it night he, although -on-;' 0,10t car 1 ubhshing t cessions have bun in i.I-that .Patent (:!(. ('.iz-tt.'. I - 1 1 it was hoped won!. I w,.(-i;re l'x' evidei.ee so f r tak.-n a it. Having hdd the bid nt-1 moui' ts to ti.it I T -r . nt.d th" til 1 1 1 v could su'lHi prospect 'S11''1' f : i ' !i I In - li;ir--t.i!..- piinll'v fiiftl( !-,! l iv.!"s is of :'!""t tli. jIm'o. i-uittM- t hi- m(l.1!Ii,i''",' ' 'iprow th :n. inir Mi!.initt.'.l it to t It fn'li T!v h'iv-z :in'mx s mtli. ri:i.ui- ii-t.itf., ivl:i. lri;;,i" !':" ' 't in ' :;. ,.. tm-n sun suited it (on Mij.i' n-c5:jit tin- r-n-ii? ini,r ,,im(K.rnh.. S.-n.iti ::ot for tlx p!ir-'of of i-o-n lir.lH.l.r jmv S..i:llir to Sllll-i port it. I. nt for a sort of f:i tn-! ir-r ; I -.1. Willi -x .vr-r, ily fonsult.ilion nt wliiih jilijiioi' tlx' sunt h-n. Coti - iv - s - con..l:iints m'u ! lm.-n j :i"-n n -nnl t'.i. m.-it t ,- witli iMfli.vr.i-.vlio.lv f-on',1 l.n vi- il ::tic i till iff Ti'lUV. Ilpic-I .liinx-o to ni-l in hri'iainar tont Hint b:nnoni.Mis n -! lion hut willli' ilisoinHvi'l'"''''." i,n'! i,'lJ-'-'tJV. XMi'sirv 1o iimss tlx' l.i!!. -Ms' -ui. oi T'MiM' s.-.: ..v.-..i nl'fiivin-r th.-lt til.. Mf . I . 1 u'ist Senato will vote f,ir IIe itt a r-ational hsue hy j il;1.tl-evs.,v thev will inJialkinarahout what T.e says'j euusoi (he retention of tlx;M:"y f the dder iiH-iiii..; i incon:e fax. Tlx eatieu- tip- j pears 1o have h.nl a srood ef-i feet and Senators who have been worryii'!j are now sniii irnc ever thr prospeets for detnoci a tie unity. It is expected that til" I'i t;ine foinaiittee will at once report the bill to tlx Senali , although then are iiidiea tiotisofan intention on tlx part of the rcjiublit-an ni 'iu bers of I he commit tee to at tempt to dehiv action on the plea that they sh mild he giv en lituelo prepare I heir re port, but the democratic sentiment is so sron;ily in fa vor of prompt ind speesly action that their lime i biund lo beeut short. They -liould not I'eallv he given a day. as lh report can be mado at any time after the bill has been reported. Much uneasiness is f.dt amotur Senators at the re n u-t.s fonec ruing the condi tion of S e n .u t o r Vance's health, which now waid to le continually get'ing' worne. ile has not been able to VT form any dtities at this ses sion, but his frimds that in cludes everyone who ever came in contact with him are both, to believe I hat his illness is hopeless, as press lispatehes report it to he. It has been apparent ever since this Congt ess got down to business that there wis a weak spot in the inlcs of the House, but it was not until tlielo.'.e; contest for a quorum to voleon t! e 111 md bill f,.r the coinage of the seigniorage, tlx-end . f winch is not in s'ght yet. showed the helplessness of l he Ibm-e in the absence of a voting quorum that members he eanie fullv aroused to t he neeeHsit. of a change Hut I they are now, and neailvj one hundred and fifty demo- era tie members ha ve signed j n call for a cau'-us to b" In 1 I ; as soon as the Pland bill is j a;..,,..a . t "-i" tin' cvMU."' o to (ec:,!( Hi i I ' citil I Ige I I I be e. eie. Deinoci afs do not wih tlx Speaker to follow Heed and count a quorum, j but a huge majority of them I.. .1.... ...:n I U I I llll I I I j I I U I II I' 11 I i. J ii "l""BMm" m Lie uoil.se land refusing to vote to mak. I . ... i. .hji. - .i im ii.ii . ..i -ill ; !.r;iin S. ll.-witt, of N""-: VoI'K. ll.'U ili'tMl JTI'M 1 1" rX.1''-:'1 n-is"'"",iv' 1 ,,t ,,f n-kv ny: " 1 1 is tn Ii'h -''I t 111 I) i.V SlIMli not CMU. .Ml oA-a.MHinx-nms ;;ist;ttx-es ot -!l I J.'v.Mt s . votjon wlx'ti m lb House to proiectioiii" ''".. '" '" pr-sxi-ar ami opposition ti) .in. tariif ( !"h. l'iu:inde. t h ivi'irm that cut into any ol 1 guests alteniion and in a tlx businesses thai he or his ! -'" S l,!'',f )wK presented i'at her-in law-the late IYter 'oopor - had money invested h and smile at his a Hack on deittocratii' Congressmen ol I he present tiny. When a member of Congress .Mr Hewitt enicyed the reputa tion ol being a common scold. Senator Faulkner, of V.'esi Vn., chairman of the demo era tie Coagressional Cam paign Committee, lian nam ed the Iollowiag giiitlemef .is members of the executive commit i'-r: Senators Jones, ol At kansas, White, of Cali fornia, Mild. ell. f Wisconsin. Smith, o: .e.v Jer.-ey. and i'.iseo, of 1: lorida, and presi nta'ives l'iott, of Con necticut, ieAleer, of Penusyl vai.in. liynum, of hxli.ana, McMihian. of Tennessee, Me ibne, o Arkansas, Whiting,, of Michigan, Heard, of Mis soui i, ft heeler, of Alabama, Jones, of Viiginia, and For mat), of Illinois. A meeting of t he cut ire commil tee has been called for tomorrow, to ma.iutlhe outlines of the campaign work, and to se lect a smaller committee to take no ml char;..e of it. Durha in (ilobe; A good joke is going the rounds of the medical ux n here. ( hie ol I h cit v iihvsicians was called UP i u o h.yyiU. fo. ., l,.v ,,S l,iskv ,)ii( t, W.,( ,Mlt ,..'.(..(;,,,, ....a ,(1i,i l,,., to i i l iik" it regularly every hour. Some days, later he passed 'kt house and asked her how she was getting on. She told him the r scripti nhad cur ed her which bethought rath er unusu il, as the runedy could have little effect. He asked to see t he medicine a ml she brought it out. Six had used the perscription as old i,. .p.,, .s ns sassafras bark ill muKO-g 'a. ail ,al tieen b ail ing I he water off the pn J ism l,.ut he did believe in sdf per on which it had been ! reliance. The Republican written. 1 Trnv PersoTts we brotcn . . ... dn from overwork or Lou-ehold cares. lirown's Iron Bitters Ki-buiuis ithe xr.,. , ... "-"-cesMom ut.cureBuiUri. ueouegcouu. 1'. - ! -I' .r . ..:,H l ti r l ti t ( ...li v.. j.. !r- r : l.i a r V Y : k. I'. 1. 1 I -N-.-ir-iy . " I: i ! 'r-"! ;i n 1 fifty ! 1 Ii 'li i IM:S I' .''I'.Vl! t!'4 1 V. !''.;r t i !' li I il1." of till- I.' .iv.r ri."t:!ii:v .inn..'!" 1 ' X . U7 n : . i ' f i ? i ; t "i r it !' !,- M ' I'm v 1 (I -f: l ! i'' l-l ! ' I f -us-. '.!: h .1 Vf'.'l . :-t'il. ; y. 'i-i it iv is: v M in-, to 1 " -1 : ' !. l.-,to r I , .. v. ; !t' ; if. i.Ml .ir's-ir.ii -n u f..- ; ;;;! ir'il-:i!,'i im i I -' l I'm.) rn .Soi:t!t..'--i j .: :). v. ) . ; t I'i ' ' , ; :-' j ' ' ; : s !.-t V : p; 111! IV j!''. i to ;. d !iis '! '! t of i'l'X'SS l : : ;:!) i ;l!:'xi' with ' ;"' t::; ' v rat- u I i ' il ny; (i ..." "S. 'v,o . ' 'i I V" '''-1 -tcad to .1 .!,. Pat-' tor-. of J enn-ss.,., us a; 'ijt it ;t.-. ,.i i .. .... i n .t,w.i- ". ' l!' '""'. Indue l'altersoti. whospui:e to the toast "TheSouth.and the Public Credit.', In re spouse. J u d ge Patterson slid: "I imagine that I have ween selected to respond toj this to 1st because il is imag ined in New York that the South does iot en re much about tlx u'hlie credit, and because I am from that sec tion of tlx I'liion. permit me to say that I am one of the citizens of the Sr n tli who has always entertained a high regard for llx Demo crats of this municipality. When the South was in trav ail, when the South h id in ir -fort lines, when I he South was under Radical rule, (luring those dark days when no star hut one appeared in the. political horison, that star el ways appeared aboveMan hatlan Island. I fed an af fection foi the Democracy of New York because that Dem ocracy has always utoodby the South in its struggle for home rule and self govern ment. I congratulate the Demo'-rats of New York sis I dc the Democrats of the Smith, that they have hen able to shake hands and wipe from the statute books tlx last vest ige of Radicalism in the repeal of the elcd ion law." The Speaker said he differ ed from a large number of the Congi essmeu from the South but t hey had a pecu liar constituency in that re gion. His opponent was a double barrelled man, one barrel a Populist, the otht-r nanvl a Republican. The Republican party was Janus f;. ((. on the moixn question. , Thev advocated sound mon ey on Wall street and any thing else that would please the electors in the South. lie did not believe in paternal- party "was the party who r.i...n.t,t,l ttirt iiiuroi'd 'if ttit. i o (J o veril IIXMl t f()l' Illore , . . ln fnl. oi ivntf- .'.nt.ii'. Tlx' ;vl:ii:i.i-' tr.t'i iii of tliis fliui i ik.x i t tin r its i ii'.' was jili-i. li,!' 1 jt it.it;:ii. It was not stiaiiui' ti! ' spf.iLi'r s.i i 1, t'i it tlx' I j j f of tin; Smth. !i n sh.'.v K.nv that f.ivors m : c ir-iii to tlx- KioiU'.x (! l:i n ol tin' oir.it ry. i-lioui.l v -t f .i ! v a -res of I n; I an I t in!.'. I, nilin r.J To thos u opif i'i N vv Vm i; wImi xmo'.I tiiat ' ,orol( ';ir;.l and p'lVsical fo:i t'.iis 'lovi-i inxMit would in;- ditioris that will pniv of val '..uk iijiuM tlx' fi"' at: I u;i-1 ti" to M-iiT.ce. lir.n'f'd i-.'iii.'u-' of f 1 v i r :ii' '.n!.i s iy lli.it u. ( ; II llll 1 1. Tlr I'.altii-o.-.' S: til., to 1 1n- S i i ! !i i ' r- ro I l ii ti: ' i, : ii.it ! as M i. ;h; South liivi.i-' .;!it ort.'n tn :.? :t.v otii-'-r ti ii l of h s i tro n M cotin- try, tint this is no b'vauso 1 1; ' M '(U' of t !; i-; s - t i .'! !;a v hot f. I' i ! I i .' 1 1 1 i . i ! I I I i I ;;, hut I H'ca use they h a v learned to suffer and I ? si roup; and silent, loo. i l.yi are not given to tank nig an! oiitcrv everv tin:.' I h"V eouie to rough pi -ices ia i he road of j u, more glad therefore than life. For a people who, pri-jthe generous, manly news or to 1S)'. enjoyed an e-! paper t lakers of Ameiica. ceptionally luxurious exist-j ":,,t only shall we write once, the m aimer in which 1 1 H storv of our adventures I hey bore t he povei v a n d privations that followed the war was amazing in its caim strength and quiet endur ance, and was fully as heroic as their bearing ( uiing that conflict. The bravery and pal ience with which l Ix s ha ve since struggled to redeen. their tortniieH have been no less abiutrable, and their pro gress toward prosperity has been noted with heartfelt in terest by their friends ia oth er sections." ton THE HORTH TOLE. Walter bellman, well and favoraiily known all through the newspaper world, an nounees that, leaving New Yoik on the 1-4 th of May. lie will makefile boldest lash for the north pole that a live journalist is capable of. We have had for years a pro found respect for so much oT the axis of this earth as pro jects at the extreme north, for the reason that it minds its own business whatever that may be and guards its secret as no other was ever kept. Mr. Wellmau w ill, how ever, lay bare this secret if possible. He has his plans thoroughly studied out, and uu'ess he meets with unex pected ditliculties, as, how ever, most amateur explor ers do, he w ill make a na me for himself that will staixl high among the list of the woi Id's heroes. Mr. Well man says in the Naw York Sun : ' It is agreed by the best students of the polar ques tion, both in Faigland and America, that the first expe dition to enter this unknown I legion need not and perhaps should not be wholly of a scientific character. Itslnuld hepractieul ratherthan scien tilic. It should be anexplor ing parly simply a pioneer ing party. If it can find the practicable road to the pole and show the means of trav elling it, larger parties more fully i'iuipM-'i for oarpful ' s-i'iitifi i isf i J : t v I'tite'v follow in its tiach. T. do ! Lis mrn li. is tl.p aim of thi jii''iif i'Xp.'!ttiMn. At tlif sun., tiiiif, hi!. holding tlx ri.uii( i-r ol ?i pioix i in;; ;ir ty, we slii'll ri!il.'avor,ii. c.; f an- MK-c.'ssfiil in rcarhin lii.!i l.i t it Mill's, to inak.'stU'l ifs ,-iixl observations of ux't- ''Ours w ill hi a lie .v paper ivr !ioji'fT'Ut. For tlx first time, it j is l,flii od. iipwpapt'r writ jrr leuds an expedition into t. '! 'tlx antics. I have ahvava A'ali.vo jl.pljovvd that if tix No-tli : s tu polo were worth discovering "I !'!'ia jal all, it should bo a newspa ' ! wt pi-r ni.in th.-lt docs it. The ciitei pri!ie and energy of the. Vnierican fitess are irover bial tliroughout i ho world. Some of the urea I est feats of I ravel and exploration ; im V( Ik-oii r.reoiupiislied by Attx-riean journalist. If '.v should be so fort unote as to' succeed in a field where so inanv have fain-d. none will in real life, illustrated from photographs, but we shall, if our plans carry well, do what was never done Oefore, and th.u is to sen I dispatch es from the itin-r regions of (he arctic world.'! The feature of Mr. Wdl niau's expedition is lightness of equipment and an ap proach to the pole in tlx moderate weather of that locality in June and July of this year. His effort will bo watched with the greatest interest by 1 ho civilized world Ashe villn Citizen. A Hury Ifouscluil!. Rnsy-handed must have been the women-folk of a cen tury and a half ago. It is re corded that one family in Newport, R. I., made in the space of eighteen months, four hundred and eighty-seven yards of doth, cai ding, spinning, dyeing and weav ing every inch of material used, and also accomplished the knitting ol thirty-six pairs of stockings not the thin. djIicate and ol ten llimsy iV,osiery seen nowadays, but such ns would boar much heavy use and even be "hand ed down to posterity." It is added that another Newport family distinguished them, selves by making, in thespace! of foui- years, nine hundred and eighty yards of woolen cloth, twocovet lets, two bed ticks, and all the stocking!?, needed for the family. Ex. Charlotte News: Standing in a hollow near Flow'", Ca barrus county, is ihe decay ing remains of an old four horse wagon which has a place in history. On this wag on was hauled the "log cab in'' in the "Tippecace" cam paign when William Henry Harrison was elected Presi dent. The cabin wis built on the wagon, covered with oon skins, etc.. and hauled from mi? political speaking to another. The old wagon has been "turned out" and is now rotting down in the wi ai her.

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