I j v. -f- vc YOL hooxk, wataik; a corxTV, c. nirn-DAV. M.Micii.ir,. ls:h, no. You Don't Have To Die To get vour insurance under the Tontine Plan cf the EQUITABLE LIFE. It is a simple and absolutely &are means of investing yourtaniings f.-r future emergencies and acquiring the benefit of Life insurance at the same time. It insures you a menus of support in after years and insures your family t,j;ainst want in case of your de nil. Tiie name of th? Equitable Life alone is an ironclad agreement of safety. Its security ; its contracts ; its surplus a::d revmrccs nre not excelled in tha world. We will make all this na plain ns day to you if you will sc:id vour address to W. J. RODDEY, Manager, Department of the Carolinas, ROCK HILL, S. C. rnof'hssiu.XAL. v. i?. ct)UxnUi,.i. Atto::n,:v at La y. r.)oiu', x. ('. w. li. CODNTILL. M. I). i'oon; X. C. j lt-tit rii.vsi.-iiwi. ():!!-"! im K'iiiX S! reel north ofl'u.-d Oflit'i1. .t7 7.r;.VvJ".l7 LA H', n.- N.r -(.)- ".'ill ;)i';i!-tic. in tiie cenrts oi W it 111"; :. As'.ie. Miteiie'i. Mi'KtiW- '1.1 M'l l llllollli'l' i- n ties ia ili? ,vt'-,t th iistr'cr '-'".Sjieciiil ; t ti n ti tiiv -a ti t;:e c..!;i' ti. n C'.ii.lls. ' . . 7. 3. ( ni rii I V.. I). T. C. rt:!'-:-.": -inn. Hcwnc ". C. Zionv'H.-, 0. Council! & Blackburn, P'pcians & Sirgoons 3rCnl!n attended at all June 1, ')3. E F. LOV1LL. .1. C. FLKTCIIEll. f.GVILL I FLETGHHO, ATIOIISI'A'S AT LAW r.ooxi;, n. i. jS; (-i;i I ;itt en 1 ion ,s i ven to tlic ndh'tU)n o!c!;)ir;i&A L. L. J K 10 11 X V S: C( ).', KEAL ESTATEAG'TS. HOOSE, N. ( . Will ivj spcciiil attention t'1 abstracts of title, the sale ol Ieal Instate ill W. N. C. TIkhc hi' vilnr farms, tindicr nnd niineiiil lands for sale, will do well ti) call on said (). nt Hoone. L. L. GRI-.ES & CO. Vfarcli Hi, lcSl):?. NtiTK'i:. -Hotel Property tor S;i:e. On iKTOiint of f;t llitiLC iiealth of myself and wiff, I oiler for sale my hotel property in the town ot Jloone, North Carolina, and will ie!l low for rush and make terms to suit th;? buyer, nnd will take real or personal property in ex "ihane. Apply soon. W. L. UllYAN. NOTICE. Parties putting papers in my hand for execution will; which has the contract to ' t "t (1 .iertaking; oi,, superhuman plow mlvanco the fees with n.ake the steel armor for our ! b ". 1 enIe;, vor ! What n source of the papers and they will reJpW Wi,r ships to pay .?U0,.io,!tt,n,')t ,,f ,';,,lirt' but 'l Wi wealth egg shipping will now ceivepniinptattention otheri48l91 to thp pVenimpnt,' n ,'los0 p 'become to the agricuitural- . t 4 U (11 II i . 1. 1ArllYtllAd I " . . . not executed for the w.int of 4008. D. F. 15aiiu Shff. WASHINGTON" LEi'TEIi. i' 03 oar Es'ular Cir:epoa'!er.l. r ICS., mil 1 '. , C 1 , 1 1 1 1 , WJ1I .:i..i i i i :i;is n Ihi" si nsi' of iiiitnnr, vill loilil less suiilr v h"ii In return 111 s ii i; in in I r I i ' in ! yi-t ,i !iiiii. of m hill i h.it his been evolved from iln- : :.. .. i .:i ... . i... ... .i III I I II 111 .III. IMIP'I , I I II III 1 1 I limit young Texan, h'Ihim' no voti;j" to tin- Con -t i; utii .ii has earned Iii t 1 1. f nil.1 in t!if Hoii-i-. A prt'.imlili' to tin' 'il l M'citi's Ii" ( li.ir.;i '!) Ill;l(l if t lu """ 'ii :.!) ut -lit of th" r xifiitivi' up n tin- pivnii.' itivi's -if tin ! ';iil.itiv.' !iiiiti-h of t!if ov- -inm.'..t.:m.l Mi-I.ill pr.vi.! - lor ii cis.'ition of surli "i.-i . . . . I t I i : : v' . . fiom ,:!! i.Mitifii.Mtion in tl,,.j iii.ikmu- ol ,'ip'ioint iii'-nts. It provitii s fui lip r liat h"ii vcrtlii' I'ri'siil.'iit ili'siifs in fortnalion not rontiiiin'il in I h" papi'is of ;iipli(M!its for nllii't' Iii nm.sl i't it from sofnc on" who is not n nn-i;i-l.f r of cit lii-r liraneli of Con--.Mi'-s. ;Wl'l" AJr. IJ.lili'v's ' iii liass.i;niMi'siii'ii"points. tlii country, losay noil.io;; of ( 'otitircstJ. is hai iliv nhi";!- led up to v.i( ii a hir',h stand ard vet". C uv.tcss would to be sine b" purer and more n itiiotie n' its ir.eadiers had ao dealings wit h p;t', 1 oua.iie, aril il t hen is dccidetl change in 1'truai; na i ure ('outc!-;-! i. eoi iikeiy i" d'-piive its nnan li 'isol l he pi ivili jj,'" of t .yimr. iltiiey douot riiwaysuccred, 'o yet ciil'-fn for those who j help t ban to yet into Con v-nvs Although it to'.-.k moretlwiti rwo weeks to yet a VOtillii ou'uuni on th" fl n;r of the Honse to pass Mr. Hiand's bill for the ('oin. of the seiyiiioraye, the quorum did not stay two days. True, ihere is no especial need of a 'pioruni to ctuisider the pen sion jippi opri.ition bill, which is now before t i to House, but that is no yood reason why so many members should be absent. They .are sent here and paid to attend the ses sions -af the Iion.se nnd they sin uhl either do it or resign and allow some one else to do it. Xo business tiansnct ed by Conyress is of more mi poit nice th;u. the niakiii" of appropriations, and that for pensions is the largest cf the, a all. The expressions of pleasui from men of ;ill shades of pol itiesat thenews of the c'ai Viilescence of ( hail'mail Wil son spciik volumes for thecs ti'em in which that gentle man is held try idl w hi) know li i in lie ni'ver foryets 'hat he is a v-mocrnt of demo crats, nor (hies he ever I'or yet tile courtes, due from one yentieniiui to another, not even in the midst of the hottest pol i t i-f 1 1 wranyle on the floor of the House; hence! , . , , , .' , his deserved popularity . II.rbeit'sofliHaPf Secretary statement of his having com pelled the Carnegie Company on account of defects in nr I i.....iuii, io . x ,.'..-m.,,- o.'.,-i;.iiV(l(1 ,,v lljs ..,,,;:,.,,..,. ito: iHi.l K"pr"s,.iitiitiv..s.. n it . mor furnished last year, waj , ,, . 1 not news t , tho-ed-mo -rats' whoetiiov tin- contiden.-e of till' SiTM'till V. I lilt il Wil- .1 II"V :M I lire il!) til" p. if of . i v..,.t. I, I,.. i I ' 'lt I " 1 I 1 I ' I I I t M I t I iimt have vi tv inn-I. .mm misi',1 !i- C . ii-ii. -ii,. -in. I Iii.. ' : . i II S 111:1 I u Ii HI II I Vi bum so r .M.(. .... I to i.'iii-' my ch tip- ' Mill' III II V ! ! I I l:it i.i!.in-:i. . tit i fi.'ii i 'i:iint tlic;:! in r'M.ni ft i. 'i u it Ii t hfir i!i;ilin-j.s witli tic aovriiMiciit III f;!cf, ill triiil lo Mix 'ip' thi-: !:i;it j t.-r ly .-ippi'iiliii from Si-. n 1 1. ... t ... ,1... I i I I I II llll'l I III I III' 1 I'M ! Ili'llt. Lilt t II" l'll silll'Ilt StOO'l I.V til" SiTliTilt V ;Uk -' 1 1: i tl;. - .(MhllM,l til 111' I.';lll.l'il liM'AII . N(( mi (Uut (f jn!1 Ili'Mfl" f.Kl ! lli'l .Ml V cri'iH !i!l-lH"NS ilp , i,,.,,,,, th- ronniv..,."" 01 Mini" of Mi" liol-l ov -r itiiiiorlf'-ii'zriiii '.villi t!." :i ;i-;i!.M i.-s olli.'iiils wlio arc si ;li occupy- i iniT plact that oimht to Imm tilled hv ilcmocrats iind who are in the pav, i'nliri'ctlv, if not (iirectlv, of some of ihe .la coin i iiciors. i . . ..... It is exi-ected that ti e Sen ate will take up the bill for i iiecoina;;eof the seiynior.i ue . r. . . .1 . i. . -. .v : : 1 1 l . . nil) u ill UM' i ne in nil oiu n.is i been passed. Sen 'lor Voorhe.es says la did not overwork himself as much during the long silvar light, at the vxtra sessions as lie h is dolie since tlie Demo era tic. caucus retuiiU'd the Wilson tariff bill to ;h" Fi nance committee t'i;:' revis ion, nnd th-' oilier I)"inorrat ie members of l lie commit tee have worked just, as hard. The sent itneiit of the Demo cratic Semitors is unanimous for harmony, but the trouble is that sot:!" of them have so far i "fused lo harmonize un less given their way about sevctal sell dule.s of the bill. If there is a .. ay to revise t In bill so that it will get every Democratic vote in the Sen ate the committee is deter mined not to abandon its search until it has been .'bund. Members of the com mittee now decline: to name a time for the report intr ol the bill, contenting theinsclv. with saying that nor one hour shall he unnecessarly lost. No one can possibly be more anxious for speedy .act I ion on t lie bill than are the members of the committee, and is only fair tc say t Imt the bill would have been re ported two weeks ago ha i it not been for oppositions out side the committee. Detroit Evening News: In arguing ;i point before a judge of the Superior Court, Col Folk, of the mountain circuit in North Carolina, laid down a doubtful pi oposition of law. The judge eyed him a moment and queried; "'Col. Folk, fio you think that is law?" The r'olonel griceful- K.lw.n-.wl l-.ii .! i.w ! "filll. ; . V ' ... dor compels me to say that . , low ii wouiii siriis" .um ,, , , . ... .nonor. iiicjiiiigiMi, niH.ii- ' o Win inniYiiiiiri. itll HTM V. , 'JMUUU.tl ,!,,:,t' hm"W knoW;stateof North 'Jnrol.ua tellJ I)mocvnt one ywr. M-U'iiiMiminivr?! yiu5. ' --ai ' ' '' v- r. Null. ill- -in" t)l Or r wi :u v !n polities 'i.k mi WIV.'lS 'l I !;.. v with el i'.'V. M ;;' . ) :l !' it I V ;i l! Ill .r - t; it !i " .-; i ... i '.ii : I : i V i l- ' Mti"'.-. nt-Hiy !..! !.' ' .-il so v. " " " ' s :'Ui liiv iirnin I"(0 .l' ; ', 1 1 i -!m ' w" '" ': .-i i;, i. i '. i . i rii i !! I I on: . i r. i . i 1 :f tb' '.v!!' ! if i v .i:i:siii!o . A f- ! nr.-! 1, :"-'"y u:i! i!l"I; I ! ;ti.". ii 'I'. t!i. i.iy I.. liM.'i' !;' 1 i : . :!!l' i :i , i Ili'l O.i: ..i:' ().' , Willi I til !,: n .1 .-v-i lli-T ; u:v-!i i '.WiJI-V si ! suit ! ton i of ! i;-.ii . nsopii.v .. ; !" p-;:,:v . pot-sit. i nil 't 'l-1' 1 i v:; ;i i' Il ill .1. to I " v ' i' Ii ai-c (.!"i'o:m;-i'ss nilli orders ! s""' ,f to !i democracy -'Oi i reieaniicini-ai, w it iK'iit !i ISi'l lllii i.'ll lllIT mm- l 111 ,lVor of re pnhlicani-im: it has sub j terit co in s on, every farm stitute.l. in the Senate, a sei(h(,US!, ,aVl. ril,on its ot Ivdiau harp whiskers for a s"intilia! ing brain wit h a red ii"ck-li;it hung a 11 ipping pi 'tttco.it lo its flagstaff and sent si-ter Mary Helen Lease ilittiag through the South il p:ngit in th face of the South in Democracy, yelling; "in ho" si oi"." .and things like that (la Hoc Signo is at present writing, we are relia bly mforni"il. lying up for re pairsit liasb in expressed, post paid, to Mr. Lnse with orders to wash the egg nog -tains out of it the next time In washes the. baby's o v e r dot lies and ot her clothes too insignficiiiit lo mention in a production of the order.) Our Xoble Order has pi'idm-ed one of tic- most remai kable (iovernors of the century, he of Coloindo. whose highest ambition is to ride in blood up to his horse's bridle (very few, even of our best Govern ors, are capable of such rank, n ephitic, jimpson-weed aspi rations as that); Our Noble sjOrder has retired from the Senate of the United States from the State of Calhoun "d Haync. a man who gave the best eitorts or his tile lor the preservation of the liber ties of his Sfaie, as he believ ed, and in his plane has imt a man who tries to kill cab men when lie gets drunk; in the sani" State it hasstibver ted one of the fundamental prin -iples of freedom and ad mits spies into men's castles, into the veiy holy of holies of t he home. These be some of tin; dia monds that sparkle in the Populist diariem. liut 'uster o I as they are they fade in to rhinestone compared to the hist, crowning, towering, climax, capping, dazzling, be. remind achievement of the .fe Populist party, towit: s . 1 t, ' send - rhe ID" O. J. IISOIl I'M! ..... , nil: I lie l.i i ill I s now n miiii Oi. trauseei.dent un- -. . . Inrt-i 1. inn- fill vmieidnimMli ists of North Carolina ! N ith , U 1 1 D..1I. tpropnetic vision wj K.iiK i!i - iii ; li ii.i ; p.-I mi-, .it :n .givat il i i iii " H !:-r. o i: S t f 1 f i 1 . I W'ill 111- ti v !!i.ni-ii ins of ii, n-f; u i t mil Ii-.ifi-. ! A'ri u!:i-!i ii. .in- MMiM t 1 1 1 nf ti;i' !!U ii '. mnk'-s o i;- 'i.:;i v.i 1 1! vi!l. ;n i i;i r w li it i i i u!s it v i; I,,- to o'ir ii"n l l.iy ! T!i' vi ry k!i' L i r i - - i - l-.-t I'diirts i!l I t'i it ' I I!!M r i'r ';t i- t!i (t.j iin'ii !ii"l ! i s of f lrs ii-ii iii i.n il.- t'i mm'! 'on to siirii ; i:u jir.'.'c li'Mt'i! :i'-; ivity t!i t t li vi!l 1i.iV' to ! i-.-ipt - ..I jiot to ovii'v.ii t !.. ;is. s lvi's. V!i;i k".o,( i.'ir uii ,t ' ";-s shipii iiy til.- S. (). ! miii j i'(i('i's :ii. y !( !:i ;'i. irt i I In f i i -t : . i s If I i tv't ;i fori! 'i o': i form tlic Tur II""! !'.. tlinsavi-ni'i : lli-in .,.in' 'roti:i'l (j) - n : toli:sc"o 1 1 iit nd tl l oni-crns of this i !iat- " - ii'i - , an 1 di.iMosii i mi. what a I ..-,).-iou:i day is'comins? '.v t h.? time S. 0. Wilson thro' , wj ii his e: -hippiae,' lectur- in-. t.n:-t I!" tin. li.no mu. walls a portrait franvd with 'ohleil egg siieils -t h; por- trait of a benefactor, the jgieat (iideoaitish chiel a ll d egg-shipper, S. O Wilson. This is ii pleasant picture. Would that we could allow it to hang then undspoiled. Uut Sulpheretted Ovum Wil son, (some times spoken of as S. Oihoor Solho,) must be show n up. II" is dealing in eggs, but not as he repre sents. He's the great Alli ance incubater. Everywhere lie goes he drops nil egg an addled Aliiaiiceeggot discord with its yolk of strife, its white oi" discontent and itri shell of agitation. And after awhile these egg will hatch. After m n hile, order the pois onous inila-'uee of this arch incubator, these eggs will in cubate. All over the Sate there will lie a popping, pop ping, popping, a.nl little ug - ly, nasty, long-legged, h-'df fledged, pop-eyed chickens of hate and niurdtr and spite and anarchy will break loose. And they'll grow hist and larger and uglier. Look out! Look out for Sulpheretted 0 viim Wilson ! Look out for the eggs he's shipping. They are rotten. Curious r.cliitiia-!iip In MiDowill. Marion le'cord. .James P'jik (iiilospioisSnin O'Dear's father-in-law, and Sam O'Dearis likewise .Limes Polk (iiilespie's father-in-law. Jiiines L'olk (lillcspie is also Sam O'Dear son-in-law, and Sam OT)eiU'islikewise .Limes Polk Gillespie's son-in-law. This is a very remarkable state of affairs, but the re cords in Pegister I'rown's of fice prove it. true. Gillespie and O'Dear were both married somej ears ago 'and after several children had been born to each family Mrs. (iillespieand M.O'Dear ,, , v:.- , n'Oi if. uuni uirn. . . i .1 ... terwards f -11 in love with one of J a m , s Polk I Hies ae daughters and took her t;r! his second wife, 'unbeknow'.C ; as it -Aero, to Polk. O'Dear . . . if .T it ir. . s Polk (lilloSoio also nad a good-looking ;oau "lJier, Illl.t .Jitlllt'S niin r,t ili il"d by stealing h"f r from S.imti !. mi l 'he- w r ' IU.II1 i- .1 f.'W d.l.VS gil. Yoil t t i ; i v mi v. O'Dear. th's is funny, li:t a-sn r you ' v' not ' riini; ( l'olk futj ii yon, Imt f;irU. All i tin nliovi' ii.-irtii's 1 1 v in t lw. H,ii t ln-rn f..u t of lliisf-ounty. a f.-w mil" r,- roiii M.trini!. !' t iiit..i'in'. ' A W st. ru jii'lr ' v:is list. Ml ili to Mil .ittoriii'V wiio li:ld ;i tm-ari h.itiit of iiitfrpol.-i i titif rcii it ks itito th ,"tM'C'il iii!.',s of The ( (ii:rt. Wliat lir siii.l was sciivi ly i vei !i";i'd iiuy tin", :is lu iiinmlilt'd r.itlii'f than spok iiml winKJ i';!.i!:' - ! ni'vi r M'p';it ii rcmaik. Oaf '.'iiin y he sail something which r'i'ra-'' . ! nobody heard x vv j t the ! ,-i's for ; i'lila", who .at oii'-i.1 ht'canie iv t ii cM'Xcci'dmuly iinnry. i'uli.in ot tier i to the court h;.:,;if i t'nun- iili'ivd out, "A-j mi n c rt!' iTIicn. .assooii as t!i? bailiff i had done his duty, ilieiild j stepped from the beach, beck oiied to the I iwyer t follow him .ind eu'ered the clerk's office. The lawyer went a long. So did two or three: ot her people. As soon as the judge got fairly into the room, lie seiz ed a lawbook, .and turning upon the lawyer he fairly screamed: "I vis on tin; beech awhile ago. and roil ins.iltt d me. I was a judge: the. I am a man now, and tliemau will have an apology for the judge, or he will take it out if yijnr hide. You might make an apology to the judge, out you would not moan it. Now, however, the case is more serious, and un less you give ino what I ask Lull stnashyoiir head." The 'lawyer made a most object .apology which the judge f copied, and then the party went back to the courtroom and ) seined business. Suit I' tv? ui isco J ri(jn;i lit. According to a eorrespou L jent of the London Daily Chronicle, an exhibition oi ex ceeding interest hasjust been opened at the Vienna Mus eum. 'I his cor .dsts of a ol. lection of upwards of 10,000 Egyptuin papyrus docu ments, which were discover ed at Ei 1 ayum, and pur chased by the Austrian Arch duke liainor sevcial years a go. The collection is unique and the documents, which are wr'utenin eleven different languages, ha ye all been de ciphered and arranged scien titi -ally. They cover a per iod of 'J,.i00 years .and fur nish remarkable evidence as jto the culture and public and private, life of the ancient Egyptians and other nations. They are also said to contain evidence that printing from type-was known to the Egyp nans as far bfick as the tenth century I). C. Other documents show that a flourishing trade in the man ufacture of popor from linen rags existed six cenjt 'tries be fore the process was known in Europe. Another inter i i . r a .. I 01 es ea ure u - x i'i," S I v t, bUs ' .U1(i ;,v,.n !OVe-letter ' dating from 12 )0 Ii. C Ar.' n I !.,: In!.. u.-i'unii""! i i (iw.,n.ii.' .........