I i 11 i i i t - h i I A lH:vt' i! tii ft. nil v ui-u.-ji.ijM r, 1 'V.it I tu t!i" i;itit f I'iiuh ty Kt.it. aiKi N. i i m. l'ul'li-h.'-l vry Tlnii-H l.i.v at I'untu', Wa t.iu.i ( unify. X.C. ALKC1DI StTTIKD, Itri-lul CouriiT. Tift Atl.intu 'Constitution' li;is fiiveu in.titv I lia t in 1MJ ' it will not support any t-.in li date fm the I'lvshlfiiry wlio hails from th easN'rnst'Hi's. ' Aiitl as no (-utuli.l.itt- w ii o f iils f s-uriri" tin1 powerful y lpport of tin ('onsrif urion' tan cherish evi'ii a ttnott hop of Ifvtion, it follows that ih. whole in ittrr i. vir tually Kt'ttll ami ii th" lr-ni-im ratio party hopes to win it must io west or south for it carnlitlate. Not only so, hut the party leaders will not flare present the name of an eastern man to the nomina ting convention. To our miml this also puts an eml to any aspirations af ter a third term which .Mr. Cleveland may be secretly en tertaining. There niijih of course be a popular uprising, such as in 1802 carried Mr. Cleveland to Washington o ver the protests of the politi cians. But Mr. Cleveland had ns irell understand first as last that dealing with the 'Constitution' is a very differ put thing from dealing with Tammany and and Bourke Cochran. 11 may therefore gef his 'cuckofs' together and net sail for some quiet, sea girt isle in the political ocean. Already he is falling into"in noceuuus Jesuetude," being, so to speak, "killed by his own pat a rtl." We cannot help but think however, that the 'Constitu tion' has been a little prcm i turrt in its action. Cleveland is a good man, or at least he is so considered by the mas ses of the people, and the sin of vetoing the Bland seignior age bill and pushingthrotigh the repeal of the .Sherman bill is not so heinous in their eyes as in t host? of the 'Con stitution. And despite the count less array of statements which the editor fancies are thunderbolts of argument, and the further fact that he in backed up in his editoral utterances by Sam Jones, ). I)., and a dozen (leoigia farmers, still there are a few individuals left in the back counties and in the villages who have not,et fallen un tie:' the weight of the 'Consli t u turn's sledge ha m m-r logic, and who honestly and deho erately, and after mature re flection, have decided that all the evils under the sun cannot be traced diiectly to Mr. Cleveland's supposed par t:ality to silver, and who re sent the idea that a man who approves the free and unlimited coinage of silver is a traitor and a marplot. It is as clear as a noonday sun to the 'Constitution that iae gold bug is at the bottom oi hard times, but there are other men as sincere asUlark Howell, though perhaps not as brilliant, who see difficul ties in the vvuj vi accepting this theory. But the time for argument deem? to have passed, Clark Howell, has spoken, and no gold bug. nor eastern Demo crat nor "vhite house cuc koo" need apply. It is per haps well enough to have the matter settled at once, as it will save a deal of wrangling. The county owes a debt of gratitude to Clark Howell which it will not beslow in re paying. It must be a great r .u.i u !. ...a.i tut..-..r( MjxiJjiJ k-j,r' .--. upon hi mwi t-lionM.-r the The i.' le of at .,iu.. Mil wight .-f th- whole I,.,o.! take,, of-.-.-that j !i;iVf iu . v . - cured a room m tin mint cr itic p i.y. t-t this 11US,. . i uin ;ltfl..,d -it what Mi. Iloweil does, lie ,, tnintni-sioi,. r" court the out linen thepaity policy, ion' tiist Monday in each month trols I he conventions, nomi-jfor t'ie purpose !' ealiuj;the ante the candidates, whips vveights ami iii'Mmiivs t'..n h. in the r.i alcitrauts, and i-;ll'. The la w -.,, uir.s this f.i to be done I'V'IV tt VtJilK. guarantees tlie svicvss ot t lie j jj C(K)K ' party and the property of 1 he ' Simii:i Kit in:. county. It was due wholly ; and soh'ly to his efforts tli.it j Tjine ;iie bound to -et bet Cleveland was eecti to thejter. Tii people willy, t take invsi.leiiev : he. an not Mr. chai -e ol t .ii- uov.-i nuieiif . ;'eveland, is w great popu lar lead'-i. lie is the uiould- lerainl maker of Democratic isentimeut. He puts men npi ! and pulls them down and no j imau can sav him nav. Heis1 ! i i ' . i .... . i .,,...1 j indeed a ir,at. md good man. j Long live Clark Howell! virc' : . ( (institution. .Morganton Herald: Last j 1 Monday Cnde Baitlett Sisk.J ;was in town and as usual! jheld forth to qnife a larg" iiini ..-. 1 '. bec-iui'' talkative abo'it poi- tl... iiiniiin, ..... ,. . "I ve alwnys been a P-mo- t . . ; cr.it aim 1 e.; peer 10. kmi i u to voe t he Dt inocra t ie icket j .... . 1 ' even it 1 ongress gives 1 in L'nited States o Caimda :but 1 Iik ei n 11 1 1'V- seemw I o be o"et- ting in a Sad shape, a aiigh-L ".nfully and acce.-ddy . 1 1 m'i .,i located, ty ba.l shape. Why. sirs. H; . . ,,.,..,,:. ..... . i something ain't done we w ill 1 ;onS I be rtiied by kings in fifty j Faculty of six ti-aeher ! v.'.-ii-s i-e...ii'hn kiitu's. not in : Tvo liundr-'l m l cighO I na me. but in principle. "These times len.illd Uie' of the old woman and 'he owl." A MoUht' Duty. j The woman was up before the court for whip ug herj husband, and as it; was not j t lie fust time, the Judge was: dispost'd tobesevere. ! "Prisoner, hejsaid sternly. ' "you have been here before on the same charge, but i knowing the kind of a man your husband is I have been, lenient. Now what haveyou; to say? Why do yon persist in your conduct?" "Well, your honor," sin said, decisively, "I've got. it to do. I ha ve four gii Is grow t in' up and like as not they'll marry good fer nothin' hus- bands like I did, mid, youri honor, Cam set tin' tliem a good example, that's all,"' and the Judg'let the case go bj. Detroit Free Press, FOR S.YLi:! In the town of Boone, a con fortable dwelling house with (5 rooms and five fire place.-, with nine aces of hind, goon spring, some apple, pea-ii am. chestnut trees, situated so in .'hli) yards from Main street. It is a desirable private resi dence. The place will be sold cheap on terms to suit the purchaser. For further par ticulars apply to 1. W.Thoin as, Hibriten, N. 'J., or W. B. Councill, Boone, N. C. NOTICE. North (Carolina, Watauga ccun ty, in the Superior i'miri Daniel Yutea vs Ida Yates The dettndaiit above 11,-1 an i will take notice that an actio 1 entitled as above has b -cii com menced in the Superior Court ot Watauga county, to desolve the bonds of matrimony which now exist between the pltff. and de teinte;t. And the said defendant will iurther take notice that she is required to appear at the next term of the Superior court of said county to be held on the Hth, Monday after the 1st, Monday in March 1894, at the court in said county in Boone North Car olina and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court tor the relief demanded in said complaint. This 20th day of March. 1834. Joe B. Todd, C. S. C. tig-One doihu pays for the Democrat one year. I I jThev will not idwavs submit ; to mii;ile. 'Till they do this. we will have to 'gt in and bear jr lt S(lo jt Jls fully as we can. N. M. Allen j will help all heeaii by making' n-dnctions on his C-uare - ass-ware, croKer, and! i(i l)(sv.m, ' j EIUTATE VOl U (ilULS -.17 ClaVGIIlDnt FamalO Gjl lt;ow 1 urp.iss.' l lor local i' h. ill' n -' osialiiie - is anl i-iie,ip:it-.s. Chi it i;oi. iut n. a v , t,,i i.ni. ilctlit V taiiictai- n. t - . t Smi 'i i ti .;iili!'ii s mi M.iic. s'sid T-..-iVielone-. i- ia i!i:v. -1. b. Mi iavn . i'.. s l !! t HollySprin- College. It. Its". JlIiiioii. Co., Teim. five stud "tits la-it year. Both sexes admit ted. I'lion uiih work lone in nil bra nches. 'er s-.-ssiou begins Aim-. 71D1. Write for catalogue. .Ias. H. Smith, Phks't. - . h.i - fifi Vf ft fj m' n.i vt mm tu v. - i:tf'rf, ! t ",w " "-V V iiHk'a. ' iV i. idk '-f"- a tf tmwmm h V ri : flftlt f I ..'Jlt.1 BROWN'S IRON BITTERS cure Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility . : Mviil i " M ! Il i'lTl , ! Itv .1. o, li -v t. r-. c 1 : - ; I mi" f.i . i.""If i H f 1 ) th Commercial College ffiiliiTOfift "Cheapest & Best Business College in the World." A w.r4rd Hlrlf-t llwr Warli'a Rifoaltlan fur K "t. in of ItooL.kcntna ii,i Urrrral linilnr. k.lumtlon. 10,0H)Un.tui..ln Uu.Iqm. KmtI; l,0i0Ntu.tHle .....llj. lfi T.Klm .BplOTMl. Cwrt.rPull I'.y.lnrM oar.,', laflludlnf Tulllo.. KlMionrr artil it...:l .bout 01A KhuruU.aJ. Tra.V rltl.i .nd Trlrcrashr !ii.I1im. V.U. bow. Cr..luftla .ii.r.i.ful, Tltlt.ltf U b-.uilful . ftcibrul. For ureu'ir. wldr... WILBUR R.SMITH, LtKINCTON, KY. lUtMttatta. BOTANIC it n m ha m a A thoroughly tested Kamody FOR ALL FLOOD ant! SKllI DISEASES, "i ; sTan-i -r-1 remo-iy bis hwn triM, ,', ! 10, i. n-j'i.i v tiitin.'fur f-rty ypnr t.y . ri t:,n;;PM !t u Wirt h;.8 It v- 1 1 . , ;ii ft . ! ut: Vrtryii! r -Mfc. n.-;" ' i rt. - ('T ' ir"ii i: ; I,; -r,; - ti. ? ! ; (iiti.kiy tiii'i t iiVfiu:.Iiy t:i.iiitf 0111 ml it:-f.s Rprun from the syntoin tiirotit;! tii ' nu-ditun (if tLe k in,' liver a-iJ kid iivs v. itlitxit any lii'iPusnt ir injuriciis c.iTe "is. li H not Ihr rt ut et ipr'-.oraufe or tf, iTflti, ,-at M is fi-uiuUct uj-rn rontni't 1 -n,' !U)rsi lliof jUit k iiiiwlt'iino Of Mi'l3r'i r. 'ill srifiior-. iLP:'WM:iiJy pt'rifi. ftii'I HiiHtht': te MwoO pi.J l-n;i(.'.s italt !i t - ill- sli iii'i;r. A s n trr-j irrjii tonic ii is wttiiotii a rival, and in in at.n'.ysiii of -:iiEil-C1Vini; JUClHTt'.:" it i:i BbArillltely tu'Viiini i'0!!i; iriou v, iti. any r. ninly ever oit'-roU 1 '"i t ii j j'ii b lie. Itisftjiuni'retilorall iterating Irora impnn nw Unpover- i th-e rnrrrtU r nf: cuirl;)y cur s 1'ir-rt. 1 ?m. SMn 1" j,; h1 FriiitSipttN, Mtnrrlt, fit.-?M.w.iti.'vm, 51'. Sil-lney a nil .-.i,tti.tr V F1 mate VWiili- .l 1 1 , (v t'ttiunbla ;! ci'U' ' rU)arkfthle ti,;-.: ;.ojii tii'i Hiiu-ji.'jt the tuuMt vir 1M1 ; t tlifivusp, ufif-r known remedies Hart Tle certincat-s rest. I y with no tn-:eri ai n suU'ui. limt Ik-tanie Uloocl ivain, icrK;.l.vi t.'.ivtHw.t . n uti:est . erreat- e i and u:f! tKTwr. t'u. KIckkI t'urifier ever ( kacwu Mi iti woritl. . Viinjy; il 00 pfr bottl-; -f'.Of for-fi bottles. ii'ot ral tlrHv-rNt."; II not, sst-d to us. S etCCO BALM , AtJenfi, G. "7ASTf ty - t I 4 1 PoECAUTiON i. "I .tiln. hS -',.... n .- : - iiturfwiL ; i a!i ;.i Im (be bat . ... ,n,.l. i : . once. hpft Ca., jti.i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 . t . : . 1 . o i.i i 1 1 f 1 I ROYAL Z 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II ! I 1 1 I : 1 i ! H I I . 1 1 1 ill II Vr ;.l 1 1 I! i I 1 1 . 1 1 lit: 1 11 ! Ol 1 1 ! ill Ml 1 1 11 H 1. at.n;o I!'c?l Ari.l. Z - lias u . li v:ti..v riic. m a -.Vir ll-.l!t.q -l...;!V. 5 - Iln t .c.-..i I in ( .t-lrm-imn. " iiu. a Mi" lit.ulrttt jiih Hi-auca. 5 - lit. an I'.ltv.'unl ri:ii.-r. s " II... n IVrltM-l ..li;tL-!i:.F.t. j -. Il:s a i.!tiv '1'i.M-Ui). m ' M is mv .-.I. I uri.it.il--. - .'Imv (i'l.i ! M'Mlnr: Vir.lllln !n1 Z t:.".H I.T!..'r li.-lllut .l (...' !-nl W.fl. - - (j.m uttj .-..'wins Jlaciilao In Un W oria. S 5 Examine THE ROYAL for poinU ot 2 cxte!!?r!Cf , ond you will buynsclhi... 2 1 ?nv;'r m n vvf-iH in i i.iJii.l. 0. iiii uJ, ..''...iJiui I.i. L I I 1 : I I I I I I I ! 1 1 IM lit a I M KM I I i l l 1 1 1 B CURE AY ON RECEIPT OF 50 CENTS WE WILL MAIL A BOX OF THE ONLY INFALLIBLE CSRE FOR Tattor. Growa Itch, Itcliinj Piles, Ring Worm and ail Itcbrag S&ta Pisc-Escs. I! you have TETTE3, it mii:jri nM rise long It haa txlsied, TE1TERIKE will at Cirtslnlj cur you at you us it Harmless, Painlcs3 and Fragrant pjf(p TteftrartPtt If yon ro fllMotltfled I.l'ji8-.I wilii li.c 1-ohUs Kefcrencfin SontlicTn Rnliol 'tl:nSlxtof Ceorpla, Chat, kaut i-luiik, ami KationnJ Bnnliof t-nvanuah. J. T. SliUPTRIHE & BHQ. SAVANNAH. GA. Pure Cream-Tartar powder ENDORSED BY PROF A. L METZ, P. h. c, of Medlea.1 Tepftrimrmt Talan TJnlveralty OS buuiiiiiiii., hiwi .Her . ouwiu .i,ih . pronoun oe. if a pnn Vrtmm Tartar Fowdar, , which he cheerfully reoommend to th pobllc "The Southern favorite" 1 Punc, Wholesome nd Powerful. You Want It Ask Greoer Fer It Gulf Mfg. Ca iiT cewe One of f H i-wrie cn 'it-ii. (i jr h.u.m unt-rR 1, M1 iiitntiiMt)r in " h lnt altt. fr ll,n A II yoc lnv h. df it. Tbi fwi(V?rwji cat h rnwtl rj..1 rf ?,itl coH,, tr "y .!i . iny Wr i. itt ula. -ti- 'T ii-n to fin C-t mti iVnii .) n m i. ii.. 'U- i-.rt, i;h 3 - . . i . riiil TETTER i ! ,'H-, " nh . ih, rnj.tl n..1 ?h l SPECIFJCt OXYGENj " CHEAT H OF LIFE."! Z ntTMi..v. -.T n!of",,k: .j.V...: VTrft 0 mi n r i :v I. cures l iwhuum.; ' Z - -2swwpf 0 ! Ciau-J h ti?7J& SSr'Cw55 -112 tZ'LTZZZ h- tt ol !;.. cik&taf it ft rusiiifi 3 jrfc-'i it ia tfittwt. 'CTIU IN USE.; - t fftillW gg - J . U 1 5 - ' IHI tl':Mi.l tnwi n. 1 ' y. ' 1 "11 ' mm i rn a rcitnL caso umt,m,i r.i S::cT-: CiTlcn Co.. I 1 1 . I 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 liU IMI'll 1 CACTERIflE NATURE'S CURE FOR CATARRH ' Thl iiaw treatment for Catarrh and diseases of the respiratory organs it one of the most important discoveries in medical science and possesses th following advantages! 1. Th palltnt can cor hlmuN it a small ine rd without outsid MsltUne. 2. N chang ef diet or punvlt el 111 Is MCMsary flurin treatment . . 3. Th rcmedie are In n h (flMlhre Ie the fatient and antall no ducomkKt he remod; nxche the Mat el the Ireukle directly. ... 5. th reaiedlt end mean of aneilane ca he carried la the pocket without tacon.tnleno. FR KK Til KA TMENTm amy drug tlor. . CACTERINE and iNSUFriATOR, $2.00. f' CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Cacterine Medicine Co., Waco, Texaa, father Doarding, Comi'lete Ceilings, Corrugated Sheeting, Rootlny Paints, LzA Iron Roofing, Ej - Trcogns, fiullars and Ipeotlng. .'i- n of Shset Wetal for Bullsflng CCMPLCTE AND READY Wo APfLV WHIN SHIPPED. WE WANT AN AG r ifcww -an fiMtrvfti woikmait to of anJ AliL our nwtrtiil " ittt tcrai . S53TT & CO. Cincinnati. Ohi- CSTABLISHED I0T8. j 8ot4 Btwp Inr IuttfiMl Pris I iL. Tl8 Ssksactsr Opnasiuia Ca. For Materia, Liver Trou ble, or Indigestion, us 8 I BROWN'S IRON BITTB3S 5 a u. a it y , ifj oil I?? 1 srLi f 0 o 3 t 0" E o SSfli P N CW OaiUlM, ML CS 3 1 III Sa?ia I IB i.fe I -A I h . 1. 1 -3 - jr-;( mi -jar vnuv. ' I),, voii want to aid in Luil.Iii.a l a ,aier that rhall refl.vt t!i rtllt.t Il1-.ll I (ill l.th I nr. .K .'. ... 1... 11 . na. no matter where it uiav I s.'11? Then jMitronize The Wilmington Mrssengei A I.AItlit: KliaiT-IMCK I'AI'KH Do you want it reliable pnj i xitiiiiryou all the nctth of world a I li'iii. h t it t ie m wuhuun that cpials the Int-has the largot. irculatioit. and has for twenty-one years U-cn 1 part and fact oriit'thcgmw tli atuldcv velopllii'lit (if the Old Nolth State? Then sul Mile f(-r THE W ILXU 0105 aiKSl SOlR Campaign Bates: The "Daily Messenger,' 1 mail. 4 months on trial, for ?:.() The weekly "Transcript Mes- " !... I I m-iiei , llie lillI'M (IllU j best pajxr in the State) 1) months on trial for fl.OO Cash in advance. Both papers are large Light-Pagi s'niH'ts. Send Postal Card vith theaddn sk of liv pci sons and receive sample co,. es of Tut; Mi:ss2:.iiKU. Oct. 1st. 1SHS. tf. taki: t;ii; i Alton B. h. uiiiM Waat and Natoea. niniiiiiitu pin fu ),nv tin Wi'stt'in .tiiti's or Ten itniii'H will save time 11ml iiioiiv p'in vi'i. Cliicnpi and Alluii route, t is the iuirk'ht loitli- to vANSAS CITY, DK.NVKIt, IT KHI.O, A 'i.i nil points in M.iho, Vnh I iiiton, )iciii. I'tah 1 mill Caliloriiia. finest mul llest Kiinijijtfti Ilo.itl in tin' Went. Only lino running-tolid Vciti ; liv.il t ruii-H itMt n ht. .t;ujt and KiiitMiN ity. li.'clii.ii'fT air irs and Tour ist 1 v of I'Xtfiv rhargo. 1 will ni.o Tiarti;H at any rnil- I road statiomvitlithroiiKli tickets 1 and linjssajrr' cliri-kn. . For lull infoi inatioi.,ninpK niitl ! d"sei i ive pamphlet.s of the j st write to or cull on ! B. A. Nkwlaxd, j Traveling Pawwiir At.. : 1! Patron Ave., Anlieville, S C. J. 1 "HAUL-TON, (S. V. A ( liicafto. 111. lujif .p. fcid sui.iv-h fVr-M?n, oae K' i .'- liiiiX SfT !!!. All il"f.U'if ' r. S ur !if lp. f!m.ri hat ii .. - ' . ' .- a J r. li ll!.!.- '. . 1. 1 ,,( DOLLARS FER DAY SO Eany fl'ade. We wcd many im-tt, vomin, hy, mid girl to W'irk finis few lt-mr-i d.iiiy, r:ltt lunml rouU'l tii; .rnwn homes Tlie buiine-m tfM . )drasi)t, sirictly honorable, aiul u s fwiter iht i rn otli f oTenil amenta. You lutve a tlenr t'rlcj ami no camp.tl!kn. Kri vwt rn! jriHl iiMlify in-B-vTtTMary. No ra;iii;il t riiii ed. V e efjuip yo wi-h ver-tiiR timt ton eeH, treil joh wllt and h'-lpvon to irn tn timu nnHnnry. vitfrs. Wnnen do n wrll wn, mul I"-: P'r!s mnk-fjon l pav, Atii-on-, jir.vt-1 re. rnii dti t!i w,t-k. AH ttccei wlio ' 'I--t f ir p'aii anrl nlm ple IletrO, f"i-t 't.-k will Mmly !-ririf y in a jr.t V-t nf m;re-. F er-t'iir I- new H'l't i.i j-al .'im m1. Wri for nur ptm phlet rl-etil r( nn i r-c ire ;fl k-'7 :ii o. No bri finite if you conclude ih tu go os with lb9 butinens. Bo 4S0, I -T5 Croat, and Trfsne -M.irt ohtnincd, ami all tnt Immiitba rndiicK'il fur Modn-jl Fer. Our 0 .ir li Oripoiii'e U. S. Patent Office, and w e rna nernre pHU'iit iulesa time than thoM remote from Wr.hinrton. Send model, drawing or photo., wltk deacrlp vlun. We advise, if palontable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent ie r cured. A Psmnhlel. "How to Obtain Pateate," " kanea f actual cli"!ne In jsnrState, coont town, sent free. Addrem, . Opsoslt PUnt OSc. WuMngtim, B.W V i.j.-"5fO;iL:;hA .J I- L.- -..V