L ' .wc&'ircDiiii u i V VOL (I '.vatal;a carxrv, x. c. n;r !:. a v Al'i'.I!,. " Hill. NO. 2't. Facts and Figures The follow ing htUr from the happy holder of a Tontine Policy, give fi few facts and figures, in which there is profit able food for thought: V.I'W1,,.H, I .. I 'Z. Mr. W.J. Tfi-i.,.. Mn.-f k Hi'i. t. C. !!: Kiol ,u to r-,- l , ..',r ' .'-Ti l tlw 3.,h lnT.. r l , :.--k f. f -'... Ml jiynint ul 1..,ii.- I .-,.! n ?''' .'-.. 2..:ll'Jon n.y liie in li- l...t:,;j: . i-H A.ur- ftll-t s.Cl-f V. I .tin i.!m1 with th r--.",'! on ;:v twiw ml run rtti(i!"iMl thf l.j. o ,.v lkin I Ii- I.,-, ..., a :i s...- .-' r t!t t ie r..i.,p,'V : !: rht n -.- l:. r 4 fi .n,i.,.:!y M,t lultim ll t-,.ht.,. ' to t!.t- it .; r. ours try lr,;y, '.. . IVi-r. Life insurance rn.h r the Tontine rim of the EQiJ.i AHLE LIFE is an investment, not rn expense. The re!r.r,;s ?:;stw; during life, p. v.v'l as after death. If you areav!:i;Jeii!.m yon owe it to youw'f. I "you are are a iu:nied man yt i: owe it to your family. i!,-t to act is mw. Ii.ti.: fii".-; 5 1 lieularscun he'..i'l ! ; ; .-. V. J. RGLO.. : v, " Depar'.n.-ri c? it-.: C : s cc c i : :. .. :. ". ! rr');t':v at La v. ijMort: X. C. V. M. i). ihiotte, X. ic.-i-lent I'hv.-irian. Oilhv oti Kiirx r'trt'ct north ol'i'ost OihVe. ' .l7 7iA'.v;.r.l7 LAW, MA'.tiOX. X. C -()- "'ih p:-ii!-tice ia I'i" co'liis a! W.a.-ntra, Ashe, Mitrh.-'i, MrDa.v oii ,i"i.l all itlier comities ii; t!i.- ucst 'i n disi 1 i. t S tian ui ic:i t a ti -!intK. i-i;,l atlMi e coiiia-tio: 1 o W. B. ConnciH M. . T. C. Ehu'ti'oiii'a. Hoo 30, X. C. ZioiiviUe. X. C Council! tk BlaoMmrn, t,i'CnI!s ntlt'ihh'd tit nil June 1, 'O.'i. K. F. LOVILL. J. C. FLKTCHKK. LGV1LL & FLETGIIEU, ATlORShYS AT LAW, liooxi:, v. :. ,S"; ecV ;i tttjnt io n i re 11 to the coHetlon ofel;iinis."& L L. (illKKNE, & CO., REAL ESTATE AG'TS. ilOOSE, S. (.. Will i,iv specia! at teiit itai to abstracts of title, tin sail or Una I Estate m W . X. ( . Those ha vintr taruis, tiuiher and miueial lathis for sale, will lo well ti) cull 011 said (a), at IJoone. L. L. GIILE. k CO. March 1G, 18Ua. NOTICB. Hotel Property lor S;i 10. On :i.i'enniit fif fai!iii!' iniilth of tnyHiilf ami wife, 1 offer tor wale my hotel propertv 111 ti e town 01 Itaniie. North Carolina, and will low for cash and make terms to suit the buyer, and will take real or personal property in ex change. Apply soon. W. L. Hkyax. NO 1 l(h Partios putting paj ers in my hand for execution will pleise a d ra nee the tees wit h the ja peris and they will re ceive prompt attention, other wise they , will be returned not executed for the want of im. 1. V. Baikd Stiff. i.li' .i" i.l. til b 1 I w a 1 .i'i ;i 11 ii i'-r v 1 1 1; ; 1 hi ,.1. v.-a.s. 11 Hijf.'.l !!u- Ill ni-i ...iaiif of til-- ""!'" il h tt.i a.uliMi nil' I :t.! . . i . . ......... .. t i , , .. w I ... 1 1 1 : ,. ' Hi. ! lor tiic m-il!i iMrairt' an I M . .). 1 il ii-.m i in t!i i mis (.1;' 1..... :.i .... ti,...i: I... 1 -.- .!,.v l. ' I'M 1 i ' ti ic fi. t i'.- anil, al 1 i' h i,n a'lisoeijiM'asMit ha- , a..-:c 10 t.;at ! rt, th 1 1 1 S'v;i;s t.. t..' M,-.ii.atu ll.it- tii. ii !f,;l v- II .I..' ! i . I.ili. It i... n ill or v.- t,... 1. i- i tii. i.r! l. Fanr -J iv nf thi .v .-..!; it w.li:Wi' lXitlV.' Ilistl.t to Ui - O.'caa'.i .! a h ill a T ... ,,it!,,i;i! ..,v ! i 'i ,,,) 's. : 0:1 1 lit. 1 he ft 1 ie 1 t tin ( nail in' a j,ie 1 -a -lit fo i ' -a, 1 1 ;-u .;n ii ait-l U 'law a' .t In' v. i i i 1 ! ;sa ) ei Hi :; : f; i n t ! iii ' ' ill,!.1 " 1 i lli i ;e 11 - s i ll ( V ! ii.' ft . If. i-r.-t 1 I V '-in e i soiiie pi'et cih aia.!e paliiie th 11 a M'a. i -ii at a h -a a. ne,v Ire.i' v v. it ii I'iiia.i i act ion of t ll' ai va a e 1 if 1 1' ri Up' .11 1' . hut it was the- s . . . 1 1 . 1 ini.n i 1' MiSi ti.ii,. ! ,.x. j tialS. If i tr;:cts from th- tivaiv !,;,. ant leake.l out alia hen .winn .lia rrmei-s unlYieiiak 1 1 1 towards t Iv liltisi rati-ai. ! r... . i , .. .1 , 1 ! )f coarse Seen would h.ive preferred thiit 1 lie making ptlblic of this ti-eaty should have Imt-ii dc-a-rii'd until it cor.id have !n e, iiecompil ilied h'.V he co line acial treaty, to which it was the steppinz stone, wide!) h;ii4 beeti negotiated and now is awaiting iht ap prov.al of theChinese govern ment. The present treaty re lat.es entirely to the right h oi the citizens ot the two conn tries when living m either, ami contains several marked concessions concerning the coming of Chinese to Ameri ca. For that le.ason it is ob jectionable to some of the Sena to: s ,a 11 d Represent ii li ves from t he Pacific coast, but. in view of tin' advant tiges to be gained by tliecom meicia! treaty, to come la ter, it is ra t thought that the opposition will bestroag eiDUgii to endanger the rati fication of this treaty, but the Senate may decide, on ac count of the slinperyness of "hinese dipl.')iniicy, :o with hold rariheation until it is known that the cominerciMl treaty has been approved by China. Nothing is easier than to build up nbsnied stories by accepting wrong construc tions of an act as a founda tion upon which to build, and nothing is jippnreutly more enjoyable to those Washington correspondents w ho furnish imaginary mat ter for the sensational repub lican press tiKiii to put a wronsr construction upon everv act of President Cleve- lan.ls. A case m pom was; the desii-iuition by the Presi-i dent of Rear dmiral Walker dent of U. ..1 A.lmi... v . k fofthe command oft he lac.-j ...... - tnecom.nami(.Mue.dV - Station. Althou-h.t was ieially stated that Admir- Walker was given this com Li ' Olill wii. aiiu"Ui:uii olfh nl Walker wus "-iven tlnscom maud because the adminis- ti lt ui ii.i i . t-- -5 . i . I t-i ox n i aiion hi.i ! it; :'. i. 1 . 1 r in Hi- i I : U' U,i ruul t iun a: I'. .: 1 li.1V. -ta- !! rimf, I! 1 ;i i". t !. 1 1 . lit 1 11 i. 1 mi ha v 1 . ... ii awl If uas jho:-.-nj;!i!.v ta-, SaS ai -'lllI'MIII.-lll-.. UIH, II. I r p .!.... . ! 1 "!. coast njft'Oii ujoii:' ' .1 . t 1 h i-..i-i-isao:a!.'ii! . . i I mit no ,-int .-liowin t ! at ! 1 1 ii" si' m l inn u iifi ma !' ti ' ca 11 s, of :ia in; i-nt ioa r in ' i! :' '1 1' .i.l II t ll" !" i i-i. Il l !.-. r:l.. I 1 i' S t 1 iiri-is.m;;! 1 11 ,;'vcriitii"!ir 01 ii a a 1 TIh'm' sto' s -rr not -;!y!.n-t " A,! !,y oii ' i Iff.; to hi' S'a!- hut 1 1 1 i I n'sianit cm the I lilteil r'tiiies. n l;n h,;l lie.. lit lis auai .! oili-.-ia ii t u n;e.i j r latia:i to tin i tnatiei ! 1; tveniaii'iil of Hawaii o -a j t :."V a:- ho 'oi:;i''' .Vet' tll'V were' '.Va a ; ji! iute.l. ,-;n U'ua !a erili- i.h-;.. : ..-. 1 ; 1 is ail 1 i'iUi i': ii - pro,)- 1 I A a:- t-. ! r.laee, hii! h"s aaa lei.-repr" ! in-a- -;, 1 1 , i :v;it a t:ons in';. ar.Vi! vs i'o.i- teot.-a- r. iv alol vav r a' '!' 1 11' latttie.- '.. i heta. (i.'iiel'al "A'a-l. Ilaaipron 1 Knows js.- how to sail impertinence as any man in i puhiie life. The ot h t ,iay he W'A on n .Senator who lias h pri va te Seereta ry who is a ViCliilM'l l4tei.ni-. 1 i.nnii, iuiw '. t . As the (ifitei-jil a lit I' leav 1 . . . . 1 . : . ... 4 I , . . 1. iu: ' he Senator w.as ', ;ist.in throu..',!) tiie room o cupied hy the private IS cretary t hr.t iiiiiividiial stopped him ;in 1 said: "You asked fur hiiif ;i minute and have stay ed in half an hour; you ou;;ht to j,et ;i medal." "You man, "replied Genera! Hampton without a moment hesita tion, "you remind me o! what Mis. Partington told Ike 'Ahen he said he was go ititf to et ;i modal." "What Wiis th;ii?" asked th smart Aleck wiih a -rin. "Well, ike, you deserve a medal, fi r you are tlie aii'ihili'soai' Si eu.-s I ever saw. moa morning Mr. Sfcu'tary." It;pres'. illative I.hiild, o! Mo., takes a sensible view of the Coxey army business, which is hehi talkt'd about in Washington, more t ,e ;iuse ot the space iven it hy til" tievvspiipers t h a n because iinyhoily believes that it is iictualiy comiiif'. He s;i.s: Idle I'oxey jinny has astnm h rilit to come to Washington as the lobbies who come in belialf of protection .and oth er private interests. Asloii;; as they pay their own expeu ces and commit no depreda tion they ha to a perfect ri';in to come, Ibit if they violate law . iiud become a mob ot pilliijicrs tliey hliuuiu lie sup pressed." Senator l'ohuitt, of Ha , was very near to dy'ia;; hist week from a stroke of paraly sis. lie is now slightly bet ter, although not yet. out of danger. X.-O.-Chronicle: One of the suggestions is that the Presi dent limy signify to Congress that he does not obje-e1: to the coinage of the seignior age and would sign such ;i bid if presented to him, unr, . . . c i 1 . I . . ... H i 1. . t,,.,t . .,. tll0 eitect 01 un second section 01 the I. land. tall upon the Treasury, and , unaule ; e hjt (n(l;lM.P. , ( (i thjt ,nwIMir(,. ; tllt; p.y which they adop- Thmj iH a ,.i,a'jility of tliistHl hrt,n,'. ix montliH ago, lleiutf jolle. f So, it will tend j Wy post t (1 0 ;,U they greatly to rehev.. th" , PhtH , . . , .,,s,oratiou 'oreatlv to repeve th" p eal strain at the Soul h. t FK! t in i;t:; i a!. !. .,;: i i f 1! iv I. i- 1 to t h r i;..: ! 1 1 - , 1 ! lu- -ai t',.i...i.; tlit !,! v ha v. ! !!':; i.y is to ir- L ab' Ir I'M .n li; il- ! 1.1 I m-1 a-t iy a uy i-i-l . v-- lii'J."i- th 111 a .Kir Hi ai 1 ; ?. 1 ft '. 1 ! i' i il 1 I .1 1 ! 1:1 f p v- i J ' ' L. ... - ......... . 1 ... 1 ' t .... - i " m'- h.mi. . . 1 .1 ; 4 .va'-i A vi-r i"i n.Hii ! i. IT:' !io::iiiii)!vs of tl c i i til'- I'i--! I 1 i.!ll loll a ; .a i tl! i!i Ii'j'U i ).' t!i a-1 ' i I t: c 1 ! ia : as ii,, oai-v of s!i r i'1'1' . s'r i laa 11 v.'-umI iia.ii-uilitift,.,; ;,n , iZ l:s 'Ci-a! s a ai . a ' ! i X t ! a .- i-i'l'otl ; hiiT. - o. ai.tfr..!,. alJ.iat u-t.c. n sii! ,:u t "Hi i:ai .ithfiii to' l;.e ! ' it. i-e i a. y a; : 1 a e.--ii ai f. . 1 f;oi i "i' that j ': I t .10, ,; r !, il I' h . Vi r, it I-Sii-aaa ea a;e .!i a'-t ! ei-ll:i I t I'l.i t i il f ;a.t l'ee.vi r a! ; U-a a 1 ! ' ' laa.e : hat . i.as - i 1 '.!! u iil' n 11 a a a 1 ill l e tu (i !! I elare ih"h : tiiat i t.ictic an I it was .10: t ae .Nicnuan i r.v, 1 ii'.ii I ii,; fear of tariff refo. ai whi'-ii had m Used .t !n of ;:!'.. - sion in hu.sines. (hi t ic pea! of the vicious elans, re o! ! he Sherman ju t they boldly p'o.aed (UP., 'il iili t ally inert, oa a eaaipa.in for 1 the furtiier iatiniiJ.i t ioa of the bush;e. niteres'-v, ami for the p-ot ra.''. 'am of t'.e period of eoil.ip.-e. On the morning after the p-issitge of the U, oeiil ihil by the Semite the republican 01 gnus all along the line broke forth in zeal ous protestations that t h e evil from which th country was sum-ring was the dread ol tariff legislation, instead of th;; sdvev policy, and thai the tiiu -s could not grow bet tar until iissuraiicowiis given that the .hdvin!ey aetshould remain undisturbed. They did their beat to disturb such fears and create such a belief. ICvur since, their one a i m seems to have been to pro long the period ot depression and prevent until the Xovem her elections reaction and re lief. Insisting that the sus pense as to tariff revision is the sole mil. so of hard times, they have fought continuous ly and stubbornly to prevent ;i tei'iiiinaiioii 01 mat sus-p.-1 use by a ih'al disposition of I ha Til riff 15.11. d hey hhbus torcd against even its consid eration in t he Hon.se, w la n they knew that, its considera tion and passive wi re inevi table, and they have .already announced that when t h e hill shall bo reported to the Senate they propose to drag it through weeks and perhaps months of "discussion," al though everything that could be sail i about the tariff had already been satid over and over again. There is no doubt that un der the absurd rules and ens- ( Seimte they will ue able to -attv outthi. pit gra mme. In accordant with h . vvlu,h tht,y a,,op. U i'V propose i'i iui on im j ' . ,. 4. .. . r V , 1 . , .lti,v,, party, but on the contrary, I can to check tho restoration,' " ..f . ,. i-i ii a. m1 ii.iw-t I iaT ')JV a Mf-rt liiit to Kij I , s;,,.tii v. I.f i J' "It'll I'll- t !''.V W to ;i-sist till" IK'IIIO t-.J t.ii.H l-'iri'l iti.iii as !..,- aaats i:; t!... So nth t'M-ontrtjI .., !,,." . 1 ,. !, . ii!!i!i- t h" hi tit'. !! inn mat liiiifry, tfv aid --.a iv t!!.ii t!:- f.-atM f a"!i'ii the vuti U tvin-.il lli'i ill l!'lt N 111 i.ivi' ahva- ! ) i:.iti-!l I v. ty ii- !i t.irtics ti'.'V h.i:. tocar- rv th-m-xt Con:irs. 1 in; , ,n ;(.r th y c ia lay (V iv ; .. .... .' t . . 1 , . ,.. ... t; ! ...... ' :.j(!!tiIMsj,i - .'V.i!ftt'i;;i;'iiirj 1 1 . . . . . . . . i ati'i artiv iiy t ai'ucffi : caata'ci a utl . !-. ..f .i-nti u.-.-'.v ' ... 1 1 1 he jKijai!ar (iiscontci't. i he ii,,. ......alar uiscoiitci't. 'lhc ; t ;!. which thy mark mm Ii.i v--'!iii '- ahraiiv sot ;l!iio'!' t'f ;i i ; t inu a.: niist tin" !iif- . v in tu r.Vt-r 1 ,11 a I.h !.( r Up They ;o tip- I i ; 1 1 it i,! lt-ipp-'Ms to the !t keep; the '1 ' :rii- a t he I'i r, i-s not v 1! n M - .ti.,tl .V so t l'f.aihli;-ans ia i hi:;ii 11 a i ipr.-s v .t., inc. 1 it a a. ! . party ta a u'i'e !! plant it- ' 1! i i iivi 1 I ' .-.If ujain? A 1 a ,et that is- iil that ca'1 he taa.le out of ; h.' eoU! ,-e of I he il 'luiiiicaiis rs (he !!': e-'!ir 1 (Vi'ress on 1 I h" tariff q'.c-st i.m. They a! i,,lVIM 1),.. protective suh.siii s O W!:' our laws .and ro! the peoph in order that the Republican party might retain th" oiih c -; tae.V a re do iag ail thev can to throttle j industry in order that the i Republican party may re- u;iiii the ofHci-s. I Is it because the eagle is a bird of prey that they insist upon placing it upon their e lection tickets as their par- j. A. cisni'vs LLTit:;:. or. Winston Republican. J have read with consider able interest 'Jap. R. .Amis' and other coin.nunieationH that have recently appfim- f in your valuable pat er ji;;d j beg ! avo to sabaii' 1 few thoughts on the sameimpor- i taut r.r.bject, vi;:: wheth.er or not it would be beneiicial to fori:, an alliauce with tin Third party in this State. If by forming an alliance with them or any other p irty.the Republican party could be able to defeat the 'clansmen' of Xorlh Carolina without sacriiii iug any of its distinc tive principles, then I, for one would gladly- lend my mite of strength in bringing about this much desired result. But I do not see how a true Re publican consistently assist ,mv mail of set of men no the political ladder of tame who are in diametrical opposition to him. The Republican par ty have certain fundamental principles which are so plain ly sot, forth in the State and National platform that it is a bsolu tel v im possible lor a ny sane man to bo deceived .as to what we beiieve on the economic questions that are the tending issues that divide us from allothei parties, and especially the Third party. The Republican party be lieves in ii tariff for protec tion, the Third p:irty does not; in proof of this notice the Third party members in Congress, how they voted with the Democrats for the infamous Wilson bill. The Republican party believes in fair elections and an honest count, but 1 am not ready to sav so much for the Third t . 1 r 1 I . 1 i''i'Tai fii'crn.i law re- 1 ' .v iatvai 1.1 unn.o.-n imj nil lli.ir cloven "". !': xotr-i anay u !y af'-;ianl tlait n lhnrn :i n .11 ml f !., 1 ki II i it-1 11 1 v Tin v l ....,.t;..., I. .Ii.i,-.. It. .5 oji'io.ii tins u- i.T.r 1 1 . it m ntni cur v Ji'V cotnno!'i 01 silver uiid .Nation:.! bank notes, with the ass'.:v anee tha all shall be on ;i parity nr 1 shall be worth as much in one s 1 , ion of tic country ;is an uh.v, but 'lie Thin! party 1 eiieve that we shoui lemb.uk on new s a. and tiy ourhauds at making money by the u holes;) le, ''just sti he it off," and let every n.ai,, woman and child in '';s broad land have ii sa'di ii.ii, do away with National banks ami go back to "good old Demo-ratio times" and restore Stale banks and 'strike oh money that will be so cheap children could list it for 'thumb papers." Now. Mr. Editor, these are plain, unpolished facts and if we, in forming a coalition with the Third patty, have to surrender Jiny of our well founded prine'ples 1, an one humble voter, shall be forced to perform the unpleasant duty of protesting against, the same. In my opinion the most prudent thing for the Republicans of North Carolina to do is to put out ;i lull ticket m every country m 1 1, State for all offices to be hilled, composed of our verv best im-innd have thorn instructed to ie ike an ag-riogre-sivo ;esso a n d 1 ii -lit for tho right: ph setting forth the position of the republican party in it plain and prael h a! wa v with out any semblance (a- equivo cation. By pursuing this course we can at least com mand the respect of all op posing forces and be able to arouse the masses ofour own voters to such an extent that we could confidentially '.cunt on a full vote. It ap pears that some Republican: are of the opinion that by coalition with tiie Third par ty we could prevent Demo em ts from .acting dishonest ly at elections. 1 caunot see the logic in this conclusion, f-.n if the Democratic party is guilty of as black and hellish a crime as that, it oeitninly does so in -lay light and if that Republican, Third ,.nd Prohi bition parties separately an not. able to prevent it how in the name of common sense could they prevent it a unite? One more thought and I will dose this already too iengthy letter. If by pursu in o. course similiar to the one I have mvkardly blocked out the Republican party cannot convince the people of this State (now that they have tasted of the Democrat ic hard times) that it is to their best interest to vote for the Republican candi dates, then they would not believe, though onfi rose from the dead. J. A. Crnsr. Harthind.N.CMar.a. '91. Q"Pay your subscription.

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