J ffc ir jph tr VOI.H HOOXE. WATALHJA COUXTY. X. (. riirilSDAV APRIL. 12. 1S:1, XO. 2(J. How To Invest Small Amounts. This is a problem that puzzles more than one man who saves a portion of his salary. The fol lowing letter gives the result of an investment in a Toutine Policy of the Equitable Life. Union-, S. C, Dec. to, 1S91. V. J. Roddkv, Ym., Atfcnt, I'kar Sir : Your favor enclosing check of the Kquitahlc Life Assur ance Society iu settlement my policy, No. aoq.Jlo, came duly to Laud. Tlie settlement is a liberal one, exceeding my expectations, and I am pleased with it. Yours truly, William Mu.nro. There is no form of investment to-day that ofTers such absolute security a!td such liberal divi dends as th-j proper form cf life assurance. It's a matter tu which every man s'toul 1 be posted. We send yon figures and particulars without tli-.c ;e. V. J. RODDF.Y, MrxcftcrT Depart. nent of tlie Carelinas, ROCK HiLL, 5. C. I'lt'tFESMOXAL. W. B.COlJNCILL, -lit Attokx.y at Lav. c. W. 15. CO'JNCILL. M. I). Boone, X. C. Resident Physician. Office on King Street north of Post Office. ' i. v mninm, ATIORXEY Al LAW, MARION". X. r -(')- Will practice in t'te courts ol e';itaiui. Ash,-, M itclii !, M. Dow el! mi I all iher f-oii'itii'.H in the western district SrS"i-i;il at ten tinii given to tin; coiieetion of claims, "f: W. B. Cti'iDelH M. 1). T. C. BJiukburn. Boum, Jt. C. Zioiivillo, X-C. Gouncill & Blackburn, Piiysiciaos & Surpons. Z&C;ilIs nttendfd at nil June 1, E. 1 LOVILL. J. C. FL ETCH Kit. LOVlLL & FLETG1B, ATlORShYSATLAW, BOONE, N. Special attention given to tfw collation oiclctim."M L. T,. GREENE, & CO.,1 REAL ESTATEAG'TS. H00X1C, N. C. Will 2iv? special attention to ybst racts of title, the sale of Real Estate in W. X. V. Those he viiiir farms, timber and mineral lands for sale, w ill do well to call on se id Co. nt Boone. L. L. GREEy & CO. March 1G, 1893. NOTICE. Hotel Property lor Sale. On account of failing health of myself and w ife, 1 oifer for sale my hotel property in the tow n of Boone, North Carolina, and will ell low for cash ami make terms to suit the buyer, and will take real or personal property in ex change. Apply soon. W. L. TlltYAN. AO 1 ICE. Parties putting papers in my hand for execution will pleise iif.lvnnce the lees with the papers and they will re cei ve prom pt a ttention, other wise they will be returned not executed tor the want of iees. . D. F. Ryiiu Shff. xettei:. Froai our Rfjalir Correrpondeat. Siieaker Crisp has iil :ivs lieen a popular man with ilemocrats, in an I out ofCon Uie-s, at VYii.-liiiie.foii, jh,t Ins popularity is today one hundred per n t greater I than it ever was before His iciusalofa si-.it in tin' S'n- l when all liis p -rsoiial in i Imatioiis were for taking if. because it was rlf.irlv more beneficial to tin ilfiii- rath j p nt v for 1 1 i ii to r e a i u jSpi'ak r of 1 1 1 - to a-i otjut for I much of tin- iiu-ifat' ia his j popalacit v. 'ait it v. is ate)! ii M- event tile -.'"fet tri umph of the SjieaK'-l-'s Cotl gress'onnl career th t ran pe, flu- dim ix a- ! m e!- v ery 'leinocrat ia ; i-hiiitoii ; r al v to t lit- nv 'ii h it ia he i air an-f ve i iuee ie-. i s v j t ry time tic ;:aaie "ri-" i j c.ilietl. He Ii u n Ii I e l ex- j Seakrr Keed, as til it Ii uis j I if ive laillv was aeyer lit f. ire i i !niu.ili 1 on the floor of the IIotie. They h a v e had many parliamentary c o n t'sts, in which the Speaker not the best of th ex Czar, but never until this time has theSieaker sta-eeded incom 1 tiletelv Imaililiiia I tee I so comnietclv that he sat. after! ha vinn been niadv to do so by tin-Speaker, like a vhi,-j ped cur. If the (Jeornia dem ocrats arrM-f the same mind as the democrats hi rea bouts Mr. Crisp w ill certainly he a Senator after the 1. of next M trch. and they nre talking at this end of tlie line til" some tl'iiun higher vet for him in tlie tut ure. Senator Vo.irliees in open ing the tat iff debate in the Senate made lit tie us" of his ex t fa ordinary oratorical pow er. He just gave a plain straightfo ward talk, large ly iu the nature of an. expla nation of the changes made in the bill by the Sen.itacom mitteeof which he is .chair man, and hiving special stress upon the urgent neces sity for speedy action. Ac cording to the present pro gramme, very few s"t speech es will be matte by the other democratic niemhers of the Finance committee, and no attempt to limit the debate will be made until the repub licans have been given ample .opportunity to state their objections to the bill. I am glad to be able to state positively that there is obsolutely no truth in the published statement that democrats who nre dissatis fied with President Cleveland veto of the Bland bill intend to vote for a free coinage a mendinent to the tariff bill. Xot a single democratic Sen ator who favors silver will say that he isin favor ofsr.ch an amendment, and Mr. Bland, who certainly has the right to speak for the silver democrats n the House, if any one man has he has been their leader, both in this and in a number of previous Congresses-flia raeterized the idea as "an outrage and a crime" that would do no good and would, if carried out, iesult in the certain de feat of both tariff rctorm and free coinage WASHINGTON" Mr. r.i . 1 1 1 I w ill. as soon a the Hoii-t. run get an. I keep I (ltviu cr.llH- l Hill loll:.' P1,"li ti di-poe of tn- re- 'e-tioii eommit- f",, '" ,"iitetei ra-. of , .Mil vs. .loy. ot Mis- mi. V I . ... . I n n. a. .. i . ... i - .... ii 1 1 , i 1 1 i i ; I wi m ire th;iu i week lor lack t:f a voting tpi aum, move th.it his oiaae b:il be pasi- iver the President" veto. It cannot pass, unless the re piibheatis who voted against the !'id -liiMild l.'fus tovoie. Oi l even I he:i il roilbl liard iv p i--, as Mu re are a nim liel il i!" noeratS wiio voted ioi tie- bill ivh'ii it was p i--e. who mII not vote topis it over the President' Veto. There is lit lie doubt that a fr " coinage luil a ill soon be p it 'eil to I hi' Iloll-e from ti!' ("iiilli" ei. until! lee, oj W llieh Mr Ptlall 1 i-' ll.)il in III, I'M) t here is aite-li d ailit oi its beitiij p issc.i. Weil, the loan wa:t is ovtr. A democratic Public Printer is to succeed Mr. Fran!; W. Palmer, tlie republican who has held the office since May liSHO. The lucky man is Mr. Thomas K. Benedict, of Xew York, wh.) held the office !,n,m "1t'l't,'"t''' l.'IYml til fanners appointment. Ui!'le there is, ot course, sffime personal dis.i ppoint- "H'"t a,,m ' :,,,,,,iM rlrt w were close friends of other candidates for tlie appoint ment, there is gener.nl demo cratic rejoicing that the pos ition which controls the ap ... .... ..tf .I.. pointineiii oi neaiiy uiree thousand employees, ali out side of the classilietl service, is to be filled by a demo -rat. Mr. Benedict is not only a good democrat, but, as pro ven by his record when in con t it il if the office, he is a good Public Printer. There will probably not be one sin gle objection raised in the Senate to the confirmation of his nomination. Secretary 'Jarlisle has be come so accustomed totieing lied about and misrepresent ed in republican newspapers that he would not know w hat to make of any oppor tunity for the niunufacture of a fresh batch of stories be ing lost by the writers for these papers. He knew be fore he. went over to Xew York for a day or two of change and recreation that his visit would be made the basis for a lot of more or less ridiculousstories, and he wa not disappointed by the re sult. New York Herald: The U. S. has not a particularly large military establishment in fact, it is regarded as meagre for such an extensive territory n either has it many posts from which the sun is saluted at morning and evening. Still it costs the government f 20.000 an nually lor ammunition for the mot ningaud eveninggmi which figures out the expense at 54:. 71) lor each of the IMS day's iu the year. Webster's. Weekly: An evi dence of the fact that the world is getting better ami that the public conscience is not dead is found in the ar rest of a man for lying in a horse trad recently. This has not been regarded as a pun ishahle offence heretofore, but v are getting virtuous, iyou know. Ef RE is what TliET SAT. 1 he Augusta tlirtiiih ii leading G Olgi.l p.ljHT uni' li iidliMi ,. sa v: ' J lie ( hn.r.iele ih-eplv th ri- , ' " '"' I'n i '" j n-eatcs t liis a titm on t h 1 1. i it o! he l'resid.-nt. It w;!l lejoiee Wall t re t , tillt it w ill disappoint the people of the South .Hid West, who looked t a democratic adiniiii.tra timi ior a financial judi'-y which 'voidd appr -i; t vai u ''and stimulate liu-iicss. Tlie hoodieholdel S. the malt uf .a-turcr-j ;:n l th 1 capir 1-i-ts are oj. posed no! only to :r. e sil vci coin age. Inn t o any increase in the n s.a t volume of silver money." The Washington post, Re publican, reports t his: Tii men upon wlnmi tin veto fell with tlcmost crush ing fine were the Western and Southern men who las: summer voted for the repeal of l la Sliermno law and ex pected that when the Presi dent was given the opportu nity to do something for sil- ver lie won t remember t ie i ii . i sacrili -e they had made for him. They had hoped that the President's approval ol the bill would give them a leg to stand on. so to speak. when they went before their constituents in ihe fall elec tions. Xow they have lost everything, and are in t h e depths of despair.' Senator Bate, of Tennessee, says: "i am sure that the Presi dent fully appreciates the fact that seven eights of the votes of democracy were inlavorot the passage of the Bland bill. The men who repre sent thedemoci a tic party are plainly and unequivocally di rected to hold to the use of both gold and silver as the standard money of the coun try, and the platform on which they were elected calls for the c ;iin.ige of both gold and silver at the mints with out cMscri nidation against either metal. This is the re nl is,sue. "How does the veto effect the democratic, party?" was iisked of Mr. Bryan, of Xe braska. 'Which is the democratic party?' was the qoick reply, Mr. Cleveland or the people who elected him? The States which gave Mr. Cleveland more than two-t birds of his electoral votes gave only six democratic votes against the seigniorage bill in both House and Senate. Do the people of these States know w h a t sound tinance requires, or does Mr. Cleveland alone un derstand the question? It is a contest between the North eastern idea of finance and the itiea entertained by the rest of the country, a n d it must be fought out at the ballot box," The Richmond Dispatch's Washington special of 31st ult. says: 'Letters received by many Southern Congressmen since the President vetoed the Bland seigniorage bill seem to indicate that his action wasa great oisiipptaninieir. a J : . :. i 1. 1 in the section referred to. ami 1 particularly is this true of ; Virginia and Xorth Carolina, j Tl.. f ijiiin- of t he bid to be i Ci inn' it ,i vv is ti'ii t li ir fault; of but they r-- ri i i z that op ' p !!:. ts of the I), uiiii :ni.' par v will endeavor from 1 1 1 ' . '-!".-. i i'i ii "iii e'n.e.v on to iniure th. eatuli- !-Iate for C,.1Kres wil' i the 1 1"'0 The Atlanta Con-titu! ion says: 'Ye call the attention of "ur contemporary to the fact that Air.e; !t iin si!v r dollars the dlarsih.it WallstrH't regards as dishonest" are at par with gold iu the Euro pean markets fo-d.iy. It is trie (hit few of them iind iheir way abroad, but those that do are at par with gold. A'hy? Let it not be hasiiiy said th.it they are at par in Kuropt becaii-e t hey are ie- leeinable in gold at ho.ne. That is not the case. It is frue th"y are not inconverti ble by law ns rhe Fieiiehhve frnue pieces are, but they are not convertible into gold by law. Under the law that has been viola tetl by t he treasury policy, silver doliars arenion ey of final pa v a,. !it. They ire at par io ; :. i ,e,n:-e oi rueir pint! ;;.g power home." The Ulanta Constitution, one of t he ablest o? newspa pers and very strong in its financial discussions, says. "A Democratic Congress, de ceived and misled by its con fidence in the Executive, has wiiied silver out of our cur rency as the money of final payment and established the single gold standard. And now the people are told that there can be no more ad ditions to their eurrency un less there is also an issue of bonds. The emergency calls for the courage and patriotism of an Andrew Jackson, but the man who stands in Andrew Jackson's shoes has piiifti- cully turned the people's treasury a n d the people's finances over to the organiz ed money power at Wall street. Messenger: Rep. Henderson wi'l make his comment by in troducing a bill to coin the seigniorage only. Represent.'! five Bower is reported in the Charlotte Observer assaying that the "effect will be a breach between the President ind many members." Rep resentatives Crawford and Branch oppose the bond is sue so popular with Mr.Clt-ve land. So sj'ys Mr. Grady. So will say the South. The Bal timore Sun, ii blind advocate ol Cleveland and his doings, says this through its Wash ington correspondent; "The President has proba bly been more roundly con demned at the capital to-day than on any previous occa sion since he has been Presi dent." COME Ol Elt AND HELP US' An Appeal lir The Gospel .Mission W orkers. l?y Request. One hundred millions of nn mortal souls in our North 'Jhina field are hastening on to eternal deal h ! Does that ! ., ; concern you, my brother, my ..:..!.- im. - sister : i uese are .men ana women ant! children, with loves and hates, joys nudsor rows, hops and fears, sick - ' . .3 J . . 11 ' - 1 ries and pt like ourselres; but unlike ourselves Ui have no ray ot liht to t heer t lie nlooin of their denial fu- A I 1 1 hi i aev n i e ainoiiir tnoH" tine f.r vilioni Christ dieil. nml - - ;anioiin those to whom Here ! fTs when He says to vju: ' tioye theietore arid make iii iples of all nations." Yes, Christ has made it your duty to give the bread of life to these jKipL . your contem poraries many of w h ttn will soon be forever beyond your reach. Thous-inds are daily crossing tint river of death whence there ij no return, and for the groat, multitude the glad tidings must come soon or never. They are ig norant, of (Jodaml n Redeem er they Hie spiritually blind and utterly tumble to extri cate themselves from fhis pit of heathenism. All the edu cation, civilization ami char ity of the christian world cau not lift them out of this con dition. The Gospel, anil the Gospel alone, which is the power of Goti ::;' ) salvuti.;u I' every or.-; in it. believHh, can i.'! i:.:v 'ehv ai.i.e. ! Wlii! ; l:v! no i it.her mis I -siouai ic-k in Sort h Chin;., wo of the Gospel '-ilsioi!, twelve iu nutboi-, are oil u.eeve of starting into a region where Christ has not been named, stretching toward the far in terior of the Empire. We go foith in the name of Him who sent us with His message of salvation doing the special work lis has commanded in proclaiming to the lost re pentance and forgiveness of sins through faith iu Him, and relying upon Him prom ise of t he Holy Spirit to re new their hearts and toguide us. We constantly pray the Lord of the harvest that He wil si -ml forth more laborers into His harvest, God-called men and women ready for every sacrifice readj to deny themselves of many of the comforts of a christian land, and to come down and live simple lives among the na tives that thus they "may by all means save some." The way is now open, and now is the time for the churches sin gle or in groupsto send forth from their midst those whom God has chosen for this work. In view of the imperative need we appeal to you for one hundred men and women to enter this field at once. Brother pastor, much of this responsibility rests upon yon as leader of your fleck, and cannot be delegated to oth ers. Brethern and sisters, the responsibility is also up-on-each one of you, nor will anything less than your ut most be acceptable to Him who gave Himself for us. Who w ill come? V hat churches will send and sus tain them ? Written by Mry. M. b. (raw ford for the Gos pel Missionaries herself and eleven others. Webster's VYeeklv: And now tin.- report is out that old man Cleveland is nuking the : k. .. t .'.4 ' ? u f ' ' . p t he tn i mors from rawing- to- A fPm,ir ()r ,h- W,,r. . orth sect ion is our inform ant. In the language of Co!.. KWhrothei' "these He ion. .i- 'times."

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