vr 4- 61i U VOMi IIOOXK, W'ATALHJA COUNTY, X. ('., nilTHSDAY A1MUL. ls:it, SO. IX w u ' V UJ r Protection That Protects When a. man insures liis life under the old form of insurance, he is . imply assured that a certain sum will be paid to l;i:i wife, children, or heirs at his death. Good enough in its way, hut there is a much better way. The Tontine Instalment Pol icy of the Equitable Life not only insures but pro tects the benificiary from loss of the insurance c;s well. For further par ticulars, address W. J. RODDF.Y, Mr.najrtr, lot tie Carolina Ruck J .'ill, S. C. inuFi:ssioxAL. W. B. fOUXCILL. Jk. Attou.v:y at La .v. Boone, X. C. W. B. COUXCILL. M. I). Boone, X. C. llesident Physician. OHice on King Street north of Po 4 Office. ' j. v hobfukw, AllOltSEY .17 LAW, MARION. X.C -()- Will practice in the courts nl V;tau J, Ashf, Mltrlt.'ll. MelW cil mi.l all tlnr count ics in the western tiistrit-t ft3Serial at ten tion z.i vm to tin' collection of claim.-1, 'te W. J5. ('oiiru'ill a. I). V. C. Klat-kbcrn. Boon?, 5. C. Zionvillr, X- C Council! & Blackburn, Physicians & Surgeons. &Ca lis attended at all hour June 1, '03. K. F. LOVILL. J. C. FLETCHER. LOViLL I FLETCHER, ATlORXhYS AT LAW-, BOOXE, X. ;. ffcHTSpecial attention given to the rolletion otelaiiut.'M L. L. GKi:i:XE,itC()., REAL ESTATE AG'TS. 't(JOXE,N.(.. Will giv special attention to abstracts of title, the sale of lb l Estate in W. X. C. Those In ving farms, timber and mineral hinds for sale, will do well to cull on sablCo. ut Boone. ,.v L. L.GRbns &CO. March 16, 1893. , NOTICE. Hotel Property toi Saie. On account of failing health of myself and wife, I offer for sale my hotel propert v in the town ot Boone, North Carolina, and will ell low for cash and make terms to suitthej uver, and will take real or personal property in ex change. Apply soon. W.L.HBYAS. iXOHCE. Pa rties putting papers in my hand for execution will pleise advance the tees with the papers and they will re cei ve prom pt .attention , other wise they will be returned not executed for the want of tees. D. F. Baird Sfiff. Sa?e I THE NATION'S THUU'TK TO SENA TOR VAH'iJ. Washington. April lG.-Thc jfiinital cereui'iiiics of tlx late j Senator Vatfe, of Xort h Car ol iin. absorbed t he at ten! ion f the Senate today. The opening prayer by the blind ihaplain, Mr. Milbutn, was devoted entirety to the sub ject. It was in these ords: '0 Eternal (Jod, with our hearts ive eonte to the toot of Thy Throne, while the funeral kitell sounds through theeap ita' announcing the death f another Senator, while Norm ''arolina mourns the depart lire from h r of a beloved and honored sop, ami the nation 'eels the loss. We bless Thee lor his huge native powers, skill- .1 in the wide experi mee of publie affairs, and for hi-i u.f" ta! humor eni irtiine; and iilninine all subjects ln'toucli ed. making him kindly with his kind, by virtue of which he shed the influence of a wise and benificent counsel ami character on his nativeState ami b.v virtue of his place in this Chamber, on the land at lare. tJr.int to the widow and childien, under this sure bereavement, the only com fort which can come to liu man hearts at such a time unshaken faith in Thy Holy (lospel and the consolation and sympa'hy of Thy Belov ed Son. As the part ldy part of one of our brothers, has entered on the bonier of the invisible world, rratit that we may hear fiom Thy liis: "Blosetl ate the d.'.id that die in the Lord; yea. saitll the spirit, for th-'v rest I'r tn their labors," we humldy ray, thrauirh Jesus Christ our Saviour, amen.'' Senator B ins'im of Xotth Catolina, then made the for mal announcement of the death of his colleague, in these words: l'Mu. President: It n my melancholy duty toannounee to the Senate the death of the Hon. Zelmlon Baird Vance, late Senator from N. V.. He died on Saturday nijjht Iastflt4.5 minutes past 10, at his residence on Massachu setts avenue, in this city. Though ids lono- continued and serious illness oimht to have prepared all of us for t'ne sad event, still, beguiled by his own hopeful and cheer ful spirit, none of us had even dreamed that the white hors es wore coining so rapidly to his door. His death shock us to thedepthsof our hearts. It is a calamity, a sorrow, a deep publie ami personal b teaveaient. A groat man has fallen in our midst a great natiiot. a irreat statesman. a great thinker, a gt-ac spea ker, a great actor has parsed away from our sight for this I life. He died at his post of! ,lntu woli hi- Piont.luto ! " -J v. ... mor on, with his face to the front couragous, hopeful, useful, to the last. Suffering did not break his proud spir it nor dim his noble intellect nor shake his fearless forti tude. Full of years, but still in the strength of his eminent faculties, crowned with exal- ted honors, but still anima-! ted with yt higher uspira-! rations and promise ofdoimr jiiixid, a physical nrivk nndjital of .North 'nrolina, and Willi llli urn lilt? HI- ease, he stood firmly in the line of Ins e,u.r;,les ntid at (he last moment wrenely gatheretl his rotxH artiutitl him and stepped with t h e dignity of a Senator and the faith of a Chi 1st ian fro tn earth into eternity. It looks us if by some prophetic intu ition he had returned from the spring (lowers ami genial skies of Florida to lay down ins sword ami shield on the very altar of his country. ' This is not the time for the analysis of his character, tor eulogies of his virtues, for the history of his illustrious ser vice. On some fitting day I shall ask the S"ti ate to do justice to his honored mem ory. BiU, sir, 1 should com mit a verp great wrong not to say with what unspeaka ble pain and infinite grid the death of Senator Vance smites the people of Xorth Carolina. For more than 40 years in peace and in war, he has been the most beloved and the most honored son of the great State. From the overflowing ocean, across the hills and plains an I valleys to t h e majestic mountain tops, he was a familiar and most dear object to the hearts and homes of all our people. Language cannot de scribe the admiration and love ami gratitudeof all ages, of both sexes, of every class, condition ami race, of the whole people of Xorth Caro lina, for this great and good man. their benefactor and bul wark in prosperity and ad ver sity. Standing by his lifeless form today, it is my sacred duty, representing a Com monwealth til" nearly two mill ion souls to shed upon his mortal ashes the tears of then" affection and deepest sorrow. He seemed, sir, as if by destiny to hold in his hands the hearts of the peo ple and at this moment the throbbing breasts of thou sands ate following his silent march to the tomb. II he had faults, they ivere bold, brave, open faults, and are forever e -lipsed and forgotten in the splendor of a great and glori oils life in the magnanimity ot a noble nature. As I think of the short interval at which he followed the beloved Geor gian from the folding doors of this chamber to his late rest, it looks as if two tall oaks which stood over ami shaded our hearthstones had fallen in the early evening af ter the storm and heat of the day has passed over and be- ! fore the shades of night and winter had fallen upon their autumnal leaves, Colquitt I"1"1 Vll,1v h"'' du,1i tll,m' tlu , S t their country ami their ! iVIlovvuifii. But I must not trust my- seit turttier. At the hour ot 9 to-night the committees of the two houses of Congress, the entire delegation of the State of Xorth Carolina and the speciul committee from the State, with the family and friends, will leave the capital of the star-spangled republic and bear the re- ' " of Senator Vance through t histcr Stat of Virginia to the ut ifnl r-ap- thence take them to his bury jfrom this city Holiday eve ing ground on the mountain ning. As yet no more defi side or-lotding the blue; nite arrangements ha ve bet n torents of the French lb oad ! eftVted. and in the siyht of lovely A-lieville. ami there leave t hem in t ho .ihade of the ever gr etis, and in the mirrorand melody of fl iwing waters to sleep with his patriotic fa-tli-Ts;antl as the clouds it evening hang upon the bos om of the eternal to.vers of Black Mountain, so will a shadow of sorrow test .:; )n the bosom of his people; but th" light of his life, Nr-jth the early days of morning, will dUpel the gloinii from the mountain and from their hearts. "And now, I can only ven ture in the name of the stricken Senate, with gentle sympathy to semi to the no ble ami devoted woman, who for months by day and night with unwearied vigilance has stood by him like .mangel of light and love, our heartfelt condolence and tenderness, ami to hold up to his brave sons the ever-living beacon of their fathers life, lie ex pired solaced in the arms and affections of his wife and children; and may our Al mighty Father in hissupreme and infinite goodness, bestow upon them his strength and comfort." THE DEATH SCENE. Washixuto.v, April 1-4. All that was mortal of the illus trious Zebulon Baird Vance passed away to-night at 10: 40 o'clock. Senator Vance rested bet ter Friday night than during tin previous four or five night1. He was sitting up an 10 o'clock Saturday morn ing cheerfully enjoying his breakfast and a bottle of mineral water. His son, Mr. Charles X. Vance, soon after left him and went to his du ties at the capitol. About noon or a littleen fl ier unfavorable symptoms appeared. Mr. Charles Vance returned from the capitol and other members of the family hastened to do what waspos sible. At 12:80 or a quarter to 1 p. tn.. the Senator became unconscious from the apo plectic stroke which had be fallen him. He had just be fore signaled some messages to his devoted s n. The great. Sena tor's last end was peaceful us an infant's. The terrible pu'ii seemed to have censed. When uncon sciousness supervened he pas setl into a sweet sleep which ushered his spirit in a few hours into the eternal sleep. He died in the bosom of his family all of his nearest and dearest being at the time a roiitid him, expecting mom entarily the event. During the evening the news of his condition was cir culated through the city. Senator Ransoji and other members of the delegation, Sergoant-at-nrms Bright, Dr. Sterling Ruffin, his physician, and other friends and attend ants have been present since the stroke fell. Tile remains of Senator Vance w ill be embalmed and taken to Abbeville starting Within the past week, in creasing every d i v, the con viction has steadily deepened that Senator Vance could not recover, but it was not until Friday that many of his friends felt sun that the sad event was so near ami even then it was not surmised to be at hand. The a p o plexy had given no sign of its approach. There is profound and uni versal sorrow, for Senator Vance had a host of ftieuds as thoroughly devoted to him as to a brother. It is rec ognized as Xorth Carolina's greatest loss in tnatry years. WASH I XGT0X LETTER. From our Secular Correspondent. Speaker Crisp was not and is not an advocate of count- mg a quorum, to though it i wasadvocated by good dom-i oei-ntu lnna- M.f,., (W was ever heard of outside of the town in ivhieh he lives, but it became his duty as chairman of t he commit tee on Rules to obey the caucus res olution directing that com mittee to prepare and re port to the House such a rule, and, like the good dem ocrat he is, he obeyed, and the new rule will be. reported to the House and probably adopted this week and when once adopted he will see that it is properly carried out and that members ate not count ed whether present or not, as Recti used to do. In this connection it is not proper to state that thedein ocrats of the House was not driven into taking this ac tion, which so many demo crats of prominence person ally opposed, by the republi cans us they are claiming. It was the refusal of the repub licans to vote that kept the House tied, except during the short intervals when there w as a democratic quo rum piesent, for almost a month, thus tnakingconspic uous the necessity for count ing a quorum or allowing the business of the House to.be dictated by the republicans; but after all it was not the republicans who forced the democratic caucus to d o what should not have tt-eu necesf i.ry, but which was ab solutely necessary. It was the inability of the democrat ic leaders to keep a demo cratic quorum on the floor of the House that did the business. T h e y concluded that they hail tried and fail ed so often to keep a demo cratic quorum that it would be a good idea to make the republicans help by counting them when they' refused to vote, and at the same time, thank HPhven, they are go ing to make the nbsent.ee come to time or forfeit his pay while absent withord leave, except when sick and unable to attend to his du ties. Senator White, of Califor nia, joes not " believe that more than five Senators will vote against the ratification of the new Chinese treaty. It is expected that a ote will Wi reached some time this week, although there his been no formal agreement to t hut effect. There was not much sur prise h,.t when the jury brought in a verdict for .1,"), 0UO in favor of Miss Pollard in her breach of promise case against Representative Breck inridge, of Kentucky. It was generally expected. Col. IWk inridge says the verdict will have no effect upon his eandi d icylor Congress and that he intends rerurtung to Ken tucky and making a personal 'T.nvass of his entire district. There is a general feeiing of relief here that the trial is at last :ver. The general debate on the tariff bill will by agreement close next Monday. Then the Senate will begin thecon siderationof the bill by items, ti process which promise to belong and tedious. Sena tor Smith, of Xew Jersey, de livered a tariff speech today somewhat in line with that delivered by Senatc-r Hill a week ag-, Uii. not so radical. The fe ir o; me o-'ieat A tin biliis only in the opposition l';U'"'"'; h"-' ti.ifc exht a- oeee vi ai:c i or v, no si; i at j;e 'in cus held p. c'- i ; i r ','n porting til b.ll that ii; .v reserved the right to propose amendments on the floor of the Senate will succeed in get ting some amendments adopt ed, with the aid of republican votes, but they have no doubts about the final pas sage of the bill; nor do they believe that a single demo- icratie vote will be cast a- gainst it when the final vote is take.n T h e newspaper talk which has grown out of ti "fake" interview with Sena tor Murphy, of N'ew York, about the bill not being vot ed upon before the Congres sional election is simply rot. Senator Murphy never said such a thing, nor thought it. The bill is going to be pushed to a vote ;it this session of Congress, and it is going to be passed. These two tilings can be relied upon. Senator Morgan's report on the new Xicarcgua Canal bill is strong and convincing, concluding thus: "The plan and certain effect of this bill if it becomes a law will be to put into active busine? em ployment 1100,000,000 bor rowed from our own people without risk to the govern ment. It would furnish good and wholesome employment to 50,000 Americans, who are marching on the high way s, begging for work and often lood. Senator Vance, of Xorth Carolina, whose health has been bad for a long time, died suddenly from a stroke of apoplexy, Saturday night, at his residence in th's city. Senator Vance was a univer sal favorite and regrets are heard on all sides. Senator Pugh, of Alabama thinks in view of late Euro pean news that President Cleveland is not a bail sort of a prophet. He says: President Cleveland told me the other day that he believ ed silver wculd be remonetis ed in 1896, and that this country and England will by that time be on a basis of bi metallism." It ha been no secret among the President's friends that he believes Eng land will soon have to get !hvn from thehigh horsesht has b,v:i sitting ar-wn i,i deal ing with silver. H isi-c auto of that behei that has ::dvk ed a policy of delay on the part of this country.