i f i . I v: t .J f Vi ll M t 1 1 Wfi W k u v u VOL (J IH)()Xi:, WATAL'CA (WNTY. X. C. nil'lISDA Y MAY. 3. 1801, NO. L). Day After Day, Week r.fter wetk, year after year, you plod beaten path, from your home to your work and back again. No hope for the future, nothing ahead but work, work, work, and a Mill hiker prospect for your family should you die. A 20-year Tontine Policy in Use Equitable Lift wiil give you something t live for ; a bright star to look rated to, ai tad to tuil when you are no lonrer able to follow the lx?utcii path of drudgery ; an assurance that your witj a;id children will be provided for at ycr.rf leath. Isn't it worth ten-ad--r'u;? I'or Lets crd finrco atiiirtss V. J. RODDEt , ."Tinaft-cr, Department of tlic Caroliuns, kOCK MILL, S. C. rnvr.'icssioxAL. Ii. Cor.NCILL, .Ik. ATTOIt''V at L.v ,v. I)0;ne, X. C. W. l. ("JCNCILL. M. I. Horr.if, X. C. Ikosideiit I'hysi'-ian. OtSice on KingStns'i norih of l'ot Oflice. ATlORSin' M LAW, MARION, r N.T -(")- Will practice in the courts ol ' 'ntfUUM. Ahlie, Mitchell, MeDart cli and nl! t!ier counties in the iM'st'Tii district WSiieiial atten tion gi vru to the claim.-'. "ft'S cuilertloil oi W. B. ( o-nci'l M. II. T. C. UliU'kbnia. Uaonc, X. C. Zioiivillc, X. C. Counoill & Blaokliurn, Pliploians & Siirpoos, fcS'CnUx ntU'iuh'tl ;it all J line 1 , M.K3. E. T. LoVILL. J. C. FLUTrillCIJ LOViLL & FLETCHER, ATTOllXhYS AT LAW, nooxK, x. t-f"Sicri;i 1 ,i t ten t ion g i yen to the colli'tion oc7,i7v.s.'4 L. L. GHEKN12,&CO., REAL ESTATEAG'TS. fiOOMC,N. I. Will givs special attention to abstracts of title, the sale of Hen I Ustnte in W. N. C. Those h.-ving farms, timber and niinetal lands for sale, will do '.veil to CiillonsfidCo. at Uoone. L. L. GHEES & CO. Vfarch 10, 18!ia. N(T1CB. Hotel Property for Sale. On account of failing health of myself and wife, 1 oiler for sale my hotel property in the town of lsooito, .North Carolina, and w ell low for cash and make terms to suit the buyer, and will take r.ml or personal property in ex- "inariige. Apinysoon. W. L. TtiiYAN. NO J IC E. Parties patting papers iii my hand for execution will plei se a J v,i nee the tees wi t h the papers and they will re cei ve proiu pt a tten tion , other wise they- will be returned not eecute for the want of ices. 1). F. IUird Shff. li:tti:r. Heu!ir Corre'ponlirfJ F03i oar WASHINGTON" 1 w Ms one of t!ios'.c!is otW Mslr piiiui-m -s imi'i I he . w l in k I to H)l)l . Senator Cat-! trut. He g'w on n n d Pnsidcnt Cleveland w a s ; ington for a long period. He World the follow nur ir-uuic i i. k WiiMi. appointed . fill : points dirrrtly at those Semi Tory much suipnsod whoa lirigot more than UUiH) and'of coating Seii.Wori il !.-! t h vacancy caned l.y the' tors who have raised obstao learned, fr. in a local paper, t by shrewd management w nf i tion : : death of Jln lat Senator Al- j to the passage of the tur- that there wcie people jgnor-j to St. KlizaMlf hospital! Ti ;.',i f t !if roim-1 fp.tl r.ljui t, Will hctiil 1 iff hill by savin" that f'-alty .. .. 1 . ... .... a 1 f 1. .: 1. 1 . .. . . 1 1 ... 1 ' 1 1 !!' .1 1 . . ! ' " . "i -iiouii 10 Mipposo 11 to l' Ins duty to nmh some sort of a proclamation iii'tiaiy. ' ' coinu't tion with the coming I of roxos so-callfti nrmv. Kvcry person of sii fib icr.t t. lliu,enei to iea(J the Consti tution oi t!ie I'nited States should kno.v tliat th Prcsi d"iithasuo more authoritv to isn: a proelaination con ; ceriting t he coming of these men into the District of Col iiuibia t!i 111 he had to issue a proclamation dealing with their srarliii" from the State of Ohio, oc their passage t h r o u ii the States of Pennsylvania, West Virginia ami Mankind, just as those stales have, and until that government shall notify the President, of its inability to deal wil h the expected unwel come visitors the Piesiden; h is no o.it hority to iaUe.nu exception, even weie ho dis posed to think any neci ssary. The. '.'oxeyites will liud when they arrive in Washing Ion that they are neither to be lionized nor made niartyi s of. As long as they violate no law they will be let alone, just as other visitors are. Il they violate tin! law they must oxpict no mercy for 'hey will get none. They are coming unasked and upon a fool' errand. They will litni the law standing between then, and their programme, so far as marching up to the Capitol and holding a meet ing upon the steps of that building is concerned. They will also find that Washing I'm and the surrounding ouutry is a mighty pool place f-jr a hd of men to be stranded without money or a plentiful supply of provis ions. Xo trouble is expected from the (.'oxeyites prop-r, but from information re ceived by the police it is be Ii -ved that they will be join ed when near this city by a large number ol criminals who hope to proiit by any trouble that may aiise. The authoritiesare fully prepared for them. Another good republican is in trouble with Uncle Sam. The aforesaid republican be ing 'Miy'" just $:$,841,01, in his accounts. The party ie terred to is Theodore Deaveii p )l t, of Cinnecicnt, who was (JisDursing clerk of l ho Post Office department under the I a s t administration. Mr. Deavenport w a s removed last year and a cDmmittet appointed to go over his ac counts. His stealings wen done through overcharging the amounts he pa hi out for supplies or work done for the department. His bondsmen. who are perfectly solvent, have been notified to pay the amounts mentioned above, so the government will lose nothing". Mr. Deavenport is also liable-to criminal prose cution, but his exact where abouts is not at present known. This is the second republican defalcation in this office within a comparatively Ui Miftp.tiod. The first one! ' ' ';l'f l'n ''1,n,s',,,' ' 101 tin- inline. wntMi'ii'! .-u;i H. Mistoau d to .Ih pi'inirii-1 S 'iiator (I.ir lon (piitf nn cvpci-tcillv spi mi"; ' U'1 iyv in-jtion vit!i v,!ii,;i the llnn- committt'e oil Uaiikin:; and Clirretiev has lit 11 wrestli;- ; . for a long tiaie upon tic1 S n j ate bv the iulrodiictioa rf a resolution instructing t h e committee on Finance to re port a bill repealing the tax oil state bank currency. The resolution wa referred totheicani Finance committee, a major - ity of which are bch-ved lojand ihe I! iwaiian contro be oppc.vd to the repeal ol ! ver.-i 1 .)' ;i" past year, the tax. I I.- eal i-sll-'S will li" merged The appointment ofex (lovjiir those .rcitcd by th 'lead ernor Jarvis to the uaex :ers oi t henation, and as ovi r pired t rni af t he late Sena-1 1 w ni.v Senators are to be lor Vance, was very cHved here, where well re Sena tor Jarvis has maifv fri nds, a- inongth'1 wannest of whom, President Cleveland. The North Carolina delegation in Congress have nothing but good words for the new Si u itor. 1 he d 'inoeratic party at arge will hear some good news from the Semite i.i th" near future. Morecaiiuot be said without violating confi dence, but it can Im statm! that it relates to the har monious passing of tho tariff bill by the vole of every dem ocratic Senator. The Pennsylvania laanu- factuiers who paid out good money to send seven oreight hundred people, under the high sounding title of Dele gates from t h e Xational Workmen's Protective Tariff League, to Washington to protest against the tariff bill, made a very poor investment. fhe protest was very tame indeed and. did not create even a ripple at the lanitot. If s e n t by mail it would have been enuallv effective- Half of the "d( legates' show ed their interest in the widely ail vert ised street parade by not taking part in it, prefer ring to upend their time in sight-seving, not- knowing when they would again have an opportunity o come to Wasliingron without cost to I hemselves. The new quorum counting rule having deprived the ie publieans of the House of their favorite occupation filibustering by refusing to vote when tin re was no dem ocratic quorum present they have now started a new way of retarding business, by trying to stir up bitter political discussion over un important items in the regu lar appropriation bills. They wish to prevent an early ad journment of Congress. Knoxville Tribune: Fraud? Did any body eav fraud? If so let him subside. The idea of fraud in a ifpuoliean pri maryl Next thing somebody will be charging that the Dev il is not a Christian. Cincinuatti Post; There is one thing chat may be said in tavor of Miss Pollard. If she did deceive and wrong a confiding old gentleman, she was always ready to right the wrong by marriage. T'.vm I.. Sostn s loVf l.'JsU"!. 1 '"' V,i ,n,il ( ' ,M i? 111 u .or in anni'. 1 in . is u- in; mi-.-i .imii pliras.- I III" year . for 1 S' t pt Aidses to;f m-in i'llerest even a pn-s j ii.!rl:t!,' election. In tact it i !- j to '-; e'ia l .v a ;m .1 1 v t caaipaig'i his lecson i" ' or in ':' " al";'.! i' the wiri' 1 pa 1 iheniv !)::!" brought to til.' front, prepared to 1 into t !e- ht each w hicli : t; ;;i!i sti-i?'" will engender, i i ; i:i.e I ith a mass of l) 1 i",-!i air lerial growing f ti," silver, the tariff lout chossi by the legislatures which are to be elected this ye.".!-, and an entirely new If; use of Representatives is to be voted for, a change in tlm complexion of the legis lative branch of the country lies in the balance. In the following summary no de tailed mention is made ofthe' Congressional elections, but I lies, tike place .in all the States on Xorember (ith. The Senators whose terms xpito, March 4 1H9.", are .lohn T Moigan, of Alalia in a Jan.es II. Berry , of Ai knnsas; Ivlivard 0. Wal.-ott. of Colo rado; Anthony Higgins, of Delaware; fleorge L. Shoup, of Idaho; Shelby M. Cullom. of Il'inois; James F. Wilson, of Iowa; John Martin, of Kansas; William Lindsay, of Kentucky; William P. Frye. of Maine; George F. Hoar, of Massachusetts; James Me 'Milan, of Michigan; William I). Washburn, of Minnesota; .lames MeLaurin, of Missis sippi: Thomas (1. Po.ver, of Montana; Charles F. Manden son, of Nebraska; William U. Chandler, of New Hamp shire; John II. MePherson, of New Jersey; M. W. Hansom, of North Can linn; Jo-soph N. Dolph, of Oregon; Nathan F Dixin, of Rhode Island; Mat i hew C. Butler, of South Carolina; Hi-hard F. Petti- grew, ot South Dakota; Isham (1. Harris, of Teniies- see; Richard Coke, of Texas; Fppa Hiinto'i. of Virginia; J. X. Camden, of West Virgin ia: and Joseph M. Carey, of Wyoming. In addition to those, va cancies for t he terms ending in 18'.H) are to bo filFd by the Legislatures of Wyoming, Montana and Washington. Iowa has already elected Congressmen (Ireer to succeed Senator Wilson. Virginrx has eh-'oted Colonel Martin to fill tho place ofFppa Hun ton. Kentucky has chosen Senator Lindsav to succeed himself. The Legislature of Louisiana will also have the naming of the successor to Judge White. Senator Wal thall w ill resume the Sena1 or ship in 1805. Georgia elects a Governor, Statehouse officers and a Legislature, which chooses a Senator for the short term, Vndil. Maich4, iiihI ' l'1'1- ,"1 '". bo. n 1 air 1 in Miori iciiii. .o ointo pattv oiainz.ltion ue cm ti-il who lie rlrrtfd r tho short term. North Carolina elertw judges, solietors and a l"gis- ' 1 -j til re which v ill name a suc o ce.-sor to S nator Ransom and n Senator to fi the nn- e.vpired term (two years) of tin; hit" Senator Vance. The Im cine Tut. The attempt wide!, tho. t ho Oppose the iljC oiii ;.ix are making to lire the Nu.-tii-crn heart, against the S jJth 'y declaring that it is a s -c- tional measure proposed by I tho South as against t h o North, is easily met. Tho in come tax was not bi-.aigh; forward in the democratic platform two years ago, but ivas in tho Weaver platform. It was of Western i!ot South ern origin. It was proposed by the Western people. In our linancialcondit ion, tiie South has approved it, and hasurg od its adoption. It is a just, proper and wise measureand those who object to if a. re ac tuated in large part by self ish consideration. TheN. Y. Sun. the Evening Post and other su.-h papers are quoted as saying that if it passes, that X. Y. State will send a solid republican delegation to the next Con gress. Those papers may be prophets and New York may do as they predict. But if not, it will be because the democrats do pass the In come tax. The only hope to prevent republ'ca.n suceesss is the passage of that act. Those p a p e r s represent measures and ideas which have ahfady wrecked 1 h 1 democratic party North. The party was wrecked then months ago. It was wrecked there before the income tax was heard of in Congress. It was wrtcked by those papers -ind the men and the ideas that those papers represent ed; and now it is audacity it self for them to attempt to evade the responsibility ol their action and thiow the burden on thtr south. The financial measure of last su nmer and fall wrecked the democratic party a 11 1 every (-lection since then ha. pro veil t ho fact. The only hope for resusita tion lies in the passage of tin income tax. f-et the work go on. and let us make one .n ore effort to save the party from absolute destruction. News-Observer Chronicle. Mr. Cleveland in Iiisletter to Chauncey F. Black refers to the duty of the party to per form its pledges, mentioning that a failuie to do so in volves degradation and dis grace. That is a truism which the people would like all to fully appreciate. It is in connection with the tariff that the President gives the ne idea prominence, saying thatUhipping administered by atlwl as we won our victory under the banner jf tariff refo mso our " insistence upou that principle is Mie condition of our retention of the people' in a 11 d s th" nibordiiiation of individual advantages, and the putting aside of ignoble jealousies when party principles, and party integ rity and party existence am at stake. Heroines outpret ty strong for party. With out question, the fundaino'i tal b.isis of the Pe-n .eratie g-i : m anon hi tiice pn "i;. ars !ta-' ! t.-o ia i ciorni t !i it t !: f t My is com mitted 111 stronger ferine t hi 11 to any other measure ofjii.it- ie policy, and the Senator w ho are putting the only tar iff reform bill before them in jeopardy are entirely out of the traces ami should be brought to a realizing sense of their miserable conduct. -OAIironich Vu Ailie County Man in Trouble In William J. Floyd tame to town yesterday. He hails Irom Ashe county, North Carolina. Ilesavs he came here to buy second hand coats, but the police suspect he had designs on the goods nown as ''green. " 'I here- rote, the rural visitor was locked up. Floyd arrived in I rsey t ity yeslei lay in o ring. When he got off the train a man with a slouch hat spoke to him. Floyd confided to him that he was in search of a fiist-class hotel, and the stranger sail he would take him to one. The two started across the ffrry. Arrived in New York, Floyd was told to walk on one side of the street and his companion would take the other. Marching in that fashion, the two went to 3G Watts street. Floyd wnt in to get breakfast, and the stranger advised him to send a tele gram Co the dealer in coats notifying him of his arriv il. While awaiting an answer Floyd began to suspect his n e w acquaintance, and wound up by confiding , his suspicions to a policemen, who took both men to the Leonard street station. There Floyd's acquaintance gave his name as William O'Don nt b and said he was a hack man. When arraigned before Jus tice Tnintor in the Tombs police court, and alleged haekmnn was fined !jj-2o for soliciting hotel pa!iv 'm without a license. A .vs chambered e v o 1 v e r w found on Floyd, and he was held in default of $100 on the charge of carrying con coaled weapons. New York 'limes. Landmark: A colored girl was found dead -near Old Hundred, Richmond county, a few days ago, and a coro ner's jury found that fche 1. . j . .1. 1 came to uer oeatn irom a her grandfather, John Kobi son. Robi-on had not been arrostet' at last accounts.