7 A VOL (5 nooxi:. WATAUCiA COUNTY, N. VIIUISSDAY MAY. 17,181)1, NO. 31. c 7 1 Don't Mtt-h.-ri aK""l tliii;forsorae0i:i:g of lc-s, va'.ue. Don't i',iv up one insurance jolicy and t..'c nnottiT. Alwaj t remember that rml.I p-Jioy isof f ir greater iatriusic value than a ucw one. Don't I.et the premium on voitr policy 1 tpMS even f.r a 1 iv. You can't f to-.cc t.:o events of to-morrow. It i.:ay not I s pessiMe for you t f;et another policy if U.8 present oo is dropped. on't Consider any other form of insurance until yoa have thoroughly investi gated the plans ot-d policies of the EOUITADLK LIFE. You will per ceive their advantages ot once. V. J. RODDEY, Manner, rorlieCirolin.. Rock lii.l, S. C. I'llOFESSIOXAL. W. B. COUNCILL, du. Attounsy at Lay. Poone, X. C. W. lb COFXCILL M. 1). Boone, X. C. Itesid-mt Physician. OlhVe on King Street north of Pot OrHeo.. J. i MihUmW, Al'IORXLY M LAW, MARION, ...... ----N.C -(D)- Will prntMi:'!' in t'i' comtrt ol and all illier counties in the western district tSpi'cin attcn lion fziven to the (oilectioii oi W. S. Co'ind J M. i. T. C. Blat iiL:a-u. JJoonc, X. C. Zioiivilic, X- C. Councill & Blackburn, tmiPiini K. I ul.cbJilOi &-TCtills attended at honrs.vJl June 1, ?,.K3. nil E. F. LOV1LL. J. C. FLETCHKK. LOVILL & FLE1GHEI), ATlURXhYSATLAW, r.uoxE, x. Sis' Special attention given to the eol let ion oteluinis.Qb L. L. GllEKNl', CO-i REAL ESTATEAG'TS: H00XE,X. (,.-. Will R'iv) special attention Ui abstracts of title, the sale of Ileal Estate in V. N. C. Those In.' vino: farms, timber and mineral lands for sale, will do '.veil to call on said Co. at I5oone. L. L. GREE. & CO. March 10, lS.K XOTICi:. ' Hotel Property tot S.-uc. On account of failing henltli of myself and wife, I offer for side my hotel property in the town ot Uoone, North Carolina, and will ell low for cash and make terms to suit th- buyer, and will take f jal or personal property in es--.hanKe. Apply soon. " W. L. Pkyas. XOIICE. Parties putting papers in my hand for execution will please advance the fees with the papers and they will re cei ve prom pt a tten tion , other wise they will be returned not executed for tb? want of V"S. 1), F. Si'l K. D WASHINGTON I.KTTKIt. ! From our Scalar Coriesponlect. Coxevistn is rampant in Washington. jiu'I nowo-ul,.)-. When Coy, Ill-own Mhl Chi istopher i ohnnbu Join were ni rot I'd for vi..l iting i In law by attempting to spi'ak on tic Capitol steps, they found sentimental wo men and mm hi search of notoriety r idy to fnrni-.li bail for them, and when their cases were called for trial in tilt' po!iec 'olirt they fomi i among then- volunteer oun selotic I'nited States Senator and half dozen P.epn senia-' " l'Hiit lo tnnir; ol the lives all populists.' And ifidoily sittings of the S.-i.ate. ili trial, now in its th.rd,,l,",s the republicans will day, results i:i conviction. they will doubtless havette-ii tiitet paid for tle-m by peopl who will imagine themselves diilaiithropists for contriba in- money tosui h a purpose. So much for the leaders, who stop at hotels and enjoy their notoi i' ty. About ow mile south of the Capitol building is an enclosure which has for years; been used as a dumping irrotniil for miscellaneous city tilth. In that enclosure arc nearly 500 men. four filtl.sof w h o in a r e profession::! tiamjis. An admission fee of 23 cents is charged to ;:o in and look over the collec tion. So far 1 his has brought in enough money to feed the tramps and they have made no trouble, but the public curiosity has now been pretty well sated and, unless i he im aginary phi In nth! o pis ts shall contribute to feed the un the ariry will soon begin to desert by wholesale. That they will no' work lias been proven by Coxey's refusal of an offer of a camping jound of GO acres in a healthy loca tion just out. of town, as lone, as his men wanted to use it and 500 in cash forclenninji the underbush trom same, lie p'-efei red to keep the men in their present unhealthy lo cation, because he thought he could ;et more money otu of the admission fees than he could if the (amp was remov ed to the country. He thinks more, however, of his blood ed horses, as lie lemoved them from the camp in which the health of fiver says he would not be surprised at 4iiy time to see several con tagious d 'senses make their appearance, and bom which men are every day carried to hospitals. Coxey has so far been very peaceful a n d law-abiding, with the exception of his mildbreakat theCapitol, but! it is because hisTorce has not I been strong enough for 1,;.,. nmi to be othervvise. His inten tion is in the end to make trouble, if he can get. a suffi cient force of nun gathered in Washington to do so. He still talks about eventually having200,000 menhereand other rot of the same sort. His coming here was a fool's errand, and he has been en tirely too leniently 'dealt with by the authorities. This Coxey foolishness is also costing considerable ... . i j money. Attorney ieiierui jUiuey ij;:,sre(ueM('i.i ' iim's.0) remisy .i l . .... t . I 1.. - .......! i to maUe a a ipropnntiou or 6.-0.000 to in.pi the oxpr nse of employing extra deputy marshals t o deal with the 'Kang of lawle.s txyit-H in ,n'' northwest, and the bill for extra p .i; e piotectioiijiiirge emulation in this conn whieh the District of Colli in- j ty and enjoys an enviable re bia has l.i n pa ; ing for i ; putntion all over this, the week pa.-t and v.ili ronlinuejciglith conpre.vdonnl district, lopay linli! theCoxey iteerazt has passed over amounts to not less than .'500 a day. Senator Harris says thar after the amendment to the taiitf bill are reported to the Senate, which will be it is e.v peeted eaily this week, lie proposes t o immediately ig''M' tSf,t time f r ibis imr debate. A little flurry ! : ; i s been created h 'i" by it rumor that the Louisiana legislature (hat. meet son the 15, mst., would demand that a duty of two cents a pound be put on ;Uiar rind that fail ing to get. it they will elect successors to Sena tor ('.-'fiery and Blahchard who will lie instructed to vote against the tarif! bill. Few demo "tats believe the rumor. It is of too extraordinary a na ture to be b: lii?v d, and prob ably owes its origin to the fact that this legislature will elect successors to the Sena tors named who are both fill inp; unexpired terms by np pointmeht ol .the governor. .imfo t. i . iieaveus, . i Terre lleuti"", Ind., who is at p r p s en t in Washington, throws considerably needed light upen the carry ing of ho niany municipal elections in his state by the republicans. "Tilt truth is "said Judge Heavens' that the demo- ciats were not organized any where and h't the things go by default. I don't think the A. P. A. cut any great figure in the result, though that organization helped to or ganize and solidify the repub lieans. There are just as many democrats in iloosier ilom as ever, but some of them are growing rest Uss at the long delay in passing; a tariff law. As soon as tint is done democratic stock will take a strong upward turn in the political market." 4. larg- and distinguished party will go from Washing ton to attend the unveiling of the Mary Washington in on u men tat Fredericksbu rg Va., next Thursday. Presi dent Cleveland has promised to go and it is expected that Mrs. Cleveland will accomp any him. Public Printer Benedict ex pects to assumecharge of the (iovernmeiit Printing Office thin 'k. He w ill find a very ........... . . i . . i 1 . . . . . ...........J ueei suite oi jiuaiis nuinni I , ,, , . , HV .'ir. i aimers cairving hundreds of people on tin roll more than were needed to perform the work of the office. A big discharge is therefore one of the certain ties of tin near future. A valuable find has b e e n made in Virginia neartheold Hull Uun battle ground in the shape of Indian relics of pott fry trade of soap stone and tliM soap stone mine it self. There was a race to gain fir st possession of the old In di.-tn pottery mine by the au- tliontiesot i ne Mnunsonprn . n . . . - . - ns irot n ; lid I lie ircislivi :ia. i ae rorin- ii-i'-e . T!. f WAV1S EOWru Ali US. An AlrxsmLr Vrj the j How. r . Cuu v.. for. Laudinai U. As the Landmark has a withyour permission I will voice the sentiments of the solid Democrai-y through the columns o'your paper, touch ing thi' Mmmee for the coin ing congressional rave. It has been thecustom with the party, time whereof the mem orv of man runneth riot to I he contrary, to endorse an ollii i ll when hi past services have been iu a measure con sist, nt and satisfactory. This has the lorce of unwritten law and is base t on the fact that, other things beiup equal, experience is oneof the most essential requisites to effii ieney in office. This is a truth that no one can success fully deny. It has been exem plified a hundred times over. Webster, the great expound er of constitutional law, nev er could have enjoyed that distinction had he been re tired to th" common walks of lite nftrr his first term in the I'nited States Senate. Ibit while all of this is very true and a number of other in stances could be cited alonp this line, I am digressing somewhat from the main cm rent of my subject. Without further prelude let me say that, as a matter of course, the Hon. W. II. Bower is pre eminently the man tosucceet! himself and represent thepeo pie of the eighth district in the Fifty-fourth Congress. The able canvass that he made in '92 entitles him to it; the splendid record he is making iu the Fifty-third Congress entitles him to it; his sterling qualities as u man and a statesman, and above all, Ids unflinching de votion to his constituents interests, mark him us his. ovn successor. He rallied the Democratic banner to victory in the mem orable campaign of '02 over the forces of the enemy, d- featingthe llepublicans and Populists coinoineti, and his. tory will repeat itself, coali tion or no coalition to t h e contra r notwithstanding nevertheless, if the colors are entrusted to his hands in tin. coming contest. Mr. Bo wer has made a good representative. His record on n not be att.icKed. Jle is a tat iff for-re venue-only Demo crat, lie is a thieag.i pint- form Democrat with all that it implies. He is a gold-and-silver party Democrat and believes in an honest dollar, equal in purchasing power with every other dollar. His able speech on the tariff rec ognizes him as the equal of manv a representative who h u s ueen in Congress for years. While a limited number of lellow citizens may havesome what against this defender of the faith roneernitigappoint- nients,yetall fair minded peo pie must concede the fact II j that np ll0S dischar-ed his i duty fairly j In tv.i mr '' .... , . u i tiuriv u:;4 n rtiail.v he ban appointed to office vni, )H,U tJ1(l ,.j,v (, n ma jority of the Democrats in their i espective com m unities. W. II. Ihnver is beyond all controversy, the man to suc ceed himself. The names of other good men have been mentioned, and it will be the pleasure of the Democratic perty, i.i due time to recog nize them. They' have done goo( party service and will continue to do so. They will n-it lose their reward. Dern- oeratic sm-crss is the para mount qnestioa. To this end nominate the man that car ried us tnrougn nelore. A Dhmoi hat. Taylors ville, May 2, 1801. stop J! Taper." After von get angrv and stop your paper, just poke vour finger into water null it - . . . . . . out, ami for f!;e hole. l.en vou w:M !;mw hov , ad-i i iv von are rr i v !:i-ni! who thinks a pa pee cannot thrive without his support ought to go off and stay a w hile. When he comes back half his friends will not know lie has gone, and the other half will not care a cent, while the world at large kept ho account of his moverhent. Von will find tilings tliatyou cannot endorse in every pa per. Even the Bible is rather plain, and hits some hard raps. If you were to get mad and burn your Bible, the hundreds of presses would still go on printing it, ami when you ftop your paper and coll the editor names, tbe paper will still be publish ed and, what Is more, you wil' ,ie;ul it oh ihe sly. The Cycle. Tlic Blodel .liiiid.'n. She helps "mother'' in look ing after the house, and car ries many of tlie domestic burdens oii lier strong shoul ders. She devotes a portion of hei time daily to the improve ment of her mind. She is much' tod sensible to imagine that if a man shows her any ordinary amount of attention he is so smitten with her charms that he is only waiting for a suitable opportunity to 'throw him self at her feet and propose marriage. She makes Iter own bed keeps her room in order, and isalwavs ready to lend a hand iu aiiy household emer gency. She places implicit truth in her parents, a n d thinks "molli'er" tbu dearest woman in the world, and "father" the best ami most sensible man. She does n )t waste theeye sightover useless fancy work, but takes a pride in keeping the household linen and her own clothes in good repair. She is never unsy iu pathetic w i t h h e r b r t t i i r s i n t h ei r I o v e affairs, on which a man's1 whole futuie life may lepeiul. She makes herself happy and contented at horn?, and is not perpetually pining for pleasures and things beyond her reach. She refrains from "talking over" either real or imagi nary home troubles with intimate Hvl i iond.- Sfie is always neatly dress ed, cheerful, good tempered, smiling and contented, fill ing the home with sunshine. -Fx. GREAT ItEUGIOlS BODIES. There are two large South ern religious, bodies soo -i to meet. The Baptists will hold their annua' gathering nt Dall.i?, Texas, beginning on the llih of May. In Texas the H 'ptists are very strong. We do not know t'le number, but probably 200.000. Th Southern Baptist 'Jon ventior; is a rery large body. Lat year there were nearly 800 delegates who attended at Nashville where it met. The basis cf representation is a money fine, nut we no not Know what it is, iNorttitar- puna wm ne wen represented, no doubt, but the distance ..Ill I . C .1 1 H 1,1 me iiumoer ot wei- -'p: .1-1 . i . l ne xaitiK-rni icsiivier'ati liClYll A.-eP.Hl.v" Will Ill'V 0!i 'V 17th :e Te;;n. iiisu. at Xa-.h-It is said that t he session will bft very active as there is a great deal of business to come before it. It is an intellectual, able and leariied body. One of the in cidents of the session will be the appeal case of Miss Means, the telephone opera tor of Columbia, & C, which attracted so much attention some time ago. She Was, f us pended for operating on Sun lay. The Presbytery sus tained the action of the Sec ond Church, out tlie Synod of the Slate ordered her re st oration to membership. The Quadrennial General Confer rence of the Southern Methodist E. Church, is in session at Memphis. Thedis-patchi-.rt sent out are lean and beggarly and of but lit tle interest. This body, meet ing but once in four years and represen ting 1 ,200,000 raem b e r s, is important. The Methodist constituency in Southland to day is quite G,000,000-:co'unting five for every actual member. iles- The fres id?nfs tiewg To Editor J. M. Head, of the Nashville, Tenn.j Ameri can, who called at the White House yesterday morning, President Cleveland . said most emphatically that the Wilson tariff bill would pass' the Sena re and become a law.. It would come to a vot3 by ie first of June. Speaking of tlie outlook for his party,, Mr. Cleveland expressed the' greatest confidence. Hesaid that the new tariff Imv would give satisfaction and pros perity to the country, and the Demo ratio party could successfully stand upcu the achievements in the present Congress. There had been internal dissensions and dif ference jis to what duties! should be lowered or entirely removed, but these would not survive the passage f t he bill. With reference to the Cox ey raovemeat, he was very sever?. It, was a serious: matter, and liable to e.'us.e trouble. He criticised the press for the aid w hich' had been incidentally given by widespread publication of tie tails of the march, and de clared that the latter should have been either ignored 'or er i eir nh.i lii-niiy condemned. ll'.'i.sj.VlOi vf.

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