4 Ta3 W-lU'lJADaimjrai , Ii-i.-tiu. iiM.-nHd.-ration To iu.t :,.ti,A.u:;: o. :;.. "f ty (cuts to, Ih: Moi..--, iv --'i'.r lh:..KtTi,-f..,.ilv,1..uM,:H.r. i,J,, ' ttn!y'H'I.Ht:.Ml tu iNi lv.:,v . ----- - . i i , iJ.'it I t t!n int.-r.t i ' .u p: In, tin' receipt uii.Tcof i aimy down the ..!;-.-:. ty Staff mm Nation. Ii:t.ii- . .1 is I cn-Kv : i know led-ed, do ' t i vr on ii !.",: fi'j ; ;, , rtv.-ryThtirs.liy at ;..o:ie, Wa ,., , ,...,,. i. i,. .,,:,., .... , 1 1 i.- . - . , - i.i. k ' , ii' ll, 1 7 ; ; , j I : i I d dared mi mill nii'l if.-.hr cni.vde rati, in. It i f -: r-! luting; ;m .l Ii. !i.i viur an' ii jcl that I l' will net l- al ! til otherwise nr.!. it J by t b t I- ad mm" ban M M . f his court. (i ; . to L'r-oul. T i -1 out of t he cir v with hi-ir T. 77 7 j wfi. n Ji(. -ii.s a:ul that the, Kansas ( jty I imes- .-,. ... , tinofSo.vi:,;,ns. ,.n.pos,s,p,!11.,-I-at wants a W,t,, !,;.;,.,, KlM iV-V to distribute a ipiuntity of ; InMn j,, jy,.i(; o-rtrv h . . i sod to r.livful fllllt. is de- :,.(wVf.l hfi W a la J ! ' '. ' . I!M1' V,''. '" M i.:.:i.. as ii, i ot::Jit ii hv the nrmv : 4 1 tallica To'int v. N . i Ci'lribu'.Ioa of Sot Sja llt-an. The North Carolina K.c ri nt Station at Ualeigti, de -i ri i 1, to extend t lit (f.ltiva-, fne 3 siring to trst their na-i its. , tj1(. South tl -? is a natural i... The only condition is that alManro in l-inos as uvllas!,.' , .i?, ' ,' , , ' . . i . . ' .. . ; i-i ! iii-i' as tin'!; ii s or n i;v e.nhnpphennt send 2 cents ..litM-M. 1 1 c r t i o s!,,.s on U lVi. ,,(vn . ;u ; In ostiSiht .imps to p:iy'h;ll;! j V(UUl. 1() .iM ,),.,. !....-,,. , . , J r(jst of tinnsportntion byUtaiiilni I 'lcrt- t In n.-xt1 - - mail. Knouh mmmI will t'jpiiMt-ntial rl.vtrui. '1 : I A ''"r," 111 Ai .-i i!-.:s wnt to each applicant toLlio-il.l unit. v ) a caiaii ' ,u '"' ' U ,:,! ;l " ''''' ! .laut 1 10 iM'tv. Tl.o fi:t ,ato who il! ivpMnt'tl.ria tlh" i,;-x. U' v.-a.v! 400 anrlioa oons will bo fil.vl ! in tlu-ir -loliti.-al i.l-is -.uu)1 '::U 1:1 M r',:,'il ' ,! 'v'! i m lie! ii - G3 - SrECIFIC OKYGENI tm-h.: -..ru... N.,,r.,i;li. 13 TH s ' -a ( 'it ." ' t 1 Uru' v.-int to i.I.l in N r-T- n,T jr '.'I' a l ; : -r flit ..I-.!!.....,, , Tl , wi if'iHH" I I s niit lit 7i-;; :-V.-",7f''."1- -n i,;,l ' N-alu ran!i- ; i.!'f.3 !'!. flOlrlliUl- Ml;.--it ,11,1 V .f -- . ' 1 .r I' 1 V r .III." t : ! f y i Mi.irr-i-.wa: i-u-m i.-T.-n..;.t lo .M il M int a i '" i ,,rr ...',nl i.lir! I .-I 1 I. .:. . -. ? nl r r". k"",H ' ''!"'''' tli t-l-l.as 't! p " .T.'j !.:r -sf . I:, ' ii ; . .... i i ,' . . III II illi i.ir V;;ifMy..a1.: .-ai U,. , .ail M-n.ja, i:t (. tin- (;, Mat. i3 IN USE.i! sot 'itt' to it ; i ! i 1 i 1 tlu ih'L'To aii'l h.u-i win- f, !;. ,h it 'icv (-Mi :.t . 1 wai in theortltT n-cvivp.1. It! 'ir m-atoi i-il iit i-rests." The Station i.-anls tliisj its a very vamaWe foraoi ,:;tnriU Vitkoh-I.oro .Vows: nlant. If is of uia iirht evim I li I "'""Hty has a notable 2 to a teot hi-i, ami isai.-u- (itiz'" i,;'s"" ! Il'.l' V': v;i" mine capable of nd.Iinjr i,ilro u ,,,,:" UimvM who liv. s, ',..,.;, (;it ru:Vy)"t iron frmn tho air to tlif soil : n,;1 I !( "kfTV. He is irW !MI ; xv i-i-n-k.-rv is in :...! . hv -in whirh it urows. It is planted i i hills or drills 2K H i ! (.1 ' r ; . - . iii.f e , -. ' I- -tL(la ia.1. tai 5 -, r, K.'SMviue.- - . ' l--' l TiSiM. i I . ' . 1 : i.i ti 1 1 m 1 1 1 ni a f L tir ii", 1. 'et apart aeronlinjjto richness of soil, and 15 to lM inches opart in the row. 1 1 can be planted any time from March to July, either alone or in the corn row between the corn, and "2 to I beans are usually planted in each hill. Soil suitable to it and the general preparation is the same as for corn. When planted for corn both crops can be ensilaged together, and the corn ensilaged will be much improved by the combination, or the plants when planted alone can be cut for foiage before they et too woody. The serd are found in small pods and can be saved by cutting the whole plant when leaves and pods have turned a golden hue. They fan easily be beaten out when dry. If cut ting is delayed beyond this time they will open and pome will bo lost on the ground. It wil not pay to pick the beans. It is oiso a good table bean. but requires a long time to cook. The station urges a careful trial of this crop. Several o f our fanners ought to send and get the aboe bean seed and try ic. Editoij. years old and is the t.iiii.'i-ofi:;i:!-i,,s v'l''n p:ir.t low.) ' v. n T I. -y b:n-o,v. y, 1 !i..- ,-:u, j t IKl tili.il- nn ,. I. ..'.!. .. I f J-or 2 vears, and .--kim mcr i ) ;... i Uiltil a few month--aco, he; l'!l"v r.n, !i,-i,, w 1 v 1, iv:i'k! 1'.) children, 18 of w Ikuh are li viiejr. walucd and e-n-ne liom i! mai' th-e !' V"S !! t ( 111 ii'X tsvrl- ! :) M .! I re n I , I.. , I..,.., '.wl.,.,.,. ... 1 I. . ...... - .11.- !M. " ""i" i" .uwillll Iclii-.H :ih mi..!.-.. ... I-...I ... , t " ' . ' i ' . i . ; i i , of Wilson, a..a di-tan.-e of 'not t" s'h I !. . M. . Viler. 101 miles, in IS h. ,ns. He !;! 's Sit'. has never known what it was! 'n. ,,,,,,., f V;, fmii., win to tie sit-k until a si; 'i t while ta!:e nnt;,-c t i;a( I j.., Vf !!)- j cured n room in 1 lie com I house wher I will at tend at ' t lie coiiimissionci-.s' cnirt ( he ! first Momi.iy in eaeh mont h tl )l" t ie I Ml 1-1 W i I' v, ! ! i 11 ,r ll... .V.... V ....I . . ! . . 1 ' ""f- asieru .o, a n v ,a iMiaa i wti-I ts a Xewbeni Journal all around the truck ; roni -ei t Mil s a i d measures in;-1 he icople. The law i -eijnires t his o be done everv two veais J. il. COOK, Sr.vxDAKn Kri:r;:i:, Enrt'ATi "rdnt (iiiM.s -.17'- narcincnt FemdeG'ji lege, ji if Konr. .v. I lis;iv CX.-: , .- Vl comes riinvs of the serious cl feets of tin? prot ra, ii d dry spell on the craps, li reports be true, the strawberries are cut offfn'.ly Inlf.and thepeas not killed by the frost, one third. Potato-vines out in- A 1 I - ue to grow, ami are ueep.njj green, but few bulbs arefenn iny: in dry earth, and unless if I'.iliw in , f,,.- i.,,.o n.: oli-'''ess ami che.-ii'iicss. I 4 t crop will be seriously shortenj rnnillv able and i.amst.-.kin- h v, i-1 $ ed. IJo ins, so far, have only Si NATURE'S C';1Z FOR CATARRH N .nli 'I li.-n snl m i I fur 'Vunpaigji Kates: Tin; "Daily .Mi ss. up r," JlV uiail. I months on trial, for The wi , hi- "Transcript M,.,s. sen;;, r," (the largest and best, paper i;j the State) U mont us on trial for l.oo ';ish in ndvame. i!0(, paeiH are hug.. i;;-ht-l-i-r. sheets. Send Postal Card witli th.'a-.idr, ss of y,y. s-ui.-i and r,-:eive s.-,mph to,,, es of Tin: Mj:ss-i-.(;j.-lf ).-t. 1st. 1M.S.S. tf. T.K: Tin: 2 1 EXTRACT !U OAGTOS. -I.oixi; 1 : 1 1 ;,i i i i i:im .'1i-:,!:jii.vhI ' - I ' i i'o: f--.;i. .' ' .1. : L;.!.n. Thii nw tlfltt .-n nn (n Ca4..U J i disi; of tn rcsirAtory organs il i one ot to mcsfc nportantdt9Coverlet i In maiicnl science and posessc tha 1. ,1h r"l en euro Mmwll t mall mwnw I ,. '"s "I- ten i(ul ;r$ ira kiihuut w'snie s!jlice. , '' lilsaVc liiue ai.tl limnev -i,ti,.t 2. hj.::un,t pi ti;Mrpu,uil l liie l nocesurr , :., i t.: . ., '''.- .!, jicamr.t. .' v " '.;' Hli.l Aitoli i, ' .... - in n ris otitnsi to m r IS ( ; C'.'li;:.lt t'.nj M lu, U'.-rf?r.-.lr.-l. "Iho riiBCdj KchM lh atat t the treutu B. w.-n?.'s ta mr ! np'lanc CM M r in itu in w i.,"c: mimcui iii'-ointnionoa, Z'li i'lj Tii i'A i'.Wi-'A i- .r an drug mtort C--i ri-niNE ANOINSUFfUTCR, $2.0J. '.ORHrSTONnENCE SOLICITED. Cac.srhe Ksdidne Co., Vato, Texas, S.iWcf Lry r.;.,:: -.!-ii:r,:.M,n.i .-t : : a'.!, ll ! ! I . I Oil;! iSi i .. ....... I I ... I i : i T . ; "j j'.l.-..-.,-u mr HTJU !,,!!. ,t;r- I L.-.it.-j r f, l !; been delayed in growth, but in order to Iruit well, must ha ve rain soon, ('abbage is holding its own in the Held i 7. pi-etty well, but prices are so low thatshipment have fallen off greatly the past week. "p'vial iulv;;i!taut s in .1 usic. j id A ii I'atalogiie, Ai)ii:i:ss i:i:v. .). L. Ifi-ti'iiv. !'! nTci.t l.'.-'L A EOX OF j i'-: : M a? ;i r U.L, h3 i W..0 w. fc. uu U -v ts H'. fs i: rruuil beting, i h'oofifi.f Peirds, , r. l;onRooftiig, !:.-;(!, Culiara d:.d Spsatlnj, , vf C-ieit E5et.il for BulKliig , - .K-compaiiied by oOO toufed-i 4 fZ&T'VS 5 a r- 1 i .o rand ver aligns, , ' , , " ; , f:l Milis S .. . . ' , crate cavalryiiien. k 's i fcjri'j.Jirl ; .1 g their use forycr. f '.,t,-'' trvaijisa d D'PC fc' I n. Athoroyl.:y tested Ru:rxdy $ rUAt USt Tlio Marrragre Cer itioiif . A newly elected justice of the peace who had been used to drawing up deeds and lit tle else, nas called upon to marry a couple in haste. He moving his hat he remarked ''Hats off in the presence of! the court. "Hold up your right hand. You, John Markin, do you solemnly swear to the best of your knowledge an' belief, that, you tt.kethis woman (o have un' to hold fcr your self, yer heirs, executor, ad ninistratoi or yer an "I do," answered the groom promptly. "You, Alice Evans, take thteyer u.anfor yer husband, lev have an to hold forever, an' you do solemnly swear that yer lawfully seized him Tn fee simple from all incum brances, an' have good right to sell, bargain or convey to paid grantee, yerself, yer heirs administrators, an' assigns? "I-l do," said the biide doubtfully. " Hell, that ere's worth a dollar an' fifty cents-" "Are we married yet," ask- J ed the bride. "No, not" yet.j Krr w all men by itie-e r.n-s-! t?nts, that I being fn good I Concord Standard: 0 u r Ciladstone, Stanley county,! correspondent writes: "Wh;Ie in Norwood township I met Mr. II. M. Alills who put Pres ident Jefferson Davis a n 1 family across the Yadkin riv er at UroiMi's ferry, neat Salisbury on the lGth day oi April, 180.. Mr. Davis gave F. $ Vjt. 'A ''Jr. vt jk. - rr. T.S Ol'i.Y IKf,', Ti.;!:-?. ei-d Kclo;: rib, Sir .12 . --!..'.' tt'rCfl SI-lPiSn. -v'v. .-- :.tx?Z-r?T&Ziti2i2ii .VtikU ViHIHl "Ai''1" ' ,7: T:i 'i.-.'i i-.v.?.a k! V3 Vi ..-.-. r't-c. ic v, o.-l, ,t';f.n io - ' ; !..- A. 1-iA cur iaitUn!a . rn t?y;-j divaTefTIS, i! e-strr3 i.o Irsr.j il a;ate:, lilt r::;': :; :!:' ;e.isii!'ti::i ;a i;i ii-. :l. I s .(:.. ,e-t . s- . 1.., .'- SC.iCi ;i 11 F 1 I yjt I 111 a A nun oneoonar in silver lor Cor!mrphl Pnfi? hissrv,ces-I had the dollar S in my hand: it was made in WM'iiK 1 ,, l.KMIrnul.liil:on.. H-.lv I .,, , M J Mr. Mil s savs Mr Davis iLrr?V"" .'".'. "M.Jaf'?r.7'.--nS-:.-: was on horse beck and his wife and two dauuhlers were in nn ambulance drawn by two mules. Th-y did (heir own driving and inev werei WILBUR R. SMIl H, LEXiKcVoH, KV. Washington, May, 3 Sen a tor Jarvis will deliver a eulogy on the hate Senator Vance before the United Con federate Veterans of Wash ington two weeks from to night at their memorial meeting to be held in honor of thegreat North Carolinian. Senator Hansom declined a similar invitation from the veterans because he had al ready paid one tribute in the ftenate to his colleague and was preparing to pay a more eleborate or.eon the occasion of the usual memorial exer cise:' thre. F H ALL 0 5 1, K VJ V.- i M v (. V 0;" V Ai"; AM t OA j v. . j ,r:;n v-v:t ? -1 H ?: utile, ie (Ui, k, s n,u(e lo vax:;as city, i)!-;xvi:i:-rn:rd,o, And ni! j.oiof h in !,!a!1(., Wh iagton. Ore;..-;wi, L'tah iind Caliiuiiiia. Finest nn,! lest' Lhvh-irtn Only h.ie running r-uiid Vesti :id trniiis t Iwk h t. j , ,;jf; and Kasjis j(v. Kcclinicg- utir cars end Toi.r is . e nf eylra. -liar;-e. 1 wi!! nice purli; at unv nn- roa l station with tla-otigh tickets and baggage c. -kn. For iMji i!if(rinntioi,,iiuijis t'r.u I -S'-ii) ive pai!i,l;! tK of ti e A i ;u wiiie to i v-cali on 15. A. Xiowi.Axn, Traveling Passenger At.: 11? l altoii Ave., Ashoville, M. (!. I. ClIAUl.TO.X, U. P. A ( !.i :';.e,.l!l. s n-,S!i',.'-??i, .'.lf.-.,1, f.'..'!i:i... j wi i ,.Vl'f-. t !,' !..- c.v. r ; s. m. 4 plrh V,' 1- . n ;';. M.'.l li, a,l btveo-jf '! if ir.-v i- i :,. ; "'jij-f, !-..! ;:, U-!:,; tl - l ;.) .- :. ii rlfnr 1 , 1,! ; J 1.-l -11..1 : .i ciiil i.l-i!!,y ' ' I I ,ii.-, l. V i r.i.ip yc t '" '" i ' I. Irr-'t Jon wrl!,' l VI ' i , ri'iit.u . T-r,.., :, t. r "i, :i ; ' I.. -s ard ; . M V. '-M l-. , .IV. 'I J : - .. ' ! V , :,. ;,!,! i-.r i- v.-- ir i r, .1-rt ' i i. No i hl -. r - . .1; v. ,1! : , r. ; . f r ,: Ti: sffna.xl r.nr. 1y f,r bf,, t e ii .;;.::..'M i d...., , i,.n. (..,, : ,' ,j , .1 a ) -i :. -'' .-.v.- is, l -.-v. i.iK to t.-r..-M ;r-.i:: .;..; d :m-. V 1 r . :. . i! tM.'.S . .... .-' o; cr il-' I Cream-Tartar Powder ENDORSED BY PROF A. L. PT2,P.H.G, of Medical Deprtu.nt Tu'juie Vnlnniif of Louisiana, who, Hltrr s ok l eful ennlvU, prouoiinopn II a ui. Cmun Tartar I'Mtlur, nhich lie cheoriuily reoommaoda to th public. "The Scutkerii FAVoniiE" ?UP.E, WHOLESOME ko POWER'UU You Want IL Ask Croopr Fcr It. PS. -s f-i o O o GUlF iiiFG C- . NCWORLlANa, U L. j M 1 . . V. h, t ' I-. : ; :.. t. .j- i . I" '':'.' V.'. & t !)iiti,fi'r.rB-wr. "It i lit, c.;.. I C- t 1 rl ? S .' I'A is. i-;. FcrI-aUria,Li7rTrou- 1 "' ?''' ' a Tr.-'le M.'-':5 oMiin.-d. ,nil a:i I'at. ci.t hi"-- ;., c.. s.r n. .-.j t j.-;.-s, 0'ir 0 .: is OnBs'e V. S'.F.-ienl CiSra. srd 1,,-r: r,. (nicut loia time lLuu tbOM ri-io-.f fr,,.,. V ..i -...-...ii. ti- Bd nw-1-1, dfa i.'.ic or p!.to., wifa flr-srrip-.;m. r a,lvi,..j, ii' (ti,-i,1:!.i. i t n.it, fwa ? ( 1-,-t 'p. (i:r fr - r.;.t (!"," f !: j.-ti ,.. wf-.tn-il ' t" .rt - i; -. - . . j-. i i ilth au' of koi Dvuiocvr.t one rc.-vr. ij t ' V w - i , U- . C . i ilfiaaaai -

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