TTY' i I ir r& n Ti rT.r en ESmj r t VOL (J The Question of Life Asotin nee U not "Can you afford it ?" but "Can you afford to do without it ? " WoonwABiis, S. C.Julv lj. Mr.W.J. Rohm v, 'toe!; lliil.S. C. Ocnr Sir : I have before nic a statement of the various option of fered ta settlement of my t'la'wrin Tontine policy in the K;uit:il!e Lite Assurance Society. I have con clude to ncc-M the pulpitis oml continue the policy. The niilts arc highly Kit (-.factory ami I heartily eommeiifj tb liqiiiul to Society r.nd the Tontine system fafuranr m practice! liy it, to rrfTsons ilct.;rii:g naic anil profitable life insurance. Yours rcsjicclfuHy, T. S. I.kick. The above letter ii but one selected from many received from happy policyholders iu the Equitable Life It's a word to the vise a con vincing proof to the doubtful. For full particulars address W. J. RODDEY, Marker, Department of the Caroiinas, ROCK HILL, 5. C. J'llOWSSlOX.U,. V. Ii. COrXL'iLL, .Ik. ATro.:':v at La y. W. li. CdCXClLL. M. 1). Hoone, X. V. lt'sid"iit riiysiriru. iM'wc tut I-v : ! J'.irt'et north of Tost J, i j"t n W r'j : ?' ",r ATlORXhY Al LAW, MARIOX, X.C -(")- Ynl! p".K'l i in t;i ronrts ol V;iiiiUiM,A-i'i", Mir,-!i !!, Ab Dnw rl! uiul nil iii"r iu:iiiti:'i i;i tiif v,'st"i-!i di.Mi i -t r-:TS v-:-i.!l at ten tlOU "J,lVeil VO tiii: riiilctkUl ol !ai!ii!-'."i--:3 W. 3. Co: ni'Ill . 1). T. C. I'hicki.i.-n Uoouo, X. G. ioiivillc, X. C. Goua'::ll & Blackliura, tSkfCtills HttruJrd nt all June 1, fJ)il. E. F. I.OVM.L. .J. C. I LKTCIUUt. LOVILL & FLETCHER, ATlORXkYSATLAW, r.ooxic, x. P'ZTfywrto 1 nit t ion i rcn to the rolh'tion (' L.L. GUERXK,&CO., REAL ESTATE AG'TS. i)OXE,X. L. Will iv sjieciu! uttcutitu: to ubstrncts of title, the suie of Real Estnte in W. X. Those hi' vim; farms, timber and inineinl lands for sale, will do well to cull on said Co. at Donne. L. L. GHEES & CO. Uarch 1G, 1803. NOTICIi. Hotel Property lor Suit: On account of failing healtli of myself and wife, I offer for sale my hotel property in the town ot Hoone, North Carolina, and w ill t'll low for cash and make terms to suit the buyer, and will tnke real or personal pi o-MTty in ex change. Apply soon. W. L. Kuya.v Parties putting papers iu my hand for execution will please advance tlie tees wi th the papurs nnd they will le-, ouiei Dtlier wise they will be returned notey -ntrdiov the want of tees. D. F. Paiu.0 Shff. HOONl-:. WATAUGA COUNTY, '.vamii.witox LFTTFR.jsintntives ,! Km,. s.".'". I'rca our P. C'j;:cpcc1ci.f. I !:i!f :i loaf tt.thr than no l ie nl ? !"l"it ix f (iii.'s.'.'K) days, if nos.-ihle oiviii" - I a ... . 1 1. . ! . .1 . . i I I IM, Mollis H-i,i(s !, ,1,, m. -my o' ii'i:n rons:inii'ii(:in :i;: t lb." Wilson t ,i rii'f I. ill vlii li ii ivc ln'i'M snlitiiil tt l to t S-n.-itr. It is not whit sort of bill you, or I, or i . u.v ot.iT iuili; ! I) -mo .niics irom licrc, thi-y hivi rut u.nit.-, !mr uli.-it sort of ji'iu-uiiipi'tl in tli! vii-inily of :i I'ill run u.'i l' voti-M in th.'itliut vi!luv.-i and uy tlicy Si'uil''. S'-n.-itor Mills h:fi iuti'iul ivmui. t Iht-1 tint il tli!" ri'lt i !c.l wll !! lli' is;:!.! thut li' shoiil.l v .ti' auiiisi siii li of tlirsi- Pix'iiiluii'tits us lie vvns on !'i-iin-ipl oppo.-n-d to. luit tliut li wmilil wlu'tli '' t!i".v wi re ndoptfil or r.ol vote for tli;' lull us n wlioli'. Iii-cnusi' it will In' niiiuiprovi -tui'iit or. Jiu McKi.tli'y luw. j It will lie n vi-jy di ciili il im I pi-ovt'ini-nt on tli" M Ki:iliu Inw. 1c:i if every n mend - me' it ni'oii' i-i ,l h v . he Demo ciarie meediers of the Pi nunci committee .should heidem-e was fi-iven of the char- . . ' i per '-riit, am iImv ' j;-ovI rensoits for t'e hclief t!mt modihcatioM of these amend menl.-; irn'reas- the aver n::v reoiiction to i.onieu hen: in the miehluKhood of ,'iu percent. Then, when the bill ",oes to a coiiferepee commit tee after its passage by the Senate, fmtlur iviIuyi ions areccflaiuM) be made Thu it wdl bo seen that th" bii! will be a very practical ie form of tlie tariff, and as iMi'-h it de.-erves ami should recoiv.- tin' vote of every !emocrutie Senator, regard less of whether it meets his individu d idea of what it ouejit to be or not,;! ad after makine,- n careful canvass of them I predict that it will when put upon its final pas sage receive the vote of every Democratic Senator. Sena tor Ilii' will vote against the income tax and some of the proposed amendments, but I am satisfied thai he will af terwards vote for the entire bill, nlthouh I am at pres ent in the minority by thus thinking. The bruise Judiciary com mittee has favorably report ed I'epiesentiUive I)e Al mond's bill providiii'i that no ju !,e of n V. S. court shall punish any citizen or oliiccr lor beii:"; in contempt for refusal to levy n tax or c(l!cct a tax for the payment of any bond issue by the municipality, e o u n t y, or state, where tlie levying oi eni-li tux or collection is con trary to the laws t,l the state. The Democrats on the committee saw- nuthine iu tlie bill beyond a wise preven tion of the punishment of citizens for obeying the In .vs of their own states, but the Republicans promptly trot ted out from the darkest caverns of their imneination the state rights bogie man and proceeded torsive them selves a scare. The IIou.-e committer on Labor has male a favorable: reportonehairman McGunns ., - , at'opted will, out modiii-n-, -iter of these ,.. .n t nt. tion the .ivci;ie red in tiiuiiiij-i'icnt of n raiiroad went to t 1 1 ill" 1 1 Yi i lis w i :iil. I i.wiiiiil it'iiiMin.n mill iif;..iiiit In ti i i-, resolution tor tne appoint-; peases. aever pun ouwu men t of a select committee!.v-mr sLm while youexpeet to 'to be composed of four Repre - lU8iiies. iii- du-ni depression niiil mnki , a report to Couuress within .1 I I) cause i;,. M:. t I'lg legislative ivm. !. oey s io-.j.T-i h, ,1 VC rs. to hi v't ij.i t o tlie U , I .li ivi-,1 out of ,i. 'niimt"ii Sv t lif lifiili Ii ol'i.iM- mil ii.nclr tl(" i!s of 1 1 . '.isi'Uf.U", .M I., li tli'ir number iii-ri-;,s( d Milliricnlly to ciiulil.' lliem to coinc into vVusliiiii-joii uiul nirniii try to l;illiioz ' OUlfsS. Ililt tluTU iill'SCV cxci-ili'iit it.isous why tli.'.v ;ill fin 1 it dif'ii ult to ri'it.uin t here. Their rntions h ive hi'i'ii wii lit for some d'yiHid the Maryland peo ple hay they will not jivo 1 1 hem nuy thini', und Kome of ; t hem even refuse t o sell I hem anvtliinir. Addit io'ial evi j regular employment to i)0 of them. Xoi n sinele OI!(, (f them .eceepteil .'I II!. uiuent for u new trial for M'oxey and his two nssistunts ! a h'o were it eentlv con victed for lu-enkinix the law will lie heard to-morrow. There is very little probability 0f their getting n new trial, and no moie of their being i!!ow - d 1t pose as martvrs. Thel ' I law under which they were convicted provides for, fine or imprisonment or both in the discretion of the judge. The expectation of tlms: w ho are in position to give t Item some iiten of what will be done is what the ju le will sentence them in aeeoi dance w ii'n the law. giving then the full pen alty, and then suspend the execution of the sentence din ing i heir trood behavior. Washington is g o i n g through a n old fashioned smallpox scaie. It has been on for nearly a week and the arrival of a negio from Chi cago, on Saturday, with the disease fully developed has aggravated it, and the doc tors uih reaping i harvest, Everybody and his wif nnd children are getting vacunnt ed. Xo appointments, except 'iose of lorematiships, are to be made by l'ub'ie Printer lietiedict until he has reduced the force which he found nearly twice as large as it ought to be. l'residmt Cleveland has gone down the Potomac for a few days sal .-water ii.-hmg and recreation. "iiereliant. Hear what Peter hooper says w ho was worth millions w hen he died and made more money during his life than any of his extern poru l ies. "In ait towns where a newspaper is published every man should advettise in it, if nothing more than a card stating his name and the business he is iu. It pays t'.ie advertiser and lets the people at a dis tal i e k n o w y o u r t o w n i s a 1 i ve and prosperous. As the seed j,. mumi so the seed win- " - - '";".. "." N. C, IIIUIISDAY cor.ou BI.IKD. IiiMol Co'iii.r. In l!i .ic!iiripirli of his icampogti in Li-xnii ton. Ky. ! -k i n riilt. s li ti w e l liuii'il l r.ii.L'My oMu-e in 1t tin' foun !.t ion p...-,,.,. i-x ot iTi-r. 1 1 . ! v iittil II In! 1 1mm l.i'.irer j v"'' 1 ' ,Mil1 Ii'li'l not uW lorvin-ii '.iti. Mini t!i;it rn; li-r tlim , :isk or ;!' no f!i it i ist;-:-! f..i- it ;l Vole !oo'hilts:l f(p j., ..l-j,,,.,), ,n I iu ii'' uoui.i no; ri (!!; ioi ; '.v-ujl'i I no' :mvci: I, ,(;( voles I n nl ! ;i .! !!v.' n th i-1 : i i ; I 1 . ;TIi; i n'i v.'i'v welt ;is vjio.v- i I ! L li'-il the i-fiiolfl is ! 111. lit of hoMor, hut fro. ii u in. it: wh ) has so lonu: uiul so fi"r sis1 ':,'!y o;iM-!r'-u every . if iion .tr and of decency, it comes with a very hid race, to j-; y tlie 1: nst ol ii. When n man !i is roiiimitted the '.vo.'st i-t-rno th r tr i ... pOMSiute lor ;i VA:l to I'lllll- ::iit for we know of no crim'' greater than the destruction ; home nild Mn,' severnnee o! f:" nmrital ties it ill l ..1.:.... .1.... . ; ll 1 t nere urn ! ir,-v !':"'rs of vil!l'"' t"f" lfv i H' Il 1 111 tOUCt. He oes on to nsk the for- : veiled of his hearers. For- .iyeuess for : lint ? For liu v had UTiholv relations j 11 11 'Kie tonani. I tint u"aH P(,,"1J' F,s HreckinndH :uu in mum. nild iu the "! -i nis soui lie ims P,J'I'" !'" m'vei realized that I1"' wiwuitted any great i!,in - In e-V('s "nfaithful- i . . i . i .1 '"' to wift? counts for . .i i noiiimg, ins sm concerned only himself nnd Madge, and by way of vindication de clares that he never had any iiiienti.m of inan.yinj; the pool girl. He would have scorned, he says, to do anything so ignoble. lint the virtuous reader will natmaliy enquire what right has lirtekinridge now to seoi n anything unless it he his ow n si If. Put to scorn himself for his sin, to repent in sack-cloth and ashes, is very far from his intention, nnd when he rolls his eyes to heaven for justi fication, it i wa'th a full be lief that he has already more than atoned for his sin. lie declares that he will never forgive the newspaper men and ministers who have misrepresented him. While it is possible that neither the press nor the pulpit care n (oiitiiienlal wlcther he for gives them or not, it is inter esting to enquire ill whtit way they have;ue-;ent-cd him. Why, in attempt ing to show that lie at one time intended to marry Madge. That is the sting that more than anything else maddens this old goat; that his fellow men, those whose high regard he had so great ly valued, should conceive that he even fe'l so low a to think for a moment that he could marry Madge Pollard. Thut the whole world should believe that he had lied to the girl, that he had lied to his wile, that he had lied to Mrs. lilackourn, to the church and to the country, that In4 lived and acted a lie; that he outra-ed everv seme 7 o decency and social respon- nihility, in no wioe disturbs MAY . 2U 1KM. th" w ii! it; of !i;v i ! :.- liii t'tt' h" !;:!. J '.; ;. in nnytuieg so . ! i.'l'i" ,- to think of kc ping his pi ours1 Mini-.', I ah! "I trill nsk foifivt'ii-ss," .ivk tin1 clI h.itvr. "from Him w ho x)orc t lit- no. nnl i 1 1 for HimifTH htu-h us I." To our numl tin; S.ivior of sitiuiMH lias iili'int MM little Ills like the preuchers thein sei vi s, nnd us lit tie hope for his Kilvutioii. In- it will he lellli'lliUelnl thut it mis u :;uitis j ist such hypocriteH as these thut he thundered ili.s most ten iliie nuuUieuius jle.ecms newrto huve taken I he .'-lightest puitm tt)e,Mlv i t orsiive such men um these. He was nim-iful fotln? orrin and ivpeiitutit. liut there i.- noi. tiie eviilence i . . i j i i - .... .1-.;..- i- IHO) - repented of anything. It is time, too. that we val ued tit its true worth his apology that he was led astray by his pulsions. This apology when made by his friends might h ive a shadow of plausibility, but. when a man makes it in his own de fense ho incurs only con tempt. Then? are men who are un able to detect any difference in colors, red, white, blue, green and yellow all looking alike. Just so there are men, and lireckinridge is one of them, who are morally color blind, all acts however in famous, indecent, loutish, unmanly, unfaithful or deep ly dyed in sin being of one and the same shade. Didn't Undor.'.tand lh Question. A very laughable incident occurred at the young men's debating cmb last. Monday night. It yeems that the question for debate was: "Re solved, thut the pulpit fur nishes a greater field for elo quence than th- b n." Now we get it straight of the members of Irom one til.' duo, that Hen Fuller is one of leading lights. J low ever w ben Hen took (lie stand he was evidently not fully posted on the meaning of the words 'bar' and 'eloquence altho' he thought he was perfectly so, and with a burst of elo quence he lead off in tbeaflir m .-it ive, and with convincing argument and sledge ham mer blows on the desk, nnd an unusual umount of fan ning the air, he tried toshow that the pulpit furnished u greater field for 'intelligence" t hau t he'barrooin.' liryson ( ity 7;ies. Landmark' Public Printer ienedict. who took chargeof the Government Printer Of fice last week, will discharge 400 employes. Theieis not vvoik for thm, he st ys, and there are so many on the rolls that there is not room for them in the building. The reason that there are so many unnecessary employes on, the rolls is that Public Printer Palmer, Republican, has, since the Clevchuid ad ministration came in, ap pointed Democrats when ever requested to do so by Senators ami Representa tives, whether there w a s. work for them or noi. NO. 132. i i):i TI.e D- l-'or Clni oft ho-" who disce-i" 111- ph.!-" of t! mo'e y ; le-'; on arc 10 treat with contempt the protests that are constantly made by thoughtful men in behalf of the interests of the debtor class. Tt.e idea seems to be that the debtor class in not so worthy of consider ation as the creditor class, and an argument in behalf o f the former appears to strike a great many sujerfl cial minds as an appeal in behalf of paupers, or at the very least, in behalf of those who are trying to evade the consequences of their own lack of judgment. Put, in this vigorous and growing nature of ours the debtor class comprises all the eneigies and activities thut, up to a lew years ago, gave vitality to the indus trial development of the re public, and all tlie enterprise that has marked the progress of the country. The rail ways of the republic, the greatest factors in our com mercial growth, are debtors to a vast uinount, and the same may be said of every important undertakings be found in the whole country. When, therefore, the Conpti tution' protests against a fi nancial policy that has dou bled the value of every mort gage and is not raak ing an appeal in behalf of In dividuals, hut in behalf of the forces that have built and are building up the indus tries of the country, and de veloping the commercial and business industries of the country. The process by which the liabilities of the debtor class have been doubled is well known. It is as simple as subtraction and addition. We have descrioed it over and over again. Theirdebts ire on a gold basis, and as h? value of gold, measured by falling prices, mcrea-sea with it.. The money in which I he interest on debts is puid will purchase twice the a mount of commodities thai, it would buy twenty years ago. In thecase of railroads and productive industries, their earning capacities have been cut down nearly one half, for their earnings are inexorably measured by the price that their stnp'e freight will fetch in the market. Oth erwise there is an end to pro duction and business. Hereafter, therefore, when the 'Constitution' protests against the injustice with which the single gold stand ard presses on debtors, it must be understood at speak i2 in behalf of the most po tential agents of our busi ness and industrial prosper ity. Arlihta Cod ititvtiou. Greensboro Record: North Carolina prod'i.-'es the finest wheat in the world. Wheat raised by Col. Henry G. Thomas, near Thomasville, was awarded the first prem ium at the World's Fair, at Chicago. Score another for the Old North State. For ifoAaria. Liver Trou- ble,orlndigeation,ue BROWN'S IRON B I TIERS LI