A ii:m h tk" f.i.ml v u "I1 ' j d'v.t.l to th. iiit.-r-t t l onii-j tv Staff 4Hi..tiii. Publi-lfd j t-. tv Tli in 1 i v at l W a t.uiira County. N t'. I TS' Wj to Dwt viaU:a. Tht-re i a plan whit h has lon worked amltoun J nati.i factory. We hop? to t he iK-nxK-ratic and other politi cal orpanizitionn adopt it tv a greater or less extent if. several States. Illini tried it two tears ago and Califor nia wi I tiy it this year. TIim plan is to allow the nrion ?ountry or district conventions to express their choice for United States Sen ate. Then those who are nom inated on the legislative tick et can oe instructed to vote for the election of the choice of theconventioti. This would tmnirthe election of Sena tors nearer to the people. We have no doubt that the nentiment of th..- fieople over whelmingly favors Ithe flec tion of United States Sena tors by direct vote of t h e people. The only practical test o' this was a vote taken in California year before last when every ballot gave the voter on opportunity to ex press his opinion. The result of that vote was thqt 187,958 people in C; ' f in;a voted in favor of the election of Sena tors by direct vote of the people while only 13,342 vei-e against the proposition; the majority vasl74,GlG. Could any thing be more convincing than that? Aud we have no doubt that cre another vote to be tken this year t h e tmijority would bo greater still. A consideration of tins sul ject leads us to believe that the party which goes ou rec ord this year as in favor of Home tmch plan as above out lined will win the confidence of the people and have an im nense advantage over the p-rty that doec not; ?o de clare iteli. Winston Senti nel. Wilmington Star: A gen tleman of this city a few days since paid a balance of $5, 000 on n note due the Bank of New Hanover. The note was originally for $6,200, and was executed in April, 1880. There were credits on the piincipal amounting to $l,2u0. all given previous to 189-4; and the rate of inter est varied from 12 to 8 per fens . per annum during the period ci fourteen years tween date and cancellation of the note. Asa matter of curiosity, an approximate calculation of the interest paid was made, and it was found that it amounted to about 10,000. This is a de cidedly practica. illustration of t'.ii apparently slow, but none the less sure, inarm r in which interest accumu lates. Bessemer Citjr's Fortune. The iroa miners in the Bes semer mines Mruck a vtry lare and unexpected find at that place Saturday and the work up to the presnt has developed it enough to prove that it will be a bonanza for theownersof the property. The find is a new vein of iron cetiliy thirty feet square. The iron is of the very fine yield of pure iron. The directors of Bessemer company will hold meeting tomorrow and it is surnised that they will probably au thorize an enlargement of the -.i.y i l ,mvMi. I ol. Pho . of intricate for i'.ii-k Kithin Michigan, and verul othrjnnd 'Kiah Ciiiflger to play in Northern directors passed , the face t f Karwuii, .farvis. through tin city to-day on i Avery and others. I'oast tlieir way to lssemer to Ixwise trading schooner. will prejent tomorrow afternoon. : not In likely to weathr a Col. Julian S. Cat r, president j of the company will go thro' tomotroMf it noon. The cottp factory at femer is now an nf-sniedfact. Mr. .!. A. Smith, who has had the matter in hand for some time, has At last sucmled in securing the necessary a-1 mount of stock subscribed -i : and the wheels will soon be gin to turn. New cottages are being built for the nccom modation of the operatives of the mills, and the great times are looked forward to in 15 e s s e m e r. (h.irlotte Sen's. Th Fattj Has Permeated Capt. Kitrh im. There are some unfair peo ple who are disposed to criti cise Col. Kitchin for his de sertion of the Democratic part I want to enter my feeble protest against this injustice, and I think I can show to any fair-minded Democrat that lie had a per fect right to divorce himself from that ungrateful organi zation. It seems to have marked him and his for pun ishment, for their devotion to and self-sacrifice for its principles. In the first place, just to spite and humiliate the fol onel, that party nominated Cleveland, the Honest, for the pre.- i lency, when the col onel distinctly told them that lie wanted Hill, the Bandit. In the second place, the par ty having been successful solely through the agency of the 'colonel, 'its administia tion gave him only a six-dol-lar-a-day place when he was frank enough to say that he wanted an eight-dollar place. And again, the administra tion only gave places to two of his sons, when there were three of them - sorter of a best two out of three fake, as it were. What free-born, pence-loving American citizen would stand such base in gratitude to himself? Then, too, as a Coxeyie solemnly assured me the other day. Col. Kitchin cannot tolerate the wicked frauds on the bal lot that are being perpetrat es by theeorrupt Democracy. Col. Kitchin is a purist hi politics and has no sympa thy at all with the Ingalls 1 "iridescent dream'' theory. Ilohewin n in ( harlot ft1 Obser ver. Kltehin and His Combination. A correspondent of the Winston Republican, writing of Hon. W. H. Kitchin's de parture from the Democratic party, says; Kitchin has formed a com bination with a gentleman in the west whose patriotic am bition to serve his country met with a serious set-back when Kope Elias received the collectorship from Mr. Cleve land. The alliance is of the closest and means that Kitch in and his running mate are to divi e the senatorial hon ors next winter. To do this they cannot afford to sever fini'lly their party affilia tions, but they are to skir misl. on the outside, thereby pose as reformers in their old party and hold out false lights to the Populists, hop ing if they succeed to be able by a successful bolt to re-enact the Merrimon double bticks action summersault of storm in which the inightv ocean ntearneT4 ore wallow ing in the trough of the sea. The St. Louis (JIoIm leino crat nays: ' The locusts that are present and much talked ,of in this vicinity tire not of the ci dp-destroying variety ti i . .. i . . i rhey denude tree of their folingf but are otherwise harti less. No slf resjHi ting locust would e.it fifty-cent wheat or thirty-cent corn anyhow." Why folks drink lipior, when they can get good water; vhv they wash in the hrancri. when (tinware is so cheap; why lh make out on not enough iJishes. when crockery is in reach: why liin;rles rot, w hen paint is low. why they borrow, when they can iis their own tools, why they skim over tliegrcund w hen a very plow mil ! had, w hy they hie.Vk themselves iion cooking over a hot fire, while stoves are so cheap, are coiiuiidruuisthat ea'i not be snivel lv X. M. Alien. Manila id Krrper Notice. The people of Watauga will take notice that I have pro cured a room in the court house wher I will attend at the commissioners" court the first Monday in each month for t'le purpose of sealing the weights and measures for the people. The law requires this to be done every two veais. J. II. COOK, SrAXDAIM) Kekpkk. NOTICE! I will offer for sale, to the highest bidder on the 2, day of June, 1894, at Moretz Mills, N. C, the following property to wit: One horse, two milk cows, 20 sheep, 50 head of hogs, besides a mini ber of joung cattle; one good surveyor's compass and fixtures. Teims of sale cash. K. 15. MlLLEK. May 3rd, '94. fhS GRLAT PROGRESS C EltCTFUCITV. XJTX. SN33rjIj'.1 IMf-sl ft. Sawta! I.!M ik f'-r toe Trent iiifiH rd '.rontr, tm Jlcrvn1lriiiTfiiI,.iipr4. .f-iW'- arr:tn,(Ml nrid taken. mm1 haf ZV' iCj. A f't-tj iii Htanu a for ti-vk oo , ij Mil Ik'iM'l-tn in nil nisi-. .if--r' Phis. Jm.o illii!uti, n"il h. w to Jf OR- ALBERT F. SWCLL 1 CO., 'fA. Commercial College t-iW. -CflMotjra BestBusintst Colltgtm the World. f J"?- W,1' EiaoftlUaa ri 1 0.OOO ttraam la Baali rlv I . Bi.iU.i. Lijttt.li.ft. r--- V- vaftftftrrall llftlftft IfM'ftA.tall'fttBI Tulll.ft. HuilNfri. .4 Mftrd. ftteut ftft.rt-Buft, Tjraa-WrtUaa M TftUanaay ii-ciftliln. .aftall.a. laur hi. OrdtM uoMi.fu). TbUtf Ift bnuurul ..4 ftMlihfiil. he fttr.al.ri ftljrau. WILBUR R. SMITH, LEXINCTON, KV. BOTANIC BLOOD BALM A thoroughly tested Remedy FOR ALL BL00O and SKIN DISEASES. l'tils strvortard rmtMy baa brn trlej, unl nvi found wanuuc, for forty years by ftn !ni!frnt iibyaieiun, Iki hus used ft an certain and 1111 vryf DiirreM for nil f.tr w nich it in rtK'ommtniltd. It n -V". fat! to ttfftf fit fnm the ilrst d(r-, .i-.tif'. ; .y ; nd f t-ctun ly drivi-n; out ail . K-raii from the sjsu-in thror.ph n rriir, of iu Bt liv?ratid kid u MiU ui ny 11 f.'.i;sM or itijurioua i-.'U'fi-. li in not li e r-sii:t of lenurAnre u ' '.n'it'iM, nut Ic la fonimwl upon f .jni'i s sand n tltrough knorlHijf t. M'.c it'rn rti-'lipdii if .'W. It etlVciuntix P -I- :tn'1 : -lit.- iLe bltod atid firings It .' .Iv't t Hiitlcrvr. As a r neral toulc !i it'Htut a rival, nr.rl in lis anftlj sis of ! t;i ..-aivir r jirunort'! ills absolutely ; v. tufr!,' tri 111:1 tth mi.v rcmdi v?r olr r -;i idt piitnic. It in (.annrra for all iiU ?t - ilti.ip from lnpnr ni i inipover Vin,.i the current of life; qufrklr r4p'til4 I'tr. Krirma. SUIw Hod l.s?i - . I ii ... r -a, tic. TLF. rmt iioiia. tiifarrh. r'l'eibie !? liiw: . ..; ; tfMify with V t f.ot?:i!e li ood a. : -.u1 i; st . pront i.AMft i'urtDcreer i .r fz- Losina ,;a3T pi. J 1 r.c.rn .. v' ' iCZ FnECAliTJOM ... ! l-uo.tt. M--htn. V, . r. ' - i.. It, b' t !..' !Tin- W OCE. r:.:r!.VI&S!C t'.:; i'nt'u Eotton. pin I tM 1 1 1 fit 1 1 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 1 1 rrif re I ROYAL rCEWif.G KACHiHE Z.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O IM 1 1 i 1 1 llllll- iVAP.HAHTtO Q JCIxUtt 1 ti r- f" no i j i 1 1 n ( li en 1 1 1 n i l i mi ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M i l a Huatnr;o K. iila Arm. a -if ft1linir Nt-'ll. & Ma.s8,Mhrpilliif;Sliiiltl. Haa No Kqual In Cnlrur?,.n. Hna a M-hanlral A pi Miajcd. Il an Klraanl l-'lii.-li. Haa a r(ert A'tjii.tlifbt. S Ilaa a roaHt-' I xk-np. Zj 2 flaati''i.h I oniiturr. r? Alr.re liw( shiiic C""e.' and i. " i!. 1-argT Hnniri it Oint-.-al Work r tUau any uin M .tliliic In U.a W orld. Examine THE i OVAL for points of 2 excellence, nnil yon will j 2 buy r.o 0.21. 5 I Kl'YAE S. M. CO., Rcckfcri fil. j stiimii MiiiMin riniiri in i.i.i i m.i.ii.i 1.1 n CURE OH RECEIPT CF 60 CENTS WE WILL MAIL A BOX OF EPM ! TKC ONLY INFALLIBLE CURE FOR Tatter, Ground Itch, Itchic?. Flla, Rin.j Worm and all Itchind Sfcia Diseases. ilacu ha TETTER. It mnllin not how loRg It hu - Mlltid. TETTERIUE alll u cirtalnly car jou is jcu uil It Harmless, Painless and Fragrant &ftrjJTV Befttudnd If jronftre dlaaatlaflod RlUltCI with the iwulta Bcferennea Houthpro Bai kof thHtfof Georgia, Cimt bain ilauk, auU National Bank of SaTanuah. J. T. SMUi'TRINE &. BHU. SAVANNAH. GA. Pure cream-Tartar powder ENDORSED BY PROF A. L. HETZ, P. H. 6, of Medical Department Talaoe Vnlveralry of Louisiana, who, after a careful analyats, pronovnoea it a, pare Cream Tartar Powder, which lie cheerfullj reoommenda to the publle. "The southern Favorite-3 ?URC,WHOLCSOMIand POWERFUL. You Want It Ask Grocer Far It. IjiULFMFG. C0alNl,"o"lM, if tj come on raPMm On f th 'lor i:,;,u...r. oprroTfn(araW(.wl, tarhp;I OOM-. tnc'M ftrh lo,T ashmt Cnly tbo b. Hrt( to wait oner inn make uro f ' ' ' OB to do fl Ibo wh" rail vuur h.B atimo; m hit (uniiHiin, I O D- b ttii- n.iu end f um i.i, tn o.praranr-r ei it rwlttcM i( Tbe Mlowlnir tft srf Ctlpfl.i-l-Tf"" iw t,. , ,rr R.U.(Shn'.' how! can mk- !. t fav fr-m h'.- (. wttb- emipfrirrt' Hiut r.r nt mire v. r-ft pjnr' 1 ItAip-t AaUrtM,li WALLt 1 I ,. 1; V.k. w .m , N:.. -f" lii.ll AY IMlIlmo stwfirrai!) I .5f?J Slrmii JIIII.I..:MllllllllllllltlllMIIMfl OVERMAN'S 1 ISPECIFIC OXYGEN IS TMt "BREATH OF LIFE.": XT0T.tk r nu(IItl m mi ri.ora H t- IS'JMPf 10 1 fixtasU. la ft 4- a (iliiftiMl r v, J " arearr7lf t'raM4r'Ttaaltmnrt . - r u. !( it a ro'iTivi I C U K I'ftr. 4 trL imJ ib C.tArrft ft4 j fiif-fmr a wat aMiiaa. VajalaHua j fcr Ikftw .- inl3, i; w utr rft(M. 1 il -a ZiTZ A POSTAL C.ilT .Umu., l I f r?Ta mail a aT af aar . t .n'. ...I. f.'-t traautaatlalaxi. ttmi icr il i .it a.aitfe- "3 J -.i! l I i ! 1 1 1 1 M i n t l I nil 1 1 1 al I a CACTERICJE NATURE'S CURE FOR CATARRH ijMra, a. a, w , wr EXTRACT MEXICAN CACTUS. This new treatment for Catarrh and diseases of tha respiratory organs It on of the most important discovtrlsa In modical scienct and possesses tha following advantages It Th pitliirt caa ear HIianH t a (aull expaaaa and althoui oultldo auiitane. 2. No Chang t alet Of auraaH al Kl Is aaaar Curing traatmtnt S. The reniadles ' I oha flathra ta tba fitlonl aad anlall a diieomtert. ho nmt&l reach th Mat l th trtubls directly. . Th rmd1s and mean t airallanc caa M carried la th oockit without Inconveniea. IHEK TREATMENT nt ni 4rug iter. t Cr'TERINE AND INSUFFLATOR, $2.00t CORRESPONDENCE SOIICITED. Cacierina Medlolnt Ca., Waoo, Texat, ROOFS rG. ( irJlic IVaather Doardirfg, Coiitlote Ceilings, Corrugated Sheeting, 1 . Rnnfinn Point rfVf ' Iron Hooting, E Tre- jS. GutUrs and Spouting, AU fo.-ma o; Shuat Metal for BuUdlng COMPLETE AND READY TO APILV WHEN SHIPPED. WE VANT AN 4: GENT . 1 1 1 . 1 - :own nn nirri'ii, woranuftn t&A.af jrs nod Al'l'LS our niataiial r..'.-;.i.i. 1 (ormnnnitritM oolldled write tor prioe ftftft teraaa. s'"TT & CO., Cincinnati, 0!i!o. ESTABLISHED 187Z c -e-. Si tf -5 r- i o o o o "a. E o O If 1 1 2oo 1 ft Stamp Im Illatbdftl rrka L rt. AKa.m, ChlU. ailiadd poot i'3 ptn '111 luui oni3 noX una npa jt tHAAXni HOUI SMMOHH jx iini'T'P r-'-isssii ji -Ha! tQoa loj poo8 intjj 'ino aiuit n wv n JO IN UGE.l If vi ,v ft r. v a. I 2 ..4 . ft... ilft. 1'kft. Htft. HJ 7, :.ni-isj -s-' 1 1 nun ii 'l in 1 mil i 1 t'a II U D Mr I 5 3 1 & 5 ; ft I a com pi. h i .; m:vs i i i'KIl The Piidf of th Ninth la ro!i lo vnu wiint to jii.l in buililing up a pap-r tliat m leflu t th :mttt r.ilit on Not t h Can !i iia. no tnattt-r whTf it amy lt i-h? Tlii-n patronize , TLf Wilmington Mi'sscnget I.AIMiK tU.HT-IM.K I'.U'KK o you want u rvlinldf .njifr 'giving joii ail th i..k of the .world a I'iaiM rafir inu.j.aj).r that villain tin U-ht-l.an the ,Iargt rin illation, and hi Jor , t wont v-iim- vi-arx Ini-ii i pnit land f.i tnrin ll .iou th ai..l,iv. vi-li.piaint f,r tin- Ol.l Noith Stat-? Then miIim iU for THE nil JIlK.TOJt JTIMM;iB Campaign Kates: The "Daily MeN.vilger.' by mail, 4 months on trial, for 2.0( The wei'kly ''Transcript Mes senger," (the largest? and liest iajr in the State) 0 mourns on trial lor ?1.00 V in aIvance. Doth pa-iers are large L'ight-Dage sla-ets. S'!id I'osfal Card with theadtlnss of fjy, per sons and receivf sample cop ies of Tiik Mi:sskx(;ki;. O. t. 1st. 1SS8. tf. T.VKK thi: uiiicago and Alton I R, (ioixa West and Northwest KniipantM 'oin to nny of tlie WVstcni StaliH or Ten itorifi? w ill save tiint and money oin via. Cliirad an.l Altoii route, t is t lie quick st route to KANSAS CITY, DKXVEIt. rUKHIftd, Ami all jiointH in Malio, Wash iiiton, Oiciron, I'tali anil Caliloniia. Finest nwl Ili-st Fuippea Ilo.id in the West. Only line running Solid Vent. Inn! trains tueii t. Loui and Kaiios 'it v. Ke liniiig inlr cars nnd Tour if t 'li'iH tv of extra -hnrre. I will 111(1' Dill ti 'H flf jinv niil. roail station with thrmmli tickets and bafranr idieckH. lor lull inforinatioi.,inii sand (s'rin'.ive naiiiDhhts i;f tb West write to or cull 011 15. A. Xkwland, TraveliiiLT IaHeti . i- Ao-t . 15) Tat ton Ave.. AJitvii!e,.N".,C. ,1. 1 UAitiro.v, (!.- l A CliictiRolll. r'n rT.?ip:rsi., PStO.H"! IUOM HITTKVS. All (l. akrs Ici-p it. 51 p-rh-ttle. Rt.i:iiiha Vii J.-niBn iailr(MK'U nil lli:u oti feruM DOLLARS PER DAY Easily Y3ade. TO 1 Tc wnpf ninny mm, tvoiiwn, boyt, nnd firltto work f rua fetrhiriir dat!y, r'ln limiidaiimiu their own tionies. Tic bufma i n'y,t)rarai.tf ftrlrtl. honorable, and f an better than any other OiFered agontit. You hnvr a rlrar lirld and no comtrftitioii. Kxrin nml ai rial ability id nw'ury. Xo rajd' il r-iitiiml. V'f nip yoq wi"h rviTrthJn tlmt you tw.1, trrnt yon well, and hi'lp vou to cum tni timf nrtlhmr mnei. Wo t .) nn vn II i mm, and Im. and jrirls tnnkf g(' pa. Aur 01m. tim n In n, rnn dc the vrtnk. Al! inc!"'l trtio foMw r v flnii; mid im pip tH.'t"fioii. KirHt nnik wilt itiril hring you a prnt d.i of innn-v. IlMntliiujt if l?W anu .1 trpPt dtmil. 'r!e fr nr i ninphlci circiil ir, mid r--! full infonnatimi. No ham Af:e If you cuoeludu nut to go-on Willi Uia CCOnCE ST!f'f;0N&.C0., PORTLAND, MAINE. Cvet, and Trade-M arka obtained, and all fat. ent buBine.i condui-ted for Moiicrata Fen. Our 0? ht Opposite U. S. Patent Office, andveranftorare patent inlea(Uiulhaauoa remote from Wahin?ton. Send model, diawtnjf (ir photo., with dfacrlp lon. M e adi If pittnlablo cr not, fr-a of charge. Our fo not due till iiatoitt li imurw. A Pnmpiilel, "How to Obtain I'llcntft," Bnmet of ai tual cli"irt a in ourbUlo, cuat. town, eenl free. Adiirrii, c.A.snov&cal OpsnsHs fatant Offlc, WathinglM,H. tJ 1 A ' 'f a mfiarrmw'rn ard.it-. ' ' If mm