i lemocrat V -YT- -?Tri riSr. v ifij j a jCfej u ti (flu V NO. 41. VOL(i UOONH, WASHINGTON AVATAl.'GA COrNTV, X. LI-H'TEIl. 'and regular sessions of Con-j ('., nil'IiSDAV .JILY. li'I. IfOI, Are You : out of employment, or in : : a pes'tiou that you do not t like? Pos.-dbly the olk-i : iling c f Life Insurance U I E your special forte. Many: ip-.ople Lave, after trial, j E been f.urpricd at their 2 jj f.tnes3 for it. To all such : : it has proved a most con-i gonial and profitable occu- s pntion. The Management : of the i I Equitable Life - in the Department of the: iCarolinas, desires to add; : toils force, some agents; 1 of character and ability. E Vv'rite for information. : I W. J. Roddey, Manager, : s RiKk ii:;i,s.c. I III ....' T'iE si'iifV.rc;:E CNn. j m-n ly wi-h to show the ut- This report in h'Lely to be re- it-r.iiiu ai'sonne iimi iii iijj'inu- it ni.i is unur- i ii i ih :i : i a ni'i i'iw i u i.1 i ii . . - . . ...... i. . . i ITom our Eeiar Cortepoadfnl. ... . , ..,... f,,,l .., ,7' "T.;.. t xr a hi c...u.l idem ratie convention even , stood. Imi radical to uit the . . ... !.... ... . .i i.... ... i .... ! o-..tiii.i?. nv tn-it i in uti'ik-o vi I : oa h nee ill" ; n i." t. meat is h;i'iiiy over public ntteation is centered upon tin- daily meetings of tin' Demo -rat it' i iif'niif on the tanff liill. Tin-te is Kom-'ili- Ther- nothing i:!jv s ;! Iiiih l! .it ean .ifi a dein ! . :.. :..... I, ; . ... i I : i, i "v. i (i ten 1 lit i ii i - Hilar letter prepared whi.li, . . . 1 1 In.,., i i mi I i.i ii. . ..ill' i, .'ji. ! I llllli' hl'l'l Hir ;in r.ii '-Ml j , til . i nting tli" riiiiM'I'Tiition ;S"nate protectionists u n d members for absence wn. if vived, that he lias had j. (ir- ti"ii politilv d"lill." to the itiformatioii nsk.'il f.r !? Si.!!' II! 1 1'! ! I'd M!l nf ,i t S i, of l!i ' ii;im'" of ni'-n w!i auv : to.j cuiim'i v.itiv. to t-wt the !;;ii;tcd with thi s 'r.di'ino-j Uou.sc. Il'iv in done this it i-i at i.- falln'-ii's. I'l.fyroasri-ji b.-H.-vrd tin- "aimittpe ti:'". ti.. tor the most part . j i!I tlien f iff pa re a report jppointin.-nt unions Demo- j mi I ess instrneted to 1" so l.v erats that alter an entire ll"' Honse. A cr,uid-i-;.l.l. ,.-,A'q .v..tL- no lurriMMiinil ! laiinbiT of Uiembcrs of tl;. !i.i: li.ti rLifluii 11(1. coa-siderable progress liasiiriatef-il to Col. Snotf for n ,n made, iiud it is honed .oMenii tie- books of Ids oi ;i e,.ti. !--,!' tliat a partial, u not a oia plele reytort ean be made to the Ilon-e find Senate this wiHk. Di-moerats are tr.oie: woiried over th" failure to, i some people to mi-nnder- nt thair tai "1 things. Aeasein pomi. fiee to the men who are try tiiK to find reasons for We irijjr them at home. Itneem.s to eoin natural !,;f,'. i fti - not in.." ;eii ji.).- i; p (O ii (1 . ! j t ; . !'.!"' t M i ;'!; f I V i'.l ' !'.- Ae or !" i ''i'-t ii ih -. e c ,i m e.i-j..' I 'hit f !-i i -i '.'' ' i r ; i isfa- lift; if ir u-ii! v.r. tellip at e only e;io'u!i lie. II is to try : ; 1 'iivVNl ! I '. I : ol o'ti-e ,-i kersj t' ased fipon th prineipdfs of ml .;!; e-'a)!dei who a'e i'"' "S"M tail, wlmti will be qua.-.vtilii-that the coin.-! ''''''I If it -is rejected by th ii v sin.:,:.! .i Jo hi il, provi-ls"'iate it is probable the .1 d !'n-.s j-t their peion.d j matter ,uav HM-efenii ,.-it;n: s a:..; d. -I-cs -rati-i P'ph and the fftht aijrain t!iroudiout the coun- MWFntSlOXAL reneh an nrieeme over the blnff made by Seiiii tor Hale in introda 'injz a tesola'ion eallinu: for infor imtion as to why thelle;n;li liean ronfeoi'S had not breii was the unanimity ot' eer taia hilmr lenders in nnnounc v-g after n recent ititervie-v itli the President that Mi' for tariff i-eturm made over I ii M.-.Ti ierat i0 party oi i :-'!t 111 .(' . Ims b.va piostit'.Ued . t ; f J : "!;U jaeb.iu. iMd too much nireiH,-; -fr wHi verii-).,, ti.,, ,.-i ..? iio'l! !-! 1 :i'v!"' o. Ti!lin in is a pop.iiis.t. and ' , ,u,.n.t.!s ,, r ,- m.,: , . been a s. ir.: jwheinho i:;.eme (.otiit -f l.,,,ri.,K ;m.i now. ;e t h-' vo.itest, tl:-r , ins South Carolina de-.hrei pet dispensary si nana? of tiod and our Si.i! '""''"'and for the e.i us, of lionest v l ,i" iillliiol! d. l;e ;.:ivis'. Millie' ,;: , ..,,,,..,., AlH.rn.-i is well I 'Hid illl c!it i i i.ie ;i h f r::-:r. -'d IO i;;C.'' .! ( (i.i; j.i'oi. i-t hM-is of .1 per gallon ext tar-ion of t lie ol ia- e!nud had i'.t'ri-ed to a ;p tis:-::.i:-u-..-J ipi-.s - i r.p 'I'p.i 'i .ii i-iiis. bv . ' in'.'-1 ae l V- iv-i- . i ... I.,. . :.. . trate the dispu t e which . 1 "l 1 ' ,. i, . ... ... . i .i i- so: aite Hi noMi:i;.a. a nroUfi'ni iiooii', uie :,!ie , , , , nud .-nsiiv-to ali!'".""4'- ' " a!!:-? ilea' Ui'Vta: in o W. U.COrXCILL, Jit. Attoun'.y at La .v. lioone, N. C. W. H. roiJNCILL, M. 1). Hoone, N. C. Resident l'liysieian. Ollicc on Kiiifjj Street north of Post O.'fiee. N.C J. V HOBniKW, A'l'K) US EY .17 LAW, MAUIUN, -(o)- Wi!l prnetiee in the courts ol Wataiua, Aslic, Mitchell, McDow ell . -mil nil ithcr counties in tlit westrTii dist rict 9Siieci;il at ten (ion rivtn to the collection ot claims'." i : meio.f1 to i.ltend the meet- P"it rtmimission to nri.i .!..... i... .i ; .. n .. , ,-'i,;..i infts. in their an.tety to yet ro work the Democratic con f4.PPS icyleeted to follow the u-'ial course and invite the Pimn!ilic:in conferees to the first formal meeting but it ''ke. It is nut Hntterii!- nil . Y.vn- i ;is for the puhhe jood. iet us -,!.!! ! tii like ,m.-ii arid Stop :l(i who!- l-ihiin'ss. J'etle! iidaiilely ftiffer defeat arid sav. tie? inteaiitv and honor ; ast rous concerned, find to many m l i directly eoncern.sl railroad of the party than to have its i W. B. Coiinctll M. I). T. C. Blackburn. Boom-, N. C. Ziouville, X. C. Councill & Blackburn, Physicians & Surgeons. WCtilte;ittenletl ;U all honrs.& June 1, '03. E. F. LOVILL. J. C. FLETC HK.U. LOViLL & FLETCHER ATlURShYSAT LAW, DOONE, N. mis' Special attention given to the eolletion ot churns. "fsA L. L. GKEi:NE,ifcCO., REAL ESTATE AG'TS. !iUONE,N.C. Will giv) special attention to abstracts of title, the saH of Heal Estate in V. N. C. Those he vint; farms, timber and mineiid land.s for sale, w ill do well to call on said to jit Boone. L. L. GHEES & CO. March 1G, 18JKV NOTICE. Hotel Property for Suie. On account of failing healtl of myself and wife, I offer for sale my hotel roM!i tv in the town ol lioone, North Carolina, and will fell low for cush and make terms to suit the buyer, and will take real or personal property in ex ihane. Apply booh. W. L. P.RVAN. SO 1 ICE. Parties putting papers in my hand for execution will pleise c'j rf vn nee the lees with the papers and they will re cei ve prom pt a tten tion , other ' wise they will be returned not executed for the want ot tees. D. F. Baird Suff. was merely a form that was: overlooked. It is a Deina cratie disan rinent and it must .ami wi'l be .set th-'d a mong Democrats withoit Uefuiiiliean irderferen-e. It is not to aid in settling the disagreements that the Re publicans wish to attend the eonfet'f n?e, but to try t-j pre vent their being settled. Just as soon as an agree ment ean be reached that will be ratified by the House and Senate Congress can ad journ, as the Senate, by an unusual spurt, has passed nine of the appropt iation ills and has the other rive in good shnpe to be passed I his week. That will lesve the decks clejw for action on the conference report, on the tariff bid, and everything now points to adjournment by the first of August. Th only thing that ean upset these calculations is the fail ure of the conference to reach an agreement that will be ac cepted by both Senate and House, and that, is not ac cepted. A strong effort is being . . . .i vt: ... made to get. me .Meni-amia canal bill passed at this ses sion of Congress, but it may be crowded out. The House Commerce committee is Irv ing to get the committee on Rules to set aside two or three days for the discussion of the canal bill, which Chair man Wise, of the first named committee considers one of the most important oills that has been before Con gress for years. There are a number of Democrats in the House, who are on principle opposed to thegovernment's engaging in any such busi ness as proposed by this bill, and while they are not prob ably numerous enough to defeat the bill on a vote they are numerous enough to pre vent a vote being taken un less a special rule is reported limiting debate. So many requests catnt (o Sergeant-at-Arms Snow, o f the i louse from editors and politicians, asking whether certain members have drawn to the intellect of the bfiore mentioned labor leaders if this misunderstanding was not intentional. Th law un der which President Cleve land ngre.-d to appoint two . i commissioners t o act wuu the United States Commis sioner of Labor in making an investigation, does t.ot give him authority to ap point arbitrators, except un der conditions not existing in this ease, and the commis sion to be appointed will on ly have authority to investi gate the strike which occur red upon interstate railways, j It cannot investigate the; tv. ii.. i , es l liaiiiHii c;o Hi'i i ioi iiiuii- tuna it coin. I investigate a strike of the farm hands of John Sjdth. President Cleve land will appoint this eom uiisdon because he wishes to secure authentic information to be used as a basis for re commendations he intends to make on the subject in his next annual niessanc to Congress, lie recognizes it as a subject that needs na toiual legislation, not in the interest of the corporations, nor of the labor organiza tions, but of the whole coun try, which is incommoded and in the end has to pay the bills for the periodical strikes. Although there are reports to the contrary there is no reason to doubt that Presi dent Cleveland will sign the bill for theadmission of Utah to statehood, which is now in his hands. Senator Allen of Nebraska, told the Senate on Saturday that it was untrue as stated in tne newspapers that he had been downed ia a wrest ling match with John Barleycorn. nieat :i lid I"! I - J 1 1 I heir hors tier IO iuiiv !.: i ' l.rwIliAll iinn 1. 1 i.i I ;;i s ia or-, , fo-ali.-'Ii (b:an- r proud p -u.i relied and tige disgraced j i I :. .i.. u, i nese ii.mii' .h rt .iiiuui, til v to receive as our re- eiai Sehenu oi a il.innnty up-1 .V!ll'i vielnre for on a mammy, t.ov.i eimoy-, (;iSlonu!r.! nanie an unhal i r was a populist and he -jOVV0(J cse.-Uohemuin in Drid threatened the h!e ot tlte chief magistrate A his country and ours, because he exercised las rights and dis charged his duties as provi ded by the eonstituion of these United States. Govern or Llewelling ;s a populist and he declared the laws of Kansas against vagrancy un constitutional, usurped the authoiity of the S ipreine court, exercised the power ol a tyrant and a despot and set the laws aside in the inter t of tramps, vagabonds and aaaifhisvs. Sena tar Kyle is a popuhst and he has. olTerel a resolution in the U. S. Sen ate for the avo,ed purpose of nuUiiyaig the laws now in force to enable the national government to suppress in surrection and riot. All these things are done in behalf of lawlessness and done in the name ot liberty and done by populists. And yet a combi nation knave and fool will bob up every now and then and assert Hint populism ami dei noc i a cy a re akin, ana that Charlotte Uhervr. House Cn farces Backed by Preni.'euf . Baltimore Sun. The fact that members m both Houses are more anxious to adjourn for the summer than they are to ful fill the pledges of the party is a serious obstacle in the way of tariff reform. S j far as can be learned, however, the House conferees a r e standing out boldly for all the prir.eiples which formed a basis for the Wilson bill. They have not receded a step from the position first oecu pied. Free raw maieiials, they urge, are necessary to any comprehensive and just scheme of tariff reform. An honest schedule is a ho, they declare, essential if the party is going to place itself in a proper attitude oefore the country. Because the House conferees make this '.'oaten tion the members of the Sen ate are nngrv. The "con servatives" make noattempt to conceal tneir displeasure, and t hey openly predict tin a. man ran even be a demo- cratic-popuhst . It would oei ,v;, ction of the conference re- much more -ea.-ible to argue! ,,(,.( Such predictions that a man can be a sober ; ;i( ,w,,ur u not frighten the drunkard, a Ciiiistain m-idel, an honest th'ef or a virlm-es rogue. Theieistne kin-d-ip of lather ana ,-hild betvw en Hou:;e members of the com mittee. They nre making their fight upon the lines laii ilown bv the Democratic ma the I epublicnn doctrine oi pro j,Mj(V uf the House, a: 1 i pn,,V,.i ""w-r;7, tection and the. populist doe- mi,erstood that ia th;- Unyj ; U(,. l!a.- n;tein trine of paternalisu , hut tv cry honest man of ordinary information k now.s that there is no shadow of afllinity be tween either one of these per- v. .f,, a ti ,, li-e iiii- ji "' ence of the adm'nistrai ioe The President is said to have declared in favor of the Wilson bill as opposed to the nici(us teachings tnul the !ks!o t . j to );iye ju. centralization and theSiates' j tjnuUe( t(( tj,0 meinbers of rights theories of demo;a acv. 1 1 j, 0 (.(J1erpne(. committw It is tine that the very word, (hat i)e W.)UM rather Con- Neb, prohibit ioists nonmm i ted ft woman for Lieutenant. (Jovernor, a woman for See- . sJ . , f , .in,! .v i ti i:l II forSuoerincendent of Publiej i'napafible with tnecenirul fnstcn'etions In the fourth I zatiou idea ot repuUliCamsm democi a-'.v, is broad almost without limit as to what it may be constructed to mean, but that it is inimical to and district of Nebraska the pro hibitionists have nominated n woman for Congress. Hood's Pills are hand made, and p'Mtect in proportion ai.i milage for both the eA-tral'Pl"w- -5c- lH'v box and the pa ternaiism run-not idea of populism has never been questioned or even ar i'ued. This, then, is asi'aras i need to discuss the lieiini- tion of democracy here, as 1 gi e-s would remain in session during the entire summer than pass sr.ch a cowardly makeshift as the fjorman Bii.'e compromise measure. I li mill, in .i.iii.,il I-.. 4i... x i"t"..llln 'V I IW'I l II 17 . , 4 1. This is resisted on theground that while it is an apparent ia -tease of 10 cents in the tax, it will in fact yield the government no additional revenue. The Hnue conferees are w illing to grant anextension of two years over the time fixed by the House bill for the bonded period on whis key, but the Senators are lolding out for the entire eriod of eight years and for the full 20 cents a gallon in- rease of the tax. CHANGES SAID TO HAV5 BESS mam:. The chief features on which the conferees have, it is repot tea, come together are asfol- ows: Pottery rates increased 5 per cent, making the rates those of the House instead of the Senate amendments.' the Senate having reduced them, tilassware comes downtothe House rates, th? action in this cape being the reverse of that on pottery for reasons hereafter stated. The cot ton schedule has been - scaled down about 5 percent from the Senate rates. The wool- t i en Bcneuuie ainu nas ueen brought down a considerable per cent, making it more in anordnnee with the House rates. The tobacco schedule has been brought back to the House rate on the im portant item of wrappers, the rate being .1 instead of the Senate ratesof $1.50 and 2.25 The income tax has not yet been passed, butth-rw little or no disagreement ex cept on the one item ot limit ing the tax to five years, and on this the conferees have nor vet come togd her. idjV'ii Lasf oon, D. (jus 0 "f on, of Flows, Cabarrus con .i;,. vas frvpihrei hunting ing in the' woods, tl- ran a squirrel into a hole in the fork of a large Spanish oak, and climbed up to stop the hole intending then to cut the tree down. While he had his head through the fork his foot slipped, and there he swung by his neck, his head being caught hi the fork. Mr. Dorton remained in his per ilous and painful position for about an hour when he was I i is now believed that, tail ing to agree upon the que8-foun( b M. pete Bo,t iind turns of most importance, the conference committee will submit a report to test t he sentiment of the two houses. taken down. He won't stop any more squirrel holes un less he knows wha he is standing on.