T i il cr T tr nil cry& u v- 1 !q y U Si VOI.ti ItOO.V!'. WATAtOA COUNTY. X. C. IlinltAY ai asT. -'. is:i. so. 4: Your Future Prospect may lik t'ribt cnoi:fch to-day, but what t;:inraiitcc have you that they will le the aauie a few year lu-nqc ? Howilo yon know but that yon ill be indpaotated or deprived of your prvncnt in come by an unforsren calamity f Ask the. tame cpjcstions of policy holder in the Equitable Life ami sec how quirk lie w ill answer that he is protected apiitist mis furtune ; that he U assured of comfort in his old age ; that taia familv is provided for after hi death. T!ns is worthy of close investigation, l'or part icuhirj address W. J. ROODEY, Ma..a;er, department of the Cniolirus, ROCK ilil-I., S.C. WASHINGTON I.MT'n:!:. Itis'.'.t on act of justice for t lb-use to pa.-?- 'he r,o.n oar Regular Coi:,.Pen1,nl. j h( .... hi w Siiwr lb i.uiii!: of tiui. J M:?slir Geueral to r iastate gioai men h.n- uiimintHiinii without examination omiti tons oe-asions ivsoit.-.i toiiiention by the I'ivi'.S nee extraordinary ..tho.U .tf;Comiobsiou :".v p'is n who fo.-is,ng nil:ic- attention up- u:is.!iMpiv in. in tin- K u! THKEESr'iHIl.S. I1- Oil ll;(ll tiling. OllO of those occasions was when ii t'.-iiK'H t Cleveland's letter to Chairman Wilson, point ing o;.t the betrayal of the Democratic party by oeilah of the Senate jtHenmontsand urizinirhini am hiseoilcngues on tin part of tti Hous-- to stand by 1 1 1- House bill, which is rtriclly in accord ance wiili tho principles pro fessed by a long lini' of Demo ratio national platforms. There ate Democrats v.lio te- w.iv Mar. N'lvno ticlwceii Match 15. ami May 1. lSH), r who dismissed from the service altt r ho last named date, upon any order made prior thereto. It is well known that bundled.--rf competent and etli- eient Democrats uere.hsmiss ed but woon the dates named, just aflor I lit1 Harrison ad mh istratiou came inio p -r, in order th.it tin ir pla' rs n;i;lit b' liiltnl by ;l'l'i,iiii- ans bff.ro the service ia..s- 1 LECTIi!: 01 sE ATCKS. 1! is,jr.ii,...!;...naut i ., , . ll,:'t ta. ,.,.-o: l-'-t. .,. ; ,,..... tt.v.sl.y m.o,v jtl.,!,,;.-.,! Iofaul-. v.t..t. ()j th( t ; nas j.ar.M-1 i. vin.'? s ,( Iiii-. for nii nan ; in-i . t j lo tli.- CoiiMiittti'iti o f thf i l aiiid Si..trs to li,ii;c the nio-li" ol iittii. I'aitfd !tals S'-nators nnd to lTf tin-Mi by a ilil.rt v t of tla pi'opU. This is tin" second 1 1 1 uii1 t In MO..S.' u.is pa.-Mi J imk h a i-fsoitu i'ni. Thf lirsi j ulii' dit'd m t h" iv'tia !' lor t lie jnnmbcrs of that body arc j ad-aid o; tin- people. Tlf last iliirt? l-.v want is a di- . . Tl .. . I I I 1 1 !-r villi'. i ti.i l VMiur: j tin- fniiiii; i.'' many a S i ! ii i -d CM I ''! . il 1 Vt'l'V term mcmbr has been bor : orableand rntliablf. During up ! l.ij Divt trkflll till Vk ill lil-llu fl a'., of ,.)pt.a-M,'L(jn H.,NTl)A.i,lSfor lm. c raii"-. un-1 ftr v'rs i r i r J '. 1 1 1 , 1 I t l I . ! ."Ill W U k L !IU VV fl 1 . 1 ' Ai .... M f ia ' iTirer pi .o , I i... .1... I .... 7. .I.m!. .11 I', i' I'll in I I.lii- it'""."'. .1 rilOVLSSJOXAL. V. li. I'Ol'.Nt ILL, Ju. Attouxkv at La .v. l'ooae, N. C. W. U. COUN( ILL. M. I), lbione, N. (1. Uosun.nt I'hvsician. OllUv . on King St reet north of I'ost !? Oifieo. i;i-et that Hie ii'"-'ssity arosejed under civi' Ht viee rni -s For wriiinu-and niai.i;.u i-n! ! in ;u oor.bnK-Mx i! h I'lv.-tr I:.-sii'-ii a letter, but H is no; laud's ord r i-M-.: ! .pfSirtilt lor e( a ihe mt.st iii-,lt Sue thtf !.'-e ol his a.l-.m:'-,?ifi,.i,..i ob.-ri-vi-r to see that ! it ration, and su h I lto.-i the i-ar.k and Ihe of the Dem-1 1 .i.iot i ats who wi.-h id leen- i 1 1 1 1 i'i.'li' v.::l no I. J. F IIOBPliKW, A110RSEY Al LAW, MAUIOX, X.C -(o)- Will practicf' in t-ie courts ol VV'u t u no"ll VkIii. Mitchell. McDow ell undull Uher counties in the western district Speciul ntten tion veil to the collextion ol chum'. W. B. Coiintilll M. 1). T. C. Blackburn. Kooiie, X. C. ZionviUe, . U Councill 8i Blackton, Phvsicians & Surgeons. nrC;U. attended nt nil honrs.' June 1, '3. E. F. LOVILL. J. C. FLKTCUKH 10ILL h FLETCHER ATWJllXhYSATLAW, nooxE, X. (J. tferr Snwiiil lit lent ion Liven to tho eoUetion otcluim.'"? REAL ESTATE AG'TS. !100NLC,X. C. Will p,i'9 special attention to 'instructs ot title, T lie sun f Ienl Estate in W. N. f Thost; hi.' vino; faruis, timbei and nuneinl lands tor sale will do well to cull on said Co at Boone. L. L aiiEIL H CO. March 10, 1803. NOTICK. Hotel Property for Side. On account of failing health of invself and wife, I offer for sale my hotel propertv in the town ol Hooi.e, N'uftli Carolina, and will mi low for cash and make terms to suit the buyer, and w ill take real or personal property in ex-hano-e. Apply soon. W. L. Hkyan. XOliCE. Parties putting papers in my hand for execution will plea se 1 1 d vn n ec the tees w i t h the iaitors and they will re ceive prompt attention, other wise they will be returned not exeviiterl for the want of tVes. D. F. Baikd Sutf. tK-ratic party is behind I're.-i h ut ( 1 e v e I a n d and the House, and couseqututly op posed to the hand full of Democrat ie Senator who forced the acerptanee of un- leinoeratie amendments up on their colleagues. As tn itteis now stand it is the power of that hand t nil f Demociatic Senators to irevent. anv tariff legislation and leave the obnoxious Me- Kinlev law on the statute xioks, and Home ot tnem iave gone so far as to public lv announce that they would vote against any report made from the ronfereuce that changed t h e Senate amendments, but the hope still remains that they will after careful thought discov er that Senator H'fil spoke words of wisdom when he old them that they were wrong and President C'leve- and right and that soonei or later they would be com pelled to surrender, because the President m demanding that, the tariff bill providt for free raw meterials was but iciterating the demand to-day, riid for years past, of ninety-live per cent of the Democratic party. 1 liet on- fereneo committee will again try to reach an agreement this week, but it must be ad mitted that the prospH-rs for success a re not promising, although some of the most level headed Democrats m both House utid Senate are earnestly working to calm the irritation an i arouse the party fealty of those Dem i eiAts who feel personally agrioved at the tone- and lan guagfc of President Cleve land's letter. The House passed n Sat urday ly a vote of 187 to -I'd a two-thirds vote being re quiredthe Tucker n solu tion providing for an amend ment to the Const ifitiui, lir the election of United Stab s Senators by direct vote of the people. This is the sec ond time the House has put itself on record on this ques tions, but the Senate has never taken it up f-eriously and there is little probability that it will do so noiv, al though there are a dozen or more Senators who have pun liely endorsed the idea. ler the service eel tainly have a good claim to the vacan cies without having to go through the civil service mill. No appointment made hy President Cleveland has been more cor bally approved thin that of Representative Ibeckinridge, of Ark., to be Minister to Russia. The nomination was promptly confirmed by the Senate, but Air. Rreckinridge wiil not resign his seat in the House until Congress adjourns. Senator (Irav, chairman of the Investigating committee, has been misrepresented in connection with tho reopen ing of the sugar trust investi gation. He has been anxious from the first to get at the whole truth, no matter who it might effect, and when a Representative of the New York Herald, which made the charge that some Sena tors committed perjury in testifying that they had not purchased stock in the sugar trust, agreed to furnish the names of witnesses who could throw light o n that charge. Mr. (iray at once ac cepted the offer in . behalf of the committee, and the in vestigation w a s reopened. Instead ot antagonizing the newspaper men by trying to compel them to violate con fidence renosed in them the committee win endeavor to secure their cooperation in obtaining witi esses vho can talk if they will. The the ; u i ; i I m.'i'e 1 . i t:. ei -. ; . I V . i'; i iia :: tii - .ta o- 'i-1 -i ill 0'..'.-.!l il. .;! - ! . evil i a t v. i i i y A i'.u s. I'li.-ite wiii p gi oii-ii )ie st resolution ii.ioplej. (The pr-opie should make up i their minds to have the I change. Let; them elect Leg islature! s that wiii elect only such Senators as will pledge themselves to vote for a ret-o lucii-n like th.it which has just passed the House of Uepiesenta fives. Let. us mention here that the question of a popular election of the people is grow ing in public sentiment, and both in the North and in the South. Judge Walter Clark will hu- a paper soon in the Boston Arena, in which hp present the progressive view of the subject. Messenger. m any man on that Hour, and I 'iLl. IMll'i' .if llil.K. lt .IM WfU V " lf eoniit.v giving;. 4.u;N lini, f here ir ji ri' nniag tnelargot majority, m.i K.h.,j( w,..s,;,; px,.t to th-Third party sprang up, , ho.ir fnM, in hl. ,,.;fu. howevr, tn- DenHrratioma-;fonrth ro1J..,,,ss jt is Inuoh jority has been cut down tojto ,(M r,1;,(.ttP(1 tJ,.lt t h p the neighborhood of l.,M,-i ;orlh Carolininn. in boMi This year the Democrats are , , . ,.,,, wi.n can talk won't talk. They ii-e tl.pir loivil itifpfest well "nl!)'it since Senator Vaneedied, ' . the eoiinti v woui'l not know eoun v ! , i . .!. . i- ? .i' v niiar Aorui aroiina is rep.e- j,...;'"'":- l!'-MI' !it-'d incith"! b-nneb of On aia;s!:i to "w.'l! t'i" o:-1-i ,.Xeept that Senator Imwih'.i. ntitl lacoar-ij i .. u ...i. ' ' i.,: 1 I 'I . 1 1 1 1 1 ; i 1 1 V li . to the iroiit. ... i ..i . r i.; coninaiii. oi hm. en ase. But to tho story. A rn:npa"t I'npuli.it making a p-eecii to ins ov.ers in one ot the b-d !ei e'Tort :-f ! .'::')., t:iti..'tis "b.-began, I -v.--oh. tii rv (-r of. ;: i li '-.ued ni:in like me say Did Vou Ever XcMw It. Did you over notice the fact that the man who walks on the shady side of ihe street and takes off his hat to cool his head on ah.ot day- is, nine times out oi ten, hu'eihv'nded, while the; man with a shock of hair enough to make a window brush -never thinks of removing his hit . whatever the temper. i- t are -nav tie f atcn 'r ami i- , . : . I see lor yourseii. iiu .on ever notice the tact that ni. hrirk chininevs ait or ten on ordinary buildings after the chimneys are eight ot ten years old, always learn to the "ast or not th? Fact ! Look for yourself. The Kansas City 'Times' says that a farmer of Linn county, Kansas, while boring for water, has discovered a natural curiosity of a kind hitherto unknoivn. At the depth of ninety feet the dri'l peretrated a seemingly bot tomless cuern. A strong volume of hot air at once rushed out, diiving the drill upwards and disabling the machinery. The air is pro nounced perfectly dry. and will burn the fingeis and roast eggs and potatoes us nice as ?ould be desired. The escaping air first made a noise like many little whis tles, but now comes out with a roar to be heard a Imlf mile uwnv. Oblivious to the fact that he may have tap ped the resting place of de parted Kansas politicians, the Linn county man is go- dig I s-eti !' iVilort Jtiz-ns, I have saw" I bit t lie sentence vas mb-r-rimled bv a tremendous out burst of apprtciation from i:n hearers of the eloquent lib-lit and what the speaker "had'' saw will probably nev cr be known. Down in the eastern part of the State a Republican orator w a s addressing a crowd that included an old darkev that in the goodness ot his soul did not know but that he was in a revival where all the brethern and sisters lend a hand in the set vice. The speaker was fre quently interrupted by this old darkev's fervent "ihanK God," and when he reached the end of his speech he said : "I am about to close my re marks." He was startled to hear from the old darkey, "Thank God." and the speak er sat down in a cyclone ot applause. M i. P.eeei - Insl !..;:a! o.-;.ck Col. J. F .. .. .i wei i JK."T. A?0!'i ;ie-T Dr. J. W. landing on Main street Pullman's great diversion is a game of poker. He loves poker. He was playing one Satur day night, Hud so deep was he in the game so deeply in terested, of course that bun dav morning came before any body knew it and c a u g h t thorn in the middle of a jack pot. 'L.-ok here," said one at the table, "this is setting n mighty bad example to the servants." "I'll toil vou what," answer en Pullman, "we'll play out this pot. and whoever wins it must semi it to Ins church. When it came to it s h o w down Pullman won. Next mornii.g ho sent the money, some three or four hundred ihiU iis to hispastoi-inanole i ,.,..1 4 U. vf.M'tt w 1 oon ! I I - 1 I I I 1 ' I I . :i I 1 ' I L t O tvnu .. i i,, n iijiii ii:ii i s " n " 1 1 I lilt: 11 ll.-'wu inn oaw that ihe -comenrs have no 1 lnan to apply the money to l lie. t'nUIClie S l.eenn, mm iear the railroad britlge. when they noticed a man on the Last wing of the bridge istening a rope to a post of the railing. They recognized him as being Mr. Tom Finley, a young man abont 21 years of uge. Mr. Street man ran for the police, and Col. Mor- phew hurried to Tom, who had one end ot the rope tied to the post and the other around his neck. He reach ed him just in time to catch his coat collar, us he started to make the fatal leap from th railing. A portion of hia body was over the railing w! en Col. M or phew by an awful struggle succeeded in pulling Finley bac'.? on the bridge. The bridge is about 25 feet above the railroad track, and the rope Fiuley had was 11 feet long. He had bought it the night be fore for the purpose of hang ing himself with it. He is be lieved to be insane, and is now iu jail for safe keeping. ingtomove his house over the hole and utilize the (lis coverv lor steam purposes. heating The New Yolk Jim!d m Wilson bill and says lioht to listen to seiii.--.li cov in oivni! itiapie ;:;iu i iit .e requir; was signed "J. Pott." From fVon.it he pulpit that day the min- burden.. 'pre- Mor miot me l ,,,h eMgi.J-b,.ot. I ASXOrXt'EMEXT. I hereby anno'uict! niyscH an Indepeiulciit Antiadiiiiiiisiratioii p 'iiiocr.itio caniliilute for Solic tor in tiie KUli .hilicijil biMrict. J . F. Sl-AIMlOl U. tho. tenia tectum, which hau oroiignt only di..-tress and disquiet tide has emptied the treasury, paralyzed our trmle at laune and abroad and formated mkes. The country can not be safely treated any longer as a beast of burden. It has been 'protected to hall;.'" tion oi the geneiosity oi J Pott, who, hemuchiogretted to say, he did not know. Aaheville Citizen. Pa your siibrier.pt ton. Charlotte Observer: There nomination, by acclamation, of Congressman Bower, of the eighth district, at Wilkeshoro was a highlv proper proceed ing on the Mint of the cotiven tion. His record as a oue- Onilty Flee When Xo Man Parsucth. We nicked up a Winchester lifie the other day and start ed down the street intending to deliver the weapon to its owner, from whom we had it the dav before, but it did such effective work in the way of collections that we have made up our mind to keep it as long as we can. 1'ho first man we met on the street was J. W. Miller, who coughed up $1.50 for a. year's subscription to the Demo- evut before we even thought, of pointing the gun at him. Tho very next man we met was a farmer whom we had always considered a star sub scriber. He had not missed a paper or paid a cent in seven years. But when he saw that, gun lie vvaltze-.-- up iwith a -tdO bill Wk. wo got, I- ui'i wj k und a load of hav. .il'teen 1 .ishel oi corn and a b u vi of tnn.ip.s, which had been brought i - by delinquents. If monej will buy that gun we are go ing to keep it to make collec ti ons w i t h. Kansas City Democrat. FOn nV8P5TPIA, Indipestion, aTj scmaoh dlordet, take BROWN'S IRON B'TTEHS. All ,1oaier. kep it, 51 per bottle. Oemiiw nat trade matk ana ercMsod re.l llneeon wrai'Pe.